ha you just ain't make it to community day huh 2K don't love you huh the fact is there's a lot of creators out there who get frustrated if they create content for 2K all year long and they don't get an invite to 2k's community day it's one of the hottest topics of discussion right now y'all be sure to sound off who you think should be invited to 2k's Community Day we about to get into all the details y'all be sure to drop a like and drop a sub if you Canad that what's good y I'm all city as always appreciate you guys tuning in before we get into this topic of Community Day which seems to stir up a lot of emotions within the 2K Community I wanted to tie up a couple loose ends and reference some of the information that's going around the 2K Community it seems like we got a good majority of the information for us to make a good assessment on whether or not we're going to get 2K 25 but there's still a few tweets that I would like to reference here in case you guys didn't know about this stuff Zack Timberman he sent out this post saying there are 72 takeovers you qualify for them based on attributes just like badges you can view them in the Builder to know what your player will eventually qualify for you choose one only in my career to utilize at a time and you guys can also swap takeovers between games firstly how do you guys feel about having 72 takeovers I really hope in 2K 25 every takeover is just as effective as the next and I know some of you guys may feel differently but I feel like in 2K 24 the best takeover by far was the shooting tape I know a lot of you you guys will argue that the lockdown take was op as well either way share your thoughts in the comments I also want to reference in regards to takeovers I want to reference a couple posts from Wolf because he shares some of his favorite takeovers in case you guys haven't heard some of the different takeovers you guys are going to have the options to choose from Wolf says my favorite takeovers in 2K 25 to use got the chef takeover is going to boost your three-point your mid-range and ball handle is great for three-point hunting guards those small guards that pretty much have no dunking ability put all layup on their build they're going to be taking them floaters and three-pointers 2K is also introducing a takeover Cod satellite it boosts your three-point your mid-range and your speed ideal takeover for elite off ball Shooters and a lot of people seem to like this one Gifted Hands it boost steel and three-pointer perfect takeover for the three andd players out there and I have a feeling we're going to see a lot of 3 andd players on 2K 25 that two-way game is coming back in full force wolf caps off this post by saying with over 70 takeovers to choose from in 2K 25 you will find one that fits your own play style and I know a lot of you Center builds out there are wondering what takeovers are you going to have to choose from well wolf sent this out saying I saw a lot of questions about the big man takeovers here are some of my main takeovers I use when he's playing big the glass Gunner it boost the three-pointer defensive rebound and offensive rebound perfect for BRS who want to grab boards and shoot for three does that mean the stretches are coming back in 2K 25 and the reason why I said coming back is maybe some of you guys haven't experienced 2K9 stretch Center bills were like one of the main go-to big man type of bills to make the next takeover for Big Man bills is called Unit it boosts offensive rebound standing dunk and close shot ideally for the inside bigs who want a mash and the last one here that wolf references is called the commander if boost interior defense block and defensive rebound control the paint defensively it'll be a tough bucket for anyone out there that's trying to slash in 2K 24 I made a 7-footer build I also had a 610 Center but my 7-footer build moves so differently when I got in Takeover in fact my SF footer will move very similar to my 610 whenever I'm in takeover and I'm hoping that we can see those type of dramatic changes in 2K 25 you guys let me know what you think which takeover you guys think you're going to use now let's get into this major topic of discussion about 2k's Community Day for 2K 25 I would like to reference this post from badge plug he said logos and Community Day set the 2K Community back so many years actually insane to me how many people absolutely don't need either of those but bend over backwards for them badge plug continues on in some dialogue between him and dignify 2K badge says years of so much voice that could have been used for the better of our game but oh my God I get to have a PNG over my head with the mind blown Emoji dignifi response saying and most of them they doing it for free with three crying face emojis badge plug responds literally for free bro groupy is I imagine if it was my own company and I saw anybody speak negatively about my product that I deliver ain't no way I'm going invite you to come on over and hang out with me and my people for me personally as a 2K Creator I know damn well 2K is never sending that invite my way and furthermore I don't see any benefit in someone like me going to a 2K Community Day I can see all the comments right now from you guys all City sold his soul and the fact is me personally I don't have an urge a need or a want to be around 2K staff I think a lot of you guys have known from the videos that I upload here I don't agree with the way in which they conduct business with the 2K Community but on the flip side of that if you're a Creator who just you know you use your creativity to make content about 2k and you have never spoken poorly about 2k or their business ethic you're out there looking for a Community Day invite just keep grinding the truth is creators they get paid to create as a Creator if you get an invite to community day you should probably just see that as an added incentive to you creating 2K content because on 2k's behalf they surely have no obligation and do you guys agree with badge plug's assessment of Community Day saying that Community Day it set us back years my dilemma with Community Day is that it's such a controlled environment and don't get me wrong I understand it needs to be a controlled environment but creators they're not able to speak freely about what they experien I just wish 2K was comfortable with the product they delivering and secure in their gameplay design that the opinion from a 2K Creator whether good or bad would be of no concern to 2K but it's almost like 2K knows damn well the opinionated 2K Community they're going to say what they see and they're going to say what they feel I think a lot of you guys feel like 2K hand selects certain creators that are vouched for their game and I don't see anything wrong with that they are a business they are the ones paying and hosting the event for the community and this all led to power DF sending out this lengthy response and I want you guys to let me know if you agree power thef says let's talk NBA 2K Community Day I want to get very real about this and I want to share some honest advice that would have helped me earlier Community dat isn't perfect but here's the truth none of us are entitled to an invitation it's not about deserving to be there and before I continue do you think some creators are like enti like they absolutely have to be at Community Day sound off if you know of any creators that should absolutely be at 2K 25's Community Day power DF goes on to say I get how many creators feel because I've been there watching peers have fun feeling left out even getting frustrated you might compare yourself to others wondering why someone else got invited instead of you even even though most creators will never admit it I know how it feels it's a natural reaction but it's not a helpful mindset in life nobody owes you nothing I wasn't playing when I said this joint is really long power thef continues on saying let's start here an invite to community day isn't something anyone deserves regardless of your work ethic view count or perceived impact it's not about your value as an individual or a Creator it's about one thing who the company wants to represent and include sometimes that's just not you and honestly you don't need it to succeed understand that and you can move forward even stronger and I've resonated with that last paragraph because I've never felt that I needed to go to Community Day to succeed in being a 2K Creator but it's without a doubt from the responses that we're seeing from some creators within the 2K community that they feel 2K is obligated to invite them for their own perceived impact within the 2K Community power DF goes on to say but for the sake of being helpful let me tell you why I think most people don't get invited in an honest way and goes on to list some reasons as to why folks might not get invited number one you're a brand risk if you're that person who says unprofessional things or bashes the people the same people that you want to include you then you wonder why you don't get invited here's the reality words they have consequences I'm not saying you're wrong you may be right but no one's flying you out if you're attacking their business absolute facts and this is exactly why I feel I will never be invited to 2k's Community Day because I created too much content around 2k's heavy monetization gameplay design I'm a veteran of 2K I've been here before we were spending so much money on the game I've gotten to see what it's turned into so I know I'm speaking absolute facts but the facts that I'm speaking could actually hurt 2k's business I surely don't have the power to put them out of business but I imagine if it was my business 2K on their side they're thinking if we lose one customer that's one too many parf goes on to list the next reason as to why some of you guys may not get invited to 2k's Community Day number two you don't add value this one's big many wonder why a Creator from another country or Community got invited over them when they've been grinding all year it's probably because those people bring in new viewers and this is a business they've got 20 other creators just like you reaching the same audience so ask yourself honestly do you really add anything other creators don't and he goes on to say a lot of you don't but that's okay expand and you'll get that invite at the end of the day they can only invite so many people and they have to pick and choose making it hard choices P DF he goes on to say but we have to recognize that despite is flaws Community day is good for the community it brings creators together listens to their thoughts and lets them share feedback with consumers before the game drops that's undoubtedly a good thing and we should appreciate it even if we aren't the ones that are invited this year and he caps off this post by saying remember not being invited doesn't Define your worth as a Creator keep grinding expanding your skills and building positive relationships in the community your success is en tied to one event keep pushing forward and you'll find your own path to success I promise you that and he shared this image from last year's Community Day and I know a lot of you guys you see this and you're like yeah I'd love to be a part of that and that's super dope if you have it in you to want to be a part of that then you should take heed to what parf shared in this post he pretty much laid out the blueprint for you guys to get to Community Day and if you're anything like me who likes to create content around their honest experience while playing the game then you shouldn't be looking for 2k's validation with an invite to 2k's community day over the years what I've learned about 2k's Community Day is that as quickly as it gets here is as quickly as it's gone if any of you guys are really out there trying to get into Community Day I wish you the best of luck hopefully the creators that are making it Community Day could give us some insight as to what we're going to experience for 2k2 and I'll wrap this up here last year some of the creators that went to 2k's Community Day said NBA 2K 24 was the best 2K in 2k's history hands down and they told you guys you have to get this game in my opinion 2K 24 although in the beginning of the year was great the final result does not even come close to being one of the best 2ks but I will admit it's probably the best one out of the bad Bunch as always I'm curious to hear your thoughts so share them in the comment section below if you guys want to stay up to date on everything 2k2 drop a like and drop a sub I'll catch you guys on the next video if you guys are tired of running with randoms and you're looking for players to run with on NBA 2K come on out and join the All City 2K Discord the link will be in the description below find players and get runs now drop a like and drop a sub on your way out leave your thoughts and comments in the comments section below I'll catch you guys on the next video easy y

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