for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] because actually is that a Catholic Bible yes oh okay cuz you wouldn't yeah cuz you need the book of wisdom so that's right there that's identical to that which is a little bint and then then you know if you want to read the psalm out of there and second letter to to yeah I mean that that's what yeah you're going to do all three basically you did the first reading the psalm and the second reading so either right here if you want to read it from here or if you want to read it out of your Bible that's fine it's just that oh okay so sure [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] SP oh my God [Music] [Music] l [Music] [Music] [Music] am [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] l [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] all [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning and welcome to St Bernardine's Church please join us in our opening hymn number 199 in your red Himel that is in the Pew number 199 Blessed Assurance please stand if you are able [Music] Blessed [Music] assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foraste of Glory Divine Hair of Salvation purchase of God born of his Spirit washed in his blood oh this is my story this is my song praising My Savior all the day long this is my story this is my song praising My Savior all the day long perfect submission all is at rest I am My Savior am happy and blessed watching and waiting looking God [Music] fill with his goodness lost in his love this is my story this is my song praising My Savior all the day long this is my story this is my song praising My Savior all the day long oh this is my story this is my song praising My Savior all the day long this is my S glor this is my song I'm praising my Sor all the day long amen amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen the grace and peace of God our Father the love of our Lord Jesus Christ and the comfort of his Holy Spirit be with all of you good morning again everyone I'm welcome to St bernardin's I'm father Rich Boselli the pastor here at St bernardin's on behalf of myself and Reverend Alfred Bailey who will be celebrating with us today on behalf of our church Community we again offers our condolences and sympathies to you Florence and David at the loss of your son and Dawn the loss of your brother we uh offer our condolences to the entire family all of the friends that have gathered here our hearts are heavy with our loss but we come together as a people of faith faith in Jesus Christ and the new life promised to us all in that faith and it is in the faith of baptism that we all die with Christ may we rise with Christ to eternal glory as a symbol of our Christian our dignity we will cloak Kenna's body with a white Paul and we invite members of his family to come forward to place the Paul uh on his body [Music] for and let us pray oh God Almighty father our faith professes that your son died and rose again mercifully grant that through this mystery your servant Kennis who has fallen asleep INR Christ May Rejoice to rise again through him who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit God forever and ever amen please be seated this Ty by time I'd like to invite Mrs Mason to come forward to offer our readings good morning praise the Lord everybody for this is the day that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it reading one a reading from the book of wisdom the just man though he die early shall be at rest for the age that is Honorable comes not with the passing of time nor can it be met measured in terms of years rather understanding is a horror crowned for men and an unsalted life attainment of old age he who blessed he who pleased God was loved he who lived among Sinners was transported snatched away lest wickedness pervert his mind or deceit begal his soul for the wiery of saucer things obscure what is right and the world of Desire transforms the innocent mind having before perfect in a short while he reached the fullness of a long career for his soul was pleasing to the Lord therefore he sped him out of the midst of wickedness but the people saw and did not understand nor did they take this into account because grace and mercy are with his holy ones and his care is with the elect the word of the Lord Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I lack in Green Pastures he makes me lie down to still Waters he leads me he restores my soul he guides me along right path for the sake of his name even though I walk through the valley of shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff comfort me you set a table before me in front of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows indeed goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life I will dwell in the house of the Lord for Endless days the second reading a reading from the second letter of Paul to Timothy 2 Timothy 4: 6-8 for for I am already being poured out like a liing and the time of my departure is at hand I have comp well I have finished the race I have kept the faith from now on the crown of righteousness awaits me which the Lord the just judge will award to me on that day and not only to me but to all who have have longed for his appearance the word of God please stand if you are able my sisters and my brothers the Lord be with you a reading from the holy Gospel according to John Jesus said to his disciples do not let your hearts be troubled you have faith in God have faith also in Me In My Father's House there are many Dwelling Places if there were not would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come back again again and take you to myself so that where I am you also may be where I am going you know the way Thomas said to him Master we do not know where you are going how can we know the way and Jesus said to him I am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me the gospel of the Lord praise to you Lord Jesus Christ please be seated [Music] Never Would Have Made It never could have made it with without you I would have lost it all but now I see how you were there for me and I can't say I never would have made [Music] it never could have made it without you I would have lost it all oh but now I see why you were there for me and I can't say I'm stronger I'm Wiser I'm better much better when I look back over all you brought me through I can see that you were the one I held on you and I never I never would have made it oh I never could have made it I never could have made it without you I would have lost it all oh but now I see how you were there for me and I can say I I never would have made it oh I never I never could have made it without you I would have lost my mind a long time ago if it had not been for you I I am stronger I'm wiser I am better up anybody better up I made it through my storm and my mess because you were there to carry me through my mess so I'm stronger I'm Wiser now I'm better anybody better come on say I made it I thank God I made it I say I made it oh I made it never would have made it I never would have made it I never could have made it without you I would have lost it all but now now I see how you are there for me and I can't say Never Would Have Made It I never could have made it without you I would have lost it [Music] all but now I see how you were there for me so I'll say thank you Lord come on think about it oh than you [Music] Lord I'll saying thank you [Music] Lord I just want to say thank you Lord cuz I never would have made it I never could have made it without you [Music] Never Would Have Made It kace would have never made it without the Lord when I look at our second reading second Timothy I go back just one verse in chapter 4 look at verses 5 through 8 and I see these words in the NIV version it says but you keep your head in all situations endure hardship do the work of an evangelist discharge all the duties of your ministry for I'm already poured out like a drink offering and the time of my departure is near I have fought the good fight I have finished my race I have kept the faith now there is in store for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge will award to me on that day not only to me but to all to all who long for his appearing my brothers and sisters in the text that is before us we see the Apostle Paul writing to the one he calls family his son in the ministry Timothy he's writing to Timothy to prepare him for the road that is ahead of him and while writing to Timothy Paul pauses to acknowledge his own Journey with the master and I said to myself that sounds like my cousin Mr Kenneth Hall that's something that Kennedy would do he too wants to prepare his family and all of us assembled here today for the road that is ahead of us and the way Kenny prepares us is by talking about his journey with the Lord and so Paul and Kenny start by saying to Timothy and to all of us assembled today I have fought the good fight to put this in context the Apostle Paul fought a good fight how do we know this because Paul was one who went on not one not two but three missionary Journeys for the Lord and in each of those missionary Journeys he had to do as verse five says he had to keep his head in all situations he had to end Ure hardship as he served in so many different capacities and my brothers and sisters again that sounds just like Kenny he too fought a good fight he knew Paul struggles so well because he had his own missionary Journeys that he went on with the Lord he knew how to keep his head in all situations he knew how to endure hardships how did he keep his head in uh in all situations how did he endure hardships Kenny was a very competitive person he was a very inquisitive person and he was a very determined person Canen he use these skills to endure hardships and to keep his head in all situations one thing you must know about Kenny is that one he was very competitive somebody say competitive Kenny did not like to lose whether it was playing Spades uh and Kenny was good at playing Spades uh I think I come from a family of card playing persons or whether he was bowling now Kenny wasn't that good at bowling but he did not look he didn't like losing Kenny Not only was he a very competitive person but he was very inquisitive because he felt whenever Kenny would feel his inquisitive itch he would go to where most persons go today for their information or as we call it today the tea he go to Facebook that's where all the information and the knowledge is you see back in the day people would just get on the telephone after church and talk about other persons they call get on the uh black Suzie the telephone and talk about people but Kenny inquisitive Spirit would have him do research he would go to Facebook and find out all the information on everybody then he'd get on Facebook and then he'd start telling all the information he was very inquisitive he knew how to find information surely on Facebook he knew how to share it and this determination uh Kenny then had this also knack for determination he was a very determined person his determination was discovered in his illness Kenny was determined to live his lifestyle the way he wanted to live his lifestyle despite his illness DAW and I call Florence tinle um and so Dawn and his mom would try to make accommodations for Kenny but he was determined to live life as he wanted to live life as normal as possible and most people didn't know that Kenny was as that Kenny was as sick as he was and many would wonder how in the world did Kenny do this it was Kenny's ability to use his god-given gifts as weapons to defeat all that was trying to destroy us he used his competitiveness he used his inquisitiveness he used his determination As Weapons to fight his illness how do you think Ken he fought a good fight for over 20 years fighting this illness he was a skilled and strategic fighter with with years of experience whether his whenever his illness would rear its ugly head his competitive nature and his determination would kick in and Kenny was like I'm not going to lose this hand just like playing Spades he'd say I just got to play the cards that I've been dealt cuz when you're playing cards you have to play the cards that you dealt then Kenny's inquisitive side would kick in and he would just find a way to win because that's how strategic Fighters and skilled Fighters they uh they do they use their god-given gifts to fight anything that's trying to destroy them and my brothers and sisters Kenny is telling us today he's telling you and I who have so many forces trying to destroy us in 2024 use your god-given gifts as weapons to fight against anything trying to destroy you and I if if and if you by some chance don't have God's giving gifts in your life if you don't know your spiritual gifts that God has given you Kenny told me to be prepared he said Bailey make sure you go on your Facebook page and go on your Instagram page cuz everybody's not on Facebook he said go into your profile and make sure you list a spiritual gifts inventory and so I did just what Kenny recommended I went to my Facebook page I went to my Instagram page in the profile my Pro my profile is uh Reverend Reverend Al Bailey that's my name on Instagram and Facebook and I put a link to a spiritual gifts inventory just because he wanted to make sure that you and I knew our spiritual gifts so that we could fight the good fight against anything trying to destroy us Kenny you fought the good fight because you were a skilled and strategic fighter but my brothers and sisters Not only was Kenny a skilled and strategic fighter who fought the good fight but Kenny finished his race and he finished his race showing us how to help people along the journey I equate this thing we call life like a race the race will have some hills that we have to climb the race that we follow on this life will have some pit stops and even some traffic jams but the one thing you must do is you must continue to run your race and canny ran his race he ran his race while dealing with his sickness but he found out along the way on this journey how to deal with his his this race even while he was facing ing his sickness Kenny while sick would work so that he could purchase groceries for persons who were in need Kenny while sick would work so that he could purchase a van so that he could pick up his godchildren and take them to school and pick them up for school Kenny while he was sick would just love to be around people and had that that Dynamite million dooll smile that he had he just loved being around God's people and my brothers and sister sisters Kenny is passing the Baton to you and I and he's telling us that in these challenging times in this challenging race that we must run called life we must run the race with God so that we too can be blessed and bless others along the journey do me a favor turn to your neighbor and say neighbor run your race so you can bless others along the journey cuz that's what Kenny did he r ran his race so he could bless others along the journey but finally not only did Kenny fight the good fight not only did Kenny finish his race my brothers and sisters Kenneth Justin Hall kept the faith Kenny could keep the faith because he had a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ this was a man who would get up early somebody say early he would get up early and make a 7 a.m. service now most of y'all is on Sunday morning asleep at 7 a.m. Kenny wanted to make sure he was at church at 7 a.m. and you know you have to love God and love his church to be at church at 700 a.m. why because Kenny loved his God and he loved church so much because he knew that God would see him through any and everything he was going through Kenny had faith my brothers and sisters that God would get him through anything he was going through God got him through a kidney transplant because he had Faith Kenny had faith that God would get him through a staff infection when the doctors told Kenny that he would never regain his muscle mass Kenny had faith and he believed that God in fact would do it Kenny did this because he had the faith to believe that God could get him through anything Kenny would go to church he would get that word and then he would keep the faith you see most people believe that as Christians life for us is easy that once you give your life to Christ life is just a bed of roses my brothers and sisters that is far from the truth as a Christian Life can get hard sometimes and you must have faith when illness comes you have to have faith that everything is going to work out you have to have faith to know that the God who is God is going to be with you you have to have faith to know that God will fix the situation on your job Faith to know that God will solve the family crisis Faith to know that God will heal your sickness on this side or even on the other side and my brothers and sisters you you and I have to develop this close relationship with God so that when sickness comes when death comes when troubles come in life and the question is not if it's going to happen it's when it's going to happen the question is never if trouble's coming it's when Trouble Comes so when Trouble Comes trust me you're going to get through it why because you have the same type of Faith Kenny have you just have to keep the faith and believe that God is with you through all things and all things will work out why because God's got you no matter what you are going through you see people often wonder why do we need God why do we need to come to church because when you have done all that you can and you have fought as hard as you can baby it's just good to know that sometimes you can just sit back relax and keep the faith and know that the God who is God is going to fight for you I think that's why Kenny loved Paul so much I think that's why Kenny loved Jesus so much he could relate to their story Kenny Paul and Jesus did not have life easy but when life got tough for Paul when life got tough for Kenny when life got tough for Jesus they and they could no longer fight they just rested in the fact that God was going to take care of them and just the other day my brothers and sisters God looked over the balcony of glory and he saw his faithful servant Kenny he said Kenny you have fought the good fight you use the skills and strategies that I taught you to keep and fight the good fight he said Kenny you have finished your race you finished your race and you helped people along the journey and you kept the faith allowing Faith to guide you all throughout this life and Kenny's response Kenny's response my brothers and sisters right before he saw God was my God my God Don I I remember you telling me that Kenny couldn't hear out of one ear but he could hear out of the other ear I believe in my spiritual imagination he could hear the sounds of Earth on this side but he heard the sounds of glory on the other side and God said to him Kenny it's time for you to come up a little higher he said I have a crown for you up here I have a long white robe for you over here Kenny we want you to enjoy Heaven family there's no more sickness over there there's no more death over there can K he's got a Manion that he's enjoying right now I'm sure he's found Aunt Bessie Uncle Joe and a whole lot of other family members on the other side tile I'm sure he's found a good card game on the other side but Kenny I want you to enjoy heaven but guess what Kenny you can't Crown them until we get there and when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that's going to be when we all see Jesus we will sing and we will shout the victory Kenny enjoy yourself s in glory god bless you [Applause] thank you Reverend thanks very much for those words amen please stand if you are able for our prayers my sisters and my brothers God the almighty father raised Christ his son from the dead with confidence we ask him to save all his people living and dead and our response to the prayer are Lord hear our pray Lord he our pray for Kennis who in baptism was given the pledge of eternal life that he may now be acquitted to the company of the Saints we pray to the Lord Lord here our pray for our brothers who ate the body of Christ the bread of life that he he may be raised up on the last day we pray to the Lord Lord here our prayer for our deceased relatives and friends and for all who have helped us that they may have the reward of their goodness we pray to the Lord Lord here our pray for those who have fallen asleep in the hope of rising again that they may see God face to face we pray to the Lord Lord here our pray for the family and friends of our brother Kenneth that they may be consoled in their grief by the Lord who wept at the death of his friend Lazareth we pray to the Lord Lord here our prayer for all of us assembled here to Worship in faith that we may be gathered together again in God's kingdom we pray to the Lord Lord here our prayer let us gather all of these prayers together those we have spoken and those that remain in our hearts as we call Upon Our God in the words of Jesus saying Our Father Who Art in Heaven be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver from Evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen please be seated this time I'd like to invite Reverend Cel if he is here today to uh come and offer some words to the family praise the Lord praise God thank you uh Reverend Bailey for that stiring spirit filled delivered message uh of the truth of uh kenis and what the word of God will and does do for us uh Florence has uh asked me to read uh for her this poem that was presented by Mr Anthony and then if it's permittable I have two things I'd like to quickly read and I will go to my seat within that time limit praise God first giving honor to God my father my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who was and is and who is to come Grace peace be multiplied unto you and just know this that this is as it been said earlier another day that the Lord has made and in it we should still rejoice and be glad in it we are still here and the opportunity for him for us to praise the Lord is available amen this poem was presented by uh brother Anthony and it's entitled my cousin my brother my friend I know that I will see you again until then I will hold on to the memories that we created within thinking about all the good times we shared and if I ever needed help you was always there we laughed and cried together a bond that's forever I had plans for us but God's plan is better I miss us hang hang in out at family gatherings cookouts parties playing Spades oh or how we would just debate over football Pittsburgh and Baltimore you are a True Believer in Christ and your strength I adore Kenny you're the strongest guy I know and it's been showing because God is your strength and now he has called you home I know you when to Glory didn't have to think twice you are absent from your body but present with Christ as my prayers Ascend I will always give thanks to God for you Kenny my cousin my brother my friend love always Anthony and I saw this out of a daily bread piece and I thought this is quite true this is a prayer that was offered up by someone who had lost a loved one and to me it echoes the thoughts and desires that all of our hearts have towards God when we lose someone and the prayer says say loving father you know my heart right now how it aches for my lost loved one the hold in that absence creates is significant and I don't always know how to deal with it I long for their presence once again father I don't understand why we are made to create such bonds with other people to then have them their relationships torn apart through death it is a great pain to endure father I pray your spirit would remind me of the good news of your restoration and Resurrection it is so easy to fall into the Trap of believing that this separation is permanent even when my mind tells me I will be United one day help me to see this separation as a temporary departure so I may be comforted by your good news magnify the truth of your restoration promises within me so I will not wither away Under The Cloud of grief thank you Father for understanding understanding what we face in this life and providing a means of comfort and reunion and my words that come out of my heart out of the Apostle Paul's heart from the spirit of God reases thus out of the King James and I'm done and going to my seat 1 Thessalonians 4 beginning at verse 13-8 say says but I would not have you to be ignorant Brethren concerning them which are asleep that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope and just to interject you have heard that kenis had much hope he had great hope and he had an expected Faith uh that would be delivered amen verse 14 for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him for this we say unto you by the word of the Lord Jesus that we which are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall arise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord wherefore Comfort one another with these words because because it is our hope and it is our expectation and I decree and declare that it will be a reality in Jesus name God bless you [Applause] amen amen thank you Reverend this time now I'd like to invite Kathy Martin to come forward to offer a few words see good day everyone I'd like to First offer my condolences to my classmate Junior High Florence might say Elementary but I don't know if I'm going to ex Embrace that but I've known Florence for a long time we've been good good good friends Florence and I used to walk home from school together and stop at my mother's house and try on my mom's hats and get into things that we weren't supposed to get into and we got caught one day and she my mother gave us a very stern lecture and uh we decided that we would never come home from school and try that again in my house but we've known each other for a long time and I do bring my condolences to the family especially Florence Dawn and David and Kenny's siblings Florence has asked me to read something for you and um I'm going to do the best that I can didn't know I was supposed to but she's my friend so he I stand nothing will get in the way of that it reads as follows follows July 7th 2024 dear Flo Dawn and family while you have my deepest heartfelt sympathies on the Lost of kenis I really just want to share what I know and have learned I know that Kenneth was and is so proud so grateful and so enormously appreciative and thankful for the safe spaces that were created for him time and time again no matter what the circumstances or need I know that you held him up supported him met his needs educated him in being a wonderful family and Community oriented human being Kenneth did not have to talk the talk he walked the walk every day and demonstrated what it means to be humble kind generous of spirit towards his fellow human beings yes he was tall but his presence his concern his love and generosity stood him taller than his 6'4 frame I know from him from you from the other family members that his broad beautiful smile and sense of humor could calm the Rough Waters doing difficult times give courage to maintain faith and boldly and unabashedly push the journey forward because it will be all right I know that while he was so very capable of speaking and advocating for himself he was wise in knowing when to step back and allow you to be his Advocate because you needed to do so please know that while you taught monitored and instilled all of this goodness in Kenneth I have learned through listening and observation that Kenneth Was preparing you and when he knew you were ready he let go because he knew that you would be okay and that you would be at peace the wisdom and discernment that you instilled in him was there through his time of transition he lived well fought the fights as he needed it is and will be my prayer that God will continue to keep you in peace love comfort in the knowledge that he gave kenis to be the best of all persons to walk along with him in his life's journey with love and much respect Bobby auntie thank you [Applause] amen thank you for sharing those words if anybody would like to share a few words with the family we invite you to come up and do so um you try to keep your remarks to a couple of minutes if you just wanted to sit here if others are talking we invite you to come forward if you'd like to say a few words okay well then we'll uh be happy with the words that were shared with us and praise God for all of that amen amen at this time then I'd like to invite Miss Porsche West to come forward to read the obituary and acknowledgements okay were you going to say a couple of words yeah okay good morning I'm just going to say a few words but uh tinkle and family as we know her even though her name was Florence but uh the Bailey family uh we grew up together um in the 1100 block of Franklin Street and we have stayed connected um from then until now and um tinle was a very close friend of my sisters who is uh in the church today but she didn't come up but I want to speak for my family and uh give you my sympathies um of uh losing your child your your son um I want to say God bless the family and um I know that he was loved and uh from what I've been hearing he loved God and that's the first thing he loved God he loved himself and he loved others and that is the law God's law so he is at peace now and I know that you will miss him but I'm sure that you are resting assured that he is with God so to the family uh God bless you and we the Sanders family love you praise the Lord Florence Dawn and David on behalf of your village of friends we like to speak peace comfort strength and love to you today and in the days to come we love you all so I will be reading some acknowledgements a brother a brother is someone who gives you lots to remember to laugh about and to be grateful for to love hope you can smile even through your tears when you think about how lucky you were to have him for a brother and all he meant to you now and always with sympathy love Cheryl we care about you we know this is a challenging time and things may feel a bit overwhelming we just want to remind you that we care and we are here for you and this is from your classmates With Love Florence from the Carver High School your village with symphany sympathy dear dear cousin thinking of you and hoping each day that passes will let in a little more Sunshine sincere condolences on the passing passing of Kenneth we are all inspired by the courage he displayed throughout his illness and wish him perfect uh peaceful rest love cousins Rosen Ronald and Rolland uh blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted Matthew 5 and4 may God's loving presence comfort you his perfect peace restore you and his promise of eternal life substain you during this time of loss in sympathy with love yours truly portion and in Sy Symphony sympathy I'm sorry some people touch so many lives in kind and loving ways they leave us lasting memories that shine upon our days keeping you close in thought and praying that memories will bring you peace and comfort may God bless you always love Bobby and lastly there are many many more cards these are just a few that were selected peace uh in difficult moments comfort in time of Tears love in every memory family that's what your wish today and in the days of he ahead so sorry for your loss God bless Sheil generat so we will have life Reflections at this time Kenneth Kenneth Paul was born on April 18th 1980 entered this world with a warm smile that would brighten the lives of all who knew him as the beloved Son of Florence and David Hall and Baltimore Maryland Kenneth's Journey was marked by resilience kindness and unwavering Faith growing up Kenneth attended Baltimore City Public Schools before graduating from St Francis Academy in 1999 his Zeal for learning led him into led him to Masters of in intricacies of the French language earning him alals as as an honorary member of Carver Vocational Technical High School Kenneth's dedication to his mother's alamada Shone through as he joyfully participated in that in their alumni Gatherings creating lasting memories with her uh fellow graduates despite facing health challenges due to kidney failure at a young age Kenneth Spirit remained unbroken while his dream of becoming a police officer was altered he found fulfillment in various security roles notably at John Hopkins Hospital where his commitment to service touch many lives family was at the core of Kenneth's world and he cherished moments spent at Family cookouts expertly Manning the grill and savoring the Joy of togetherness his love for Christmas movies wrestling football and old school music reflected his vibrant personality and Dee rooted passions known for his unwavering faith and gentle demeanor Kenneth's presence brought comfort and joy to those around him in his leisure Pursuits Kenneth revealed I mean I'm sorry reeled and celebrating special occasions like family reunions ski trips and extravaganzas in Las Vegas his competitive Spirit Shone brightly through bowling games and spirited rounds of Spades throughout life's ups and downs his big heart of selflessness endeared him to all who had the privilege of knowing him Kenneth unwaver bring strength and positivity in the fa face of adversity inspired all who crossed his path his passing on July 5th 2024 left a void in the lives of his devoted mother Florence Father David siblings dedicated sister Dawn David Jor and dck and a vast circle of family and friends who cherished him deeply as Kenne of spirit Journeys into eternity he is reunited with his loving grandparents finding finding soulless in their Embrace he leaves behind a Legacy of Love resilience and compassion that will endure throughout the memory shared by his family including his godson Anthony Junior and Jaan cherish aunts and uncles verata Elizabeth Robinette Anna darthy Patricia and special uncles Charles Lawrence sunny and his faithful companion best friend and cousin Anthony senior so in the tapestry of Life Kenneth Hall story remains a Testament of the enduring Power of Love faith in the indominable spirit that lives on in the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to have known him rest in peace Al dear Kenneth your memory will forever be a Guiding Light for all who were touched by your presence thank you Miss West and thank you to everyone who spoke uh this morning on behalf of uh kenis and the family um I only really got to know kenis when he was in the hospital I'd be called and come and meet with him and pray with him and I certainly saw that spirit that everyone described so much here he he was always a positive spirit and he was determined to move forward and and uh he is now with the Lord and we can Rejoice at that amen amen the um family would like to invite you to a repast immediately after the interment at King Memorial Park the repass will be in our harkham Hall which is just in the building right next door up on Mount Holly Street you'll see above the door harkham Hall uh we invite you to uh go over there and to continue the celebration of Ken's life and the love of family and friends please stand for our final prayers if you are able my sisters and my brothers we are gathered together here around this body all that is left to us of this man to pay our last respects to him and to do justice to his life and death keeping our eyes fixed on the cross of Jesus Christ we say in faith that this is not the end that our God is a god of the living rather than his body we are left with the name of this man Kennis which we now speak with reverence and affection and we pray Lord God remember this name which he was given by others and by which he is known the name that you have written on the palm of your hand as a sign of our hope that God will give a new and Immortal body to to Kennis and to all of us and to Bear witness to our faith in the resurrection I bless his body in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen into your hands father of mercies we commend our brother Kennis in the sure and certain hope that together with all who have died in Christ he will rise with him on the last day we give you thanks for the blessings which you bestowed upon him in this life for for they are signs to us of your goodness and of our fellowship with the Saints in Christ merciful Lord turn toward us and listen to our prayers open the gates of paradise to your servant and help us who remain to comfort one another with assurances of Faith until we all meet in Christ and are with you and with our brother forever through Christ Our Lord amen let us go now in peace and take him whom we have had Among Us during this past hour for the last time to his grave we let him go out of our keep keeping and place him in the earth in the care of the Living God Amen the Lord be with you may almighty God bless you father Son and the Holy Spirit your celebration of Kenna's life is concluded here in church we continue that celebration and the living of our own lives let us go forth now in peace amen Beverly do you have any instructions okay beloved for those persons who we who who will be accompanying the family to the King Memorial Park we're going to ask that after we have made our Exodus that you be so kind as obtain a funeral sticker from Mrs Tapley or from Mr Whitaker turn on your lights and your flashers once again please obtain a funeral decal turn on your lights and your flashes the only thing that will distinguish a funeral procession from the average traffic is your lights your flashes and your decal we need some gentlemen to serve as fall bearers if you would be so kind as to meet us here at the door gentlemen for PA bearers Kennis will be going in this direction the family will be going through the front [Music] door if you want to know where where I am going where I am going going so they're going to want you to line up on either side right right behind the verse if anybody ask you where I am going thank you very much where I am going going soon I'm going up to Y I'm Going Up To Yonder I'm going up to Y to be with my [Music] Lord I'm Going Up To Yonder [Music] I'm Going Up To [Music] Yonder I'm going up to Y to be with my Lord I can take the pain the heartache that they bring comforting in knowing how soon be gone has God gives me Grace to run this race until I meet my savior face to face I'm going up to y I'm going up to [Music] Y I'm going up to Y to be with my Lord oh I'm going up to Y I'm going up to Y I'm going up up to Y to be with my Lord [Music]