SHOCKED What Harris, Biden, an Democrats JUST Said [DNC Summary]

Published: Aug 19, 2024 Duration: 00:34:17 Category: Education

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everyone me Kevin here tonight was night one of the DNC the Democratic National Convention and wow I have to say there is a lot to cover so we're going to see how quickly we can get through all of it it took me 5 hours and 45 minutes to live stream cover all of it so here are the big takeaways from everything first things first we heard today that kamla Harris might be interested in choosing Gary gendler as chairperson of the SEC even though he's anti- crypto crypto actually well Bitcoin actually moved up today we're now over almost at 61,000 uh there are also rumors that we might be close to a ceasefire agreement between Israel and tamas and so far catalysts have done pretty well but we'll talk about the economy in a different video this is about the campaign it's worth noting that Galla polles released a poll that indicated 57% of us adults believe the country would be better governed if more women were in political office now if we divide that by Democrats or separate that by Democrats and Republicans we actually end up finding that 80% of Democrats believe this and only 32% of Republicans believe that and this is based on a survey that actually had 571 males out of 1016 obviously small number but they use statistical math to spread this out and suggest because it's random it's a sample whatever we know polls are polls but we find it interesting because the DNC today was really inspired by women they really put women at powerful transition points whether it was the story The Emotional story of kamla Harris wiping away crocketts tear Texas representative uh in the House of Representatives or Hillary Clinton talking about breaking through the glass ceiling or having cracked the class glass ceiling because she failed to but maybe kamla will be able to finally break through it you'll see women were a big part of the DNC today now we started with Chicago mayor reiterating the goal of Harris suggesting a $225,000 tax credit support to support first-time home buyers first generation home buyers they've used both words here a lot of folks have questions on this my opinion on this I'll give you a quick one right now my opinion is that $25,000 tax credit to help first-time home buyers get into housing would be useful for firsttime home buyers but it would a net net end up probably making housing more unaffordable by setting higher comparable Sal basically the money is just going to flow into sellers Pockets requiring fewer price reductions so in other words you kind of set prices up a little higher but you do end up helping those first-time home buyers who do get that 25k because they become more competitive against others so it's kind of like take you know take from some to give to others uh but it usually anytime you kind of get the government getting involved in giving money to someone there's some form of dead weight loss KL Harris does have an initiative which we've heard multiple times outlined today to build three million new homes by the end of her first year the problem with that is that would actually be below the annual rate of home building today given that today we build somewhere around 4 million new homes in a typical 4year period now that's later clarified to argue that these homes should be affordable homes which as you know person in real estate I'm generally not a big fan of affordable homes because most quote unquote affordable homes carry deed restrictions that limit people's ability to build wealth with these properties like being able to rent them out so obviously the details aren't out of KLA Harris's full plans and some of those are well frustrating facts for people trying to evaluate if KLA Harris is the candidate for them so we'll have to wait and see for more clarity on what restrictions there might be or what specifically she means I have a feeling they haven't quite figured it out themselves yet and they're kind of just throwing ideas against the wall to see what people think is popular and what people support this is pretty typical by the way uh politicians like to do that they find something that's popular and then guess what they do they double down and triple down on it very very common uh another thing that we find is that uh kamla Harris promises a year one or I should say onee $6,000 child tax credit uh that is something that's part of the JD Vance and Trump initiative as well they've been talking about expanding the child tax credit uh we also expect some uh anti-price gouging initiatives in rent control maybe potentially some form of a nationwide rent control we're not sure of the details of this but there's some talk about limiting the uh excessive increases in rents that landlords could charge tenants a lot of this is inspired by covid frustrations the reality is most of the time these are uh essentially limits pegged to the rate of inflation so it really wouldn't do much anyway right now because even if they said you can't raise rent more than 5 % above whatever CPI is fine so CPI is 2% you can't raise it above seven that's what they did in California that's the kind of stuff you typically see some stats before we get into some more speeches 83% of black voters surveyed in 2023 leaned Democratic and there was a lot of talk about race at the DNC I actually tweeted that I thought there was more talk about race at the DNC in the first 60 Minutes of the DNC than I ever talk about in a year's time and I'm not afraid to talk about race in fact if you type into YouTube meet Kevin black versus white poverty or black versus white America what whatever you'll actually find I'm pretty blunt about my opinions on race and what it could mean for poverty income and basically how to solve the problems I go through all of that uh anyway uh there there's you know some sort of tension I see come up especially on like so you'll kind of see me go back back and forth on this I see some tension come up over obviously the walls pick some people are frustrated that you know he retired from the National Guard after 24 years potentially right after he discovered that maybe he would have gotten deployed to Iraq but he argues it was because he was ramping up his Congressional bid I don't know that these attacks on the VPS matter so terribly much but you're going to see some of that Pete Buddha jedge talks about how Elon Musk Got You Know Rich in part because of the internet and yet Elon supports Republicans but ironically the internet was created by a government initiative the same kind of government initiative that might be killed off by project 2025 it's worth noting that this is somewhat misleading here project 2025 which was mentioned by a ton of speakers including Joe Biden is an approximately 887 page document generated in part by the Heritage Foundation they are a very conservative group they lean pretty far right and uh quite frankly in the words of the Heritage Foundation project 2025 is a quote mandate for leadership the conservative promise some of these promises include restoring the Integrity of the Department of Justice solidify solidifying excuse me the border and restructuring the Department of Homeland Security increasing legal immigration uh is making the immigration process more secure and breaking up the Department of Education now Donald Trump has gone to say that hey you know uh you know some of the things in Project 2025 are extreme he's never said that he fully supports all of the things uh in fact he's gone as far as saying that far right-wingers wrote project 2025 so he's tried to distance himself from Project 2025 many time uh but it doesn't seem to be working since there are clearly a lot of Democrats who still try to attach Donald Trump to that label although that might just be an easy talking point for Democrats because there are a lot of Democrats who are deathly afraid of some of the things that they've heard in Project 2025 and remember folks there's nothing easier to get people to go vote than fear pretty common anyway Robert Garcia uh for example you know also coming out with some things that are just frankly inaccurate he's a representative from California he reiterated that Donald Trump said that people should ingest bleach no Donald Trump did not say that the actual quote that Donald Trump suggested uh was that uh it you know he said quote and then I said I suppose you brought the light inside the body which you can do either through the skin or in some other way and I think you said you're going to test that too he's sort of having a conversation with someone here sounds interesting right and then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in 1 minute I think he's talking about monoclonal antibodies but whatever um and uh there is a way we can do something like that by injection inside almost a a cleaning because it gets inside the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs so it' be interesting to check that out so that you're going to have uh to use medical doctors with that but it sounds interesting to me blah blah blah so that was roughly the quote that Donald Trump was talking about it doesn't actually talk about ingesting swallowing bleach but you know these these sort of things I'm just going to clear them up as they come up just to give you perspective again my goal is just to be balanced on both sides here uh there's talk about raising the corporate tax rate Kam haris talked about raising the corporate corporate tax rate to 28% mind you before Donald Trump it was actually 35% Donald Trump in 2017 reduced it to 21% so we're at 21 it was at 35 KLA Harris wants to bump that to 28 Donald Trump actually wants to reduce that down to 15% this may be something that uh will end up contributing to stock market volatility in October going into the election where election uncertainty can tend to increase the Congressional budget office by the way they did put a study together and suggested that a 1 percentage Point increase in the corporate tax rate could lead to100 billion of Revenue over a decade so that's $10 billion a year which frankly is kind of a drop in the bucket anyway but anyway uh some Democrats are trying to extrapolate that oh to say oh well you know if you increase it 7% it would be seven times as good I don't know about that because I think if you only increase the corporate tax rate 1% you don't account for the loss of productivity you get from Innovation and your and and the the Amplified impact of dead weight loss of government spending we'll see we'll see uh anyway Shapiro of Pennsylvania says that uh Trump has no moral character uh that's the statement uh that uh that he makes uh and uh I didn't actually write down too much more uh from uh from him on that one uh then we've got um there was a trump Hack That was during this DNC confirmed to be conducted by an Iranian hacker group that came out during the DNC that's why I had it written down uh mayor Karen bass of Los Angeles says kamla Harris has a commitment to Children JD Vance has made it a big point to really uh support children and family and and Trump has been a fan of that as well Bloomberg editorial piece editorial board argues that K Harris really needs to articulate an agenda that to undecided voters and that it would be worth supporting policies that are good for jobs Rising wages and Border Prosperity or broader Prosperity I should say uh and that some of Harris's policies though or sorry Biden's policies have been hostile to businesses and show you should call for more competi competition rather than just trying to fight price gouging okay uh the betting markets by the way are showing kamla Harris in a lead by 1% on poly market and by about 7% on a predicted it is worth noting though these can be rigged uh now I'm not saying they're rigged uh we already know polling can be you know oversampled and misleading but when it comes to the betting Market if you have a bunch of people who just buy up any sell on KL Harris on the Harris side and you don't have Republicans buying up the sell on the Trump side you could really skew the order book and make the betting odds look like they're much more in kamla Harris's favor so there can be rigging there if you do have enough money worth also noting that uh the uh one of the largest super packs for kamla Harris came out uh just a a few hours ago and suggested that their internal polling shows that KLA Harris is not polling as strongly as the public polls suggest meaning they can't give up the fight part of me thinks that that's just sort of a way to make sure that people get out and vote because if you stop campaigning you stop voting because you think you've got it in the bag you'll end up losing like Hillary did and they don't want to lose again like Hillary did Okay Kevin o says he needs to see the details of kamla Harris's uh policies especially the $25,000 first-time home buyer credit he calls it insane says almost all of that will go to the seller he's probably not right there was an impeachment report issued today by the House of Representatives for uh sort of an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden it was a 291 page report from house Republican on Biden's quote influence pedaling and obstruction this accuses Biden of conspiracy to basically help his relatives receive millions of dollars from foreign investments or interests by attending dinner speaking to them whatever basically access money then there were some examples and allegations like buying art like prominent Democratic donors happened to be buying Joe B or Hunter Biden's art from art galleries or maybe it would be a good idea to include Hunter Biden more in business dealings with a Wall Street fund because it would be good for business things like that those that's those are some of the allegations in there there's also an investigation apparently now going in it's more of a request to the FBI by representative uh comr chairperson of the house oversight committee who's launching an investigation into VP pick walls for his engagement with China because he did teach at the maau poly Technic University that's a semi-autonomous region of China a lot of gambling over there but anyway uh focuses on sort of subpoenaing the FBI for information they could have on wells's 30 some trips to China teachings over there and otherwise uh Kathy hokel ended up speaking talking about uh Harrison Biden actually bringing manufacturing jobs and that Micron is building a100 billion microchip Factory with union labor so we fact checked this and yes Micron did announce this but they announced it as an up to100 Billion plan over 20 years years and uh 20 years is is kind of a really buttered out Vision I mean that's in my opinion kind of like Nvidia coming out and saying we're going to invest a trillion dollars in chips like okay okay okay okay over what 200 years you know like it's a little loony so I looked into the details of this a little bit more and the plan she's referring to it she just read the headline but if you read the details just 20% of that pitch or up to uh 20 mli 20 billion would be spent in the the first 6 years I mean it's better than zero but it's far from $100 billion kamla Harris uh did make a surprise appearance I actually was respected this as she came out and thanked Joe for his service I thought it was smart that she came out it was a surprise she came out that was not expected she says we're moving forward with optimism and faith and God bless America I thought that was cool sort of a nice little introduction a warm transition here Tony Goldwin came out he's an actor he was in uh was he he was in that series I forgot I didn't write it down he was in that uh series with uh where he was the president uh and he's an actor he was in the Divergent film series he was the voice of Tarzan in the 1999 Disney blah blah blah whatever he just talked about a vision of stability opportunity grow the middle class KLA Harris is a fighter we're a message of optimism versus chaos and division this is a very common uh left leaning argument you're going to hear is that kamla Harris is pushing about the future and joy and hopefulness and ISM it's really a campaign of Obama in fact if you listen to her she sounds very much like Obama it's almost like she's been getting Obama training lately I wouldn't blame that o Obama speaks very very well so I I totally give them credit for that and Obama had an excellent Campaign which was really the opposite of what you had with Hillary Clinton who was kind of seen as like a witch I'm I'm not trying to be offensive to Hillary Clinton but a lot of people are like nah she was a wretched vile witch people thought that maybe because she was unrelatable uh you know the way she spoke her mannerisms just kind of came across as a little bit elitist KLA Harris is trying to create this ticket of hey I'm relatable look your school teachers my VP National Guards right she's trying to come across from that angle right public prosecutor that's that's the whole purpose of the ticket over here it's also why they had AOC speak uh talking about how she used to work at a bar you know just six years ago and now she's in con okay then uh the uaw's president spoke called Donald Trump a scab and a scam the crowd then cheered Donald or cheered Trump's a scam Trump's a scam that came up multiple times uh oil uh didn't come back under Trump Auto plants closed and Trump did nothing Trump didn't bring Auto jobs back this was an argument that he made we could debate this but I didn't spend too much time factchecking a union boss because what are we going to expect to hear from a union boss anyway KL Harris supports a single pay okay Viv Viv was on Fox I actually clicked away from Viv because it's the same thing he says the same stuff over and over again and and and most of it is just like okay I shouldn't say most of it but at least the part that I heard is just false uh and I'm not trying to shill for any side here it's just annoying at this point so he's like oh kamla Harris supports a single-payer system and banning fracking okay this is all like old news this is from 2019 yes at that point in 2019 she supported A Single Payer system and uh she also supported uh you know a ban on fracking but since then she's reversed her stance on both of those now that could potentially be because Pennsylvania is an important state it's the second biggest gas producer in the United States thanks to their shell reserves keep in mind that when you Frack uh you can enable natural gas production so it's worth noting that uh and so yes this is a very important state for either Trump or camel Harris to win so is it possible that this is politically motivated duhh uh but the point is at least in her current campaign it's not fair to say she supports a single-payer system and supports a ban on fracking it's kind of like saying Trump supports a National Abortion ban which he doesn't we'll get into abortion in just a moment though AOC came out on Cheers chanting AOC AOC AOC was pretty impressive she she knows how to get an audience together I I don't like her I think she's far left uh I think even Democrats agree she's far left but but she speaks well she's got that like that that you know it's kind of like what Obama has in hope she has an aggression but she kind of gets the same like ress of the audience I I I think she's like a good hype person you know like if if you were playing football you'd want her like cheerleading you you know uh but anyway uh she talks about how KLA Harris is committed to reproductive and civil rights taking on corporate greed uh she had a pretty strong line against Trump was low blow but she called him a two bit Union buster now tubit is is a like a New Yorker slang she from like the Bronx right New Yorker slang term for for basically lowquality uh derogatory cheap uh person who doesn't like unions she says Trump can't love America because he doesn't know the toughest American jobs like American workers do there's nothing wrong with working for a living honestly she got a prime time slot here really really goes far to highlight the power of of women or the highlighting of women they're doing here uh at the DNC she suggested that kamla Harris is working hard for a ceasefire deal the fir the second I heard this I'm like what are you smoking she's campaigning she's not working on the ceasefire deal uh and I argu that that's not really likely I think blinkin and others are doing that you know defense and and State uh department and so political ended up having a little note going hm that's rare we haven't seen that amongst teris supporters before and I thought that was kind of like a nod to that's not accurate it but Politico leans a little left so they're not going to bash AOC too hard here I I will though because I'm just gon to try to give it to you straight uh anyway uh okay we talked about this let's see U oh Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton says kamla Harris showed us what it mean or Joe Biden showed us rather what it meant to be a true patriot she says that young people are struggling pay rent families are struggling all they're asking is that we keep fighting progress is possible but it's not guaranteed Harris has the vision and experience to lead us forward she will restore abortion rights Nationwide Trump fell asleep during his own conviction he has 32 felony convictions and then chance broke out lock him up lock him up that was actually a really cool moment frankly for Hillary Clinton uh and I'm not here to shill for Hillary Clinton I just I just want to give it to you straight she got a lot of after the email Scandal and people were shouting lock her up Donald Trump actually said in interviews that he didn't encourage people to say that but he also doesn't discourage people from cheering that at rallies so uh Hillary Clinton got a lot of hate and a lot of lock her up so it was pretty powerful and you could see she was like really proud to hear lock him up it it was a moment for them obviously if you support Trump you're like nah she's still a witch but but whatever whatever so uh she says that K Harris will protect us that uh Donald Trump is mocking her name mocking her laugh and doesn't that sound familiar but now we have Trump On The Run she's trying to argue that she was made fun of but now Donald Trump is scared of a woman uh Donald Trump only cares about himself and then as I mentioned earlier we put a crack in the highest tallest glass ceiling today we're close to breaking through and through those cracks I see Freedom okay she by the way first talked about breaking the glass ceiling all the way back in like 2018 when she was trying to win a primary against Obama lost then then became secretary uh State under Obama and then obviously lost against Trump in 16 anyway uh I didn't really have anything for Jim clyborn other than he's been in office since 1993 and I kind of like got lost on that idea that like he's basically been in office for as long as I've been alive and I'm like what okay I was born in ' 92 so not quite but anyway uh Raskin says uh what a surprise there was a job opening for vice president they tried to kill the last one okay that was a funny joke for Democrats but it was a j6 guillotine reference from you know people who sort of made the sort of fake Guillotine uh fake Guillotine whatever some people believe it was real some people say it wasn't uh outside of the j6 event which I stream for 10 hours and I'm at a 6 hour and 9 Minute live stream now so I'm I'm basically 60% through a j6 live stream here anyway uh Jasmine Crockett honestly uh you know she's a House of Representatives representative from uh South Dallas Lovefield airport area and uh she kind of bagged on Trump for you know taking over daddy's business of discriminating I mean in rents I I think that's a little ludicrous uh you know his father started working in renovating duplexes and triplexes which provides housing for people but whatever um then argues that you know uh he's a project 2025 that is Trump is and we've already cleared this up no Trump has tried to distance himself from this but it's honestly it's a powerful argument for Democrats so they're just going to keep arguing it she did give a really thoughtful speech about how KLA Harris really related to her struggles of being a new person in Congress and feeling like she was misplaced while Congress was in disarray I don't know if her story is true but honestly I when I was watching it it felt sincere I felt she had a good story that really humanized KLA Harris I actually think she gave a really authentic speech and she did a pretty good job so shout out to Crockett you know I'm not here again to shill for any side but I actually thought she did a good job on abortion bands I just want to make a few things clear so I'm I'm kind of skipping through some of the things that were said about abortion uh the stories and stuff like that mostly because I just want to hit facts here Trump did not ban abortions he appointed three Supreme Court Justices who interpreted the constitution in a way to say the following colon the Supreme the Constitution of the United States does not appoint abortion as a federal right and therefore it is a states rights issue that's all that's all Trump really did with abortion enabled the Supreme Court to say that well the Supreme Court does that by taking taking a conservative approach of what the Constitution says the 10th Amendment says the PO is not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited it to the states or reserved to the states respectively or to the people okay in English something that's not a fed right is a state's right so Donald Trump has not proposed a nationwide abortion ban at one point he did support the idea of an abortion ban Nationwide somewhere between a compromise of 15 to 20 weeks of a ban some compromise in there today though he's backed away from this and he suggested it's a states rights issue and he supports abortion for rape incest or medical emergencies and then leaves the rest up to the states it's worth noting that all states have life exceptions for abortion so if the mother's going to die you can have an abortion but 10 to 11 states do not actually have an exception for rape or incest I was surprised by this Arizona has an asterisk that's why I'm saying 10 to 11 and uh it's worth uh listening to the states Texas Arizona with the asterisk Oklahoma Arkansas Louisiana Alabama Tennessee Missouri Ohio Wisconsin South Dakota other states uh have expirations for these exceptions between 8 to 22 weeks 13 states also don't allow fatal anomalies to be aborted so like if the kid's going to die anyway they make the woman carry it to term which honestly is probably kind of effed up anyway if you already know with certainty it's going to die but all right uh Democrats just want to CIF a a nationwide solution uh which will likely be some form of a right to an abortion uh up to fetal viability which is typically around 23 weeks so keep in mind when people say oh like far-left states are going to kill babies after they're born no those babies were going to die anyway or on the 40th week uh no the only way that's possible is if the mom would have died otherwise even the most liberal states don't allow abortions after like 23 weeks uh Jill Biden talks about Joe Biden's character working for a greater purpose I found Newsome in the audience and I was really confused because I'm like well then who the hell is running California and then I realized oh wait nothing's changed Ashley Biden said uh oh I don't really have any notes on what she said so um she had some nice stories about Joe Biden as a dad it was cute honestly I didn't write anything down because it was a cute story but I I didn't have anything like factual to hit on it okay Joe Biden are you ready for Freedom are you ready to vote for America you can only love America when you win the best days are here ahead of us democracy has prevailed I had no intention of running again but I had to fight wages are down inflation is following falling smallest racial wealth Gap okay all of this so far fine fine fine fine fine I'm okay with with some of this stuff uh I I have some disputes coming up here then he says we finally beat big Pharma okay no you really didn't you allowed Medicare to negotiate some drug premiums and you have a 35 cap on insulin yes that's useful through the inflation reduction act but it it does not solve big Pharma at all it does a little bit it's better than nothing some would say some would say just let the free market regulate it but yeah you know I don't know free market and Healthcare there's some problems there anyway uh inflation reduction act uh is probably this is my fact check going to be a lot more expensive than expected maybe according to Goldman Sachs 3 to four times as much mostly because they Loosely interpret the credit guidelines and they basically just hand out a lot more money than the actual legislation authorized so the savings Joe Biden talks about are probably just being spent away and increasing the debt anyway which the debt is obviously totally unsustainable but topic for a different video maybe there's a reason gold is skyrocketing price right now and Costco starts selling gold oh okay Donald Trump never built a damn thing is something Joe Biden says okay that's not entirely true it is true Donald Trump never really got to his $1 trillion infrastructure plan or for his Healthcare overhaul some argue that was because of covid but Donald Trump did get through a lot of smaller policy initiatives and projects such as cutting red tape and regulation relaxing environmental restrictions protecting building uh you know like new building from lawsuits emergency power to FastTrack infrastructure projects the United States Mexico Canada Alliance reite of NAFTA the Revival of the Dakota access pipeline the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline which Joe Biden killed on day one of office never got finished and multiple other allocations like $6 billion to America's water infrastructure act in 2018 the tax cut and jobs act blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah so yes there wasn't like one giant infrastructure plan Co probably screwed that up uh or it just was never going to happen because uh Trump lost the majority in Congress in 2018 so you didn't have control anyway you needed bipartisan stuff anyway and so it just didn't happen Joe Biden says Pro Union support is good we need need to support better schools Donald Trump wants to do away with the Department of Education look at project 2025 okay In fairness Donald Trump did say in an interview with Elon Musk that he wants to get rid of the Department of Education and give the states the rights to do that although he does think that there is a use to the Department of Education in some part because some states are going to screw it up so that was a little confusing by Donald Trump uh anyway then he says Trump's the loser uh America's not the loser we need to ban assault weapons demand Universal background cheap checks never thought he'd call a president a liar this much before says that uh Trump says Harris uh won't oh no no sorry this was a Reuters update Reuters update came in and said that Trump says Harris Won't Do the Fox News September 4th debate so no debate on the fourth on Fox uh Biden says that Trump killed the bipartisan infrastructure Bill oh sorry bipartisan that's not infrastructure bill it's the immigration bill that's true by the way he did Kill the immigration bill that is true uh the immigration Bill probably would have fully passed and gotten signed into law but Trump did kill that that that there's just no aans or but that that that is exactly what happened Donald Trump did not want that passing because it's a great thing for him to run on some people say Hey you know if you want Trump you're just kind of going to have to play the game so you can get Trump and then you can fix every you know that's what Pro Trump's folks say because even they agree yes Trump did kill it anyway um let's see here then uh Biden talks about Trump's uh tariff on China would cost American families up to $3,900 more per year uh this is based on Research from a left leaning organization that actually says $2,500 to $3,900 due to tariffs it's questionable there's definitely bias at the organization and they give a larger range Joe Biden then incorrectly says that billionaires pay less than 9% in taxes this is incorrect billionaires have an effective tax rate close to about 23.1% and the top 2% of Americans pay more than 70% of all Americans combined so the way Joe Biden manipulates this is by arguing that well had wealthy billionaires paid taxes on unrealized capital gains uh after the Great Recession then they would have paid more in taxes but because they didn't they now pay less than 9% in taxes but it's wait wait wait since when are we taxing unrealized capital gains this is this is just false Donald Trump wants to cut Social Security no no Donald Trump wants to eliminate taxes on Social Security benefits but yes that could make Social Security even less sustainable and if Social Security is less fiscally sustainable then yes Social Security could fail Donald Trump is unwilling to accept the election results says Joe Biden okay yeah that's also POS partially true Donald Trump did say that he would accept the election results if it's a fair legal and good election which is a pretty fat asteris so I hope you like my summary I'm kind of exhausted and I'm going to leave now so thank you so much for watching if you like this make sure to get uh Life Insurance within as little as 5 minutes and uh we'll see you in the next one thanks so much and goodbye oh go to for that it's a paid promotion thanks bye why not advertise these things that you told us here I feel like nobody else knows about this we'll we'll try a little advertising and see how it Go congratulations man you have done so much people love you people look up to you Kevin P there Financial an and YouTuber meet Kevin always great to get your take even though I'm a licensed financial adviser licensed real estate broker and becoming a stock broker this video is not personalized advice for you it is not tax legal or otherwise personalized advice tailored to you this video provides generalized perspective information and commentary any thirdparty content I show shall not be deemed endorsed by me this video is not and shall never be deemed reasonably sufficient information for the purposes of evaluating a security or investment decision any links or promoted products are either paid affiliations or products or Services we may benefit from I also personally operate an actively managed ETF I may personally hold or otherwise hold long or short positions in various Securities potentially including those mentioned in this video however I have no relationship to any issuer other than house Haack nor am I presently acting as a market maker make sure if you're considering investing in house Haack to always read the PPM at

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This guy has been cooked since 2020 and then immediately the media changes tunes saying biden's scile biden's this biden's that the media switches and changes up and then they usher in kamala they literally attempted a coup on biden and they were successful no one voted for kamala to be the democratic... Read more

Kenan Thompson and Mindy Kaling speak at the DNC thumbnail
Kenan Thompson and Mindy Kaling speak at the DNC

Category: News & Politics

What's up dnc all right y'all remember this big old book from before when colorado governor jared polus ripped a page out of it this is project 2025 the republican blueprint for a second trump term it is a yeah yeah boo it is a real document that you can you can read for yourself at kamah Read more

us election 2024 latest news live (VP DEBATE 1st OCT) #shortsfeed #trump #jdvance #uselections2024 thumbnail
us election 2024 latest news live (VP DEBATE 1st OCT) #shortsfeed #trump #jdvance #uselections2024

Category: Entertainment

Are you ready for the first october vp debate jd vance and tim walls have agreed to debate cbs will moderate with nora odonnell and margaret brennan see you on october 1st jd posted walls vance replied i look forward to seeing you don't miss out subscribe to our channel for more updates like and comment... Read more

Venezuelan Gangs Taking Over Apartments in Aurora #donaldtrump thumbnail
Venezuelan Gangs Taking Over Apartments in Aurora #donaldtrump

Category: News & Politics

Está [música] med [música] Read more