Published: Aug 08, 2024 Duration: 00:07:32 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: anders carlson
what's going on everybody Packer plug back with another video and today we're going to be discussing Greg Joseph and Anders Carlson competing for the kicker position on the Green Bay Packers roster for the 2024 season man let's get deep into this this is one of the I think most important battles if not the most important position battle on this green B Packers roster this season going into this next season and just to recap on last season Anders Carlson did not play well um he did not meet expectations that were placed on him after being drafted to the Packers and he did not perform well at all um he really played subpar at his position and really didn't come through very much had a lot of Miss field goals throughout the whole season had a lot of missed extra point attempts that were easy extra point attempts easy field goals kicks that you know should just be routine for other kickers he was missing them and it wasn't a good look and it definitely cost the Packers it cost them into the playoffs when they play the 49ers and you saw what happened with him and his struggles there and it's just something you can't afford especially now that your window for winning the Super Bowl is now open you have Jordan love you just signed him to a massive contract highest paid quarterback in this league your defense has only gotten better you picked up Xavier McKinna your offense has gotten better these young receivers are now a year older more experienced you picked up Josh Jacobs you drafted Jordan Morgan for the offensive line to protect Jordan love your window to win a Super Bowl is open and it's open now and with that comes kicking you have to have a kicker that's consistent when you get in those close games because when it comes to the playoffs the difference could be a fial the difference could be a onepoint extra point attempt from your kicker and you know if you run to the 49ers again I guarantee you whoever's in that kicking position if it's Greg Joseph or it's Andress Carlson or it's the third guy that picked up Alex who I don't think it will be Alex hail but I think they're bringing him in for Relief um whoever that person is they have to come through and they have to contribute to this team if they want to be Super Bowl contenders it's the only way they're going to have to You Can't Hide a bad kicker and have a bad kicker as your starting kicker and just hope that that one wink link won't ruin anything I guarantee you won't win well if Andress Carlson plays again next season he plays at the same level that he played in his first season you're not going to win a Super Bowl um as for Greg Joseph in my opinion he looks better he looks better I believe in him more he's he is more experienced and I do think he can be more consistent for the Green Bay Packers in that aspect and I do trust him a little bit more if it comes to those playoff games it comes to those important games and he's got to get out there and he's got to make a kick it's like Andre Carlson every time he goes out there like Matt FL said you got to do a little prayer you got to really hope that he's not going to miss this thing you're on the edge of your seat fingernails wrapped around the edge of the seat just hoping he doesn't miss it just hoping he doesn't uh dink it and man that's a tough feeling and for me gray Joseph for me has that edge and apparently this art article written on Packer wire shout out to them even says veteran uh Greg Joseph gains Edge in Packers kicking competition with Anders Carlson we're GNA go through the whole thing Greenman Packers kicker Greg Joseph is in throws of the heated competition with Andre Carlson following an impressive kicking performance during Thursday's practice Joseph may have gained a slight Edge over Carlson The Five-Year veteran made all seven attempts for the day bringing his total to 2931 which is 94% the first two weeks of training camp Carlson has been neck to neck with Joseph until he went four for seven on Thursday setting the secondy year kick kicker back to 25 and 31 which is 81% for the camp so that's problem with Andre Carson there's moments where you can be a great kicker there's moments where you can do well the question is cons consistency that's all that being a kicker is about is consistently can you be consistently reliable to make the shots when they count right and Andis Carlson just wasn't that this season you see it right here him kind of falling back going four for seven um on that Thursday setting the record the seconde kicker back to 25 and 31 which is 81% I'll take 94% with Greg Joseph The Five-Year veteran any day any day um it's comfortable leave for the veteran kicker but Joseph isn't focusing on his kicking percentage after each practice is dead he treats each Kick as he is zero for zero which you should every kick is a new kick and you have to make the one that's right in front of you you have to make the one that you have to make right now and I don't know if Andis Carlson can really do that I don't look at Stats Joseph said I don't look at yesterday I'm not looking at tomorrow look at today and literally seeing my foot through each and every ball one at a time singularly and that's it I don't look at it seven for seven it's one for one times by seven in my head so keeping that mindset and then you know obviously trying to stay in the groove and taking the mindset to the preseason um just even hearing him speak about one kick at a time it's like man can you really trust Aris Carlson like and I think I speak for a lot of green bid Packers fans it's like you just don't after having a season like Arnold Carlson is you just want that like bad Vibe just out you just want that bad taste out of your mouth you want him gone it's like you don't even want to give him the second chance but the green B Packers see something obviously that they want to give him this chance and they want him to compete do I think he's going to Edge it out no I think ultimately Greg Joseph wins this competition I think and Andre Carlson will be goodbye um and he may have an opportunity somewhere else but it's like you go through that whole season last year in my opinion should have been cut at the end of the season after that 49ers game get him off the roster get him off the roster and let's move forward let's take it serious that we have this Super Bowl opportunity in front of us with the young receivers and and young defense and amazing free agent acus acquisitions this year and our draft picks man our draft picks look phenomenal Marshon Lloyd looks phenomenal Tyron Hopper looks like he's going to be phenomenal Jordan Morgan looks like he's doing well man it's like this this is your window right now and if you don't capitalize on it and you risk it on this kicker I can tell you what if they go with Anders Carlson and there's more mishaps like it was last year somebody's getting fired cuz your windows now and that was a blatant blatant hole in the boat that you needed to patch and you didn't and you didn't do I see them going with under Carlson again absolutely not absolutely not let me know what you guys think down in the comments below who do you guys think will win this Camp battle who do you guys think the Green Bay Packers will keep um and will be the starting kicker come week one in Brazil against the Philadelphia Eagles leave your predictions Down Below in the comments make sure you guys subscribe we just hit 300 subs and I'm incredibly grateful man I couldn't be more grateful to you guys it's it's awesome to see the channel growth and I would have never even thought I would get to 300 so it's awesome and we're only like 49 videos in um it's only the beginning of the Season Packer plug is about to go hard thank you guys for being fans the 300 of you that are subscribed y'all are amazing y'all are amazing let's keep building let's keep going share this video leave a like and yeah we'll be back with another video tomorrow Packa plug ow

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