I challenged Eugene. It was a mistake.

Published: Aug 17, 2024 Duration: 00:31:21 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: eugene levy
ladies and gentlemen playing against ches bots is fun it's a nice way to practice as well so that you don't have to stress out when you play actual human beings but not all chest spots are the same and at the time of recording this video in August of 2024 chess.com has a terrifying new Chaz bot and his name is Eugene today I will be playing against Eugene Eugene Zilo is 3 500 allegedly but there is a mystery about Eugene and apparently if you play a certain opening you break him and he no longer knows how to play chess well today I'm going to try to find that opening and before we jump into the games today I'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video 80,000 hours 880,000 hours is a nonprofit that aims to help people have a positive impact with their careers and that's really important because careers are about 40 hours a week 50 weeks a year for 40 years hence 80,000 hours it's a long time and you don't have to become a doctor a teacher charity worker or a chess YouTuber to have some sort of positive impact on the world there are many paths that you can take to having an impact and that's why 880,000 hours has spent the last 10 years working alongside academics doing research at the University of Oxford looking for the best available evidence on how to have a fulfilling career and the evidence suggests that when it comes to a career following the most common advice like I want an easy job or I want a high paying one doesn't hold up very well and that's why 8000 hours created a free and practical in-depth career guide to help you out so go to 80,000 hour.org Gotham to get that in-depth career guide and the aim of it will be to help you do three things number one learn about what makes for a high impact career number two get new ideas for impactful paths and number three take everything you've learned and use it to to put a plan in action and a friendly reminder once again that in-depth career guide is completely free now let's get back to the video thank you as always to the inimitable handsome really really talented and extremely humble sponsored Gotham so there are back to school bots on ch.com this month their names are Chad Thaddius Bradley AKA Chad Thad Brad which is just fantastic uh Stanley Funk who is an eighth-year senior who has not graduated in 8 years uh then you've got Bailey Hoops who kind of looks like Alexandra botes I don't know then we've got Professor pant who I thought had an elf ear but that's just a pen behind his ear and then we have Eugene now the scariest thing about this perhaps is that Eugene is my father's name so it's kind of like he doesn't look like my dad but today we're going to try to play against Eugene nobody knows how good Eugene is I suppose this is inspired by the janitor of the uh of the orphanage Queen's Gambit you know no you never saw that well we're going to play against Eugene but first we're going to bully Mr Chad thus Bradley uh because everybody loves bullying chess Bots that's the best part about these videos I'm co-chair of Vibes Chad Thad is Bradley okay but my boys call me Big Bad Chad Thad Brad for sure yeah I'm sure they do chadus Thaddius Bradley oich all right um he plays E4 I'll play symmetrical because I want to I want to teach I want to educate he plays the Vienna I thought he was going to maybe say something but he he's talking some high Epsilon Sigma I don't even know anyway there's many ways to meet the Vienna opening uh there's nothing wrong with meeting it the same way and uh does Mr Chad fad Brad know the Gotham chess Chesley E4 course no he does not but he is trying to go for checkmate uh and that's not very nice so Knight F6 now would lose me the game I'm going to block and I have a feeling he's going to lose his Queen no he doesn't uh now if I do the same thing back to chadan Brad do you think I'll win if I do the exact same thing will I Checkmate him no shocking he protects himself uh okay let's develop a piece he also keeps calling me pledge I is that a is that's a fraternity thing I I don't know uh okay well we're now going to attack this Pawn with three things I I don't yeah I wow he actually defends not only does he defend the ball won't pickle it oh ew gross he plays pickle ball ew uh Queen H5 I I'm in a little bit of trouble does he see this there's no way right wow I'm losing to a 500 ELO bot this is crazy and he said Broski all right let's go Knight D4 rating a couple threats here this is actually extremely disturbing that this bot is playing this well dude he he's supposed to lose material okay I'm going to take the Knight because it defends this Pawn so that I'm going to play Pawn six I mean there's no way he finds Knight D5 right he's 500 what boys and girls I'm not having a good time right now this is not supposed to happen this bot is 500 I I saw this but I hopefully he blunders Queen E4 at which point I'm back in the game okay I mean that was way too close for comfort uh that was I did not enjoy this uh now I have to win the game Knight F3 check probably Knight E1 check some double checks this is actually super nasty this attack like Knight C2 is also possible look at this attack look at this crisscross applesauce check yeah and now we're cooking that is the best move though probably because otherwise I would have checkmated him insane he's still defending himself really well um check here or that check okay you're violating fret code don't be mean okay well this is going to be extra mean because I'm going to go here and then I'm going to promote to a bishop and then I'm gonna go here now he's gonna go here because that's the only way to survive and he's gonna go here Checkmate all right that was terrifying I I straight up almost lost to the 500 eloot to start this video okay let's play Stanley Funk the guy that looks 40 years old and apparently wears a what is that called a beret to school this is an eighth year senior he's 26 bro Stanley Funk looks 50 what kind of an eighth year senior is he by the way how many years can you even stay in school like if you fail seven years of 12th grade I don't think you can still stay in school anyway um Campus Life you've come oh I see I see it's College we're talking about college so he's like 32 bro he does not look 32 he does not look like a good 32 okay D4 F5 the Dutch defense okay 10e student yeah he's a 10-e student all right um is he going here this is a very odd way to play the Dutch defense says only the most dedicated academics can study at the undergrad level for a PhD amount of time I think these are all just very creative ways of calling yourself stupid they're going to name the library after me for a warning for students whatnot to what the f why does every like chess.com has a designated moral on bot every month how is Stanley Funk a th000 but chattiest thest Bradley OIC was 585 or whatever his rating was I mean what are we even doing here this is okay I'm I'm just going to develop like a normal London I I have three things dude I come on basically faculty without the title Prestige payer Authority okay what is this every month there's a what why what is it doing what bring back [Music] Chad okay I'm going to open up the position and then I'm going to oil up okay Knight takes E4 and adults what what oiling up just means like you know when you're about to cook something in the frying pan you got to you put put some oil so it's like hot that's all I'm saying I'm saying the position's a little hot right now put a little oil cook it up that's what oiling up means Knight C5 going to make a couple trades now bring in my pieces Queen is there Bishop is there just another free piece I don't know what this bot is do what is he doing [Music] dude oh I'm going to bring the Rook now oh my God two ways to winning winning position trade the queens or trade like or just go for checkmate and in this game I'm gonna go trade the Queens all right this is one of the ways to win you trade go here he's yelling four more years isn't that a political campaign oh boy the American audience is going to have a field day with that one four more years um Rook takes B5 check Rook C1 oh I guess you can take because I thought this was Checkmate it's not but all right we got Knight C6 which is a threat of mate and whoa he got me that's mate Unstoppable now Forge a signature why is why is this bot trying to get people to commit crimes what's this post game come to the Student Center for a rematch anytime bro this guy's weird I I don't like this bot all right Bailey Hoops is this like based on Caitlyn Clark or what star athlete with a killer three-point shot see if you can win it is this like the uh the Caitlyn Clark wait I I just had the white pieces so I'll resign and then I'll play black out of fairness all right we just had a an E4 E5 how's your all right now [Music] um I guess I'll play the modern defense with G6 one of my faves one of my faves D6 normal stuff she's still talking I don't know what she's saying you guys have the bot dialogue there my pawns lead the league in assists I don't even know what that means I mean I think they're I think the content team is just trying too hard to force puns and memes and things I really okay I can take but C5 is perfectly reasonable there is on pant now the you know we got to remember that the night can go back wow she said on pant and your Pawn's ankle is broken wow she has on pant trash talk love that I mean nothing special I just bring this night back but you know still kind of cool what is this that hangs a pawn two different ways she's going to be like I don't need the pawn anyway my pieces are in a zone defense okay I'm just going to go back in Castle I don't really I don't there's nothing a six put the Knight forward what dude I just want to play Eugene just give me Eugene I the Bots this month are stupid they're stupid they're I don't know what they're doing let's open up the center when the opponent's king is on the other side like this you got to you got to make some trades rookie eight is on the way now she's trying to be Hikaru she says takes okay this is bad news for Bailey Hoops or whatever her name is and now she loses the Queen Boom looks like looks like your Queens heading to the locker room okay chess.com I look I don't know what to tell you guys but uh the bot lost the queen not me I'll draw it in another color Arrow I'll draw it in another color Arrow the bot lost the queen y'all not me I don't know why it's saying my queen is heading to the locker room she's not the my Queen's right here so whatever y'all did I sorry doesn't function now let's Force the king back into the open yeah look Bailey somebody got to teach you chess I mean I'm sorry but this is this ain't it Queen F2 Queen D2 is mate okay she's trying to make a run for it it's not going to work she's going to go here yeah I guess the game is going to go on for a little longer but I got Rook e one on the way uh Knight E4 on the way a lot of things on the way that's a check the king is now going to stay there oh I hung my Rook what am I doing just kidding there was Bishop C3 this is this is tough I don't even feel good I don't even feel good win like what are we even doing here this is just oh my what are these Bots I gotta get to Professor pant man all right here we go Professor pant I'm playing white all right all right let's see we play E4 let's play The Ready Knight F3 I've been playing this in some of my tournament games ain't nothing wrong with it it's time for a chess lecture I will teach you no you won't Bozo this this is actually a very common uh line there's this move Pawn to C4 here which is kind of interesting Pawn takes Knight A3 uh that's not a move okay well he said something about a grade going toward my final grade something going toward my final I have I I hated school I you got to you got to do well in school but I I had some beef with my teachers back in the day um this is not good the queen really doesn't belong there I'm just playing principal chess I'm castling my king uh and since Mr pant waited such a long time to get castled I can already begin some sort of attack like Pawn E4 Pawn D4 looks good H3 G4 doesn't look that bad either to kick the queen out Knight B5 E4 A3 even even here lowkey he called me crafty thanks because now I have isn't this like bad for him what is what is this E4 Queen E1 Queen F2 I'm going to use the f file uhhuh uhhuh he spooked now I'm using my Bishop now I'm using the f file what I said I would do yes he's uh he's he's solid though all right now we play A3 we just we're just controlling the game that's what we're doing Knight B5 looks nice Knight C4 looks like let's just make another improving move no rush um Queen G1 maybe I'll put my Rooks on the f file how about that what if I play Rook F2 and Rook F1 this is maybe Rook F3 was even better okay Rook F1 is he going Knight F5 what that looks terrible okay I'm going to try to give up my two Rooks for the queen like this he called my move quaint don't insult me I don't know what that means Knight takes C4 so I have a queen for a and a pawn for two Rooks uh and the queen is very powerful the way you utilize a queen in a position like this is you you you play very quickly and energy netically so you try to Target your opponent's weaknesses night I think that was just a huge mistake because now I get to take the bishop and uh I think he's going to lose a lot of Pawns so I'm getting at least one right so now I don't want to lose this one I mean I can but I don't have to there's no reason to lose it uh is there counterplay B4 Rook there Queen D5 shouldn't be so let's go B4 now I am up two pawns right I have 1 2 3 4 5 six seven yes I have seven pawns oh boy oh I just did something so dumb oh I forgot that he has Rook F2 check oh my gosh what have I just done oh Queen Queen B7 Rook here here here here maybe I have to go Queen if I go Queen G2 oh maybe Queen G2 King G1 is the only way Queen G2 yeah oh I do not like this okay thankfully I don't think he played the best move move maybe even G4 King G3 I can play but I got to I got to do a better job I mean that was way too close way too close yeah let's go G4 and King G3 he said I'm playing a strong game this is his version of trash talkg just bro I am not playing a strong game stop it okay let's take some space I think my king needs a little breathing room here against this Rook okay now I feel like I'm I'm I'm a little bit back in the game uh maybe no I don't want to can play D4 I can play a lot of moves here E4 he can't take what doesn't this just let me run away to F2 and now I'm thinking I get to escape which has been a struggle for this game escaping these these attacks but now I can go here and there is no Rook F6 still not over uh Queen D4 and queen D7 on the way now I feel like I should be winning I don't exactly know how but I will try to figure it out Queen D7 E6 yes now we deflect Professor pant King with our pawns that we Advanced that was dangerous that that did not I didn't like that Queen F6 and now we're easily winning going to make two queens he was good but we were better he said very impressive thank you buddy thank you appreciate it uh that's mate in uh two one no I don't have a one no there's no mate okay see me after class I stud yeah yeah yeah you do have to study yeah yeah um okay Eugene the School Janitor nobody knows how good he is so I'm going to play the first game with black and we're going to see Eugene plays Knight to F3 me play chess I I I'd like to imagine Eugene has a has an accent like a Soviet accent he's like me play CH no I'm just janitor no I'm not that good no okay let's play D5 B3 maybe bishop G4 okay he was reading some books at the library he claims E3 is probably fine okay just think did he just said he wasn't studying and now he claims that chess is easy so the way I'm going to play this is I'm going to set up my pawns on the light squares and then I'm going to give up my light squared Bishop think you're Hikaru nakamuro or something what how does he speak meme uh and now maybe just Bishop D6 and Castle nice and solid position like this he's going to play for D4 I only calculate a move ahead but it's always the best move bro thinks he's hikaro and capablanca that's how that's how Kaba Blanca used to play We E7 position is very solid but he's going to soon have a little bit more space in the center maybe with E4 uhoh okay Bishop B8 what's the idea but isn't he letting me play E5 is he trying to go E4 so if I don't do anything I think he's going to go here right so okay what if I play B5 I don't know I mean this doesn't look take I I guess yeah it's E4 so let's let's prepare against yeah but I think this is fine for me B5 is he going to go A4 now now he plays E4 takes yeah don't I put my knight on D5 this looks nice for me no I like my position I think the position's totally fine for now Knight F6 we have a solid blockade in the center of the board yeah a A4 is to be expected but maybe Queen B7 Counterattack be so hype if he goes here uh Knight I guess I forgot he could do that but I don't does that matter like what if I just take and go back take and go back take and go back take can go back nothing special no but I don't get it I'm not even I'm not even worse I have a very powerful blockade on the light squares wait are we just shuffling am I going to get a draw against Eugene is that what's happening right now he's not quite shuffling the pieces so I can't tell okay he's still making improvements I got excited for a second I was like draw okay but I I I I have a Target uhoh night so so what and uhoh I I I feel like I'm getting bot squeezed this is the way uh Bots beat beat beat humans 97 all right I'm I'm going for counterplay he claims it doesn't scare him uhoh he claims it doesn't scare him he said he doesn't lose much but he also doesn't care much bro actually thinks he's [Applause] hearu oh that's probably very bad yeah my position just in one move fell apart now he's going to take and go here and here and I made it my Rook is hanging my king is hanging everything is hanging I think it's just H6 H6 and I it's game over yeah oh oh oh I it it was not even it wasn't even that bad there was a moment it was equal like when he played Queen C2 the position okay I guess I was just always slightly worse okay I'm going to play Eugene one more time apparent L there's a way to disable him like there's a way there's lore and you can go play him I'll put a link in the description there's a way to beat Eugene if you play the right first move but what is the right first move I'm going to guess I don't know uh H4 is H4 the move I don't know is he going to beat me like a like a oh I I still can't tell like you can't tell if he's playing like a 100 or not I'll know pretty quickly I is he like what's he going to do what's he doing I still can't really tell is he going to go D5 is that the I still can't tell if he's playing like a beginner or not okay I don't think this is the way I don't think I did it like I don't think I maybe maybe E4 close the position don't let him play D5 okay still he's playing like pretty normally so I I doubt I activated the off button yeah I think probably this is still high level Eugene but tough to say if take take Bishop G4 is played then probably yeah because I I think I blundered Bishop G4 and I think he's just going to be slightly better there but Bishop B6 wow and he's he's going to go here to make it difficult for me to develop no okay I'm sacrificing wow he's just doesn't care at all okay I'm going to put my knight on F5 and sacrifice Eugene you're cooked Eugene you're oh I got too hype all right well they say if you want to attack you should close the center so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to close the center and maybe I can go take take Queen H6 here Knight F5 and it's mate okay boom it's over Eugene L it's over Eugene you're going to lose it it doesn't matter I can start with this one I can boom Checkmate Rook G3 you can't stop me Eugene I'm unstoppable just he just going to like do this oh yeah yeah this is that was not it the move was that was not the move I did not disable the switch uh Eugene is still 3500 and I he's cooking but I'm threatening Checkmate so maybe he blunders it damn he said he said I see it not only did he damn okay he's gonna take my Pawn oh he's not even taking my Pawn oh he's taking this Pawn oh oh I hung my knight what am I oh maybe it's A4 maybe maybe it's maybe it's A4 is it A4 is it A4 is it I don't think it's A4 guys guys he's yawning it's not A4 it's not A4 he's still playing normal moves oh he's still playing oh goodness H at least he's not playing as solidly this game I mean as the okay I'm going to play a few more moves and then I'm going to resign because he's better than me oh he always has Knight B3 when he wants it oh my God that was not the move I don't even think he's going to take the bishop he's not taking he's not taking the bishop I mean I have a decent position but uh he's not playing like a like a broken bot that's he's not doing it is he just going to take like humans get scared you know they don't take Free Pawn sometime oh God that's even better and he keeps trash talking me stop Eugene you're R okay you know what I'm done I'm done I'm done all right I don't I was having a good Sunday all right I was having a good Sunday I'm not going to sit here and guess which move of the day is going to break Eugene okay but you can go try I'm done I'm going to go outside maybe I'll take a nap maybe in that order maybe I'll combine the two maybe I'll go sleep outside I'm not dealing with this no no no no no no get out of here

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