Sunday English Mass Live at 9:00 AM

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 01:20:10 Category: Education

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very very important aspect of our faith where Jesus speaks about the bread of life he proclaimed I am the bread of life that came down from heaven whoever eats of this bread will have eternal life he repeated repeated and repeated these words we have been listening for last five Sundays and today is the concluding then after listening what will you say that is his final question that he posed to his disciples and similarly is posing to every one of us on this Sunday he turned to disciples as many went and left him of here this messages they could not digest understand they left him they were not following but only disciples were left he asked them straight forward do you want to also go away they have to make a decision dear brothers and sisters we have been participating every Sunday liturgy different activities and everything but finally what will we see if Christ Our suffers will we remain faithful to him let's pause a while ask this question in our conscience and what will be our individual and personal answer to him times that we have being waving the times that we are being on and off the times that we are being here one day in Another Place Another Day all these kindes of movements and and inde decisions in our lives Jesus does not accept if so let us ask pardon of [Music] you I confess to almighty God and to you my brothers and sisters that I have sned in my thoughts and in my words in what I have done and in what I have to my to my all the angels and Saints and you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the Lord Our God May almighty God have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life [Music] [Music] Lord have mercy Mery oh [Music] Christy chist have ch have [Music] Lord have Mery have Mery Lord [Music] [Music] be to the father GL be to the St glory be to the SP all glory to our God we PR you we you we worship you We Praise You For Your Glory we praise you we bless you we give you thanks oh Lord Our God glory be to the father glory be to the St glory be to the spirit all glory to Jesus Christ holy son of the father you are one with the father receive our pray glory be to the father glory be to the [Music] s to the SP all glor to our you alone the holy you are the Lord with the holy spirit in the glory of God glory be to the father glory be to the son GL be to the spirit all GL [Music] let us pray oh God who cause the minds of the faithful to unite in sing and purpose Grant your people to love what you command and to deserve what you promis thatness of this world our hearts may be fixed on that place where true gladness is found through our lord Jesus Christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] and to Christ Living God praise to the praise to Christ Light of the Living God praise to be praise to Christ ET life of the Living Praise to be [Music] Lord we will serve the Lord for is our God first reading a reading from The Book of Joshua 24: 1- 2 followed by 15 to8 Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel to shikim and summon the elders the heads the judges and the officers of Israel and they presented themselves before God and Joshua said to all the people if you be unwilling to serve the Lord choose this day whom you will serve whether the God your fathers serve in the region beyond the river or the gods of the amorites in whose land you dwell but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord then the people answered far be it from us that we should forsake the Lord to serve other gods for it is the Lord Our God who daughters and our fathers up from the land of Egypt out of House of bondage and who who did those great signs in our sight and to serve Us in all the way that we went and among all the peoples through whom we passed and the Lord draw out before us all the peoples the amorites who live in the land therefore we also will serve the Lord for for he is our God this is the word of God thanks be to God response taste good iess at all times Praise of him always in my in the Lord my soul shall make his The Humble shall and bead the Lords his to the and his are open to the Lord turns his face against toy the Earth when the earth and in all their the to the broken many who the the Lord the SS of hiss all [Music] in your response and see the is good this is a great mystery I mean in reference to Christ and the church second reading a reading from the letter of St Paul to the Ephesians 5: 21-32 be subject to one another out of rence for Christ wives be subject to your husband and ask to the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church his body and is himself its savior as the church is subject to Christ so let wives also be subject in everything to be husbands husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her that he might sanctify her having cleansed her by by the washing of water with the word that he might present the church to himself in splendor without spot or wrinkle or any such thing that she might be holy and without blemish even so husbands should love their wives as their own bodies he who loves his wife loves himself for no man ever hates his own flesh but nourishes and cherishes it as Christ does the church because we are all members of his body for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one this is a great mystery and I mean in reference to Christ and the church the word of the Lord thanks be God the goel [Music] [Music] to us oh Lord speak to us oh Lord you have the word all et [Music] hallelu hallelu [Music] hallelu hallelu May the father of our Lord Jesus Christ Enlighten the eyes of our heart so that we may know the hope to which he has called us hallelu hallelu hallelu [Music] hallelu now reading from the holy Gospel According to St John glor to [Music] you the gospel of St John chapter 6 verses from 60- 69 Gospel of St John 6 vers from 16 to 6 9 many of the disciples when they heard the doctrine of Jesus said this is a hard teaching who can listen to it but Jesus knowing in himself that his disciples M against it said to them do you take offense at this then what if you were to see the son of man ascending where he was before it is the spirit that gives life the flesh is of no a the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life but there are some there are some of you that do not believe believe for Jesus knew from the first who those were and he not believe and who it was that should betray him and he said this is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted he by the father after this many of his disciples Drew back and no longer went about with him Jesus said to the 12 will you also go away Simon Peter answered Lord whom shall we go you have the words of eternal life and we believed and have come to know that you are the Holy One of God Lord tomb shall we go you have the words of eternal life and we have believed and have come to know that you are the Holy One of God the gos of the Lord prise to Jesus Christ dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ I would like to share about three points today during this for first of all the necessity of making a decision secondly not just making decision but making a personal decision thirdly how to make a personal decision there is a book called all is in Wonderland allice in Wonderland is the book in which we read this following incident Al is on her way reach at the crossroads a circle Crossroads and all stood there and looking around and after some sometimes she noticed there a cat Al asked the cat which road should I take because it is a crossing road cross Ro which road should I take as Alice the cat the cat asked that where do you want to go Al replied this is the way she said I don't know then the cat said if you don't know where you go it doesn't matter if you take any of the gos dear brothers and sisters if you do not make one decision in life it doesn't matter which way we take what we do in life and that's how it will be it is very very important for everyone as when we are in what to study when we grow up what work to do and after when we become uh other and people and home to marry where to settle and how to guide leave the family all these are things we need to think beforeand plan and decide and go that is the way of life each of us boys and girls many are year do not leave a purpose less life do not say that I do not know what will be my tomorrow what will be my future what I want to do in my life then you are no better than the Wonderland just staring at today the word of God invites us to reflect deeply first of all the need of a decision we have heard in the first reading from The Book of Joshua a beautiful reading today we have some of you got the books where josua gathered all the people of Israelites had shaken because they have reached the destination that is called the promised land which God wanted to give them after having reached the destination the promised land now they begin to live as the people of God therefore to live as people of God they need to have a decision in life and Joshua calls all of them ask them to decide for themselves these are the words that he is putting in front of every one of them says this if you are unwilling to serve the Lord choose This Day from whom you will serve whether the gods of your fathers serve in the region beyond the river or the gods of the amorites in whose land you dwell this is a question that we has SP choose which God will you serve the god of your father is God of Abraham God of Isaac God of Jacob God of our foref fathers all the god of these lands are the amorites these Gods these Idols which one you want to choose you cannot remain undecided you know a matter of Faith also this is very very important is also in a similar way asking asking his disciples many are going would you like to also go away you decide in making a decision there is no FS they are left to free in our faith to De brothers and sisters God is looking at our decision there may be in this world like in the place of amorites different gods and there is a competition of gods which God will you serve God the true God all God of this world power money position silver gold pleasures all kinds of uh what addictions different kinds which one will you run after that's what Jesus is asking where will you go if you are remaining undecided then you cannot have part with God decision should be there in our life this is what God is asking us think my dear brothers and sisters you should not remain undecided secondly what we need is a personal decision he cannot remain that man is going this woman is going so I go there I come here no take example of Joshua once again as he put the question to the Israelites all people together asking them to choose he's telling his decision also his personal decision he says as for me and my family we will serve the Lord God as for me and my family this is our decision that we will serve the Lord so he is not depending on anybody he's making his own decision we need to arrive at this many of us in the world what we do is we go with the floor what is going with the floor follow the crow then whatever others do we do just it is a matter of blind thing blind way of going about that is not Jes Want Jesus wants a personal decision from us where we can commit if there is no decision there cannot be commitment Jesus wants commitment from us and can be together with Joshua saying as for me and my family we serve the Lord God Alone if we are able to make this decision we are really on the right track we are able to be people of commitment we are people of accountability we are people of responsibility that's what God wants from us what do Joshua mean and also Peter says where can we go long except you we have no other place to go we will remain only with you even all the people go we will remain with you their decision is not linked with the decision of other people their opinion is not LED with the opinion of other people we should not be dependent but it should be coming from our heart from our personal Knowledge from our personal experience that should be that should be our way of living the faith Jesus wants that de brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ manyways what is happening we are just following other people and living the faith just because the way of day we do not really take into our heart and live to PR the Lord what do we mean I ask you a question if you say like I and my family will serve the Lord alone what do you do if you say that what does it mean to you it means that your family will remain faithful to him alone your family will pray the rosary together your family will attend the Holy Mass every Sunday your family will keep the days of all the feast your family will receive the Holy Communion regularly your family will go for confession regularly your family will celebrate birthday anniversaries and thrs in a regular way to keep the faith alive this is what you do that decision means it always if you abandon all these things your decision has no value your decision means commitment commitment leads to fedility these are all important in the second reading today St Paul speaks about marriage Union between man and woman how they must love each other that is a commitment once they give the promise they need to live it and so also when we make decision for Jesus we are called to leave that decision as we make promise at the time of marriage in good in bad in difficulty in Joy sickness and health everything I will be with you I will be for you the same commitment is necessary in Jesus when I love when I don't like I like come to church when like I don't come to church when I don't like I come to church when the people come to church and I don't come to church when people don't come to church this is where the decision reality [Music] remains Joshua gave that word give that word in front of everybody as for me and my we will serve the Lord alone Peter and the apostles gave the word Lord who shall we go you have the words of eternal life we believe it therefore the apostles yesterday we celebr the Feast of St bom all the apostles and cl gave their life in sacrifice for Christ all of them were martys they shed their bread for Faith that's how they to be fin the decision that they made made them to leave their faith till end of life even to sacrifice their life for faith that was the [Music] commitment what about our commitment to the Lord finally dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ we are in a very very uh difficult world the other day I was reading something it's very funny what is it one young man decided to marry a girl and the marriage parents are everything almost ready and the preparations are on and they also gave printing for wedding card marage marage card so everything is getting on ready for the marriage and one day this young man who is about to marry calls the printing press shopkeeper and tells please pick up my card look into the details there are some changes to be made before it printed then the shopkeeper ask what changes are have you changed the function hall to another place okay we will change please tell us the name no he says not the function hall it is the name of the girl because we have selected another girl after having come all the way just before the marriage he say I have selected another what kind of decisions this people are Mak what kind of commitments can we keep in our marriages in our lives we need to Rive we need to Jesus wants a commitment or a promise a b decision that remains life long how are we to make how are we to make let us take example from the Bible itself today the first reading if you read Joshua 24: from 16 to 18 the first reading we have when Joshua asked all the people to make or to choose which God they would like to serve they said these are the words they said to him just we can read from the verse we have here he says then the people answered for we from us that we should forsake the Lord to serve other gods for it was the Lord Our God who brought us and our fathers from the land of Egypt this God who delivered us from the bondage of Egypt God has done that for us out of the house of slavery and he did those great signs in our sight God he great wonders in the desert when they were coming he gave them man he gave them water from The Rock he did wonderful things in the desert and so this is the god who did all this for us and this God is the one who preserved in all us all on the way it is The God Who preserved and protected us this 40 years when we were marching through the desert and this is the god who gave us this land of amorites he saved us he did wonders for us he protected us and he gave us this is the god who has done all this therefore Whom Shall We Serve except this God how can we serve the other gods because this God is the god who has done great things for us we have experienced this God we know what kind of God is our God brothers and sisters we have gr in Catholic families Catholic communities in ious be gr we need to grow in this experience the good things that the Lord do in our lives whatever he has done for us we have to remember recall and basing on that past experience we need to make our decision yes Lord you are the one who guided me you are the one who protected me you are the one who let me you are the one who reached me out to this place therefore I will only for you this should be our experience secondly when we make decision we also inside looking for our future looking for our future that's what we find in the disciples we see Peter's telling to Jesus what does he say where shall we go Lord you have the words of eternal life so we want to remain with you because if we are remain with you we will have eternal life what more we want in life so that we are going to find in you therefore our future is in you so we I we remain with you only we live only for you because you will give us the eternal life and that is expectation one is a past experience another one is future expectation May them to decide to remain with Jesus and what do you want in your life at the end of life what you are looking for that can be given by Jesus alone the Salvation will eternal life he alone can give us he has promised us therefore if you really long for it if you desire for salvation you will re the Lord and you will serve him past experience Israelites turn to the Lord alone and future expectation disciples remain with him finally dear brothers and sisters we love God or we serve God because of his [Music] weakness because of his greatness we have beautiful words in the uh book of in the letter of Hebrews in the letter of Hebrews 13: 8 the ver says that this Hebrews 13: 8 Jesus Christ is saved yesterday today and forever Jesus Christ is sa yesterday and today and forever he Hebrews 138 is a God who does not change Heaven Earth Heaven and Earth may change by will my words will never pass away is a God is a God who is a rock who will not change therefore when we know this God we can only trust him and remain with him and we decide to be his people to serve him and to we is faithful people in our one single faith that we carry the Catholic faith let ask Jesus today to give us the grace to make a right decision right decision to be good Catholic secondly let's make a right decision for our personal life and our family life that we may follow the teachings of the church and the Bible finally we constantly grow in the experience of God and come to serve him to receive one Eternal reward for this we we are called today to make a decision may God each help us each one of us to decide to serve him alone please [Music] stand I believe god [Applause] father Jesus Christ only son god father Alles father to him all things were made for us and for our Salvation he from heav and by the holyy and became heed he suffered and and again on the day theur and the right of Father Glory the living and de and have end I believe the Holy Spirit theer of who proceeds from the father and the son the father and the son ad and glorified who spoken to the prophets I believe in one Holy Catholic and apost church I conf baptism for the foress of and I for to the of come amen pray of faithful dear brothers and sisters important decisions are taken after considering the pr and cons over a period of time nobody is expected to decide on the SP of the moment after having listened to Jesus the 12 decide to remain with him with firm conviction that we too May remain steadfast to the decisions we make in life with God to everyday life and our spiritual life your response Lord make us home in our decisions Lord make us firm in our decisions for the Pope the Bishops the clergy and the religious that as leaders in the church they may ensure the participation of members in the decision making process thereby making the communities more vibrant we pray your response us in our decisions for Catholics who are no longer enthusiastic about church activities or are at the verge of leaving the church that the new initiatives in the church following the in May incourage them to continue in the church and be sa we pray your response God us for in ours for all Catholic families that they may become the primary place where faith is nourished and the younger members May learn from the way the more experienced older members live their life and conduct their lives we pray your response Lord make us in our decisions for people in Authority both civil and ecclesial that they may not try to impose their own ideas and opinions thereby causing desent and unrest among the people but by dialogue and participation they may ensure unity and Harmony we pray your response Lord us in our for all of us present for this Eucharistic celebration that we may remain firm in our decision to follow Jesus and be saved by him we pray your response Lord make us in our let us pray for our family and personal needs let's pray for Parish let us pray God our Father we thank you for the gift of your son Jesus who did not lose heart when many people listening to his discourse on the bread of life decided to leave him give us the grace that we may commit ourselves to the cause of the Gospel we make this prayer through Christ Our Lord amen [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] down [Music] you [Music] [Music] go speak [Music] [Music] the youres [Music] by the of [Music] [Music] pray my brothers and sisters that our sacrifice may be acceptable to God Almighty father Church Lord who gain for yourself and people by your option for the one sacrifice of for all this graciously H us we pray the gifts of unity and PE in your church through Christ Our [Music] Lord the Lord be with you of your [Music] hearts up to the Lord let us give thanks to the Lord our God [Music] is it is trly right and just our duty and our Salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks Lord Holy Father Almighty and eternal God for you laid the foundation of the world and have arranged the changing of times and Seasons you formed man in your own image and set Humanity over the whole world in all its Wonder to rule your name in your name for all you have made and forever Praise You In Your Mighty Works through Christ Our Lord and so with all Angel We Praise You In A Joyful celebration we [Music] [Music] Acclaim in the highest we lift up your with a Hearts full of Praise [Music] heest Jesus Jesus is the king of King Jes Jesus Jesus is the king of kings lift up your name with Heart full of Praise we exed the Lord Our God Jesus is the king [Music] of again Jes this way to give us the bread of life the communion we are going to tast him we are going to join one with him it's a moment of precious time and blessing let's confess our faith like Peter Lord who shall we go we who have the work of eternal life is this is our faith we have been alone as Lord and God in our life this Fai let us participate in this holy M you are indeed holy oh Lord the F of all Holiness make holy therefore these gifts we pray by sending down your spirit upon them like the Jew fall so that they may become for for us the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ at that time he was betrayed and entered willingly into his passion he took bread and giving thanks broke it and gave it his disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you in a similar way when serle was ended he took the chalice and once more giving thanks he gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it for this is the Chalice of my blood the blood of the new and eternal Covenant which will be poured out for you and for many for the Forgiveness of sins do this in memory of the me the mystery of fath [Music] Rising you Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] Glory therefore as we celebrate the memorial of his death and Resurrection we offer you Lord the bread of life and the Chalice of Salvation giving thanks that your hel us worthy to be in your presence and minister to you humbly we pray that partaking of the body of Christ we may be gathered into one by the Holy Spirit remember Lord your church spread through all the world and bring her to the fullness of Charity together with FR Arch Bishop and all the Cy remember also sisters ofy in the hope of the resurrection and all in your mercy welcome them into the light of your face have all we pray the mother of God blessed Joseph our SP the apostles and all the saints Berard pleas theels to be Lifey you to your son Jesus Christ [Music] in oh God Almighty father in the unity of the Holy SP all glory and honor is yours forever and [Music] to make a decision is easy but to leave the decision is not easy therefore we need the grace of God the blessing of God to live our faith day in and day out and every day of our life we need the blessing of God therefore let seek the blessing of and the grace of God in the prayer Jesus taught us our father inom will Earth for ourpes as we forgive those who against us and us not temp us from Deliver us God we pray from from every evil graciously Grant peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the Blessed hope and the coming of Our Savior Jesus Christ the and the glory forever Lord Jesus Christ Apostles peace I give you my peace I give you look not in our sins but the faith of your church and graciously Grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will who live and Reign forever and ever the Peace of the Lord be with you always and with your spirit let us offer each other the sign of peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] of the Lord be with you with your friends and your let it be let itow May theace of the god follow you the [Music] world show us youry and [Music] [Applause] your Behold the Lamb of God behold he who takes away the sins of the world blessed are those called the supper of the Lamb for for [Music] your to be you made in love [Music] to [Music] [Music] for GL to the [Music] heart you get [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] is to be [Music] [Music] GL [Music] [Applause] [Music] to who has [Music] s [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] be [Music] to the [Music] god GL glor to [Music] Christ [Music] Christ [Music] CHR Christ me Jesus me me [Music] praise the sa and angels for [Music] and your kingom will be done on Earth it in heaven daily bre for our trespasses as we for those who Tres against us and us not [Music] tempt with blessed God us s the glory father and it the beginning very good morning brothers sisters morning today's announcements today is the 21st of ordinary Sunday I really express my gratitude towards who made gr successful a wonderful a memorable success of [Music] the they are sisters catechism teachers council members choir members youth members parents El ly TV s Bernard YouTube channel cist and all the servers and you my dear people of God for your cooperation active participation you to [Music] [Applause] all because of your Co great support and was a grand successful sucess of the fish and also Bishop was very happy and all the priests were really appreciating the fish in not well brother sisters that because of your great help and support and prayer and the weather was so good and from this day onwards the heav started and that's what God has done has made uh is so fish [Applause] again and yesterday was a football tournament uh you have participated in football tournament and they have one Reon to be and there know this uh I very proud of my youth members all the you really very active friend in all of this mul talented and today you can see the football ofup this year I really appreciate and also they won a cash money price they have to CH take 10,000 cash PR for winers I request [Music] all come to near stage I grand father Raja uh come forward and give a uh cup to all the m [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] congratulations this 10,000 check is for the Youth F once again I really appreciate all the youth who are really uh bringing Fame and name to our Parish CH not individually but as a as a community and credit goes to St Church s Church they have participated and they really uh a uh great reward from our church thank you thank you so much for confirmation those who receive the photos and certificates are ready and I will be giv to the C of teachers you can collect from C of teachers and all those counselors call Members you and all taking the photo uh with our cardal and the photos are with me you can s it if you want to more and also uh friend is with me and we can take you want photos or if you want photos again I give you I tell you those want if you your names the photos kindly know no and Fe the expenditure is this stage and the notice for here and there and we can go through and if you new and if you have any doubts you are free to ask me don't to ask me and I'm here to explain and here to uh give to all the brother sisters and FL is on 29th of this month that is coming for Thursday morning grocery groc 83 a.m. begins and and [Music] we begins 10:30 a.m. holy M followed by in and also L arring for all the devotes of mother Mar and 6 p.m. holy M followed by and on 29th of this month we will not having holy m in the morning uh in our church and mass will be at and also 6 p.m. and our no prayer for 30th to 7th of September the are follows 6 p.m. Rosary every day and followed by holy M and uh I'm planning to arrange some the fathers for confession I request all of you to make good confession and prepare uh for the Feast of Mary on 11 of Sunday Su collection 2,233 rupes thank you very much for your generous contribution last was is not uh counted it will be uh by next Sunday we will be telling you how much we God kindly stand for the [Music] prayer let us pray come within us oh Lord we pray the healing work of your mercy and graciously perfect and sustain us so that in all things we may pleas you through Christ Our [Music] Lord the Lord be with [Music] you your May almighty God bless you the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit [Music] the m is ending let's go to love and serve the Lord thanks be to [Music] God one minute just I want to tell main figure income is 4,500 and expectation is 17489 r and if you if you go through all the details house come ask me thank [Music] [Music] you give thanks to the Lord for his oh give thanks to the Lord for his good give thanks to the Lord for good yes ET I will to my God all my his he's the maker of all all the O the season of the oh give thanks to the Lord for his oh give than to the Lord for his good oh give thanks to the Lord for his good yes etal is mighty is faithful forever he is to the poor and the it is he to the hungry [Music] the give to the Lord for his good oh give thanks to the Lord for his good oh give thanks to the Lord for his good yes it

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