Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 01:12:11
Category: Education
Trending searches: zepbound
good evening good evening good evening brilliant ladies and gents I always say that we have amazing women in in this community and A Few Good Men right um but good evening good evening um tonight is a special night we're going live um into we're streaming to our YouTube channel we're also streaming into some of our Facebook pages to we wanted to bring you all into the room have a conversation with you tonight around what's going on with zth bound the latest and the greatest all of the updates that are coming through coming our way um come on into the room hello hello hello to all of you night ows on the East Coast hello hey Val good to see you good to see you hello walk by faith good to see you good to see you Z is here hello beautiful hello hello um I just posted the link for those of you who want to join us and I'm not sure how many people can be in the room at one time in in um it's not zoom it's streamyard but you are welcome to come in by using that link that I have on the screen um I'll put it back up in just a second hey hey hey you belong in here you belonging here here's the link grab the link um Tia and come on in come on in um see if you can use that link and you could come on into the room cuz you you did a um you did a post this this morning on your um on your YouTube channel so I definitely want to have a conversation with you about it um Terry Edwards hello good to have you here hello hello Tommy is back hello hello Tommy one of the Few Good Men uh is here hi Lizzy good to see you good to see you welcome to the room um good to see you pretty me pretty good to see you hello hello hello all right BB stacking hello hello good to see you here Denise is here hi Denise come on into the room um you don't know what streamyard is it is um hi Tina good to see you good to see you uh oh I see you guys coming in hang on I'm GNA let you into the room in just a second I'm gon to let you on to the stage um please open up your cameras if you're able to if you need to blur your background it's okay you're amongst family it's okay but um open up your camera so we can see you um come on in hey Pamela you should be coming into the room too Pamela you you're you're one of the super responders you've lost a ton of weight hi Kim good to see you good to see you I see we have a lot of night outs in our uh Community there's a lot of night hours over here I thought oh they're gonna be sleeping by 9:30 they're gonna be asleep no no no you guys are wide awake okay come on in hi Melissa Melissa of course we have you in the room already you're already in the room Monique hello hello um uh yeah it's like it's similar to zoom let me see how do I go to the room okay so let me put up the the link again here's the link and it's also in the Facebook group so if you click on that link in the Facebook group that should bring you right in here and then I'll bring you on stage and I don't know I've never done it done streamyard with a with a bunch of people but we gonna see tonight right we're gonna see how we do tonight we might have to switch people in and out I'm not sure if it's a split screen I'm not sure what we're going to get what the gallery looks like but come on in I see a few of you coming in hello hello hello I see I see you I see you Pam I see you welcome welcome into the room welcome oh I see you Tia I see you okay all right okay so hey Feliz come on into the room if you're able to I just posted the link so come on into the room if you're able to um you're in Texas is still up so you must be an hour behind I think you're an hour behind me um Texas okay so I'm gonna put the link up here again for those of you who want to come into the room we might have to take turns I'm not sure how good um streamyard is about that but I'm going to put the link here and while I do that do a quick intro and then we'll Jump Right In okay so some of you may be brand spanking new for those of you who are brand spanking new I want to welcome you um to this this is a special live we don't typically go live this late at night um it is 9:30 pm on August 27th but there was breaking news today um that zeth bound released so we want to have a conversation around that today and how it's going to impact you um and and your weight loss Journey financially what decisions that you make for for for better or maybe maybe even challenging um for those of you who are brand spanking new um and are not familiar with uh the medication as much you're just kind of doing your research right now um I want to tell you that um Eli Lily um who is a creator of Zep bound and monjaro but Zep Bound for obesity management um dropped some news today and that news is is about the um about tepati right the medication called tepati right uh and it's available at different price points and um different doses um and we're going to talk about it in detail but before we do that I just want to officially say hello brilliant Brave uh ladies and gents um thank you so much for tuning in to zound Journey with an I'm Angela Durant my friends call me an and you can too and if you're brand spank and new here so nice nice to have you thank you for joining us on the journey I know that those of you who are on the challenge not all of you are on a glp1 medication some of you are doing it on your own some of you are trying other methods but we're all in it together and you're all welcome to the challenge right but we have a specific uh Channel on YouTube called zound Journey with an and so the conversation we're having tonight is around that medication and the company that makes it okay for those of you who don't know I've lost 60 60 pounds in six weeks whoop um on Zam um and that's more than I I lost after having the gastric bypass surgery um with gastric bypass I lost 30 pounds I lost 60 pounds on her zeppa tide um specifically the brand zepam um so this is a a special LIVE edition due to the breaking news again if you're just learning about this obesity medication um here's the skinny zound and mjara are the same medication they're both called tepati they they have this dual agent a glp1 and a Gip right and they have shown in in their studies they have shown to to help uh people like myself who who struggles with a disease of obesity lose 21 20 to 23 and more um percentage of body weight um have helped us lose that now you may have be familiar with wovi and OIC that is made by a company called noo Nordisk and they're the same medications so the tppa tiddes that are Zep found in Monaro same medications they have very similar the same dosing structure and then on the other side of the track you have wovi and OIC and they are called not ter tppa tiddes but semaglutide um and they are they have the glp1 but they don't have the G okay um but they also have helped a lot of people lose a ton of week okay um all right okay so there were I'm gonna start letting people in so I wanted to have people come into the room and um I want to say let me see how many people we can get into this room at once oh we can get a few people okay I see you T I see you Melissa I see you I see you um and maybe we just have as we introduce you guys you can hi Pam good to see you good to see you um you may have to mute you may have to mute yourself but I'm gonna see how many of you I can let actually let into the room okay okay okay I can see you guys turn your cameras on and when I see your cameras on I'll know you're ready to come into the room and I'll go ahead and let you in so so we can have a gallery like on YouTube that's great that's great to see um I don't know I don't know I'm not sure if it was you Melissa one of y'all one of y'all was like and you need to have a conversation we need to have a conversation okay was Melissa okay Melissa so you have Melissa to thank for this impromptu live we're gonna have this conversation is Def definitely impacting Melissa but I'm thinking that it may impact some some others of you um Tia raise your hand Tia okay Tia actually did U she was like hot off the pressence as soon as Eli Lily dropped that that information today she was already creating a YouTube episode around it um which is actually really good so you need to go check it out um her YouTube channel is called heal by Spirit heal by spirit and if you look at the latest episode she just post she just dropped it so you want to definitely check that out but since we have the author of that episode here with us live we're g to have that conversation ladies if you could just say your name if I haven't already mentioned you just say hi to the people say your name and how long you've been on the medication hi this is Feliz and I have been on the medication since April I think I'm down 57 pounds yay hi Feliz hi Fel now Feliz is somebody else who brings us breaking news she brings us breaking news too so it's get to St good to have you in the room Fel all right who else do we have go ahead yep go ahead hey guys this is oh sorry I wait go ahead Pam hi guys I'm Pam or Pamela and so I've been on mono for one year and two weeks one year and two weeks and um in that amount of time I now lost I think 103 pounds with that help of mono amaz weird if you could see my before pictures I weighed 313 pounds and before Monaro I had lost um I had lost 45 pounds in the seven months before I started Monaro um with low carb and exercising but I'm also like an um I had weight loss surgery but I had gas through bypass first in 2000 so 24 years ago and lost a good amount of weight for I went from 310 to like 155 and then after about five years I gained it back and then um I even had a revision 14 years ago to make my pouch smaller and um El lost it was kind of like for me it was like the lap band like I only lost 15 pounds um although and Andie you're like the only person I've ever heard that's lost so much on the lap band and so and so little so little with GIC bypass I do oh I know so I I had lost almost 10 probably 150 pounds on with gastri bypass and um and so sometimes I wonder if because I had the gastri bypass that's why I'm losing really good and I will tell you like probably in the first six months there were some times where I felt like I stalled and that's you know as you're going up in your Doses and um I did the 2.5 for a month I did five for two months and I did seven and a half for two months and ever since January I've been on 10 milligrams and I haven't changed it and I'm it's funny because now that I'm getting closer like today I weighed 64.6 and um I'm probably I mean I would love to be in the 150s we'll see I don't know um but I'm still losing like 10 pounds a month it's crazy so w and you're you're like a super responder to the medication I think you're a super responder like CHR from 100 pounds down thanks for hopping thanks for hopping on we're gon we're gonna open up for discussion in a second and and while we're talking we're probably gonna need you guys to mute um only because of the back okay okay all right so um the lady in the purple can you yeah hi guys I'm Terry and I've been on Zep bound 2.5 since April the 7th I've lost a little over 40 pounds I'm also 70 years old so I'm on Medicare so the news today was really exciting to me okay so so we're gonna have both ends of the spectrum right we're gonna have people who had to pay out of pocket for it right um and now it's going to be cheaper and we have people who that's not their situation they're at a higher dose and they got to pay more so mute yourselves if you're not talking mute yourself just so we don't get the back the back um uh the feedback so nice to meet you Terry welcome welcome all right I see you you you're squinting down beneath Terry I don't know how you guys are showing up on the screen but you're you're squinting so you're like me I don't know where your glasses at but you can't see okay can you hear me yes I can hear you hi hi my name is Mo'Nique I'm from Connecticut but I'm living in Georgia right now oh hi and I've been on Z hi I've been on ZET bound since May of this year so I'm terrible in the math part of how much weight I lost because I was at one 188 in April now I'm at like 160 something or maybe 150 between there okay okay congratulations congratulations and welcome to the call Welcome to the call thank you and tia will you you want to give your stat so I'm Tia I have been let me look at the camera I have been on um debound since April 21st I'm down 23 pounds um total and on 7.5 currently I have one more shot of that before I move up to 10 but I already have my 10 ready to go okay okay all right and Melissa Melissa please uh do the honors of giving us your your update the one that caused all the Uproar she she she she's the what what is h what they say good trouble that's good trouble that's right so I started May 21st so it must be something about the 21st of the month um I went on a cruise last week and I gained seven pounds while I was gone um but I've lost that seven and two more so I and lost 44 pounds um since being on zip bound and congratulations congratul Changing Life Changes um you're talking to someone who's had eatting disord since she was a child and you know weight goes up weight goes down weight goes up weight goes down and you know it's uh I'm kind of upset about the change because I use the SA card because it's only covered if you're type 2 diabetic with my insurance and they a prior authorization so I've been paying 550 and I'm on the 10 milligram and was getting ready to go up to the 12.5 well now is $650 a month all right so hang on a second so pause for a second and I'm gonna ask actually have Tia I'm gonna have Tia um shiman here Tia will you do us the honor of since you did a whole episode so you and and T is very analytical so she will break the things down for for us um and thank you for saying yes to join last minute TOA I really appreciate it um will you just kind of go through the facts give us the facts of what what was the update for those people are like I missed it I was I was sitting on the beach all day I wasn't plugged in I don't even know what you guys are talking about I just saw the notification so I'm on so bring us up to speed and then let's talk about the opposite ends of what's Happening yeah so I um don't want to take credit for it I you know get up at 4:30 every morning and while I'm making um my other half's breakfast and packing his lunch I listen to YouTube and Dave on the pen is like the news guy that like five seconds after something comes out out like he's got news people calling him before it's actually on the news and he like puts all the information out there so that's where you go for your news um but you know that's how I learned about it so I immediately went to the website well not immediately but um found time in my morning to go to the website and research it and what has happened is for the lower doses 2.5 and 5.0 um they have released the vials um you do need to have your doctor um send the prescription directly to Lily direct which is their um like mail order pharmacy for Eli Lily um the price is the cash price if your insurance doesn't cover it or um you know like it's not processed through insurance it's $3.99 for the 2.5 vial which will give you four doses and a syringe um then it's 5.49 I said it in my video I corrected it on my edit but it's 5.49 for the 5.0 um milligrams now the coupon people so if you already have a coupon and you're already paying with the coupon that will still be good through the end of the year um the if you were new to get you know going on today to get the coupon the coupon price has changed so okay so pause for a second I just want to make sure we're clear about this so um the price for or um if you if you're getting above five above five you're paying out of pocket and you're using the savings card right the price is now $650 right it's a $100 more right right but you your coupon your current coupon will still work through the end of the year so so that means that people like Melissa who was playing out of pocket and she was using the savings card that coupon right she was using that she was paying 550 will she still be paying 550 till the end of the year and then starting 20225 she'll be paying that's how I understand it that's how I understand it I um saw another Creator who actually got her prescription today and had her coupon go through at the same 550 price so that's how I understand it is that through the like if you already have it then that coupon is still valid like they're not going to invalidate your coupon it's just that new people if you never had a coupon before and you're going to use it now it's going to be that 650 price that's going up um another $100 after you know um yeah and that coupon is only good through the end of the year so you'll have enough like if you started it today you would have enough refills I think it's good for five doses by December 31st or five fills by December 31st so you can get you through the end of the year so My speculation no facts is that they're going to you know redo the coupon because it seems that they do that every year so they redo the coupon at the beginning of the new year so I guess they're going to see how things go and then decide what they're going to charge us next next year okay okay what else do we need to know what else would you say um what are there any yeah I don't know I don't think there's anything um you know beyond that like I said go to their website and figure you know do all the information when your doctor sends over like it has the exact information that your doctor needs to send along with your prescription to Eli Lily so you can only get it get the vials directly through Lily direct you're not can't like walg can't go like the Walgreens and request the vials they're handling it straight through them um um and you know when your doctor sends it over it says that they will contact you so make sure you're insurance information or your contact information with your doctor like correct email and phone number is all updated with your doctor before you have them send it over because I guess they'll reach out to you that's how I understood it on the website again I don't work for Lily and have no inside scoop what doctor I just like to read and I you know put up a quick video on my l break today all right okay so so um a couple things one I was on the earnings call and um I know that for Eli Lily and I know that they were not happy about all these compound companies coming out and selling the compound and of tepati and um you know losing share right they're losing they're they're losing share because of that right they're losing their customers because of that so what my understanding is if I connect all the dots you guys let let me know if if this isn't how you're seeing it uh is they didn't you know it's a business right it's a business that their product is great for us but it is a business and so they were lose eroding Revenue was being eroded by all these other compound companies that were their people were getting great results and I see the chat mve and I'll be over there in just a second I see you guys um so in order to combat that they came out and said we our our medication is no longer going to be on the shortage list right even though many of you have said to me an I can't find it I can't find it anywhere I can't find it they're trying to get the FDA to say to approve to take them off the shortage list take those medications take T epetite off the shortage list at all the doses right um because if my understanding is that if it is um on the shortage list then the compound companies can legally you know um offer you the tepati because we can't get it from the the the primary manufacturer of of it right but once it is not on once T once debound is no longer on the shortage list then then Eli Lily can sue these compound companies for um you know for selling tepati that's my understanding of it so now in order for them to be competitive because they can't make these the pens fast enough it's really the pens that's the issue not the actual medication right um so and to to combat that they're put they're doing the vials right they're doing the vials and they're doing it in point in 25 milligrams and five uh I'm sorry 2.5 milligrams and five milligrams um which I think will help the bottleneck issue right um and it it is kind of competitive um are any of you on compound any of you are on compound okay I'm curious what what people are paying on compound for those of you in the chat if you have been on compound before or you're on it or you know you have friends that are on it let me know what you're paying um because even at 3.99 for for 2.5 I think it might be more competitive but I think the compound still beats it um so my understanding is that that that is the issue that's really the biggest issue they want to stop the bleeding like they don't want to lose all of you to compounds um let's see there somebody here on compound let us know I'm one compound what can you share with us like what the fee what do they charge what can you get what's the lowest you've seen that you can get for that um and I'll try and catch up on this in a second um let me know like what is that look like uh if if is it competitive if Eli Lily at 3.99 is the compound competitive with that is it way cheaper um okay $20 a month for what for what all right so let me put that in the in the chat put that in the chat let me know more and while we do that while we're waiting for that um I want to know I want to let's talk about Melissa's case right so Melissa is in a situation where she's paying out of pocket right her insurance does not cover it she's paying out of pocket and that and she's she's she's past the 2.5 and the 5 milligrams she's now on your did you say 10 getting ready to go up to 12.5 yes okay all right so in your case in your case whether it's it happens now or it happens January 2025 if nothing H changes with your insurance coverage you're going to be paying $100 more for your medication yeah so when I went online today it printed out my same coupon with the same ID number but it has on here is $650 now and it's only good for five Fields after five Fields you go back to regular price if you want that medication so I don't know how that's going to work I mean you know are they want people to just be on it temporarily I mean to me this seems like a lifegoing medication for me you know just a temporary thing is not gonna fix my problem you know yes it's G to help me lose weight but what happens when you come back off when you stop right when you stop taking it right exactly um and I would think that they would renew the the coupons again too right I would think they renew the coupons again but that's tough because it's already expensive at550 and add another $100 on top of that right that's that makes things really difficult um now let me ask you this have you considered the compound yes I've been looking it up all day and talking to people on Facebook you know I have a prescription through my physician so I don't need a prescription and I just need somebody that I can trust to make the compound and get it you know right and you don't need a monthly membership to see a tella Health Doctor okay but if they're releasing it to where it's no longer going to be on back order they won't be able to make the compound anymore right that's the problem they're blocking it really they're blocking it yep um so that's the challenge that's going to be the challenge is there anybody on here who's in a similar situation who's already kind of had conversations with their doctors or if you found a workaround for this um let us know if you could let us know I'm GNA read through the chat here um to make sure I haven't missed anything hold on a second me one second let me just populate these um hang on one second and if if I miss okay 125 per month three months at a time oh that's good um Little House in the Big Apple um that that's good if you want to come in pop into the room to tell us more about that um please do because that $125 the only thing is I just get so SC I I do get nervous about these different compound companies I know there's some really reputable ones out there that do great and the medication is perfect but I do get a little bit nervous but let us know how you're doing um on the you're so walk by faith you're on the beginning do so for you you you benefit from it if it's out of pocket the other thing I was thinking about too was if I if my insurance already covers it and I'm using the savings card along with it to get it down to $25 will I pay $100 more now or I'll still get it for the $25 my insurance is picking up the extra hundred okay okay I have a coupon and it says that it's still $25 a month or you can pay um you can get up to a three Monon Supply okay okay all right yes they're still more expensive I'm paying three 372 a month for 10 milligrams and let me ask you on the compound do they charge more depending on how much you're getting like what dose you're getting do they charge more if you're on a 15 versus a 10 milligram of the compound does anybody know let me know if you know if you no um weekly okay Carly so are you um you can un ask the question um Tia oh he already answered it at first he had said weekly and I was like 372 a week but he corrected it and it was monthly so never you know okay um yeah you're still good with your insurance card as well like if your insurance covers it you're still good to get the discount it'll still apply um because you're you're just paying your co-pay basically and they're just making your co- pay lower by a few dollars or whatever so yeah good and Denise is saying that she does both the compound the compound she spending $400 a month for the compound and it's still cheaper right it's still less expensive as long as you can get it just signed on to compound today 379 7.5 oh the other thing I wanted to mention too is thank you for that Kimberly um I can't do the 50 it's crazy it is a lot for for people to pay out of pocket um the other thing the other thing I think is an issue and these companies have to be careful because it still is it's a drug right it's still a drug and I've seen people um taking the pen apart using a syringe taking out like splitting doses I've seen I've heard about them um shutting like Tik Tok shutting us down not allowing us to have the conver ation around these glp1 medications because people are doing you know using the syringe and and take the vial that's supposed to be for you know 7.5 they're they're making it something else two you know they're making it two 2.5 three um so I think there might be an issue with Eli Lily's you know being concerned about the higher doses having those available in the vial because of people half doing and you know I I I did see a special where somebody overdosed on one of them I mean she's she's okay but she it took a week to get that out of her system she took more than she should have taken of um the medication um so what are what are your thoughts on that let I just want to take a take a second and and hear what you guys what you ladies think about that I think that's part of it I been hearing other creators talk today um and I would caution everybody that's here that's listening to kind of wait a little bit maybe not jump out um one Creator made a good point that what Lily may be doing is you know by you know again trying to get these um get everyone to come over that's on compounding getting them to come over at the affordable price and what that's going to do is open it up so that those higher doses are no longer in shortage so like for real for real like they're going to have a good surplus of pens because that's what's causing the shortage obviously and then once they're not in shortage then all the people that hopped off of name brand onto Z I mean onto compound once compounds aren't allowed to make it anymore they're going to have to try to get back on name brand because that's going to be the only way to get it or go to simag glutide if you know that's what you're taking and then you know the problem comes with if your insurance you know if you've been on compound for three months and now you're you've lost 50 pounds is your insurance still going to cover it you know because you kept losing weight even though you took a break from being on the name brand so like all of those are things to consider when you're deciding BEC You know and like I said I think you know you're good with your coupon through the end of the year whether you just got the coupon today or whether you know you've had it all year it's going to last till the end of the year because I mean when I downloaded mine in April it still says yes it's 13 refills but it's to the end of the end of the year anyway so I think they put a new coupon out every single year it's just going to be we don't know what it's going to be come January until they release the information for the new coupon so just all of those things kind of keep in mind you know if everybody runs away and they you know get what they want and get it off shortage then you know what what then you know six months down the road from you know what are we gonna do and let me ask the ladies in the in the chat too um um and gentlemen um if so based on what you're learning about what zban is doing if you're paying $400 a month now would you switch would you come off the compound and go to zound right now at 3 300 and what was it 3.99 would you do that well you can't if you're on the higher dose because remember it's only it's only 3.99 if you're on 2.5 so if you're past five you're you know that's not even an option no unless you're a maintenance right and you're coming down but would you would you would you come back over if you're on let's say you're on five right now would you come to would you change it let me know I'm I'm curious just to know if you would change it if you didn't have to change it right now um oh so so um BB stacking says that it the shortage is still terrible so that's why you chose the the comp pound version out of pocket got it got it um pricing is higher for oh it is higher for higher doses okay that makes sense um so you use um so Le a High um she uses join Fridays we did her prior off for her got her her insurance improved D um I used name brand they offered the compound but it wasn't at my Pharmacy okay okay good to know good to know um okay all right um I'm curious if the one that um got Friday to do her priorization is she type two diabetic is that why they approved it or just for the weight loss in general because my insurance refused because I'm not type two diabetic there yeah they said only way they would cover it so let us let us know Lisa um about that um let's see hang on let me just get through some of these uh monthly membership so you have to pay a monthly membership fee too um refill which is $25 for 5.0 okay okay all right so so you're paying $99 for um Fridays just as a part of the membership fee oh I'm sorry Feliz let me let you back in I'm sorry there you go there you go you're in you're in please join the conversation I'm just looking at these um I'm just trying to catch up with I'm trying to catch up with y'all I'm trying to do two things at once I'm trying to catch up with all the comments here um it depends on the company um was called mochi um just lowered their prices all doses the same wait a minute okay okay $79 for the membership and then 275 for all do all doses of tepati wow okay so that might be one of the least expensive that we've seen right um let's see where are we here so I think I'm going to come off the medication because I spent a lot of money on semi glue tide I didn't really get any results that were impressive but I am out of pocket maybe 12 or1 13,000 so I'm hitting my yeah I never got a coupon for semi well I did get a coupon for semi glute tide but when I do the math I'm definitely over $10,000 so my approach to this when I got on tepa tide was I just constantly reaffirmed how grateful I am for the coupon I understood the coupon was going to have a time limit all of the changes that have happened I completely anticipated them so my Approach was to be very conscientious to establish habits that I knew would be sustainable and then to keep the weight off and maybe even continue losing by just maintaining the habits that I've already created intermittent fasting um eating slow so that I can feel the signal go to my brain that I am full exercising increasing my self- care but I think I've spent enough money I'm happy with yeah I'm happy with my results I'd like to lose 10 more pounds but I think that's within my capability so if my coupon works for 550 then I will get one more refill but if I go to the pharmacy and they tell me it's 6:43 I'm G to pass on that and just rely on my new habits I hear you I hear you and now were you ever on Zep bound you're you said semaglutide I had been on semi glutide earlier last year I just I spent I think $7,000 and I lost 20 lbs and so that was not impressive and then in April I switched over to monjaro and from April to now I'm down 57 pounds I'm very happy with that but I'll do one more round of 550 if I get to the pharmacy and it's 650 I'm out all right I hear you I hear you wow oh my gosh it's it's that's it's to me like it breaks my heart that people are paying that much out of pocket and I get it because that's a year out I would have been there too if my insurance didn't eventually cover it right um because we want to get healthy right we want to take care of ourselves but it's just too expensive and I know um I know Bernie Sanders is really pushing hard on this you know I know that um um VP Harris is is pushing back on these twoo um I would think at some point something's got to give and it needs to be better right especially for people who have to pay out of pocket because it's really not fair for um you know of course we want come they're in business to make money but this is something that's lifechanging for so many of us and I I don't think that's gonna happen I don't foresee a price reduction and I think that it's it's it's almost a disservice is to get people's hopes up high in that direction so if we assume the price is going to stay what it is then the question that arises is what is your game plan but I would not make a game plan on the pric is falling because you saw the Michigan situation where the insurance companies are saying that it's breaking them and I heard the head of one of the companies talking about the price because they were talking about the pricing in other countries being less like my daughter a lot less a lot but the but the but the drug is not the drug cost is not less what ends up being less for the consumer is the insurance coverage so they're saying that the drug is offered in various International markets at the same price point but different International markets have insurance that is covering it where it's not in the United States so I I just would not make a game plan so hang on a second I don't I don't I'm not sure if that is accurate because there is a presentation on YouTube um where Bernie Sanders is doing um he's he's presenting his case on against the big big pharmaceutical companies and he's showing a breakdown like what they're charging the us and what they're charging other countries for the same drug right um and then and and it wasn't about the what the insurance coverage was it was about what the pharmaceutical companies was actually charging them in those countries right so my daughter lives in Brazil she gets the drug for $150 but Brazil has socialized medicine and the United States does not so when a drug company gets ready to negotiate with an international market if their entire medical system is different they're going to pay a different price I mean at the end of the day this is capitalism and you know the Obama Administration never got big Pharma out of Health Care like it's never been done I just don't think that it's worth setting up a game plan for one day these drugs are going to be affordable if you assume that their prices are not going to come down because the patent is brand new then you ask yourself so if the price doesn't come down what is your game plan yeah yep I hear you I hear you and so so for you you're like if it doesn't if it goes up you're out you're just gonna maintain on your own well because see this is what I wanted everybody to understand somehow first and foremost this drug is revolutionary it is to obesity management what penicillin is to infection management and we are only on the precipice but it is revolutionary not only for weight loss but for addressing the comorbidities but somehow it got lost in translation and people came to view it as I take this shot I lose weight you will have to make lifestyle change es the kind that you can sustain over a long period of time that's been my game plan from the time I got on this because I know how much money I invested so I said if I'm going to invest more money I'm coming up with a sustainable plan I've had a uh um six months on semi glutide and six months on tepati I think I have enough habits to to go forward on my own and I would encourage everyone to think about your game plan while you're on the drug what is it that you would be able to sustain if you had to come off for any reason yes that definitely it's definitely something you got to give some thought to right because what if it you're right now we're all at the mercy of of these if if they decide to go up to back up to for me it would be 1250 a month and that's what it is like what are you gonna do right you have to decide which way you're going to go the the fear that I have is that um I don't think I could do what you're doing right I don't think that I could maintain my weight um even with all the great habits that habits that I've you know I've start started to acquire I don't know that I could do that um long term and then I I will share this other thing I'm not sure if I sh shared this um in one of the other posts was that my nutritionist told me that there are people who are hitting their they're they're getting into a healthy weight range Health all their comorbidities are going away and they're saying okay I'm I'm ready to tit trate off of this medication and she said for some of the patients that she's had that's gotten off of the medication now they're you know they've been off for a number of months and their their weight is starting to creep back on and now they're saying um now they're trying to get back on the medication and their insurance companies are denying them because they they don't meet the requirements to be on it um so she said even she said to me based on my situation she said even if you if you tie trade back down to 2.5 and you only take it you know instead of taking every week you take it every two weeks or whatever she's like I wouldn't recommend you go off of it because you might have a hard time getting back on it um but I do I hear what you're saying and I think it is wise for all of us to be thinking about you know the worst case scenario what are we G to do like what is our plan B um I think it's wise to consider that um well I think you have more than one group now first of all all the clinical trials have shown that of the people who are on it who come off 50% regain the weight so if you were a betting person okay you got a 5050 chance so then I would say well what can you do to increase the odds that you're part of the 50% who sustained the weight loss um and you have to understand that our audience is large so in our audience there are some people who are dealing with chronic obesity and they've dealt with it over a life time their trajectory might look different than somebody who gained weight episodically like I did but i' I haven't been dealing with obesity all of my life right and let me ask you this Feliz do you suffer from head Hunger no absolutely not I'm the type of person once I eat I don't even want to see or smell food I don't want to take a dog bag and smell food once I'm full and thinking about food all the time would just irritate me so that's not okay okay I'm glad I'm glad we're unpacking this because I think based on what you're saying you probably could have success coming like you know like you develop these habits you rest strengthen that muscle and the head Hunger issue isn't your issue right that's a major point you brought because it's a very different trajectory for people who don't have head Hunger than it is for people who have head Hunger so that's a very important Point see I would smell a cookie and gain three pounds I a to eat it you know I just and it's like automatic I wouldn't even have to smell it Melissa I just be looking at you smelling it and be like G so okay wait so let me pause for a second I want to just go to the chats let me see what what's in here thank you so much for the conversations and thank you ladies for being willing to come on Melissa I'm not sure if this this has delivered any additional information for you I know the frustration that you're feeling right now I can I definitely can relate to it um but I wanted to see we have a big Community we have a broad community so even if the people are not watching it live now they may be watching on the replay and I and I just ask this community please please please as you're learning information um you know if you're as you you you're um you hear things first before we hear it please share it with the community because um some of you may be in great shape and you know getting it even cheaper than you were paying before and some of you may be struggling now um um okay I see you I see you Tia I see you with your capitalism over there for sure and that is an issue with us here right un limits as long as they can until the their patent is up which is a while right hey Jen I see you here Jen hello hello how come you're not in the room Jen um the price will not come down until there is competition Lily has the patent for 30 years 30 years I thought it was like seven 30 years wow and and so I think that's why they're trying to eliminate compounds because compounds is the competition right that is the competition um okay hang on let me just catch up catch up catch up exactly um we have some other drugs coming out in 2026 that might bring the price down the drug is better but um how much will better will the how much will that better drug cost um hang on a second let me just go here sure was extremely helpful help me uh go low car intermittent fasting and and I will tell you like I'm trying all the things I'm doing a intermittent fasting for 12 hours um as well um I just started six weeks ago yes I will come up with a game plan so Pebbles hears you Fel she hears you coming up with a game plan but without the meds I'm concerned the food chatter will return same here Lisa um yep same so it's and it's actually a couple different camps and there might even be a third version of us in the group um who um let's see companies on 600 monthly not I wonder why some of the compound companies are so different like 600 to you know $197 like I I'm not sure I understand why the range is so great charging fees the fees on top of it B see is an epidemic worldwide for sure um head Hunger issues same here most insurance cover BMI 30 plus right so what happens when you go under 30 are you under 30 um Feliz is your BMI under 30 I am throwing rocks at it I a few pounds coming out of the Obesity range and that has been my goal to get out of that range and to get out of plus sizes and I'm only a few pounds away from gold oh wow congratulations can't I I don't I don't know what I'm gonna do when I'm a few away from gold y'all might be like yeah I don't even know I don't even know I have a long journey I have a long journey why they denying you oh she you guys are talking to each other okay um 20 39 whoa okay all all right Tia that's why we got you here you can chime in while I keep looking at these Tia you can address that sorry I had to find my mute um yeah so it says I think that when they're gonna they that's the soonest that's still 15 years so it could be that their patent's not up for 30 years like Jen was saying but um that's when they're projected Eli Lily's projected to do a generic or people will be allowed to do a generic so that's still 15 years from now that's crazy okay hopefully there hope we will have gotten our gotten our um down to our goal by then but there there's some good news because there working on another drug that's in phase three clinical trials right now it's Ruda tide I might be mispronouncing it it reminds me of Rapunzel but I think it's trud to tide they're in phase three now they think it will hit the market in 26 or 27 and let me tell you why it's a game changer because mararo and zound address two of the hormones Tuda tide will dress a third hormone and the specific nature is your body caloric set point because if you normally have a set point of 2500 and you bring it down to 2,000 your your body is going to try to compensate by making by outputting less right the third drug that they're working on Ruda tide is going to address your body trying to Output less because you're taking in less calories so my normal size is a 14 if I get down to a 10 or a 12 my body is going to try to wake work its way back up to a 14 because that's my set point this drug is going to address that and I'm hoping that when it hits the market they have a coupon so I'm saying all that to say oh wait wait wait so you coming back R true time R true you coming back you're coming back for absolutely because the idea that a drug will give you the flexibility is a major breakthrough and I was offered to participate in the trial the Reas in the clinical trial the reason why I didn't is because it's a double blind so some people were getting placebos and I was like absolutely not I am not betting on getting a placebo so I'm waiting for it to hit the market and if they follow suit and offer a coupon that's a major development so there is reason to be hopeful and and there are some people in our community who are in that trial right now um so yep you're you're you're absolutely right about that and these drugs are they're just game changers they really are um and you know some of them work you just got to find the one that works for you right because some of them work great for us and some of them you know may not work as well for you um so what um let me um I want to open it back up to Melissa because um you you basically called the meeting right Melissa was like we need to have this conversation so Melissa is there something that we haven't talked about tonight um you know and us we're not professionals like we you know we're we're just having a conversation right but is there something we haven't talked about tonight that you would like us to talk about um just you know in general I'm very appreciative of your YouTube page because this is therapy for me you know I'm on the medication because of my uh knees they're bone on bone I have to have full knee replacement on both of them so exercising is not an option I used to be able to swim and it would give me some relief well now because of the bone on bone they click every time I walk and I'm sure it's because of the weight problem I've had my whole life and you know I was smaller at one time but like I say it was eating disorder you know it was not eating correctly and now it's just to the point where I'm so afraid that you know if it comes to the point where I can't afford the medication um then it will get to the point where I'm going gain the weight back you know and right and you already lost what over 40 pounds so you don't want to and you know fail last September and tore my achilles tendon and so that made and I weighed 285 when I did that I weighed this morning and I weighed 287 so I went from 285 to 333 PBS while I was recovering from my achilles and that fast you know blew up and then it took me to say okay we got to do something else because me not exercising and not moving is not an option right right right no I understand than because I really love the whole community and yes and now we know we can now now we know how to do streamyard can bring you guys all into the room well I I don't want to keep you forever but do if um Terry if you have some final remarks is there something you want to say you're welcome to un unmute yourself okay hi everyone again it's been an interesting discussion here uh you know from the other end uh the Medicare end I mean I was thrilled today because people like me have been paying out of pocket the 1100 amount um but I you know I do understand and there's a lot going on my background I have a lot of um statistics I'm an Industrial Engineer and you never know what those analysts are doing when they come up with these prices um you know people say well what about people on a dosage above five well there are a lot of people who entered this program you know and and they drop out or stop out um so I don't think that they're word as much I think they will come up with the vows for the next level you know it wouldn't be too long there and it is a money deal so I wouldn't ever you know dismiss that that's important but it was um a joy today just for me to pay a third of what I've been paying about a third you're you're on the other end of the spectrum where you're able to benefit from the change right so I've just been on that 2.5 for the entire um Journey wow my doctor's very conservative and you know he said what do you want to do and I said well I'm just gonna go with your suggestion and there were slower points but it picked up so you know I have a lot of more patience um I did get online immediately to Lily direct and got the information and sent it to my doctor's office and that quick they have sent that prescription to Lily direct wow and so that she's talking about Lily so getting the medication directly from Eli ly lyly right so you you know I sent the information to them they may have already had it I'm in Atlanta and I go to a Emory Clinic so I expect to hear from from Lily D tomorrow that you know so they can get my charge number um to send me these drugs that's awesome okay yeah that's congratulations to you um fantastic and Michelle Brooke the brook Brock Michelle did you did you have any words you wanted to share with the community now's your chance unmute yourself unmute yourself if you like you're welcome to if you like no no pressure no pressure um all right and um can you hear me I can hear you now hi hey how are you good good nice to hear your voice great great great the only thing I would say is that this medication definitely is a a game changer obesity um we think about obesity but what they never address is those things that drive obesity how did people get there you know these childhood experiences um people just don't wake up one day they're fat what is going on on the inside that get us there you know as Americans we spend more money on losing weight but we're getting big bigger and bigger each year I think that needs to be addressed from a social aspect um and then bring the drug the cost of it down because our most vulnerable people are not covered you think about people who may have Medicare Medicaid you know I have Tri care and I've been paying out of pocket for two years because I just refused to accept that there's nothing that they could do for me and I was like I'll do it for myself and that's the part that's the sector of society that's often up overlooked as well is that those IND individuals that have government insurance and it could be Tri care um Medicare Medicaid but it's so much more that I think that we can do that needs to be addressed and I think Bernie Sanders is moving in the right direction but obesity is such a complicated it's a huge social issue but I think if you address um adverse experiences and we can say adverse childhood experiences trauma itself we know is a major contributor to um chronic inflammation enhance um asthma heart disease so it's a very oh wait a minute wait a minute this is Dr Michelle yes yes hi okay okay we need to have you back on just for an episode because I think I definitely want to address the underlying issues yeah we need to we're we're just so you guys know we've been playing we've been playing email tag um so yeah so we definitely we can't you can't give it all the way on this episode we gota we got to have a whole episode just for you to to talk about the these things I forgot you should put Dr Michelle in front of your name you earned it yeah well yes I did what lots of work lots of hard work that's that's my take on it is that I think we need to in be more inclusive you know we talk about being inclusive um address poverty though I mean it's just a huge social problem adverse childhood experience and as those numbers go up you know we have um trauma generational trauma is so much that you know you're telling people oh you're you're risk for this know address the root cause of the situation this is not anything that's secretive the government has been knowing the link between trauma childhood experience adverse childhood experiences and um poor health outcomes mainly these obesity so I think there's so much more that I want the government to do and to make it more Equitable for people who really need it who may not be able to afford it that's and I think that's a lot of a lot of people can not afford it exactly it's a lot it's it's a lot yeah so thank you for that Dr Michelle thank you for that um okay I don't we've been we' been going for a while I appreciate everybody coming I hope that this has been helpful even if you just kind of needed to connect with somebody and talk about it um know that this is a community where we I don't know everything I'm not the expert on everything but um I can bring in people like Tia and Dr Michelle and then you can share your own experiences right of um of what you know what the medication is doing for you and feliss you've been fantastic in sharing your perspective as well um so that we can see it from you know all sides all sides and I think it is wise even if you're somebody who suffers like me with head Hunger you know to be thinking a few steps ahead because definitely the pharmaceutical company they're not playing checkers they're definitely playing chess when it comes to this and we should be thinking about like what are some things that we can you know put into place you know is there such a thing as a a plan B for us um and if worst case scenario happens and it becomes no longer accessible for us what what are some of the things that we can do um and I think Feliz opened up that um that that thinking tonight and I I really appreciate her for doing that um so with that if there are no other pressing comments um I want to thank everybody for um for joining us tonight for this conversation I think there'll be more there's been a great uh it's been so great to be among such wonderful ladies thank you all Pamela thank you so much um thank you so much for sharing that um I think it's a wonderful community and I think the the great thing is that we understand each other right we understand each other and I think um this is a great place to share information too so as you're getting if you if you're the first to get the information hot off the presses please um do share it with the community so that we can make decisions for our own health um depending on how what what what side of the of the line we fall on um in our individual situations because there's so many some have insurance coverage some don't some pay out of pocket at a small smaller rate some some than some pay for the compound they're getting better deals than other so there's so much here to unpack um I I will say above all things I want each and every one of you to be safe um because I don't I can't vouch for any of the compound companies I don't use them but I do know that there are several reputable ones out there to help us um but I I do want you all to be safe um I celebrate you for um you know making this bold choice voice for yourself um and I I'm applaud those of you who are getting a deal on the medication you know and I'm praying and sending great Vibes and hoping that things will change for those of you who are paying out of pocket because I know that that is a can be a hardship that can be crippling to some of us to have to pay that kind of money every month out of pocket um to to have the health results that we want to have so with that I want to thank all of you for joining um is there anything else is there anything I'm missing is there anything I'm missing I'm just putting your comments up here making sure I don't miss any of yours um I want you as always I want you to go out there I want you to be bold because it takes a bold person woman brilliant woman or a good man to do um what you're doing to take a a stand and a fight for your health right it takes courage to come on here um to show your face to share your experiences right um You everybody knows this is a loving kind compassionate community so uh we're here not to be judgmental but to support and uplift one another but it still takes courage to put it out there I mean um if you're like me in the beginning you don't want to share your weight like you don't want to tell anybody what you weight right um and so it does take courage to do that and I want you to be brilliant because you are you are just as you are right now but no that you are the ones who are um who are out there you're on the front lines you're going through this you know there might come a time when this will be a nonissue but you're going through it right now and people are watching you so I want you to be brilliant because you are um so with that ladies I'll give you back your evening thank you so much for joining I love you guys wish you only the best um good to see your faces I love seeing your faces and um until next time I'll see you later take care bye good night thank you thanks Melissa thanks Tia thanks Dr Michelle thanks Terry thank you Pamela so nice having all of you good night good night bye thanks Angie good night