AoM Retold Casted Game - Isis (IamMagic) vs Zeus (Husksuppe)

welcome to a cast a game of Age of Mythology retold and we've got two of the best players out there the game just launched today and it is I am magic vers husk soup I am magic seated within the top four for Red Bull wo he is one of the best of the best of the best of the players and soup not too shabby either very very good definitely in that top Echelon of players so this will be a good one we have magic playing as Isis which is a SI I love so I'm G watch them very very closely and sup's over there he is playing as Zeus out here on no Asis a very classic map and I hope you guys are excited for a launch day we got a bolt already coming in he bolted the first what he bolted the first priest that's a bold move um so that's going to be uh certainly a way to stop Magic from getting like any scouting look at this he's not going to see anything this is all he gets to see he's got no scouting CU thanks to that bolt so soup coming in hot with the bolt early on uh we see magic building houses right away around his Towers he is too on gold the rest on food and we see how he has to take this one Zeus I feel like is going to be coming out guns of Blazing I mean he already already used bolt he ain't messing around what's going on over here Zeus okay they're Gathering their their zebras now Oasis uh doesn't have a ton of food near the town center it's rather far away you get like mid map essentially for like the baboons and the giraffes and all that so food can kind of dry up even though it's called Oasis like you kind of got to have either mid map control if you want to hunt or you need to make a farm transition rather early on um obviously tons of wood available uh and there of course your first resources of the berries the zebras the the chickens right per usual um but that's what we're kind of looking at the stage here now magic um he is seated in that I think he's seated number two I think they seated M to be number one so I think he's technically seated two I can't remember if he seated one or two I think Mista seated number one so going to be a player you're going to be one watching very closely he streams as well it has a YouTube channel so make sure you check it out and so does h both these guys uh they're going to be streaming and youtubing and all that so I hope you can check it out and I've been uploading my Rex I've been building a. uh if you guys check that out you can upload and download recorded games link them to your friends whatever it might be so I encourage you to check out a tool I've been working on it really hard over this past month and super fun I'll be uploading this game up there you can download and check out yourself okay let's go see what he's going oh he was aging up and then he can't wa I thought oh he is okay yeah Athena so we're going to have Athena coming in for uh for Zeus that is going to be of course giving access to the Minotaur a lot of times you see the caur as the weapon of choice but a little bit different here um maybe he wants to get that Crush he really wants to go for an offensive and take down some buildings maybe that's what he's going for meanwhile we'll see Isis choosing to age up here momentarily and there we go she's aging up with uh with Bast there we go you know what I love this magic is using uh the prosperity while aging up I was doing this and boy told me it was trash meanwhile we got magic over here doing it so clearly I just have uh I have just like the natural gamer gamer knowledge here look at that it's very pretty looking look at that yeah getting that gold so this is prosperity is increasing the gold Gathering right now and this can really help him drop down a second toal when he hits the next age uh which is often what you'll see or he can just boom move them up towards uh heroic age you can put all these guys on food or something okay so we can see the age up coming a little bit later uh meanwhile uh aggression we got Jason coming across we've got the minitar coming across we've got uh Hercules Heracles on the way back here all right there he is so this is going to be aggro towards Egypt I don't know if he's going be able to get this second Town Center certainly he's not going be just like naked do this uhoh he's trying it he's going to have his Sphinx he's trying to train some uh some priests maybe he get lucky if if he just stays right there but I don't think he will yeah he he's got an eye on it there we go now the Pharaoh should be able to take down that minaur but not before throwing the villagers are flying takes a lot of damage though can you get this built in time we will see we've got some uh some hippu on the way I thought I saw he a St yes Stateway got some hippu right now we've got Heroes chasing down the Sphinx he's going to come in and try to do it again priest are coming into position so we went for the mid map Town Center rather than go for the pocket I think the thought being you want to get a little bit of map control get closer to some of this food some of his gold I like this move able take that Minar with a little bit of micro from the priest and the Pharaoh a uh good move there and he's going to be able to get the second Town Center nice a good expansion under some very tight circumstances I think if maybe some of those hippu got down here could have done a little something but they were stuck in the base Okay so we've got uh some food we set all the foods mid map and he's gone for that drafts towards the middle expanding towards the middle using the priest to kind of defend with that also train up some uh Sphinx he does have a monument to the villagers back at home okay so hippies though are going to be a problem he's going to probably need some Spears I'd imagine see if he keep some up why did he put a farm down I don't know if that was a misclick or what must have been keeping that Phar alive and under this town C just enough fire there he's able to hold off that fight Spinx comes in going get some shots at the hip use might be able take it out pulls it at the last second now I see one two two Archer ranges and a military academy coming down here so this is going to be Where the Line in the Sand is drawn as far as this battle is going to go we've got magic right now building obis for plenty of line of sight let's kind of look at what he can see so he can kind of see that going on he doesn't see the forward base there yet he will very soon uh we got of course that stable on the backline Barrack's coming down he's starting to train up some Spearman so going to try to beh holding this position healing up that Pharaoh with his priest nice micro there and uh oh that Sphinx probably going to go down uses restore does the Spinx get away he tried to Mark away but wasn't able to get it this is going to be a nice fight here uh for soup to to draw all these villagers Idol take out a number of the Egyptian Army and get them some really good momentum look at all the idol time there's 10 11 villagers inside of this but there's still two TC versus one TC economically Magic's still okay you can kind of afford some the idle time he's five villagers ahead he's going to move up to the baboons he's got some military production underneath his Town Center um but there is some of military kind of cranking out on the other side from Zeus okay so we're seeing uh right now archers and hippu running around healing up that Pharaoh going to make sure that he is ready to go trying to get another Barracks down mag is in a little bit of a a scary spot I'd be a little bit nervous him he's going to the other side he anticipates that's to coming oh that's hilarious look at this he might I don't think he had no to see that I don't think he sees it oh he actually could see him moving right there but yeah nice battle sense of just like knowing that arm is going to be there there right around the corner that pH is Oh I thought it was going to be toast he holds it okay so cranking out some units we got some Slingers starting to be trained Slingers are of course the hard counter to archers this what these guys are good against so he'll be taking some shots at those archers be a little of a dance here what is with the farm he keeps actually building Farms I don't know what's going on the hockey okay here we go we got Spearman gummed up in here villagers getting on the action this going to be a big fight looks like uh magic is getting his villagers in on the battle here comes that Spinx going to be doing some area attack boom they're very concentrated but he runs right into the hero not what you want to see got a lot of Slinger starting to add up but he needs some Spearman to deal with these hippies but the Archer should be no problem for these Slingers yeah lots of idle time but still doing okay uh full population 71 versus 58 so magic is still up on pop right now at home not a care in the world just doing fine uh all the action has been here in the middle of the map okay lots of priest lots of Slingers lots of spear he's trying to move up on that forward base if he can get there that could be a win condition if he can force his opponent from training units but this battle taking some heavy losses he is taking out some of the archers in the backline but the reinforcements keep coming in for the Greeks Hawks fing across the battlefield Pharaoh is staying alive despite all this he's done a very good job of microing that Pharaoh okay villager is going to be supplementing that Army he heals that priest to 4 HP keeps him alive but I don't think he's going to be able to survive much longer there he goes down he goes he's going to probably need some more military production but really his macro is very tight he's got a lot of idle time with these villagers look at all the villagers walking around carrying food got a decent amount of Spearman but a lot of micro from both these players here right now a very intense battle this this idle time is going to kill magic though here comes the Sphinx I think could really turn the the tide got a new one oh what did it attack nothing what the heck it attacked the giraffe hate to see it not what you want okay so a lot of back back and forth right now here for the Egyptians and the Greeks accidental Farm getting placed in once again spin the win spin the win but there's a hero once again right on top of him how does he keep I don't know what maybe he has the Villager priority system turned on it's Auto making Farms those I don't know goofy okay underneath the tals there not really a fight I don't think the suit wants to be taking uh but he goes for it he's going to stick that be taking a lot of damage from the town center of course Slinger sitting behind there it still just feels like if magic can stay alive that the Eco should just eventually give him a just enough space where he'll just start to uh be in a commanding position but I don't know soup is continuing to to fight he's not giving up keeping up the pressure very very aggressive play style here meanwhile he's been Gathering uncontested uh back here in the baboons okay so will we see more military production out of him as he stabilizes his economy got 1 two three Barracks it's been mostly Spearman and Slingers is what we've been looking at here today okay we got a Barracks being dropped down coming up on the North side watch out for the villagers not a lot of food going to be coming in as as this happens but I think the military count is in favor in this engagement uh for magic he's able to get that he's able to transition some of his villagers over to Gold he might shift some of his gold vills elsewhere to another food source perhaps food is what's going to get kind of sketchy here need to be careful but doing taking some very nice trades right now these Slingers against his archers mic and the Spearman onto the uh hippu this is going nice okay he's going to be building up that mining camp and yeah some uh just continues to creep forward with that kind of forward economy a risky position to be in but he's pulling it off okay so right now we got villagers on the Run Spearman chasing them down they're very Speedy going to back up for now okay Slinger down on the Southside kind of uh I think they could outnumber that I think his army side is really starting to take off 60 uh 40 versus 23 has pretty much double the military pop his uh economy is sizeably bigger uh what's going to be his ticket to get out of this I think Zeus is starting to stall out this aggro it was looking at times like you might overwhelm it but magic was just so steady was able to hold on to it that's why he's one of the best uh we see on the forward line we got some watchtowers being built let's look at his line of sights we can kind of see what we're looking at here so that'll give him some additional line of sight around here as that goes up just a little bit but you kind of see what's going on lots of villagers on that gold probably too many villagers on gold looking to move in okay that Slinger count really gets deadly you can start to just like one-hot these toxics so that's there you go here you go see it one two I mean these things are very good I mean they'll start to be good against the Hops as well really you get enough of them they're slinging okay he's on top of that forward base and this is where things going to get a little dicey I feel like feel like for soup he needs like I know his econom is so far behind oh he's got Bo Minar he upgraded these and these Slingers overextended uh-oh Minar is actually able to get a good deal of damage this is a great Fight For Soup this is exactly what he needed youy Slingers flipping through the air minotaurs they don't mess around here they come you better run you better run here he comes I'm sure there be pharaohs and Priests on the way let's hope so for his sake here we go getting on the fight we have villagers trying to farm but uh the Greek army has arrived need to be careful Slinger is trying to micro back but uh he's trying to fight underneath his town it looks like training up some mercenaries using that additional gold this is going to be a SC Scrappy Scrappy battle look at that Bo Minotaur he's awesome okay so we'll see what it has in the dust settle a little hard to tell at the moment um it looks like one menur goes down the other one went down both mins are gone uh he's got some Idols inside the Town Center the Town Center providing some uh support of course I feel like he will hold this um but we'll see the flood of uh Greek army coming in now he could idle up this foodie Co by sitting on top of this if he can keep the flood going he able to push all the way back to the town center so s looking really really good can pulled off he's kind of overwhelming forcing idle time you build you build forward Farms it's a risky move and you're seeing exactly why right now all this food is idled uh and this is hitting his economy bigly right now he might have all his villagers but it's not going to matter okay Zeus continuing to push forward just ignoring the town center and focusing on idle time and getting those other villagers down a nice Spin to Win there from the Spinx but is it going to be enough where is he reinforcing his army he's got some troops under there he's trying to keep this uh take this out maybe he's just like taking a calm approach to this I don't know where he's collecting his army but uh not looking very good right now those Murs uh doing a pretty good job of taking out buildings okay you know there's all this gold to the north cuz that could certainly be very useful he needs to get some priest out uh if he's going to take down all these myth units but uh I think he could afford it maybe drop down our Temple or something uh we do see a market was just added so he's doing a little bit of trading and we do see some priest in Q this just continues to go now he can afford to lose the villagers uh don't get me wrong he's got so many more um but the the idle time on the food is what really stinks right now a lot of minotaurs they just keep coming there's no end in sight he's just bringing this from home and his home Temple he still got his original forward base there it really started when he just kind of overextended past that front line of forward base um and then the chase was on okay Town Center goes down tal all with that those Farms are kind of abandoned magic might be in trouble is he on the ropes I've seen magic hold on from impossible positions before but this is a tough one score-wise magic is quite behind Okay we're seeing right now uh the minotaurs continue to come out in got villagers trying to find somewhere to gather resources but just a few archers they Scout them out and he knows where they are he's taking down the the barracks this is scary but age Up's coming in I just noticed he's aging up okay so we're going to have nepus we're going to get feris and priest upgrades as well as scorpion so this could be enough to hold on can he upgrade his priest and spam him out I don't know um being idle off idled off of resources is the biggest thing right now okay man it looked like there in the middle stage of the game like magic was relased starting to dominate the Eco he took some good military victories and just like in a blink of an eye this thing turned around um but little life back on the board he's in the third age he's able to get a migdal stronghold up he also is getting I think it's called Precision ballistics uh which makes it so all of his range basically is guaranteed to hit 99% so he's going to be Turing up with chariots with priests with Towers it might be enough to hold this we'll see we'll see feel like losing those Farms really sucks adding a Siege work in The Siege Works in this economy what is he up to what is he up to is going to make Siege Towers right now all Army the Dead coming in where is it was that on accident oh no he did on purpose there it is okay so he brought he using the army of dead uh this is ancestors he did not pair it with uh Eclipse but he's just using it to Idol the villagers on the backline so going for an economic hit where his opponent least expect exit and while that distraction is going on trying to take some ground here on the front can't help the think he needs to get some priest going oh my God he's out of gold there's nothing more scary when you're Egypt and suddenly you're just like flat out out of gold he's got 2K wood though he could trade some of that but uh yeah this is not the best but scorpion is able to do a lot of damage there as you can see Scorpion versus Mur okay I think he should be able to hold this while cuz he's got a migdall two big dolls he's got Towers he's going to be able to hold this still up on villagers so uh this might have been his ticket to holding this game his opponent still has not aged up we do see one two three three town centers right now out of the Greeks okay but now we got chariots we got scorpions can he get some military momentum and regain some map control this not going to lie this is like the greediest for Town Center ever it was kind of crazy that he took it in the first place and held as long as he did Zeus coming out guns of Blazing okay the Scorpion men don't mess around so you need to be careful fighting around these things what's Magic's move going to be now uh-oh doesn't he really can't afford to lose fights right now he needs to start to gain some momentum back that military account still in favor of soup uh crenation is coming in right now for an upgrade which is going to make them do bonus damage versus Cav and get additional range I don't know why he made a sieg tower that thing instantly deleted I think he's trying to tank some Archer fire okay so uh we do see hero going down there what's this raid going on oh some chariots going little raid oh he killed some villagers nice some villager kills coming in right now these chariots going in there underneath the towers though not the best spot to be villager is going to Garrison inside the uh Watchtower where is the Egyptian Army on the way with the Chariots boy oh boy I think magic might have held this but continues to be a close game okay chariots using their Mobility to their advantage hippus on the way here comes that scorpion going to try to hit him with that Stanger see if he does it here he goes there he goes they're all poison now oh but V gets one last hit in before buing the Dust man it looks like he's got enough chariots he's going to hold this fight Y and now this is a defining moment we just hit that 20 minute Mark we've got 73 military units for magic 38 for for for uh soup villager count pretty close pretty close so will magic take advantage of his military will he start pressing out some Siege Towers is looking like he's going to and suit now stuck in the second age Tech disadvantage not looking so good okay we do see the upgrade coming in right now uh this is to increase the priest and Pharaoh damage against Min units so he can start adding some more priests in this Army those minars won't be uh be really much of a danger anymore okay in come The Siege Tower right now going to be looking to take out that Barracks there's also those Archer ranges of course Okay so we've got uh chariots moving on out let's see what they're able to do he's trying to just shoot and Scoot they're not quite like Marines from Starcraft I'll say they're they're a lot slower there bull minars are really fast can you see there's horses Gallop in there and those things catch them they're fast Speedy boys okay but his arm is kind of split this is kind of awkward uh you got Hipp on his tail he's got a Minotaur on his tail he's running around here um takes a big hit right now from the the Bull Minor Siege Towers have been dying on the front line and he's got his army split but here comes a scorpion man uh he needs to take down that hero see if he's able to do it gets scorpion on the backline he's going to go for it boom gets the damage there's a lot of damage there there should be enough to hold that line probably for now chariots continuing to run around just kind of doing the [Applause] uh a little Benny Hill run around watch out okay Chariot archers taking out the hip they decided to stand and fight I think he might have been getting upgrades for them and he was just waiting for them to be finish cuz they look like they're like shiny now these are like silver chariots now they're definitely upgraded heavy Chariot arer oh man look at those shots he's still in the second age he's not going to even try to age up look at all the gold he's got 2K gold he could age up see not to trying to just he's just trying to keep on top of everything that's going on here adding more military buildings down not going to give up continues the the fight rages on elephants starting to be uh added in these war elephants have almost 500 HP he has by the way 183 favor up for grabs maybe he'll go to the Mythic age and he'll like double double lightning strike who knows things are getting nuts okay but right now the Egyptian Army is looking V strong there you go AG up finally okay we got 25 minute AG up Apollo is coming in that'll unlock the mantore but he's in trouble 91 military units right now for magic 38 for suit how can he turn this around he's getting some uh ranged uh bronze weapons copper armor right now now for his troops okay we see the Chariots taking some pot shots uhoh these are these villagers are about to be in trouble all his military production in the front line so when you lose your front line you start to become really in trouble okay he's hit it there we go he's the next age he has access to Army of the I'm sorry underworld passage but I'm not sure he can really use that in a meaningful way right now he's just trying to use all his troops to hold the line love is always on time and he's going to be uh oh that's that's magic aging we had to coming in going up to the Mythic age so the Egyptian Army continues to hold this the UI elements are so big in this like the chat that shows up here like all the like extra thing even this is like really a large UI oh underworld passage where right here so Pomo is going to be popping out on those villagers trying to P Force the Egyptians off gold always a good plan I mean he spent a lot of this gold aging up so that can be be useful he's going to need to be able to hold a fight we actually see over here he knows this is going on um and he's trying there oh you I see what you do if you click okay I see what's going on here okay so Vore going to be going down it's underw passage fiding a little bit of idle time but not too much we do see a fortress coming out on the gold he's trying to force the Egyptians off of that gold is his goal but that Mythic gauge is going to be coming in he's currently aging up with top uh that's going to give him access to the Phoenix you see the Phoenix the prettiest uh myth unit in all of age mythology there it is where is it there it is look at that guy look at that thing beautiful attack revealer show it says hockey don't work for the Observer mode so I have to do the old flash meteor coming in there it is big meteor strike on the Town Center oh my gosh oh not looking good getting hammered by the me oh she charging to flip 360 he lands it oh my gosh he all he landed it that was that was crazy down goes the underworld passage kind of a wonky looking death animation there okay Egyptians are just barreling forward this is this is spiraling out of control I don't think soup can can do nothing about this but we'll see he's got a lot of his favor in the bank 323 favor I don't know what the heck he's going to do with it he's slapping out some more military production so he ain't out of this yet certainly it could come that moment where Egyptians run out of gold but I have a feeling Magic's going to be repared for it okay chariots moving on right now taking out the villagers going be put him down to 75 vills but he'll have some more coming back just camping that military production right now we see Siege Towers clearing out the middle on the right side we've got the Phoenix as well as the uh the war elephant and Scorpion going after that uh Fortress there is that Phoenix there you have it magic takes the victory definitely a very very impressive hold it was looking like soup had this thing in his pocket he had him on the ropes but Magic's able to pull it off I hope you guys enjoyed this cast a game of Age of Mythology retold if you did consider subscribe to the channel leave me a comment and I'll be uploading this game to A.G if you want to download the wreck and watch it back for yourself you are welcome to try that thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next one

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