FULL SHOW: Trump Indicted AGAIN; Harris PICKS CNN For 1st Interview; Jesse Waters STEPS IN It

Jack Smith goes after Trump again [Music] [Applause] good morning and welcome to Rising we've got another Terrific show for you today absolutely topnotch and I'm excited to start reading it let's let's get going so first of all former president Trump's legal troubles are back after several lengthy delays took place we're just 10 weeks out from the election and prosecutors and special Council Jack Smith office filed a superseding indictment Tuesday against Trump over his efforts his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election now the new indictment Narrows the allegations so that they're in line with the Supreme Court's recent opinion on presidential immunity specifically the new indictment removes a previous section that had accused Trump of trying to use law enforcement powers of the justice department to correct his loss now Trump reacted on true social writing quote this ridiculous political hoax which most thought was already won by me comes right out of the White House and doj and is being pushed by kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden against their political opponent me like all the other Witch Hunt cases it is being mocked by legal Scholars and experts as gross election interference that is not all on Monday the special counsel urged a federal appeals court to reverse judge Canon's ruling last month that dismissed Trump's mishandling of classified documents special counsel Jack Smith also said judge Canon was mistaken in ruling that Smith was unlawfully appointed by attorney general Merrick Garland Trump's lawyers have 30 days to reply to Smith's brief and the key here is that neither of these cases will go to trial before election day and if Trump wins the election he'll be able to kill both of these proceedings which I wouldn't put it past him to do but I love the way he writes the truth social post Robbie the same way we studied Shakespeare we're going to study Trump tweets and truths the way random words are capitalized and others are lowercase it all means something doesn't it it uh it takes a special kind of talent to know which words to capitalize and underline to write like uh in that emphatic way uh I absolutely agree with you that we'll study it for generations to come but as to the underlying you know new story look the the hope I think naive hope that many Democrats and progressives had that they would be able to to win this election by imprisoning Trump first is uh was never going to pan out um these proceedings are not going to wrap up by the time of the election not even close um if you want to defeat Trump you have to defeat him in The Ballot Box you can't defeat him through some legal in my view semi dubious proceeding um so this is the indictment is going forward with the limited by the Supreme Court uh because you can't uh according to the Supreme Court decision some of his actions fall under in His official capacity and he has immunity from those the Supreme Court did not explain which of his actions received that protection so it was still kind of creatively left to Jack Smith to decide well maybe that's more plausibly an official action maybe that's not so here's what we're charging him with here's what we're not um and uh and so on so that's the position they're in so they get to uh respond to that and of course Jacks Smith's entire uh appointment has been deemed by one judge to have been um not lawful uh that appointment so we'll see if ultimately a higher Court agrees there but I think the bottom line again is just that there's nothing if you want to beat Trump you have to beat him fair and square in the election um holding out some hope for divine legal intervention was never a good strategy right yeah I think determining what is an official act and what is not is a task that the Supreme Court has essentially set itself up to hear another case on because I can imagine a world where a prosecutor argues quite convincingly that when Donald Trump was in the White House and throwing chicken nuggets against the wall um during the election that he was not serving as president that he had clocked out for the day or something to that effect so what counts as an official act and what doesn't what did he do as president Trump and what did he do you know as a friend of folks in Georgia I think all of these things are going to be flushed out in court very interesting that potentially after election day if he wins he could stop these trials from ever happening um that's a bit scary but there's so much evidence for them to review I just think that charges around this could have come shortly after the January 6 select committee wrapped up proceedings how long ago was that like two years ago at this point and so I I just really feel like the delay here was almost intentional and I think that there are people in our justice system that have made some calculation as to what this effect will be on this election and on the American people if Trump is prosecuted and this is the message he's putting out is that this is all a hoax it's a political prosecution I think they're afraid of of civil unrest whether Justified or not well if there was a deliberate delay on the part of the justice system to to delay the charging of trump I think that was probably designed to and I'm not saying that was the case but if it was the case perhaps it was designed to interrupt interfere with his ability to engage in campaigning which I think has been the most devastating aspect of these prosecutions is that he needs to be out there giving rally which he's doing giving rallies um he was almost assassinated at one but he needs to be out there talking to the people in the Wing States and if he's you know trapped in a courtroom in New York or DC or Georgia or wherever it is then uh you know that's his his he's been his resources are his time is being directed toward toward staying out of prison well that is a strain on the campaign his ability Campaign which of course he is calling a form of election interference so I think that's probably the most negative aspect of the prosecutions for him is that they've kept him um they they have somewhat hampered his ability to campaign he's still doing it but he needs not bad though Robbie as if he was already in prison that might be a little harder then that would really interrupt his ability to campaign although his the can you imagine if they if the Deep State put Donald Trump in jail and uh and he has to run the whole campaign from prison I mean that would that would make that the argument would make itself for what he is you know arguing he should be reelected to do to dismantle the Deep state to prevent the weaponization of the federal government he like look what they have done they have imprisoned me for defending you that would be his pitch to the American people I think yeah I I don't know if we didn't have this Fiasco around whether or not Smith could have been appointed I think things would have gone a little bit smoother there have been you know several hiccups in the the prosecutorial process um here with Donald Trump and so I think also the stormmy Daniels trial happening made this which is about a very recent thing what happened on January 6 of 2021 it it made it seem like it's a slew of cases that are political prosecution but Donald Trump is the main source of information on Donald Trump's cases for a lot of these things and he's not likely to give the prosecution side of things and say well yeah I was you know saying slanderous things about this woman who made accusations against me that the court actually found were true and actually I admitted to but it's fine I shouldn't have been prosecuted in the same breath he'll admit to doing the crime and also say it's wrong that he's being prosecuted for it and and his supporters believe him and so will it have an effect on the election no but is there some standard of of holding people even in power accountable here that people will lose faith in our justice system if that's not done I think that's the motivating factor for continuing on with these cases even though people know he's a widely popular political figure he very well could be the next president um I think he's afraid of KLA Harris right now and he's not doing a great job with his campaign but there's a lot of time until November still and I think he could turn this around and I don't see the cases you know affecting him as much but I'm scared of a scenario where he does win the election and he's never found convicted of these crimes I think that would be a failure of our justice system altogether I would lose a lot lot of faith in our government in our democracy if that were the case and I hope it's not I hope he loses and I hope he's prosecuted and listen maybe a a grand jury or a judge finds him completely Innocent but I think you know he needs to stay in court well that's fine I don't think the process should uh you he's being accused of of serious um crimes and the process needs to work itself out I don't you know whether he's found innocent or guilty I'm not going to be a member of the jury that's up for judges and juries to decide uh certainly he should be no less accountable for his actions than any other political figure although I do uh worry that the process has been construed in a way to make it more difficult for him to run for his election that some of these Stakes should be decided not even by a judge and jury but by voters whether they want this person to be the president again and that part of this effort was at depriving voters of that opportunity instead shifting it to the legal system where there is a higher likelihood of of a conviction because when you're up against the legal system prosecutors have in a ton of power to um to you know rig the the the system against uh defendants that's something that supporters of Criminal Justice Reform you know put take Trump off the menu supporters of Criminal Justice Reform know that the legal system is very unfair to defendants the prosecutors have a lot of power to bring um a variety of different charges based on a small number of actions and to um you know make the person seem uh seem seem guilty but obviously he should face you know the accountability of the system I don't think he should be immune from prosecution I wouldn't want anyone the most powerful having the most powerful job in the world to be totally shielded based on their actions I think that would create very uh perverse incentives so we will have to see more Rising right after this vice president kamla Harris will give her first interview Thursday it's Kamala Harris finally decides to sit down for an interview been a point of contention that she's not given any interviews since she became the presidential candidate for the Democratic party there's been a lot of Naval gazing from mainstream media as to who would score the first interview with kamla the winner is CNN's Dana Bash Harris will not fly solo however her running mate Tim Walls will be part of that interview which prompted Fox News Laura Ingram to post on x quote pre-taped live is just too risky joint interview they're afraid of sending her out solo CNN's Dana Bash will be doing the questioning this keeps getting worse and fo news anchor Howard CTS posted quote this puts so much pressure on this one sit down handing the Republicans a prime talking point and doing more interviews would make each one less of a major dramatic event it's a good point CNN GOP pundit Scott Jennings uh posted quote weak sauce for KLA Harris to demand an emotional support animal guess that's Tim Walls for her first interview shows an extreme lack of confidence for Thursday night event on CNN the sit down comes over a month since she's entered Ed the race according to a report in Politico reporter Eugene Daniels writes that prior to deciding Harris's campaign had been shopping around for who would be doing the big interview per his report campaign staff as reporters input two intelligencers Jonathan Chate does not believe one interview will be enough to wipe away the narrative that she's afraid of the big bad mainstream media in his latest piece for New York Magazine he writes that instead of avoiding interviews she should just do as many as possible he writes quote getting Harris out into the news several times a week is actually a much safer strategy if she gives a bad answer there will be a new cycle about it but she will be back in the news a day or two later talking about something else I just think that the right in America would be saying if KLA Harris wasn't spending her time campaigning in swing States why is she so obsessed with the mainstream media who loves her so much it's so much easier than if she was out talking to regular people they would spin whatever decision she made into a bad one with a different narrative and I think they want as many interviews as possible because they want the the viewership that is the same excitement that draws huge crowds for her so I I just find all this terribly silly I think it's just people in media who think this is a big deal when I talk to my family who lives in a swing state when I talk to my friends who are regular workingclass voters they could not care less whether or not she sits down with a mainstream media figure or with who I don't know Jessica I think this is kind of an exceptional situation because she did not actually have to run or campaign for the nomination there were no debates there was no primary process involving her she was simply chosen to be the replacement candidate by Democratic Elites and donors and thus I think ex you know uniquely in this case the American people might not feel like they actually know her what her policies are she is backtracked on a lot of them she's flip-flopped on uh the border wall some of her Progressive environmental stances whether she thinks there should be an elect electric vehicle mandate that was something that um our co-host Amber uh I saw reported yesterday that um her that she had originally supported a mandate that we all have to have electric vehicles by I think like 2040 and now she just walked that back she's she's changing her policies ostensibly but you don't she's not explaining it she's not having to rationalize it because she's not ever in a position to get even polite scrutiny from a mainstream media that will that will no doubt be polite in their discussions with her because they like and support her and want her to win I I have you know I Dana Bash did a good job in the in the Biden uh Trump debate so fair enough um I think she'll be not insanely hostile by any stretch of imag imagination to kamla but she might you know ask her some probing questions that Force kamla to think on her feet and that is what Harris has struggled with in the past you know ending up saying those kind of vague uh platitudes um she you know she'll have Tim wals next to her be able to to step in give some of that fiery combativeness he's uh he's known for um I do think she should do a lot more interviews and there would be less writing on each one if she was talking to the president a lot No it should not take the place of campaigning in the swing States obviously that's more important but this is a situation where we don't we did not have the opportunity to have the usual scrutiny you have for the candidate for the person who becomes the nominee for president because the process was done entirely on the Fly this year yeah I don't know I just don't see it as big of a deal I see her answering questions outside of her rallies I think that they could have press outside of the rallies asking whatever tough questions they have for her I just think doing a sit down interview and the amount of attention this has had is unparalleled in media what other president has received this amount of scrutiny demanding a long sitdown interview I just think it's very silly and a bit ridiculous regular ccum Jess is unusual people and the Elites in Washington care about but I don't think it's something that regular voters care about I mean they're hearing her message they're hearing her policies and it just feels out of touch that this has become as big of a deal as it is especially when you have so many interviews happening with her on the tarmac outside of her rallies that get next to no coverage why because they're inconvenient for this narrative that she never talks to the media which they're pushing as a ploy to get her to come on their show more often because they want the views they want to make money during an election cycle and it's just not as necessary as they're making it out to be but here we go she's sitting down with Dana Bash who did a great job during the debate between Trump and Biden most recently I think she's a fine pick for the job for that reason and Wall's coming I don't think is a big deal people need to get to know walls too he's done a lot of sit-down interviews at times when she's been busy because let's also remember she's serving as vice president so the two of them showing up together is so they can get to know the ticket this idea that it's emotional support is silly if she's too busy because she's doing the work of being vice president uh that's fine uh that's interesting I would like to know what that work entails I think it's thus fair to consider her part of the Biden Harris Administration now you got on me for that uh the other day I had to laugh by the way at this political headline from I think from yesterday that was Vance tries to tether Harris to Biden during Michigan rally tries to tether Harris to Biden she works for him she's in the administration with him if she doesn't co-sign the policies of last four years then she should explain where she differs but she is part of the team who's responsible for implementing these policies she was tangentially in charge of aspects she was put philosophically in charge of aspects of the Border policy which is the single most unpopular aspect of the entire Administration that was her purview so it's it's just I feel like I'm being gaslit by a media trying to pretend oh she has nothing to she's the change candidate she has nothing to do with the administration she's part of it she's part of the administration and some of these questions could be ironed out if she faced hostile scrutiny from the media so no I I I don't agree I think this is a an exceptional situation where she has been suddenly thrust into the position of being the presidential candidate without any of the normal scrutiny you get by doing this process and she should do more interviews not just she should do with CNN Fox and MSNBC and Rising by the way make a little pitch for our show her news Nation the hill Etc she's she should make herself available yes they want to make money and they want their ratings and that's their motivation fine but uh but this is a this is a situation where this is an unprecedented situation and I think it is totally fine to the extent the media is even criticizing her for not talking to them there's not that much of that going on mostly they're just giving her favorable coverage they're making her pretending that she has nothing to do with the Biden Administration even though again she's part of it um I think that's led her to conclude well why would I bother talking to them they're so in my corner they're going to boost me without me even having to work for it I think that's been the strategy thus far although that is going to change if she totally ices them out I think JD Vance's predecessor would have a lot to say about the relationship between a vice president and a president because Mike Pence and Donald Trump have everything in common right especially the major stuff especially the stuff about elections considering he was his running M I think the Republicans know more than anybody in American politics that there is a difference between a vice president and a president they can view the country differently they can even view the Constitution very differently and elections where their name is on the ticket very differently so yes they are trying to make Harris own every single one of Biden's decisions when let's be honest every single one of the president's decisions are not ones that the vice president endorses more Rising right after this fox news's Jesse Waters has found Jesse Waters claims sexist comments about Kamala Harris 'misconstrued' himself in hot water after making these comments on the Network's Prime time show the five Monday night let's watch this is where the president has his most impact you have a lot of room to maneuver there as commander-in Chief we don't know who she is we don't know what she believes she's going to get paralyzed in the situation room while the generals have their way with her right now Jessie Jesse I don't like that figuratively again take it back have their way with her control her not in a sexual way you now several of his co-hosts clearly were not not the only ones taking it back Doug M Hoff's ex-wife Kirsten fired back posting there are many things to worry about being kamla or but kamla being manhandled in the situation room is not one of them congresswoman Barbara commstock posted quote when even Fox hosts can't abide the intentional misogyny against kamla Harris by the dumbest and most obnoxious man on Fox Jesse Waters the Bri the brainworms that have quote their way in this boy's head writer Amy sisin called for the host to be asked quote Jesse Waters should be fired for this even the two women on the panel were appalled what say you Fox News Waters tried to explain himself on the following night saying that his comments were being Twisted take a look there's been some attention to comments I made on the show yesterday about VP Harris people are misconstruing my comments to mean something inappropriate I wasn't suggesting anything of a sexual nature I was expressing my opinion that vice president Harris's current leadership style could be an issue if elected I just think it's plain as day that if KLA Harris was not a woman and this was not a situation talking about a woman in a room of men he wouldn't have used the phrase have their way with her he would have said they would have persuaded her or they would have had their view or their course of action taken without question have their away with her is not a phrase that is used in a manner that's not sexual I okay I he misspoke he says he misspoke I he meant like you know take take advantage of her not again not in a sexual way as he said but like uh take advantage of the fact that she is inexperienced or is not have a commanding presence in his View and that they would be able to implement policies or recommend things without her having a grasp of the situation again that's his view of of it he he didn't mean it in a textual way he misspoke and I don't I I don't know this seems what's the big deal I don't I don't I'm I'm a little thrown by it this misog okay you can never criticize KLA Harris that's what we're saying you can you it's misogynist or wrong to suggest that again we don't know what her policies are she's not faced scrutiny for them I don't know where she differs for or agrees with Biden her boss in terms of foreign policy I don't know if she'd have a if she wants to leave it to the generals if she's going to listen to them if she's not going to listen to them I have no idea I happen to be someone who thinks foreign policy should actually be made by our elected our democratically elected leaders not the cabal of foreign policy experts generals military people who survive who stay in Washington who are the policy makers regardless of whether we have Republicans and Democrats and continue I would argue a generally interventionist foreign policy even when and the American people clearly vote for give a mandate to our politicians to do something different but we still have the blob running things is she going to stand up to the blob I think that's an interesting question I don't know I'd like to learn more about it I think that's what Jesse Waters was getting at his phrasing was not ideal as he admits but the point to me is perfectly valid and we de legitimizing that inquiry to start whining complaining about his phrasing there is my would be my take I just don't get where it's coming from what does he mean she's inexperienced she's serving as the vice president today she is the person on the ticket who has the most experience in regard to American foreign policy and awareness of where the United States military is involved abroad and what the details of those operations were there there is no one besides President Biden who who knows more than her on this so the idea that she is inexperienced or unable to make decisions when she has a record of public service that I'm sorry but JD Vance's is Tiny compared to her record but no one says he's going to get taken advantage of when he's making decisions in the white house why is that she doesn't have a commanding presence have you seen her on the floor of Congress asking questions tough questions to people there who are there to give testimony and get asked tough questions too I just have never seen KLA Harris waver in those situations and Jesse Wat is aware of KLA Harris's appearances on the senate in her committees asking tough questions to elected officials bureaucrats and anyone of interest to the American government he knows very well her record of Public Service as a senator and as attorney general so this idea that she is someone who would be weak in The Situation Room weak in a room of military officials that's her job today she's experienced in that and so I just would ask where is it coming from where are these IDE is coming from at the Baseline to make that criticism or ask that question well they're coming from the fact that again as I said a minute ago no matter who's in charge you know and like I apply this to both parties you know Barack Obama was elected on a mandate to have a less interventionist foreign policy that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had gone devastatingly wrong and there was no immediate withdrawal from those efforts in fact there was escalations despite what people voted for him to do this constitutional scholar Contin aspects of the conflict that I think were violations of the Constitution and people s of Wonder well why is that is it because the president doesn't actually get to make a lot of these decisions they end up getting rolled by what people call the blob the the Washington DC foreign policy military consensus are the people actually making decisions I this was true to an extent when Trump was then elected on that same mandate to have a less interventionist um foreign policies and I think in some ways he achieved that in others he didn't but you know who's actually making these decisions those are two those are two people Barack Obama and Donald Trump with very uh who are rhetorically gifted in different ways who are strong personalities who made very clear who who railed against the the interventionist foreign uh policy policies of uh of of other administrations who came in explicitly to change it and I would argue both of them again I'm trying to I'm both siding this I I want to accuse both parties of not do doing what they were elected to do um they they were not able to make as much of a difference as expected so then the question is well will K Harris be able to succeed where they did not and and I would like to be reassured of that if she would more explain or more elucidate what her her views are and to your point about JD Vance look if someone said I don't I think JD Vance is going to get taken advantage of or whatever the phrasing is by the generals cuz he he's not I I don't think there's evidence that he's tough enough to go toe-to-toe with them I wouldn't like react to that by saying you're a accuse them of anti- male or anti or like saying a sexist or whatever Remar I would just say like okay well what's your evidence for that why do you think that um it seems like I don't know I don't I don't like that kind of shutting down inquiry for those reasons it's not shutting down inquiry because he didn't ask what you said that's just not what JD wat said he said KLA Harris in a room full of of military commanders would have their way away with her that's very different from saying I'm not sure that KLA Harris will stand up to the bureaucrats in the foreign policy establishment that's a different inquiry that's a different question what people are upset about is not the content of the question being about kamla Harris standing up to bureaucrats The Blob the military industrial complex or the foreign policy establishment the CIA nor any other International body um what they're upset about is that he said the commanderin-chief she would be their boss that military commanders when in a room with her not her peers people who are subject to her command would have their way with her that's a ridiculous thing to say about the commander-in-chief and so Jesse waters's words were were just simply not what you just said and so I think people are upset because the words he did use are words that have a specific connotation that was inappropriate that was dismissive of the idea that a woman could be commander-in-chief no matter how experienced she is we'll be back with more Rising right after this two Delta Airline workers were killed after a Boeing 757 Tire Two Boeing Workers killed after aircraft tire unexpectedly explodes unexpectedly exploded at Atlanta's International Airport this tragic incident took place early yesterday morning with the 31-year-old plane had been grounded since its last flight from Las Vegas on Sunday a statement Delta said quote the Delta family is heartbroken at the loss of two team members the injur of another following an incident this morning we've extended our full support to family members and colleagues during this incredibly difficult time now we don't know yet what caused the explosion Delta's cooperating with authorities and conducting a full investigation to determine what happened now it's been a a tough year for Boeing poor Boeing two Boeing whistleblowers who Express concerns about Boeing's safety and Quality Control Systems died this year uh the company also had a plane with a door blown off another plane veered off a Runway when its landing gear collapsed another had a wheel fall off plus Boeing Starliner is stuck in space after several issues with the spacecraft's thrusters so I feel very bad for the pilots and engineers and everyone affected I can't say I feel bad for Boeing because what these whistleblowers seem to indicate is that Boeing was aware of the safety concerns of their aircrafts and force their employees and pilots on the airlines they sell their aircraft to uh to deal with that and and face the the worst possible outcome of death and that was a risk seemingly Boeing was willing to make by flying people on these planes that apparently they knew were unsafe and then the whistleblowers just mysteriously die I don't know very very sketchy Robbie yeah this is very sketchy obviously this is terrible very sad for the people who were um who were killed a third was injured you this so to be clear this didn't this wasn't on the plane like while it was flying through the air this was an out of a plane that was not in commission that was being uh worked on I think so you know this is really very sad and incredible that this could happen I mean what is going on Boeing has to answer questions for the safety of its planes I mean no this should be under safe situation right this is not I in the sky where something can go wrong this is they they were in the process of checking in on this plane and uh and and Boeing just has a tremendous number of questions it's going to have to face I I think people are starting to feel unsafe about flying on these planes even though you know there hasn't been a a plane crash in America in in years and years and years but there have been people killed on Boeing aircrafts because of what seems like negligence what the what the whistleblowers have said is negligence and and then we we've had these whistleblowers die under as you say mysterious circumstances even though evidence and police have suggested they were they were suicides but even in cases where the person said I would never commit suicide if I'm found dead it's not suicide and then suicide supposedly happens um I I don't know it looks very fishy very sketchy um I I don't know whether this tire blowout is you know related to the other problems the planes are having but something is clearly wrong um if it if it's Boeing I ain't going is what people are going to start saying yeah the tire exploding I mean I've been on the highway and I've seen trucks tires get too hot get too worn down and blow off I cannot imagine a boing 757 Tire exploding it it it honestly makes sense that that is something that could be you know catastrophic and deadly and a company that's willing to make that calculation of profits over basic safety protocols a lot of the time there's a cost benefit of analysis of what it costs in time and materials and Personnel to ensure every possible safety protocol is is ticked off uh and is in place in the first uh onset when you write these safety protocols for your staff that are meant to check the aircraft that are meant to build aircraft that are safe they make some calculation that actually it's not worth it that actually the lawsuit is cheaper than if we assess the cost of doing business over 10 years with the safety protocol in place with this risk analysis done mitigating as much saf risk as possible it's just not their first priority they don't have family members who are pilots apparently they don't have family members on the Delta crew they don't care they're making a calculation for these planes to sell as many as possible at the highest prices possible with the least amount of safety protocols so Boeing who has a track record of making decisions in that manner yeah makes sense that a tire would explode even though that's not the typical thing we've seen with the Boeing but you hear this story and it's oh was it a Boeing they have that reputation now and because we have this oligopoly what other airlines uh are where where else are they buying planes from Airbus I can't think of another type of plane between Boeing and Airbus that I've flown on and I flow quite frequently that's a huge issue the lack of competition in the plane production Market it's it's hard to break into in the first place but sounds like we need some more Robie yeah for sure well there's competition in the in the space category uh Boeing was going to be playing a role in bringing home those astronauts NASA said no NASA did not trust Boeing's plans for that voting instead to award the contract to Elon musk's SpaceX which will be able to rescue those astronauts in the coming months I think that's also an indictment of the culture of negligence and disregard for safety going on at the company right now yeah and I think about flying on these Airlines when I fly on an Airbus I feel safer because I've heard less stories about them but how frequently I fly on a plane that's like a Boeing 7 what is it 737 727 uh there's a a big red notice called uh updated safety protocols on all of their packets they've seemingly made some adjustments that make the planes more secure and have updated their safety protocols and are more intentional about telling people what to do in the event that something goes wrong on the aircraft but it's still terrifying and the fact that Pilots are expected to fly these planes with known safety concerns and we don't even get to hear what some of these whistleblowers really had to say or all of the information they had because they were suicided which is a real verb you can kill someone and make it look like a suicide the CIA has done this extensively I wouldn't put it past the people at Boeing to do it I don't have any evidence of it but I think when you have enough circumstances around it it becomes very suspicious and many people are asking questions about these whistleblowers deaths but honestly if I was a pilot I would be just as upset expected to fly people on a plane that is unsafe and you know it's not that the airlines care about the customers so much they don't care that I lose my luggage or my flight gets delayed and I get stuck in Chicago but having someone stranded at an airport versus having someone on a plane that is unsafe very different calculations being made and it's really a profit over people's Liv scenario with Boeing we'll be back with more Rising right after Ukraine's latest incursion into Russia could backfire this well Ukraine stunned Russia earlier this month when it did reclaim a small patch of land in the kers region of Russia since then Russia's failed to repel this biggest incursion into its country since World War II leaving many foreign policy experts scratching their heads Russia has responded by launching a barrage of air strikes employing hundreds of drones and missiles it's a clear message about Russia's military might still Ukraine appears to have uh achieved something in breaking into Russian territory now Americans so far have not allowed Ukraine to employ long-range weapons made in the US for fear that that could spark World War III between Russia and the US to break down what is going on and explain where Russia Ukraine and the US stand in this war is retired lieutenant colonel Daniel Davis a foreign policy and Military expert thanks for coming back to Rising always good to have me here thanks for having me so this was a success I think by Ukraine to the military to break into uh Russian territory but does it actually change the long-term trajectory of the war does it put Ukraine in a position of actually having to defend more territory well I I actually argue quite the contrary I don't think this is a success on the Ukraine side at all as a matter of fact I think that time may prove that this hasten their potential military loss and let me explain why when when you're talking about sending between 15 and 20,000 uh total soldiers into the country the size of Russia uh there's literally no chance that that can have any kind of success because Russia just has too many Resources Personnel ammunition air power Etc and that is basically a dead men walking it's not going to be too much longer before Russia's going to put this out now here's the other part that's that not many Western commentators seem to be even aware of uh but there is a lot of evidence and I have had this corroborated from some folks who've been on my show on Daniel Davis Deep dive that a full month before this happened apparently some Russian observers recognized what was happening uh and they actually allowed and facilitated the made it easier for the Ukraine side to go into this incursion which they contained here's why because Ukraine sent some of their best trained soldiers and most of their available strategic uh Weapons Systems uh and reserves into this area and they are being methodically destroyed meanwhile Russia did not move any of its troops from the East especially in the poov area uh and a little bit further south even in that and they are making significant and now accelerated moves in the East and they could potentially even break through for the first time really in in the War uh the Ukraine side so they are in much more perilous situation than many people realize no ask you a question I've asked on the show before but I want your perspective on this with this Invasion into Russia it seems to play into Russia's hand with the narrative that they have which is that there is a a farri force within Ukraine that there's you know Nazis in Ukraine coming to power and that's what motivated their Invasion and this kind of aggressive action fighting back at Russia is this something that strengthens that narrative and makes it hard hard for Ukraine to say you know we're the victim of an invasion here please help protect us against this Invasion making their case to the West it seems to me that taking this action could potentially motivate you know the Russian troops more of them to fight for them to fight harder to protect their country and really see the narrative that the Russian government has in this war being true well it's even more than you think there uh because first of all on the point that you raised it didn't help that there were German martyr infantry carriers with some called tanks uh an infantry fighting it's an arbored vehicle from Russia from Germany invading into the kers region in Russia where there's a big famous battle between uh the Germans the Nazis and and the Russians back in in the World War II and that certainly re affirmed those fears the bigger issue that this reinforces on the on the Russian side is that this is the west and and NATO and all of the uh European Union against Russia and they say look you you have British Challenger tanks you have German Martyrs you have American Striker Vehicles this is all of the West literally invading into our country and so it is absolutely solidified any kind of support uh for Russia uh for Vladimir Putin in particular and giving him basically a free hand to do whatever he wants to do and at first a lot of the Russian people were upset that that Putin didn't move really quickly to get rid of all this incursion but now then many of the commentators are saying actually just keep those flanks open and keep it contained but as long as Ukraine keeps throwing reserves inside there they're going to be methodically destroyed and they're not going to be available elsewhere so this is actually being viewed in Russia now as a positive thing and it reinforces to your point all of those things about the Nazi issues and whatever but especially that it's the West against Russia well and and you could maybe make the case for I could see the argument for you know they seize this territory give them you know a leg up in immediate short-term negotiations maybe that strengthens their position right now but they're not going to be able to hold this going forward as you say this is diverting resources they need to protect the rest of Ukraine to this effort so if they you know if they took had a on on the you know the backs of a military success you you leverage that success for negotiation to maybe get a a stronger outcome right now but knowing you have to do that now rather than wait when you won't be able to hold that position is there any indication that you know this is making this was you know some kind of stunt or achievement so that they could get a more favorable deal in negotiations is there any indication they even want to negotiate you know they being the in fact both zilinsky and some of his senior officials have expressly said this was part of the reason that they wanted to improve their negotiating position from a position of strength Etc but it's it's frankly just just mindboggling and puzzling to me why anyone thinks that Russia would uh actually capitulate and negotiate from a position of weakness and in fact we see the exact opposite has happened you had uh from Maria zacharova uh all the way on down Serge lavro uh the deputy riabov have absolutely said there will be no negotiations now they had an offer on the table in June they said that is now absolutely off the table we will now win on the battlefield what we want now it remains to be seen whether they can make good on that evidence suggests that that's maybe a real possibility we'll see how that plays out but it absolutely has killed any possibility and thought on the Russian side of having a negotiated settlement and then you have really a strange press conference yesterday in Kiev where zilinsky said I'm going to bring in September a victory plann to President Biden and and given the conditions on the battlefield I it's like are you even still going to be in the fight by then uh because things are going definitely in the wrong direction and they're accelerating the losses in the East and now you have zalinsky talking about a victory plan and frankly I see no uh basis for it let's get into the the long range weapons this is something that seemingly zalinski very much wants that the United States has said absolutely not this will involve the the West in a wider War which makes sense in the context of what you just said about how Russia sees this now as a war against the West I think it's the right move not to give them you know access to long range weapons or employ them uh against Russia what do you make of this do you see the US ever wavering on that uh Well you certainly would expect and and understand if zilinski ignores the certain answer of no because we've given that for throughout two and a half years of war and then we have gone back on literally everything so far all the way up to including the f16s here recently uh none of it has made any difference on the battlefield neither would this all it's going to do is continue to uh escalate the situation and to increase the possibility that this does expand you had uh uh Sergey lavro again emphatically stay yesterday in light specifically of the with uh permission to try and strike deeper into Russia with us or Western made weapons he said you're playing with fire if you think that there will never be a consequence uh and I I think it's it's foolish to say oh they they're just bluffing and they just ignore it and go on because I'm not sure that they are bluffing uh on this one especially when you're talking about their actual territory longer range and you see that they have been building up a sizable strategic Reserve that could be employed offensively here in the coming months or so uh but the bigger issue is it will not make any difference even if Biden eventually succumbs to this as well uh and you don't need any more proof of that than look at the Ukraine side here that you see that Russia has virtually uh an an open door to attack with long range missiles throughout the entire country which they've just done on consecutive nights here to devastating consequence but it hasn't stopped the Ukraine side from actually continuing on for their War the idea that the Russian side much much bigger much more capable air defense systems would be crippled by this which I've heard even earlier today many Western commentators say yeah that's what would happen it's nonsense and it's like people who don't know what they're talking about and I'm just being blunt here they are dead wrong if they thinks that's what would happen you would have a risk of escalation you would not have a successful tactical situation Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis thank you so much for joining us we appreciate always my pleasure thank you Robin D'Angelo is an Infamous ‘White Fragility’ author Robin DiAngelo exposed as plagiarist anti-racism scholar and the author of the book White fragility as a white woman she is outspoken about her belief in crediting minorities but now she's been accused of plagiarism in an accountability statement posted on her website D'Angelo says quote fellow white people must always site and give credit to the work of bipo people who have informed your thinking but according to a complaint filed last week at the University of Washington where she received her PhD in Multicultural education she plagiarized many scholars including two minorities now according to the Washington Free Beacon D'Angelo's doctoral thesis whiteness in racial dialogue a discourse analysis that sounds like riveting reading it takes two paragraphs from Asian-American Professor Thomas Nakayama without correct attribution she does not include quotation marks or intext citations the Free Beacon also reports that she took material from Asian-American Professor Stacy Lee summarizing the work of scholar David Theo Goldberg joining us now to discuss is Aaron samarium a writer at the Washington Free Beacon who broke this story got a lot of attention on social media thanks so much for joining us thank you for having me Robbie so I think our viewers understand the importance the influence of Robin D'Angelo you know this is a figure who has gotten actually a lot of mockery from kind of all sides of the political Spectrum I would say in recent recent years for her kind of racial Obsession the white people should be trying to like exercise the demon that is racism from their from their bodies in almost like a a quasi religious way but now it turns out you know how give us this the scope of how bad it is that some of her writing on this topic was actually plagiarized from Minority Scholars the very thing that she says is like a cardinal sin yeah so there have obviously been a lot of plagiarism allegations in the past uh Year many of them against Dei officials and her plagiarism Falls I would say on the more severe half of the Continuum it's not the worst that I've seen but it's pretty bad um it's more it's more extensive certainly the passages are longer than I think any of the passages it issue and say Claudine gays work um the in some cases she borrows two three paragraphs in a row um from other Scholars without any kind of intext attribution um most of the people are cited in her bibliography but that's not really a defense to plagiarism you have to actually make clear which words are your own and which words are your sources and she manifestly fails to do that on dozens of occasions uh throughout this dissertation so one success is that she's done what many doctoral Scholars don't do and that's have people read her thesis and her work um can you tell us how you came to this story Erin I mean there was a complaint I obtained it and then I I looked at the examples verified them myself um and you know look i' I've obviously the free vacan has been interested in D'Angelo for a while all the way back in 2020 we did a lot of reporting on how she made her money um the lack of evidence for the kinds of training she does uh one of my favorite stories that my former colleague Charles Leman wrote was about how she actually uh was paid more than a black woman for speaking at an anti-racist uh diversity training she made almost twice as much as the black speaker uh for just basically showing up and lecturing the audience about their racism um so you know I I think that the the charlatanism has been a focus of ours for a while and this was kind of just sort of the she the proverbial chef's kiss as it were um in in reporting against D'Angelo yeah this is I I just looked up the last time I wrote about Robin D'Angelo for reason was in this training video of hers at surface in which she um she refers to the famous painting the creation of Adam you know one of those famous works of Renaissance art Renaissance art as epitomizing um white supremacy and she actually mistakes Adam for uh for David the biblical figure David so that's uh some really good uh so that that was not a plagiarized view that was just one of her own um you know this is someone who as you point has made a lot of money is is like the leader maybe the in the top three names in this field of anti-racism seminars and talks which she's just paid insane amounts of money to give presentations in educational settings in some corporate settings you know what she charges by the minute is astronomical uh because she portrays herself as this expert on this topic so it it it really does it's not just acha to say that you know she she misattributed her sources or didn't do that correctly or you know didn't put maybe that can sound trivial to people but like you have to journalists Scholars everyone were expected to you know if you're directly quoting someone you put it in quotes and you say who it's from you have to paraphrase you have to be careful if you're just you know taking large chunks of text from somewhere else and making sure it's done appropriately and and the previous president of Harvard University who resigned after you know Claud and gay after a lot of her mistakes were pointed out um you know I think that was absolutely fair and this is as you say this is someone even more extensive someone who is even more predominantly in a kind of education and scholarship role it's you know it speaks to the I think the intellectual bankruptcy of what she's doing yeah and I would emphasize too that the the PHD credential is really Central to uh her marketing right her website is literally titled Robin D'Angelo comma PhD uh and it repeats repeatedly references her academic credentials it says that the term white fragility was coined by D'Angelo in a 2011 academic paper in fact it was actually coined in her dissertation right so her entire career basically flows from this dissertation even though not as even though it's obviously not as well known as her best-selling books um so the complaint is in essence calling into question the legitimacy of the credential on which she has built her career and through which she has made millions of dollars you know yeah I myself I'm a victim of the American graduate school industrial complex um everyone who's had a life free of academic writing or reading congratulations but if you look at this and you the comparisons that you provide on the Free Beacon are quite good because you highlight the words in red that are used by these minority schol and then the words used uh by D'Angelo it's a lot of words it's not just that she read these authors work and provided a summary it's a copy paste change of few words situation and so as someone who's been an advocate uh D'Angelo saying if you if you use ideas from bipo Scholars cite them and there were citations but there is something egregious about this copy paste change of few words appr that that Robin D'Angelo seemingly took can you just speak to to how egregious this was I'm sure you had other examples that you didn't include in the article to keep it brief because the few that are in there are are just really shocking how many exact phrases are the same but is there more there is more and and you can uh you know you can you can read the complaint the the full complaint um has more um I would say the ones in the article probably the worst uh but yeah it doesn't end with the ones in the article uh in in some cases she'll do this thing where she she will credit the people in text but she won't put quotation marks around the words so she makes it seem like she's paraphrasing when in fact she's really copying uh the language for btim the other thing you'll notice about the examples we did highlight is that she often just changes one or two words and that actually makes it worse than if she had simply copied verbatim because if you copy it verbatim with no alterations it might just be that you forgot to put the citation or the quotation marks you were rushing copy and pasting it's plausible when you change a couple words though that shows uh men's Rea that shows that you knew what you were doing and we actively trying to uh disguise it by making just a token alterations um that's a good point so that actually I think makes it far worse than if she had just literally copied and pasted verbatim and the other thing you notice is that in some of the passages she is basically dis using summaries that that another author used of another author so it makes it look like she's summarizing you know the primary source directly but what she's actually doing is copying from an unacknowledged secondary source um so it looks like she's citing her work but she's actually not uh which is kind of devious and it also presents almost a discreet kind of academic dishonesty because what she's in essence doing is putting her she's basically putting were like one Scholar's words in the mouth of another without saying that that's what she's doing right she's making it seem like she's summarizing uh an author when she's actually relying on a third author's gloss of the original um so all of that speaks to what is at best a pattern of real real sloppiness and at worst I think a pattern of kind of Serial deception throughout her dissertation Aaron great story thanks as always for your terrific reporting I know a lot of our viewers were having a laugh at this one thanks so much thank 10 killed in major Israeli military operation in the West Bank you Israel began another major operation today this time hundreds of troops have entered cities in the West Bank Israel says it is targeting Palestinian militants there at least nine people are reported to have been killed so far now this is the biggest raid into the occupied West Bank territories in two decades this raid is a significant escalation following months of low-level attack tax into the occupied territory nearly 3 million Palestinians live under Israeli military rule here Hamas says this is an expansion of the war against Palestinians Israel says the raid was spurred by Iran using this area as a clandestine smuggling route for weapons to Hamas Israel's foreign minister has suggested that some residents of the invaded area would need to leave their homes now here to break it down for us is Executive Vice President of the Quincy Institute tra parsey thanks for joining us thank you so why don't you tell us what you know about this and if what we're hearing from Israel it seems to be accurate well it certainly is accurate that they're going into the West Bank and they have been for the last 10 months uh they have killed more than 7 650 uh Palestinians in the West Bank and we should remind the viewers that Hamas actually is not present in any strong way in the West Bank that is controlled by the Palestinian Authority uh but they've nevertheless gone in killed more than 650 Palestinians uh while at the same time taking more than a thousand prisoners from there as well um uh which we hear very little about in the media mindful of the fact that these are not um uh they're not detained and prosecuted they're just put into prisons and some of them are put into some of these detentions that we now have evidence for where uh massive human rights violation and torture has been taking place so this is further escalation I have to say I I find it very unlikely that not any of this would be happening had it not been for the Biden Administration just constantly giving the Netanyahu government the C blanch I mean after several vetos against resolutions calling for not just a ceasefire but also the release of the hostages and this constant protection of whatever it is that the Israelis are doing whether it's assassinations in tan in in Leb on uh uh bombing grades in in Lebanon including in Beirut whatever it does the Biden Administration is providing diplomatic and political cover for while also providing military cover because we have now moved more ships I think around more than 20 uh naval ships to the Middle East essentially to provide the Israelis with impunity as they are committing these crimes with our weapons you mentioned the Biden administration's role in facilitating this um you know where do you do you expect the administration come down on this escalation in the West Bank um is there going to be any statement from Biden or kamla Harris or whoever is actually in charge over there uh they've been so supportive of what Israel is doing against Hamas in Gaza and they're you know they can say that well we're supporting our Ally that was attacked and is at war with a terrorist organization but what's the rationale for what's going on in the West Bank and will will there ever come a point where this Administration or the next one could be a continuation of the previous administration is going to finally say enough is enough so I won't be holding my breath and I don't think there's many others that would either uh but I think at the same time while the netan government most likely is taking advantage of the political season here calculating probably quite correctly that in the midst of a political uh election season the uh Harris campaign is not going to be particularly inclined to get tough with Israel and Biden doesn't have the inclination to ever be tough with Israel regardless uh and take advantage of that and further uh further escalate and destabilize the Middle East during this period but I think we also have to recognize that Harris needs to recognize that it lies not only in the US's interest to make sure that we don't see this escalation every month there is some new escalation by the Israelis every time they do so they bring the United States closer into war in the region but there's also in her own personal political interest to do something about this because if the Israelis continue to escalate in this manner and Harris keeps on just repeating Biden talking points that will cost her tremendously with those voters who she will need in Michigan in Georgia and other states uh in order to be able to win the elections I think many people see this kind of a invasion of the West Bank as maybe a Gaza 2.0 but I is there any hope left for the Palestinians is this somehow different from the ground invasion in Gaza well first of all I think it's important to note also that the Israeli foreign minister himself said that this is going to lead to gazal likee evacuations and we we see what that means in Gaza that means that millions of people 90% of the entire population of Gaza are currently displaced many of them having to evacuate from one corner of Gaza to the other more than 10 15 times and every time they do so several of their family members die of hunger or thirst while at the same time many of them of course are being killed by missiles hitting tents where refugees are sleeping uh if that is what they are calling for to happen in the West Bank where God where Hamas is not present then it's further pushing the envelope of testing is there any red line is there any point in which the United States would say enough is enough you are doing all of this with our taxpayers money with our weapons and you are destroying America's standing on the global stage something that we absolutely will need given the fact that in this Century there will be uh increased tensions with China it's not inevitable but we will go towards a situation in which there will be a lot of geopolitical flux and not having standing not having credibility not having any of those things is a huge detriment to the United States and that is what Israel is causing the us right now let alone the the the mass murder of the Palestinians what is the response from for instance Iran to you know what Israel doing this type of thing we saw reporting I I think yesterday that Iran was willing to have talks about its nuclear program again with the US um but does this you know continued escalation of tensions in the Middle East um Dash any hopes for real progress on on peace between the US which ultimately should be the goal of the US government to make sure it's our citizens are safe and protected um our peace with Iran and other um other states we've not always gotten along with in the region it's a great point because it does exactly that we're now seeing clear signals from Iran from the pesan government as well as from the supreme leader opening the pathway for diplomacy with the United States a critical thing that has happened on that front is that the Iranians are now also recognizing that the jcpa as it was negotiated back in 2013 to 2015 has now been overtaken by events it does not mean that a nuclear deal should not be pursued but it cannot be the identical one that was pursued 2013 to 2015 so this has been the US position both on the Trump and on the Biden that they wanted to renegotiate it in my view at a time in which it wasn't wasn't necessary for it to be renegotiated but because it's now essentially not been in effect for so long going back to it is no longer possible and now the Iranians are coming to that position as well this should be welcomed by the United States because it means that even though the two countries have very different perspective of what the deal should look like at least they're now recognizing that there is a need for a new deal all of that is being jeopardized by the escalation of the Israelis that is leading the region towards uh some form of a regional war that will make it very difficult not only to be able to pursue that diplomacy but also to sustain this of common interest in which both sides seem to want a new deal if there is a regional War there is a significant risk that the Iranians will conclude that it's not a deal that they need it's a nuclear weapon that they need and this is a crucial devastating outcome of what the Netanyahu government and Israel is doing with the permission and active support of the Biden Administration now how does this affect the the SE far negotiation I mean it it seems a bit ridiculous to even St even say they're still negotiation on the table because it seems that Israel and the United States are only willing to agree with some kind of ceasefire deal that allows them to remain militarily in the West Bank at this point and Gaza so is there a path forward for peace at all Israel is looking for a ceasefire without a ceasefire the Biden Administration is looking for a ceasefire that the Israelis accept which essentially is no ceasefire so at this point the negotiations are increasingly starting to look like if farce they're looking as a diplomatic maneuver to allow the Israelis more time to do what they're doing rather than actually pursuing these talks in a way in order to get to a point in which this violence actually stops so again this is another area in which the US has just completely lost control because of the manner in which the Biden Administration has handled this I mean how many times should blinkin go out there and say we have a deal the Israelis have accepted it only to hear Netanyahu within a half hour give a press conference in which he says no not at all I have not accepted this deal this is really ridiculous because it's making not only by uh uh um Lincoln look like Israel's lawyer but also Israel's incompetent lawyer that doesn't actually know what Israel's position is or is lying about it TR Pary thank you so much your analysis on this issue always sheds light on things that I think the American people don't usually get to see so we appreciate it we're Rising after this thank you so much for having Trump merch team unveils $99 trading cards me Trump's merch team doesn't lack creativity Trump announced on Tuesday he's selling a new collection of digital trading cards here's the ad let's watch is your favorite President Donald J Trump with some very exciting news by popular demand I'm doing a new series of trump digital trading cards you all know what they are we've had a lot of fun with them it's called the America First collection 50 all new stunning digital trading cards it's really something these cards show me dancing and even be holding some Bitcoins here's the best part I'm doing great things for my trump digital card collectors first there's the real physical Trump cards purchase 15 or more of my trump digital trading cards and we mail you a beautiful physical trading card it's really I think quite something each physical trading card has an authentic piece of my suit that I wore for the presidential debate and people are calling it The Knockout suit I don't know about that but that's what they're calling it so we'll cut up The Knockout suit and you're going to get a piece of it and we'll be randomly autographing five of them a true collector's item the cards are going for $99 and they're really something Robbie but even if all of the cards sell out Trump has a long way to go to catch up to vice president kamla Harris's fundraising in July the Harris campaign raised $24 million while the Trump campaign raised just $48 million so maybe they have to offer the cards I saw in a nearby town I was going to the grocery store which is far away they rearranged the Walmart here it's a nightmare in small town America with these big corporations coming in Robbie but they are selling Trump silver coins and it was an interesting jua position there was a sign that said Trump silver coins and then Asian massage right next door I don't know what that means about perfect competition and economic the theory of two stores selling the same thing right next to each other but maybe they have similar customers Robbie I don't know lots of people are taking pictures of these signs next to each other but between the Cards and the silver coins and the shoes what happened to the shoes the Trump campaign is at least offering something in exchange for your dollar not just taking the money and I don't know using it for lawsuits uh look I'm not a much of a trading cards kind of person I don't uh that's not a a thing I collect so I don't feel a need to have the Trump collection to purchase that but you know the candidates both candidates sell merchandise I can't tell here in DC in Kamala land I can't tell you how many kamla Billboards I see that people have and t-shirts and even in the in the green brat color now that's all over the place and that's uh that's fine uh you know if you want to if Trump wants to sell trading cards and you want to you know Pokemon collect them all type deal that's uh that's fine with me I now if I was designing the trading cards I would make it like Pokemon or like magic the Gathering I would have the cards have little attributes be part of a trading a card game where you you know you can use the powers on the card and you know you have to use your your MP and HP and that kind of stuff that's how I would do it um I I think this is a little bit simpler this is more just collecting but let's you know let's let's have a game aspect of it as well I think uh that would have a lot lot of appeal in the uh very uh in the kind of demographic I'm a part of which is people who like to play um board games yes each card it could be like a JD Vance card and his special talents of uh I don't know what what is J Vance call it socialism criticize women for being single and then Tim Walls could have special powers too like deploy weird uh say we're just being good neighbors and it would be all of their usual attack lines and you could play with your friends I just I don't know the memorabilia gets weird I even think some of the shirts are weird some of the comma shirts are fun I saw one where it was her driving a convertible with a car full of significant figures from history like Rosa Parks behind her and I thought that was an interesting Vibe I like when they mimic the sort of you know '90s hip-hop t-shirts with a bunch of kamla Harris photos her in different outfits and positions and then it says KLA in like a swirly font over it there have been some fun ones um yeah I think uh it's good people are having fun with the merch I thought the coconut stuff was good but I think sometimes it crosses a line in America that that just we're too obsessed with our political leaders maybe and it feels unhealthy yeah I I think worshiping political figures is always um unhealthy I I mean I likening them to family members which was done a lot with Tim Waltz lately I find weird and creepy these people are not your family members they're not your surrogate parents they are power seeking political operatives um they're they should be considered a different species from the rest of us frankly um but never forget that you know Normie mainstream liberal people had merchandise for Dr Anthony fouchy had candles worshiping St fouchy in their homes that was to me the most offensive kind of merchandising of a political figure that has taken place uh in my lifetime that I can ever I mean that's up there with for in my with like the Shay t-shirts or whatever uh in terms of my utter disrespect for it but uh you know people people collect I guess merchandise for political figures maybe like they're like it's the band you like I don't know doesn't seem healthy seems much healthier to me to uh to to get a get a poster for a band or get like an actual good um trading card game or a card based game I'm a big fan of the game Dominion there's any viewers out there who uh who play Dominion you know tell me in the comments send me an email let me know I play a lot of dominion on uh on online I play like 10 games of that every day highly highly recommend that Robie shared too much of his personal information but I think how do are you inviting people to your house for a board game night no you play it virtually online I mean I I have people over for board game nights yeah that's you don't do any you don't ever do any board game nights uh I'm really bad at the attention span to sit down and learn the rules thing can't I'm really not good um I I was forced to learn risk with my friends in graduate school who are very into it and I was the first to lose because I'm an Anti-Imperialist Robbie it was hard for me to justify making strategic moves in that scenario my heart just wasn't in it so I couldn't partake as much we played a lot of risk in high school I would I would describe risk as a risk is kind of a starter game like I don't get me wrong I've played I've played a lot of it I've played hundreds maybe thousands of games of risk including all the expansions I really like the Lord of the Rings one the trilogy board is a good version of risk um but risk involves rolling a lot of dice and generating a lot of random numbers and is actually not quite as strategic as it first seems uh diplomacy is the superior version of risk um but I I'm more in the uh I like the uh European style um uh games the settlers of Katan Dominion Agricola uh wingspan is a game I've gotten really into recently um you know there's always something fun to check out at your local board game/ Dungeons and Dragons store everybody knows that I'm very into that as well so yeah unfortunately Robbie we are graduate students of public policy so a game like diplomacy just sounds like homework to us risk is the the fun one but I think a lot of these I want to go back to the the cards and the shirts for a second and then we can talk about gaming but I some people do this ironically I think the fouchy candle I I know what you're talking about it's supposed to look like a religious figure and then they copy paste fouchy face we had one for Bernie Sanders we thought it was funny it starts off as ironic but then there are some weird people online who see it and they don't see it as an ironic purchase and they take it seriously and then there's of course the phenomenon of you know how often can you do ironic things before that's just your personality now very concerning but I am something of a gamer myself I always say this uh animal crossing and Zoo Tycoon Robbie Nintendo dogs I'm in there I'm a gamer we should play uh Mario Kart sometime Mario Kart every do that's a good one I'm not a great driver on Mario Kart I find it difficult do you use the power slide you got to use the power slide Bronco no no one ever taught me that my sister just liked winning I never learned gotta learn to use the power slide all right I think that does it for us today on Rising things are getting real silly here real fast so we'll wrap up now be sure to like share and subscribe so you never miss any of our content and for those of you who like to listen while on the go we're available anywhere you can find podcasts and we shall be back tomorrow or you can play Dominion with Robbie by y'all indeed

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Category: News & Politics

We are 60 days out from the presidential election and popular pollster nate silver has shared his latest prediction silver the founder of 538 who now runs the silver bulletin believes trump is electorally favored to win the election he wrote quote the forecast is still in toss-up range but trump's chances... Read more

Matt Walsh TRICKS DNC Goers To Watch Trailer Of His Flick, 'AM I RACIST?' thumbnail
Matt Walsh TRICKS DNC Goers To Watch Trailer Of His Flick, 'AM I RACIST?'

Category: News & Politics

If you were at the dnc yesterday you might have noticed a man in a man bun passing out qr codes promising for you to learn the truth about project 2025 turns out that person was matt walsh a conservative uh host of a show on the daily wire who has a new film coming out called mi i racist and the qr... Read more

Kamala Harris’ Economic Plan SLAMMED By Republicans, Kevin O’Leary: ‘POPULIST GIMICS’?! thumbnail
Kamala Harris’ Economic Plan SLAMMED By Republicans, Kevin O’Leary: ‘POPULIST GIMICS’?!

Category: News & Politics

[music] [applause] good morning and welcome to rising thank you for tuning in how was your weekend jessica it was good it was restful i have a dog that i'm responsible for and we went for a nice walk through rock creek park it was lovely how was your weekend that is lovely h i built some new furniture... Read more

Journalist Who Reported On ‘CONSPIRACY’ To Protect Joe Biden CANCELED By VENGEFUL DEMS thumbnail
Journalist Who Reported On ‘CONSPIRACY’ To Protect Joe Biden CANCELED By VENGEFUL DEMS

Category: News & Politics

Has journalist olivia nti been cancelled for criticizing president joe biden so the pr for the new york magazine reporters new show with bloomberg was allegedly cancelled over her criticism of joe biden in an article that she wrote in july a great article that we discussed on the show called the conspiracy... Read more

Harris DEMANDS Live Mics For Trump Presidential Debate thumbnail
Harris DEMANDS Live Mics For Trump Presidential Debate

Category: News & Politics

[music] [applause] good morning and welcome to rising thank you all for tuning in well the studio the studio is not quite as bright today because jessica is back at home rather than sitting next to me but it's nice to see you anyway jessica it is good to see you as well yes i've escaped the city of... Read more

Ben Shapiro FACES OFF Against Eric Swalwell Over CENSORSHIP thumbnail
Ben Shapiro FACES OFF Against Eric Swalwell Over CENSORSHIP

Category: News & Politics

The daily wires bench shapiro got into it with democratic representative eric swalwell on the house floor on wednesday now shapira was testifying before the house judiciary committee to talk about the allegations that an advertising coalition called the global alliance for responsible media was colluding... Read more

An increase in mosquito-borne diseases, including West Nile virus, has been reported in the U.S thumbnail
An increase in mosquito-borne diseases, including West Nile virus, has been reported in the U.S

Category: News & Politics

This is news in 60 with alan edwards the justice department unveiled charges against several senior members of hamas's leadership these charges are related to their alleged roles in the kidnapping and murder of americans during the terror group's october 7th attack on israel the russian military forces... Read more

Pollster Nate Silver IS WRONG: Nostradamus Of Prez Elections Allan Lichtman FORECASTS thumbnail
Pollster Nate Silver IS WRONG: Nostradamus Of Prez Elections Allan Lichtman FORECASTS

Category: News & Politics

He's been dubbed the no ramus of presidential elections historian american university professor allan lickman has correctly predicted outcomes of presidential contest since 1984 except for the one bush versus gore in 2000 his formula includes 13 different elements that he calls keys candidate has to... Read more

Brazil’s CENSORSHIP Of Elon Musk And X Is AUTHORITARIAN: Michael Shellenberger thumbnail
Brazil’s CENSORSHIP Of Elon Musk And X Is AUTHORITARIAN: Michael Shellenberger

Category: News & Politics

[music] the brazilian government and elon musk have been in a feud it began when a brazilian judge alexandra de morales ordered regulators to ban access to the social media platform x after musk refused to appoint a legal representative in the country but the feud didn't stop there brazil then said... Read more

Bill Maher BLASTS Donna Brazile for Ramaswamy Racism thumbnail
Bill Maher BLASTS Donna Brazile for Ramaswamy Racism

Category: News & Politics

Former dnc chair donna brazil took some heat on last week's episode of real time with bill maher for the pronunciation of gop candidate v ramas swami's name let's listen and vc needs to just shut the hell up and go home i'm tired we all hate v okay it's it's v v v ever would would you say that about... Read more