Nicole Virzi is charged after killing friend's newborn and injuring toddler, Nicole Virzi Podcast
Published: Jun 21, 2024
Duration: 00:21:50
Category: Education
Trending searches: nicole virzi
Intro hi everybody this is julisa thank you so much to everybody who for coming back to my channel thank you so much for everyone who listens in the podcast and everybody who follows me on Spotify and ihart radio thank you so much for coming back and listening and also to 50% of the audience that comes through Apple podcast really means a lot thank you so much for listening and if you want to be a subscriber you can just click on the link and you can subscribe also on Spotify and thank you so much for our YouTube audience I wanted to come here make this video about a very strange case and I think I I if you listen to me for a while now you know that I always say be careful who you leave your kids with okay um in case you didn't know I don't have any children yet but I'm you know my mom was a babysitter for many years and there were always kids around my house and I always you know I really admire the way my mom would take care of kids I mean she she actually um took a course to be a babysitter and all of that and I always you know I always thought man when I have my children I want to have find somebody like my mom to care for them right um because you see how loving she is and how how she cares for the children in this case you know um we learn about a friend who left a mom who left a friend take care of of her kids and one of them actually died and this is a very bizarre story but you have to remember that we are living in the last days right and the Bible says in the last day the the love of many will grow cold and we see it we see it everywhere man people are have you seen the way people are driving I mean they you is it's a regular you're not even out during her shower and they want to basically run you over the street right you you take two seconds at a stop sign and they're already beeping at you when the light turns green they're beeping at you is you know you everybody's just in a rush you know and people you see them like uh when you go to order some something to eat everybody's on their phone that's why they get the orders wrong a lot of the times because everybody apparently we're so busy always on our phones like we're managing 500 companies on Forbes or something like everybody has to be some type of meeting looking down on their phone for uh doing the orders wrong they cannot even handle to be away from their phone for a little bit and it's so crazy and the Bible says in the last days the love of many will grow C I think this is an example of that that's why I always tell you guys be careful who you leave your kids with your kids with um it's very hard out of convenience we're like hey whoever is available I'll I'll drop them off you care for for them while I go to work where I have an appointment whatever right like I said out of convenience and you really don't know who these people are okay a lot of people who Envy you are people who are closer to you when somebody has Envy uh of your life or anything that you're doing it is Envy will lead to to something you know Envy can really lead people to Story craziness eny is a very bad Spirit coverage is is a very dark Spirit people have that and the only way people can Envy you if a lot of the times they're so close to you they see how you operate they see what you do you know they ask they want to be friend with you they want to be around you so they can know more about you and I don't know exactly the case here but I'm going to share to you the story the tragic story but um we think oh you know she's my friend she's always with me whatever you never know what what goes in people's mind right and before jumping to conclusion let me read to you guys the story briefly a pH student AC is accused of horri horrifically killing her friend's newborn baby after assaulting the Tas twin okay listen to this story guys a California PhD student allegedly killed her friend's newborn baby boy in Pennsylvania by Smashing his skull after assulting her the infant twins's brother according to the cops that went in and arrested her her name is Nicole Bey 29 years old okay a pH student from California Nicole Bey was Babys seting her close friend friend SI six week old baby um Leon cuts a his home in Pittsburgh when the child suffer a fraer scull and brain bleeding they say the that's what the police is saying um Nicole had been watching the infant while her friend who was not identified in the report took the the little Leon's twin brother to a hospital when the with an injury to his genital according to police okay what so you you let you have twin twin boys right and your friend who's visiting right um you go home and you find your toddler your your twin boy um one of your kids let's say you find one of your kids that has some type of injury in his genitals right and you're like I got to go to the hospital but you have left that child with this person and because of like I said out of convenience you going to leave her again once again like there's no reflx going on you're going to leave her one once again with the other children with your six week old baby while you take your tler to the hospital because you found injuries in his genitals out of all places why there right you know if you say oh they they had an injury in his hand in his genitals right like that's crazy people man people are doing crazy stuff behind closed doors you really don't know somebody a lot of the time we we look at oh you know she's so friendly she has everybody loves her that's what people say now reputation is is you know everybody loves her you know look at the fruit get to know somebody before you let them with your kids okay people will tell you what you want to hear there are people who have secret life okay we have discovered that for many years that's why the Cal killer down the road it's like he such a friendly neighbor he always saying hi he you know when everybody goes to bed he's like going around the neighborhood doing evil things that's why you you really don't know somebody right how do you know somebody the Bible says you need to look at their fruit right you need to look at this fruit of the spirit do they have that see how they are with children too because at some point will because children will get the patience out of you right so you look at you look at you see how they are with children don't just be like okay so these are my kids you know you you meeting them now okay I got to go do something right no you have to do more than that you have to have more encounters with this person and see how they are around children a lot of people don't like children you know they they'll go for a walk supporting donating for an animal for whatever a CA there is but when it comes to children for some reason they don't even like children right people have a lot of evil things going on in their mind for whatever reason a lot of the times it Springs up from from their upbringing too so it's crazy that this happen but we need to be a little more proactive right and go beyond the the you know the convenience of it right go beyond beyond Hiring a babysitter that right when you hire a babysitter you don't just hire anybody from the street even if they have a great resume you got a you know you ask for letter of recommendation and they you check on those references right and like I said you have to you know invite that person to your house and hey you want to come hang out with two hours with my kids and see how you guys connect or something and then go to the stream it's 2024 what you need you need your cameras okay you need to have cameras cameras are not hard to buy a baby cam will cost you like $49 okay you have to make in the effort to do that so this friend you know this person this mom left her friend with her child look what happened to her it's crazy and it is here um Nicole has been watching the infant while her friend who was not identified took uh little Leon's twin brother to a hospital with an injury to his genital like I said Nicole who's reportedly a clinical psychological candidate at the University of San Diego um join doctor program legally caused the in the general injury too what what are you Psychology Candidate serious she is a student you will think somebody who who is a student on her field psychological psychology candidate excuse me she's a Clinical Psychology candidate in the University of San Diego doctoral program has caused an injury to a child General and also killed the other one what the injuries sustained by both twins are consistent with having been sustained as a result of a child abuse as these are inflicted injuries that are not natural and not accidental a doctor informed the detective according to a criminal complaint okay so thank God for health profession professionals who do their job okay who are not just rushing you off and CU we see that that's that's another that's another episode health professional are rushing you out of the room they don't want to listen to you they have three million patients on their schedule that's another thing it's like this Clinic are overbooking overbooking just to get more money out of insurance and they forget about care right and thank God that the doctors here were like wait a second this is not normal what happening to these baby boys are not normal so you know ni to police she left Le alone in ADV bounc her seat to get a baby battle in the kitchen then heard him screaming when she returned he had fallen onto the floor and hit his head she called the police and told the cops she San twin get her earlier so she notified the parents uh ni fall play and say through a that she's innocent so here's the thing I do feel for her because this is a very tragic event that happened right but then that's another thing like I can tell you many times you know you don't know what people go through you don't know like media and TV is so dangerous guys lately um as I get closer in my work with the Lord um you know staying away from seeing getting closer to him fasting and praying I have found myself to immediately change channels I'm like I'm not watching that it's almost like my spirit is like what are they talking about why am I even watching this and I immediately change it the same thing with music paying attention to the kind of music you listen to right because it makes you wonder like you know this guy has been in the news lately just in Timberlake Right and people are like oh my gosh she's such a great say and the other that song that he did like um years ago criming a r whatever you have to know that a lot of this artists right they create this son out of heartbreak out of depression times and out of times where they feel like lonely and sad and that's not even counting that a lot of them do a lot of deals with the Enemy to G Fame and Fortune right so why would you want a son that was inspired on a period of heartbreak of bad news for this person to be on a loop in your car while you're traveling to work to be on a loop at a concert you're raising your hand to this music that is about depression and heartbreak and all of that and you have it in your home on a loop repeating all of that over and over again and then a few hours later you're like wait why do I feel sad today uh what what what do you Music think right you're listening to something and that's just music music music is so powerful imagine um all this TV shows all these game shows a lot of people still like even at a very adult Advanced adult age meaning like in your 30s and 40s people play this you know Nintendo I don't even know like you see people like you know a lot of the guys Doo they they're into this I I call it Nintendo because that's how I I left it in my when I was that age that I play Nintendo maybe I was 12 or 13 but this um these games that you hook to your TV and you see Ault people playing that and a lot of those games we know that it's about shooting and you know killing people and all of that and you don't know what this person does right people do a lot of things to decompress from for the from their day right when they have a hard day at work like I said you know and the huge other thing that people watch is uh you know the the Nakedness nakedness I don't want to say what it is right before they cancel this this um episode but a lot of people do crazy stuff I know a lot of people in the medical field a lot of them you know they work nine hours in the medical field and then go to a bar afterwards right to kind of excuse me to kind of like um uh DEC compressed by drinking and drinking and do it starts by doing just on Tuesdays and then it becomes a every night thing and if nobody can go with them then they start buying liquor and go home and drink and then out of you know before you know it's an addition right and it's crazy and there's so many people who who who have this thing but they're not going to come and tell you that they have a problem right they're not going to come and tell you that you know they go to bed at 2: in the morning after they're watching crazy stuff on TV or watching you know TV shows or listening to music that is inspired by people when they're s and depressed right and then you're going to leave them right because we don't know in this case like I said I know accidents happen this could have happened to anybody um but what got to me was the the injury in the genal that's not normal Responsibility right I think it's that's you know two of them already two children one dead and one injured like that bringing a big red flag to a doctor to even call that out and call a detective and say this is not normal that tells you there's something else going on with this lady that and Nicole right something going on and I heard her lawyer speak earlier today he was talking to the press and he was saying you know she was given this responsibility to care for this young uh child and she you know she she's she's not experienced well she can also say no I mean she doesn't she's from California she's in Philadelphia visiting her friend and now she's taking care of their children she she can say no right Respect and like I said respect when people say I'm sorry I don't think I can do that I'm not comfortable doing that that's another thing because people expect you to know everything how can you say you're not you're so stupid yeah come on it's just a child that's what people say right you have to look when somebody says to you I'm not comfortable doing that right that's the conversation is over there's no debating there's no negotiating right I deal a lot with model and things like that and that's my question to them because I know I do a different type of show I do a show to glorify God I'm not going to force God doesn't force himself on anybody who am I to force that on somebody right so are you comfortable this is my question all the time to the model are you comfortable wearing a dress that says glory to God and if I see any type of you know I don't know about that you know thank you so much I I'll get somebody else there's no debating I'm not going to go there not trying to convince somebody right like that's not you know that's I'm not going to do that and a lot of the times out of convenience we force people to do things right and anything like we don't have the details what goes on to this young girl's um mind right what happened here was she angry or envious of her friend that had children already married and she's 29 years old and going through school and all of that who knows right but like I said you need to get to know people more and when you have a young child right not everybody knows like how they operate right you as a new mom also six week old baby you're learning how they are right you're learning you know how they are and you can just leave them with Care for children anybody I know there's a need for you know people to care for children all of I know there's a need but um not a lot of people have the experience a lot of people get nervous carrying a baby like a brand new baby people get nervous you know um it's not you know it's not their thing is that's okay if they like once again again if they don't don't feel uncomfortable that's not for you to force that on anybody right I do feel for this family they didn't release the family's name that's affected by this they only release Nicole Nicole B the one that accused of causing this damage and I do believe in my opinion she there's something going on with this young girl because I mean young girl but she's 29 um I think there's something going on because it's not normal right and for a baby to fall it's a it's a tragic accident it can happen to anybody God forbid right okay so maybe the baby Dont be flattery fell and when she went to get the battle okay but the other child also heard by her in the genital areas you know there's something going on there right like you know there's something else deeper than the surface that's why when you meet people um you know like I I told you guys I don't like flattery especially people that are just mad like come on you don't don't say that because you just like people will be like oh this and that and they're trying to get something out of you right and you have to be careful with that you have to get to be to know people more and don't tell people everything that you do immediately either even Jesus will Jesus will be doing Miracles and he like don't tell anybody he will call people don't tell anybody but there are people who just want to know everything like what what's your address where you live and it's like Bo we just met like like come Pray for discernment on you know um so pray and ask God for discernment if you have a need and you're like I'm leaving my my my elderly pattern with this person you know I'm leaving my child with this person God is this the right person for the job and you know God doesn't want you to be stupid it by any means so you also have to equip yourself like I said a baby come CA $49 put it on record all the time right you as a as an adult person leaving your child whoever even if he a family member even if he's a family member they can get offended all they want it is your house you have the right to know what's going on in your house so put the cameras on okay because if you if at least you get a notification some type of crazy motion or something you get to see what's going on right so let me know what you guys think about this case and I know I did speak a lot about other topics let me know what you guys think once again everybody thank you so much for everybody to come back um to my channel here on YouTube and for listening in the podcast have a good day God bless