VIVEK RAMASWAMY: Now What Did We Learn??? Ann Coulter Said Not So Fast... Race & U.S. Politics

all right peace and greetings YouTubers Vivic now what is it that we've learned in this experience I would like for you to stand up in front of the class and go to the board and share with everyone what it is that you have learned let's go to the clip you are so bright and articulate and I guess I can call you articulate since you're not an American black um can't can't say that about them that's that's derogatory um and that was a great opening segment lots of things to talk about there oh and I agreed with many many things you said during in fact probably more than than most other candidates um when you were running for president but I still would not have voted for you um because you're an Indian we'll get back to that you know the wildest thing about that clip all of that went down within the first 38 seconds of their interaction okay I couldn't even set my snack up good okay I just put some popcorn in the microwave and you know it takes about a good minute before the colonel start popping I normally make it on the stove but I ain't had that kind of time and so 38 seconds in okay this man has just given this this this extensive introduction for Anne culture talking about how great she is and all of these different things and not even 38 seconds and okay I couldn't even get my popcorn going good she was already hitting detonated I'm like damn so you know look bag in the microwave flat meanwhile Vivic getting cooked on the screen I said okay this is the kind of day we're about to have wow right and the thing is it it's just very interesting because Vivic has been running around here feeling invincible and I knew at some point there was going to be somebody from that Collective to remind them of exactly how they see him and I'm not even really an I told you so kind of person but because vivot kept jumping in the black folks business and we kept catching Strays and being collateral because he wanted to have his political comeup so he would latch on to every anti-black and white nationalist talking point to gain some points I said well you know what now I'm going to be up in your business so yeah I'm I'm going to go ahead and camp out and and wait to see this demise but like I said I had been saying eventually somebody was going to remind him exhibit a because he thinks that's going to give him leverage with white voters and it clearly isn't working because white voters are not leaving Trump as a matter of fact they willot vote for the santis before they vote for for RJ they will vote for the santis and Trump before they vote for Tim Scott and the same thing for Nikki Haley and so it's interesting watching the three of them you know play Cupid Shuffle and musical chairs with the stupid opinions that they want to put out because they think that somehow they have a vial shot at being the GOP candidate it's not happening just imagine you know erasing your entire identity for the idea of a comeup and the lesson to be learned is no matter how much you play into the game of white supremacy and anti-blackness they're never going to accept you as one of them you will never be in their space they will let you do the work for them and then when it's time to collect the reward they come and take it exhibit B A lot of times you have people who will erase their identity and align with white nationalism if it means that they can climb the ranks and so Nikki Haley's been getting smoked for me Vivic has been getting smoked for me and so as I've been looking at the numbers from Iowa I said Vivic you know everything that I just said Has Come into fruition so again remember how I said you can sit here and be a mouthpiece for white supremacy and play the game but eventually there's not a glass ceiling for you there is a cement ceiling because they're going to put the big stop there where all right you've gotten to as far as you're G to get you've done what it is that we enjoy but at the end of the day we're always gonna go back to our own which is what White America is doing to Vivid gramas swam he does not even stand a chance and so now that we get to that think of this this man has said every white nationalist talking point that you can think of right and right now now I haven't seen the numbers in the last two hours but before I got on the live he had less than eight% of the vote right I think Trump was at like 52 the santis might have been at 18 or 19 and Nikki was at 18 or 19 and and ramen Swami was in a far distant fourth right and this is where it gets even funnier because again who are the ones in the bottom to right now Nikki ramas Swami Trump didn't even campaign an Iowa barely Trump is trying to take care of all of his cuckoo shenanigan stuff he got going with the court cases and everything and Des santis I don't even know what his platform is his he has had a horrible platform since day one like I said all he has is woke and he woke woke woke woke woke wokey woke woke woke that's all he talks about and still even the santis outpull and outperformed Nikki now this might be different by the time I turn this thing off and go look but right now the santis is still number two but again Ram Swami if I put Ram Swami and the santis in a room together they both pretty much say exactly the same thing Ram Swami why do you think you were not selected be for real oh he end oh he quit he's endorsed Trump for president I knew he's gonna do that see now he's he's trying to secure his vice president option he's hoping Trump bring him on as vice president play Silly games Win silly prizes and so that's Vivic ramaswami who I was just talking about earlier you did all of that you did all of that and look what it $10 million in Iowa and the fact that you had to drop out in the first race some people will at least ride it out a few States they'll at least try to get the super Tuesday and if it's going bad I like all right I quit you Iowa got you together you the way things work take note of the fact that there hasn't been any discourse on anything there hasn't been any discussions but the very first thing that an culture does after exchanging pleasantries is reinforce and submit her placement within the society that she sees herself living in and where that societal scope and lens that she sees through as well as the people who see the world the same way she does where they Place Vivid right and that means that he is somewhere that is not equatable to where they're at and she had to really double down and make sure he understood that before they could even get into the interview even listening to the way that it's said it wasn't I'm not voting for you or I didn't vote for you because I don't like your policy or I I this is who my candidate is and I'm really riding with them and mind you Vivic is not even running for office at this point he didn't already lost now I have heard that there's conversations that you know he he's in the running to possibly be the VP with orange man I don't really see it and I say that because I think for Trump trump likes to be the star of the show he's going to want somebody who who knows how to shut up and Vivic talks too much for Trump trump is not about to compete for camera time against Vivic so I can see Vivic maybe possibly being somewhere else in Trump's cabinet if Trump gets back in but VP I don't know about that one but anyway he's not even running for office but an had to remind him right off jump absolutely not you you you were not getting through that door so even the way that it's said I'm not voting for you because you're an Indian not even I'm not voting for you because you're Indian but I'm not voting for you because you're an Indian that emphasis on and highlights the context of delineation and separation placing him in a space where he is not of the same space as her right placing the idea of being an Indian as being an other something being wrong with it being in a space where you are not the norm you're the anomaly and because of that you will never get to operate in these spaces that we've created in regard to maintaining a status quo because you're not supposed to be in that spot so yes we're happy for you but that's where it stops that's her way of saying that no matter how many accolades you have no matter how successful you are no matter how well you play the game no matter how many anti-black talking points or white nationalist talking points you want to latch on to no matter how high you as to jump and you jump way above it and do something there's going to be a limitation to the scope of how far they're going to let you get because at the end of the day somebody like an Coulter and a lot of the people who share her same viewpoints they are never going to give you the value of their whiteness they will never let that go because that is the status quo that they are going to maintain and hold on to because that is what makes them feel validated right and by you getting that same kind of validation it literally eliminates the purpose of a lot of people's existence if that were the case and so for that oh no you you don't get to go in that door and so again that idea of you will never get the value of my whiteness and what I mean by that is she is literally telling him to his face on his own platform that he is a guest in the very space that he's trying to solidify himself in mainly because she feels that she and the collective in which she comes from built all of this and he is a guest imagine that there's no way you going to come on my platform disrespecting me and I'm just going to sit there and take it and the thing is it's not just limited to Vivic because there are so many people who run around here thinking that because they are successful or because they fall within a certain scope of intelligence that automatically it grants them access into all these spaces But please understand White America collectively will never give the keys of power to somebody who is not white because that affects their livelihood that affects their status quo and how they see themselves and their placement within the world stage so absolutely not and so unfortunately lots of people learn this the hard way whether it's Vivic whether it's Nikki whether it's going to be Tim Scott later down the line all these different folks who will eventually learn this and the crazy part about all of it is vivet can't even get mad right because if he gets mad it's a contradiction of his entire platform because he's built an entire brand and identity on the concept of being a raceless politician raceless public figure he's a racist Heritage he's a race where it is he comes from he's a and mind he's from Ohio but when I say where he comes from his family is Indian right but he's erased all of that the Traditions the Customs all that is never a part of his conversation he's run on the concept of the idea that racism no longer exists and if you work hard you can achieve it and that's the brand that he's built right he's even endorsed the idea of rolling back policies that help to enhance the idea of civil rights he's somebody who's gotten behind the idea of punitive policy and policy that is oppressive because it means that he can get a political come up and political points with audiences that again still see other groups of people as beneath them he's latched on to all of that so his entire brand is the idea of being raceless so if he were to sit there and say you know what an I didn't like how you said that or I take offense to that or you know what actually you can leave my show oh that would have done a whole bunch of different things because one that would bring up that ugly thing he's been trying to hide his race right that would remind his audience that okay you know what now we're being reminded that yes this man is Indian right so the very thing that he's been trying to hide and run from and culture reminded him of and said oh no this is what you are and because of that this is where you're going to be placed and so for Vivic if he gets mad he's a contradiction of the very brand that he's created so he can't get mad which is why Vivic just sat there and took it and what makes it so funny let me just go a bit further CU then you know he also had a response this was his response to everything that had happened because a lot of people were like what the heck you know what is he going to say here this is his response an culture told me flat out to my face that she couldn't vote for me because you're an Indian even though she agreed with me more than most other candidates I disagree with her but respect she had the gut to speak her mind it was a riveting hour the truth podcast is back Vivid get up get up like Lord oh my gosh but you know the funniest bit is again he can't say anything else because it would go against his brand case in point let's see the responses of the people who actually admire him this is a master class in how to have a conversation an tells Vivic she wouldn't have voted for him because of his Indian ethnicity basically not white or white mix vivi's conversation with her is pure gold much to learn from this temperament he didn't call her racist he didn't abuse her he didn't Ser her he didn't even mock her just pure class and maintain his dignity in the process Vivic is just brilliant this is a master class on how to have a conversation on pure logic and without racist bigot fascist and Hitler as keywords at this point he is being rewarded for being a pet that's literally what it is he's being rewarded for being a good boy he's being rewarded for not bringing up that ugly issue of race so now it's this thing where we're well now we this is him and his folks I ain't got nothing to do with this but it's this idea of now he's supposed to sit here and be on the receiving end of racist everything and just remain poised because that's the way to do things and I'm just like crazy and what was funny with his statement is you know he's like well an couter was brave enough to say it I'm like it's an couter when has she ever been afraid to say anything to anybody and especially not to be rude Vivic who are you if you think an culture was going to be afraid of you in anything no she already doesn't see you as her equal so why would she be afraid she's literally moving within her brand because her brand has become you know say as many terrible things and do all the outrage because that's how she's gotten Rich so why would she all of a sudden walk on exells because she's on your show no that's not how this works right and so it's absolutely crazy but let me tell you where race can come in because it's very noticeable that you remember she got in that little black joke she had to throw in about the whole articulate thing she oh I couldn't have said it if if it was an American black you know she has that ugly laugh right and then what does Vivi do you know he laughing too and I'm sitting here looking like don't worry you about to be next while you sitting here thinking you're exemp because understand they recognize that sometimes their proximity to whiteness also correlates with how anti-black they can latch on to because they recognize that America's hatred for black people collectively will get them some extra points if they can play the role right they are buying and fighting for a white appreciation certificate in the mail every single time and so it's just very entertaining to watch a hot mess and to me I think it's sad when you have to erase who you are in order to be validated in some spaces especially in spaces that really don't want you to be there in the first place but because you're speaking their language they'll let stuff slide because understand he has an audience he has people who like him he has people who follow his platform but again that's because he doesn't talk about race it's made him digestible to White America because there's another conversation in regard to what we saw with the with the race and I said this with Nikki as well because both him and Nikki Haley are both indian-americans but the difference between ramaswami and Nikki is Nikki can pass for a white woman a lot of people did not know that she was not a white woman and that both of her parents are Indian but Vivic everybody knows who he is so he has to become over performative which is why I think he was really over the top in a lot of the debates to the point where it was unbearable to watch like what is this dude is doing a lot but you you literally watch him be you almost to the space where he has to overcompensate to say look I'm nothing like what you think I'm just like you right and so I just I think of Iowa right I think of when he was still it was still primaries and caucuses right and he had said if I can win in Iowa I can win this entire GOP nomination and I knew right then when he said that I yeah why America is not letting him have this not at all and especially his campaign slogan was what um a new American dream I said oo yeah and you won't be the face of it cuz to them that's already falling in line with that whole great replacement Theory thing right yes they have an American Dream but you're not a part of it and you won't be calling any shots I knew it was going to go down like that and so he goes in Iowa campaigns in all 99 counties the only candidate to do so went to over 270 events he went he shook hands he gave speeches he was kissing the babies he was petting the dogs you know he was working the ice cream machine and passing it to the kid he here you go doing everything that an ideal candidate would do right he was even rapping you know he put on his hat you know I'm cool now rapping Eminem songs Eminem sent to C and to said don't you ever perform my music again but anyway you know he's done all these things and so you would have thought that even if he lost he should definitely have a a huge element of the vote a huge portion right what did he end up getting 8,400 votes in the whole state 7% of the vote fourth Place pretty much last cuz at that point it was only between orange man DeSantis Nikki and and Vivic right fourth place right Trump didn't even campaign and still got 52% of the vote right that kind of just shows him to his face where people see him and so again it's wild to me and so it's just like Vivic H imagine that and just to double down I want to revisit this now this was coming from an interview that vivi's wife had done with some Iowa voters as to why they weren't supporting let's go to the quotes no I came when I was four Vivic was born and raised in Cincinnati aor ramas Swami replied explaining her family's Indian Heritage the attendee continued with questions about a ramas Swami's parents where they live and whether they had green cards they are citizens before remarking that she doesn't have an accent I've been here since I was 4 years old a poor ver Swami replied I've spoken English since I was four in an interview after the event n Kern explained that he loves foreign people citing what he described as his two unofficially adopted children he said he asked about a poor veras Swami's upbringing because of the bad things the ramas Swami say about the state of the country he has not yet decided who he will support at the caucus but he said it won't be ramas Swami aor ramas Swami had a simple ask for two supporters of her husband's presidential campaign what do people say about why they're not supporting Vivic ramaswami and what answers can I help you provide well the only one I have and couldn't even remember who said it to me but they mentioned his dark skin and they think he's Muslim a supporter named Teresa Fowler told her at a restaurant meet and greet Thursday I kind of set them straight on that I don't know if they believe me or think I was covering for him I don't know so again you see how that ugly thing of race still jumps in even when you think you can just run from it and I just will also say this cuz I know people were saying but he has his supporters and look at how the people were backing him on Twitter my thing is this if y'all supported him so much why didn't y'all vote for him and on that note I'm out shering to Cent subscribe

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