Category: Science & Technology
हेलो दोस्तों वेलकम टू चैनल और आ 18 का जो बीटा वर्जन 8 है व लच हो चुका है और यह वाला जो वर्जन है यह प्रोबेबली लास्ट वर्जन होने वाला है तो अगर आपके पास आपने बीटा प्रोग्राम के लिए अनरोल किया है तो आपको यह वर्जन जो है डाउनलोड इंस्टॉल करना चाहिए इसका जो बिल नंबर य लास्ट का जो रिलीज हो चुका था बीटा सेका और इसका सेम ही है और इसके साथ-साथ जो नया मॉडम अपडेट है ना वो कुछ नहीं आया है मतलब मॉडम अपडेट जो पहले वाला था वोही अपडेट है तो... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Apple released ios 18 beta 8 the same update as public beta 6 just released earlier for registered developers as far as features are concerned if we use search using the spotlight option dark mode icons are applied to many app icons compared to previous bas even app descriptions are provided at the... Read more
Category: Howto & Style
Welcome to my youtube channel with another interesting video apple usually launches its new iphones and apple watches in september and it looks as though tuesday september 10th could be the date when we get to see the iphone 16 series and ios 18 the apple watch 10 the apple watch ultra 3 and the airpods... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Hi everyone concerned about losing your data while installing the ios 18 beta let's see if it's possible to get the new features without the risk in this video i'll be guiding you through the process of installing ios 18 beta without losing any of your precious data so you can try out all the new features... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
आओ 18 आओ 18 का बहुत लोग जो बहुत पहले से वेट कर रहे हैं कि उनके फोन में कब ये अपडेट आएगा तो अभी जाकर उनका जो है वो वेटिंग पीरियड खत्म हुआ है और 15 सितंबर 2024 को कंपनी ने अनवील कर दिया है कि इन सारे फस में आपको जो है वो os1 का अपडेट देखने को मिलेगा वो कौन-कौन से फस हैं जिसमें आपको ios13 सीरीज 12 सीरीज 11 सीरीज के सारे फस एंड xr8 एंड xsx2 जनरेशन एंड थर्ड जनरेशन इन सभी फ्स में आपको जो है वो Read more
Category: Science & Technology
हा गाइज वेलकम टू द android1 के अपडेट के बारे में मैं आपको कुछ बताने वाला हूं सो गाइ आओ 18 जो है वो बहुत पहले जो है वो अनवील कर दिया गया था कि आपके फ्स में जो है वो ये अपडेट आने वाले हैं बट अब जो है वो फाइनली डेट निकल कर आ गया है 15 सितंबर को आपको इसी साल 2024 में 15 सितंबर को आपको ये अपडेट जो है वो मिल जाएगा आपके फस में यहां पे जो है वो कंपनी ने जो है वो बोला है कि यहां पे ये जो आईओ 18 है उन सभी फ्स में जो है... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Ios 18.1 info hey what's going on everyone this is ar views back with another video and apple has just released two major updates to their softwares currently in beta so we have the third beta of ios 18.1 and we have the eighth beta of ios 18.0 which is very likely the last beta to this update so let's... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
1. design hey what's going on everyone this is i views back with another video and with ios 18 being just around the corner of course a lot of users are excited about this update it is an amazing update with a lot of new features and changes but in today's video we're going to focus on the new control... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Hey what's going on everyone this is r views back with another video and today is the big day for apple today apple is introducing their new devices the iphone 16 series starting with a 16 16 plus and of course the pro versions 16 pro and the 16 pro max but today apple is also expected to release the... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
1. easy to update hey what's going on everyone this is ar views back with another video and today we're talking about ios 18 and in this video i will show you guys 10 reasons why i think this is the right time for you to install ios 18 on your device even though we're still on beta 8 which is the last... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Release hey what's going on everyone this is ar views back with another video and as you probably know by now ios 18 is now less than two weeks away from being released to the public actually we will have the first rc version of ios 18 in less than a week now it should be released after the new apple... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Apple is about to unve the iphone 16 lineup at there global time event and these new iphones will come with the latest ios 18 already installed so if you are planning to grab one of these new models you won't have to worry about updating the software yourself but if you are not jumping on the new iphone... Read more