What did Nick Sirianni say about Tanner McKee and Kenny Pickett's battle for the backup QB job?

Published: Aug 15, 2024 Duration: 00:25:41 Category: Sports

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the defense calls to the stand Mr Zack Burman himself back back drop is wow guy comes from dominating the serion presser from what we can hear to dominating the backdrop the man is the man is hdden on all cylinders we we thought you'd be chest puffing out your chest Zack let's see a little let's see a little chest hair it's good to see you guys I was I'm excited to talk about the preseason game two I don't know why there's disc about a defensive coordinator from two years ago on the show but there's a lot to talk about with a defensive coordinator tonight in addition to the head coach tonight in addition to the quarterbacks tonight so eager it came up just because I noticed that the Eagles cornerbacks key Ringo in particular is quite physical off the line of scrimmage and uh it's a little bit of the fangio I guess system uh that we're seeing that he's allowing these guys to get physical and bump wide receivers off the line I for one liked it so that's why it came up it wasn't complete nonsense all fair enough let's get to the matter at hand Zack the thing that we all saw tonight Tanner mcke looking like an NFL quarterback Kenny picket less so I know that this was part of what you were asking Nick serani about what what can you tell us yeah did you guys get a chance to hear nick uh we did not okay so uh so I I asked Nick Point Blank I I said is is Tanner outplaying Kenny or or I I don't know is he or did he but but that was the framing of the question okay good question and he said he said no he he said they're both playing well he's happy to have them both on the team he said that uh that he he he read the numbers uh for both of them he said in Pickett's case there were some problems with the pressure in the running game that was kind of out of his hands uh some stuff that they need to work on there but he's happy with the way they both played uh I said is this a competition for this job and he said I'm man he said he said Kenny's our number two Tanny Tanners are are number three uh so he made that clear um I asked a few other questions uh you believe him do I believe him yeah I mean I stand by what I've said I think week one Kenny Pickett's going to be the number two quarterback and Tanner m going be the designated third quarterback I think if Jaylen Herz were to go down for six weeks they have a conversation to be had there I think this is uh I think they're starting to be a little protesting too much um including on the broadcast at the end of Dave SPO I think listen you have seen it th this is not different than what we've seen all summer sure mcke has looked better looked more decisive throwing more accurate and catchable balls we have also seen increased over the course of the summer Tanner mcke taking reps with the second team at the expense of Kenny picket now tonight was interesting because there was that little Series where Will Greer came in did did Nick explain what what I asked I asked Nick about that as well yes what did he say uh so he said that that was their plan all along and the reason being because you can't control game situations and they wanted to get Greer time and they didn't want to throw Greer into the game in like you know a hurry up or like a four-minute situation so they decided that they're going to have Tanner come out of the half start the half but then they're going to get Greer time in like a controlled setting and then put mcke back in interesting okay now I'm curious to see what they do next week but I I don't know like I don't think they're going to do they're not going to change up the order next week I don't think but I think there is um I think there's a re like if if anybody in the league comes calling for Kenny picket I think that they're willing to listen okay and I I just as I said to Jamie Zack at this at the start of the show The Players know right like they see the same thing that we have seen if not more they like they will understand it to an even higher degree like if you think that uh AJ Brown and Devonte Smith are are out of practice you know watching plays and watching film and meetings and thinking we'd rather have the worst quarterback you you can't lie to the guys for for for too long yeah I mean I'm I'm just telling you what Nick said right and and you did a great job pushing him I'm glad I'm glad you were there yeah um but look I we all see this tonight um and to me it's it's the way the offense was was moving right because you can say protection you can say running game but and it is true Kenny picket was playing against the Patriots starters right yes uh so so there are variables that you have to consider but you also go based on results and you also have you know as you're referring to with three we sample size now you have two games uh and Kenny's not run away with this right uh and if if you didn't know which one was drafted in the first round and you traded a third round you know you didn't trade a third round pick for you traded a third for a fourth but you trade draft capital for then you wouldn't know that based on watching practice right so I I get all that um I I understand Sun CA foul if Professor selman's watching uh but I I also think that they operate with a wider lens sometimes you know one thing that I know people in that building have said in the past and I I remember this well if you and I and Jamie were having a conversation on August 15 2017 you'd be concerned about Nick fos uh and you know a player gets acclimated a player there's there's a a greater track record that they look at now of course Kenny FES I'm sorry Kenny picket doesn't come with Nick FES as track record but they acquired Kenny because they like the player that that he has starting experience and that Tanner's a bit of an unknown here right uh but I I mean Tanner mcke is Nick fos 2.0 well I mean Nick fos i t mck is gonna win two Super Bowls Nick FES W Super Bowl MVP let's let's let's not go over let's not go overboard here um so yeah so what there was there was a lot of this was actually a juicy game from like uh some team nuggets that I thought yeah so Zach Bo and I were just talking about it you brought it up sunos fallacy somebody in the chat said that's my second favorite fallacy uh but James Bradberry kind of Falls in that category um you're more or less paying the guy regardless sure um my my naked eye he look cooked out there tonight uh some with tackles some misplays is he on the opening day roster at this point do you think Jamie thank you yeah so you know spoke to James briefly I wanted to run over to Bryce Huff so I was in for James ran over to Bryce um what is funny uh running the the the the mental picture of you running well and it's a very tight lock you know the lock I to give to take the audience behind I've been in those locker rooms yeah okay these locker rooms are small as it is but they're not built for 90 players right so it's congested enough in the regular season when there's 53 guys now you now you I mean it's not 2x but you know like 1.75x or whatever it may be uh that that's it's uh it's a lot more players in there and of course Bryce Huffs Locker was behind all the offensive linemen and the offensive linemen are known like they they take their space they're not you really got and you gota yeah you gotta get off a block yeah and it's it's not the type of setting where you're trying to like squeeze in somewhere right you you want to let people have have have their space so uh so I didn't navigate uh but I I departed from Bradberry I'm sorry for that detour in this conversation Bradberry um I think this is your best backdrop I think this is the best backdrop you've ever done it's it's a it looks like a green screen oh yeah no this is this is the field that they played on tonight um yeah so I uh you're you're you're you're on fire Bradberry said he needs game you know he needs gamew workk there's nothing that like simulates game game work here you know he's adjusting his position and I thought he's acclimated decently this this summer uh I wrote that today I thought tonight was a step back it's also the second game that he's played at safety and playing a game is is is different we talked about this for defensive players in particular uh I disagreed with coaches on this in the past fitting a tackle is not the same as tackling right and so that's that's why being out there is important and yeah I thought it was a step back to answer your question Jamie so yeah like is there learning is there a learning curve there for him so look there's there's a numers thing at play here too right you know Sydney Brown's gonna be back at some point if he's back trist mcum Zack is is showing up sure um James Bradberry that contract unless they trade him they pay him the same amount whether he's on the team or whether he's not on the team so it's a decision ho Roseman has has has to make there they put him at safety for reason they they didn't put him at at at safety just to kind of run the clock out on on four weeks here or six weeks here right they they want to see what's there because they need safety depth that said tonight was a step back Nick's really playing up these next five day or these these five days of practice he hasn't said this I imagine they'll be in the link one of these days to try to simulate like a game setting uh I think we're going to learn more about the team over these next five days they really would they they want these days to be competitive so we'll see what happens but yeah going into your tone is not great for his chances well going into the summer I said no going into tonight I said yes after tonight I'll probably say no again and that's the beauty about the preseason you you you go back and forth you said you've got you thought that there were a bunch of nuggets give us some nuggies uh well so pregame McKai beckon not in uniform Tyler Stein in uniform that's notable Nick serani said it doesn't do them any good to name a starter right now right that they have a whole week of practice to go here there's a lot more there you know that that they need to look at I think as as as Bo has said and I you know you you watch what they do and not what they say here I appreciate that yeah and watching what they do McKai beckon has been in there now going back to when Steen was hurt the first week right so this has been three three weeks two plus weeks of Makai beckon taking all the work Tyler Stein came back he's been second team for beckon not to play tonight shows you or shows me and should show the audience this is not a competition anymore if it was a competition one of them would be competing mikai beckon is not out there competing so I I respect Nick like why he has to answered or why he feels he has answered that way they showed us with their actions tonight mikai beckon is going to be the starting Right Guard uh Tyler Steen any update on his injury there Zack yeah Nick didn't me with medical people I did see Tyler uh leave the locker room I tried to ask him uh you know it was outside so we have to wait a certain period before we can go inside a lot of guys had left uh T Tyler being one of them I shouted out Tyler how's the ankle uh I did not get a response that's that's okay maybe he didn't hear me um but but no walking boot or CR or anything he was walking fine he was was he was he was walking fine um I thought so so the other nugget here I thought it was fascinating from my vantage point tonight that Bryce Huff was playing and he was the only one on the front five the starting front five that that was playing 17 plus million dollar Edge rusher ostensibly your top Edge rusher for him to be playing and for Jaylen Carter Milton Williams Jordan Davis Josh s these guys not playing right um that stood out to me I didn't know are they sending a message to him right I didn't know if it's uh if it's there's things they need to see from him I spoke to Bryce after the game I asked him a few times about why and he had a real good explanation he said vic talk to him about this explain this uh because he's new to the team they want to give him a little more work Nick said Nick even volunteered this it was on my list of things to ask Nick I asked Nick like four things I didn't ask this because he answered it he said that you saw Bri Huff out there you saw Deon white out there you saw Zack bond out there you saw some of their new players out there uh for this re like like they they they wanted to play the guys who were new here to kind of get them acclimated to it's a new defense for everyone but it's new teammates for all the all all those guys so that explanation did add up uh I thought Huff played well against the Run man I mean he had he played 12 snaps I believe I have to go back and look but he was it was unless he came off the field there was 12 offensive plays when four tackles yeah yeah he had four tackles um he was penetrating he was physical he shed a really nice block from a tight end like and manhandled a guy yeah he said he's been working at this and it follows up a day of practice Bo observed it Bo wrote about it Bo talked about on the show that he had a real strong practice and I asked him about that and yeah he he he felt real he he felt good about the way he played um he said you know uh he didn't want to put it on as far as like not playing against Lane but he says Lane does make you better right and clearly there's a difference when you're not facing Lane Johnson uh I think if you're an Eagles fan which I imagine anyone watching this at 1108 right now is an Eagles fan unless they just love bow and Jamie which there's nothing wrong with that either I think it's the sex appeal yeah um I mean a lot of people are saying this is the sexiest postgame show in the country well how many postgame shows are there right now you know so it's like uh might be the least sexiest right um um but yeah I think going into New England this week you probably said I might have some concerns about Bryce Hoff right and you're leaving here doing better about Bryce Huff that's a positive if we're doing you know if if uh my my son and my daughter see me tomorrow and they say what did you learn in New England I said I learned about Bryce H this week right uh Bryce Hoff had a good week strong week I know what else Reed is going to ask you about and you know what's coming did you have a chance to talk to quinan Mitchell in the locker room I did speak to quinan uh about practice about the game about what he learned from week one and week two and then very sheepishly as I was walked away turned around hey hey by the way quinan I have a seven-year-old son really he wanted me to tell you that he had a pick six with you in Madden and I said it really fast that he might not even heard me because I felt I I was really like you didn't get a reaction I I did get a reaction what did he say he said oh tell him I appreciate that all right all right Quon read yeah read read read read um but yeah I mean it's it's the it's the least I can do for uh that's awesome not being around my son this week yeah that's fantastic uh what what did it feel like to dominate the press conference well first of I didn't dominate the press conference number one told on the chat that Nick was Nick was is was like calling you out for for d for asking a lot of questions yeah well I mean look I I allowed for a a pause for other people to get in um but when that pause was unfulfilled I had where's my notebook I had questions man I can't I had questions I had to get into so um and I'll be honest I didn't spend four days away from my family to sit on my hands and eat clam shouer I I came here to get information about the Eagles um I you know there's there's one of me here I have a decision leave the locker room you know stay in the locker room I try to get Joseph and got because AJ Brown said I I hope AJ doesn't mind me saying this AJ Brown walked by as he was leaving said andata was the MVP right uh or the player of the game or something like that I wanted to talk to angata there those guys were were fired up on the side lines yeah there were other guys that I wanted to speak to um but I thought this was an important night to talk to Nick for or uh I have to write but also I knew I'm coming on in this show and I needed to get I I need there were questions from this wasn't one of these uh Nick games where it's just like you know tell me your feelings on this tell me your feelings on this you want to try to get information about some of these things and so I'm trying to get that from Nick so yeah so I wouldn't say I was being aggressive I I was saying I was trying to do my job you know I mean I'm I'm fing an expense report to Vince when I get home I need to make sure he he's getting money is worth with this trip exactly people are saying that uh you know you had the year of the creative heater that is that is that is gone it is now the year of the reporting heater for silver back of the Press Room look I'm excited we have a full year now of pH we started you know this this is a little Melancholy or or I shouldn't even say Melancholy coming here this was like the this was right before we started pH was our last day on the old job yeah exactly and you know you start week two you're trying to like process the previous game while start this new job while while you know there's a lot going on uh 911 what's that it's 911 you're you're trying to get your you know you don't even have a key to the new building you haven't met everyone yet and you're doing a show the next day right so you don't really get a chance to sit down and prepare for the show now here we are uh going into our first full year here we got a chance to like you know put you know to build this thing so yeah me being at these games that's a big part of it and uh I'm getting ready for Brazil man so Zack you brought up a name I wanted to ask you about EJ Jenkins and inat kind of shine tonight um chances opening day what do you think is Jenkins have a legit shot at tight end three here um and and what do you think about inata I think uh EJ Jenkins has been the third best tight end on the roster this year does he have a chance so it really depends what they're looking for there it depends if they if EJ Jenkins is a guy they want to try to keep on practice squad and Elevate if CJ uzama they they value the blocking the size The Experience uh maybe they don't want to guarantee usama's contract maybe they just go with two tight ends uh on the initial 53 and then see what's out there on the wire and then determine it I don't think EJ I think EJ Jenkins has helped himself and I think next week will also be a big EJ Jenkins game um but there's two guy there's two tight ends know what will be on the roster okay Grant calcatera and Dallas GD I should say Dallas GD and Grant calcatera uh that third that's wide open right now as far as Joseph andata I don't think Joseph andata makes the uh 53 I can see him being on practice squad again um I I thought that yeah I thought he did some nice things tonight I don't think he's like shine throughout camp and but deagles do to this point so I saw in the Press Box before the game I saw Johnny Wilson walked through with the team security official I said that's that's kind of weird this was like two hours before the game when the team just got here I he trying to get a hot dog or something yeah I I don't know you know what's going on um and then I'm watching pregame Wars and I don't see Johnny Wilson out there so I try I I I do some digging and then I find out that uh he was in the concussion protocol and then I guess Ross said Ross Tucker said it on the broadcast team announced it thereafter so uh yeah so Johnny Wilson um now he's he's going to miss some time we don't know how how long that's that's that's going to last uh Paris Campbell comes back this week Bo and I did the exercise of 10 receivers they could trade for or or like 10 potential trades and uh we'll see what happens but to answer your question I don't think Joseph and makes the 53 but I think he'll be on the 16 the 16 man practice squad couple little uh small ones for you Zach what did you make of key Ringo playing deeper into this game than not only Isaiah Rogers but also quinan Mitchell yeah surprised me a bit um I I think if I go based on the first guy up this this uh these past two weeks I I I would say aai Rogers is ahead of Keele Ringo I think Isaiah Rogers needs work right he didn't play all year last year um but yeah that that did surprise me some maybe they they they wanted to give Ringo a little more work um it's a good it's a good point Quin Yan I think they have a good sense of what quinan is right now and I actually I'd be skeptical that quinan plays next week I think I probably agree with that uh it seemed to us from the TV copy that noobe Dean had a pretty good night is that what you saw from the Press Box yeah that is and I actually I didn't think trer had as as as as good of a game as he had the first time uh there were a few you know there's play when he he uh he penetrated and then you know there is a a cleanup tackle but I thought it was trer that made the play I thought Dean was probably better of the linebackers tonight and and I actually thought you know Bo watched the defense more than I did but but when I was glancing over I I I'm talking about the practice on Tuesday I thought Dean played played decently played played well on Tuesday too from from what I saw so I'm not counting Dean out of this competition yet um for the starting linebacker job I think if you just go based on what you see in terms of reps you're going with Bon but I'm not counting Dean out yet any other big takeaways from what you saw just from your own Vantage Point yeah I I thought the defense was active I mean the Patriots aren't aren't particularly good we know that uh there still seems to be some protection things it was interesting Nick was asked about a player who really taking a step up year one to year two or or not year one to year two from last year to this year and he singled out Fred Johnson uh he's real happy with the way Fred Johnson looks yeah so that's a that's a good little nugget you taking anything at at an noan Smith tonight Zack I know we got the kind of I I think I thought well yeah that personal foul that that wasn't the smartest play but I thought his sack was was really nice I thought he closed well on his sack and the sack last week Vic Fel even said it it was like there was no one on him he he kind of went through I thought tonight was a sack that he earned I thought he did a good job there and ion MX by the way I thought Avon's interception was an impressive one really nice very nice play yeah yeah and I think I think as as Jamie and I said stood a little bit in contrast to what you saw from Brad Barrett tonight but sure we'll keep an eye on all of that as the days go on Z give us the uh for the people who don't know give us the schedule that's coming up for the Eagles those those this five days that you just teased yeah the Eagles are on their way back tonight um they'll they'll land probably by the time I leave the stadium tonight and uh they are uh they're off tomorrow Bo and I are not off tomorrow we have a show at two o'clock you can watch the PHL y Eagles show uh and then on uh Saturday Sunday the Eagles are back at practice oh I I'm sorry Saturday Sunday Monday the Eagles are back back at practice Tuesday they are off Wednesday Thursday practicing I'm a little surprised they have five practices this week I I thought there might be four practices with a walkthrough and a day off in there uh this is a this is a busier week than they've kind of had in the past uh at this juncture Nick's I think Nick wants to take a lot out of this week he keeps emphasizing like I mentioned having a competitive practice having a practice you know where they kind of work on game situations so I can see them being in the stadium I can see it almost like a scrimmage But to answer the questions toley they're they're they're back at work on Saturday and uh you know we'll be there having all the updates and what will you be writing tonight for all PHL y.com uh kind of what we talked about some of the um I think what what people want to know explanations on the quarterback explanations on the guard situation explanations on Bryce Hoff I'm not getting as much into kind of like the Down The Rock I think tonight's a night where there's there's um kind of like top of the you know there's there's bigger picture questions that uh if you didn't watch Nick's press conference or you didn't um if you weren't in the locker room which obviously most people weren't uh some some questions I I can answer from that so that's going to be it's gonna it's going to hit on the big topics like like five takeaways from tonight all right well Zack Burman you have dominated again we thank you for all of your expertise your information your ears to the grindstone all that good stuff good luck tonight we will talk to you tomorrow on the PHL Eagles show at two o'clock look forward to it thanks guys we allting like the May

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