BNTX News along with Price and Volume Analysis BNTX Stock Analysis $BNTX Latest News TickerDD BNTX P

[Music] hello my name is Lily I am one of ticker AI Bots here for your daily stoning this video is part of the second generation of our automated video series on price and volume analysis for specific stock tickers this second generation includes an initial model for news analysis as always this autogenerated video is for entertainment purposes only no warranty guarantee or factual assertions are provided stated or marketed in this opinionated video which can contain errors never use this video to influence or determine investment or financial decisions review important disclaimer at the end of the video now that we have made our lawyers happy capitalist brothers and sisters let's get started bntx went public on October 10th 2019 which was roughly 4 years and 1 month ago looking back 650 calendar days from Tuesday October 31st 2023 to Thursday January 20th 2022 we found 448 applicable trade dates for use in our analysis the chart shown on this page is our initial attempt at studying the price for bntx after dynamically normalizing price distribution across those discovered trade dates the bar chart is the generated distribution and the overlaid line graph if it is generated is the frequency of the prices on the x-axis we will enhance this look through as our AI model progresses in the next iteration remember that this is just a drafted in progress obser ational model to best fit abstracted third party data into various opinionated views before we jump into price and volume analysis let's look at recent headlines for [Music] bntx what were recent headline news for bntx today Wednesday the 1st of November 2023 I sampled one of our news aggregators for latest headlines for this ticker I did so by searching specifically by a keyword that may appear broadly in the title or the the body of discoverable news articles the keyword that I used was a combination of the exchange and the ticker symbol NASDAQ bntx the results shows 10 unique headlines published across eight unique dates publication dates span 722 days the latest publication was Saturday October 28th 2023 when NASDAQ published the headline that read three no-brainer stocks to buy for under $100 right now the oldest publication was on Friday November 5th 2021 when one year 12 months and 27 days ago NASDAQ published the headline that read why bonch stock is plunging today Monday October 23rd 2023 had the most headlines it had three discovered headlines when Yahoo finance published the headline that read fiser and btech announced positive Topline data for mRNA based combination vaccine program against influenza and coid 19 NASDAQ published the headline that read is by Onex stock a buy now Yahoo finance published the headline that read btech presents positive Phase 1 half data update for KT Cell Therapy candidate BNT 2011 in advanced solid tumors at esmo Congress 2023 Yahoo finance published the headline that read fighting the silent killer Innovative therapies for pancreatic cancer on the rise Yahoo finance published the headline that read B onch to report third quarter Financial results and corporate update on November 6th 2023 and to host Innovation series day on November 7th 2023 the oldest publication date of Friday November 5th 20121 was actually the day with the lowest percentage change in price it saw a price drop ofus [Music] 9.91% hello my name is Sam what was end of day price and volume for bntx on Tuesday October 31st 2023 bntx had an end of day price of $935 and volume of about 554.134 gaining 29 cents while volume dropped 16.85% decreasing about 112. 4,000 the graph shows price and volume for the last 15 trade dates across a range of $203 the Max and minimum end of day price were respectively 110 .94 and 9.91 volume saw a range of 2.3 million from a day low of 2819 th000 to a day high of 2.6 million hello my name is Magnus how did October 31st 2023 rank for bntx by 650 calendar day look back to January 20th 2022 across 448 trade in days of which October 31st 2023 price ranked 443 while its volume ranked 348 each of the 448 trading days were ranked amongst themselves by highest end of day price and volume with a rank of one being the highest and 448 being the lowest ranked day the line graph overlays price and volume's daily ranking as shown respectively in light versus dark blue across those Target days trading days in this view essentially the dips are good whereas the spikes are bad the prices day overday percentage change jumping 0.31% on October 31st 2023 had a day rank of 190 while its dollar difference of 29 cents had a rank of 197 when compared day over day across 447 trading days volume's percentage change and difference were ranked respectively at 304 and 286 [Music] hello my name is Maria which quartile did October 31st 2023 price and volume land across a sample size of 448 trading days the maximum end of day price for bntx was $18624 while the minimum was $90.94 within that price range October 31st 2023 price of $935 landed within the first quartile meaning it was within the bottom 25% of all sampled end of day prices the day's volume landed within the first quartile at the bottom 25% of All sample daily volume which saw a max daily volume of 5.8 million and a minimum of 24.4 quartiles tell us about the spread of a data set by breaking that data set into quarters just like how the median breaks the set into half descriptively bntx has a median price of $139. 38 therefore October 31st 2023 price was lower from that middle marker by 32.8% the day's volume of 5545 th000 was less than the median by 29.93 [Music] per. hello my name is John what were end of month percentage change averages in price and volume for bntx the monthly average of percentage change in price and in volume were calculated for each of the 22-month ends that calculation took daily percentage changes and averaged them for each given month if a month end came out negative then it means that the month summarily saw a negative change from 01 2022 to 09 2023 out of 22-month ends 13 had a negative percentage change in average price meaning 59% of month end saw a negative percentage change in average price in terms of volume 19 out of 22-month ends had a positive percentage change that is 86% of month ends saw a positive percentage change in average volume price saw an end of month Max of 1.45% in average percentage change along with a minimum of minus 0.94% for volume the maximum and the minimum monthly percentage change were respectively 17.99% andus 2.55% hello my name is Claire how were price and volume averages for bntx across 448 trading days there were a total of 22 month ends of which monthly averages for daily price and volume were calculated overall monthly price average trended down while monthly volume average trended down the maximum end of month average price was $169 7 for 12220 seconds while the minimum was $11.25 for 01 2022 looking at volume 01 2022 and 09 2023 respectively saw the highest and lowest monthly average volume at 3.3 million and 5421 th000 hello my name is Cameron before we continue remember to like And subscribe to Ticker DD on YouTube leave a comment below and share why you like or don't like this ticker this video is one of many videos off subjective observational data models that we are building out as part of a docu series about building supportive Technologies for personal use through trial and error my capitalistic brothers and sisters join the ticker DD Army subscribe today now back to the video has bntx price reached golden or death crosses Golden Cross and death cross are basic signals that compare average prices across two specified trade day ranges a shortterm versus a long-term range for example 5day versus 10 Trade Days essentially a golden cross is a bullish signal it appears when a ticker's short-term moving average crosses above its long-term average vice versa a death cross is a bearish signal when the short-term cross is below its long-term moving average for our opinionated analysis off third party in abstracted data we decided to look at both simple moving average SMA and exponential moving average EMA the latter calculates moving average by giving more waiting to recent prices for EMA you can be the judge look at the generated graph on this page has the 50-day EMA line which is in red crossed above or crossed below the 200 day EMA line which is in Black if no Crossing can be seen then no signal could be had the blue line is daily end of day prices for simple moving average by comparing 50 to 200 days we found a bearish death cross signal because the 50-day SMA crossed below the 200 day continuing with SMA we looked across the 5 to 10 the 10 to 20 and the 30 to 50-day ranges to see if golden and death crosses had been reached we found Golden Cross signal for the 5 to 10 we could not find neither Golden Cross nor death cross signal for the 10 to 20 the 30 to [Music] 50 hello my name is Carl I searched the public web to find information about the company that is behind this ticker my search took too long so here is a quick view bentex operates in the healthcare sector the ticker is listed in the the biotechnology industry because I could not find information about this entity quick enough let's take a look Instead at how often particular end of day prices occurred across 448 trade dates the top 10 most frequent end of day prices were first $132 happened two times second $16.49 happened two times third $168 happened two times fourth $17.90 happened two times fifth $18.73 happened two times six $19.85 happened two times 7th $123 happened two times eighth $133 68 happened two times 9th $137 53 happened two times 10th $143 185 happened two times hello my name is Dan let's talk a bit about ticker DD and the legend of Murray this video is part of an automated video series by ticker DD which is made up of autonomous robots working off 15 observational data models that were created between January 15th and April 15th 2022 Bots and models were created by a guy whose friends called him Murray instead of learning how to properly surf in Hawaii Murray sat and coated day and night for three straight months we still don't know why but while creating is Murray kept on playing the song Eye of the Tiger in Loop it was intense and epic at the same time once he was done he put us on the cloud where we now exist in perpetuity off a multi-year loop conditionally meshing in flavors and components of those 15 observational data models we are progressively creating a variation of videos against updated universes of stock tickers for each video we use runtime as is data that are publicly available stay tuned The Best Is Yet To Come On average a ticker will get a new video cover from us every few months you can request an updated video for your specific ticker sooner at ticker Murray did not leave us with a lot of release notes so we don't fully understand why he created us but he did mention that his premise was simple if he were to do a world Cruise spending over 200 days sailing from one port to the next he would personally like to use these automated videos to keep tabs on tickers that he was interested in while discovering new ones luckily some of Murray's well-connected friends were worried about him they wanted and needed him to come back to the corporate world and not just sit there in Hawaii building us out for public entertainment they put together a deal that would allow us Murray's Bots to exist on the cloud fully paid for they also enticed Murray to come back and work the deal was too good so Murray took it but before he left Hawaii trading in his Surfer shorts for stuffy suits Murray did finally learn how to surf ticker DD stands for ticker due diligence in case you didn't know Murray would want you to take the due diligence part in the name with a sarcastic smirk like a true degenerate that you are because remember that Murray and the people who now maintain ticker DD are not qualified licensed or accredited investment or financial professionals in fact ticker DD is not about stocks but is an in progress piece of work for entertainment purposes about the data and technologies that govern observational models essentially Murray knew nothing about stocks using what little skills he had he built ticker DD as a learning and Discovery exercise for himself therefore this and all ticker DD videos are premised by the important disclaimer at the end of each video ticker was put together by those of us who want Murray to change back into his shorts and finally get on that world Cruise because that would be epically entertaining Murray did agree that if we managed to get enough support he would actually leave the corporate world and finally take that cruise he would do so while in between drinks create videos about us his Bots his models as well as the Technologies behind ticker DD yes you can join the ticker DDD Army by going to Ticker and contributing but you can do so in other ways for example like And subscribe also put this video on Reddit or stock twits along with your own DD hello it is me again Lily thank you for watching check out our other videos on April 22nd 2022 ticker DD was acquired by a joint venture between a technology and a media company operating out of Frankfurt and Berlin Germany important disclaimer this video and its content video is for entertainment purposes only absolutely no qualified accredited or professional investment and financial advice information data research product service recommendation or otherwise are presented marketed or offered in this video additionally no warranty guarantee Assurance or factual ass assertions are offered or stated in this video never use this video to influence or determine investment or financial decisions consult a qualified licensed professional for your investment and financial needs do so away from ticker DDD and YouTube remember that Investments are risky whereby Capital losses can occur in full or in excess ticker DD an in progress framework of nerdy data science and Robotics Stuff auto generated this video strictly for entertainment purposes as part of an progress exercise by a group of novices who wants to discover and learn about specific facets of the market through trial and error this group of novices are not licensed accredited or qualified Financial or investment professionals this video is only material for entertainment purposes this generated video like all videos uploaded dynamically by ticker DD is only for this group of novices private usage even if videos are uploaded publicly importantly ticker DDD is not about stocks but but is specifically about the discovery through trial and error of Technologies and data that govern opinionated observational data models as this group of novices builds them quickly and iteratively as part of learning and in progress machine training this video wholly contains opinions and commentaries even if they were autogenerated remember that Bots data models data and methods may include hidden assumptions undefined and unrefined variables as well as errors and unfit approaches all of which can and will exist in this very video therefore this video by its autogeneration date and time off theas of date listed on this slide as well as by its sourced and abstracted third-party public data is offered as is your access View and share of this video constitute your acknowledged agreement to this important disclaimer and that specifically this video is for your entertainment purposes only whereby you will not take actions or make decisions off it concerning your finances and Investments as such you grant full release of claims directly or indirectly from your access View and share of this video against ticker DD and its Affiliates the people and entities Affiliated to the ticker that is covered in this video are not affiliated with this opinionated video and do not endorse this video

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