Behind The U Podcast | Maurice Sikes | Episode 173

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:38:50 Category: Sports

Trending searches: u miami football
we're in studio again for the behind you podcast that means we have a guest worthy of opening well these guys are alumni these doors are always open but to be in studio we have a guest who is worthy of that honor Marie Sykes Sergeant with the Coral Gables police department but also a former player here and a national champion at the University of Miami Mo thanks for doing this no problem glad to be thank you for having me absolutely so it's funny I mean I I think I reached out to Mo a long time ago to come on the podcast and uh it never materialized I'll take the blame for that but the other day I was doing a Google search on Miami and Florida and the first thing that comes up is Maurice Sykes taking a 97 yard touchdown back to the house and I literally called him in the middle of the highlight and said you have to come on and he agreed but then he also really just went into writing the play byplay like is that is that play like crystal clear in your memory um I mean obviously you know it's uh it's like a 100 years ago but but of course um it's um it's good it was good for the team you know and it's something that you know obviously everybody if especially if Miami is playing Florida that's going to be something everybody you remember that I'm like yeah I was there you know but like you remembered I was like mo mo I'm watching you and there's and you're like there's Shawn Taylor Dan TR R like they're all running with you um yeah cuz that's that's just what we did you know that was that was the culture and everybody got to celebrate together so I mean it just was one person doing it but it was all of us you're so humble no man that's it's just the truth it's the truth now you dropped the ball right at the end zone yeah cuz the game was over the game was over that was it that was it they they were they they didn't really want to they I mean they were they were tough up until that moment and then that was it the wind you you felt it out of the stadium everything everything just changed for for for all of us at that moment and we knew the game was over there so I might be testing your memory here but like do you remember like the play called your responsibility how you read it um yeah I remember it um we were like man but the the tight end didn't do anything he just came off the line slow so he wasn't a read so I just watched Rex and then Rex led me to the ball and you hope not to was a bobble was I think it was a bble it was Double C yeah man I couldn't barely I could barely lift up my arm um early in the game no early in the game um just being you know not wrapping up and tried to hit um Ernest Graham with my shoulder and he won and then um that for the rest of that game I really couldn't even lift up my arm but you know it was at that moment we had to make a play and that's every every every play in that drive cuz that was a long drive that they had every play somebody every somebody was saying it different hey we got to make a play somebody got to make a play somebody got to make a play we got to get off the field and this this just so happened that that was my turn so that's it that's that's all it was I was going to ask you what's it like to play in the swamp but I think I'm going to phrase it this way what's it like to walk out of the swamp with the w um you know it's it's so crazy because I hear I I I saw something on yest other day like the the loudest you know craziest stadium is um white out at Penn State and I was like man I don't remember it that way like I just don't remember one right yeah I don't remember being so crazy um at the swamp you know I've heard stories about you know it's so crazy and the the stadium shake and stuff like that for most of the game I mean I play defense so the offense is on it's it's not loud um but it really wasn't you know it wasn't intimidating you know I thought Tennesseee was a that's like a back then that was 100 plus that was a that was a good Stadium you know all for five minutes but then after that you played it a good time to shut people up yeah we we we had a great team we had a great team you did have a great team so I think you got the gator three times right uh no uh yeah we did actually yeah Sugar Bowl we played them then O2 and Gainesville and we played them down here yeah yeah we got them three times never we never lost in the State of Florida to any of the say is there a difference between the gator and the Florida state in terms of how you guys perceived them yeah I mean you don't yeah you don't respect Florida they never want yeah no they never wanted to play us you know you know Florida state was like our little brother you know because they would play us at least right but Florida was like a cousin like they they don't really want to play you they they don't really want to come to your house so you know it wasn't a real respect now Florida state is the little was the Big Brother until 2000 they they they did they had their run you know um if you go go back through the entire history of it it's usually one team gets really hot and they go on the run and those games are always competitive you know every once in a while you know that um couple years ago was a you know blowout in their favor a few years before that it was a blowout in our favor those those types of things are few and far between because even the teams that I played on and and um we never lost to them by the way but um the teams that I played on you know even with our teams h ly just being better you know those still was dog fights you know those the 2000 game I think was not only a dog fight and it was kind of like the right it was also like I think the change of direct the change of direction for the program under butch but I also remember that day it was a noon game in the Orange Bowl hot it was Blazing it was hot it was hot um I that was your retro freshman year right so did you play in that game yeah I played I I played mostly special teams that game I didn't get in on on defense um I would think back my my senior year no my junior year when we played them here which was what while I left I think it was while I left man it was so hot I had to take IVs at halftime just just to be I heard in 2000 I heard dorsy was in the hospital after with IVs I mean I heard a bunch of guys were just it was because the the the the Orange Bowl used to suck you to S suck the air out it's nothing but the heat is blazing and and you really you really test your you know man your manhood your toughness your endurance all of the stuff that you did in the summer it came out in those games because man it wasn't nothing but heat and somebody who wanted to take something from you on the other side what do you remember how you guys felt after that game after the 2000 game it was like getting over a hump you know because um it was tangible right to make that next move because we had lost to Washington early in the season so you know um obviously when we lost to Washington it you know it was a big let down because everybody's feeling like man you know you know here we go again but then you know I remember Butch you know kind of telling everybody not to speak on the way back from Washington on the flame and we didn't and we got you know some stuff that wouldn't be able to happen now for those next couple of weeks and that changed how we was going to be when you say some stuff meaning like how you practiced how we practiced you know how we practiced on top of practicing you know the film study the the buyin the buyin was there there was Hunger yeah it now it turned into okay we're not losing again no more this it that's it that's it we that that's it we played around with Washington and and and they I mean obviously they were a great team so it was yeah it was there but uh we should have beat them you know which is why the next year when we played them you know it do matter if that would have been the same exact team it would have been the same score because they had beat us now you me uh never lost to Florida Florida State so nope 2003 was up there right in the rain in the r yeah that's what about was sea Taylor that's a game like he off yeah he should have he should have how so from as a as someone who played that position being on the field and watching it after how would you describe that performance you know when you when you see it from a novice standpoint you say it's a great performance but really it's not because he dropped like four or five pits um he recovered a fumble on the punt block I mean Sean was an exceptional talent I don't think that I would be saying anything different than what anybody else has said or or um that knows about Sean was he was that good and he probably was better than that because um the the film study wasn't there you know not yet at least um the the hunger was always there so that's what he played with he played with oh you have the ball I want it and that's what made him so great you know because he was a a special talent was he like that in practice he was like that in practice he was like that he was like that all the time he just I I I just think that it was in BR from his dad you know um his family members and you know other people being around him the the you know he played um down south with in TR in Little League you know it's Brad you know and he was one of those people that said okay that person is great I'm going to be better than him by a lot and he took that on so you get you came 99 was your freshman year my freshman year so you came in if I have this right Andre was in your class Andre was in my class dorsy dorsy poris poris was KB in your class KB was in my class Vernon Cary Vernon Cary was in my class Phil bu Canon Phil was in my class so that's a nice that's a nice place to start that's a great class uh why did you like a I guess two things a did you know any of those guys and then B you know we got to remember what there's what you guys did but that's not where you started so why did you come why did you come and why do you think everyone came and why were you guys part of what Butch was building um so Andre Andre and I grew up two houses down from each other so we knew each other from Little you know little kids um he was one of my good friends we had we played literally basketball together we play football um I did not know the rest of the guys to well other than knowing them through you know our neighborhood you know we all played in South Florida we played football together I I had heard about KB because um Kevin just was ripping people apart um playing ball um I can't speak for everybody else you know so speak for yourself I speak for myself I wanted to be a hurricane you know like that that wasn't it wasn't anything for me to think about I didn't I didn't um you know go around it you know all these flipping of the hats and stuff I know that's a new thing you know I never was interested in anything like that I wanted to be a hurricane I mean I like Florida State at first I definitely did because um like anything I think kind of like what it is now people associate with a winner so if you a winning I want to be associated with a winner however it just was something about it didn't you know I'm I'm from Miami I saw all of the guys from Miami you know I remember being a little kid and coming to Green Tree and me and Danielle Ferguson you know cuz a friend of mine brought us out here and and I always thought that was the coolest thing so to me you know I was supposed to be a hurricane and you know it wasn't it wasn't something for me to have to choose I knew what I was going to go I got you so you mentioned Andre were you up in Canton I I I missed it cuz I'm going out of town this week so I wasn't able to go up there because of work but um yeah man I I watched everything I I'm so proud you know you guys still the close um I still speak with him I mean you know obviously yeah he he doesn't live here so um but I still speak with him if I picked up my phone I you know I called him he'll answer you know um it's just you know that's so surreal you know because yeah um er going to the Hall of Fame you know that's cool because I know him but I grew up with Andre like like I said two houses down from each other we grew up and Hester stayed with me and KB when he first came as a freshman he stayed he stay room um KB and I were roommates and he stayed with us for a little bit and it and it's cool I mean you know you can obviously see Hester's Talent when he first got here and everything like that so now you look you turn around and you're like man 20 years later 25 years later these kids are in the Hall of Fame and obviously not not kids anymore but um it's it's surreal it's surreal and and I I mean I'm so super happy and proud you know I can I can't even imagine how it is for them so Sean Taylor was a was a just a freak of nature right but I remember the first time I laid eyes on Andre down here I was like that's also kind of a freaking nature was he always like that um so the funny thing is is like you know I'm 5'11 um I've been this height about since about seventh eighth grade so when we were in school and we played basketball I was bigger than Andre um I seen him again when we was in 11th grade going to 12th grade and then that's when he he was 6'3 and I'm like bro what happened what you been eating you know I was just telling somebody this the other day and I'm like man he shot up you know he shot up and you know chisel he been chiseled like that he's uh he he is one he's a specimen you know and Andre is you know quiet not going to say anything but you get on the field and I don't think you you going to have um too many people that's going to be better than that guy when they line up they miss been some battles on Green Tree yeah I mean I I think that that's what separat a lot of things when back then back when we talking about back then because um you know I can't speak for them now but our practices was way harder than the games you know some of the games we went into the games and you you would come and you're like man like this the tight end you know you going against you going against shaki you're going against Kell winow you're going against Bubba you're going against some of these these greats and then you know you got a guy who you know like you know Jason Whitten when he played at Tennessee I they was like he was so great and I was like I didn't see it now obviously he is you know and you know I'm not saying that to um disparage him I'm just saying that our practices were so competitive that it took it to another level and then when you got into the game it was like okay film study I know you know they line two by one this this the play they going to run okay they running it okay this person is not as fast as the person I seen doing it okay I jumped in front of it you got to pick or you got a good hit or you make the play so um Green Tree was uh it bred a lot of people it it bred a lot of people it turned them into something that they probably weren't have you been out to any practices recently I was here yesterday I think I saw you yesterday from the corner my the reason why I ask is I think we're getting closer to that point I think the team looks as close to what that has been I'm not saying it's there but it's as as close as it's been in a long time and I think the thing that gets overlooked in accumulating Talent is not just the production you get but Jaylen Rivers mentioned it he's like every rep I go is against somebody good and I think what people lose sight of is what you just said is the competitive Excellence you get out of practice when you have a roster that is um both talented and deep 100% um the one thing that I'll say that I've noticed just right right away the size of the team you know because before you know whatever we could I'm not going to blame anybody or say anything they just didn't look like a um college team and it's okay to have an undersized guy here or there but you know I look out there and you know I had to move because the linemen were in front of me and I couldn't see over and I'm you know yeah I'm short but I'm not that short as before I wouldn't have to had to do it I could stay right where I was and I can watch um they look they look more like a team that's built to fight like we're going to fight you want to fight okay we can fight like you want to lineup and we going it's third and two I'm I'm going get two yards no matter what I'm getting two yards that's what they look like now as a comp U compared to you know it's third and two maybe they would have passed in the you know passed the ball in the pass but the also the other thing too is what you alluded to which is the how much better you get in practice when you have to compete against that kind of those those kind of people on every rep every rep every rep you're not going to you know you're not looking down the line when you're doing one-on-one and say okay I'm I'm going to pick that guy because that guy you know that was Andre Johnson was Andre Johnson you know you looking down and you're like oh my God so you that s you pick Santana MOS Reggie Wayne darl Johnson you know um Andre king or then you got um then you got Andre Johnson then you got KB we had Anthony Johnson like we had guys that were ready to go at any time that you could have plugged and played because also they had a great coach CJ who got everybody prepared so now who you looking down there to go against to say oh I have a easy rep there is no easy rep and that made in essence everybody else better because whoever you win against would probably the best or one of the best at their position I know KB was good here but how good was he in high school or what you heard oh no no no no KB was um he was he was crazy in high school high school it was um yeah I man he had the the quarterback I think his name SCH UCF man them two I remember the run that they went on to go to state or they play they played Northwestern in the final four game and man I think that that game probably rivaled some college games with you know know attendance and KB they they lost but I mean KB showed that he belonged I mean he obviously belonged he was like the you know number one or two or three somewhere around their receiver in the nation GB was he was he was really really good at then like now we don't get to you know you don't get to bask in that because now we think about oh you know the kid that just went to Ohio State he's the best ever and it's like well he's the best ever right now you know but I can show you some people that was probably better than him but we you know our our world is always about right now 03 Orange Bowl Gators Deon takes the opening kickoff right yes were you on kick return coverage or no no no no I was I was uh I was on you played a lot of special teams yes yeah no I played special te everybody speci te everybody play yeah yeah nobody got away from Special Teams that's what made it that's what made our special teams good um we were I know we was talking about um we was going over the game plan obviously and then the kickoff we did stand up to see because this was ke This was um Devon's first kickoff and we knew that he was if they kick it to him he was a problem and then it just went crazy you know like that place was rocking I think that that place probably could have got up and walked to the ocean you know if it had legs at that moment I couldn't get in I think I I think I just took my seat in the Press Box cuz it was impossible to get into the orange ball that night it was it was um I mean start off with a bang we had a whimper for most of that game and then ended up with a bang too but yeah um Devon was Deon was special I mean you could you could tell you know he had a you know he walked like he was you know he lightning in the bottle you I'm sure you had reps against him on special teams yeah yeah we did um most of you know we we never you know kind of yeah not walkthroughs but we wouldn't hit in special teams but you could tell he could yeah he was hard to he was hard to bring down oh man I couldn't um get some wiggle wiggle and forget the wiggle he was fast so yeah he he make you miss but if he can't make you miss he going to go around you and you know that's the worst thing you want for a guy just to walk around read his name on the back of his yeah yeah that's the worst thing and he was that fast we mentioned Sean Taylor Ed Reed was also in your room at some point yes so again that's all I can think about that competitive just Excellence but at the same time what did you learn from Ed um preparation like it was just he he he knew like I think if you probably turn on a game right now and you let him watch for a little bit and he'll break it down he he just knew he knew everywhere to be he knew what to do um he he was the person that we needed at that time because you know like you know you come in everybody came in as an All-American from high school everybody came in as somebody and he was he was somebody on top of that so he was able to show us and and to kind of like kind of guide and Mentor even outside of football like hey man go to class man you you a got no grades you can't play no matter how good you are and then you know on the field brother yeah and on yeah we call him Papa Smurf so you know and on the field it's like Hey listen you know I see you standing at eight yards but if you stand at nine nine and a half that micro yeah you stand at nine and a half when you doing this and then you open up you know inside the hash to go to the other hash you'll get there quicker and there things like that you like man I wasn't even thinking about that you know but those types of things he was a technician obviously I mean we I mean it's nothing that I could say about Ed that hasn't been said a million times over but um he was somebody that he knew exactly what to do all the time 2000 2001 2002 so you are a national champion yes can we make an argument you should be a three-time national champion you know know um it it'll be an argument yeah it it could 20 did you guys feel you were jobed in 2000 2000 definitely 2000 we should have been playing Oklahoma which we would have destroyed um that year um then obviously 2001 um 2002 where were you in O2 were you on the field yeah 2002 I was starting um man I just feel like you know we definitely didn't P we didn't prepare for the game you know we wasn't you know they that team shouldn't have been there you know I mean they should you thought you just thought you were better just was going to be walk in there and walk out and they came to fight that's that's the best thing I tell you about that team that Ohio State team they weren't good I don't care what nobody say they want to you know bring up whatever I I'm sorry they weren't good but they were they they fought together they were tenacious like they were really into it and I respect that I respect that I I would never take that from them they National Championship they won it you know because we wasn't prepared we we thought we had the game and we didn't and were you in the endzone on the field for that play I was on the other side of the end zone when the play happened with um Glenn cuz I'm I was in the broadcast boo so what I remember is you know incomplete guys are running on the field I think there's fireworks going off in our booth we've literally de you know decried the Miami Hurricanes and the national champ Champions it was like there was a lot of things that happened before the so I guess for you emotionally what was that like cuz mean you guys you guys were celebrating yeah yeah yeah it was a dump you know people didn't have their helmets I didn't have my helmet um it was a it was an emotional dump I mean I think that that's the way we lost the game you know I mean obviously we had five turnovers you know what happened to Willis um we didn't play well but that was when we lost the game because the emotional dump was it was gone we had nothing you know you have nothing left because you dump it out right there and when um you know we see the flag and I'm like what's the flag for and then he's like holding I'm like holding and then you know it's no replay back then so you know you just got to go with his Ro his word and then have you watched it I mean obviously now all these years later I mean it's it's not a it's not a call to make at that moment it's not clear yeah it's not a call to make at that moment I really feel like Chris Gamble dropped the ball honestly I it hit him in the chest he dropped the ball and that's what we should say we should say well he dropped it Glenn was right there in coverage but Glenn didn't do anything to stop him from dropping the P it should have been incomplete game over but you know here we are here we are anything other than anything personally in your life like familywise anything compared I can't imagine imagine what that night or next day or next couple days were like anything as painful after the after the loss oh man um I if I'm being honest I think I blocked it out I don't remember it like I didn't I didn't keep anything from the fiesta bow like you know all of the you know they give you like a bag and stuff like that see burn it see you later I didn't yeah I didn't keep anything I don't I don't um honestly I think I just black out it's probably like a like in my memories like just a black I I I don't want to torture you or anything like that I apologize let's get on to something good then so tell about 2001 right so 2000 you feel like your job obviously you would you know lose to Washington win the rest of the way beat Florida in the Sugar Bowl so going into 2001 did you know your team was special or was there a moment in that season a game where you realized this team's pretty damn good I think that we knew it so obviously I play defense I think that in the summertime I felt like the defense was special like you know like looking around and you looking at it's like Vince w fork and William Joseph and Jerome mou you had um Williams then you had Phil then we got intro then we got like it was like every everywhere you looked it was like man we got guys and then behind them were guys so it was like nah this is going to be this going to be a little different we watched um I never forget we watched um Band of Brothers you know during during the T days like what they going going through now and um and I think that resonated with us the the whole season you know he was like not not letting your brother down you know you know hold the line and that's what we always should say hold the line hold the line and I I want to say like maybe Boston College game was like all right we you know we're going to be okay this is this is the team but I really want to say that it was in Camp where guys were bonding you know guys were helping guys the team was so focused on you know we can't leave it to the it was BCS I think back then can't leave it to the BCS again because if you leave it to the BCS we're going to get you know um left out again and we didn't want that to happen um and I think that that's why the Penn State game was so you know that's why it happened the way it did because you had so much buildup energy like it was going to bust it was like shaking up a coke bottle and then you just open it up and that's what Penn State was what was Dorsey like you had going up and competing with him every day in practice man D dorsy was so funny man he was so funny um dorsy was just like Ed like just I'm here I'm I'm going to play football I'm I'm going in my room we came in as freshman and he played the last three games as a freshman and he would just be studying all the time I mean we would be acting crazy we was doing it was um Andre and I were roommates sweetmates with K dorsy and Jared they we were all together yeah and um we would be acting a complete just just crazy and he would just be in there studying studying the place like man we we're going to go out he's like nope nope I'm studying and it showed he was prepared you know when when his his his um number got called he was he was prepared and um I remember cuz when you're a freshman you come in and you got all of these meetings you have to go to and all of these people you have to meet trustees and school member and all and and dorsy just was like man I just want to play football you know he just he just was so locked in and that was pretty cool and you know dorsy became one of us cuz he was from California you know and most of our class was from Florida or from South Florida so a little different that's a big different a big Northern California yeah so when he came in he kind of was like you know shell shock like most people get when they get around a bunch of people from Miami and then after a while he just you know got right into the middle of it and he you know came one brother bark I heard you bark a little bit yeah no when dorsy got pissed he you know there there was it was more than a few times that dorsy was like you know hey like you know definitely in practice like hey we we messing around and this this not going to be good enough he was definitely the leader he was one of our leaders and you know not very much of a raw guy but he would get he would get into it he' get into the thick of it you know he wasn't he wasn't going to back down so from your safety spot you had a front row seat to Vilma right yep did you also were you on the field of the same I know Morgan was there with you but you won the field with Morgan or no man I I got a I got a really cool story about Dan Morgan when I was a true freshman this was 99 he was a badass no he was he was better than that he was better than that so we um we were practicing right here um in the track the middle of the track um and it was just one day we was having practice we in Full Pass two um it was summer so we getting ready you know for the season um and I don't know where Ed was and I don't know where Al was but they wasn't they wasn't practicing or they had took a play and they sent me in at safety and I'm with so he's in so obviously the ones are in so the play man I thought I was man I thought I knew the play I ran and they they were running the play to the left side and I ran and I was like right there about to make the play they threw it backside to James Jackson now mind you Dan is next to me he's right next to me they threw a backside to James Jackson he turned he put his foot in the ground and he caught him before he scored I'm nowhere near I'm watching like I'm literally watching it and I'm saying to myself I'm like man did I go to the right school cuz Dan was a Sheen like oh man like I I really you know you know obviously he's doing extremely well now but I felt so bad when you know the concussions kind of took over but I know why he got them concussions man because he would knock you out I know why he was knocking people out he probably knocking out too but he was an excellent athlete and people don't even remember that he played running back before you know he was a runningback and then he switched over and he played middle linebacker he didn't just play Lineback he played middle I know he played some outside when we had Nate Webster but Dan was a middle linebacker like he was a real middle linebacker plug plug the hole could cover could run he could do almost anything and so Vilma because I feel like as a safety you get you get that the view yeah of you see it materialized you see a lot of things that to your eye is a lot different as a football player than the average fan yeah I mean Vilma was a different player than than Dan I think Vilma was and you hate to say it he was probably more tenacious than Dan because he was smaller so you know Vilma 61 you know he was like 200 lounds maybe you know Dam 63 you know 240 it's a big boy but if Vilma touched you you was going you was going the opposite way um I got to see some great I mean I got to see great players all over the field you know cuz uh we had DJ was a was a linebacker with with um with when I played I mean he started for 2001 as well but when I played DJ was there as well you know uh we had Daryl mcglover we you know we had you know Howard CL we had some great linebackers that played and it's like man you know do I have to do anything I mean obviously you do but you know in front of them and come on come on really like you know Vince wford you know I mean like that those teams were were great because we had great players but because we jaled together too I think that a lot of it had to do with we liked each other um sometimes when you don't like each other you know that kind of go south too right no that that makes for bad that makes for a bad locker room I will say this I think it was uh I think it was last summer one at the Legends Camp Willis M he was here MH i' never really spoken to him before obviously I'd watched him I was kind of when I was getting my career started but I just kind of went up and shook his hand and kind of you know give him a tap on the shoulder and I was like holy crap built like a brick at 40 whatever he is now 45 buil he squeezed my hand and I felt on I was like I could only imagine trying to tackle him he's been like that um he met Willis when he was in that 10th grade and he was same size same everything 10th grade and he was not somebody you wanted to you know see in the dark alley no big big strong fast too like that's the part that you don't realize you're like wait hold up this man is you know he can move so um we yeah yeah we could be here all day talking about some of these so at some point during practice right you and him in the I'm sure somewhere along the way you had to bring him down yeah you you yeah you you you I mean you he a man I'm a man so I you know I don't have a choice and that's my job so I'm going to do my job but do I want to do that 10 times no I don't want to do it 10 times you know I want to get a good shot on him make sure he knows that I'm there too so the next time he come in too he said oh man you know this guy took a shot on me last time so um everybody's going to win battles and everybody's going to lose battles I don't care who you are from deshan e reads and all the way down to you know to you know me you know you're going to win some battles you're going to lose some battles the thing is is that you get up and you ready to fight again so that was the biggest thing we all took from it do you still are you still like you said you around at practice do you still are you still is it still in your blood um no I'm I'm old you know when you old man you know you you know I was I was um when we was um watching practice I'm like man was it this hot before I mean like you're like man it's so hot out here like could I have a glass of water you know and you know back then you didn't get as much water back then it was part of the routine no one of the one of the one of I can say it cuz Butch you know whatever can't do nothing to me but it was like Butch was like oh um water's for cowards that's what Butch would say and it would be like you didn't want to be the guy to go get water right you know I was just talking about the day how the whole mentality has switch from kind of like beating you down from the standpoint of creating toughness to now it's about Peak Performance yeah yeah it is it's different um I think that some coaches have that mil the military aspect of it like you beat them down to bring them up and you you know you you tear them all the way down to their almost nothing and then now I start building you and now you're my machine right as opposed to oh yeah you're doing a good job and you're really not and that really doesn't do anything but um yeah we man this I'm sure everybody has stories about there were some I'm sure there were days it's hard to get out of bed days man you talking about weeks I mean we we got we told the line on um practices back then you know you you got a two a day yeah you might have a three a day maybe even a four a day snuck in there um but I think that the biggest you guys ever be like hey bro come on let's let's use up today no never never it was never it was that it wasn't an option and and plus we didn't know anything different you know you didn't know anything different we knew that what we wanted was on the other side of that wall so we had to go through the wall and I think that's what everybody wanted to do I'm sure a lot of that was when you have that many good people right players that want that that that forges that Excellence right because there's no other there's no other option you know the still sharpening is still you know it it's it's true because if I see sea get interception now I'm trying to make a play or get an interception or get a pass break up or I want a big hit or something if and does something then you got Kelly jennis that's like yeah I have to do something too then you got Alo Marshall jumping in there say man I got to do something too um it sharpens you it makes you not want to be the butt of the jokes when we get into the film room and you want to get on the field yeah and that's the only way you going to get on the field by making a play cuz if you don't make play Nobody signs up for this sport that's I tell my son you want to be on the field yeah do what you got to do you want to you don't want to watch I don't want to watch no one does this to be on the sidelines no the side man it's nothing good happened on the sideline you know because at the very least you're not paying attention that somebody run you over on the sideline you know what I mean like that that's what happens on the sideline true be in the game be in the game be a part of the game you know make a difference in the game go out there and just get your jersey dirty you know and that's the that's the biggest thing you know my son is now 13 and he he wants to play and I been keeping him away from football his whole life but he said he want to play now so now I'm giving the the opportunity and I'm like hey man just get your jersey dirty get your jersey dirty you he'll figure it out you know and then you know hopefully he does last thing you now serve our our community as a sergeant at the police force in C GES how didd you get into that um I that was what you know it was football and police work that's what I I wanted to be a police officer just like I wanted to play football so just so happened once football was over I I went to school for um criminology so as soon as I was done you know I walked into that job and I've been there 20 years now so where where might we find you we find you on the street somewhere oh man you will find me in the streets on the motorcycle so if you see them oh you're on the cycle yeah so if you see me um if you see the motorcycle cop and Gables that's that's me um I don't really do the tickets as much because my guys do the tickets but can you help with tickets all right Maurice thanks for doing this not a problem um the great memories and and then you know Miami will be at Florida uh real soon and and I hope for walking out of there the way you walked out of there I yeah I believe so I believe so I think that um this team has started building the right pieces and and I know with the transfer report it's a little bit different but they have the right pieces they look like a team you know and the Gators don't really want to play us anyway was Mario was Mario a g when you he was a ga he was actually my G he you know I don't want to use the word follow but he was with my family when I was getting recruited he was U for my my official visit recruiting like grou he was no he was with my family like you you had a you had a person with you that took you around took you around and so then yeah my mom loves so then we always knew he could recruit Yeah Yeah well yeah well I was recruited by chud though but he but he he he took care of Mom yeah he did my mom loves Mario she loves Mario Maurice thanks buddy appreciate it not a problem

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