The Compassion of Jesus - 35 Reasons Healing is God's Will - Warren Hunter
Published: Aug 26, 2024
Duration: 00:23:25
Category: Entertainment
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e e Glory Glory Glory all right welcome everybody thank you Jesus we are here we are live Hallelujah we are talking today on the compassion of Jesus Amen So today we're going to get into one of the reasons healing is God's will we know that healing is God's will so I encourage people to join us we're going to talk about the compassion of Jesus that's such a uh important thing because we've been dealing with all these different reasons healing is God's Will and we've been breaking it down uh we're also going to talk about authority over the demons coming up and a couple other things but I want you to get this because it's so important so this is episode 21 in sper on the compassion of Jesus and me Jesus Min consistent now remember we've talked about compassion before and I want to you to understand something that's very important compassion actually has six different Greek words to make up the meaning and um I kind of talk a little bit about compassion in a book we have called the perception of love the perception of Love which we uh kind of go into Discerning what real love is so we've been talking about you know the love of the world Amen that is uh if you've seen me before I'm grabbing my little timeline here if you've seen me before use this as a timeline the beginning of time the end of time and talk about woly love empathy is bound by time and we talked about there's a difference between brotherly love woly love in a timeline and the Timeless eternal love of God the Everlasting Love of God the supernatural side how can I say the supernatural I don't know if you saw that Daniel the supernatural the timeline the supernatural side amen uh of God's love I just wanted you to see this remember this is the timeline so empathy sympathy pity all these things many of these things are bound by what we call human love so we need to we need to make sure we understand the difference between human love and compassion so one of the reasons I'm saying we know healing is God's will is the love that is coming from God now in this specific price I'm just talking about the compassion of Jesus because jesus' Ministry consistently demon demonstrates God's will is deeply intertwined with compassion which often moves Jesus to heal restore provide multiply lows and fishes and so it's a fundamental attribute of God it is revealed through the how going I say the actions of Jesus uh confirming that healing and restoration are indeed the will of God so this is what we're going to talk about I'm going to give some examples I want you to understand that this is one of the reasons we know healing is God's will Matthew 14 verse4 and here we see I'm going to categorize this in the sense of the compassion for the multitudes Amen in Matthew 14:14 we see that Jesus is uh he's went out and he sees a great multitude and when he sees this great multitude the Bible says in Matthew 14:14 that he was moved with compassion uh for them and basically healed their sick this is Matthew 14:14 amen he was moved with compassion uh for them so he went to show he saw a large crowd felt compassion for them now I want you to understand something this is a good qualifying statement you always remember that every time in Matthew Mark Luke and John this is something I I don't yet people talk about but every time in Matthew Mark Luke and John that Jesus was moved with compassion they always produced Supernatural results now you say why is this very important it's it's very important for you to understand that compassion The Compassion we're talking about of Jesus produces Supernatural results the outcome is Supernatural results let's say this way the the delegated authority produces Supernatural results now there is some Dimensions where Jesus uh refers to compassion that has an outcome of wholeness and healing when he's dealing with The Parables but when we see Jesus moved with compassion it produces a supernatural outcome or result now that's difference between me being moved by empathy going to the grocery store buying you some food taking care of you this would be in a natural human love capacity amen which is different than me going out and multiplying lows and Fishes so look at this in Mark chapter 6: 34 let me talk about the multitude here for a second and then we'll go into compassion for the sick but in Mark 6:34 Jesus when he came out so saw great multitudes once again he saw a large crowd and he felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd and he began to teach them many things he began to teach them many things look at the next verse uh it began to teach them many things and when he L quite late his disciples came to him Place desolate so Jesus began to teach them and what happens is during this time he he was moved with compassion in verse 34 moved with compassion and amen and so he begins to teach them he begins to have Miracles great things be begin to happen and jesus' compassion were not just for physical needs but also year for the spiritual but I want you to understand the spiritual dimension of this look at in Matthew 15:32 now Jesus called his disciples to him and said I have compassion on the multitude they hadn't eaten for days here in Matthew 15:32 they've been following him for several days and and and they needed food and it says basically in Matthew 15:32 that he had compassion on the multitude because they had continued to be with him for three days and basically had nothing to eat and I do not want to send them away hungry list uh they faint on their way Matthew 15:32 so we see in Matthew 15:32 that Jesus compassion extends to practical needs but how's he going to answer this now he's going to end up feeding thousand thousands and thousands of people and he's going to multiply the Loaves and Fishes and once again it's compassion so we see uh this heartbeat of God towards making sure that none of the people who had come out and spent days with Jesus was going to lack anything did God do this we talked earlier before this in another message on one of the reasons we know healing is God's will we gave a message called the mercy of God the mercy of God and we see this all the way how God took care of the children of Israel in the wilderness and we see incredible aspects we spoke a whole message on the mercy of God and that was another reason healing was God's will so compassion look at Matthew uh chapter 20 and verse 34 Matthew 20:34 so Jesus had compassion in this example Jesus had compassion and uh um basically touched their eyes and immediately they regained their sight and followed him I love this and immediately they regained their sight and followed him uh I have seen God heal so many eyes so many eyes uh if you wearing glasses remember during the time of Jesus no one wore glasses there wasn't you know that kind of uh business around amen it just when Jesus healed eyes the word actually used there for Recovery of sight of the blind this specific Greek and Hebrew word implies any eye problem any eye um Mis Vision or something so God wants absolute recovery in your eyes and remember your eyes is also also flesh and when you meditate on the word day is heal to your flesh uh remember eyes uh wear away because of grief and sorrow many verses on that in the Bible amen when it's a grief of mind and and uh uh uh these different things or seeing something very fearful creating certain chemicals create restrictions you don't have to stay in that state of impairment uh you can pray Ephesians 1: 16 that the eyes you understand will open remember when I pray first Thessalonians 5:23 I pray your whole spirit and soul and body will be preserved blameless that includes your eyes amen so you can have perfect eyesight in the mighty name of Jesus Christ anybody watching me with glasses you need to take those glasses up for a couple days practice without your glasses meditate on the word is Health to your flesh spend time declaring your eyes are healed and whole your eyes are full of the glory of God and the life of God see he was moved with compassion and Jesus touched their eyes I love that it is so powerful so these two Blind Men cried out and they were totally healed fulfilled both physically and spiritually restored Mark 1 verse 40 and 42 Mark 1 verse 40 and 42 yeah we have another example you see the compassion of Jesus and it says in mark CH 1: 40 and we'll go to about verse uh 42 Mark chapter 1 now watch this there was a lepo who came to him imploring him kneeling down uh to him and saying uh if you are willing you can make me clean verse 41 I love Jesus moved with compassion moved with compassion Jesus stretched out his hand touched him and said to him I am willing he's always willing but notice the reach of J Jesus he's moved with compassion he wasn't moved with doubt he wasn't moved with questioning he wasn't moved whether you're good enough or not he was moved towards you in love he's reaching out look at verse 42 I am willing be cleansed immediately the leprosy left him and he was cleansed so Jesus compassion overcame social religious barriers as he touched and healed the leper remember because he was not supposed to be there this act showed that his willingness to heal is rooted in his deep compassion for those suffering it's so incredible now and I notice this also the compassion for the bereaved look at look how Jesus extends compassion here Luke 7: 12-13 we're just looking at we know healing is God's will because of the reach the compassion of Jesus Luke 712 and 13 it says when he had come near this the the Gate of the city amen a dead man was being carried out the only son of his mother while a dead man being carried out the only son of his mother and she was a widow a this is I mean this is I mean there's so much involved this this an a sizable crowd from the city was with her look at verse 13 I love this when the Lord saw her he felt compassion for her he felt compassion for her and said to her do not weep amen do not weep and basically in verse 14-5 Jesus raises him from the dead and and and he said young man I say to you arise well the man was healed the dead man sat up and began to speak and Jesus gave back into what happed why was that so Jesus had compassion Jesus had compassion for this widow woman's only son and a produced Supernatural results so we see the will of God you're the compassion of God uh number four compassion in Parables we see also compassion in a unique way presented in the parables in Matthew 18: 27 we can we now keep in mind what I'm looking for is the heartbeat of God yeah the compassion of God now this isn't a parable a parable now is uh is going to is it's giving us a little different view yet amen but notice what it says here in the parable then the master of the servant was moved with compassion released him and forgave him the debt amen uh Matthew 18:27 then he was he released him and forgave him his debt so Matthew 18:27 then the master of the servant was moved with compassion amen moved with compassion amen and released him and forgave him his debt wow now this is in a parable form understand now these parables are going to be expounded but when Jesus was walking the Earth he's using compassion in the sense of producing Supernatural results but these are also mentioned in Parables and it also reveals to us the will of God to release and forgive debt look at Luke 10:33 I'm just looking at Compassion looking at Compassion but a certain Samari in your journey came in and when he saw him he had compassion on him remember he was left line on the road but a Samaritan had compassion on him took him put him in the hotel and make sure his wounds were fixed so notice the compassion was making sure this man that he found this Good Samaritan the story of the Good Samaritan compassion moved him to help a wounded stranger challenging listeners to show mercy and love to those in need regardless of their background this is Luke Luke 1033 amen so this is the story of the Good Samaritan but it also reveals to something about the will of God through compassion to bring healing the will of God for healing through compassion look at Luke 15 verse 20 Luke 15:20 and here in Luke 15:20 we see he rose and came to his father but when he was still a great way the father saw him and had compassion this is the story about the prodical son now but notice no matter what the prodical son does noticed the will of the father but while he was still long way of his father saw him and felt compassion you might be a long way off you might have sinned you might have gone astray you might have done your own will for a long time you may have a call a God to touch multitudes and save millions of Lies but his father saw him and felt compassion for him ran embraced him kissing him this shows us the heartbeat of God and the will of God to see a son totally healed restored brought back in the family and whole I'm talking Spirit soul and body now compassion must lead to action one could say number five compassion must lead to action look at Matthew chapter 9 36 through 38 so I broke this down into just several points number one compassion Jesus has for the multitudes number two compassion for the sick compassion for the bereaved those hurting suffering uh you know uh the the mother of this Widow whose son was dead compassion in The Parables and we see compassion that leads to action look at this in Matthew 936 through 38 but when he saw the multitude he was moved with compassion he was moved he felt compassion because they were distressed dispirited like sheep without a Shepherd look at verse 37 I mean I love the way he's mve compassion and he said disciples the Harvest is plentiful but the workers of you now in this story is we're talking about now compassion being delegated towards them look at verse 38 so he's like do so therefore beseech the Lord of harvest to send out workers into the Harvest now let me give you the essence of what happens here when Jesus moved with compassion what he's going to do is he begins to send out the 70 so they can also do Miracles and they came and said Lord even the demons are us in your name so because he was bu compassion he delegated he delegated power and authority to others to cast that Devils heal the sick and raise the dead so it shows you the the will of God through compassion now even being empowered to the discipleship to the disciples who disciple to let this compassionate heartbeat continue from disciple to disciple and let the results continually produce so that they will also uh produce uh Supernatural Miracles and signs and wonders and do the same things Jesus did when he was moved with compassion remember Jesus said the works that I do shall he do also and Greater Works shall I do because I go unto the father so this is I I'm giving to you this real quickly but here's a good reason why healing is God's will is just getting a revelation of the compassion of Jesus shows us something about the heartbeat of God towards making sure you are totally healed and healthy and whole and that all that God desires to accomplish will be accomplished and that you can be set free and delivered amen and can see the fullness and this is one of the reasons why we reach out one of the reasons why we travel one of the reasons why we pray for people one of the reasons we Empower people because of compassion why why why pray for certain people that they you know there are many people that have seen things imparted mantles gifts uh uh many things is important to people why in because we love people many times what happens is when we love the Lord we yield to the Holy Spirit we yield to his compassion we yield to his loving kindness his Mercy his grace his goodness we thank you Father for God so loved the world Amen when we get this revelation of the compassion of God and Jesus has moved with compassion and multiplied the lows and fishes that is like Amos 9113 Supernatural results begin to happen raised in the Dead dead empowering people Healing The Sick touching the multitude that all will be healed like we mentioned other day talking about the minister Jesus all this is a result of the compassion of God and a good prayer to pray is like Philippians 1:9 I pray Your Love Will abound more and more with all knowledge in Old Ser pray Ephesians 3:17 that Christ will dwell in your heart through faith that you'll be rooted and grounded in love so that you may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the withd and breath and depth light to know the love of God which surpasses all all understanding now and is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or imagine according to the power of God what's that power of God that power of God is connected to the very love of God the compassion of God because Faith Works by love KNX translation says faith is energized by love for you do do anything love has to be at the root amen faith is rooted and grounded in love we want to do great things by faith we want to move the mountain by faith but what's compelling us to move that mountain is getting a genuine re ation of the will of God concerning compassion catching the compassionate heartbeat of God is so important when you realize how much God loves you you realize his compassion towards you you realize he wants you healed he wants you whole in the mighty name of Jesus I just thank I thank everyone watching us today everyone listening I pray that these verses and what we just mentioned will become real to you that you can see the compassion of God ask God to show you to have compassion ask God to show you how that compassion can move into Supernatural results what does it take Amen to to to want to do how much love do we need thank God for the love of God thank God for the love of God shed abroad in your heart how by the Holy Spirit by the holy spirit thank God for the love of God shed bro in Your Heart by the holy spirit let love lead you let love lead you sometimes we got out there if we just focused on ourselves and we caught up with our own will how can we let love lead us it's just I me my when you're I me my and you just focus on your own needs and interests you you're restricting to allow the compassion and the love of God to be able to reach out to everyone especially when you're in the street it's very important when you're out there and you're in the doing the outworkings of Christ that you be sensed to the Holy Spirit there's so many people who need love in the restaurant on the streets everywhere you go I cannot explain you how many people I have opportunity to just pray for everywhere we go pray for in the streets talk to them about Jesus whether that's at the wi whether I go to a restaurant but be continually allow the compassion of God to stay continually active to reach out and love other people father I just thank for everyone watching right now everyone connected that that you will give them open their eyes to see the genuine compassion of God not only within them but that compassion flowing through them in the mighty name of Jesus I want to encourage you to go to our website right now sword back/on partner with us we're getting ready to go to do Crusades around the world coming up soon we go to Bolivia Fiji islands all over and in some of these places there's such high uh Muslim Hindu communities and they need the love of Jesus especially where we're getting ready to go I want to encourage you to partner with us uh we are needing great resources and financial support to do these Crusades so I encourage you to sew a seed right now and partner with us towards these Crusades father I just thank for everyone connecting everyone watching we speak blessings over them right now in the mighty name of Jesus and we thank you father in Jesus name amen