Italian Wiring FAILURES!!! Oliver 1250 tests my patience.
Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 00:41:48
Category: Autos & Vehicles
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all right I want to plug through with this project again get some more stuff done and we're going to do that right after [Music] this welcome back if you haven't seen my videos before R man this is the 1250 we've been working on I cleaned it up and Meadow greenfi it a little bit in places and so I don't know if we'll just keep continuing to do that and go ahead and get that done there is things I would like to do before we do that thing and put it together finally I've been trying to get the stickers off and I broke my razor blade thing so I need to get more of those after a while and uh I don't know what to say well battery cut off we like those don't we so we might as well put one on here and what I'm thinking anyway and I'm going to have to set the sheet metal back on to be sure but I'm thinking of bracketing off of this bolt here and then putting it in there somewhere I mean I that's kind of what I got in my brain I don't know that's the way it is on Freddy I should say the the way I did it on Freddy was it's right here so if I would do that thing it actually could be in there farther that's what I need the sheet metal on to to decide where exactly I could put this to make this go out of the way more would be better than in the way well that's sit there good so whilst I was was on a uh Sports trip I stopped at the old Supply tractor store and just started loading up with stuff that I thought I might be able to use including battery cables normally I'm not a pre-made battery cable kind of guy but they were there they were heavy enough for this one gauge cable so we're gonna hope that you know that's kind of going to determine where our battery cut off goes I guess is what I'm saying I could go there I got plenty room I could actually and what would probably be nicer is if I were to go down through here maybe I can do that maybe I can't I don't know that's pretty tight if I do that so I guess I will go this route and yes that's plenty plenty o cable to get where we need to go no matter where it ends up in there then we will need to somewhere place this cable which I have plenty of option there uh see the other one was bolted on the other side and they just drilled a hole through the frame which I don't really like so I thought I would do something much different but I may not have a choice you know I could go right back to the bracket that I make with it and I could go somewhere totally different like where might be a good place to go would be up here to this and then that kind of that would be acceptable if there's enough cable I could even go to the very front one probably so there are choices and that will be good so that's one thing we are going to deal with we'll make another bracket and make that happen then I also managed to pick up a horn button because we will need that and we add a horn not that that's really important but that's the way they were so it's going to have one so yeah so we can do that so now I suppose I will get the sheet metal and set it back on just to make sure that nothing interferes with my plan there and we have to still do some work on that one of the tabs is broke off on the sheet metal on the other side and then there's some holes that need to be filled and what have you and you know then I can clean it up and paint it or whatever I decide to do the stickers have been coming off fairly decently if you can get them off a good section you can pull a pretty good chunk off at once but uh sometimes they have it been going that way so time will tell but let me grab that front piece and we'll set it on there so we can see how this goes there we go that's going to go there so none of that will interfere with my plans at all but I don't physically really have I don't really have room I could do it that way but and that way it'd be super long unless I just went straight up here so decisions so what I can do is make the bracket this way and come straight up and then which case it would not have to be but see then it's going to hit that bolt head and I don't want that it would be much better to be like right here so then everything would reach where it needs to be but stuff wouldn't be totally out of hand distance-wise so I think I'm going to make it with this in mind that we're going from this bolt we're just going to go a 90 and I think that's going to be adequate so I'll work on that and then I'll bring you back when I got a more finished product I think that's probably half inch there so I can drill a hole for that and then just bend it up and all right I got my little bracket made I have no idea what kind of struggle I'm in for to get that loose but we will soon find out I don't know what size it is well it's that size 22 s 22 oh yeah this is going to be fun not smart not smart at all goly there we go here's hoping that the nut will just come off and it's not going to spin the whole thing I don't think it will cuz it looks to me like it goes through that casting somehow and usually stuff doesn't just work you know like that so if we wanted it to spin it never would I'm hoping that there's enough threads also that sure what we're going to do we're going to struggle Y come off of there mhm I think that'll work fine it's kind of close to the radiator hose but it's fine at least I hope it is I bet I got it a little tall I bet that the switch is going to hit the bottom of the radiator and I'm going to have to start over we will soon find out as I'm demounting my man if it was just a a slight bit it won't it's not touching and like we've said before it is ground so it's not like can I get this through there a little bit better though I guess I didn't quite get my I didn't quite get the holes I think that's livable I'll show you what I'm talking about in just a second I should probably let me make sure that my so much rambling I'm sorry but I want to make sure that the that mold is really super tight all right that's probably not very good but we're going to roll with it what did that do for us that actually helped I can live with that let me get her tightened in there and I'll show you what's what's coming to be oh it's working great now all right that worked out good let's see what the that works I can I can live with that I guess we could I'll just leave it like this yeah so what I should have done I should have and I could still do it to this but put a hole lower and lower the thing down where it was just on top of that frame but this is okay it's not hitting anything and what I'll do is I will put the uh like I'll put the one that's going to the ground of the tractor on this one cuz it's the closest to hitting this and then there's no risk of it grounding anytime you know it's already grounded like I said that's a advantage of putting this on the ground side is if it does hit something it's not going to Arc out and cause a fireball so it's just a matter of squeezing everything in and uh you know getting stuff to fit but I was able to turn it a little bit in that hole to where it's going to go just fine just fine so we need to work on the front end now and getting the battery cable uh bolted up I'm just going to go in that front frame hole where it's kind the cable is naturally wanting to go and then that's out of our hair we don't have to worry about it all right that is all hooked up and should be good to go I do want to zip tie this ground cable up so that it doesn't accidentally fall down into the spinning hydraulic pump shaft because that would certainly be possible and it would ruin our day but I went in the house and just arrived fresh from chinia speed plus 1997 probably when it was made I don't know but a brand new one of these so we're going to swap it and see if we can't make it start from the dash like it's supposed to we don't want to drop it cuz those are probably fragile all right just hang out crooked like that cuz that's the best I can do all right terminal 50 should be our crank and then 1554 I just want to compare this one might feel slightly heavier so maybe it's got better stuff in it I don't know mhm all right put that one there and then we need our green jumper needs to be hooked to it all right all right let me go get a battery and we'll see if this won't happen to R 4 66 happened to be the closest thing so it's going to get the the robbing that's kind of loose probably going to have to tighten that we don't want to do this too much because this will not charge the battery remember right now our cut off switch is on so that's Pleasant let's tighten this sure all right so if we turn the key on I don't think anything will jump cuz I don't think anything's hooked up but it should crank and it doesn't what the heck oh you know what I am not a very smart animal I bet you well I can't say that because I wasn't getting any power through this switch uh let's try let's check this first okay that's working why am I not getting any power okay we need our test light I tested that other one and I was getting nothing now I cannot believe that there is two where I'm getting nothing that that just that does not seem likely I got to get this where I can see the display okay let's see here oh when I turn this key on this test light should light up and it does there's nothing anywhere else now when I do this this terminal should get hot and it doesn't what the heck okay we got a serious issue here that's the second switch which is acting the same way which must mean this one is not bad or they're both bad it's supposed to get its power here no I take that back the power comes into this when you turn the key on this is supposed to be your crank wire on the 1365 even this goes to your thero starter and then yeah I think we need to experiment with this switch and see if we can figure out what I'm doing wrong is there why why I'm not getting what I'm supposed to be getting that's what I don't understand according to the wiring diagram I have it correct but things are not happening like they should be happening okay we're going to we're going to make us a cheater wire here we're going to do some experimentation maybe I should have got one that had a ring terminal on it or something cuz this ain't going to work that might work does this make contact now yes okay so if I touch power to here obviously it's there nothing there nothing there nothing there nothing there when you turn to the crank position okay let's try this what if I stick it the power to 30 nothing happens this is going to be next impossible to do okay so I'm thinking that there needs to be another power wire that goes to 30 because then if you have another power wire going to that when you turn the thing to crank it sends power momentarily to that but I'm not really understanding what the purpose of this is cuz it's not getting power at all at any time it's like they just ran it over there and jumpered the power to it for no reason so why is this thing we're going to have to try to look up and read the book again cuz I don't understand why I didn't get that from reading it the first time we got to figure out why if why there's two things all right friends this time I dug out both books for both tractors to compare and my issue is that on one of them it's wired up up one way and on the other tractor it's wired up a totally different way so what I need to do now I really need to take the key switch out of the tractor and I need to do some testing on it with the test light and see which positions the power goes to what terminal because for example on this one which was the gas tractor that we're working on the power comes in and it goes to terminal 30 and then there's a jumper wire to 30/1 on this tractor which is you know same switch the power goes to 30/1 there is no connection to it and anything else and then there is a wire that goes from 30 over to 30 on our start switch and that is our issue here we I need to get a another wire to that terminal 30 at some some way or another so whether that be me running another wire from this the key over to the start switch or whether that be me changing the wiring on the start switch from what I did to this which is fine but I want to know what happens here like where the power goes from one to the other maybe I don't need anymore maybe the new style key switch has a jumper inside it itself and I didn't need that to start with although I don't I just don't know so that's why I think I'm going to pull that key switch out and we're going to test light it to figure out what we got because this might actually help us with the fact of shutting the key off and then you know some type of charging system back feeding and keeping it running when we get to that point it might already be okay cuz we might have more positions on the key switch than I originally thought we would all right so I'm going to take my jumper off for now well I can actually use it though ignore this 51 we're not going to mess with that just right yet we're worried more about where the power comes into the switch at so on this tractor that we're working on the book shows that it comes into terminal 30 and that's the way I had it wired up and then it had a jumper from there to 30/1 what I need to know on the 1365 the power comes into 301 and then I want to see if I have if I do that what sort of combination of positions I have power if that makes sense this maybe doesn't make sense and I probably should have done this the other day but I took for granted that everybody knew what was going on when they designed all this so if I do this oh you know what I did I shut my battery cut off off and I can't reach it from here great we'll get this eventually all right power is going into 30/1 which is the way it would be on the 1365 we are now in the off position so the only terminal which should have power is that one that we yeah all right now we're going to go to position one of the key we should still have power here cuz that's hooked to our battery we have no power to either of those no power at 51 no power at 30 30 which was what I really wanted to know so I think we still need that jumper I'm not sure what okay when you go to that position then we start getting into headlights see yeah and then that one should light that up shut that one off that one stays on that one's on all the time okay so what I believe is happening here I think we did need this jumper and what I'm guessing happens which I didn't sort it all out on the wiring diagram we can look at it again on the 1365 I bet that the power comes back into this side after going through something else and so that's what is going on now if I were to put the power to this that's what we're going to test next we're going to put the Power like I had it except I'm going to pull that jumper wire off there to see if that terminal gets any power at all or if it is purely uh I don't know how to describe what I'm trying to say but I just got to make sure that I get this all rigged up right all right now through this conglom ration that's our battery in the first position no or in the off position I should say nothing has power now the first position okay the first position 51 got power and that's it 51 got power so that sends the power over to the way I had it wired up it sent the power over to our coil to the start switch position 1554 which sent it to our coil but nothing else then has power now if I do this next position this shoulds always still have power all the time none of these power so it needs to get it needs that jumper to feed all the terminals for the headlights and I guess what happens on the later ones they must have went through the fuse box on their way back because if I start over and I put my jumper back on 30-1 and then I hold my I'm going to have to figure out how to I don't have enough to do everything now we'll get it here I need to get my stuff with the clips I do have test leads with Clips but I never have the motivation to go get stuff all right now I have hot on both sides of this nothing nothing nothing nothing turn it one position now I should have here nothing else but now when I go to the third position I should start having headlights and I do so that must be the head and the no let me think about that that would be flashers on only maybe and tail lights on those and then the next position you would always have those and then you got that one but not this one and then the last one you have this one but not that one all right so now I understand what was happening and that basically what it amounts to is I need one more wire over to my to this I need a wired to terminal 30 which was another puzzle do I wire terminal 30 to this which means it would crank all the time whenever the battery's connected like the key switch wouldn't shut that cranking off or do I wire it from here so that it only will activate this or let you let you use this when you have the key on and that's another thing I don't know we need to go out and just let's just do some homework here the 1365 is right out here okay the batter's on key is off will it crank no it won't it'll only crank when you got the key on all right that's what I thought and basically that doesn't need to be a high voltage like from the battery directly because it's only activating the crank position yeah you know if I had the thermo starter on this one it probably would have to be but that's not the case so if we look at this one more time to sort out why this is the way that it is on this one the power comes into 30-1 but then it's also must be getting power to 30 which 30 has power over to that's the start switch there so we have a and two M's 51 is going to 30 and then it's feeding 30 back to the other side of the switch okay so that's where we're wrong where I need my extra wire the 1250 diagram did not have that so I need to get another I need to get a 51 another one over to the 30 terminal on the crank switch and since I'm doing this on a gas tractor what I'll do is I'm going to make a lighter gauge wire to run the coil because doesn't have to be spectacularly heavy so I'll re end this one I guess I guess I wouldn't have to I guess I could just make another heavy one but I'm going to have to hunt up some terminals to do that cuz I need this on one end and then oh that on the other end cuz both of them have a screw type end so but once we do that I think we'll we finally have this problem solved it was just a matter of not having enough wires hooked up we needed we needed one more wire to make this go all right this project almost has me feeling defeated because it just it it's one of those things where you just you think you got something and then you don't but now we should have something if I do this and I turn in the key one position it should now [Music] crank sure it vibrates a lot can't leave anything sit on top it works for now it works anyway let's try to start it again a wh whale [Music] well the governor's getting a little better as we use it it probably is slightly out of adjustment but the biggest problem I think is it's gummed up in there it goes through the [Music] manifold but it's [Music] running our water pump is still leaking continuously right in our face shut her down I ordered a new one so it'll be here soon but that is what's happening is it's as it's leaving there it's slinging that all over everything all right now that we've swallowed a healthy dose of anif freeze we're going to call it quits and I mean on life no so you're asking yourself what did we accomplish in this video well we got a battery cut off mounted on we got it to start from the seat through some rewiring which means that our other switch probably was not bad I just just didn't hook the power to the right terminal when I tested it so that's why I wasn't getting anything anywhere live and learn there I did it like I thought I like I thought I was supposed to but I should have tried them all I mean that's only 12 volts it wouldn't really hurt anything so our next big hurdle other than tachometer I think I'm going to just find that one that was broke and we took out the one that didn't count anymore that we took out of that 1365 if it fits in here I'm just going to stick it in this hole for now and we'll figure that out later just so we don't have an obnoxious opening but our next big hurdle on it is going to be charging system and figuring out what we're going to do on that regard I have no idea what we're going to do yet my other alternator did arrive however I don't think that it's going to work it uh I don't know don't really know how to describe it but it's just not going to work I'll show it to you sometime but it's up at the house it's not right here so anyway slowly slowly we are progressing to where we might actually get to use this for something but that's just the way she goes sometimes it's slow progress my little dust cap there to keep stuff out of the carburetor but anyway we're getting very close this time I mean we we tackled some hurdles that I didn't know that we'd get that this system here so it's coming along it just it takes us a while to sort everything out cuz we're doing stuff that nobody's done before on a lot of this so anyway I suppose we will stop here while we've accomplished something we have a lot of stuff to do like it's been one one whole day cleaning up all our trash that we've accumulated here but then we will continue on next with more wiring we got to get our gauges all wired up we just we got a lot to do and it's just going to take some time you know we got more important projects to do probably for other people so we're going to just have to do the best we can luckily it's not leaking out of the oil pressure thing so that's a win but anyway I'm getting sidetracked again we're going to call this one here and as always thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music] n [Music]