Nebraska Volleyball gets their schedule, Netflix QB show | Happy Hour: June 14th, 2023
Published: Jun 13, 2023
Duration: 01:56:27
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: nebraska volleyball schedule
interested in installing solar panels in Nebraska there's a name you need to know solar by Alpine electric is based out of Lincoln and you can be sure your project will be handled with care and detail because Rick the owner of solar by Alpine electric will be involved in the entire process from start to finish we are in REC Solar certified Pro installer and handle jobs in Lincoln and the surrounding area let us show you real-time results in your area call Rick today at 402-440-4371 solar by Alpine Electric guys it's that time again another 10 week challenge at Farrell's extreme body shaping is starting on July 8th I joined pharaohs a little over a year ago and with their help I've lost over 125 pounds and can confidently say I'm in the best shape of my life the 10 week challenge combines kickboxing strength training and nutrition coaching in a way that is approachable and achievable for any skill level and ticket listeners you can get 150 off the cost of enrollment head to and click on the banner on the homepage to learn more barrels extreme body shaving at 70th and Vine or 40th and Yankee Hill this is Bud steinhorst president and CEO of liba the Lincoln Independent Business Association join us every Saturday from 9 to 10 a.m on 93 7 the ticket for the liba business hour as we discuss local business and highlight those who are thriving in the Lincoln area it's the liba business hour Saturdays from 9 to 10 a.m on 93 7 the ticket and if you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide or experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis call 988 for free confidential and compassionate support on July 16th the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is trading to 988 there is hope for 24 7 support all text chat 988 sponsored by Nebraska DHHS aired with the Nebraska broadcast Association this is the happy hour that you live from the heart of Lincoln America yeah maybe I'll go for a couple here are your hosts Nick I want to know what it's like to commit a crime without having to spend time in jail an Enrique El Perez clearing C is for Junk brought to you by Empire fencing netting um please get in the [Music] welcome in happy Wednesday this is the happy hour 93 7 the ticket the you're sitting there going Nick the happy hour doesn't start until 1pm well when you have Rico and you have myself and it's an hour earlier and we're gonna be here for the one to two hour anyway we say why not just make a two-hour happy hour and so with that myself Nick standards we'll go ahead and bring in my partner in crime radio Rico Enrique Alvarez Clary hello hello how's the day uh so far pretty good we got our motor food out there got some uh some uh what was it uh sloppy joe mac and cheese pulled pork mac and cheese and there's a new a chili is that what the chili with onions is I believe that's what it is okay I haven't gotten mine yet but I am excited to try it so that that's going to be something that we're gonna I mean maybe we try it on air I mean we have two hours to work with you we do have to this is a first it's not a first this is the first with our happy hour music it's the first two hour happy hour it's not the first time we've been on for two hours together well we've definitely done two straight hours of radio together but not a two-hour happy hour that's right um the five is different it is The Vibes as they say I guess are Immaculate never thought I'd say that but here we are 402 464-5685 the Honda Lincoln hotline and the starter Heyman text line both those open for you guys got a loaded Loaded show for you guys on a Wednesday obviously the College World Series starts in just a couple days yeah yes um and we're gonna be out there Rico so this kind of goes in in line with the text that we just received from long skirt that says I like how Nick said that since he's graduated he's not going to be skipping or ditching any days but one week later he ditches two days just right away here's the deal immediately yesterday out of my control whatever and you understand that you decided to go I was working I was working that's why you could have called in hadn't I could have but you didn't I could have called in you know from the 93 7 the ticket van with Jake Sorensen driving on Interstate 80. driving back to Lincoln and you know what you didn't do offer I mean this wholeheartedly it was not intentional whatever when I left after the drive I did not think oh yeah it'll take a little bit longer just heartbroken but okay we weren't expecting an entire tour of the place and hey when when Eric from blur party says hey you guys want a tour you don't say no a tour of a tour of what Nick everything I think you should tell the people tell the people I think you should tell the people okay I I went off on a little tangent earlier this morning on the drive and I can happily do it again because all right ahead the floor is yours we're gonna be out there on Friday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday the Hilton Omaha is the place to be um so shout out to shout out to Hilton shout out to the Border parties and blur events for having us out there um we're gonna be out there from 10 a.m to 6 p.m officially blur is going to be hosting a tailgate and so with that it was interesting the probably the best part of the tour Rico was as as Eric uh part of blur parties was walking Jake and I threw out he goes we want it's he said they have a term for it it's like attitude or mood pockets is how they set up their tents a mood pie mood pocket and what it is is basically the room is is unofficially divided into different moods sounds like a knockoff Hot Pocket okay anyway you sit outside if you want to be on the outside party area there's cornhole there's beer pong there's a cooling tub there's TVs there's couches there's everything there's a hammock there's a hammock okay I'm gonna be in that hammock so all day so anyway so if you're feeling like the more party outdoorsy mood that's the place to be okay then you move inside and there's more of a chill relaxed Vibe within it feels like you're indoor there's misting fans you can cool off there's recliners there's couches there's sofas plenty of of 4K TVs hung up on the wall as well 4K special they're special brand new they said and then they're inside there's also the the bar there's the buffet there's everything you need to uh get your fill while you are guess what just a block south of Charles Schwab field a nice easy walk easy walk slight jaunt you're a block away from The Old Mattress Factory so if you want to go get your your Dancing On In The Mattress Factory you can are they are you dancing in the Mattress Factory well I mean you're standing there jumping up and down I think that's what the kids call dancing nowadays pretty sure that at the Mattress Factory they're selling bats and gloves that is no so I should say Mattress Factory during the day selling bats there's vendors yeah Mattress Factory at night there's a cover charge there's people alcohol jumping and there's there's Muse and that's what you call dancing nowadays I think I think that's what they call it is that what the youths call dancing okay have you ever been to the Brass Rail Rico no I haven't Nick neither have I Nick that's right neither have I I've been to the Brass Rail before well I haven't been to the Brass Rail lately well I mean I I have not so I'm 20 I'm sitting here 22. yeah you're young haven't been to the Brass Rail you're a young pup and I I don't need to go I remember when I was 22 years old yeah yeah married already right uh engaging towards it yeah engagement okay yeah nice well anyway so we'll be out there Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday and perhaps the best part because we all know LSU they bring a ton of fans it's Omaha's team right and they love it they love to party LSU and Wake Forest are the two teams with all of their fans all of their alumni boosters all that those are the two teams that are staying at that hotel and they're going to be a part of the tailgate and Wake Forest hasn't been to Omaha since like the 50s but they've hit like 112 home runs this season so I mean they're just they hit so big fan of that everybody loves the long ball so um anyway it's gonna be a great time come on out hang out with us blur parties 12 12th and Cass streets is the official like block of the tailgate but it's hard to miss it because it's the biggest tent out there um Rico we got a text that says who's your guys's College World Series picks and why um and I don't know yet I'd have to look more into the team which I'm going to do it somewhere we're hoping to get more clarity because we can't tell you guys what's gonna we have two hours of a show today yeah so we got plenty to get to SEC kind of scheduling came out uh like some leaks are happening the 2024 schedules are gonna be released tonight George's schedule Georgia it's very different from what they're going to face in 2023. they will not for Pete no we're going to talk we're going to talk Husker volleyball schedule because that was released as well finally the season starts like next month it doesn't actually but it feels like it starts like next month isn't it September yeah no no no no their third game of the year they will be 3-0 going into volleyball day in Nebraska careful now they will because they will be 3-0 going into volleyball day that's August 30th that's true it's just super I mean they announced football schedules for 2024 2025 uh you know like a couple weeks ago yeah and volleyball for their season this year just got their schedule yeah so anyway thanks after that we'll talk um there's a there's a really cool documentary going to be coming out on July 12th and basically if you've ever seen qb1 the Netflix series where it like follows around High School quarterbacks going through the recruitment process and takes them like through every game Friday nights they're basically doing that with NFL quarterbacks excited we got like a teaser a couple months back about it like hey these are the three quarterbacks Patrick Mahomes Kirk Cousins and Marcus Mariota that's a weird three but I'm down yeah yeah very weird three um but it's just like quarterback qb1 because if you ever watch that show they have like one really good guy like a five-star Spencer Rattler through High School Tate Martell Jake Fromm tayden and so you had like those guys and then you had a middle of the road person that would go to like yeah it's a power five school but not an Alabama Georgia Clemson like a Vanderbilt quarterback yeah Iowa state was on there oh Brock pretty nope it was uh real Mitchell ah from from the same I've heard that name fun fact fun fact to real Mitchell real Mitchell at St John Bosco he was the starting quarterback in high school over djangalole from Clemson that checks out uh took real Mitchell's starting spot at St John Bosco despite real Mitchell being in like a three years three-year captain and he was going to Iowa State Mitchell ends up transferring away from Iowa State once he gets there after a couple years and now youngale also transferred out of Clemson to go to Oregon State he just likes the color orange so pretty pretty crazy stuff but then probably the most exciting I'm really excited for this one we're going to be joined at 1 30 or around that time by Aaron Fit of so obviously those guys over there at extremely busy uh with the College World Series quickly approaching but we're going to preview the College World Series at 1 30 with Aaron Fit of you can check them out on Twitter um it's just at Aaron Fit or Aaron Fit And so once again it's of and so Rico yes first of all let's talk the Netflix documentary because we only have a couple minutes left here in the segment okay and we don't have much we just have the the clips that we shared so we're not exactly sure exactly everything they're going to cover but we do know like you said the quarterbacks uh Mahomes cousins and Mariota which again a weird three because it's Mariota with the Falcons um because it's covering this last season so you're getting you know them on the field them in practices and training uh going over a film study which in the in the clip that they shared Patrick Mahomes is talking about you know we have one game plan one week and a completely different game plan and and and plays for the next week and it's just ridiculous because it showed kind of what they were writing down while they're watching film and it's just breaking things down and there's no way in there's no way my small brain would be able to comprehend everything that they're going through but getting to see you know this last season especially Patrick Williams dealt with that that ankle injury um Kirk Cousins dealt with I think it was like a rib injury for a portion of the season and Marcus Mariota just dealing with a rough season with the Atlanta Falcons where they decided that they were going to turn their highly athletic tight end into a blocker not a passcatcher and he ended up getting benched at some point during the season for Desmond Rooter it's going to be a really interesting watch to see how those three got through this season and obviously the Super Bowl run for Patrick Mahomes yeah I mean it's going to be it's going to be real popular stepped up their game with some of the documentaries that they've released oh yeah over over I mean obviously like the qb1 it's on a high school scale so like it's not maybe as engaging to so many you know of the older audience still pretty high level though but it's still like produced and edited and directed well um and I'm trying to think of some more you know obviously like the mantao The Untold Stories the Manti Teo one was really interesting about the girlfriend who was it wasn't a girlfriend and catfished him or whatever it was and so like that was super interesting all those untold stories are really fascinating to watch obviously full swing is going to be big for a couple years um I know you don't care about it but that's going to be huge because a lot of people do in the PGA area in the golf world now when it comes out it's going to be crazy how well okay it's going to be what was everybody's reaction when the live and PGA because they were recording to merge because they were recording it up filming yeah they were filming at the people's houses when that news dropped yeah when they found out on their phones just like everybody else and so the producer of full swing came out and was like listen we get lucky sometimes because we'll just pick a random day like a random Wednesday and be like hey we're gonna film at your house with your family this day for three hours and they said we just got super lucky that that it all came out right when we were filming whose house they were at no unfortunately what if they're rories if they're at Rory's it'd be pretty Electric so now I mean now that now what's also crazy Rico is it was announced yesterday that the PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan has been just absent with a medical issue and so he's been like temporary temporary temporarily excuse me relieved of all duties because of this medical issue that's dangerous just days after the live and the PGA Tour decided to merge I also would have a well of what could be happening but in terms of um the implications of Live And PGA I too would have a medical emergency yeah so um all right let's go ahead let's take our break now when we come back we we dive into Husker volleyball schedule a little bit once again you get two hours of myself and Rico it's basically a two-hour happy hour here uh 402-464-5685 you guys can get in touch with the show the Honda Lincoln hotline the starter Heyman text line as well as the starter Heyman Jewelers video stream Facebook YouTube twitch Twitter it's a loaded show stick around we'll be right back on the happy hour on the ticket follow Nick and Enrique on Twitter at Nick underscore singer and at Radio Rico AC more of y'all dot com Generation V opening a new location at 27th and Superior Generation V join us this Saturday during our grand opening sale everything is buy one get one free mix and match between Vape Delta 8 and Kratom or buy two of your favorites for the price of one buy one else bar disposable get one free buy premium thca flour get a free glass pie you decide what to BOGO this Saturday this Saturday at 27th and Superior in Lincoln generation what's the most important thing more horse is Steve Lincoln the people the people who come to play and the people who make it all possible our team of Trailblazers are the spirit behind everything we do join the War Horse Casino family for a one-of-a-kind career we're looking for driven individuals for our team in areas such as accounting cashiering currency drop and count food and beverage housekeeping and more our team members are eligible for insurance and earn paid time off from day one not to mention paid holidays 401K matching discounts on meals 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learn more Trails extreme body shaving at 70th and Vine or 40th and Yankee Hill Mary Ellen's food for the soul Smoked Meats amazing sides the only problem when they fix you a plate is that at some point that plate will be empty but hear me out what if that plate was never empty that dream can be your reality with the Mary Ellen's Express lunch buffet from 11 to 2 every Wednesday Thursday Friday and even Saturday One Price all you can eat and it even comes with a drink tell your boss you're taking a long lunch and get down there Mary Ellen's food for the Soul at 29th and Pine Lake let them fix you a plate you're listening to the happy hour with Nick sayner this is a house learning doctors and Enrique Alvarez Clary lose your eyes shut up 93 7 the ticket and the welcome back into the show Nixon go joining you I got a good show planned for you once again Husker volleyball finally released their schedule we saw um there's some some teases going out on Netflix about a quarterback documentary involving Patrick Mahomes Kirk Cousins and Marcus Mariota that we talked about in the first segment we also have uh some SEC scheduling because Georgia they're not going to have such a cakewalk in 2024 as they do in 2023 and more importantly uh 1 30 today we'll be joined by Aaron Fit of to preview the College World Series and with that just as a heads up and to as in a way to get ready we're going to be orchestrating a poll so we you guys know this we got a new we got a new text line we did a couple weeks ago shout out to the net tax line and as we are navigating the new functions and the excitement around this new text line this is like Christmas day I just wanna I just want to make that clear with the text line it's like Christmas Day if you get a new one or you find out something new that you can do with it and so and we just want to try it out we found something that we can do with it and that is creating and conducting polls and so it's the days of me or Rico saying hey go over to our Twitter and vote on the poll are gone we know all you folks that text in but also not totally gone because we'll still do that we know all you folks at texted and the good news is that now we can conduct polls through our text line so it'll be something as simple as hey guess what well we have two options you choose NBA or NHL you type in NBA you send a text just like you would with any other message or opinion that you want to send in and it's a way that we're able to count and see we can get live updates on what the what the poll update is like so we're gonna do that later this afternoon um later in the show with with a couple questions oh it's gonna be great it's gonna be a lot of fun and so we'll do that here 402 464-5685 the Honda Lincoln hotline the starter Heyman text line Rico Craig chimes in that says great two-hour show how long before it goes off the rails never will I'm guessing around the end of the first hour you'll be talking about condiments on food topping on ice cream or creepy mascot costumes I feel like I feel like creepy mascot costumes is a really good topic just a couple weeks before football season to find creepy Purdue Pete okay I also think in a in a way we can't go too far can't go too far down the rabbit hole here you can't prove it we can't prove Craig right but I also think the Syracuse Orange is a little no freaky you leave Auto alone the Syracuse tree is freaky okay well it's made of like I really want to do this it's made of like paper bags we are conflicted we are morally conflicted than ever yeah we have to do it like halfway through the second hour so so we should see what we could do for a pull you know what we might just be able to do this on the fly all right do it now I might just be able to do this on the fly if I can okay let's see if I remember this Who's the creepiest man what is the creepiest mascot is it it's pretty we have to have two or three options Purdue Syracuse Stanford Purdue Syracuse Stanford okay don't send it in yet not yet hold on don't send it in yet we're gonna ask for it here in a moment it's polling there it is I gotta figure out this is learning on the Fly we had training earlier today and we're gonna it's gonna be good okay so we're getting ourselves under control we're gonna delete that poll because that was the one for training okay create a poll name a poll um let's see creepiest mascot um there it is all right that's what we want option based pull options Purdue Syracuse Stanford Stanford all right there it is that's all we need um so you have to text in one of those words okay your vote has been recorded let's see if this works I'm I'm really fascinated by this see if it works it's just like Christmas stuff bug eaters right all right Utah State the wheat stock is kind of creepy too all right create pull it's it's out there so send in creepiest mascot Purdue Syracuse or Stanford let us know 402-464-5685 you don't have to uh you don't have to worry about going to my Twitter you're more than welcome to Nick underscore sayinger at Radio Rico AC you're more than welcome to I should but now you can choose and just straight up text in this the name is it I don't know if it's working I didn't go through here we can we can check it out right here let's just I gotta go back to the screen I saw one hold on view results holy smokes it's working is it holy cow it's working so it options uh or it updates every 10 seconds so I'm expecting to get quite a few more results here in in about 10 seconds or so but um it looks like right now Purdue is winning Purdue Stanford Syracuse Syracuse has zero votes so maybe I'm out on the orange maybe that's just a personal thing for me he's cute it's a little orange yeah maybe maybe a little orange ball walking around um yeah so hopefully that continues to work I mean they're all better than Herbie yep updates looks like wow Stanford's winning I know I'm not wrong except for the Stanford tree the Stanford tree is not better than Herbie Stanford is currently winning yeah of course it is 26 to 24 votes it's weird there's a lot of people listening um anyway oh gosh gotta watch what I say oh my goodness wait stop we can't go off the rails we can't prove Craig right yes yes Craig you are still wrong you didn't actually do that and Craig I I do appreciate you listening though like that that does that we do appreciate it um yeah I think it's it's got to be okay Purdue Peter Stanford tree we do have a vote for Syracuse that person is just feeling bad for you or you voted yourself I don't know I have not I don't know how you did it yep we have not voted so anyway that'll close at one o'clock and we are 12 45 that'll close at 12 45. okay from now until 12 45 you guys can send in uh your your vote for creepiest mascot Purdue Syracuse or Stanford currently Stanford has a five vote lead you can only vote once so if you've already voted that's too bad Purdue is start slowly starting to climb Syracuse has also gotten a couple votes so that's that's pretty that's something pretty cool but uh we'll keep you updated um we're not getting into how the little red stuff uh because you guys know how I feel about little red and you know how I feel about little red I do um and we can't get down this road we're not doing anything what were we talking about Netflix no we talked about Netflix we're talking Husker volleyball schedule yes perfect the Husker volleyball schedule was released today the Big Ten well all of the Big Ten volleyball schedules were released today and uh Nebraska volleyball make you make sure I can get back to this so I can tell you guys exactly what's going on um has some pretty interesting home matches um August 30th as we all know is volleyball day inside Memorial Stadium where they'll be playing Omaha September 6th in-state rival Creighton yes okay State rival Creighton comes to the Bob September 9th a kind of a welcome home party as Long Beach State and former associate head coach Tyler hilderbrand come to the Bob and then September 17th Kentucky and former Nebraska assistant coach Craig Skinner come into Nebraska to play but um overall it's a pretty nice looking schedule obviously the Big Ten slate is uh interesting although they do end their season with three straight away games three straight road games as they go to Iowa to Wisconsin and to Minnesota the uh before those last two well last season those last two games would have been very um very daunting I know Wisconsin's still slightly daunting just because Nebraska hasn't found a way to beat them in their last I want to say eight matchups it could I could be wrong about that but it's been a while since Nebraska's beating Wisconsin in volleyball and then Minnesota has just always been kind of right up there with the with the powers that be in in Big Ten volleyball however their coach stepped down after last season so they have a new coach up with the Golden Gopher so that's something they're going to be going through sort of a transition phase where Wisconsin's also kind of going through a transition after um losing a bunch of their star players um kind of it happened after last season and they were still pretty solid but um or after two seasons ago but they were still pretty solid but um Wisconsin again the last three games Iowa Wisconsin Minnesota uh their first away game they go to Kansas State on September 3rd and they will go travel to Stanford on September 12th so that's going to be a really interesting matchup we don't have times or TV networks quite yet because the schedule was just dropped we sh well I don't even want to say we should that this volleyball schedule should have came out a long time ago so I'm not even you seem pretty mad about that it's ridic this season starts in two months but no matter what whether they have a schedule or not they're still going to play the 2020 the 2024 and 25 football schedule came out okay okay we're not wearing we are not bringing this in a football versus volleyball what no you're scheduling the Big Ten schedule you have the Big Ten football schedule already three years in advance but you can't release the 23 schedule for volleyball well it's a big deal the volleyball was a big deal I just you just seem a little I'm a little too frustrated you're just you're real salty about this I'm not sure why a little bit I'm not I'm not sure why you're so salty about it because it should have been out oh it should have been out a while ago we should have been preparing we should have the TV schedule should have released today that's what it is there's a very good chance that the the the coaches no and they just don't release it yet publicly Big Ten didn't know they just finished it they just finished throwing darts at 8 30 this morning together ridiculous I I have a feeling that no they've definitely known as Wisconsin did that yeah Tennessee Titans a little over over that's still over pissed off it's dumb it should have been out a while ago you're trying to bury it with the College World Series this is a big deal nobody's trying to bury him who's trying to bury it with it the big Ten's not in the College World Series he's got Utah State to start off on August 25th I'm done with you lip scum you know you know it makes no sense and SMU on the 27th just three straight home matches then you get two days off and then you have your volleyball day in Nebraska inside Memorial Stadium and also the concert with a guy uh at the end of the volleyball yeah that say his name I'm not saying his name why are you so disrespectful it's not disrespectful I don't like him jeez everybody else could like him that's just my my personal opinion you like Scotty McCreery she doesn't know who's Scotty McCreery that's okay know who he is be respectful say his name when you know his name if you truly didn't know his name I don't know his name 's name who's performing is his name Scott y Scotland I I do wonder if what is Patty short for nobody actually names their kid Scotty right is Scotty a nickname is his name actually Scott no I'm pretty sure it's his actual name is Scotty McCreery nope how about that Scott Cook McCreery I told you his name was Scott I knew it Memorial Stadium handshake Emoji nobody that's not good for him oh no Scott oh boy all right Craig you're still wrong this is not off the rails this is all purposeful we actually talked about stuff yeah so you're gonna get your first your first uh regular season view of this uh very young Nebraska volleyball team against Utah State again three straight home matches Utah State Lipscomb and SMU two days off then you get Omaha then you head on the road to Kansas State um then like I said two pivotal two two pretty important home matches after that with Creighton and Long Beach State then you go to Stanford Kentucky then you start your Big Ten slate uh with Ohio State inside the Bob and Minnesota inside the Bob um that Friday and Sunday September 22nd 24th then nice four four game Road Trip two at home another road three at home two on the road three at home and then you end at Iowa at Wisconsin at Minnesota and then you know you'll have your first and second rounds inside the Bob for the NCAA tournament not going on the road they aren't now those first few especially now Jordan Larson on staff hired until July when the new rule goes into effect and then she will join the team after September or like late September because she will be training to be on the 2024 Olympic team because she wants one more Olympics she wants to go to Paris play for the Team USA in the Olympics uh one more time so she'll be with them for a while after July but then she'll be off I don't remember where um with the with Team USA training for the Olympics in mid-september get a couple matches into to make the Olympic team and then she'll join the team again um up until obviously she won't be with them in the summer because she'll be on the Olympic team I mean what a trio though when she is around and present right with Jordan Larson Kelly Hunter and Jalen Reyes and then guess what led by John Cook obviously just unbelievable so we tell him a better coaching staff you can't exactly yeah probably I mean for not from top to bottom you can't um and with that in mind I mean even the Husker not to not to trade you know change Sports Husker baseball's got quite the trio now too yeah with with Lance harvelle Rob Childress and Mike siriani led by Will bolt and they got unlike Husker volleyball Nebraska baseball needs answers and our needs needs results as well these next couple years let's take another break we'll update you on the poll scariest Mass mascot excuse me if you have not voted all you have to do is send in the name of the team in the text line 402-464-5685 if you have not voted on the creepiest mascot whether that's Purdue Syracuse or Stanford those are the three options for the creepiest mascot in college athletics 402-464-568-5 is the phone number we'll be right back to end out uh hour number one of the happy hour today on 93 7 the ticket download our app by searching 93.7 the ticket in your app door to stay in touch and listen all day long wherever you are more power is next on 92 weeks and the usually to get a Skybox view of a Nebraska football game you need to be a drone a hawk or a fighter jet but sitting in an actual Skybox is a lot more comfortable so entering the battery is Lucky for Life ticket snap until July 10th by a Lucky for Life ticket and enter for a chance to win Nebraska football Sky by season picks or other great deprived sure jets are cool but there's nothing room Lucky for Life top prize odds 1 in 30 million are you here for the job interview I just saw that ad that said I hear start at 8 A.M and spend the day dreaming about all the millions you could win playing Mega Millions from the Nebraska Lottery I'm good at that we want people with big imaginations not just the usual yachts and exotic vacations like a City built without see houses over dogs you're hired Mega Millions top prize odds one in 302 million if you're interested in installing solar panels in Nebraska there's a name you need to know solar by Alpine electric is based out of Lincoln and you can be sure your project will be handled with care and detail because Rick the owner of solar by Alpine electric will be involved in the entire process from start to finish we're an REC Solar certified Pro installer and handle jobs in Lincoln and the surrounding area let us show you real-time results in your area call Rick today at 402-440-4371 solar by Alpine Electric what's the most important thing about War Horse Casino Lincoln the people the people who come to play and the people who make it all possible our team of Trailblazers are the spirit behind everything we do join the War Horse Casino family for a one-of-a-kind career we're looking for driven individuals for our team in areas such as accounting cashiering currency drop and count food and beverage housekeeping and more our team members are eligible for insurance and earn paid time off from day one not to mention paid holidays 401K matching discounts on meals and the opportunity to advance at a growing company if you're ready to blaze the trail come to our next career fair on June 15th we'll be interviewing on the spot from 4 to 7 p.m at the war horse gaming office located at 3730 South 14th Street in Lincoln fill out your application ahead of time to expedite the process and view all open positions at get in the game today Generation V opening a new location at 27th and Superior Generation V join us this Saturday during our grand opening sale everything is buy one get one free makes a match between Vape Delta 8 and Kratom or buy two of your favorites for the price of one buy one else bar disposable get one free buy premium thca flour get a free glass pie you decide what to BOGO this Saturday Generation V don't miss the grand opening sale this Saturday at 27th and Superior in Lincoln generation Ethan continues and addicted chemical too many people believe that chronic pain allergies or illness are permanent and something you're stuck with Novotny nutrition Wellness has been proven that narrative run for 29 years and changing lives for the better in the process their team is trained in the newest most advanced pain relieving techniques and ways to deal with toxins allergies pollution and emotion that make you ill call today for a free consultation at 531-254-5695 or go to Novotny Novotny nutrition and wellness located at 7 and Superior are you working in or looking to get into the electrical construction industry the Electrical Workers of Local Union 265 are now hiring licensed Journeymen and apprentices and are offering great pay and benefits call Mike at 402 seven five zero three four start your electrical career today hey it's nicklin Haynes from Nebraska volleyball I hate wasting time and practice and I want to help you stop wasting your time when you're looking for an electrician High electric has been serving the area for over 30 years for both residential and Commercial properties they are experts in everything like remodeling new additions hot tub installation and more and they take jobs from Beatrice to Omaha and all towns big or small in between call them today at 402-466-6606 or learn more at hi it's Charlie Stone again and with me on the line Andy Goodyear general manager of Honda of Lincoln Andy I know how proud you and everyone at the dealership are to earn the prestigious Honda president's award year after year 17 times tell our listeners what it means to you and your customers thanks Charlie yeah all of us are extremely proud to have earned this and I want all of our customers to know it's not just earned by one person's efforts it's the entire dealership sales parts and our amazing service department 17 times wow how does that foreign excellence we really do strive to go above and get also cuttings before and after the sale Charlie that's why for 2022 Honda of Lincoln is once again Nebraska's number one volume Honda dealer come experience the Honda of Lincoln way of doing business 2017 Yankee Hill Road or online at working at Continental and Lincoln isn't a job it's a career and right now they've raised wages again and they're hiring for production operators at 24.11 cents per hour which grows to 28.27 per hour within three years skilled trade positions now start at 32.76 per hour with opportunities to make more based on certifications Continental also has salary jobs available and great benefits plus medical and prescription costs at very low premiums dental vision and life insurance are offered at no Premium cost to the associates with increased bonuses and vacation for new hires to learn more to apply go to with keyword Lincoln come work at Continental today guys it's that time again another 10 week barrels extreme body shaping is starting on July 8th I joined pharaohs a little over a year go and with their help I've lost over 125 pounds and can confidently say I'm in the best shape of my life the technical challenge combines kickboxing strength training and nutrition coaching in a way that is approachable and achievable for any skill level and ticket listeners you can get 150 off the cost of enrollment head to and click on the banner on the homepage to learn more Farrell's eXtreme body shaving at 70th and Vine or 40th and Yankee Hill veterans do you know what local state and federal benef Services you're eligible to receive do you want help navigating the application or appeals process speak to your County veterans Service Officer or the Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs State service office to see what's available to you and your family you've served our country now let us serve you visit today sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs aired with the Nebraska broadcasters Association and this station you're listening to the happy hour with Nick seanert I vomited last night and Enrique Alvarez Clary I literally vomited I threw up on 93 7 the ticket and the [Music] well congratulations Rico because the Stanford Cardinal have won the poll it actually worked really well I'm glad that we have a pull system now no congratulations needed because I knew I was going to win with because it's a creepy Tree Syracuse got a couple votes which is good still third place still third place for the loser Purdue lost by two votes so it's disappointing but nice job thanks to everybody for voting we'll do that more often now because here's the deal is we have the access now we have the ability we have the technology we have a pulling app um so I think what we're also going to do it's so cold what we're also going to do here in the in a little bit we're gonna have some taste testing on air we are because if you haven't noticed in the corner of my screen if you're watching on the starter Heyman Jewelers live video stream we have one Megan Walker yes of Nebraska track and field who has joined us in studio she's learned in some things we're teaching her some knowledge or at least attempting to and uh we do have motor food here Rico is the teacher just says disclaimer I think it was the teacher in this case I am the Sensei um we have some delicious motor food here so uh here shortly we might uh see if Megan wants to try some delicious motor food well I was kind of hoping that we all could do it no just her just her yeah okay no we'll all no we'll all do it we'll all do it we'll all try it we'll all give our thoughts I'll try motor food yeah so once again is it regular mac and cheese uh sloppy joe mac and cheese pulled pork yup and chili yeah I'm really interested in the chili we're gonna have to try the chili one especially 100 so we'll we'll during this uh commercial break we'll we'll divvy it all up but just to give you guys an update or just a look into the future of what's gonna happen in the one o'clock hour it's gonna be myself and Rico once again uh Megan will join us while we while we talk about motor food and tell you guys why you need to head over there it's actually just down the road from our current station right now right uh real close behind Outback Steakhouse in that little strip mall there so make sure you make you make your way over to motor food for lunch it's delicious we had the nachos that we had last week were so good those were fantastic Nachos and Tacos it was it was so delicious I still can't get over so we had the fire cracker fire bird sandwich yeah firebird firebird sandwich yep and the hot sauce that was on there it's like house-made hot sauce I believe is what he said that hot sauce was fantastic yeah there's a lot of good things that come out of motor food I just want that I just want that in a bottle and then I'll put that on my Mac and Cheese oh well there you go I'm sure I'm sure we have we we could we could make that happen you think he'll do it I think if you ask nicely he'd be okay I have to take my own bottle can I can I take my own bottle I don't know anyway so in the one o'clock hour uh we're gonna we definitely are gonna talk about um SEC scheduling Stefan Diggs also by the way is he there yet he did you hear why he missed no Josh Allen came out and was like listen there's an internal matter within the roster like the teammates and we're dealing with it that's why he didn't show up then why didn't the coach know and why was she highly concerned yeah so it's internal so it becomes more of a question of like who's lying well Fawn Diggs going to be a part of Buffalo this season right and then fine Diggs isn't in Buffalo I am not as scared as Buffalo well it's that but then how much more of a priority does DeAndre Hopkins become to Buffalo the under Hopkins is going to New England I don't care I don't all right yeah whatever anybody's saying they're lying well you know it's been in New England for two days so so our guest at 1 30 is from the New England area perfect Aaron Fit of D1 baseball will join us at 1 30. he'll preview the College World Series tell us all you need to know some somebody on the text line I forgot they're I forgot who it was um we gotta scroll up quite a ways you guys have been great by the way today in this 12 o'clock hour you guys are fantastic um but either way they uh he he was mentioning or he asked us the College World Series picks we'll get Aaron's College World Series picks uh once again so Aaron Fit from D1 baseball will join us at 1 30. you can also follow him on Twitter at Aaron fit f-i-t-t on the Twitter sphere as well so we'll go ahead and we'll get out of here when we come back we'll go ahead and tell you all about motor food a little bit more and take you up to the two o'clock hour when we get you ready for On the Block with stricken Austin coming up next 93 7 the ticket follow Nick and Enrique on Twitter at Nick underscore standard and radio Rico AC More of happy hour is next on 93.7 the ticket and Generation V opening a new location area Generation V join us this Saturday during our grand opening sale everything is buy one get one free mix and match between Vape Delta 8 and Kratom or buy two of your favorites for the price buy one else bar disposable get one free buy premium thca flour get a free glass pie you decide what to BOGO this Saturday Generation V don't miss the grand opening sale this Saturday at 27th and Superior in Lincoln generation you can continue to see nicotine is an addictive chemical this is Bud's signhorst president and CEO of liba the Lincoln Independent Business Association join us at every set from 9 to 10 a.m on 93 7 the ticket for the liba business hour as we discuss local business and highlight those who are thriving in the Lincoln area it's to leave a business hour Saturdays from 9 to 10 a.m on 93 7 the ticket and what's the most important thing the people the people who come to play and the people who make it all possible our team of Trailblazers are the spirit behind everything you do join the War Horse Casino family for a one-of-a-kind career we're looking for driven individuals for our team in areas such as accounting cashiering currency drop and count food and beverage housekeeping and more our team members are eligible for insurance and earn paid time off from day one not to mention paid holidays 401K matching discounts on meals and the opportunity to advance at a growing company if you're ready to blaze the trail come to our next career fair on June 15th we'll be interviewing on the spot from 4 to 7 p.m at the war horse gaming office located at 3730 South 14th Street in Lincoln fill out your application ahead of time to expedite the process and view all open positions at get in the game today the weather is hot the kids are out of school and you're on your way to the lake in summer road trips are you getting your vacation spot comfortably or is your car letting you down Mullen motor slot is full of great vehicles to take home so you don't have to worry about your current car barely surviving another road trip come check out their lot just north of 48th and Layton and find your next ride of Summer road trips and Beyond Mullen Motors does quality vehicles well I noticed working at Continental in Lincoln isn't a job it's a career and right now now they've raised weight again and they're hiring for production operators at 24.11 cents per hour which grows to 28.27 per hour within three years skilled trade positions now start 32.76 per hour with opportunities to make more based on certifications Continental also has salary jobs available and great benefits plus medical prescription costs at very low premiums dental vision and life insurance are offered at no Premium cost to the associates with increased bonuses and vacation for new hives to learn more or to apply go to Continental with keyword Lincoln come work at Continental today wall-to-wall Wine and Spirits is now open in Lincoln shop our expansive collection of wine beers spirits and cigars at 5040 North 27th street from top shelf liquor to crowd favorite beer wall-to-wall Wine and Spirits has a coverage for every taste and every budget plus join our loyalty program to earn rewards and save on future purchases shop wall-to-wall wine and spirit appearance at 5040 North 27th Street in Lincoln at 5040 North 27th Street veterans do you know what local state and federal benefits and services you're eligible to receive do you want help navigating the application or appeals process speak to your County veterans Service Officer or the Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs State service office to see what's available to you and your family you served our Country Now let you visit today sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs aired with the Nebraska broadcasters Association and the station start your Sundays off right with Jeff and Nicole essing on Fitness Fanatics Jeff and Nicole discuss health and wellness how to achieve fitness goals and more Little Gym owners and gym goers it's Fitness Fanatics from 9 to 11 A.M on Sundays on 93 7 the ticket and the there's a lot of realtors in Lincoln but don't put all the names Ben bleicher with professional realtor group at Berkshire Hathaway Ambassador real estate is your go-to option when buying or selling residential and commercial property team offers unbeatable promises to make the buying and selling process as stress-free as possible call Ben today at 402-419-6309 real estate needs Berkshire Hathaway ambassador of the state no pressure just professionalism hi it's Charlie Stone again and with me on the line Andy Goodyear general manager of Honda of Lincoln Andy I know how proud you and everyone at the dealership are to earn the prestigious Honda president's award year after year 17 times tell our listeners what it means to you and your customers thanks Charlie yeah all of us are extremely proud to have earned this award and I want all of our customers to know it's not just earned by one person's effort it's the entire dealership sales parts and our amazing service department 15 times wow how does that compare to other Honda dealers this award is only given to the most elite dealerships that demonstrate Excellence we really do strive to go above and beyond for the ultimate customer experience before and after the sale Charlie that's why for 2022 Honda of link is once again Nebraska's number one volume 100 dealer because business 27. 93 7 the ticket Fox kfxl Weather brought to you by Bryant Air Conditioning Heating oh and plumbing sunny and warm for our Wednesday a high of around 88 winds will be light and somewhat variable mainly clear tonight A Low Down to around 60. we will heat up even more as we get into our Thursday Sunny light south wind at around 10 and a high of 93. I'm a urologist Tim Wright from 93.7 the ticket and the [Music] this is Lincoln's home for Sports Talk on the FM dial the home of Kansas City Royals baseball kmtk FM 93 7 the ticket this is the happy hour you guys want a happy hour coming at you live from the heart of Lincoln America I'll go for a couple here are your hosts Nick I want to know what it's like to commit a crime without having to spend time in jail an Enrique Alvarez clearing C is for Junk brought to you by Empire fencing netting a 93.7 a ticket in the [Music] hour number two of the happy hour that's right hour number two that's weird here we are though we got it for the next couple weeks while box out yeah so box hanging out at the College World Series doing his work so um anyway hour number two of the happy hour 93 7 the ticket the 402-464-5685 the Honda Lincoln hotline and the starter Heyman text line as well as the starter Heyman Jewelers video stream Facebook YouTube twitch and Twitter as well as aloe Channel 951 if you want to watch us on your television sets um and now is the time probably to make your way over to the starter Heyman Jewelers video stream because we are going to taste test some motor food right and you ask us what is motor food well the fine folks over there provide us lunch every Wednesday yes here at 93 7 the ticket we've had a long a long list of different types of food between mac and cheese tacos nachos chicken sandwiches sloppy joes everything you think of it's available for you guys at 621 North yes 621 North 48th Street here in Lincoln just down the road from our station over behind the Outback Steakhouse and there used to be that Kelly's Furniture I think over there so anyway so make sure you make uh make sure you make your way over there soon but we it's not just Rico and I hello Rico by the way welcome back um it's not just Rico and I we are joined by Nebraska track and field field Sprinter Megan Walker hello hi I feel so honored to be on here with you guys this is different yeah don't worry about feeling a heart do not worry about it this might hurt your image yeah yeah people are gonna say Megan don't ever go on watch those guys again happy hour let's go back to six o'clock on Mondays just she does stick with six o'clock on Monday she does she does have a great show that does an amazing job on speed and power six o'clock on Mondays taking weeknights it's great it's fantastic yeah so all right what so our options here we're all we all have four of them right yes Rico where's your Mac I don't know mine's over there I just left mine over there did I forget one I forgot one as well oh man I didn't forget one which one did I forget I don't know which one I forgot I don't know either but either way I'll go fix this go check it out go check it out um we are going to taste test live on air and so uh shout out to motor food as well we're gonna have a couple different options here that are all available at motor food once again that that uh that address is 621 North 48th Street if you want to give them a call it's 402-730-4201 or at so dude see this is this is what I have to go through it's just the obnoxiousness of Rico I found my food and so anyway Rick there are four options original mac and cheese the old trusty the Old Reliable if you will we have um one with pulled pork there's a new one that's probably I'm more most excited about chili with some onions on it and then I believe it's also is it sloppy joe Rico so it's sloppy joe mac and cheese all right which might not be so appealing I'm trying to make sure we got the all the right ones Rico's running around like a chicken with his head cut off here fine that's all right Rico's fine Rico's got kids do they really pretty much dang that's crazy okay so let's what do we start with first we start with the Old Reliable original yeah I think that's probably that's probably the place to start so once again it's motor food truck uh or excuse me just motor food it started out as a food truck they do have a truck and now they have a brick and mortar store over there 621 North 48th Street so we're diving into the uh original mac and cheese here I think is something that easily you can mess up and it's there there is like people will say ah just throw a box of craft in the you know put put some boiling water in there and put the noodles this is not that this is not Kraft mac and cheese it's creamy it's delicious um highly recommend thoughts from from the the other two taste testers the noodles are are perfectly I don't know the word I was gonna say Al Dente but I don't think that's right they're just okay they're just they fall apart in your mouth it's fantastic it's delicious okay that's Megan it made me feel like something my mom would make like it made me feel very oh that's good very comforting okay this is really good okay so so 10 out of 10 on the original Mac yes let's move on to pulled pork or let's go to the sloppy joe one sloppy joe let's go the sloppy joe one it has a little bit of green onion in it as well okay all right here we go and I think it's important to to mention that with these they don't overpower you with with the stuff that they put in it so there's not a ton of beef there's not a ton of of seeds like sometimes less is more yes and I think that's the case here because every single time we've had this mac and cheese it hasn't been overpowering with pulled pork it hasn't been overpowering with cheese it hasn't been it's it's the right blend of all the of all the ingredients here so I'm not exactly sure what he put in this sloppy joe but I kind of want this like the sloppy joe without anything else yeah would be perfect well we've had a sloppy joe before Oh we have it's got that perfect uh I don't know like it's it's sweet it's Tangy it's got a little there's there's I want some hot sauce get a little bit of a kick but pairing it with the smoothness of the mac and cheese it just goes together perfectly I'll say it right now one thing sometimes the fine folks at motor food will bring in buns for us and there's been a lot of times where I'll make as weird and gross as it may sound a mac and cheese sandwich with the pulled pork with I I put a little bit on the bun just so I can just because it it's so good that way um Megan thoughts on the the sloppy joe one it's really good I just like devoured it all so everything that works then that's a good that's a good that's a good that's a good problem to have okay yeah all right let's move on should we do pulled pork Rico yeah or should we do chili should we save the newest one for last yeah okay we have we have never had the chili didn't even know it was a thing to be honest oh the chili was really good good oh you ate the chili beans in that one if there are beans in the other one it's chilly they do they do yeah so that that one's pulled pour this one is I think she has two pulled porks she has two pulled porks Rick what are we doing I don't know do you need a chili I got it okay okay so yeah so you need a chili make sure it's the one with beans top right top right on there yeah there's so many options there's so many options motor food 621 North 48th Street is the place to go um big thanks to the fine folks over there for providing our staff with lunch every Wednesday uh just plenty of options and we've we've definitely been blessed so original I'm gonna eat the rest of my uh sloppy joe the original mac and cheese was a 10 out of 10. the sloppy joe was also a 10 out of 10. I've had the Wii Rico and I have had the pulled pork where it's mixed in with a little bit of the mac and cheese and we know how good that is Megan however has not had the pulled pork with the mac and cheese and so go ahead and dive in Megan to the pulled pork one yep the pulled pork one and uh let us let us know your thoughts here in in just a moment here because he also on top of the on top of like the actual like the usual cheese that you put in with macaroni he puts in sprinkle cheese and the pulled pork he puts barbecue sauce is like homemade barbecue sauce in there as well which is delicious it's another thing that I want bottled from him but that's that's obviously the pork is delicious but the barbecue sauce for me takes it to that next level yeah that's Megan the barbecue sauce yeah really just like this is really good 100 100 all right last but certainly not least Rico you got to put that one down I don't want to the pulled pork is so good I know it is I know um last but certainly not least it's the chili the chili mac and cheese and if you're not watching on the uh starter Heyman Jewelers video stream make sure you do and once again thanks to uh motor food for providing us with lunch today and so we'll go ahead and try the uh the chili so there's onions there's beans there's other spices obviously that he puts in here um but definitely trying to get in there with some of the uh the onions and and beef stuff so I don't know why but usually when I have chili I expect it to have a little more heat but this isn't it's not the lack of heat it's still really it's got that delicious chili flavor that kind of I feel like I'm just eating a bowl of chili well that's that's what I was gonna say this is this would be perfect I would say like hot hamburger bun um in a hot dog bun it reminds me of chili dogs of chili cheese dogs we've had chili dogs so we've had we've had chili with hot dogs but not the mac and cheese yes so putting these together that's where I know this because yeah when we had when he brought chili dogs I put mac and cheese on my chili dog and it was this flavor you just made it early yeah hot dog this is I mean excellent I mean so delicious am I wrong no it's really good okay yeah I never would have thought to put these two together but they're phenomenal yeah this is awesome this is great shout out to motor food huge shout out to motor food um so once again make sure you head on over 621 North 48th Street here in Lincoln just down the road from our station huge thank you to them for for giving us and providing us with lunch every Wednesday um and so it's it's they said on their website it says this that they create an old school comfort food with a 21st century twist and lots of rock and roll attitude um enjoy our made from scratch menu on our food truck in our cafe or at your next catered event so once again if you want them to uh cater for you guys or you got a group that you need to feed motor food definitely is a great option 621 North 48th Street 68504 is the zip code um you can also give them a call today at 402-730-4201 let's go ahead let's take a break let's take a quick break okay when we come back I actually asked Megan one question absolutely have you been paying attention to much of the professional track scene like are we talking college or no professionals outside of college I haven't really should I be I was gonna ask Marcel Jacob the defending uh 100 meter Olympic champion from Italy um hasn't raced much this year he finally raced I believe last week at one point ran like a nine eight or a nine nine which was very far off from his Olympic time and um people are saying that he's ducking Fred Curley because Fred Curley moved from the four he's doing 100 now and um this this next meet coming up the Euro championships he's missing and people are saying oh he's duck and curly Curly's not running in the Euro championships he's not European um but he just released a statement on his Instagram saying that he's been dealing with um an injury a uh like a sciatic nerve injury that's affecting you know his back his legs his uh lower back and his legs and he was talking about the the criticism that athletes sometimes uh that athletes get from the the outside not knowing what's going on um to the athlete and I was just going to ask you if you had ever experienced any type of any type of criticism from people not knowing what's going on with you and just saying oh you know she's not running this faster she's not doing this you know she sucks she does this and blah blah blah and and how you responded to it yeah I feel like it happens to all athletes like there was it was my senior year and I was dealing with a toe injury and no one knew about it and this girl had beat me in One race because my toe was hurting really bad and everyone was giving me Flack for my next race because I dropped out of it and they're like oh like you just dropped out of it because you didn't want to lose and like that's not how life is like it's not all about winning and losing it's about like figuring out what you're going through and like pushing through and just coming out in the end like stronger I don't know it's just like crazy because all athletes deal with that even if you're not injured and yeah I don't know just some stuff going on in your personal life that nobody else really needs to know about exactly yeah it's interesting that's definitely interesting all right let's uh let's take a time out when we come back it's time to talk to Aaron Fit of we're going to preview the College World Series the field bracket I don't know if you've got a chance to look at the second bracket Rico but it's preseason one two three and six all in the same bracket for the College World Series absolutely loaded second bracket no I mean obviously the first bracket is also loaded with a lot of good teams but yeah I mean because in the bracket one you have Oral Roberts TCU those those teams but then in bracket two you have the preseason number one number two number three and number six teams all in bracket number two huge thanks to Megan Walker for joining the show make sure you check out the speed and power show on Monday nights from 6 to 7 P.M right here 93 7 the ticket the when we come back it's Aaron Fit of D1 baseball right here on the happy hour on 93.7 The Ticket follow Nick and Enrique on Twitter at Nick underscore singer and at Radio Rico AC More of happier [Music] there are some things that happen every day saying my paper gets delivered thank you around noon my neighbor Waters this is flowers wearing a bathrobe and hip waders hello Mr Willis where's my paper after dinner the lady up the street walks her 14 poodles and just before the 10 o'clock news the Nebraska Lottery winning numbers are drawn for their daily games Nebraska Pick Three two by two and my day with Nebraska Pick 3 you choose your bet type in two by two there's a 22 000 top prize and with my day you choose a six digit date they're all just a dollar to play with drawings every day oh excuse me hi Mr Willis I'm still looking for for eign the top prize eye by game hi Sean Cobble Chevrolet GMC and our big summer Sales Event is underway this month right now get point nine percent interest rates Yes you heard right point nine percent APR on select new Chevrolet and GMC vehicles plus a 1500 trade-in bonus on select Silverados and Sierras you put all that together with some big couple discounts and you have a tremendous buying experience so stop onto the dealership or check us out online a you'll be glad you did all deals with approved credit what's the most important thing about War Horse Casino Lincoln the people the people who come to play and the people who make it all possible our team of Trailblazers are the spirit behind everything we do join the War Horse Casino family for a one-of-a-kind career we're looking for driven individuals for our team in areas such as accounting cashiering currency drop and count food and beverage housekeeping and more our team members are eligible for insurance and earn paid time off from day one to mention paid holidays 401K matching discounts on meals and the opportunity to advance at a growing company if you're ready to blaze the trail come to our next career fair on Dean we'll be interviewing on the spot from 4 to 7 p.m at the war horse gaming office located at 3730 South 14th Street in Lincoln fill out your application ahead of time to expedite the process and view all open positions at get in the game today 93 7 the ticket Fox kfxl Weather brought to you by Bryant Air Conditioning Heating electrical and plumbing sunny and warm for our Wednesday we'll see a high of around 8-8 winds will be light and somewhat variable mainly clear tonight A Low Down to around 60. we will look even more as we get into our Thursday Sunny light south wind at around 10 and a high of 93. I'm a meteorologist Tim Wright from 93 7 the ticket and the hi everyone Kendall Warnock with A1 Automotive in downtown Lincoln if you if you're looking for repair flow you can genuinely trust we would be grateful for the opportunity to earn your business repairing your vehicle we have ASC Master technicians and qualified to work on a variety of vehicles from Hondas to Porsches Jaguars to Toyotas and Chevrolets to Fords we pride ourselves on customer service and relationships and we would be great opportunities for you give us a call at 402-477-4660 A1 Automotive always honest answers the weather is hot the kids are out of school and you're on your way to Lake and summer road trips are you getting your vacation spot comfortably or is your car letting you down Mullen Motors lot is full of great vehicles to take home so you don't have to worry about your current car barely surviving another road trip come check out their lot just north of 48th and Layton and find your next ride for summer road trips and Beyond Mullen Motors does quality vehicles hi it's Charlie Stone again and with me on the line Andy Goodyear general manager of Honda of Lincoln Andy I know how proud you and everyone at the dealership are to earn the prestigious Honda president's award year after year 17 times tell our listeners what it means to you and your customers thanks Charlie yeah all of us are extremely proud to have earned this award and I want all of our customers to know it's not just earned by one person's efforts it's the entire dealership sales parts and our amazing service department 17 times wow how does that compare to other Honda dealers this award is only given to the most elite dealerships that demonstrate excellence really do strive to go above and beyond for the ultimate customer experience before and after the sale Charlie that's why for 2022 Honda of Lincoln is once again Nebraska's number one volume Honda dealer come experience the Honda of Lincoln way of doing business 2017 Yankee Hill Road or on at need service on your home air conditioner call the company Lincoln has counted on since 1952. 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I want to help you stop wasting your time when you're looking for an electrician High electric has been serving the area for over 30 years for both residential and Commercial properties they are experts in everything like remodeling new additions hot tub installation and more and they take jobs from Beatrice to Omaha and all towns big or small in between call them today at 402-466-6606 or learn more at veteran do you know what local state and federal benefits and services you're eligible to receive do you want help navigating the application or appeals process speak to your County veterans Service Officer or the Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs State service office to see what's available to you and your family you've served our country now let us serve you the today sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs aired with the Nebraska broadcasters Association and this station you're listening to the happy hour with Nick scener and Enrique Alvarez Clary when I gave you the cookie I heard very clearly I don't think about you Schmidt why would I think about you because we're friends we're not animals the only time a man is allowed to think about another man is when that man is Jay Cutler ah 9837 the ticket and the it's an exciting couple of days here in the state of Nebraska as obviously the College World Series will be commencing in around 48 hours or so actually in less than 48 hours first game of the day on Friday is scheduled for 1pm by the way just in case you guys have missed it the ticket will be out there and Omaha will be on 12th and Cass streets connected to the Hilton Omaha and we'll be out there with blur parties broadcasting live from 10 a.m to 6 p.m on Friday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday make sure you head on out there say hello to us LSU and Wake Forest are going to be the two teams that stay at the Hilton Omaha so we're going to be in great company everybody knows how much Omaha fans love the LSU Tigers when they come to the College World Series and there's no better person to talk to when it comes to the College World Series than the fine folks at D1 baseball and we bring in Aaron Fit of on the aloe VIP line is right here in Nebraska stands the importance of exceptional service with a local heart experience a buffer free online experience with a peace of mind doing business with a local company so we go now to the aloe VIP line where we're joined by Aaron of Aaron I appreciate you doing this I know it's a super busy time are you in Omaha yet I am not yet but uh looking forward to it it is always big big week coming up here so Aaron I guess we'll start with a little bit of of Nebraska flavor they hire Mike siriani from Wichita State he was their assistant coach and and recruiting coordinator with the the Wichita State baseball team Nebraska now makes the higher they've gotten a couple pitchers uh in terms of uh Gavin blackowitz who used to be a Wichita State commit and now they've gotten the younger brother of Tampa Bay Rays reliever Garrett Clevenger Grant Clevenger to come join Nebraska what do you know about Mike siriani what can you tell Husker fans about siriani the baseball coach well yeah I think it's a great hire you know he's a really good recruiter that's his reputation um you know he's uh he's an energetic guy very personable uh and I think he'll fit right in I mean it's exactly what they need really is God he knows that the region really well he's got a lot of ties um and I I think he'll fit in seamlessly in that that coaching style I think it's a it's a really strong addition you throw in you know Rob's Childress of course moving into a um you know a full-time coaching role um you know that's that's pretty exciting as well so I actually I love the the makeup of that that coach staff right now and it feels like you know I mean this Nebraska program everyone was very excited about it just a couple years ago and they you know gave Arkansas all they could handle in that Regional and and uh uh I think they're gonna continue to be a major factor in the Big Town I really believe it's a program to buy stock in moving forward with the way this coaching staff is constructed we're talking to Aaron Fit of D1 baseball co-editor and National writer for the folks over at and I I guess Aaron I I always enjoy asking people to know a lot more about college baseball than I do the question of how much margin for air is there in the Big Ten Conference because as somebody that covers it on a national landscape SEC is always going to take precedence and understandably so right they have the best talent and we see it when it comes to Omaha but then you have the ACC and the Big 12 there kind of fighting for that second place and then it's it's unfortunately the lowly Big Ten I mean there's just not much margin for error when you're in the Big Ten Conference no there's not you're right and and you know the reality is is the weather is is just you know it's the elephant in the room I mean it's it's a summertime sport that we start in mid-February I think we all know that and Big Ten has made some efforts over the years to try to change that to push it back and it just hasn't gained any traction so we're we're stuck with that and that is going to always put you know cold weather teams at a disadvantage uh because you gotta play on the road for the first however many weeks of the Season you know four six depending on where you are um that makes it really hard it's just it makes makes the job a lot harder and and also I mean you know your options for for midweek games and um are are a lot you know fewer I mean if you're down in the Carolinas or you're down in Florida you've got so many good RPI teams you could play midweek games um and all that stuff just kind of compounds whereas you know if you're up in the Great Plains somewhere you only have so many choices and it's just hard to to build a good RPI and so uh you know that's why there's only a handful of teams usually in the Big Ten that have rpis that are out large caliper it just it does make a makes it a tough needle to thread we're talking to Aaron fitted of and now turning our attention to the College World Series that starts just in uh in less than two days in Omaha looking at these eight teams this is a really really exciting field you have a loaded bracket number two and then a kind of an interesting bracket one as well with with teams like oral Robertson and obviously the the other three with TCU Virginia and Florida yes it's really an exciting star-studded field here I mean you've got a bunch of teams that have pedigree I mean I like to look back at the preseason rankings because it just shows you um you know how these teams are regarded based on pure talent heading into the season uh and just on you know one side of the bracket we've got we see his number one LSU we've got preseason number two Tennessee we've got number three uh Stanford at number six Wake Forest you know I mean and then on the other side of course you got a couple more three more top 25 teams in the preseason and you know Florida was number seven I mean it's a there's a lot of high-end Talent here Oral Roberts is the one team that doesn't have as much pedigree but we saw how good they are you know in the point of season at this point they have real talent you know you've got a real closer at the back end Cape Denton you've got a center fielder who's got a 48-game hitting streak or whatever it is I mean it's incredible really what they've what they've done they're very good team they play Elite defense and I don't think they're going to be uh intimidated on this stage it'll be fun to see if they can hang with those superpowers or they'll be joining in Omaha I think there were a lot of folks myself included with with eyeballs on that Texas Stanford Super Regional game over the weekend where I believe it was Dylan Campbell for Texas and a mix of other of other outfielders and Defenders for Texas just lost the ball in the night and and that's how Stanford is able to walk it off what what do folks if they're going to Omaha what do they need to know about Stanford is this a team that's capable of winning it all when I mean they gave up unfortunately a six to three lead and then kind of escaped with a walk-off win on on Monday yeah those things spooked me just a little bit I actually picked Stanford to win it all heading into the NCAA tournament uh I like their team a lot I mean it's a veteran team that has been you know the back-to-back College World Series you know so they've got that experience the familiarity in Omaha uh and they're just very very talented in the lineup especially it's a it's an extremely physical team they're athletic they hit a lot of doubles and a lot of home runs uh I always look for teams that hit doubles and they do um you know I think they're they're second most in the field behind Virginia in that category um and they have some power arms too but they had to really ride Quinn Matthew's heart he's their Ace and they pitched twice in the regional and he threw 156 pitches uh in the middle game against Texas so you got to wonder you know does that start to take a toll at some point you know are starting to wear him out a little bit uh and they're Bullpen you know haven't thrown as many strikes lately as it was you know kind of down the stretch when it was cruising along they got some good arms back there you know Ryan Bruno and Drew down in particular a couple of power lefties that are high in town when they're good they're they're shut down guys but uh Bruno has some issues with the walk and the Super Regional kind of felt like they lost some trust in him so at this point I'm just a little bit spooked by some of that stuff and I've jumped ship on Stanford I hate to say it I would love to be this stubborn guy goes down with a ship but I'm off I'm switching to Wake Forest that day okay well well so then I guess we'll just roll with that why Wake Forest I I know they have Sensational power they hit a lot of home runs they've they've crossed the century mark and how many home runs they've hit this season outside of them just being the number one overall seed in this thing why Wake Forest yeah they're the just the best team in the country really and they have been in it all year long and it's not really close I mean and the biggest reason for that is actually because of the pitching staff you know as much as they hit a bunch of home runs they're second in the country and home runs that's nice but uh I think they're they're pitching travels I mean they lead the nation in Era by nearly a full run and they do it playing all their games in a notorious launching pad I mean it's really a band box and so the fact that their era and all their all their fishing numbers are are absurd I mean they you know they strike out more than anybody else they walk fewer than anybody else they allow fewer hits I mean it's an incredible pitching staff it's a great rotation with really four guys that they could start if they need to uh and it's a great bull pad it's probably the best rotation in the country and the best part of the country and so that's the biggest reason I mean there's not any any flaw on this team they play very good defense um second highest yielding percentage in this field of eight behind only Oral Roberts uh they they you know they're a balanced offense that has power but also could be two other ways I think they're just a very complete team I love their their makeup their personalities their heart um they've shown me a lot on the road to Omaha just dominating everybody but also winning a close game when they had to against Alabama five to four so uh you know the best team doesn't usually win we've seen that the number one feed has only won it one time since the field expanded and that was in 1999. it hasn't happened since and you know me maybe it'll happen this year but right now I've just I've seen nothing from Wake Forest convinced me that they're not the team to be here we're talking to Aaron Fit uh do you uh excuse me a national writer for and Aaron you said a couple things that that kind of stood out to me the last couple answers one of them was that you gravitate towards teams that hit doubles right over the over home runs and then you said pitching travels and when you look at how the College World Series has changed obviously the venue being the biggest one how important is are those two things in in when you get into the the home stretch here in the College World Series number one that you're pitching travels and number two that you're able to manufacture runs other than hitting the long ball yeah and and I'll tell you this I think Rob Anderson from Creighton who keeps a lot of stats for the NCAA in the College World Series um he tweet has something very interesting the other day and it was Wake Forest had uh nine home runs in that that Super Regional clinch against Alabama and there were 13 home runs total in that game wow there's never been a game ever at this ballpark in Omaha Charles Schwab field where the two teams have combined to hit more than four home runs you know and then that's in over 500 games counting the card hold the streets and all the other games have been played there never seen more than four in a game so I mean if you're gonna build your offense around hitting a bunch of homers it's just even even in this era with balls flying everywhere and we're seeing more home runs than ever it's not gonna it's not gonna happen that's gonna be a winning formula for you in in Omaha because of the wind I mean just you know the wind is what it is it it falls up in the air and they just kind of balloon and they hang up in the gaps and they get caught so you gotta hit Hardline drives that that's the that's the ticket in this ballpark uh and that's why one reason I like Virginia on the other side of the bracket is they leave the country in doubles it's just a very uh athletic physical team that reminds me a lot of that 2012 Arizona team that won it all just about the doubles and triples and they they drive the gaps and they control the gaps uh and I think that's kind of the winning formula and you got to throw strikes you know minimize free bases you got to play strong defense on the infield there um those are all things that it does really well also last one or we have a couple more before before we go and let you go we're talking to Aaron fit of and I guess last College World Series question everybody loves the Cinderella if you will and and folks know that that Oral Roberts is only the third fourth seed to make it Fresno State in 08 and then Stony Brook in 2012 if I remember correctly and now Oral Roberts is there any chance that Oral Roberts you know finds himself playing in the championship series yeah sure I think so I mean I'm not going to pick them but yeah I think they're definitely good enough you know they again they they play great defense which is one thing that we love they actually pitched pretty well too I mean you've got maybe the best closer in the whole field and Kade Denton at the back who's you know if they can get the lead to that guy you know in the seventh inning um they got a pretty run good chance because it's 96-97 from a tough slot with life and a great slider and it's it's it's it's game over you know so they've actually got a pretty good rotation they didn't pitch as well in the Super Regional so those three guys I think that's a big key if they can get some more length out of their starters get off the better start um and maybe you know get into the middle Innings with the lead then you know they got a real chance to make some noise here so I think they're a good club and I think you know they showed us a lot of heart coming back in Oregon in that Super Regional and they were pretty dominant in in the regional and in Stillwater get some very good teams down there so yeah they're going to be a factor I mean if they play well um look out they could definitely get there we're talking to Aaron Fit of D1 on and Aaron last one before we before we let you go once again appreciate a ton for you taking the time to do this on on a really busy week for you guys over there at D1 baseball but in a in a wild season for Alabama right if Brad Bohannon ends up getting fired after the whole gambling incident then they have an interim head coach that that takes them to a Super Regional and then unfortunate or then the interim doesn't get it and they go with Rob Vaughn from Maryland talk about this higher because obviously Maryland was was the best team in the Big Ten Conference this year yeah and last year too really I mean they've really been kind of the class of The League last couple years uh and he's he's a superstar you know and we all knew he's a superstar 10 years ago when he was 25 years old and he was still just kind of getting his start in the industry um you know people would say hey this is the guy you know he's going to be a real dude and now he's 35 and he's been to you know he's done a couple of really big things that Maryland hosted a regional for the first time ever up there um you know they were very good this year uh he he's he's a home run higher and you know I was kind of rooting for Jason Jackson to keep that job because I think he's a Class Act and he did an incredible job as interim head coach for Alabama uh but he's staying on as a pitching coach and I think he's perfectly comfortable in that role he's kind of a low-key guy he's not looking to necessarily be the guy out front um and so that might be a really really good combination to have those two guys working together all right Aaron just kind of an off-the-wall question as somebody that's been to Omaha a plethora of times do you have a favorite spot well it's it's I feel like it's a cliche because we talked about it so much but it's the drover you know uh that's our that's our spot we make multiple pilgrimages to the drover every year and get the whiskey filet and the world famous salad bar uh that that's the spot for us perfect hey Aaron hey appreciated a ton um thanks for thanks for taking the time out of the day and the busy week and have a safe travel to Omaha we'll talk to you soon all right you got it that is Aaron Fit a national writer and co-editor for they do great work over there so if you have not you know head over there check out some of their articles and they'll be having all the College World Series action for you in addition to 93 7 the ticket because we'll be down there Hilton Omaha will be the place to be shout out to the blur tailgate board parties for having us out there where they're sit uh Friday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 a.m to 6 p.m Aaron's taking Wake Forest Rico okay who are you taking I wanted to ask him but I didn't want to ask him just because it's not like a dark horse or anything but it's just a team that everybody's excited for but nobody seems to be picking LSU and I know they're like a preseason number one but for whatever reason not a lot of people are paying your people are going with Wake Forest yeah um uh Tennessee is a pretty nice pretty popular pick I've noticed for for some reason and um uh Virginia also another one well so what's interesting about LSU and and by the way if you are making your way to the ballpark um and it happens to be for an LSU game they have a guy Dylan Cruz he's an outfielder for LSU probably going to be the number one overall pick more than like at the at the age of 21 he's six foot one 203 pounds um but that LSU team is loaded uh was a national freshman of the year in 2021 so he's just a junior right now but as I mentioned he's he's gonna go to the major league baseball draft should have asked Aaron about Dylan Cruz but um this season for LSU hitting 433 with a 570 on base percentage and a slugging percentage of 732. 433 is just ridiculous he has 17 home runs and 64 RBIs he's walked 61 times and um stolen six bases that would also just you look at his career also he's gonna get on base regardless it is you look at his career over three seasons at LSU has never hit it below 349. has never hit below 349 and he has never had fewer than 17 home runs in a season um just just the everyday outfielder obviously for uh LSU and so I believe he hits lead off also for the Tigers so that's a guy definitely you want to kind of keep tabs on um for I mean if a guy's hitting 400 I'd also have him lead off yeah yeah might as well so once again thanks to Aaron Fit of if you missed the interview you want to go back and listen to the conversation again you can always download our podcast at and let us know your picks who are you taking to win the entire thing a College World Series starts in less than 48 hours I believe it's TCU and Oral Roberts get us going at 1pm oh Bob on Friday so um I hope you guys can can come on out say hello and hang out with us once again thanks to Aaron for joining us on the aloe VIP line uh for 20 years ello has been disrupting the Telecom game providing me meaningful connections supporting businesses and Future waterproofing communities switched to a reliable and buffer free provider today at we'll be right back to close out the happy hour on a Wednesday right here 93 7 the ticket download our app by searching 93.7 a ticket in your outdoor just stay in touch listen all day long wherever you are more happy hour is next on 93.7 the ticket and the [Music] a new location at 27 Superior Generation V join us this Saturday during our grand opening sale everything is buy one get one free mix to match between eight and cream buy two of your favorites for the price of one buy one else bar disposable get one free buy premium thca flour get a free glass pie you decide what to BOGO this Saturday Generation V don't miss the grand opening sale this Saturday at 27th and Superior in Lincoln generation there's a lot of 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today at 402 2440-4371 solar repeat after me I will not touch the fuse box I will probably not touch the fuse box do you remember what happened last time yeah I remember what happened half of the city block lost power and my condo went haywire that's right the chickens ran wild so what do we do instead call Joe at ambition electric and let him handle everything look saved on speed dial ambition electric 402-217-3415 or online at hi Sean Callahan here for couple Chevrolet GMC in our big summer Sales Event is underway this month right get point nine percent interest rates yes you're right 0.9 APR on select new Chevrolet and GMC vehicles plus a fifteen hundred dollar trade-in bonus on select Silverados and Sierras you put all that together with some big couple discounts and you have a tremendous buying experience so stop on into the dealership or check us out online a you'll be glad you did help videos with approved credit Spirits is now open in Lincoln shop our expansive collection of 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empty that dream can be your reality with the Mary Ellen's Express lunch buffet from 11 to 2 every Wednesday Thursday Friday and even Saturday One Price all you can eat and it even comes with a drink tell your boss you're taking a long lunch and get down there Mary Ellen's food for the Soul at 29th and Pine Lake let them fix you a plate start your Sundays off right with Jeff and Nicole essing on Fitness Fanatics Jeff Nicole discussed health and wellness how to achieve fitness goals and more through the life of gym owners and Jim goers it's Fitness Fanatics from 9 to 11 A.M on Sundays on 93 7 the ticket and the this is Bud steinhorst president and CEO of liba the Lincoln Independent Business Association join us every Saturday from 9 to 10 a.m on 93 7 the ticket for the liba business hour as we discuss local business and highlight those who are thriving in the Lincoln area it's the liba business hour Saturdays from 9 to 10 a.m on 93 7 the ticket and 983-7 the ticket Fox kfxl Weather sponsored by John Henry's Plumbing Heating and Air Conditioning sunny and warm 4r Wednesday we'll see a high of around 88 winds will be blind and somewhat variable mainly clear it's not up to around 60. we will as we get into our third day sunny light sound ended around three I'm a urologist Tim Wright from 93 7 the ticket and you're listening to the happy hour with Nick Cena a gorilla pair versus polar bear a what bear versus a what bear then Enrique Alvarez Clary a gorilla there versus a polar bear polar bear one more time gorilla gorilla versus sponsored by Empire fence and netting a 93-7 a ticket in the [Music] yeah that's that's Terrell's seat man I don't know if it's Stadium noise or whatever it is from his career um well I got called out by the text line yesterday for eating soup to try to help my voice that's not a bad thing thank you thank you yeah dude do you ever do herbal teas yeah I do not do tea okay I've gone through probably double-digit cough drops in the last 16 hours give or take is it just a voice thing um I had a little bit of drainage but otherwise pretty much just oh yes that's fine you sound great thank you Rico I mean that's fine I I mean you know hey thanks you sound better than Nick looks I uh I don't know about that thank you Austin thank you I uh during like during State basketball I probably went through three bags of cough drops I bought you a bag of coffee you bought me a bag of cough drops and I I was trying to make tea like I brought like there's packets of tea that you can buy and like just mix it with water like with a spoon yeah it's supposed to dissolve yep I try to make those in the media room at Pinnacle Bank Arena they are horrible it's so bad so I was like no this is it I'm done I'm done so maybe you just need a little just uh I would I would go for three here you just hear my my voice just give out and just die Stricker's on the call with me for that too I thought you were amazing thank you stricky I appreciate that anyway uh uh gentlemen we were just joined by Aaron Fit of and talking about the College World Series and stuff he says his pick is Wake Forest who are you guys going with Wake Forest obvious here's the deal he said that at the beginning of the tournament he chose Stanford but he's worried that Quinn uh Matthew Matthews I always say Quinn Williams Quinn Matthews is gonna kind of it's starting to start wearing down on Quinn exactly thank you did you guys talk about how Stanford Advanced to Omaha we haven't really hit on it but we met he mentioned it we mentioned hit we mentioned it to him just it's unbelievable so first of all like Stanford was up six to three in that game and then in the late Innings Texas comes back and ties it up six to six there's Runners on like first and second I think at the time and it's a very routine and shallow there's one around third maybe very routine and shallow either way uh very routine and shallow Fly ball into right center field behind the second baseman and the second baseman center fielder and right fielder all just immediately lost it in this in the sky in the lights all of them instantly just this was the shortstop so the shortstop was trying to run all the way from from the left side of the infield to shallow right center and just couldn't make it and just the most heartbreaking way to lose that game what was crazy about it was it a shadow a glare yeah so the lights so it's right it's like Twilight Twilight at Stanford it's so out in Palo Alto it's it's like a it's like a well-known thing like when it's twilight you cannot see the ball when you're in the Outfield and so what's crazy is the hitter before that hit one off the wall and it was like oh man oh my like this guy hit one off the wall and the broadcaster in fact thought it was gone so it was really awkward because the broadcaster was like oh my God and so and then the guy like takes off his helmet probably should have been called out per NCAA Rule The Hitter that took off his helmet because he thought he had a walk-off home run so he rounds first base jogging takes off his helmet tosses off the side because he thought he hit a walk-off home run oh and slides into second safe and he technically per NCAA rule should have been thrown out because you have to you have to have the helmet on sometimes it falls off yeah that's that's uncontrollable yeah oh no my swing just knocks my helmet off exactly no yeah so like that would have been fortunately that would have been the third out of the inning instead he was at second base and the very next hitter hit the shallow Fly ball yeah and it dropped but it was it was crazy because because instantly you see the center fielder right fielder in second baseman just look up and they're just trying to find it they just have Palms facing there you see them all like run towards where it's going to be but then like he said they all they they know the direction the general direction but none of them know exactly where it's going to be and yeah like it lands and you just they all like the right filter just drops normally in those situations either like you said the shortstop I know he was trying to make an effort or the first baseman will do a point to try to get you to at least in the vicinity maybe drop on it and you know throw a glove on it but yeah that's that communication just ABS it was honestly heartbreaking if there was if there was Texas it was not I wanted Texas in Omaha like Stanford Stanford is the Class Act out of the West they've made it they've made it to the the world series three straight years whatever but Texas fans are are fun in Omaha like it's fun to see Texas in Omaha I enjoy it there needed to be a team that only takes 20 shots it's very Ghostly okay so that was freaky um yeah so my mic just instantly your mic just doesn't want to stay down awkwardly it could happen again stay out it happened again look you're okay if it's a ghost in here it's just Casper you're good Casper the Friendly Ghost um but to answer your question give me LSU okay out of that side of the bracket it's stacked with LSU and Wake Forest on that side so that's gonna be entertaining as heck LSU and TCU not a hotter team in the country okay I like the TCU pick I also would say Virginia is up there um because they just win Scrappy now one thing I will say I I mentioned it before in the first segment for you guys that um that bracket that second bracket has the preseason one two three and number six teams in it which I just I cannot think of a stacked a more stacked bracket in years past than that this is a this is going to be a very fun College World Series yeah I have a weird feeling that the weird things are going to happen here I just have this this give me oh Bob I mean obviously weird things have happened with like Coastal Carolina and stuff like that but I have a feeling that things are going to get a little weird there's chances of rain the first four days of the College World Series right I'm okay with a 9 30 p.m start time I like those I don't mind those I don't think the players the players and broadcasters and fans probably don't but I don't mind it it's an entertainment product they have to learn to be okay I would I would really enjoy going home at like 9 pm and be like ah got to turn on gotta turn on Virginia and uh who's the fourth team member Florida can I turn on Virginia Florida 9 30. you look down it's midnight you're like man it's only the sixth Inn this is great yeah yeah so this game is going real quick oh it's the sixth inning yeah all right what's coming up in your guys's show today oh it is coming up on the show today let me get it pulled up real quick um uh college football's most important hires for this coming season who are some of those we'll talk some CWS with Evan Bland of the Omaha World Herald uh the reverse boycott going on in Oakland that's fascinating I think there's a lot of ramifications there a good day for Vegas they approve a new stadium and when the cup will touch on that and the Pelicans say they're open to trading Zion Williamson to get scoot Henderson there you go how about that the a should have been doing a reverse boycott All Season yeah they got 27 000 fans there yesterday or win number seven in a row for they're on fire I better just win number seven on the scene worst record in baseball belongs to your Kansas City Royals the the lock of the day yesterday was Jordan Lyles allowing more than three run yep that was the overrunner two and a half earned runs or runs allowed yesterday put your mortgage on it I mean my goodness I didn't I didn't do it I just saw it on Twitter and he allowed five we're out on the box trick and Austin coming up next see ya repeat after me I will not touch the fuse box I will probably not touch the fuse box it happened last time yeah I remember what half half of the city block lost anyway all right right the chickens ran so what do we do instead call Joe at ambition electric and let 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