That was a pretty crumby theme

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 00:02:07 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: new york times strands
all right time for the strands this the word search game it's going to have a theme word that crosses the Grid in some direction today's theme is crummy theme which is kind of funny because it feels like that's like a filler thing that they stuck that in there and then never changed it but I'm sure it's it's a pun probably crummy like cookies or crackers or something something a lot we do have crackers we have crackers so let's go with crackers that might be the Spang gram crackers there we go okay so types of crackers I suppose we have soda crackers that's a thing um what are the kind of crackers I don't know I don't part of me says oh I know all the types of crackers and part of me says I don't know if I know any kind of crackers Saltines Saltines that's or Saltine okay and then gold oh goldfish right right right I don't I I I forget that they're I don't know why I forget that they're crackers I just called them goldfish um male oh Molina or what's what's this going to be animal animal crackers there we go all right and then there's oh there's three more and we've got 15 letters left so we need to have an average of five per word um oyster crackers oyster which is six so now we're going to have a felter word and a four-letter word water is there a thing water cracker yeah cuz it's going to be rice water crackers and rice crackers okay there we go well if you just asked me to name a bunch of cracker types I don't know that I'd be able to come up with very many of those but I did know that all of them were a thing in the end so anyways let me know what your favorite kind of crackers are and maybe your favorite thing to have with crackers I like cheese with crackers you know pretty standard stuff but let me know if you'd like to put something else on crackers and of course how you did Solving this puzzle and other words you saw in the grid that were not answer words and be sure to subscribe for more

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