9/11 Memorial Ceremony LIVE: US Honours 9/11 Victims On 23rd Anniversary | World Trade Centre | N18G

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e e e e got e e [Applause] e [Applause] e e e e got e e e [Applause] e [Applause] e e e e got e spe [Applause] for e [Applause] e e e e got e for [Applause] e [Applause] e e for e got e e for [Applause] e [Applause] e e e for got e e [Applause] e for e e e e got e for [Applause] e [Applause] e e e e got e e for [Applause] e [Applause] e for for e got e e [Applause] e [Applause] e e e e e got e for [Applause] e [Applause] e e e e got e e for [Applause] e [Applause] e e e e got e e [Applause] e [Applause] for e e e we love you [Music] [Applause] love you [Music] one [Music] York [Music] You Got Hijacked last night you got watch 2024 [Music] going e for spe e e wait for [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] I [Music] can you see by the dawn early what so proudly we at the Twilight last gleaming who BR stripes and bright stars through the paral fight or the rets we watched were so gently streaming [Music] the rocket the bombs bursting in gave proof through the night that our flag was still [Music] there [Music] starled or the of the fre and the home of the [Applause] brave for right Breck Mar [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Gordon M Amoth Jr Edo Abad Marie Rose Abad Andrew Anthony abat Vincent Paul abat Lawrence Christopher Abel Alana Abraham William F abrahamson Richard Anthony acito Hinrich Bernard Akerman Paul aquaviva Christian Adams Donald looy Adams Patrick Adams Shannon Lewis Adams Steven George Adams ignacius Udo adanga chrisy a Adama Terren Edward aderly Jr Sophia B ado Lee Adler Daniel Thomas aalo Emmanuel akasu aaka Alo Aral mukal Kumar agala Joseph Agnello David Scott Agnes joal Alberto de Francesca agar Jr Brian G AAR Jeremiah Joseph aarn Joanne Marie alad Deus shabir Amed Terren Andre Aken Godwin o aala Trudy M alligero Andrew alamino Margaret an allario Gary M Albero John Leslie Albert Peter Craig Alderman and my cousin New York firefighter Steve bson from Rockaway Beach Queen Steve was known as Mr ladder 24 at engine 1 on West 31st Street near Madison Square Garden right here in Manhattan he was last heard from on the 44th floor while climbing up the south tower and will be a hero among so many on that day I want to say though quickly that each one of us who who follow us in the readings of the names as well as each person watching no matter where you are or the language you speak has the power to affect the world for good never forget the evil terrorist organizations that brought these towers [Music] down killing almost 3,000 innocent lives including those at the Pentagon and on the four hijack Plains and to all of those out there who still do not know history please learn about the groups and the Nations that continue to support Global Terror in including all those who still chant death to America enough already let the good people of the World Unite on the side of the good and the righteous and may God bless the United States of America land of the free and Home of the [Applause] Brave and my cousin and Godfather Ryan Daniel Fitzgerald every day I wear your initials on my shoulder I'm reminded of your profound impact on my life your memory lives on in our hearts and your your family misses you deeply the love we have for you will endure across Generations we will never forget you or anyone who tragically lost their lives that day God bless our military our First Responders the FDNY engine 298 the NYPD and God bless New York City but most of all God Bless America Jackin delay Aldridge Frederick David D aler ER alicakos Edward L alligretto Eric Allen Joseph Ryan Allen Richard Dennis Allen Richard L Allen Christopher E allenham Anna s w Allison giant Marie Alonso Anthony Alvarado Antonio Javier Alvarez Victoria Alvarez Rito Telmo e alvir Caesar amaranto Alvar Tariq amula Angelo amaranto James M Amato Joseph amio Paul W Ambrose Christopher Charles amaroso Craig Scott amonson kazuhiro anai Kalisto annaya Jr Joseph P anchundia Kermit Charles Anderson IET Constance Anderson John Jack andreao Michael RoR Andrews Jean an Andie Su niia Ang Joseph Angelini senior Joseph John Angelini Jr David Lawrence Angel Mary Lynn Edwards Angel Laura angeletta Daren J angran lorine Antigua SE David ayama and my grandfather Edward Joseph Papa Grandpa Eddie although I never got a chance to meet you we share many of the same interest not only do we share the same name but I also love to play golf I also love the mess and playing baseball just like you did people always always tell me we share we share the same smile and happy energy I wish I could have met you and I hope you're all making you proud and my dad Steven Francis schlag I love him and miss him as ever all the years combin they melt into a dream life is good it's 88 and sunny Peter Paul Apollo fustino aposto Jr Frank Thomas Akino Patrick Michael aranos David Gregory Arch Michael George arensky Louis Arena Barbara Jean arig Adam P arus Michael J Armstrong Jack Charles Aaron Joshua Todd Aaron Richard Avery ARA Myra Joy arenson jaffet Jesse Arian call Francis assaro Michael a asiac Michael Edward Asher J Dennis Marie Ashley Thomas J Ashton Manuel o aay Greg a atlas Gerald Thomas Atwood James utter Fred leis F everano Jr Ezra avilas Sandy AA alen t babakus eustus r bakas John J bakaka Jane Ellen Basler Robert J bear Walter Andrew J Bailey Brett T Bailey Garnet Ace Bailey Tatiana Baka Laya Michael S B Sharon M Balcom Michael Andrew Bane Katherine bantis and my uncle firefighter Jimmy riches Uncle Jimmy we talk about you all the time and how you sound so amazing I wish I could have met you and I know you are cheering me on at all of my cheerleading competitions and watching over for our whole family we all know when we see a dragon fly it's your way of saying hello to us we will always remember you God Bless America and with Endless Love appreciation and admiration my brother FDNY Captain William [Applause] o'keef Gerard Baptist wter Baron Gerard a Barbara Paul Vincent Barbaro James William barbella Colleen an Barco Christine Jonna barbuto Victor Daniel Barbosa David Michael barway firefighter Matthew Barnes Melissa Rose Barnes Sheila Patricia Barnes Evan J Baron Renee Barrett Arjun Arthur Thaddius Barry Diane G Barry Maurice Vincent Barry Scott D Bart Carlton W Bartles guy Bary AA B basina Alyssa Christine Burton bosan Kenneth William biki Lieutenant firefighter Steven Joseph Bates Paul James taglia W David Bower Ivan Louis Carpio Bautista marleene capito Bautista Mark Lawrence bavis Jasper Baxter Lorraine g b Michelle Beal Todd M Beamer Paul Frederick betini Jane s Bey Alan Anthony Beav Lawrence Ira Beck manette Marie beckles Carl John bedian Michael Ernest beakman and my grandfather Carl W Tey I hear many stories about him every day some make me laugh and some make me cry but every story inspires me although I was never fortunate enough to meet my grandfather he is my hero I see parts of him in my everyday life such as the color his favorite color and I see him within my family he is he is within my mom my uncle and my grandma within my sister and little cousins and I know there are parts of him within me and I know that he is with me and my family in every step that we take and my grandfather firefighter Allan terich I would like to take this time to thank everyone who really keeps their word to never forget so they are not forgotten all the stories like I hear about my grandfather I've learned that he would do the same if he didn't die that day the family misses and loves [Music] you Maria a bear Max J bilky yena Bovi Nina Patrice Bell Debbie S Bellow Steven Elliot bellson Paul M Benedetti Denise or benedetto Brian Craig Bennett Eric L Bennett Oliver Bennett Margaret L Benson Dominic J barardi James Patrick Berger Steven Howard berer John P Bergen Alvin Birdsong Daniel David Bergin Graham Andrew Berkeley Michael J Berkeley Donna M bernart David W Bernard William H Bernstein David M beray David Shelby Barry Joseph John Barry William Reed Bethy y be Timothy D betterly Carolyn mayor bu Edward Frank B Paul Michael bear Anil taham belani Bella J buan shimmy D bigas Peter Alexander Feld William G bigart Brian Eugene fure Mark Bingham Carl Vincent beanie and my brother Joseph Michael gone 23 3 years is are like 23 seconds on September 11th my brother disappeared but this place has become my Altar and this ceremony is essential because that day he disappeared but if I come here and I speak his name out loud and you hear his name he will never never disappear we love you and thank you [Music] and [Music] migrant give you the okay [Music] [Music] and my grandfather fdm Captain James J Corgan we love you so much and we miss you so much me and my Three Sisters wish we got to meet [Music] you Gary Eugene bird Joshua David burn bound George John Bishop Chris Romeo pishat Jeffrey Donald Bitner Albert blea Blackman Jr Christopher Joseph Blackwell Carrie Rosetta Blackburn Susan leay Blair Harry Blanding Jr Janice Lee blay Craig Michael blast Rita Blau Richard Middleton blood Jr Michael Andrew bardi John Paul boty Michael L bino Susan M bino de AA Francis bodley Bruce Douglas bone Mary Catherine Murphy boa Nicholas Andrew Bogden Darren Christopher Bohan Lawrence Francis buo Vincent M Bolan Jr Tori hamzavi bori Alan bondeno Andre boner Jr Colin Arthur on it Frank J bomo Ivon Luchia bomo Susan Booker Senor Kelly an booms Campell D boom Mary Jane Booth Sher Anne budro Christine bordon Jerry J Borg Martin Michael boresi Richard Edward Bosco and my uncle Kenneth Joseph Marino who was a firefighter with FDNY rescue one in Manhattan he was one of the First Responders on that day I'm 12 years old so I never met my Uncle Kenny but I feel like I know him from my parents grandparents and family members one thing I learned is that my Uncle Kenny and I share a love of baseball our favorite player is Ken Griffey Jr and I'm very happy and proud that we have the same interests but most most important is that my Uncle Kenny was a true hero he saved many lives on that day our family misses him every day and we will never forget his memory or his bravery my cousin Matthew Carmen selo Matthew neither knew neither you nor the thousands who perish on 9/11 will ever be forgotten what is being forgotten is the 911 experienced by every other American I ask you today to speak to your children and your grandchildren who weren't born on 9/11 tell them what you went through so that tell them to never forget what your family went through on [Music] 911 clouse B Carol Marie bushard Jay Howard Bolton Francisco eligio buer Thomas Harold Bowden Jr Donna M Bowen Kimberly S Bowers veroni Nicole Bowers Larry Bowman Sean Edward B Bowman Jr Kevin L Bowser Gary r b Fox genedy boyarski Pamela Boyce Alan P Bole Michael Bole Alfred J braa Sandra konate brace Kevin Hugh Bracken s w Bradshaw David Brian Brady Alexander Bri inski Nicholas W brand Marty Daniel Raymond brandor David Reed Gamboa brandor Michelle Renee Bratton Patrice brout Lydia Estelle Bravo Donald Michael bright Weiser Edward a Brennan III Frank FR H Brennan Michael E Brennan Peter Brennan Thomas Moore Brennan Daniel J brethel Gary Lee brigh Jonathan Eric bryley Mark a Risman Paul Gary Bristo Marian R Britain and and my father William Ralph Rob Dad we only got 6 years together but I have nothing but the happiest memories and every day I remember how lucky and how proud I am to be your daughter me Mom and Liam love and miss you so much and I M and my mother Amala H Perry my mother was a beacon of kindness wisdom elegance and Grace her love was unconditional her spirit was indomitable along with my brother and my sister we cherished the memories that you taught us and even though you are not here with us your memories will continue to live in our hearts and guide our actions thank [Applause] you Mark Francis brck Herman Charles Brock hammer Keith a Broomfield Bernard C Brown II Janice jouie Brown Lloyd Stanford Brown Patrick John Brown patina B Brown radburn Mark Bruce Richard George Breuer Andrew Brun Vincent Edward Brunton Ronald bua Brandon J yanan Greg J Buck Dennis Buckley John Edward buuga JR Patrick Joseph Boose Christopher L Burford Steven Bruce buan Thomas Daniel Burke Matthew J Burke Charles F Berling game II William Francis Burke Jr Donald J Burns Thomas E berett Jr j Keith James Burns Kathleen N burns Arena bow John Patrick bside Thomas M Butler Milton G bustillo Timothy G burn Patrick Dennis burn Jesus Nepali cesas Daniel M cavalero Brian Joseph Kia Lillian caseres and my brother Robert talhami your family and I love you and miss you so much for for the love you had for good food and wine your good friend Peter Donovan and I have not missed a dinner in your honor for the last 23 years Robert my little brother I know we will meet again until then I love you and think of you every day and my uncle James Brian Riley we love you and miss you so much Uncle Jimmy even though I've never met you I've heard so many stories about you to the point where it feels like I've known you for my whole life you're a role model to me and your kindness inspires me and the rest of our family to be the best people that we can be Richard Michael kajo CIO morela Kuka John kill Michael John kahill Scott Walter kill Thomas Joseph kahill George C Kane salvator B cabaro Joseph m candelo philli v calano Edward Calderon Jose o Calderon Oma Kenneth Marcus Cardwell Dominic e Cali Felix Bobby kixi Francis Joseph Callahan Lam Callahan Suzanne M Cali Gino Luigi Calvi rogo kage Michael f camarado David OT Campbell Jeffrey Thomas Campbell Robert Arthur Campbell Sandra Patricio cbell Sean Thomas canavan John a Candela Vincent a canal andos Steven J Keli Lisa Bella canava Brian canaro Michael R KY Louise Anthony capari Jonathan nef Capello James Christopher carpet Richard Michael caproni Jose Manuel Cardona Dennis M Carrie Senor Ed kalino Michael Scott Carlo and my brother Emmanuel Aquis AER you are a hero may your soul and all departed Souls keep resting in peace and it's my prayer that this wicked act called terrorism will never occur again in United States God Bless America and my father Lieutenant Kenneth John fil Senor Dad we miss you including your wife Patty your children Aron T Kenny and your grand Kendall Kyle and and Calli may I just want to be honored to be here and to wear your badge number as a police officer and my brother as well bearing your bad badge number as a fire department God bless all the 911 families thank you David G carlone Rosary C Carlson Mark Steven Carney Joyce an carpaneto Jeremy Cass Carrington Michael T Carol Peter J Carol James Joseph Carson Jr Christopher Mikel Caren angelene C Carter James Marcel cardier Sharon and Carver viven calc John Francis casaza Paul Reagan Casio neie an heeran Casey Willian Joseph Cashman Thomas Anthony casoria William Otto Casper Alejandro castano arcelio Castillo Leonard M castano Jose Ramon Castro William E Coswell Richard G cerelli Christopher Shawn Kon Robert John Coffield Mary Teresa Coffield Judson Cavalier Michael Joseph colie Jason David Kane Juan Armando saos Mara G cesil Carter Jason Michael seilo thas Joseph Cecil Anna Mercedes centenno Joanie cesta John J chat Jeffrey Mark chanov sworna chalasani and my cousin Gary M Albero even though it's been 23 years we hold your memory strong Your Love of family meatballs and of course the Yankees we miss you every day and hope you're having a blast up there with dad and grandma and the rest of the family and of course God Bless America and my sister Katherine McGary Noak [Music] we miss you a lot William a chalov Eli Chala Charles Lawrence Chan Mandy Chang Rosa Maria chaa Mark Lawrence sheret David M charlebois Gregorio Manuel Chev Pedro Francisco czecho Douglas McMillan Cherry Steven Patrick Cherry Vernon Paul Cherry Nester Julio chavalia swed Joseph chaler Alexander H Chiang daroy J chicharo Luis Alonso chimbo Robert chin Eddie Wing Way Ching Nicholas Paul chaalo John G chapor Peter a chillo Catherine Ellis Cher Kong he casy Cho Abul K chowdery Mohammad salahudin shry Kiren L Kristoff pomela Chu Steven Paul Chuck we Ching CH Christopher chiaia fardini Alex F Shone Francis an sente Elaine Silo Edna Centron Nester Andre cinton III Robert D Siri senior ju Pablo cisos Benjamin Keith Clark Eugene Clark and my father FDNY battalion chief Oro Joseph Palmer a month from today I'm getting married and I'll be saving a seat for you and for Mom Dana Keith and I are so proud to be your children and my uncle Salvatore F Pepe s the entire family misses you I hope uh you see how well your son little Salis turned out Kathy has done an amazing job we miss you we'd love to have you around we know and uh that you're looking out for us so thank you for being our guarding and Angel Gregory Allen Clark Manny Leroy Clark Sarah M Clark Thomas R Clark Christopher Robert Clark Donna Marie Clark Michael J Clark Seria Rachel Emma Clark Kevin Francis clear James D clear Jeffrey W Cloud Susan Marie Klein Steven kley Jeffrey Allan Cole Patricia a Cody Daniel Michael coffee Jason Matthew coffee Florence G Cohen Kevin S Cohen Anthony Joseph kadado Mark Joseph Cleo Steven J Koo Christopher Michael colasanti Kevin Nathaniel Colbert Michelle P coar Keith E Coleman Scott Thomas Coleman Terell Coleman Liam Joseph kahoun Robert D Colin Robert J call Jean Marie cin John Michael Collins Michael L Collins Thomas Joseph Collins Joseph Kent Collison Jeffrey Dwayne Coleman Patricia Mala coladner Linda M cologne Saul e cologne and my friend Susan rugiero and also my brother brother firefighter Michael Francis Lynch I look forward to that day when we can all be together again and I ask everybody out there watching this to pray for Unity and to pray for peace thank [Applause] you my brother Robert T Bobby Hughes Jr and our family friend Judy Hazel Fernandez Bobby your beautiful and infectious smile and soul is missed and love so much every day you have no idea the Major Impact you in your life has had and left on all of our hearts I can't believe we can't believe you're gone 23 years the sadness and emptiness we all feel missing you is Indescribable thank you for watching over all of us after all these years you're loved and missed so much and you are forever our hero and Angel we love you so much Bobby [Applause] Ronald Edward comr Hae conception Albert coni Denise Conley Susan P conin Margaret Mary Connor Cynthia Marie leas Connelly John E Connelly Jr James Lee Connor Jonathan M Connors Kevin Patrick Connor Kevin F Conroy Brenda e Conway Dennis Michael cook Helen D cook Jeffrey W John a Cooper Julian T Cooper Joseph John coo Jr Gerard Capo joose Joseph Albert Corbett John J Corran III aland Ro Cordo Robert Joseph Cordes Ruben D Korea Danny a Korea Gutierrez Georgine Rose corrian James J corrian Carlos Cortez Rodriguez Kevin Michael cosgro Dolores Marie Costa digna Alexandra Costanza Charles Gregory Costello Jr Michael S Castello Asia s conom Conroy Kofi ktoy Senor modern John Caan John J G coflin Timothy J Cochin James E coov and my Uncle Ol D wangchuk who I missed by 10 days and who is taken from all of us we all miss you we all love you thank you and God bless America and my aunt Danielle cules although never fortunate enough to have met you your memory still continues to live on from the stories of your selfless heart your smile and your tenacity for everything you set your mind to the stories of your life inspire me every day you inspired me to run my first marathon and to never give up on my dreams on attending the United States Coast Guard Academy to one day serve my country you are my why you are loved and you are missed and you will never be forgotten Andre Colin Cox Frederick John Cox James Raymond Coyle Michelle Coen Yulan Christopher Satan Kramer Eric a Cranford Denise Elizabeth crant James Leslie codford Jr Robert James Crawford Tara Kathleen ker Joanne Mary KGAN Lucia chrisa John a Ki Daniel Hall kisma Dennis A cross Kevin R Cate Thomas G Catey John R cray wellis Remy cwur Robert L kushank John Robert Cruz Grace AG Kula Kenneth John cubis Francisco Cruz Cabo Elma cinello Richard Joseph CAD Neil James Cudmore Thomas Patrick Collins III Joan cullinen Joyce Rose Cummings Brian Thomas cumings Michael Joseph Cunningham Robert KIRO lorence Dain Kula Paul Dario kuoli Patrick Joseph Kuran Beverly L Curry Andrew Peter Charles Curry green Michael Shan curtain Patricia kusher and my uncle firefighter Edward James White III even though I never got to meet you Uncle Teddy from all the great stories I hear I feel like I know you we all love and miss you you will forever be our hero and my grandfather Michael D Dio everyone who knew him lost a real friend and for all of us in our family he has left a place that can never be filled we love you Papa [Applause] Gavin kushy Caleb Aaron Dak Carlos s deosta Jason M dah Brian Paul Dale NYPD police officer John delara Vincent Gerard Deo Thomas a damaskinos jack l deambrosi Jr Janine iani Jones Manuel Joel damot Patrick W Dan Mary dantonio petty officer second class Vincent G Dan Dwight Donald Darcy Elizabeth an darling Annette Andrea Dam Lieutenant Edward a deatri firefighter Michael D deoria Lawrence Davidson Michael Allen Davidson firefighter Scott Matthew Davidson Titus Davidson Nera Dila aah M Davis Port Authority police officer Clinton Davis Senior Wayne terel Davis Anthony Richard Dawson Calvin Dawson firefighter Edward James day William Thomas Dean firefighter Robert J d'angeles Jr battalion chief Thomas Patrick dangeles Dorothy Elma di aruo Anna Gloria pocasangre D Barrera Tara e debec James D deaner Anna M dein James V deasi Jr Jerel Malibu de Chavez uncle and our uncle firefighter Joseph Patrick Henry Uncle Joey although we never met you you will always be remembered we see your sense of humor and big heart in all our family members you should be here laughing with us at our family gatherings in Breezy Point are winning big at Left Right Center on Christmas day but we know you are watching over us with Papa and Aunt Mary we promise to continue telling your stories and we'll never let anyone forget all those lost on September 11th [Applause] Paul D Colo Gerald F Danto Simon morash deos Jason Christopher defasio David a defo Jennifer De Jesus Monique Effie Deus Nara De Jesus Emmy de laen Donald Arthur de penha ausa Maria deor Vito Joseph Deo Danielle an Deli Andrea Della Joseph A deatra Palina delti Coline an dely Joseph Duca Manuel Del Val Jr Francis Albert de Martini Anthony deas Martin and Deo Francis Deming Carol Keys demit Kevin Dennis Thomas Francis Dennis senior Jean C dama Jose Nicholas depana Robert John dery Michael derenzo David Paul dubio Jamal leas D santis Christian Lewis D Simone Edward D Simone III Andrew J desperito Michael Jude di bazito Cindy an duel Melanie Louise D Jerry deito Robert P Devon junor and my uncle Matthew jber it is with great pride that I carry on your name you are loved and Miss dearly even though you're not here with us you are forever in our hearts God bless my Uncle Matt and God bless [Applause] America and my uncle Thomas Joseph Collins Uncle Tommy you were the life of the party and had an infectious smile that could light up any room room we know you're up there with Grandma and Grandpa watching over all of us we love you we miss you and you were never [Music] [Applause] forgotten Dennis Lawrence Devin Gerard P danan sulamani kasali danani Michael Lewis di agustino Matthew Diaz Nancy Diaz AB dulio Ruiz Diaz Michael A Diaz Pedra III Judith buris Diaz Sierra Patricia Florence D chiaro Rodney Dickens Jerry D Dickerson Joseph dermit Dicky Jr Lawrence Patrick Dickinson Michael D deal John deato Vincent Francis DeFazio Carl Anthony DeFranco Donald Joseph def Franco John D G Giovani Eddie a Dillard Deborah an D Martino David demiglio Steven Patrick Domino William John dimling Marissa dinardo sh Christopher Moore Dinka Jeffrey Mar Mark Dingle Rena Sam denu Anthony dionio George dewal Joseph D Pato Douglas Franks D Stefano Donald Americo dulio Ramsey a danani Johnny doctor Jr John Joseph dhy Melissa candida doy Brendan Dolan Robert E Dolan Jr and my uncle jaser malabu Chaves you're the man who I am honored to get my name from wherever you are I hope you're doing well and watching down on us although I've never got the chance to me clear you've made a significant impact on those around you n Nang L and Lola all speak very highly of you and your accomplishments the amount of respect they all have for you is evident it's unfortunate you're not able to tell me these stories and accomplishments [Music] yourself for [Music] however your siblings and parents will always make sure to share your stories for you through us your family will will make make sure you are never forgotten and your legacy will live onto wherever you are I hope you finally found peace Mah [Applause] Mahal and my uncle firefighter Frankie Esposito and cousin Captain Michael Esposito as I get older it gets harder to see the sadness amongst my family with yugan but our grief is just our love with nowhere to go we're proud of you we love you and we'll never stop walking down memory lane to run to you I'll continue to share your legacies with the younger Generations as to never forget God bless the lives lost this day and God bless [Applause] America Neil Matthew Dollard James demonico bilda Pasqua Domingo Alberto Dominguez Carlos domingues Jerome Mark Patrick Dominguez Kevin W Donnelly Jacqueline Donovan William H Donovan Steven Scott dorf Thomas Dow Kevin Christopher Dowell Mary Yolanda Dowling Raymond Matthew Downey Senior Frank Joseph Doyle Joseph Michael Doyle Randall L Drake Patrick Joseph Driscoll Steven Patrick Driscoll Charles A dros III Mna a dwarte Luke a Dudek Christopher Michael Duffy Gerard J Duffy Michael Joseph Duffy Thomas W Duffy anet duger Jackie SE Dugen SAR Dukat Patrick Dunn Felicia Gail dun Jones Christopher Joseph Dunn Richard Anthony Dunston Patrick Thomas dwire Joseph Anthony a Kabachi John Bruce eagleson Edward t aart Robert Douglas eaten Dean Phillip eberling Margaret Ruth Ekman and my younger brother Robert Thomas lenain Bob as you are known to most of your vast circle of family and friends you are missed and remembered your spirit lives on through your nieces and nephew keep an eye out for all of us down here thank you to everyone involved with this ceremony thankk you to everyone tuning in at home it's up to us to ensure everyone is remembered and to avoid this ever happening [Music] again and my cousin Michelle Marie Reed Michelle had a remarkable zest for life always greeting each day with a smile that could light up any room her fearlessness in taking risks and embracing new challenges in life was truly inspiring Not only was Michelle a hard worker she was a dedicated individual who always placed family Above All Else balancing her week days at Aon on the 100th floor of the South Tower with weekends spent at her family's Farm in Upstate New York she loved working on the farm and was known for blazing through Trails on her four-wheeler with enthusiasm always taking time to admire the Forget Me Not Flowers By The Stream her unwavering commitment to her loved ones never missing a family gathering or celebration and her infectious smile will be cherished in our hearts forever Michelle had a deep passion for photography capturing the world's Beauty and treasured moments through her lens her photographs continue to remind us of her unique perspective and the special times we shared Michelle's family and friends think of her every day each of us finding our own way to honor her Legacy and celebrate the extraordinary life she lived we love you always [Applause] Paul Robert ekna Constantine economos Barbara G Edwards Dennis Michael Edwards Michael Hardy Edwards Christine Egan Lisa Aon Eagan Martin J Egan Jr Michael Eagan Samantha Martin Egan Carol Edgar Lisa Karen Erick John Ern eer Eric Adam Eisenberg Daphne frenda Elder Michael J aleris Mark Joseph Ellis Valerie silver Ellis Albert Alfie William elar Robert R elth Edgar hendris Emory Jr Doris Suk Yuen Ang Christopher x o Ram Erikson Irwin L erker William John Irwin Sarah Ali esara Jose espanol Fanny Espinosa Billy scoop Esposito Bridget an Esposito Francis Esposito Michael a Esposito Ruben esquilin Jr Sadie etti Barbara G etal Eric Brian Evans Evans Robert Edward Evans Meredith Emily June ewart Katherine K Fagan and my son Paul Robert E once again we are reading the names of the innocent victims who lost their lives on this very very sad day in America and our son Paul you are our shining star and forever in our broken hearts and my grandfather firefighter Robert James Crawford as the years pass I can't help but think of everything you should be here for but in hindsight I know you've been with us all along giving us the strength to go on just knowing everything we do we do it for you we will never forget God Bless America Patricia Mary Fagan Ivan kryos farbos Barbosa Keith George farbin Sandra frado Smith Charles S falkenberg Dana falkenberg Zoey falkenberg Jamie L Fallon William William F Fallon William Lawrence fallan Jr Anthony J Fone Jr darus Bridget Finelli Robert John fangman FDNY John Joseph Fanning Kathleen and farer Thomas James ferino Nancy C doiki Farley Paige Marie Farley Hackle Elizabeth Anne farmer Douglas John farum John Gerard Farrell John W Farrell Terren Patrick Farrell Joseph D farelli Thomas Patrick belli SED Abdul fa Christopher Edward faan Wendy R Faulkner Shannon Marie FAA Bernard D fuza Robert Fazio Jr Ronald Carl Fazzio senior William M fhan Francis Jude FY G Aaron feny sh Bernard fan Lee s fing Peter Adam felberg Allan D fineberg Rosa Marie Feliciano and my brother TJ hardgrave who like all of your loved ones was taken from us way too soon and my husband FDNY Chief Gerard a Barbara my husband Jerry was a Navy veteran and a member of the FDNY for 31 years on September 11th 2001 20977 innocent people were murdered by radical Islamic terrorists my husband of 30 years was one of them is outrageous that our government would ever entertain the thought of granting the terrorists a plea deal if not for the outcry of the 9/11 Community who knows what might have transpired it has been 23 years and the families deserve justice and accountability the elected Fe officials here today show their respect and reverence to the families on September 11th or in our president's words June 911 quite a flip remark but please remember that the September 11th families live it every day not just on the anniversary in conclusion may God bless those battling post 11 September 11th illnesses our First Responders and the military here and abroad may God bless America and never forget Edward p felt Edward Thomas Fergus Jr George J Ferguson II Jay Joseph Ferguson Henry Fernandez Judy Hazel sentian Fernandez Julio Fernandez Alisa jaizelle fena an Marie salarin Ferrera Robert John Ferris David Francis fujio Louis V ferini Jr Michael David fujio Bradley James fetchet Jennifer Louise fialco Kristen Nicole Pho Amelia V Fields Samuel Fields Alexander Milan philipov Michael Bradley finnean Timothy J finnerty Michael C fiori stevenh J fiorelli Paul M fiori John B fiorito John R Fisher Andrew Fisher Bennett Lawson Fisher Gerald P Fisher John Roger Fisher Thomas J Fisher Lucy a Fishman Ryan D Fitzgerald Thomas James Fitzpatrick Richard P Fitz Simmons salvator fum Fredo Darlene e flag Wilson F flag Christina Donovan Flanery Eileen Fletcher and my uncle John Gerard Monahan we all love you so much we all miss you you're my hero God Bless America [Applause] UNC and my uncle firefighter Christopher Michael mailla Uncle Chris though we've never met I miss you more than words can explain everybody's always saying how much they miss you and with you were still here when I was younger I was told that you were super brave but standing up here today made me realize how much of a hero you actually are I know that you're always right there beside us keeping us strong whenever we need you all of us notice the signs you send us big and small and they give us more reason to believe that you're with us it's an honor to me to have the middle name that I do Christine named after you I know that you're with me playing field hockey and I'm so hugely grateful for that as I follow your footsteps hoping to become a firefighter just like you I can't wait to become closer to you than ever we all miss you so much we love you let's go Andre G Fletcher Carl M Flickinger Matthew M flocker John Joseph Florio Joseph Walkin flounders Carol an fik David Fodor Michael Michael N Fodor Steven Mark fobel Thomas J F Jane c f David J Fontana CH Min Fu delrose e Forbes chetam Godwin for Donald a foran Christopher Hugh foresight Claudia Alicia Foster NE nol John Foster Sandra n Foster Anna feris Robert Joseph FY Jeffrey Fox Virginia Elizabeth Fox Pauline Francis virgin Lucy Francis Gary J Frank Morton H Frank Peter Christopher Frank Colleen L Frasier Richard K Fraser Kevin J folley Clyde Frasier Jr Lillian inz Frederick Andrew Fredericks tantha Freeman Brett Owen Fryman Peter L fre Arlene Eva freed Alan W friedlander and my brother Richard Avery arinet who worked for the Port Authority for 20 years and inspired me to become a lawyer we miss you every day we love you very much and we will never forget we will get you and the other people who were murdered on 911 [Applause] Justice and my brother Ronald J Ruben continue to watch over us we love you we miss you and God bless America Andrew Keith fredman Paul J fredman Greg J froner Lisa an Frost Peter Christian fry Clement a fando Stephen Elliot Ferman Paul James from a Carlton Douglas B5 Frederick Neil gabler Richard Peter Gabriel Richard s Gabriel James Andrew Gabel Pamela Lee GFF Irvin Vincent Gallard Deanna Lynn galante Grace Catherine galante Anthony Edward Gallagher Daniel James Gallagher John Patrick Gallagher lordes J galleti Kono e Gallow Vincent guchi Thomas E Galvin Giana Galetta gambal Thomas Gambino Jr Gian F Gamboa Ronald L Gamboa Peter James gansy Jr Michael Gan Charles William garbarini Andrew Sunny Garcia Caesar R Garcia David Garcia PGE Louis Marone Garcia Juan Garcia Marlon Del Carman Garcia Christopher Samuel Garner Douglas Benjamin Gardner Harvey Joseph Gardner the the third and my nephew Charles Francis Xavier herin from Rockaway Beach Queens Charlie you were only 23 years old when you were taken from us on 9/11 so on this 23rd anniversary it means from now on you are in heaven longer than you were with us on Earth which is a very Bittersweet feeling for our family we miss and love you continue to watch over your family and friends and especially our country right now we really need to be watched over and been taken care of hog your mom for us God bless America and God bless New York City and my Aunt Lucille Teresa King and local one I hero Chuck Costello never forget Jeffrey bran Garder Thomas a Garder William Arthur Gardner Frank garfy Rocco Nino Gargano James M gartenberg Matthew David Garvey Bruce Gary Boyd Allen Gaton Donald Richard gavagan Jr Peter Allen gay Terrence D gazani Gary Paul gell Paul Hamilton guy Julie M G Peter Gerard jinus Steven Paul Geller Howard G gelling Jr Peter Victor jenko Jr Steven Gregory geneves Elaine gentle Linda M George Edward F gity Suzanne gity Ralph Gerhart Robert Glick Dennis P Germaine Marina Romanov gerburg Susan M gandana Lawrence D gfred James G guy Cortez G Joseph M G aone Vincent Francis gimona Deborah Lynn Gibbon James Andrew Gerson Ronnie e geese Craig Neil Gibson and my father's dear friend Bart though I never had the privilege of meeting you Bart I've heard of the incredible life you lived and the impact you made on those who knew you I was robbed of the opportunity to have you be a part of my life you would have been like an uncle to me but your love for Life continues to live on through the stories and memories shared you will never be forgotten we honor you today and we will honor you always and my grandfather Richard J [Music] [Music] [Music] and my grandfather Richard J OK Conor we will always love miss you Timothy Paul Gilbert Paul Stewart gilbank Paul John Gil Mark y Gillis Evan Hunter Gillette Ronald Lawrence Gilligan Rodney C Gillis Laura Gilly John F ginley Donna Marie jordano Jeffrey John gordano John jordano Steven A georgetti Martin jovenazo kumkum jalo salvator jido Cynthia Jano man John balage Diane Gladstone Keith Alexander Glasco Thomas irn Glasser Edmund glaza Harry Glenn Barry H Glick Jeremy Logan Glick Stephen Glick John T Nazo William Robert God shock Michael Gall Gallow aramel Brian F Goldberg Jeffrey G goldflam Michelle Goldstein Monica Goldstein Stephen Ian gold Ronald F Kinski Andrew H Goen Dennis James Gomes Enrique Antonio Gomez Jose Ben vendido Gomez Manuel Gomez Jr and my husband Peter MOS thank you to all who keep us safe in the armed forces and in remembrance of my husband's deceased father Colonel Gus mutos survived by his wife Lieutenant Colonel Lynette MOS and my brother firefighter Michael Francis Lynch your boys were 6 months and three years old when you were murdered you did a beautiful job and you'd be very proud of them and you only know what we're going through when it happens to you others have empathy so let's all think about what's happening right now in other countries when barbarians are instilling Terror in people let's not forget that this is continuing this has to [Applause] [Music] stop for Wilder Alfredo Gomez Janine Nicole gonzale Macio Gonzalez Rosa J Gonzalez Lynn Catherine goodchild Calvin Joseph Gooding Peter Morgan Goodrich Harry goody kierin humar ready gopu Katherine C gab Lisa Fen gordenstein Karen Gordon Sebastian gorki Kieran Joseph Gorman Thomas Edward Gorman Michael Edward gold o Kristen aerol white gold Douglas Allan gowell Yugi Goya John Richard Grabowski Christopher Michael Grady Edwin J graph III David Martin grathan Gilbert Franco granados Lauren katzi grandis and her unborn child elvar granito Winston Arthur Grant Christopher S gray Ian J gray FDNY firefighter James Michael Gray Tara McLoud gray John M grazioso Timothy George gracioso ter Derek Authur green Wade B Green Wanda Anita green Elaine Myra Greenberg Donald Freeman green Gil R green James Arthur Greenleaf Jr and my beautiful mother Barbara p Walsh Mommy we miss you you became a great grandma this your mom we miss your smile your love and your delicious meals please continue to watch over us and to our presidents Trump and vice president moris we are pleading for your help but you ignore us over the last year we sent a signed pledge over 3,000 family members asking you to help us bring us Justice and closure and hold Saudi Arabia accountable will which one of you will have the courage to be our hero we deserve better God Bless America and my godfather and Uncle Richard s Gabriel we will never forget you you are still smiling down upon us and we know it I want to give a shout out as I always do to the First Responders especially to battalion chief Oreo Palmer and Fire Marshall Ronald bua who died trying to save my family and your family members lives as well to all First Responders to those who were still battling from 911 related illnesses and many who've already lost their lives from it and finally I have sunflowers every year not just because they remind me of my uncle Richie but because in a time of such profound Darkness they always look for the light and I think we all need to the look look for the light I know a lot of us are feeling very strong emotions and it's a political time this is not about politics thank you for having this service for our beloved family members thank [Applause] you eileene Marsha Greenstein Elizabeth Martin Greg Denise Marie Gregory Donald H Gregory John Michael Griffin Pedro grahan Joan Donna Griffith toana Sherry Griffin Ramon B galvo Warren griffa David Joseph grimner Joseph F gillo David Joseph sorry Linda gronland Francis Edward Grogan Joseph gillock Kenneth George Gales Robert Joseph sh Matthew James grisoli Cindy Yan zuu Guan liing gu Joseph P glixon Jose a Guadalupe Douglas Brian Goran Jeffrey E guja Phillip t guza babita g jamaati guman Peter Mark gavani Janet Ruth Gustafson Andrea Lynn habberman Barbara guzzardo Phillip Hensler Gary Robert Hay Karen Elizabeth Hagerty Barbara Mary khabib Mary Lou hay nisam a [Music] haiz and my brother Barry simowitz Barry Ste I'm sorry fin Steven Michael hogus David halderman and my brother Barry simoz after 23 21 years we miss you we love you we think about you all the time you're very hard to forget God bless you all the survivors all the victims and God bless America okay and my husband Phillip Hensler who is truly a phenomenal person who's Gone Too Soon my best friend for life I miss you more than words could ever express my heart aches every day for you and the loss has changed my life in many ways I'll always miss and love you my living angel and God bless each and every one of you and God bless [Applause] America Miley Rael hail Diane hail McKenzie Richard B Hall Stanley R hall vasal George Hall Robert J hallagan Vincent Gerard howerin Carolyn B hman James Douglas helor Muhammad Salman hamdani Felicia Hamilton Robert W Hamilton Carl Max Hammond Jr Frederick k Han Christopher James Hanley Shan s Hanley Valerie Joan Hannah Thomas Paul Hanahan Kevin James Hannaford Senor Michael Lawrence Hannon Dana Ray Hannah Christine Lee Hansen Peter Burton Hansen sue Kim Hansen Vasilios G haramis James a Haron Gerald Francis hardaker Jeffrey Pike Hardy TJ Hargrave Daniel Edward harand Francis haros Harvey L Harold stevenh G Harold Melissa Harrington Hughes Aisha an Harris Stuart D Harris John Patrick Hart Eric hono John Clinton Harts Emer Harvey and my aunt M Aunt Margaret M Seeliger who even though I missed the chance on meeting inspires me every day to live up to her you have brought our family together in so many ways and we wish you were here celebrating us celebrating your life with us I am so proud to call you my aunt and so proud to say I have reminded people of you from time to time our hero forever I love you and FDNY Captain Brian Christopher hickey of rescue company 4 Brothers in battle I want to remember the sacrifices of all those during the rescue recovery and rebuilding efforts those we've lost since and those who continue to fight with their 911 illnesses every day because of the work you did here at this hollowed ground it is because of you that I'm proud to be the son of a New York City fireman proud to be a local 40 iron worker and proud to be an American captain hickey we will never forget the battle continues Peter Paul hashen Thomas Theodor haskill Jr Timothy sha Pascal Joseph John Hassen III Leonard W Hatton Jr Terrence s Hatton Michael hel helmet hob Timothy Aaron havlin Donald G Havis Jr Anthony Maurice Hawkins nrio husu James Edward Hayden Robert J Hayes Phillip T Hayes W Ward Haynes Scott Jordan Hazel corn Michael K Healey Roberta B Heber Charles Francis Xavier heran John F heeran Michael M harburger Sheila Ms Hine H Joseph heler Jr Joanne L helter Bridal Ronald John Hemingway Mark F hemscott Ronnie Lee Henderson Brian Hennessy Edward R Hennessy Jr Michelle Marie HRI Joseph Patrick Henry William L Henry Jr Katrina Henry Robinson John Christopher Henwood Robert Al Allan Helen Mary herencia Lindsay C Harkness iiii Harvey Robert hermer nerto Hernandez Raul Hernandez and my brother Rudolph and richel and my uncle Daryl luron mckenny also known as uncle pop I had only spent my first 11 months with you now I'm turning 24 next month and pursuing my law school journey I want to thank you for being our Guardian Angel the family and I love you and we miss you [Applause] Gary heral Herold Jeffrey Allen hir Thomas J hitel Leon Bernard Hayward MC Sundance Brian Christopher hickey animeno Dario hialgo Sedano Timothy Brian Higgins Robert DW Higley II Todd Russell Hill Clara victorine Hines Neil o hins Mark Hindi katuuki haray Heather Malia ho Tara evet Hobs Thomas Anderson Hobbs James J hobbin Robert Wayne Hobson III the Juan Hodes Ronald G horer Patrick a Hoy John a Hofer Marcia Hoffman Steven Gerard Hoffman Frederick Joseph Hoffman Michelle L Hoffman Judith Florence Hoff Miller Wallace Cole Hogan Jr Thomas Warner hre Jr Jonathan h k hadalo Holland John Holland Joseph F Holland Jimmy I Holly Elizabeth Holmes Thomas P Holan Herbert Wilson Homer Leroy W Homer Jr Bradley V horn James P Hopper and my brother Roland PCO Ro there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you I miss you so much Mom Dad Rob Ronnie your two sons your nieces and nephew miss you continue to rest in peace I love you to the day we meet [Applause] again it's my cousin Thomas Anthony casoria firefighter from engent company 22 to the nearly 3,000 people who died on 911 as well as the thousands who have died since from the diseases they developed to our First Responders who died trying to save lives on 911 you are our heroes your memory is alive in our hearts and your sacrifice is honored today and every day Montgomery Mulla horn Michael Joseph horn Matthew Douglas horning Robert L horo Jr Michael Robert horx Aaron Horwitz Charles J Houston huru G Houston Angela M house George Gerard Howard Brady K Howell Michael C corwell Steven Leon Howard Jennifer L Hoy MOS R Marian R pich Steven hutchgov Jr Chris Robert Hughes Paul Rexford Hughes Robert T Hughes Jr Thomas F Hughes Jr Timothy Robert Hughes Susan huy Lamar Demetrius holls John Nicholas Humber Jr William Christopher hun Kathleen an hun Casey Joseph Gerard Hunter Peggy M hurt Robert R rusa Steven n Highland Jr Robert J HL Thomas Edward Hines Walter G Hind Joseph Anthony anelli zutu Evis Jonathan Lee eeli Michael Patrick iin Daniel ilv Frederick J L Jr and my uncle figh fighter saor benedetto cabro and my aunt Nan Diaz we miss you every passing day there isn't a day where a friend does not think about you all I can say is that your daughter you very much and we we give out food in your name as you would do if you were in our position we miss you every day and God bless [Applause] America Abraham nathanel ilowitz Anthony P Aon Jr Lis s engela Christopher Noble in Gracia Paul Anella Stephanie ver Veronica iberi Douglas Jason ear gang Christian ivin Ryan Todd Anton Isaac Eric Hans in bronston taiso Ishikawa W Joseph in scander Aram is cadarian JR John F iin kugi ETO Alexander valovich Ino Lacy Bernard Ivory Virginia May lambasi Brian C Jack Brooke Alexander Jackman Aaron Jeremy Jacobs arol Lewis Jacobs ja OBS Jason Kyle Jacobs Michael G Jacobs Steven A Jacobson Steph D jacobe Rick no Jagger Jake Dennis G goova UD s Jane Maria cubec Robert Adrien jalbert Ernest James grela E James mark Steven jardim Amy Nicole Jared mamadu jaava javada franois John Pierre Maxim Pier maximia Jean Pierre Paul Edward Jeffers John Charles jains and my husband fire safety director robertt J Mayo I wish in some way you are viewing through my proud eyes to see our precious granddaughter who carries your name forward and the light of our lives our resilient sweet son along with the support of his beautiful supportive wife who has allowed his grief to subside in order to thrive to be an incredible loving husband and father I miss you terribly I'm proud of your service you're my hero and we must never forget and my and my sister Abigail Medina which I always have to hope in meeting up again and Abby this is from your daughter en it on 911 I lost my best friend my mom was my guide emotionally spiritually and even just as a New York Fashion Easter everything came so effort to her and I always admire that her words felt rich and meaningful they kept an everlasting impression to instill on my three daughters not only for me but for all her family who got left behind she was a light in our family that will never go out thank you Joseph Jenkins Jr Alan Keith Jensen Prem Nath giraffe Sarah Judy wait AR Gian lier Jim Jimenez Jr Luis gimenez Jr Charles Gregory John Nicholas John Dennis M Johnson Lona Johnson Scott Michael Johnson William R Johnston Allison hzman Jones Arthur Joseph Jones III Brian Leander Jones Charles Edward Jones Christopher D Jones Donald T Jones II Donald W Jones Judith Lauder Jones Linda Jones Mary S Jones Andrew Brian Jordan the senior Robert Thomas Jordan Albert gunnis Joseph ingor Joseph Carl Henry Joseph Steven Joseph Jane Eileen jiah Anthony jovic Angel Al warb Jr Karen Sue Jude an C judge Father Michael F judge Paul Williams Jurgens Thomas Edward Jurgens Shashi Kiran lakshmikant Kaba gav haroy Kamar denova Sherry candle and my uncle firefighter John G chapora engine 219 Uncle John while I do not remember while I do not remember the nine months I had with you your accomplishments and personality have always been a constant in my life e when I see Boy Scouts Marines police officers or firefighters my thoughts go to you and your life of service when I see acts of kindness determination and above all loyalty I think of you and everything my father and aunts have told me about your dedication to our family I have grown in the light of your memory and it has made me a better person I hold these thoughts close today and I say a prayer for you as well as the other victims and their families may you and every victim of this tragic Day always be honored and [Applause] remembered and my brother Anil marker Anil today is your daughter W's first day of graduate school please give her your blessings and keep smiling on her and my husband Ganesh kadut honey I love you I miss you I'm you'll be happy to know that I'm married now to a wonderful man who a uner firefighter in our town takes care of me every single day I love you and looking forward to seeing you soon Howard Lee Kane Jennifer Lynn Kane Vincent D Kane Jun C Kang Sheldon Robert Canter Deborah H Kaplan Robin Lynn Kaplan Alvin Peter Kaplan Jr Charles H Kinski William a KS Douglas Jean carpoff Charles L Casper Andrew K Kates John a katsimatides Robert Michael caers Don Jerome cow Jr hidea kawachi Edward T Keen Richard and M Keen Lisa Ivon Carney Griffin Carol an kler Barbara a keing Paul hanin keading Leo Russell Kean III Brenda Kegler Chandler Raymond Keller Joseph John Keller Peter R Kellerman Joseph P Kellen Frederick H Kelly I thir James Joseph Kelly Joseph A Kelly Maurice P Kelly Richard John Kelly Jr Thomas Michael Kelly Thomas Richard Kelly Thomas W Kelly Timothy colen Kelly William Hill Kelly Jr Robert Clinton Kennedy and my Uncle Ian Schneider who I know would be so proud of his beautiful family Cheryl Sophie Rachel and Jake we miss you in the good times and the bad but most of the times the good because you made everything that much better yo dude and my father Keith Coleman and my uncle Scott Coleman not a day goes by that we don't wish about you wish you were here and think about you thank you for leaving a legacy so strong that your memory lives on thank you to the First Responders the United States military and those who continue to fight the war on terror every day please pray for those still suffer uing from the effects of 911 and the families left with a void God Bless America United We [Applause] Stand Thomas J Kennedy Ivon e Kennedy John Richard Kohan Ralph Francis Kershaw Ronald T Kerwin Howard L Custom Douglas D Ketchum Ruth Ellen Cutler Boris caleff Norma Cruz KH Sarah Khan tamour farz Khan rahes hondal s Michael Vernon kefir satosi Kikar Andrew Jun Kim Lawrence Don Kim Mary Joe kimman Hinrich kimming Karen an conc Amy R king Andrew M King Lucille Teresa King Robert King Jr Lisa King Johnson Ryan K Kenny tekashi kinos Chris Michael Kirby Robert Kirk Patrick Howard Barry kersal Glenn Davis Kerwin Helen crosson KD Richard Joseph Claris Peter Anton Klein Alan David kleinberg Karen Joyce klickman Ronald philli cloer Steven a nap Eugen n and my grandfather Edward Calderone Papa I never met you but from the stories I've heard I feel like you're my best friend I felt your presence in many ways from rocking down from walking down the aisle with me for my 8th grade graduation to my first day of high school you impacted many people including myself whenever we speak of this Dreadful tragedy in school I always ring you up I've learned many things things about you you're caring funny outgoing and most importantly a hero I'm proud to say I spent all 14 years of my life looking up to you I aspire to be just like you an actor singer and Dancer I hope I made you proud in my in all my school plays even though I know you're in the front row looking right at me I love you always and God bless America [Applause] and my [Applause] unclees Andrew James Knox Thomas Patrick Knox Rebecca Lee kabor Deborah A Kus Gary Edward ketcher Frank J Cosner Ryan cohart Vanessa Lynn shab shabis kpek ireena kova Suzanne Rose krenko abdulle K Bon c d Copco Scott Michael kopito ban George casti Danielle culis David P kovin John J kren William Edward Krukowski ludila cido toia kou shakar Kumar Kenneth Bruce Kel Frederick coup Jr Patricia a kuras nauka kushitani Thomas Joseph kuus Victor quarai Raymond qu fi qua Angela Reed kite Andrew lacorte Carol an lant Jeffrey G latou Catherine L labori Amero lman Ganesh K ladit James Patrick lley Joseph A lafal Janette Louise Lafond Menina David James laforge and my husband Brian Joseph Murphy although I miss you every day I feel your presence wherever I may be you taught me how to love fully with all of your heart and soul you introduce me to unconditional loving as the true meaning of life I am forever grateful for our time together for our children Jessica and Lea and for your wonderful family whom I cherish thank you New York for continuing to honor the victims of 9911 and for the privilege of reading their [Applause] names and my father Manuel Joan deoda Jr uh on my way here this morning I I thought how I woke up at the same time I left the same house I drove the same route and I came to the same place my father came to 23 years ago my my father Manuel left this life suddenly and he left this life too soon before I had the opportunity to meet him but this Memorial and the people we lost on that horrible morning serve as a reminder to all of us to cherish what matters most family love you Dad and not a day goes by where I don't think of you your wife siblings children family and friends all love and miss you very much thank you Michael Patrick lefor Allan Bryan Juan Mendes lafuente Neil kuanga I Vincent Anthony Lea William David Lake frankco Lama Chia Quan lamb Michael S Lama Steven lancha Amy hope LOF Robert T Lane Brendan Mark Lang Rosanne p Lang Vanessa Lang Langer Mary Lou Langley Peter J langone Thomas Michael langone Michelle bernardet lonza Ruth Sheila Lapin inorg a la laraby Robin Blair ly Judith Camila Laro Christopher Randall laraby hamdu s lar Scott lson John Adam Larson Natalie Janice lden Gary Edward Lasco Nicholas Craig lman Paul lazinski Charles A lorensen Stephen James lauia Mar Maria lavash Dennis Francis lavel Janine Mary lde Anna a lty Steven law Robert A Lawrence Jr Nathaniel lawon and my wife Alene Ava freed we love you you and will miss you forever and you would be so proud of your daughters and grandchildren we all love you thank you and my big brother Andrew Ira Rosenblum over the last two decades Andrew your two young sons have grown into fine young men with families of their own you have four grandchildren that are absolutely beautiful they are your legacy you will live through them we we love you and we think of you every day every day is a gift let's all remember that thank you to local law enforcement our military our First Responders and our intelligence services that have kept us safe for these last 23 years God bless the United States of America David W leek Eugene Gabriel Lazar James Patrick lehy Joseph Gerard Levy Neil J Levy Robert G LeBlanc Lenor I'm sorry Leon laor Kenneth Charles leay Alan J leaderman Elena F lezma Alexis luk Daniel John Lee David S Lee dong CH Lee gy H Lee Yun June Lee juita Lee Catherine Blair Lee Linda C Lee Lorraine Mary green Lee Stuart Sue Jin Lee Richard y c Lee Steven PA lez Yang dur Lee Edward Joseph Leman Adriana Alro David R Lesman Eric lefeld Joseph Anthony lenan David Peno lman John Robinson Lenor John Joseph Lenin Jr Matthew G leard Jorge Louise Leon Senor Charles a leperos Michael leor John Dennis Levi Jeff Len and my brother firefighter Paul hyting paully ran to the South Tower and walked into heaven we miss him every day until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hand Alicia Karen Levan and my uncle Charles Gregory Castello Jr while many ran from the towers that morning you ran inside to save others you will always be missed you will always be my hero you will never be forgotten and you will always be my amazing Uncle Chuck we love you and we miss you so much Neil David Levan Robert LaVine Robert Michael LaVine shy lenhard Daniel M Luen Adam J Lewis Jennifer Lewis Kenneth E Lewis Margaret Susan Lewis ye we leang oros leang thosar Daniel F libr Ralph Michael lardi Edward Lickin Samantha L lightborn Allen Steven Barry Lilian Thor Carlos Rilo Craig Damen Lor Arnold arala Lim Daria Lynn We Wrong Lin Nikki L Lindo Thomas V linahan Jr Robert Thomas lenain Allan Patrick Linton Jr Diane Teresa leari Kenneth P L arala Francisco Alberto Lano Lorraine Lisi Paul listen Vincent MTO Ming how Lou Nancy Liz Harold Lano Martin lazul George Andrew Janis Elizabeth C ller Katherine Lisa Lich Jerome Robert lohez Michael William LX and my aunt Lissa Salon Taylor everyone loves and misses you dearly auntie and if our love could keep you alive you would have lived forever and my Uncle Anthony Portillo you've been reunited with Grandpa and Dy we thank you for the laughs that you shared with us the love that you've given us for everything please keep watching over the family we miss you we will always love you to the members of engine company 226 the six members that we lost may God bless you God bless the company God bless our friend and Big Brother Peter Anthony Kyoto that we lost to 911 related illness and God bless our friend our brother Mark Anthony Batista we love you we miss you thank [Applause] you Steven V long Laura Maria longing Salvatore P Lopez Daniel Lopez George Lopez Luis Manuel Lopez mlo iio Lopez Jr Manuel L Lopez Joseph lrel Chad deck Louie Stuart side Lewis Joseph lovero Sarah Elizabeth loow Jenny Sue Quang Lo Wong Michael W low Gary W loir John P lowski Charles Peter lenia Edward Hobs Luckett II mark Gavin lude vixon Lee Charles Ludwig Shan Thomas Lugano Daniel Lugo Marie Lucas William Lum Jr Michael P London Christopher e lunder Anthony luparello Gary Frederick lutnick Linda an lzone Alexander Lian CC lyes Farrell Peter Lynch James Francis Lynch James T Lynch Jr Louise a Lynch Michael Cameron Lynch Michael Francis Lynch Michael Francis Lynch Richard D Lynch Jr and my uncle firefighter John G chapora I wish I did not have to be reading your name today I wish we could have shared birthdays holidays and celebrations together over the past 23 years I wish your compassion and bravery could have saved everyone in the buildings but what I do have is pride in your commitment and bravery to go into those buildings that day and save lives especially your sister and my aunt Nancy I've heard endless stories of your contagious laughter and your gift for comforting others most importantly I have your smile and I will treasure that always each name represents a story a family a life forever changed we will remember them with deep respect and love ensuring that their memory lives on and in our hearts as we say each name let us reflect on the Courage the kindness and the spirit of those we lost we carry their memory forward and we honor their legacy today and always I searched online for the names I've read today and I heard for each and every one of us here wish we didn't have to be here we don't agree on a lot of things but we do agree that we don't want families to go through this terrorist again this hurt my only brother Ruben esquilin Jr my cousin Jose Angel Martinez Jr so hard to believe has been 23 years still feels like yesterday Reuben I miss you I miss your silly ways you're Donnie and I'm Marie always even though you never remember the lyrics and Reuben please continue to watch over the family especially Mommy we love you we miss your beautiful smile forever in our hearts your baby sister eileene your sisters Priscilla and Mary nephew Greg and niece Ruben named after you and Ronaldo and Joey your brother-in-laws United We Stand God Bless America Robert Henry Lynch Jr Shan P Lynch sha Patrick Lynch Terren M Lynch Michael J Lions Monica an lions meman Lions ivth Patrick John Lions Robert Francis mace Maryanne McFarland Yan mattii Susan a Macky William Mao Katherine Fairfax McCrae Richard Blaine Madden Simon Madison n c Meyers jennyan MAFO Joseph MAFO J Robert magazine Brian Mcgee Charles W McGee Joseph V Middy Ronald Magnuson Daniel L mayor Thomas a Mayan William J Mahoney Joseph Daniel Mayo Linda C mayor gring Tashi makimoto Abdul Ali malahi debborah I mald Mna T Maldonado austo Alfred Russell maor Gregory James Malone Edward Francis Maloney III Joseph E Maloney Jean Edward Malloy Christian H molby Francisco Miguel Mancini and my uncle Richard Michael kadrian this is my second year of having the honor of reading the names of those we lost on this day although I never got had a chance to meet my uncle I've learned so much about the type of person he was he loves sports especially the Dallas Cowboys he was a great friend brother son and nephew he had a dry sense of humor and a smile that could light up a room I recently learned of a 911 call he made on the Dreadful day showing how brief he was even in his final moments in your memory I will continue read reading the names for years to come we love you Uncle Richie and you'll always be in our hearts and my father Paul Ortiz Jr 23 years have gone by since my family lost the brightest light they've ever known and I'm so lucky to have the love from all of those who knew and loved you there's so much I wish you were here for but I know you've been by my side all along your memory lives within me and I couldn't be prouder to be your [Applause] daughter Joseph manano Sarah Elizabeth Manley Deborah A manetta Marian Victoria Manning Terren John Manning James maice Alfred Giles Padre Joseph marshand Joseph Ross marchbanks Jr Laura mcy Hilda Marson Peter Edward mardikian Edward Joseph mardovich Charles Joseph marad Lewis Neil Mariani Kenneth Joseph Marino Lester V Marino Vita Marino Kevin D Marlo Jose Juan morero John Daniel Marshall Shelley a marshall James James martello Michael a Marty Karen an Martin Peter C Martin Teresa M Martin William J Martin Jr Brian e Martino Betsy Martinez Edward J Martinez Jose hanel Martinez Jr Robert Gabriel Martinez wesa Martinez Lizzy D Martinez Calderon Paul Richard Martini an Marie Martino Kramer Joseph A muscali Bernard Mar mascarinas Stephen Frank Macy aah L Mason AER and my brother George William Morell who gave great joy to his family and friends and showed us the importance of kindness and generosity and thank thank you George for your courage in the 1993 bombing your spirit is Unforgettable I love you and my brother Daniel James Gallagher 23 years ago my 23-year-old brother went to work and never came home um life is dimmer without you here but your memory shines brightly on in our hearts thank you next George Masa Patricia an simoli Masari Michael maseri Phillip William Mash Andrea Jr Rudy masan sink Joseph Mai Charles William Ms William a mat Marcela matriano Margaret Elaine Matic Dean e Matson Robert D Matson Walter a matusa Jr Timothy J ma jel Maro Campbell Charles A Morrow Jr Charles J Morrow Dorothy Morrow Nancy T Morrow Robert J Maxwell Renee a May Tyrone May Keith Roy marcelis mayard Robert J Mayo Kathy and Maza Edward mazella Jr Jennifer Lyn mazot Kara maaya James Joy of mlar Jr Brian Gerard Mesi Patricia an mckeny Colin r MacArthur John Kevin mcaboy Kenneth M mcbreyer Brendan f mccab Michael mccab Thomas Joseph mccan Justin McCarthy Kevin M McCarthy Michael Desmond McCarthy and my brother and friend God Dennis Michael Edwards on his headstone there's an inscription there's a land between the living and the dead and the bridge is love you will always be remembered and always be loved my father Walter A matza Jr always remembered never forgotten we all love you we miss you every day and next year I get to marry my best friend wish you got to meet her don't worry I'll save you a seat in the [Applause] front Robert G McCarthy Stanley Mill Katie Marie MOSI Juliana Valentine mccort Ruth Magdalene mccort Charles Austin mccan toniel F MCD Matthew T mcder Joseph P McDonald Brian Grady McDonald Michael P McDonald John F F McDow Jr aan j McAn John Thomas mccn Jr Daniel Francis McKinley Mark Ryan McGinley William E mcin Thomas Henry mcginness Michael Gregory McGinty an Walsh McGovern Scott Martin McGovern William J McGovern Stacy Senus mcgaan Francis Noel mccuen Thomas F mcginness JR Patrick J Maguire Thomas M male Keith David mcfey an M McHugh Dennis J McHugh III Dennis P McHugh Michael Edward McHugh Jr Robert G mlan Donald James McIntyre Stephanie Marie McKenna Molly L McKenzie Barry J mcken Evelyn C mckennedy Daryl Len mcken George Patrick mlin Jr and to the Eternal beauty that was my cousin Janine Nicole Gonzalez your 28th birthday was only days away when this tragedy occurred and I can't even fathom what your last thoughts could have been did you panic were you calm I'm 29 years old now and although I was only 6 years old at the time one can never forget such a fiery and fierce Spirit your energy was that of a bridge between other Souls as your presence was all that was needed to bring people together you see Janine worked at the insurance company in the south tower on the 102nd floor but she aspired to be an event planner someone who could coordinate concerts for Latin and Hip-Hop bands her drive and passion still live on through myself and my family I'm reminded today as I look at all of you courageous people that Us New Yorkers are a force to be reckoned with despite our differences we are able to put find a common ground in our pain and our strength there's a certain resilience that can only be found here in this Melting Pot but maybe I'm a little biased I'm sending you all healing energy May our loved ones rest in love and light and my father police officer Paul TTY we love and miss you always Robert C mlin Jr Gavin McMahon Robert D McMahon Edmund M MCN Daniel walk ER mcneel Walter Arthur mcneel Christine Sheila mcnalty sha Peter mcnalty Robert William mcpon Terren a McShane Timothy Patrick mcweeney Martin E McWilliams Roco a mcdal Abigail Medina Anna Eris Medina Daman Mian William J Mian Jr aluk Kumar mea Raymond meisenheimer Manuel amilio Mahia escar milaku Antonio Melendez Mary P Melendez Christopher D Melo Yolanda meleno Stuart Todd Meltzer deelia javana Mena Dora Marie menaka Charles R Mendes lazette Mendoza sioban Alisia menes Wolf Gang Peter Menzel Steve John marado wifredo Marcado Wesley Mercer Ralph Joseph Mercurio Alan Harvey m singer George L Marino Amel Josina Marino George murus and my uncle James Patrick Ley NYPD Officer James practic Ley of the sixth Precinct what a true hero you were to run into the towers to see people in a time of distress never hesitating even though it was your life that could not be saved we will always you will always be a hero and left a legacy never to be forgotten it is an honor to commemorate my uncle along with all of the other individuals that lost their lives 23 years ago thank you keep remembering and to and continue to show kindness every day and my brother New York state court officer Sergeant Mitchell Scott Wallace we miss you terribly and not a day goes by that we do not feel your presence as the years go by it does not get easier mom Brian Logan Lindsay our entire family and friends that knew you were blessed to have you as their Guardian Angel and inspiration there are so many new faces in the family now and I only wish they could hear your crazy wicked sense of humor or watch you react with compassion and strength when someone needs help which was precisely what you were doing on 911 as this morning shows the world will never forget you or any of the victims that day I hope that wherever life took you 23 years ago is a better place a place where you are with Dad and a place where we will meet again God bless all the victims and their [Applause] families Deborah Merrick Raymond Joseph Mets III Jill an medler David Robert Meyer Naru Mia William Edward muli Martin Paul michaelin Patricia e mickley Ronald D Milam Peter Teague Milano Gregory milanovich lucash toas mevki Sharon Christina Milan Corey Peter Miller Craig J Miller Douglas C Miller Henry Alfred Miller Jr Joel Miller Michael Matthew Miller Nicole Carol Miller Phillip D Miller Robert Allan Miller Robert Cromwell Miller Jr Benny milman Charles M Mills Jr Ronald Keith milstein Robert minara William George menardi Lis Joseph minino Thomas Mion Wilbert Mariah Dominic n marovic Rajesh Aran murri Joseph D muli Susan J mishkit Paul Thomas Mitchell Richard P muo Jeffrey Peter madnick Frank V moia senior leis Joseph maery and my dad are Katie zzman two major things dad um this past year I became a mom for the first time it's been the biggest blessing of My Life um our daughter Adeline is named after you wish you could be here to be her Grandpa second thing um even though we come from a family of Russian immigrants you were always such a proud New Yorker and such a proud American and when you were an architect you promised to build us a home and that it would have an American flag waving from it so I promise you when I have my own home we'll definitely put an American flag in your honor love you so much wish you could have been here for all of us [Applause] and my husband Stephen J Weinberg Stephen it's almost impossible to comprehend how many years have passed without you with us our children aren't children anymore we have a son who's now a husband a son living his dream in Los Angeles and your daughter is approaching 10 years with the New York office of the chief medical examiner here in New York Stephen you will be forever missed and always remembered as a devoted and loving husband father son son-in-law brother brother-in-law uncle and especially fral special friend you are to many we are all grateful you are with us for far too short a time your legacy lives on in all of us keep watching Wasing over us as you eat chocolate covered pretzels and we will continue to make you proud Bo Mohamed Janice moika Manuel D moika Jr clay Rolando Molina Manuel De Jesus Molina Carl Molinaro Justin John molisani Jr Brian Patrick monigan Franklin Maham John Gerard Monahan Christen Lee mono montanero Craig Montano Michael G montis Carlos Alberto Montoya Antonio de Jesus Montoya Val is Cheryl an monac Thomas Carlo Moody Sharon Moore Krishna V morthy Laura Lee defasio Morabito Abner Morales Carlos Manuel Morales Paula eeve Morales Sonia Mercedes Morales PA poo Gerard P Moran Jr John Christopher Moran John Michael Moran Kathleen Moran Lindsay Stapleton morouse George William Morel Steven P morelo Vincent s morelo IET Nicole Moreno Dorothy Morgan Richard J Morgan Nancy Morgan Stern shanet Mory Blanca robertina morocho maroo Leonel gerano morocho morocho Dennis Gerard and my father noberto Hernandez we love you and we miss you and my brother Bernard patronic Bernard we still feel the pain of your devastating loss and we feel your presence in our growing family in our grandchildren and in the upcoming weddings of your nephews we love you we miss you so much and you will be forever alive in our hearts we will never forget you Lynn Irene Morris Odessa V Morris Seth Allan Morris Steve Morris Christopher Martel Morrison Ferdinand V Marone William David moscal Brian a moss Marco matron Cynthia modus Wilson Yuri a machinski Jude Joseph Musa Peter MOS Damen O'Neal moat Teddington H Mo Christopher Michael Millo Steven Vincent malery Richard T mold Jr Michael D Mullen Dennis Michael Mulligan Peter James Mulligan Michael Joseph muan James Donald mhal Nancy munz Francisco Helio Munoz Carlos Mario Munos Teresa mson Robert Michael morac Caesar austo Millo Mark a Maro Brian Joseph Murphy Charles Anthony Murphy Christopher W Murphy Edward Charles Murphy James F Murphy i 4 James Thomas Murphy Kevin James Murphy Patrick Jude Murphy Patrick Shan Murphy Raymond E Murphy and my father Alexander Ortiz I want to thank everyone in attendance today and especially for the opportunity to be here today and it's an honor and a privilege I am happy to remember my dad as a hero and a brave man love and peace to all and God bless [Applause] America and my mom Susan Marie Klein we love you and miss you every day Robert Eddie Murphy Jr John Joseph Murray John Joseph Murray Susan D Murray Valerie Victoria Murray Richard Todd Ray Lewis J nackie II Robert E Nagel Mildred Rose non chaoya Nakamura Alexander John Robert Napier Frank Joseph Naples III John philli Napolitano Catherine and nardella Mario nardone Jr Monika K Nara Shan M nisani narender myth Karen Susan Navaro Joseph M Nas Francis Joseph Nazario glenroy I neet Raymond Marcus neet Jerome d Ned Lawrence F nadell Luke g n Pete Negron Lori an niera an N Nelson David William Nelson Ginger Risco Nelson James a Nelson Mike Michelle an Nelson Peter Allan Nelson Oscar Francis Nesbit Gerard Terrence nans Renee tral Newell Christopher C newon Christopher Newton Carter Nancy uring go and my cousin Craig Damen lore this anniversary I am nearly the same age my cousin was when he passed away 23 years ago 30 in reflection of that somber fact I came across Psalm 34 414 turn from Evil and do good seek peace and pursue it so how do I and we as a country do good 23 years later to honor them today it seems everyone knows the name of the next star athlete Entertainer public figure and can name the next can't miss consumer product but we all made a promise to never forget so I invite the country and the world to please become more knowledgeable of our loved ones names learn who they were what they stood for and what they were robbed of let's speak more of the names and the legacies of the victims of 9/11 not just on the anniversary that is one of the many ways we as a nation can do good in spite of the evil from that day may God bless my cousin may God bless your loved ones and may God bless the United States of America and my brother Thomas Patrick Knox I lost my brother Thomas Patrick Knox on 911 he worked for caner fritzgerald on behalf of Tommy's wonderful wife Nancy and my parents and siblings and our extended family and countless friends we all hold you close to our hearts forever and we love you all the way over the universe Tommy God Bless America [Applause] Kong nagak Nan Jody tadino Nella Kathleen an noosha Martin Stewart Nida alons Joseph nider Frank John nesad Jr Gloria NZ Juan Neves Jr Troy Edward Nielson Paul nimbley John Valentine nen Katherine McCary Novak Curtis Terren Noel Michael a North Daniel R Nolan Robert Walter Nan Jacqueline June Norton Robert Grant Norton Daniela Rosalia Notaro Brian Christopher Novant soichi numar Brian Nunez Jose Nunes Jeffrey Roger nosound James a Oakley Dennis Patrick oberg James P obrien Jr Michael P O'Brien Scott J O'Brien Dennis James oconor Jr Daniel o Callahan Keith Kevin OK Diana J OK Kevin Keith Kevin OK Conor Richard J okor Amy odori Moni Pont odori Douglas E El schlager tekashi Ogawa Albert ogal tree and my cousin Steven J F Ali Steve words could never express how much you are missed and loved and my cousin Howard G gelling Jr on the day he was born my family was forever changed on the day he was taken our country was forever changed until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hand and if I could say one thing divided we are americant united we are American God bless you all Phillip Paul agab Beni John a agosi James J Andrew ogrady Joseph J Ogen Thomas G o'hagen Samuel Otis Patrick J o'keef William o'keef Gerald Michael Alcott Gerald Thomas oi Christine an olander Linda Mary Oliva Edward k Oliver Leah Elizabeth Oliver Eric to Olsen Jeffrey James Olsen Barbara K Olsen Moren Lions Olsen Stephen John Olsen Matthew Timothy omony toshiro on Sheamus L O'Neal John P O'Neal Peter J O'Neal Jr sha Gordon Corbett O'Neal Betty an on Michael C oerman Christopher T orillo Margaret Quinn Orosi Virginia an orist Ruben s orado Kevin M or or Ronald or cinii Peter Keith or tally Juan Ortega compost Jane Marie orth Alexander Ortiz David Ortiz amelo Pete Ortiz Pablo Ortiz and my brother Donald Walter robertsson Jr Donnie this day never gets any easier words can never express how much you are loved and missed your legacy and your spirit lives on through your family and friends especially your four amazing children Michael Matthew Madison and Kevin and now your beautiful granddaughter baby Ella Donnie we always keep your memory alive by doing good through your team Shamrock and the tunnel to Towers Foundation we hope we make you proud we choose to remember how you lived so large so full of life so kind so generous rather than how you left us this anniversary is not only a moment to honor those we lost but is a reminder to all of you how far we've come and how resilient we are as a nation this is a statement how grief and pain of that fateful day can turn it into a source of strength and purpose and how we can take this Unforgettable tragedy and turn this into this beautiful tribute we vow to never forget those 2,977 Souls who left us that day I love you Donnie God bless you all and God bless the United States of America [Applause] and my mother sarakan mom there are no words to express my G my gratitude for the love and guidance you've bestowed upon me even in death your spirit lives on in my heart guiding me through life's challenges I hold you dearly in my heart and cherish our memories together your beautiful smile and soul will forever live on through US Paul Ortiz Jr Sonia Ortiz Masaru o Patrick J OA Robert William OA Elsie Carolina ororo Oliva James R owski Timothy Franklin O Sullivan Jason Douglas Oswald Michael John Aton Isidro D aten Walder Michael shung U Todd Joseph oida Jesus ovales Peter J Owens Jr arianis Oola anel M Pabon Jr Israel Pabon Jr Roland Pacho Michael Benjamin packer Diana B padro Deepa pakala Jeffrey Matthew Palazo Thomas Palazo Richard A palaso orio Joseph Palmer Frank Anthony Palumbo Allan n Palumbo Christopher Matthew pantier Dominique Lisa pendo Jonas Martin panck Paul J pancini John M poilo Edward Joseph Papa Salvatore T papaso James Nicholas Papa George Marie papalardo vard Kumar parot VJ Yash aner param SII ntin Rish Paran car and my sister Gabriela sylvina Weissman my family remembers my sister Gabby today as we do so on so many different times throughout the year one of my biggest sorrows in life is knowing that my kids missed out on having a wonderful one of a kind ant in their lives we keep Gabby's memory alive by telling stories remembering her infectious her great sense of humor and her willingness to help others as she did on 911 2001 by volunteering to be here my parents came to this ceremony every year since it was started until they no longer could in February we lost my father and he always said we must continue to come here every year and bear witness to the names of those lost so that the world will always remember hearing the names here every year is just a small way to do that so we will continue to come here every year those lost my NeverEnding gratitude to all of the First Responders who sacrificed their own lives to save others on that day thank you also to the members of our armed forces and our Wounded Warriors for their sacrifices and for continuing to fight for our country and to protect us all please remember them and support them as well and my Titi giovana porz Titi we all love and miss you we know you're with us every single day we ask to continue to watch over us especially Grandma and Grandpa and your niece Ava today is a sad day but I'm also very proud to be here every single year just to see how strong we continue to be and never forget and also it makes me proud to be a New Yorker because I know despite us being here and everything happened to us this day 23 years ago we never gave up and we'll never forget hardi paru James welen Parham Deborah Marie Paris George Paris G Young Park Phillip Lacy Parker Michael Elaine Parks Robert E Parks Jr hashm C parmar Robert Parks Diane Marie Parsons leobardo Lopez Pascal Michael J pasuma Jr Gerald Hughes paskins horrus Robert pananti suzan H pasaro abnes Patel deepy Patel Manish Patel Steven Bennett Patterson James Matthew Patrick Manuel d Petrino Bernard E Patterson Clifford L Patterson Jr s Marie Patty Robert E Patterson James Robert Paul Patrice paw Victor Hugo PW Stacy Lynn Peak Richard Allan Pearlman derell V peol Jr Thomas Nicholas pelli Thomas Pini Todd Douglas Pino Mike Adrien pettier Anthony g paluso anhel r Pena Robert peninger Richard Al Penny and my brother Francis Jude FY like so many of families we could not allow this tragedy to remain a negative in the course of our family's lives so we establish a charity in his name the Francis J F char itable fun what else would you call it check us out on Facebook we help the most vulnerable members of our community in the Middletown New York area I would like to thank all the people who have volunteered over the years for our fundraisers and of course all of those who have contributed over the years uh especially Kino's Pizzeria and Dogwood Acres Farm I am so grateful for all of you and thank you all so much for helping us to keep my brother's memory alive and allow good to come out of this this horrible [Applause] tragedy and my uncle Carlos EST tasta the as a civilian you saved so many lives your memory your bavy and everything you stood for inspires us every day we love you we miss you and you will forever be our hero and I will forever be holding your hand Salvatore F Pepe Carl Allan B Pacha Robert David Pera John a pranti Jr allejo Perez Anthony Perez Angela Susan Perez Nancy E Perez Ivan Antonio Perez Joseph John peronino Barry Baron Perkins amelda H Perry Edward J pada John William Perry Glenn C Perry senior Danny PES Franklin Allen persip Davin n Peterson Michael John pesarin Jean hoodley Peterson Donald Arthur Peterson Mark James petrielli William Russell Peterson Glenn Karen pett Phillip Scott Petty Ken Elizabeth pudi Dominic a pizo two on Farm Kevin J Fifer Shani an Phillip Kenneth John faen Senior lwig John picaro yenna mccan piantieri Joseph o pck Matthew pacero Dennis J Pierce Bernard petronico Nicholas p petrunti and my cousin firefighter Michael Edward Roberts engine 214 you were taken from us way too soon there isn't a day that goes by where we don't think of you our forever hero we love and miss you so much we will never forget and we will always keep the memory of those who we lost alive and my son Norman Scott AR we miss you every day and you will never be forgotten theodoros pigas Susan Elizabeth Pinto Joseph pcad llo Christopher Todd Pitman Joshua Michael piver Robert L ploger II Zandra F pleasure Joseph poano John M poacher William Howard pman Lawrence Michael pich Thomas poo Steve poino Susan polio Darren H pontel Joshua Iowa potin Joana porus Anthony Portillo James Edward ptti daffany potoos Richard n polus Stephen Emmanuel polus Brandon Jerome Powell Scott Allen Powell sha Edward Powell Antonio dorsy Pratt Gregory M pretos Wanda aise Prince Vincent a prina Kevin M prior Everett Martin Proctor II third Carrie Beth pran David Lee prum Richard A pry John Foster Pucket Robert David pois Edward F pus Patricia an Puma Jack D punches HTH Kumar p and my brother Robert Cromwell Miller Jr Bobby we love and miss you so much and my brother like so many others has beautiful grandchildren then he never had the opportunity to know and to love thousands in families were ripped apart that day the largest attack in US history so another clear message to our leaders no plea deal with the animal that masterminded this playful tragedy we want [Music] Justice and who I miss terribly my handsome sweet hero Brother s Edward tii Jr who was a managing director for Marshall mclenon s work Uptown in Midtown at that office and was assigned that fateful day to the Trade Center to attend a meeting for a colleague who couldn't attend close to 3,000 victims were murdered on September 11th and all they were doing was going to work to provide for their respective families it has been 23 years since this horrific tragedy and in my strong Possible voice as a retired principal who I have a strong Possible voice I am demanding that the federal government the government agencies who still remain to stay and their respective lawmakers designate this day September 11th as a day of atonement recognition remembrance and reflection of all the Souls Lost God bless my dear brother all the victims and their respective families may God bless America and united we all stand Joseph J picor Jr Edward R pon Christopher Quackenbush Lars Peter qualen Lincoln quap Beth an Quigley Patrick J Quigley I fourth Michael T quilty James Francis Quinn Ricardo J Quinn Carol Millis rabet Christopher Peter Anthony raniello Leonard J regalia Eugene J rajio Laura Marie ranesi sink Michael Paul Ragusa Peter Frank raymondi Harry a Reigns Lisa J Reigns at tesam Raja VSA Raju Edward J RW Lucas rambus Maria Ramirez Harry Ramos Vishnu ramsarup Deborah H ramsau Lorenzo e Ramsey Alfred Todd ranki Adam David Rand John Jonathan C Randall Shas s ranganath an T ransome fena Rapaport Ronda Sue rasmusen Robert a Rasmus Amia Amenia rasul R Mark rasweiler Mara D Ratford David Allen James Rath key and my uncle NYPD ESU truck 7 police officer Santos Valentine Jr and his partner Ronald kford you guys were are amazing you're forever Our Heroes your families miss you every day we will always remember you we will always honor you and your sacrifice will never go unnoticed till we meet again first I want to take a moment to honor Martin joov NATO the uncle of my coworker Lisa he was a maintenance mechanic for marshan mcclanan in the North Tower out of respect for him and his family I want to acknowledge his memory today he's deeply missed and we remember him with gratitude and my father Edward Frank pus he worked for Aon in the south tower on the 101st floor I recently learned that on that day he made sure everyone on his floor got out safely but but when the PA system announced it was safer to return my dad went back up that's just who he was someone who put others before himself even in the most difficult moments I was only seven when he passed but the memories I have are still so vivid I remember playing video games like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro on our PlayStation one together we would we would also watch TV shows like Rugrats Blues Clues and He Wants To Be A Millionaire he'd make us mac and cheese on the weekends when my mom was working and he always made sure we felt safe with bedtime stories those small everyday moments are the ones that have stayed with me the most my dad was never a slacker he lived with strength and earned respect in everything he did whether at work with his family or just taking care of himself I tend or uh take care of himself I tend to slack around this time of year with the gym I die and staying focused but I know my dad wouldn't let me get away with that he always pushed me to do better and I won't let him down dad I miss you every day I'll keep pushing just like you always did you taught me strength respect and the importance of showing up for the people you love and I carry that with me before I finish I want to say a special happy birthday to my mom who is here today Mom I love you I know Daddy would be so proud of the way you've carried us through thisam Journey happy [Applause] birthday William Ralph Rob Gerard F Rousey alexe ruv Gregory Rita Sarah an red heffer Michelle Marie Reed Judith an Reese Donald J rean Robert M rean Thomas Michael rean Christian Michael Otto renhard Howard R Greg REI James Brian Riley Kevin o Riley Timothy E Riley Joseph Reena Jr Thomas Barnes rig Frank Bennett ricean Joshua Scott Reese Karen Rena John Armand Rio Richard sirel rescorla John Thomas resta Sylvia sampo resta Martha m resy David E reck Todd H Ruben Louise clad Aldo ril mayor edu vgas Rays Jr Bruce Albert Reynolds John Frederick rhs Francis saario rodelli Rudolph n riio an Marie Ron David parlo Rice eileene Mary rice Kenneth Frederick rice III Cecilia e Richard Vernon Allan Richard and my uncles emerik Harvey and Robert T Tomy and family friends Kathy Maza and Edward Shunk thank you and my cousin Sergeant Robert Jim Bob coffers of the Port Authority police department Bobby your grandsons are getting so big now you have two great nieces now I can't believe it's been 23 years since you were taken from us and the pain is just as raw as it was the day it happened I pray that our leaders will never let another 911 happen again I miss and love you Bobby [Applause] Claude Daniel Richards Gregory David Richards Michael Richards Vanessa orenia Richards Jimmy riches Allan J Richmond John M Rigo Frederick Charles rimel III Rose Mary Riso moisis n Rivas Joseph R relli Jr Carmen Alisia Rivera Isaias Rivera Juan William Rivera Linda IIs Rivera David E Rivers Joseph R Rivero Paul V Rizza John Frank Rizzo Stefan Lewis roach Joseph Roberto Leo Arthur Roberts Michael E Roberts Michael Edward Roberts Donald Walter Robertson Jr Jeffrey Robinson Michelle Lee Jean robam Donald Arthur Robson Antonio a Rosa Raymond James Rosa Laura rockafeller John Michael rodak Antonio Jose Rodriguez Anthony Rodriguez Carmen malagos Rodriguez Gregory E Rodriguez Marsha a Rodriguez mea Valdez Rodriguez Richard Rodriguez David Bartolo Rodriguez Vargas and my cousin Michael a Martin this is the first anniversary that Michael's mother and my aunt Rosie Marty is also no longer with us Michael I'm so glad that after 23 years you guys are finally reunited for the rest of us down here just know that we miss you we love you we remember you every single day and we will never ever forget and my wife Katherine Susan wolf 13 wonderful years when I look back I say wow even though I lost her third years it's so good to feel good about what I had rather than to feel bad about what I lost she was wonderful and I'd also like to say thank you thank you to all the people starting here and all the people who who have made this place we are here now happen from the very top Michael Bloomberg to the people that clean the concrete and marble late at night thank you to our governments the city government the state government the federal government the first year I read was the first anniversary and my God is it different now it is a wonderful Wonder wonderful place to remember our loved ones the promises that have been kept and of course our own National Security which we need very badly thank you for everybody Matthew Rogan Jean destan roer kie Rogers Scott William ronner Keith Michael Roma Joseph M Roman Lolo ephran Romero Senor Elvin Romero James a ramito Shan Paul Rooney Eric Thomas rapito AA Rosario Angelina Rosario Mark H Rosen Brooke David rosenbom Linda Rosen bomb Cheryl Lynn rosenbom Lloyd Daniel Rosenberg Mark Louie Rosenberg Andrew Ira Rosen Bloom Joshua M Rosen Bloom Joshua Allan Rosenthal Richard David Rosenthal Philip Martin Rosen swag Danielle Rosetti Richard Barry Ross Norman n Roso Nicholas p rosando Michael Craig rothberg Donna Marie Rothenberg Mark David Rothenberg James Michael Rue Nicholas Charles Alexander row Edward V Rowan horest Judy rolet Timothy Allan Roy Senor Paul G rubek Ronald J rubben Joanne Rino David M ruddle and my brother Nicholas Charles Alexander Ro Nicholas losing Nicholas left a hole in our family that can never be replaced um my mom and dad are now with him and they took with them their memories of Nick and their heartache and my uncle Colonel Charles Edward Jones who served this country proudly with the United States Air Force was on that first plane lost his life along with all the innocent others he will never be forgotten always remembered his life and he will [Music] continue Bart Joseph reiri Susan a rero Adam Keith ralter Gilbert Ruiz Robert E Russell Stephen P Russell Steven Harris Russen Michael Thomas Russo senior Wayne Allan Russo William R Ruth Edward Ryan John Joseph Ryan Jonathan Steven Ryan Matthew L Ryan Tatiana rova Christina sua deuk Titi s Jason elazar sabag Thomas E Sabella Scott H saber Charles E Sav senior Joseph Francis sdot Jessica Lee saxs Francis John sedoa Jude Elias Safi barock Joel safronov Edward seya John Patrick Salamon margerie e Salomon Hernando Rafael Salas Juan G Sales es Merlin Antonio cido John Pepe salero Rama Sali and her unborn child Richard L salari junor Wayne John Salomon Nobert Salomon Katherine Patricia Salter Frank G salvatera Paul Richard salvio and my uncle Christopher William wooden Chris was one of the best persons I've ever known he's a great father husband brother uncle and friend it's hard to believe it's 23 years now especially for his un uh five children uh he was 35 when he passed and it was way too soon his children Harley no today I want to thank everybody who still comes here and watches this ceremony without you this would wouldn't be here still I want to thank everybody who puts this together and works behind the scenes this would never Flow as smoothly as it does thank you our military of course and our First Responders as well thank you very much and God bless America and my brother Jes shanal sha Jes though you are no longer with us your legacy of love joy and dedication continue to live on in the hearts of all of us you touched your spirit and the memories you've left behind will forever be a source of comfort and inspiration to JY Nikita Sonia Kevin Dary gvani Zubin and all of our friends and families thank you New York thank you FDNY and all First Responders and God bless America Samuel Robert Salvo Jr Carlos Alberto Sago John P samartino James Kenneth Samuel Jr Michael S Phillip Hugo m s Alva Cynthia Jeff Sanchez jackal Patrice Sanchez Jesus Sanchez raymon Sanchez Eric m sand Stacy Lei Sanders Herman s Sandler Jim Sans Jr aen j Santiago Kiren ree Santiago Maria Teresa conception sentian Susan gaale Santo Christopher a santor John August santor marioo L Santoro Rafael Umberto Santos rufino CF Santos III Victor J sarasini cion sakar Chappelle Raine Stewart sarer Paul F Sor DEA Kumar sateri Gregory Thomas saso Susan M sour Anthony Savas Vladimir sikin John Michael sbarbaro David M scales Robert Lewis Scandal Michelle scarp Dennis scao John Albert sharp John G sharf Fred C Sheffield Jr Angela Susan shinberg Scott Mitchell Scherzer sha sheli stevenh Francis schlake Robert a Schlagel John SEL Karen Helen schmidth I Schneider Thomas G sches Frank G shot Jr Gerard Patrick Shang Jeffrey H shrier John T Sher Susan Lee laspa Sher Edward W shun Mark Evan schum John Bur K Schwarz Mark Schwarz Adrien Victoria sabetta Raphael skorka and my uncle Christopher Paul SL slaughtery even though we never got to meet I love you and I will never forget you and to my uncles Robert W spear Jr and Timothy a havland we love you and miss you God bless W [Applause] America Janice M Scott Randolph Scott Christopher J Scutter Arthur Warren scullin Michael H Seaman Margaret M Seeliger Anthony Sagara Carlos Sagara Jason M sexer Matthew Carmen celito Michael L selvis Howard selwin Larry John senko artoro Angelo Sereno Frankie Serrano Maran H Sera Alena cenova Adele Christine cessa saitta namala sunin Karen Lynn Seymour Davis Greer Senza Jr Thomas Joseph scroy Jesh Shantal sha khid M Shahed Mohamad shajahan Gary shame Earl Richard Shanahan Dan F Shau Neil G shastry Catherine an shatoff Barbara a Shaw Jeffrey James Shaw Robert John Shay Jr Daniel James Shay Joseph Patrick Shay Kathleen sheerer Robert M sheir Linda June Sheen hagay sheffy antonet M Sherman John Anthony Sherry atsushi shatori Thomas Joseph Schubert markk scholman C Wong sham Allan Abraham scharstein Claren Shelly seagull Schwarz Joanna Sigmund Diane T sner Gregory sakori Steven Gerard Siller David silver Craig a Silverstein nasima H simji Bruce Edward Simmons Diane M Simmons Donald D Simmons George W Simmons Arthur Simon Kenneth Allan Simon and my brother Michael wittenstein Michael there aren't enough words to express how much you are missed and loved and coming here every year although it brings some level of comfort it'll never take away the pain of you being gone we know you're looking upon us and so proud of what your nieces and nephews have accomplished we love you and we miss you thank you and my Uncle Greg REI we know you are dancing in heaven we love and miss you every single day thank you Michael J Simon Paul Joseph Simon Maryanne Lori Simone Barry simowitz Jane Lewis simkin Jeff Lyall Simpson Cheryl d sinok k Kami Singh Roshan Ramesh Singh Thomas E cinton III Peter a Syracuse Muriel if cisis Joseph Michael cisac John P Scala Francis Joseph Skidmore Jr toana corus Skinner Paul Albert scpi Christopher Paul Slattery Vincent Robert slavin Robert F sok Paul Kenneth Sloan Stanley S smala Jr Wendy L small Greg h Smallwood Catherine T Smith Daniel Lawrence Smith Gary F Smith George Eric Smith Heather Lee Smith James Gregory Smith Jeffrey R Smith Joyce Patricia Smith Carl T Smith Senior Kevin Joseph Smith Leon Smith Jr Moira an Smith Monica Rodriguez Smith Rosemary A Smith Bonnie shih Smithwick relle Monique Snell Christine an Snider Diane Bullis Snider Leonard J Snider Jr astred Elizabeth Sohan sushil s solanki Ruben Solaris Naomi Leah salaman Daniel W song Mary Ray sapper Michael Charles sessi Fabian stto Timothy Patrick sulos Gregory Thomas baletti Donald F spampanato Jr Thomas baraso John Anthony spataro Robert W spear Jr Robert spiceman Maynard s Spence Jr George Edward Spencer III and my fiance Andrew J Bailey Andrew In This Very space is where we met and where I lost you losing you on sep member 11th changed my life forever though you left us in your baby girl Rocky far too soon the memories we shared both at home and in this space will forever remain in our hearts myelf escaping Tower one losing you our friends and my job in a matter of hours gave me a new sense of purpose it gave me a voice to Advocate and fight for what is right and wrong in this country I'm here to remind everyone that life can change in the blink of an eye so love more especially your neighbors live more laugh more with family and friends because we are not promised tomorrow Andrew I knew you were up there doing what you loved on the 93rd floor at Martian baning trying to bring people to sa safety my family and I promise to keep your memory alive ensuring that those around us will never forget you and all the lives lost on September 11th [Applause] and my sister Lindsay Stapleton morehous like all of these Souls Lost this day my sister Lindsay was a bright light in our lives and even though she left US 23 years ago her light still shines strong in all that loved and knew her I love UL Lin and I also love this city and my fellow New Yorkers Robert Andrew Spencer Mary Rubina spirando Frank Spinelli William E Spitz s Saron Fitzroy St Rose Michael F stable Lawrence T stack Timothy m stackpool Richard James stalberger Eric Adam stallman Gregory stack Mary Dominica Stanley Anthony starita Jeffrey Stark Derek James stav vious Patricia J stats Craig William St William V stman Eric Thomas Steen William R Steiner Alexander Robins Steinman Edna L steffin Andrew sergiopolis Andrew J Stern Norma Lang sterley Martha Jane Stevens Michael James Stevens Richard H Stewart Jr Sanford M Stoler Douglas Joel Stone Lonnie J Stone Jimmy naville story Timothy Stout Thomas strata James J strain Jr Edward Thomas Strauss Stephen R Strauss Larry L Strickland Stephen F stroberg wwin Wellington Stewart Jr Benjamin Suarez David Scott Suarez Ramon Suarez Dino Xavier Suarez Ramirez yaii suama sugiyama David Mark Sullins Christopher P Sullivan William Christopher sugar Thomas G civan Patrick Sullivan James joose hararo Serrano Somaya Jr I was only in the fifth grade when the towers fell I didn't know what a terrorist was even was all I knew that my uncle Michael was gone and he wasn't coming back there was no more squeezing into his twoo Coupe taking trips Back in Forth there was no more wrestling in my thy Jane's backyard there was no more family holidays with him now listening to millions of stories today and hearing so many tears and cries and frustrations of lost ones I'm here to tell you guys that they're Fallen but not forgotten my kids will never forget who their Uncle Michael is I will never forget who my uncle Michael is I love you forever Michael Angelo Trinidad and my Aunt Karen Joyce kitzman a Karen you were only 5 years old when you were taken from me but I will never forget the memories we had together you took me to my first Yankee game my first Big Apple Circus and even gave me my first Slice of New York cheesecake you were truly one of a kind we love you we miss you and we will never forget Colleen M sapinsky Robert Sutliff Seline Sutter Claudia susette Sutton John Francis swany Christine M Saron ran David Sweeney ran Edward Sweeney meline Amy Sweeney Kenneth J Swenson Thomas F Swift Derek Ogie sword Kevin Thomas soek Gina Steinberg Norbert P sharkowski Harry Tac Joanne C tabic Norma C toai Michael tadano kishiro Takahashi Kenji Takahashi Phyllis Gail talbet Robert R tahami John tal ginani Sean Patrick talin Paul TTY Marita Tam Rachel Tamaris Hector Rogan Tayo Michael Andrew uio KIRO tinaka rondelle sherid tanker kenth Joseph Tero Dennis Gerard terramina Jr Michael C Tero Allan terasic Deborah terella Ronald tartera Donnie Brooks Taylor Daryl Anthony Taylor kit P Taylor Hilda E Taylor Lissa Clayton Taylor Leonard E Taylor Sandra C Taylor Michael Morgan Taylor Carl wtp Sandra Dawn Teague yesan moar timi Paul a techm Dorothy Pearl Temple Anthony tempesta David Gustaf Peter tanglin Stanley L Temple Lisa Marie Terry Brian John terenzi harad sham that way gumati dardine Michael theodoris and my grand my grandmother Louise and Lynch that should be here but isn't and my cousin John Francis McDow Jr we love you and miss you I hope you're hitting them straight up there and even after 23 years you still haven't three putut we know Aunt Patty you and Uncle Jack are here with us today God bless our troops and God bless America Thomas F thof Jr Leslie an Thomas Brian Thomas Thompson Clive Ian Thompson Glenn Thompson Nigel Bruce Thompson Perry a Thompson vanava Alexi Thompson Captain William Harry Thompson Eric Raymond Thorp Nicola Angela Thorp Tamara C Thurman St Edward tierry Jr John Patrick Tierney Mary Ellen tisi William Randolph Tista Kenneth tan Steven Edward Tai Scott Charles TS Michael E Tinley Jennifer M Tino Robert Frank taldi John James tipping II David Tado Hector Luis Tado Jr Michelle Lee too Alicia Nicole Titus John J Tobin Richard J tadisco Otis V Tober Vladimir tomasevich Steven Kevin Thompson Thomas Tong Doris Torres Luis Edward pardon me Luis Ed Ardo Torres Amy Elizabeth toyen Christopher Michael Traya Daniel Patrick Trant Abdul Karim tror Glenn J Travis Senior Walter philli Travers Felicia IET trailer bass James Anthony trentini Mary Barbara trentini Lisa El tra car Baba Tera Michael Angel Trinidad Francis Joseph tromino Gregory James trust Willie Q Troy William P slez Jr zaneta valentinova soy Michael Patrick Tucker Lance Richard Tamal Ching ping Tong Simon James Turner Donald Joseph tuio Robert T TW Jennifer Lynn seus John G ulifer and my brother Sergeant Thomas Edward Jurgens uh you led a life of service to your community to your neighbors um and while that ultimately cost you your life you've had the really big impact on everyone's lives you've touched and and on a positive note as a Avid Yankee fan just want you to know that the Yankees are number one in the AL East so I hope they have the Yes Network in heaven and my mother Claudia susette Sutton I'm almost 30 now but still very much that six-year-old girl waiting for you to come home we love you and we miss you we hope we are making and continue to make make you proud We Carry you with us in everything that we do continue to watch over us Tyler Victor ugalan Michael a ulano Jonathan J uman Anil shivari Umar Alan V Upton Diane Marie Urban John Damian vacho Bradley hudes Vas William Val carcel Felix Antonio Bale Ivan Bale Benito Valentine Santos Valentine Jr Carlton Francis valvo II pandala vam sh Krishna Erica h vaner Kenneth W van oin R Bruce vanheim Daniel m vanir Edward Raymond vanor John Charles van deander federick T vachi gopala Krishnan varadan David Vargas Scott C vasel AA Ishmael Vasquez Ronald J V Archangel Vasquez Santos Vasquez Peter Vega Sanara sastri velamuri Jorge Velasquez Lawrence G velling Anthony Mark Ventura David Vera Loretta Anne Vera Christopher James vialonga Matthew Gilbert Vian Robert Anthony Vicario Celeste Torres Victoria Joanna Vidal John T vigano II Joseph Vincent vigano Frank J VI Viola Jr Joseph Barry vardo clarabel Vios Hernandez Sergio Gabriel via Shantel vinelli Melissa Renee Vincent Francine and Vil vilo Lawrence virgilio Joseph Gerard V vinciano Joshua s vital Maria pako vola lyette d vquez g hosan Alfred Anton vusa Gregory Kamal Bruno wler Karen J Wagner Mary Alice walstrom and my sister J tadino Nicolo Tower 1 105th floor caner Fitzgerald we love you Jody we miss you and until we meet again we will Forever sing your praise and my uncle Luis Eduardo Torres Uncle Deo it's been 23 years since you've left this world we take the time on this day and like every other day to look back at those countless memories of you and share emotions with the family one of those memories I still cherish a lot of these a lot of a lot are the ones mommy tells about your career in the military you serve with passion and with dedication in the Colombian military for over two years while special specializing in engineering and reaching your goal which was to enter the Airborne Division and become a paratrooper except you have to lead to the states and leave the dream behind so now I'll be following your footsteps with honor and Glory last ceremony entered senior year this this year ceremony a graduate Senior Year and have dedicated my future with the US National Guard and expect to leave this November for basic training to truly Embark in this journey I'm doing this for you Theo and your name I hope you're proud of me we miss you and love you take God bless you [Applause] all honor Elizabeth wo Gabriella svina wasman Wendy Alice Rosario wakeford Courtney wesworth Walcott Victor Wald Kenneth E waly Benjamin James Walker Glenn Wall Mitchell Scott Wallace Peter guer Wallace Robert Francis Wallace Roy Michael Wallace Jean Marie Wallendorf Matthew Blake wallins MAA L Waller John Wallace Jr Barbara p Walsh Jim Walsh Jeffrey P wals Ching Wang wean Wang Michael wara stevenh Gordon Ward Timothy Ray Ward James a wearing Brian G Warner Derek Christopher Washington Charles Waters James Thomas Waters JR Patrick J Waters Kenneth Thomas Watson Michael Henry Way Todd Christopher Weaver Walter Edward Weaver Nathaniel web Diana Webster William Michael Williams Joanne Flora wild Michael Thomas Weinberg stepen Weinberg Scott Jeffrey weard Stephen George Weinstein Simon Weiser David M Weiss David Thomas Weiss chin suac Wells Vincent Michael Wells Deborah Jacobs Welsh Timothy Matthew Welty Christian Hans Rudolph wers Sue Lee wend John Joseph wankas Ole D wichuk Peter M West Whitfield West Jr Meredith Lynn whan Eugene Michael whan Adam s white Edward James White III and James Patrick Weiss white sorry and my sister Judith an Reese well my dear sister it's been 23 years since we lost you and we miss you every day in some ways it seems like a lifetime ago and in some ways it seems like yesterday all of us miss your smile your sense of humor and your Carefree Spirit we miss so many things about you and we have so many memories to bring a smile to our face whenever we hear a country western song Especially G Brooks or any music from the 50s we are reminded of how much you loved listening to their music these memories and so many more are forever a part of the fabric of Our Lives as you know we were all deeply saddened with the passing of our nephew Brian two years ago we miss his energy his wit and his passionate dedication to all who knew him we take comfort in the knowledge that you and his mother Elizabeth welcomed him into heaven with open arms and we know you're all Watching Over Us Judy your nephews and niece and their spouses Michael and LMA Jackie Kevin and eileene Christine and Joseph and Dennis and Holly are awesome role models for their incredible children Emily and Justin are a loving couple and are a constant reminder of all that is good in our world as one sports season begins and another one comes to a close I know you'll be cheering for your Washington commanders and Elizabeth will be cheering for her Yankees well goodbye for now I want to thank all the folks and volunteers associated with this Memorial your dedication your service and your compassion are so deeply appreciated may God bless all the families of 9/11 may God bless our First Responders our firefighters our police officers and all our veterans and those currently serving in our military God bless him AR and my brother firefighter John James tipping II 15 brave men were killed that day from John's firehouse and from the onset the men there have been had been there for us and our grieving families despite their own grief and still 23 years later their comfort and support remains so thank you for always being there for us and thank you New York City and all the people involved in putting the commemorative remembrance together it means so much to us to hear our loved ones name and know they are not forgotten and John this was written 23 years ago by your 12-year-old niece Spencer it's titled the best go first when the unsavable need saving and the unreachable need to be reached the best help first and when their perilous work is called for the best answer first and when going in May mean that they may not come back out the best enter first and when the life is at risk they put others first and when death comes silently lurking the best go [Applause] first oh my God John Sylvester white Kenneth Wilburn White Jr Leonard Anthony White Melissa y white modlin a white Sandra L white Wayne White Leanne Marie Whiteside mark p witford lesie a Whittington Mark T woy Mary lens Wyman Jeffrey David Wier William J Wick Allison Marie Wildman Glenn E Wilkinson Ernest M Wilshire John Charles Willet Ryan Patrick Williams Candice Lee Williams Crossley witchard Williams Jr David J Williams David Luan Williams Debbie L Williams Dwayne Williams Kevin Michael Williams Louie Anthony Williams Lewis Calvin Williams III John P Williamson Donna an Wilson William Ean Wilson David Harold Winton Glenn J Winnick Thomas Francis wise Allan L wisnoski frank Paul vfi David wishall sigd Charlotte wiswe Michael R wittenstein Christopher W wenek Martin Phillips Walford Catherine Susan Wolf Jennifer Yen Wong suchong Steve Wong Yin ping Wong yuck ping Wong Brent James Woodall James John Woods Marvin Roger Woods Patrick J Woods Richard Heron woodwell David Terren woolly John Bentley Works Martin Michael wartle Rodney James Wen William Ren retired John W Wright Jr Neil Robin Wright Sandra Lee Wright Jupiter yamam and my brother Glenn Davis Kerwin time passes we have not and will not forget we miss you and my uncle Salvatore P Lopes I'm so happy to be joined in person today by your youngest daughter Nicole thank you Uncle s for her for her sister Ally my aunt lorine without them our family is not complete and because of them I know that without you our family isn't complete either keep smiling down on us we love you and miss you every day John D yumiki Vicky y shinyang Matthew David Yarnell Mna yasa shaquila Yasmin olabi sh Le Kevin w y Edward p York Kevin Patrick York Raymond R York Suzanne Martha humans barington Leroy Young Jr Donald MacArthur young Edmund G young Jr Jacqueline young Lisa L young elen Yuan Joseph C Zaki Adele agab Zachary Arc zman Edwin J zambrana Jr Robert Allen zampieri Mark Zen Gilly Christopher R Saab Jr Ira zazo Kenneth Albert zelman Abraham J zelmanowitz Morton Morales Mark Scott Zeppelin XI ya Justin Xiao yuguang Zen ivelyn zaminsky Michael Joseph zenzi Charles Allen Zion Julie ly zipper salvator J zizza ropos Paul zois Joseph J zuka Andrew Steven zer eigor zukan and my brother John fioro John you remain with us now and forever in our hearts and minds and your life and spirit continue to inspire us in many ways your sacrifice has strengthened us and I know you are proud of how your child your son has grown we are confident you have found favor with God and we ask the Lord to bless the precious Souls taken on this day 23 years years ago to bless those who responded with self-sacrifice and bravery and to help us move forward may we never forget and may God bless America and my brother Joey Joe candillo um just a good man um always putting everyone ahead of himself and um at uh oh I don't know when we leave Earth I don't know where we go but if they have basketball schoolyards there uh he'll pick me for his team even though I've been missing my hook shot Center Court about seven out of 10 times um he'll pick me for his team will probably lose because of me but he'll take the wp as long as I'm not sitting over on the cement wall you know crying because I wasn't picked uh just what a good guy um oh and that reminds me um you know you still owe me that you still owe me a rematch on the one-on-one uh yeah it was last rematch our last one-on-one in plain view that time and uh finally got the damn ball away from you and uh I rent to sener court great for playing teams but bone had move playing with you playing against you I should say uh anyway I took my shot knew where to stand one jump you had the ball game over for me you'll have to tell me though where I should have been so I don't lose again all right talk to you later um and uh I want to thank all the men and women in law enforcement and fire First Responders in our military they keep us free and they keep us safe God bless all of you and God bless the United States of [Applause] America Nancy Claire be Stephen Dennis caf R Jr Brenda C Gibson Florence Morgan Gregory Richard J godano May young Woo Lee Timothy Michael obrien Angel Perez Jr Christopher J Pickford Joseph Patrick SP Claus johanes spat Alexandre leave leave you stand Karina Stan Edward W swab George J Stout Jr Daniel Thomas Sir Michael Anthony T David Gustaf Peter tangalin Shish Yama dala and my brother Christopher Samuel EPS we miss you Christopher it has been 23 years and how your life in the beginning had impacted our family since our mother had you at an older age we took care of you we nurtured you throughout your years of 29 years when you became adult you in Tower two on the 998th floor as an accountant for marsh and mclenon we deeply miss you Christopher not one day hour or moment that our family does not miss you your sister your brothers your nieces your nephews and your cousins all deeply miss you they were there that horrible day searching everywhere for you in hospitals all up and down placing Flyers to find you alive but God had other plans but we we are all grateful today for the freedom and Liberties to live in the United States of America we are all living in the land of the free and the home of the brave I would like to thank the blue president Bloomberg and his committee for every year without fail bringing us all together to pay witness and remember our family members we are all here by grace and love and peace I pray rest within all of us thank [Applause] you e for [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Applause] e e e e e e e for e e I e e e e for e e e e my e [Applause] e e e [Applause] e e [Applause] e e e e e [Music] [Music] we love you [Applause] right love you [Music] [Music] You Got Hijacked last night you got [Music] watch 20 [Music] play the e okay yeah e e quick for is is [Music] [Music] is that up [Music] by the dawn early light watch so proudly we held at the Twilight last gleaming who broad stripes and bright stars through the par or the RS we watch were so gently streaming and the rocket the bombs bursting in gave Pro through the night that our flag was still there oh say does that star [Music] spangled or the land of the free and the home of the brave [Applause] Serv right right left [Applause] po [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Gordon M Amos Jr Edo Abad Marie Rose Abad Andrew Anthony Abate Vincent Paul Abate Lawrence Christopher Abel Alana Abraham William F abrahamson Richard Anthony acito Hinrich Bernard Akerman Paul aquaviva Christian Adams Donald looy Adams Patrick Adams Shannon Lewis Adams Steven George Adams ignacius Udo adanga chrisy a Adama Terren Edward aderly Jr Sophia B Ado Lee Adler Daniel Thomas aalo Emmanuel akasi aaka Alo Aral mukal Kumar aaala Joseph Agnello David Scott Agnes joal Alberto de Francesca agard Jr Brian G ahan Jeremiah Joseph aarn Joanne Marie alad Deus shabir Amed Terren Andre Aken Godwin o aala Trudy M alligero Andrew alamino Margaret an allario Gary m Albero John Leslie Albert Peter Craig Alderman and my cousin New York firefighter Steve bson from Rockaway Beach Queens Steve was known as Mr ladder 24 at engine one on West 31st Street near Madison Square Garden right here in Manhattan he was last heard from on the 44th floor while climbing up the south tower and will be a hero among so many on that day I want want to say though quickly that each one of us who who follow us in the readings of the names as well as each person watching no matter where you are or the language you speak has the power to affect the world for good never forget the evil terrorist organizations that brought these towers [Music] down am I killing almost 3,000 innocent lives including those at the Pentagon and on the four hijack planes and to all those out there who still do not know history please learn about the groups and the Nations that continues to support Global Terror including all those who still chant death to America enough already let the good people of the World Unite on the side of the good and the righteous and may God bless the United States of America land of the free and Home of the Brave and my cousin and Godfather Ryan Daniel Fitzgerald every day I wear your initials on my shoulder I'm reminded of your profound impact on my life your memory lives on in our hearts and your family misses you deeply the love we have for you will endure across Generations we will never forget you or anyone who tragically lost their lives that day God bless our military our First Responders the FDNY engine 298 the NPD and God bless New York City but most of all God Bless America [Applause] jacqulyn Delaine Aldridge Frederick David D aler Ernest alicakos Edward L alligretto Eric Allen Joseph Ryan Allen Richard Dennis Allen Richard L Allen Christopher E allenham Anna s w Allison giant Marie Alonso Anthony Alvarado Antonio Javier Alvarez Victoria Alvarez Rito Telmo e alvir Caesar amaranto Alvar Tariq amula Angelo amaranto James M Amato Joseph amio Paul W Ambrose Christopher Charles amaroso Craig Scott amonson kazuhiro anai Kalisto annaya Jr Joseph P anchundia Kermit Charles Anderson IET Constance Anderson John Jack andreao Michael RoR Andrews Jean an Andie Sue Nia Ang Joseph Angelini senior Joseph John Angelini Jr David Lawrence Angel Mary Lynn Edwards Angel Laura angeletta Doren J angani lorine an UA SE David ayama and my grandfather Edward Joseph Papa Grandpa Eddie allthough I never got a chance to meet you we share many of the same interests not only do we share the same name but I also love to play golf I also love the mess and playing baseball just like you did people always tell me we share we share the same smile and happy energy I wish I could have met you and I hope you're all making you proud and my dad Steven Francis schlag I love him and miss him as ever all the years combin they melt into a dream life is good it's 88 and sunny Peter Paul Apollo fustino aposto junor Frank Thomas Akino Patrick Michael aranos David Gregory Archer Michael George arensky Louis Arena Barbara Jean AIG Adam P Aras Michael J Armstrong Jack Charles Aaron Joshua Todd Aaron Richard Avery arono Myra Joy arenson jaffet Jesse Arian call Francis assaro Michael a AAC Michael Edward Asher Janice Marie Ashley Thomas J Ashton Manuel O A Greg a atas Gerald Thomas Atwood James a Fred Louis F everano Jr Ezra avilius Sandy AA alen T babakus Eustace R bakas John J bakaka Jane Ellen Basler Robert J bwalter and Andrew J Bailey Brett T Bailey Garnet Ace Bailey Tatiana Baka Laya Michael S B Sharon M Balcom Michael Andrew Bane Catherine bantis and my uncle bar fighter Jimmy riches Uncle Jimmy we talk about you all the time and how you sound so amazing I wish I could have met you and I know you are cheering me on at all of my cheerleading competitions and watching over our whole family we all know when we see a dragon fly it's your way of saying hello to us we will always remember you God Bless America and with Endless Love appreciation and admiration my brother FDNY Captain William [Applause] o'keef Gerard Baptist Walter Baron Gerard a Barbara Paul Vincent Barbaro James William barbella Colleen an Barco Christine Jonna barbuto Victor Daniel Barbosa David Michael barway firefighter Matthew Barnes Melissa Rose Barnes Sheila Patricia Barnes Evan J Baron Renee Barrett Arjun Arthur Thaddius Barry Diane G Barry Maurice Vincent Barry Scott D Bart Carlton W Bartles guy Bary AA B basina Alysa Christine Burton bosan Kenneth William biki Lieutenant firefighter Steven Joseph Bates Paul James taglia W David Bower Ivan Louis Carpio Bautista marleene capito Bautista Mark Lawrence bavis Jasper Baxter lorine g b Michelle Beal Todd M Beamer Paul Frederick betini Jane s Bey Alan Anthony Beav Lawrence Ira Beck manette Marie beckles Carl John bedian Michael Ernest beakman and my grandfather Carl W Tey I hear many stories about him every day some make me laugh and some make me cry but every story inspires me enough to meet my grandfather he is my hero I see parts of him in my everyday life such as the color red his favorite color and I see him within my family he is he is within my mom my uncle and my grandma within my sister and little cousins and I know there are parts of him within me and I know that he is with me and my family in every step that we take and my grandfather firefighter Allan terasic I would like to take this time to thank everyone who really keeps their word to never forget so they are not forgotten all the stories I hear about my grandfather I've learned that he would do the same if he didn't die that day the family misses and loves [Music] you Maria a bear Max J bilky yena Bovi Nina Bell Debbie S Bellows Steven Elliot bellson Paul M Benedetti Denise Lenor benedetto Brian Craig Bennett Eric L Bennett Oliver Bennett Margaret L Benson Dominic J barard James Patrick Burger Steven Howard Burger John P Bergen Alvin Birdsong Daniel David bergstein Graham Andrew Berkeley Michael J Berkeley Donna M bernhart David W Bernard William H Bernstein David M beray David Shelby Barry Joseph John Barry William Reed Bethy Yan be Timothy D betterly Carolyn mayor buuk Edward Frank B Paul Michael Bear Anil taham belani Bella J buan shimmy D bigas Peter Alexander Feld William G bigart Brian Eugene beler Mark Bingham Carl Vincent beanie and my brother Joseph Michael geone 23 years is are like 23 seconds on September 11th my brother disappeared but this place has become my Altar and this ceremony is essential because that day he disappeared but if I come here and I speak his name out loud and you hear his name he will never never disappear we love you and thank [Applause] [Music] you and my I'll give you the okay [Music] [Music] and my grandfather fdm Captain James J Corgan we love you so much and we miss you so much me and my three sisters wish we got to meet [Music] you Gary Eugene bird Joshua David burn bound George John Bishop Chris Romeo p Jeffrey Donald Bitner Albert blea Blackman Jr Christopher Joseph Blackwell Carrie Rosetta Blackburn Susan leay Blair Harry Blanding Jr Janice Lee blay Craig Michael blast Rita Blau Richard Middleton blood Jr m Michael Andrew bardi John Paul botche Michael L bino Susan M bino DEA Francis bodley Bruce Douglas bone Mary Catherine Murphy BofA Nicholas Andrew Bogden Darren Christopher Bohan Lawrence Francis buo Vincent m b Jr Tori hamzavi bori Alan bondeno Andre boner Jr Colin Arthur Bonnet Frank J bonoma Ivon Luchia bamo Susan Booker senior Kelly an booms Campell D boom Mary Jane Booth Sher Anne budro ch Christin bordon Jerry J Borg Martin Michael bori Richard Edward Bosco and my uncle Kenneth Joseph Marino who was a firefighter with fdn Y rescue one in Manhattan he was one of the First Responders on that day I'm 12 years old so I never met my Uncle Kenny but I feel like I know him from my parents grandparents and family members one thing I learned is that my Uncle Kenny and I share a love of baseball our favorite player is Ken Griffey Jr and I'm very happy and proud that we have the same interests but most important is that my Uncle Kenny was a true hero he saved many lives on that day our family misses him every day and we will never forget his memory or his [Applause] bravery my cousin Matthew Carmen too Matthew neither knew neither you nor the thousands who perished on 9911 will ever be forgotten what is being forgotten is the 911 experienced by every other American I ask you today to speak to your children and your grandchildren who weren't born on 9/11 tell them what you went through so that tell them to never forget what your family went through on 911 clouse B Carol Marie bushard Jay Howard Bolton Francisco Elio buer Thomas Harold Bowden Jr Donna M Bowen Kimberly S Bowers veroni Nicole Bowers Larry Bowman Sean Edward B Balman Jr Kevin L Bowser Gary R box Kennedy boyarski Pamela Boyce Alan P Bole Michael Bole Alfred J braa Sandra Kate brace Kevin Hugh Bracken s w Bradshaw David Brian Brady Alexander binski Nicholas W brand Marty Daniel Raymond brandor David Reed Gamboa brandor Michelle Renee Bratton Patrice rout Lydia Estelle Bravo Donald Michael breitweiser Edward a Brennan III Frank H Brennan Michael E Brennan Peter Brennan Thomas Moore Brennan Daniel J breel Gary Lee brigh Jonathan Eric Briley Mark a Risman Paul Gary Bristo Marian R Brittain and my father William Ralph Rob Dad we only got six years together but I have nothing but the happiest memories and every day I remember how lucky and how proud I am to be your daughter me Mom and Liam love and miss you so much and my and my mother Amala H Perry my mother was a beacon of kindness wisdom elegance and Grace her love was unconditional her spirit was indomitable along with my brother and my sister we cherish the memories that you taught us and even though you are not here with us your memories will continue to live in our hearts and guide our actions thank you [Applause] Mark Francis brck Herman Charles Brock Hammer Keith a groomfield Bernard C Brown II Janice jouie Brown Lloyd Stanford Brown Patrick John Brown patina B Brown radburn Mark Bruce Richard George bruer Andrew Brun Vincent Edward Brunton Ronald bua Brandon J yanan Greg J Buck Dennis Buckley John Edward buuga JR Patrick Joseph boose Christopher L bford Steven Bruce buan Thomas Daniel Burke Matthew J Burke Charles F Berling game theii William Francis Burke Jr Donald J Burns Thomas E brunette Jr Keith J James Burns Kathleen N burns enena bulo John Patrick bside Thomas M Butler Milton G bustillo Timothy G burn Patrick Dennis burn Jesus Nepali cesas Daniel M cabalero Brian Joseph Kia Lillian caseres and my brother Robert talhami your family and I love you and miss you so much for the love you had for good food and wine your good friend Peter Donovan and I have not missed a dinner in your honor for the last 23 years Robert my little brother I know we will meet again until then I love you and think of you every day and my uncle James Brian Riley we love you and miss you so much Uncle Jimmy even though I've never met you I've heard so many stories about you to the point where it feels like I've known you for my whole life you're a role model to me and your kindness inspires me and the rest of our family to be the best people that we can be [Applause] Richard Michael cajano CIO Mela kala John breath kahill Michael John kahill Scott Walter Cahill Thomas Joseph Cahill George C K Salvador B cabaro Joseph m candelo philli v calano Edward Calderon Jose o Cal Oma Kenneth Marcus Cardwell Dominic e Cali Felix Bobby Kix Francis Joseph Callahan Lam Kahan Suzanne m c Gino Luigi Calvi rogo kage Michael F Kamar David OT Campbell Jeffrey Thomas Campbell Robert Arthur Campbell Sandra Patricio cbell Sean Thomas canavan John a Candela Vincent a canelos Steven J Keli Lisa Bella canava Brian canaro Michael R KY Louise Anthony capari Jonathan nef Capello James Christopher carpet Richard Michael caproni Jose Manuel Cardona Dennis M car senior Edward kalino Michael Scott Carlo and my brother Emmanuel aqu AA you are a hero may your soul and all departed Souls keep resting in peace and it's my prayer that this wicked act called terrorism will never occur again in United States God Bless America and my father Lieutenant can John fa Senor Dad we miss you including your wife Patty your children eron tny Kenny and your grand Kendall Kyle and and Calli may I just want to be honored to be here and to wear your badge number as a police officer and my brother as well wearing your bad badge number as a fire department God bless all the 911 families thank you David G Carone Rosemary C Carlson Mark Steven Carney Joyce an carpaneto Jeremy Cass carington Michael T Carol Peter J Carrol James Joseph Carson Jr Christopher Mikel Caren angelene C Carter James Marcel cardier Sharon an Carver viven calic John Francis casaza Paul Reagan CIO neie an heeran Casey William Joseph Cashman Thomas Anthony casoria William Otto Casper alandro castano arcelio Castillo Leonard M castano Jose Ramon Castro William E Coswell Richard G cerelli Christopher Shawn Kon Robert John Coffield Mary Teresa Coffield Jetson Cavalier Michael Joseph colie Jason David Kane Juan Armando saos Mara G cesil Carter Jason Michael seilo Thomas Joseph cesa Anna Mercedes centenno Joanie cesta John J chat Jeffrey Mark cherof sworna chalasani and my cousin Gary M Albero even though it's been 23 years we hold your memory strong Your Love of family meatballs and of course the Yankees we miss you every day and hope you're having a blast up there with dad and grandma and the rest of the family and of course God Bless America and my sister Katherine McGary Noak we miss you a lot William a chalov Eli Chala Charles Lawrence Chan Mandy ch Rosa Maria chaa Mark Lawrence sherret David M Charo Gregorio Manuel Chavez Pedro Francisco czecho Douglas McMillan Cherry Steven Patrick Cherry Vernon Paul Cherry Nester Julio chavalia swed Joseph chaler Alex alander H Chiang Dorothy J chicharo Luis Alonso chimbo Robert chin Eddie Wing Way chin Nicholas Paul Chalo John G chapor Peter a chirillo Catherine Ellis Cher K he Casey Cho buul K chowy Mohamad salahudin Shri Kiren L Kristof pomela Chu Steven Paul Chuck we Ching Chung Christopher chiaia fardini Alex F Shone Francis an sente Elaine Silo Edna Centron Nester Andre Centron III Robert D Siri Senor Juan Pablo cisos Benjamin Keith Clark Eugene Clark and my father FDNY battalion chief Oreo Joseph Palmer a month from today I'm getting married and I'll be saving a seat for you and for Mom Dana Keith and I are so proud to be your children [Applause] and my uncle Salvatore F Pepe s the entire family misses you I hope uh you see how well your son little Salis turned out Kathy has done an amazing job we miss you we'd love to have you around we know and uh that you're looking out for us so thank you for being our guarding and engine Gregory Allen Clark Manny Leroy Clark Sarah M Clark Thomas R Clark Christopher Robert Clark Donna Marie Clark Michael J Clark Seria Rachel Emma Clark Kevin Francis clear James D clear Jeffrey W CLE Cloud Susan Marie Klein Steven kley Jeffrey Allan Cole Patricia a Cody Daniel Michael coffee Jason Matthew coffee Florence G Cohen Kevin S Cohen Anthony Joseph kadado Mark Joseph Cleo Steven J collo Christopher Michael colasanti Kevin Nathaniel Colbert Michelle P coar Keith E Coleman Scott Thomas Coleman Terell Coleman Liam Joseph kahoun Robert D colen Robert J call Jean Marie Collin John Michael Collins Michael L Collins Thomas Joseph Collins Joseph Kent Collison Jeffrey Dwayne Coleman patri Mala coladner Linda M cologne Saul e cologne and my friend Susan rugiero and also my brother firefighter Michael Francis Lynch I look forward to that day when we can all be together again and I ask everybody out there watching this to pray for Unity and to pray for peace thank you my brother Robert T Bobby Hughes Jr and our family friend Judy Hazel Fernandez Bobby your beautiful and infectious smile and soul is missed and love so much every day you have no idea the Major Impact you and your life has had and left on all of our hearts I can't believe we can't believe you're gone 23 years the sadness and emptiness we all feel missing you is indescribable thank you for watching over all of us after all these years you're loved and missed so much and you are forever our hero and Angel we love you so much [Applause] Bobby Ronald Edward comr haime concepion Albert coni Denise Conley Susan P conin Margaret Mary Connor Cynthia Marie Le Connelly John E Connelly Jr James Lee Connor Jonathan M Connors Kevin Patrick Connors Kevin F Conroy Brenda e Ruben D Korea Danny a Korea Gutierrez Georgine Rose corrian James J corrian Carlos Cortez Rodriguez Kevin Michael cosgro Dolores Marie Costa digna Alexandra Costanza Charles Gregory Costello Jr Michael S Costello Asia s cotum Conroy Kofi ktoy senior modern John Caan John J G coflin Timothy J cochan James Co and my Uncle Al D wangchuk who I've missed by 10 days and who is taken from all of us we all miss you we all love you thank you and God bless America and my aunt Danielle coues although never fortunate enough to have met you your memory still continues to live on from the stories of your selfless heart your smile and your tenacity for everything you set your mind to the stories of your life inspire me every day you inspired me to run my first marathon and to never give up on my dreams on attending the United States Coast Guard Academy to one day serve my country you are my why you are loved and you are missed and you will never be forgotten Andre Colin Cox Frederick John Cox James Raymond Coyle Michelle Coen Yulan Christopher Satan Kramer Eric a Cranford Denise Elizabeth crant James Leslie cowford Jr Robert James Crawford Tara Kathleen Kramer Joanne Mary krian Lucia Chris FASA John a Ki Daniel Hall kisma Dennis A cross Kevin R Cy Thomas G Cy John R cray wellis Remy Cur Robert L kushank John Robert Cruz Grace AG Kula Kenneth John cubus Francis o Cruz Cabo BMA cinello Richard Joseph Ciro Neil James Cudmore Thomas Patrick Collins III Joan cullinan Joyce Rose Cummings Brian Thomas cumings Michael Joseph Cunningham Robert KIRO lores Dain Kula Paul Dario cioli Patrick Joseph Kuran Beverly L Curry Andrew Peter Charles Curry green Michael sha curtain Patricia kusher and my uncle firefighter Edward James White III even though I never got to meet you Uncle Teddy from all the great stories I hear I feel like I know you we all love and miss you you will forever be our hero and my grandfather Michael D de everyone who knew him lost a real friend and for all of us in our family he has left a place that can never be filled we love you [Applause] Papa Gavin Kush Caleb Aaron Dak Carlos s d Costa Jason M dah Brian Paul Dale NYPD police officer John delar Vincent Gerard Deo Thomas a damaskinos jack l deambrosi Jr Janine deani Jones Manuel Joel damota Patrick W Dan Mary dantonio petty officer second class Vincent G Dan Dwight Donald Darcy Elizabeth an darling Annette Andrea Dam Lieutenant Edward a deatri firefighter Michael D Dior Lawrence Davidson Michael Allen Davidson firefighter Scott Matthew Davidson Titus Davidson Nia Dila aah M Davis Port Authority police officer Clinton Davis Senior Wayne teral Davis Anthony Richard Dawson Calvin Dawson firefighter Edward James day William Thomas Dean firefighter Robert J d'angelus Jr battalion chief Thomas Patrick d'angelus Dorothy Elma diaro Anna Gloria pocasangre deera Tara e debec James D deir Anna M dbon James V deasi Jr Jerel Malibu de Chavez uncle and our uncle firefighter Joseph Patrick Henry Uncle Joey although we never met you you will always be remembered we see your sense of humor in big heart in all our family members you should be here laughing with us at our family gatherings in Breezy Point or winning big at Left Right Center on Christmas day but we know you are watching over us with Papa and Aunt Mary we promise to continue telling your stories and will'll never let anyone forget all those lost on September [Applause] 11th Paul D Colo Gerald F Danto Simon morage deos Jason Christopher DeFazio David a boo Jennifer De Jesus Monique Effie De Jesus Nara De Jesus Emmy de laena Donald Arthur deap penha ausa Maria deor Vito Joseph Deo Danielle an Deli Andrea Della Joseph A delra Palina delti Colleen an dely Joseph DeLuca Manuel Del Val Jr Francis Albert de Martini Anthony deas Martin and Deo Francis Deming Carol Keys demit Kevin Dennis Thomas Francis Dennis senior jeene C dep Jose Nicholas depa Robert John der Michael derenzo David Paul dubio Jamal leas De Santos Christian Lewis D Simone Edward D Simone III Andrew J desperito Michael Jude Diaz bazito Cindy an duel Melanie Louise D Jerry deito Robert P devit Jr and my uncle Matthew J Burke it is with great pride that I carry on your name you are loved and missed dearly even though you're not here with us you are forever in our hearts God bless my Uncle Matt and God bless America [Applause] and my uncle Thomas Joseph Collins Uncle Tommy you were the life of the party and had an infectious smile that could light up any room we know you're up there with Grandma and Grandpa watching over all of us we love you we miss you and you were never [Applause] forgotten Dennis Lawrence Devin Gerard P Dewan sulamani kasali danani Michael leis di austino Matthew Diaz Nancy Diaz abdulia Ruiz Diaz Michael A Diaz Pedra III Judith berquist Diaz Sierra Patricia Florence D chiaro Rodney Dickens Jerry D Dickerson Joseph dermit Dicky Jr Lawrence Patrick Dickinson Michael D deal John deato Vincent Francis DeFazio Carl Anthony DeFranco Donald Joseph DeFranco John D G Giovani Eddie a Dillard Deborah an de Martino David demiglio Steven Patrick Domino William John dimling Marissa dinardo sh Christopher Moore Dinka Jeffrey Mar Mark Dingle Rena Sam duu Anthony dionio George deepwell Joseph D palado Douglas Franks D Stefano Donald Americo dulio Ramsey a danani Johnny doctor Jr John Joseph dhy Melissa cida doy Brendan Dolan Robert E Dolan Jr and my uncle jaser malabuyo Chaves tho you're the man who I am honored to get my name from wherever you are I hope you're doing well and watching down on us although I've never got the chance to meet you in person it's clear youve made a significant impact on those around you n Nang L and Lola all speak very highly of you and your accomplishments the amount of respect they all have for you is evident it's unfortunate you're not able to tell me these stories and accomplish M [Music] yourself e [Music] however your siblings and parents will always make sure to share your stories for you through us your family will will make sure you are never forgotten and your legacy will live on Deo wherever you are I hope you finally found peace Mah Mahal and my uncle firefighter Frankie Esposito and cousin Captain Michael Esposito as I get older it gets harder to see the sadness amongst my family with you gone but our grief is just our love with nowhere to go we're proud of you we love you and we'll never stop walking down memory lane to run into you I'll continue to share your legacies with the younger Generations as to never forget God bless the lives lost this day and God bless [Applause] America Neil Matthew Dollard James demonico bilda Pasqua Domingo Alberto Dominguez Carlos domingues Jerome Mark Patrick Dominguez Kevin W Donnelly Jacqueline Donovan William H Donovan Steven Scott dorf Thomas Dow Kevin Christopher Dowell Mary Yolanda Dowling Raymond Matthew Downey Senior Frank Joseph Doyle Joseph Michael Doyle Randall L Drake Patrick Joseph Driscoll Steven Patrick Driscoll Charles A dros III Mna a dwarte lukee a dud Christopher Michael Duffy Gerard J Duffy Michael Joseph Duffy Thomas W Duffy Antoinette duger Jackie seag Dugen SAR Dukat Patrick Dunn Felicia Gail dun Jones Christopher Joseph Dunn Richard Anthony Dunston Patrick Thomas DWI Joseph Anthony aachi John Bruce eagleson Edward T aart Robert Douglas Eaton Dean Phillip eberling Margaret Ruth urman and my younger brother Robert Thomas lenain Bob as you were known to most of your vast circle of family and friends you are missed and remembered your spirit lives on through your nieces and nephew keep an eye out for all of us down here thank you to everyone involved with this ceremony thank you to everyone tuning in at home it's up to us to ensure everyone is remembered and to avoid this ever happening [Music] again and my cousin Michelle Marie Reid Michelle had a remarkable zest for life always greeting each day with a smile that could light up any room her fearlessness and taking risks and embracing new challenges in life was truly inspiring Not only was Michelle a hard worker she was a dedicated individual who always placed family above all Els balancing her weak days at Aon on the 100th floor of the South Tower with weekend spent at her family's Farm in Upstate New York she loved working on the farm and was known for blazing ing through Trails on her four-wheeler with enthusiasm always taking time to admire the Forget Me Not Flowers By The Stream her unwavering commitment to her loved ones never missing a family gathering or celebration and her infectious smile will be cherished in our hearts forever Michelle had a deep passion for photography capturing the world's Beauty and treasured moments through her lens her photographs continue to remind us of her unique perspective and the special times we shared Michelle's family and friends think of her every day each of us finding our own way to honor her Legacy and celebrate the extraordinary life she lived we love you always Paul Robert ekna Constantine economos Barbara G Edwards Dennis Michael Edwards Michael Hardy Edwards Christine Egan Lisa Aaron Egan Martin J Egan Jr Michael Egan Samantha Martin Egan Carol Edgar Lisa Karen Erick John Ernst eer Eric Adam Eisenberg Daphne felinda Elder Michael J aleris Mark Joseph Ellis Valerie silver Ellis Albert Alfie William elari Robert R elth Edgar hris Emory Jr Doris Suk Yuen Ang Christopher X Olf Rah Erikson Irwin L erker William John Irwin Sarah Ali esara Jose espanol Fanny Espinosa Billy scoop Esposito Bridget an Esposito Francis Esposito Michael a Esposito Ruben esquilin Jr Sadie etti Barbara G etel Eric Brian Evans Robert Edward Evans Meredith Emily June eart Katherine K fan and my son Paul Robert E once again we are reading the names of the innocent victims who lost their lives on this very very sad day in America and our son Paul you are our shining star and forever in our broken hearts and my grandfather firefighter Robert James Crawford as the years pass I can't help but think of everything you should be here for but in hindsight I know you've been with us all along giving us the strength to go on just knowing everything we do we do it for you we will never forget God Bless America Patricia Mary Fagan Ivan kryos farbos Barbosa Keith George fan Sandra frado Smith Charles S falkenberg Dana falkenberg Zoey falkenberg Jamie L Fallon William William F Fallon William Lawrence Phan Jr Anthony J Fon Jr darus Bridget Finelli Robert John fangman FDNY John Joseph Fanning Kathleen Anne farger Thomas James ferino Nancy C doiki Farley Paige Marie Farley Hackle Elizabeth Anne farmer Douglas John farum John John Gerard Farrell John W farell Terrence Patrick Farrell Joseph D farelli Thomas Patrick farelli Sayed Abdul fa Christopher Edward faan Wendy R Faulkner Shannon Marie Faba Bernard D fuza Robert Fazio Jr Ronald car Fazzio senior William M fhan Francis Jude fely G Aaron feny Shan Bernard fan Lee s fing Peter Adam felberg Alan d fineberg Rosa Marie filicio and my brother TJ hardgrave who like all of your loved ones was taken from us way too soon and my husband FDNY Chief Gerard a Barbara my husband Jer was a Navy veteran and a member of the FDNY for 31 years on September 11th 2001 2,977 innocent people were murdered by radical Islamic terrorists my husband of 30 years was one of them is outrageous that our government would ever entertain the thought of granting the terrorists a plea deal if not for the outcry of the 9/11 Community who knows what might have transpired it has been 23 years and the families deserve justice and accountability the elected Fe officials here today show their respect and reverence to the families on September 11th or in our president's words June 911 quite a flippant remark but please remember that the September 11th families live it every day not just on the anniversary in conclusion may God bless those battling post 11 September 11th illnesses our First Responders and the military here in abro abroad may God bless America and never forget Edward p felt Edward Thomas Fergus Jr George J Ferguson II J Joseph Ferguson Henry Fernandez Judy Hazel sentian Fernandez Julio Fernandez Elisa Jazelle fena an Marie saren Ferrera Robert John Ferris David Francis fujio leis V ferini Jr Michael David fujio Bradley James fetchet Jennifer Louise fialo Kristen Nicole pho Amelia V Fields Samuel Fields Alexander Milan philipov Michael Bradley finnean Timothy J finnerty Michael C fiori stevenh J fiorelli Paul M fiori John B fito John R Fisher Andrew Fisher Bennett Lawson Fisher Gerald P Fisher John Roger Fisher Thomas J Fisher Lucy a Fishman Ryan D Fitzgerald Thomas James Fitzpatrick Richard P Fitz Simmons salvator fum Fredo Darlene e flag Wilson F flag Christina Donovan Flanery Eileen Fletcher and my uncle John Gerard Monahan we all love you so much we all miss you you're my hero God Bless America UNC and my uncle firefighter Christopher Michael mazilla Uncle Chris though we've never met I miss you more than words can explain everybody's always saying how much they miss you and wish you we still here when I was younger I was told that you were super brave but standing up here today made me realize how much of a hero you actually are I know that you're always right there beside us keeping us strong whenever we need you all of us notice the signs you send us big and small more reason to believe that you're with us it's an honor to me to have the middle name that I do Christine named after you I know that you're with me playing field hockey and I'm so hugely grateful for that as I follow your footsteps hoping to become a firefighter just like you I can't wait to become closer to you than ever we all miss you so much we love [Applause] you Andre G Fletcher Carl M Flickinger Matthew M flocker John Joseph Florio Joseph Walkin flounders Carol an f David Fodor Michael Michael N Fodor Steven Mark fobo Thomas J Foley Jane C fer David J Fontana Chi Min Fu delrose e Forbes chetam Godwin for Donald a foran Christopher Hugh foresight Claudia Alicia Foster NE n John Foster Sandra n Foster Anna feris Robert Joseph FY Jeffrey Fox Virginia Elizabeth Fox Pauline Francis virgin Lucy Francis Gary J Frank Morton H Frank Peter Christopher Frank Colleen L Frasier Richard K Fraser Kevin J folley Clyde Frasier Jr Lillian inz Frederick Andrew Fredericks ttha Freeman Brett Owen Fryman Peter L fry arleene Eva freed Alan W friedlander my brother Richard Avery arinet who worked for the Port Authority for 20 years and inspired me to become a lawyer we miss you every day we love you very much and we will never forget we will get you and the other people who were murdered on 911 Justice [Applause] and my brother Ronald J Ruben continue to watch over us we love you we miss you and God bless America Andrew Keith fredman Paul J fredman Greg J froner Lisa an br Peter Christian fry Clement a fando Steven Elliot Ferman Paul James Fato Carlton Douglas B5 Frederick Neil gabler Richard Peter Gabriel Richard s Gabriel James Andrew gel Pamela Lee GFF Irvin Vincent Gallard Deanna Lynn galante Grace Katherine galante Anthony Edward Gallagher Daniel James Gallagher John Patrick Gallagher lordes j galti koono e Gallow Vincent guchi Thomas E Galvin giovana Galetta gambal Thomas Gambino Jr Gian F Gamboa Ronald L Gamboa Peter James gansy Jr Michael Gan Charles William garbarini Andrew Sunny Garcia Caesar R Garcia David Garcia porge Louis Marone Garcia Juan Garcia Marlon Del Carman Garcia Christopher Samuel Gardner Douglas Benjamin Gardner Harvey Joseph Gardner III and my nephew Charles Francis Xavier heren from Rockaway Beach Queens Charlie you were only 23 years old when you were taken from us on 911 so on this 23rd anniversary it means from now on you are in heaven longer than you were with us on Earth which is a very Bittersweet feeling for our family we miss and love you continue to watch over your family and friends and especially our country right now we really need to be watched over and been taken care of hog your mom for us God bless America and God bless New York City and my Aunt Lucille Teresa King and local one IU hero Chuck Costello never forget Jeffrey Bryan Gardner Thomas a Garder William Arthur Gardner Frank garfy Rocco Nino Gargano James M gartenberg Matthew David Garvey Bruce Gary Boyd Allen Gaton Donald Richard gavagan Jr Peter Allan gay Terrence D gazani Gary Paul gell Paul Hamilton guy Julie M G Peter Gerard jinus Steven Paul Geller Howard G gelling Jr Peter Victor jenko Jr Steven Gregory geneves Elaine gentle Linda M George Edward f g Suzanne G Al Gerhart Robert Glick Dennis P Germaine Marina Romanova gerburg Susan M gandana Lawrence D gfred James G guy Cortez G Joseph M gacon Vincent Francis gimona Deborah Lynn Gibbon James Andrew Gerson Ronnie e geese Craig NE Gibson and my father's dear friend Bart though I never had the privilege of meeting you Bart I've heard of the incredible life you lived and the impact you made on those who knew you I was robbed of the opportunity to have you be a part of my life you would have been like an uncle to me but your love for Life continues to live on through the stories and memories shared you will never be forgotten we honor you today and we will honor you always and my grandfather Richard J [Music] second e [Music] [Music] and my grandfather Richard J o' Conor we will always love and miss you Timothy Paul Gilbert Paul Stewart gilbank Paul John Gil Mark y Gillis Evan Hunter Gillette Ronald Lawrence Gill Gilligan Rodney C Gillis Laura Gilly John F ginley Donna Marie jordano Jeffrey John gordano John jordano Steven A georgetti Martin jovenazo kumkum jalo salvator jido Cynthia jiano man John Diane Gladstone Keith Alexander Glasco Thomas irn Glasser Edmund glaza Harry Glenn Barry H Glick Jeremy Logan Glick Steph Glick John T Nazo William robbert God shock Michael Gall Gallow aramel Brian F Goldberg Jeffrey G goldflam Michelle Goldstein Monica Goldstein stepen Ian Goldstein Ronald F Kinski Andrew H Goen Dennis James Gomes Enrique Antonio Gomez Jose Ben bendido Gomez Manuel Gomez Jr and my husband Peter MOS thank you to all who keep us safe in the armed forces and in remembrance of my husband's deceased father Colonel Gus mutos survived by his wife Lieutenant Colonel Lynette MOS and my brother firefighter Michael Francis Lynch your boys were 6 months and three years old when you were murdered you did a beautiful job and you'd be very proud of them and you only know what we're going through when it happens to you others have empathy so let's all think about what's happening right now in other countries when barbarians are instilling Terror in people let's not forget that this is continuing this has to stop [Applause] [Music] for for Wilder Alfredo Gomez Janine Nicole Gonzalez Mauricio Gonzalez Rosa J Gonzalez Lynn Catherine goodchild Calvin Joseph Gooding Peter Morgan Goodrich Harry goodie Kieran humar ready gopu Catherine C Gua Lisa Fen gordenstein Karen Gordon Sebastian gorki Kieran Joseph Gorman Thomas Edward Gorman Michael Edward gold o Kristen aerol white gold Douglas Allan gowell Yugi Goya John Richard Grabowski Christopher Michael Grady Edwin J graph III David Martin grathan Gilbert Franco granados Lauren kuszi grandis and her unborn child Elvira granito Winston Arthur Grant Christopher S gray Ian J Gray FDNY firefighter James Michael Gray Tara McLoud gray John M grazioso Timothy George grazioso ter Derek Authur green Wade B Green Wanda Anita green Elaine Myra Greenberg Donald Freeman green Gale R green James Arthur Greenleaf Jr and my beautiful mother Barbara p Walsh Mommy we miss you you became a great grandma this year mom we miss your smile your love and your delicious meals please continue to watch over us and to our presidents Trump and vice president moris we are pleading for your help but you ignore us over the last last year we sent a signed pledge over 3,000 family members asking you to help us bring us Justice and closure and hold Saudi Arabia accountable will which one of you will have the courage to be our hero we deserve better God Bless America and my godfather and uncle Richard s Gabriel we will never forget you you are still smiling down upon us and we know it I want to give a shout out as I always do to the First Responders especially to battalion chief Oreo Palmer and Fire Marshall Ronald bua who died trying to save my family and your family members lives as well to all First Responders to those who were still battling from 911 related illnesses and many who've already lost their lives from it in finally I have sunflowers every year not just because they remind me of my uncle Richie but because in a time of such profound Darkness they always look for the light and I think we all need to look look for the light I know a lot of us are feeling very strong emotions and it's a political time this is not about politics thank you for having this service for our beloved family members thank you eileene Marsha Greenstein Elizabeth Martin Greg Denise Marie Gregory Donald H Gregory John Michael Griffin Pedro grahan Joan Donna Griffith toana Sherry Griffin Ramon B galvo Warren griffa David Joseph grimner Joseph F Grillo David Joseph sorry Linda gronland Francis Edward Grogan Joseph G Z Kenneth George galz Robert Joseph gar Matthew James grisoli Cindy Yan zuan liing gu Joseph P glixon Jose a Guadalupe Douglas Brian Goran Jeffrey E guja Philip t guza babita g jamaati guman Peter Mark gamani Janet Ruth Gustafson Andrea Lynn Haberman Barbara guzzardo Phillip Hensler Gary Robert Hay Karen Elizabeth Hagerty Barbara Mary khabib Mary Lou hay nisam a [Music] haiz and my brother Barry simowitz Barry Ste I'm sorry stepen Michael hogas David halderman and my brother Barry simowitz after 23 21 years we miss you we love you we think about you all the time you're very hard to forget God bless you all the survivors all the victims and God bless America okay and my husband Phillip Hensler who is truly a phenomenal person who's gone too soon my best friend for life I miss you more than words could ever express my heart aches every day for you and the loss has changed my life in many ways I'll always miss and love you my living angel and God bless each and every one of you and God bless [Applause] America Miley Rael Hal Diane hail McKenzie Richard B Hall Stanley R hle vasal George Hall Robert J hallagan Vincent Gerard howerin Carolyn B hullman James Douglas helor Muhammad Salman hamdani Felicia Hamilton Robert W Hamilton Carl Max Hammond Jr Frederick k Han Christopher James Hanley Shan s Hanley Valerie Joan Hannah Thomas Paul Hanahan Kevin James Hannaford senior Michael Lawrence Hannon Dana Ray Hannah Christine Lee Hansen Peter Burton Hansen sue Kim Hansen Vasilios G haramis James a haran Gerald Francis hardaker Jeffrey Pike Hardy TJ Hargrave Daniel Edward har Francis haros Harvey L Harold Steven G Harold Melissa Harrington Hughes Aisha an Harris Stuart D Harris John Patrick Hart Eric hono John Clinton Harts Emer Harvey and my Aunt M Aunt Margaret M Seeliger who even though I miss the chance on meeting inspires me every day to live up to her you have brought our family together in so many ways and we wish you were here celebrating us celebrating your life with us I am so proud to call you my aunt and so proud to say I have reminded people of you from time to time our hero forever I love you and FDNY captain ran Christopher hickey of rescue company 4 Brothers in battle I want to remember the sacrifices of all those during the rescue recovery and rebuilding efforts those we've lost since and those who continue to fight with their 911 illnesses every day because of the work you did here at this hollowed ground it is because of you that I'm proud to be the son of a New York City fireman proud to be a local 40 iron worker and proud to be an American Captain hickey we will never forget the battle continues Peter Paul hashen Thomas Theodore haskill Jr Timothy Shan hasal Joseph John Hassen theii Leonard W Hatton Jr Terren s haton Michael hel helmet hob Timothy Aron havlin Donald G Havish Jr Anthony Maurice Hawkins nrio husu James Edward Hayden Robert J Hayes Phillip T Hayes W Ward haes Scott Jordan Hazel corn Michael K Healey Roberta B Heber Charles Francis Xavier heran John F Heffernan Michael M harburger Sheila Ms Hine H Joseph heler Jr Joanne L helter Bridal Ronald John Hemingway Mark F hemscott Ronnie Lee Henderson Brian Hennessey Edward R Hennessy Jr Michelle Marie HRI Joseph Patrick Henry William L Henry Jr Katrina Henry Robinson John Christopher Henwood Robert Al Alan helin Mary herencia Lindsay C Harkness III Harvey Robert hermer noberto Hernandez Raul Hernandez and my brother Rudolph and richio and my uncle Daryl luron mckenny also known as uncle pop I had only spent my first 11 months with you now I'm turning 24 next month and pursuing my law school journey I want to thank you for being our Guardian Angel the family and I love you and we miss [Applause] you Gary haral Harold Jeffrey Allen hir Thomas J hitel Leon Bernard Hayward MC Sundance Brian Christopher hickey animeno Dario adgo Sedano Timothy Brian Higgins Robert DW Higley II Todd Russell Hill Clara victorine Hines Neil o hins Mark Hindi katuuki haray Heather Malia ho Tara Evette Hobs Thomas Anderson Hobbs James J hobin Robert Wayne Hobson III thean Hodes Ronald G Herer Patrick a Hoy John a Hofer Marcia Hoffman Steven Gerard Hoffman Frederick Joseph Hoffman Michelle L Hoffman Judith Florence Hoff Miller Wallace Cole Hogan Jr Thomas Warner hre Jr Jonathan hman Coral Hado Holland John Holland Joseph F Holland Jimmy I Holly elizabe Holmes Thomas P holahan Herbert Wilson Homer Leroy W Homer Jr Bradley V horn James P Hopper and my brother Roland Pacho Ro there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you I miss you so much Mom Dad Rob Ronnie your two sons your nieces and nephew miss you continue to rest in peace I love you to the day we meet [Applause] again it's my cousin Thomas Anthony casoria firefighter from engine company 22 to the nearly 300 th people who died on 911 as well as the thousands who have died since from the diseases they developed to our First Responders who died trying to save lives on 911 you are our heroes your memor is alive in our hearts and your sacrifice is honored today and every day Montgomery Mulla horn Michael Joseph horn Matthew Douglas horning Robert L horo J M Robert horx Aaron horites Charles J Houston huru G Houston Angela M house George Gerard Howard britty K Howell Michael C hell Steven Leon how Jennifer L Hoy MOS R Marian R pich Steven hutchgov Jr Chris Bert Hughes Paul Rexford Hughes Robert T Hughes Jr Thomas F Hughes Jr Timothy Robert Hughes Susan huy Lamar Demetrius H John Nicholas Humber Jr William Christopher hindes Kathleen an hunt Casey Joseph Gerard Hunter Peggy M hurt Robert R Steven and Highland Jr Robert J HL Thomas Edward Hines Walter G Hines Joseph Anthony anelli zutu Elis Jonathan Lee iopi Michael Patrick iin Daniel ilv Frederick J L Jr and my uncle figh fighter Salat benedetto cabro and my aunt NZ we miss you every passing day there isn't a day where our family does not think about you all I can say is that your daughter misses you very much and we we give out food in your name as you would do if you were in our position we miss you every day and God bless America [Applause] Abraham nathanel ilowitz Anthony P Aon Jr Lis s ingela Christopher Noble ingracia Paul Anella Stephanie ver Veronica iberi Douglas Jason erang Christian Arvin Ryan Todd Anton Isaac Eric Hans in bronston Tao Ishikawa W Joseph enander Aram escandarian Jr John F iskin kugi ETO Alexander valovich inro Lacy Bernard Ivory Virginia May lambasi Brian C Jack Brook Alexander Jackman Aaron Jeremy Jacobs arol Lewis Jacobs Jason Kyle Jacobs Michael G Jacobs Stephen A Jacobson Stephen D jacobe Rick no Jager Jake Dennis G Gooba UD and Jane Maria cuc Robert Adrien jalbert Ernest James gelda E James Mark Steven jardim Amy Nicole Jarrett mamadu jaav Jaa Francois Jean Pierre Maxim Pier maximia Jean pear Paul Edward Jeffers John Charles jains and my husband fire safety director Robert J Mayo I wish in some way you are viewing through my proud eyes to see our precious granddaughter who carries your name forward and the light of our lives our resilient sweet son along with the support of his beautiful supportive wife who has allowed his grief to subside in order to thrive to be an incredible loving husband and father I miss you terribly I'm proud of your service you're my hero and we must never forget and my and my sister Abigail Medina which I always have the Hope in meeting up again and Abby this is from your daughter Enid on 911 I lost my best friend my mom was my guide emotionally spiritually and even just as a New York fashionista everything came so effortly to her and I always admired that her words felt rich and meaningful they kept an everlasting impression to instill on my three daughters not only for me but for all her family who got left behind she was a light in our family that will never go out thank you Joseph Jenkins Jr Alan Keith Jensen Prem Nath Gira Farah Judy wayar Gian lier Jim jimes Jr Luis Jimenez Jr Charles Gregory John Nicholas John Dennis M Johnson Lona Johnson Scott Michael Johnson William R Johnston Alison hzman Jones Arthur Joseph Jones III Brian Leander Jones Charles Edward Jones Christopher D Jones Donald T Jones II Donald W Jones Judith Lauder Jones Linda Jones Mary S Jones Andrew Brian Jordan the senior Robert Thomas Jordan Albert gunnis Joseph ingaborg Joseph Carl Henry Joseph Steven Joseph Jane eileene Josiah Anthony jovic Angel Al warb Jr Karen Sue Juday an C judge Father Michael F judge Paul Williams Jurgens Thomas Edward Jurgens Shashi Kiran lakshmikant Kaba gav haroy Kamar denova Sherry candle and my uncle firefighter John G chapora engine 219 Uncle John while I do not remember while I do not remember the nine months I had with you your accomplishments and personality have always been a constant in my life [Music] St when I see Boy Scouts Marines police officers or firefighters my thoughts go to you and your life of service when I see acts of kindness determination and above all loyalty I think of you and everything my father and aunts have told me about your dedication to our family I have grown in the light of your memory and it has made me a better person I hold these thoughts close today and I say a prayer for you as well as the other victims and their families may you and every victim of this tragic Day always be honored and [Applause] remembered and my brother Anil L marker Anil today's your daughter W's first day of graduate school please give her your blessings and keep smiling on her her and my husband Ganesh kadut honey I love you I miss you I'm you'll be happy to know that I'm married now to a wonderful man who's a volunteer firefighter in our town takes care of me every single day I love you and looking forward to seeing you soon Howard Lee Kane Jennifer Lynn Kane Vincent D Kane Jun C Kang Sheldon Robert caner Deborah H Kaplan Robin Lynn Kaplan Alvin Peter kapman Jr Charles H Kinski William a KS Douglas Jean carpoff Charles L Casper Andrew K Kates John a katsimatides Robert Michael caers Don Jerome cow Jr hidea kawachi Edward T Keen Richard M Keane Lisa Ivon Carney Griffin Carol an keyler Barbara a keading Paul hanin keading Leo Russell Kean III Brenda Kegler Chandler Raymond Keller Joseph John Keller Peter R Kellerman Joseph P kellet Frederick H Kelly III James Joseph Kelly Joseph A Kelly Maurice P Kelly Richard John Kelly Jr Thomas Michael Kelly Thomas Richard Kelly Thomas W Kelly Timothy colen Kelly William Hill Kelly Jr Robert Clinton Kennedy and my Uncle Ian Schneider who I know would be so proud of his beautiful family Cheryl Sophie Rachel and Jake we miss you in the good times and the bad but most of the times the good because you made everything that much better yo dude and my father Keith Coleman and my uncle Scott Coleman not a day goes by that we don't wish about you wish you were here and think about you thank you for leaving a legacy so strong that your memory lives on thank you to the First Responders the United States military and those who continue to fight the war on terror every day please pray for those still suffering from the effects of 911 and the families left with a void God Bless America United We [Applause] Stand Thomas J Kennedy Ivon e Kennedy John Richard Kohan Ralph Francis Kershaw Ronald T Kerwin Howard L custon Douglas D Ketchum Ruth Ellen Cutler Boris kff Norma Cruz KH Sarah KH tamour farz KH rahes Honda wal s Michael Vernon kefir satosi Kikar Andrew Jun Kim Lawrence Don Kim Mary Joe kimman Hinrich kimming Karen an con Amy R king Andrew M King Lucille Teresa King Robert King Jr Lisa King Johnson Ryan K Kenny tekashi kinos Chris Michael Kirby Robert Kirk Patrick Howard Barry kersal Glenn Davis Kerwin Helen Crossing KD Richard Joseph Claris Peter Anton Klein Alan David kleinberg Karen Joyce klickman Ronald philli cler Steven a nap Eugen n and my grandfather Edward Calderone Papa I never met you but from the stories I've heard I feel like you're my best friend I felt your presence in many ways from rocking down from walking down the aisle with me for my eighth grade graduation to my first day of high school you impacted many people including myself whenever we speak of this Dreadful tragedy in school I always bring you up I've learned many things about you you're caring funny outgoing and most importantly a hero I'm proud to say I spent all 14 years of my life looking up to you I aspire to be just like you an actor singer and Dancer I hope I made you proud in my in all my school plays even though I know you're in the front row looking right at me I love you always and God bless [Applause] America and my uncle Martin Morales [Applause] Andrew James Knox Thomas Patrick Knox Rebecca Lee cabor Deborah A Kus Gary Edward ketcher Frank J Cosner Ryan cohart Vanessa Lynn shab shabis kpek ireena kova Suzanne Rose krenko abdulle K Bon c d Copo Scott Michael kopito ban George cas Danielle culus David P Koval John J kren William Edward Krukowski Luda cido toshia kou Shear Kumar Kenneth Bruce compel Frederick coup Jr Patricia a kuras nauka kushitani Thomas Joseph kuus Victor quarai Raymond qu fi qu Angela Reed kite Andrew lacorte Carol and llant Jeffrey G latou Catherine L labori Amero lman Ganesh K ladit James Patrick lley Joseph A laal Janette Louise Lafond mesina David James lege and my husband Brian Joseph Murphy although I miss you every day I feel your presence wherever I may be you taught me how to love fully with all of your heart and soul you introduced me to unconditional loving as the the true meaning of life I am forever grateful for our time together for our children Jessica and Lea and for your wonderful family whom I cherish thank you New York for continuing to honor the victims of 911 and for the privilege of reading their names [Applause] and my father Manuel Joan deoda Jr uh on my way here this morning I I thought how I woke up at the same time I left the same house I drove the same route and I came to the same place my father came to 23 years ago my my father Manuel left this life suddenly and he left his life too soon before I had the opportunity to meet him but this Memorial and the people we lost on that horrible morning serve as a reminder to all of us to cherish what matters most family I love you Dad and not a day goes by where I don't think of you your wife siblings children family and friends all love and miss you very much thank you Michael Patrick Le Allan brance Juan Mendes lafuente Neil kuanga Li Vincent Anthony Lea William David Lake Franco Lama chiao Quan lamb Michael S Lama Steven lancha Amy hope LOF Robert T Lane Brendan Mark Lang Rosanne P Lang Vanessa Lang Langer Mary Lou Langley Peter J langone Thomas Michael langone Michelle bernardet lonza Ruth Sheila Lapin inorg a la laraby Robin Blair ly Judith Camila Laro Christopher Randall laraby hamdu s Larry Scott lson John Adam lson Natalie Janice lden Gary Edward Lasco Nicholas Craig lman Paul lazinski Charles A lorensen stepen James laia Mari Maria lavash Dennis Francis lavel Janine Mary lde Anna a lty Steven law Robert A Lawrence Jr Nathaniel Lawson and my wife Alene Ava freed we love you and will miss you forever and you would be so proud of your daughters and grandchildren we all love you thank you and my big brother Andrew Ira Rosen Bloom over the last two decades Andrew your two young sons have grown into fine young men with families of their own you have four grandchildren that are absolutely beautiful they are your legacy you will live through them we love you and we think of you every day every day is a gift let's all remember that thank you to local law enforcement our military our First Responders and our intelligence services that have kept us safe for these last 23 years God bless the United States of America David W leek Eugene Gabriel Lazar James Patrick lehy Joseph Gerard Levy Neil J Ley Robert G LeBlanc Lenor I'm sorry Leon laor Kenneth Charles leay Alan J leaderman Elena F Le Desma Alexis luk Daniel John Lee David S Lee dong CH Lee G H Lee Yun Jun Lee W Lee Catherine Blair Lee Linda C Lee Lorraine Mary green Lee Stuart Sue Jin Lee Richard y C Lee Steven Paul leitz Yang dur Lee Edward Joseph Leeman Adriana legro David R leisman Eric lefeld Joseph Anthony lenan David preno lman John Robinson Lenor John Joseph Lennon Jr Matthew G Leonard horge Louise Leon senior Charles a leiron Michael leor John Dennis Levi Jeff Len and my brother firefighter Paul Hanley keting Paulie ran to the South Tower and walked into heaven we miss him every day until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hand Alicia Karen Levan and my Uncle Charles Char Gregory Castello Jr while many ran from the towers that morning you ran inside to save others you will always be missed you will always be my hero you will never be forgotten and you will always be my amazing Uncle Chuck we love you and we miss you so much Neil David Levan Robert LaVine Robert Michael Le shy lenhard Daniel M Luen Adam J Lewis Jenifer Lewis Kenneth E Lewis Margaret Susan Lewis ye wayi leang oros leang thosar Daniel F libr Ralph Michael lardi Edward Lickin Samantha L lightborn Allen Steven Barry Lilian Thor Carlos R Leela Craig Damian Lor Arnold arala Lim Daria Lynn We Wrong Linn Nikki L Lindo Thomas V linahan Jr Robert Thomas lenain Allan Patrick Linton Jr Diane Teresa leari Kenneth P lra arala Francisco Alberto Lano Lorraine Lei Paul listen Vincent m lto ming how Lou Nancy Liz Harold Lano Martin lazul George Andrew jonis Elizabeth C ller Katherine Lisa liche Jerome Robert lohez Michael William LX and my ant Lissa Salon Taylor everyone loves and misses you dearly auntie and if our love could keep you alive you would have lived forever and my Uncle Anthony Portillo you've been reunited with Grandpa and Dy we thank you for the laughs that you shared with us the love that you've given us for everything please keep watching over the family we miss you we will always love you to the members of engine company 226 the members that we lost may God bless you God bless the company God bless our friend and Big Brother Peter Anthony Kyoto that we lost to 911 related illness and God bless our friend our brother Mark Anthony Batista we love you we miss you thank [Applause] you Steph V long Laura Maria longing salvator P Lopez Daniel Lopez George Lopez Luis Manuel Lopez movio Lopez Jr Manuel L Lopez Joseph lrel Chad deck Louie Stuart side Lewis Joseph lovero Sarah Elizabeth low Jenny Sue Quang loow Wong Michael W low Gary W loir John P lowski Charles Peter Luca Edward Hobs Luckett II mark Gavin lude vixon Lee Charles Ludwig Shan Thomas Lugano Daniel Lugo Marie Lucas William Lum Jr Michael P London Christopher e lunder Anthony luparello Gary Frederick lutnick Linda an lzone Alexander Lian CC lyes Farrell Peter Lynch James Francis Lynch James T Lynch Jr Louise a Lynch Michael Cameron Lynch Michael Francis Lynch Michael Francis Lynch Richard D Lynch Jr and my Uncle firefighter John G chapora I wish I did not have to be reading your name today I wish we could have shared birthdays holidays and celebrations together over the past 23 years I wish your compassion and bravery could have saved everyone in the buildings but what I do have is pride in your commitment and bravery to go into those buildings that day and save lives especially your sister and my aunt Nancy I've heard endless stories of your contagious laughter and your gift for comforting others most importantly I have your smile and I will treasure that always each name represents a story a family a life forever changed we will remember them with deep respect and love ensuring that their memory lives on and in our hearts as we say each name let us reflect on the Courage the kindness and the spirit of those we lost we carry their memory forward and we honor their legacy today and always I searched online for the names I've read today and I hurt for each and every one of us here wish we didn't have to be here we don't agree on a lot of things but we do agree that we don't want families to go through this terrorist again this hurt my only brother Ruben esquilin Jr my cousin Jose Angel Martinez Jr so hard to believe has been 23 years still feels like yesterday Ruben I miss you I miss your silly ways you're Donnie and I'm Marie always even though you never remember the lyrics and Reuben please continue to watch over the family especially Mommy we love you we miss your beautiful smile forever in our hearts your baby sister eileene your sisters Priscilla and Mary nephew Greg and niece Ruben named after you and Ronaldo and Joey your brother-in-laws United We Stand God Bless America Robert Henry Lynch Jr Sean P Lynch sha Patrick Lynch Terren M Lynch Michael J Lions Monica an lions meman lions ivth Patrick John Lions Robert Francis mace maranne McFarland Yan mattii Susan a Mackey William Mao Katherine Fairfax McCrae Richard Blaine Madden Simon Madison NL C Meyers jennyan MAFO Joseph MAFO J Robert magazine Brian Mcgee Charles W McGee Joseph V mcti Ronald Magnuson Daniel L mayor Thomas a Mayan William J Mahoney Joseph Daniel Mayo Linda C mayor gring tekashi makimoto Abdul Ali malahi Deborah I Maldonado Mna T Maldonado austo Alfred Russell maor Gregory James Malone Edward Francis Maloney III Joseph E Maloney Jean Edward Malloy Christian H Malby Francisco Miguel Mancini and my uncle Richard Michael kadano this is my second year of having the honor of reading the names of those we lost on this day although I never got a chance to meet my uncle I've learned so much about the type of person he was he loves sports especially the Dallas Cowboys he was a great friend brother son and nephew he had a dry sense of humor and a smile that could light up a room I recently learned of a 911 call he made on the Dreadful day showing how brief he was even in his final moments and in your memory I will continue read reading the names for years to come we love you Uncle Richie and you'll always be in our hearts and my father Paul Ortiz Jr 23 years have gone by since my family lost the brightest light they've ever known and I'm so lucky to have the love from all of those who knew and loved you there's so much I wish you were here for but I know you've been by my side all along your memory lives within me and I couldn't be H her to be your [Applause] daughter Joseph Mangano Sarah Elizabeth Manley Deborah A manetta Marian Victoria Manning Terrence John Manning James maice Alfred GES Padre Joseph marshan Joseph Ross marchbanks Jr Laura mcy Hilda Marson Peter Edward mardikian Edward Joseph mardovich Charles Joseph marav leis Neil Mariani Kenneth Joseph Marino Lester V Marino Vita Marino Kevin D Marlo Jose Juan morero John Daniel Marshall Shelly a marshall James martello Michael a Marty Karen an Martin Peter C Martin Teresa M Martin William J Martin Jr Brian e Martino Betsy Martinez Ed J Martinez Jose hanel Martinez Jr Robert Gabriel Martinez wesa Martinez Lizzy D Martinez Calderon Paul Richard Martini an Marie Martino Kramer Joseph A muscali Bernard Mar mascarinas Steven Frank Macy aah L Mason a and my brother George William Morel who gave great joy to his family and friends and showed us the importance of kindness and generosity and thank you George for your courage in the 1993 bombing your spirit is Unforgettable I love you and my brother Daniel James Gallagher 23 years ago my 23-year-old brother went to work and never came home um life is dimmer without you here but your memory shines brightly on in our hearts thank you Nicholas George Masa Patricia an simoli Masari Michael masseri Philip William Mash Andrea Jr Rudy Mason sink Joseph Mai Charles William Mathers William a mat Marcela matriano Margaret Elaine Matic Dean e Matson Robert D Matson Walter A matusa Jr Timothy J ma Jill marrow Campbell Charles A Morrow Jr Charles J marrow Dorothy Morrow Nancy T Morrow Robert J Maxwell Renee a May Tyrone May Keith Roy marcelis mayard Robert J Mayo Kathy n Maza Edward mazella Jr Jennifer Linn maoda Kara maaya James Joyce of mlar Jr Brian Gerard mcy Patricia an mckeny Colin r MacArthur John Kevin mcaboy Kenneth M MCB Brendan F mccab Michael mccab Thomas Joseph mccan Justin McCarthy Kevin M McCarthy Michael Desmond McCarthy and my brother and friend Dennis Michael Edwards on his headstone there's an inscription there's a land between the living and the dead and the bridge is love you will always be remembered and always be loved my father Walter A matza Jr always remembered never forgotten we all love you we miss you every day and next year I get to marry my best friend wish you got to meet her don't worry I'll save you a seat in the front [Applause] Robert G McCarthy Stanley MCAT Katie Marie MOSI Juliana Valentine mccort Ruth Magdalene mccort Charles Austin mccan Tony L F mcday Matthew T mcder Joseph P McDonald Brian Grady McDonald Michael P McDonald John F McDow Jr aan j mcenany John Thomas MCC Carolyn Jr Daniel Francis McKinley Mark Ryan McGinley William E mcin Thomas Henry mcginness Michael Gregory McGinty an Walsh McGovern Scott Martin McGovern William J McGovern Stacy senis McGowan Francis Noel McGuinn Thomas F mcginness JR Patrick J Maguire Thomas M male ke David mcfey an M McHugh Dennis J McHugh thei Dennis P McHugh Michael Edward McHugh Jr Robert G mlan Donald James McIntyre Stephanie Marie McKenna Molly L McKenzie Barry J mck Evelyn C mckennedy Daryl Len McKinny George Patrick mlin Jr and to the Eternal beauty that was my cousin Janine Nicole Gonzalez your 28th birthday was only days away when this tragedy occurred and I can't even fathom what your last thoughts could have been did you panic were you calm I'm 29 years old now and although I was only 6 years old at the time one could never forget such a fiery and fierce Spirit your energy was that of a bridge between other Souls as your presence was all that was needed to bring people together you see Janine worked at the insurance company in the south tower on the 102nd floor but she aspired to be an event planner someone who could coordinate concerts for Latin and Hip-Hop bands her drive and passion still live on through myself and my family I'm reminded today as I look at all of you courageous people that Us New Yorkers are a force to be reckoned with despite our differences we are able to put find a common ground in our pain and our strength there's a certain resilience that can only be found here in this Melting Pot but maybe I'm a little biased I'm sending you all healing energy May our loved ones rest in love and [Applause] light and my father police officer Paul taly we love and miss you always [Applause] Robert C mlin Jr Gavin McMahon Robert D McMahon Edmund M MCN Daniel Walker mcneel Walter Arthur mcneel Christine Sheila mcnalty sha Peter mcnalty Robert William mcpon Terren a McShane Timothy Patrick mcweeny Martin E mc Williams Roco a mcdal Abigail Medina Anna Eris Medina Damian Mian William J Mian Jr aluk Kumar mea Raymond meisenheimer Manuel emelo Mahia escar milaku Antonio melen Mary P Melendez Christopher D Melo Yolanda meleno Stuart Todd Meltzer deelia javana Mena Dora Marie menaka Charles R Mendes lazette Mendoza sioban Alisia menes Wolf Gang Peter Menzel Steve John marado wifredo Marcado Wesley Mercer Ralph Joseph mrio Alan Harvey minger George L Marino Amel Josephina M Marino George murus and my uncle James Patrick Ley NYPD Officer James Patrick Ley of the sixth Precinct what a true hero you were to run into the towers to save people in a time of distrust never hesitating even though it was your life that could not be saved we will always you will always be a hero and left a legacy never to be forgotten it is an honor to commemorate my uncle along with all of the other individuals that lost their lives 23 years ago thank you keep remembering and to and continue to show kindness every day and my brother New York state court officer Sergeant Mitchell Scott Wallace we miss you terribly and not a day goes by that we do not feel your presence as the years go by it does not get easier mom Brian Logan Lindsay our entire family and friends that knew you were blessed to have you as their Guardian Angel and inspiration there are so many new faces in the family now and I only wish they could hear your crazy wicked sense of humor or watch you react with compassion and strength when someone needs help which was precisely what you were doing on 911 as this morning shows the world will never forget you or any of the victims that day I hope that wherever life took you 23 years ago is a better place a place where you are with Dad and a place where we will meet again God bless all the victims and their families [Applause] Deborah Merrick Raymond Joseph Mets III Jill Anne metler David Robert Meyer Nuru Mia William Edward Maui Martin Paul michaelin Patricia e mickley Ronald D Milam Peter Teague Milano Gregory Milano Lucas Tomas mevki Sharon Christina Milan Corey Peter Miller Craig J Miller Douglas C Miller Henry Alfred Miller Jr Joel Miller Michael Matthew Miller Nicole Carol Miller Phillip D Miller Robert Allan Miller Robert Cromwell Miller Jr Benny milman Charles M Mills Jr Ronald Keith milstein Robert minara William George menardi Lewis Joseph minino Thomas Mion Wilbert Mariah Dominic n marovic Rajesh Aran murri Joseph D muli Susan J movich Paul Thomas Mitchell Richard P muo Jeffrey Peter madnick Frank V moia senior leis Joseph matery and my dad are Katie zzman two major things dad um this past year I became a mom for for the first time it's been the biggest blessing of My Life um our daughter Adeline is named after you wish you could be here to be her Grandpa second thing um even though we come from a family of Russian immigrants you were always such a proud New Yorker and such a proud American and when you were an architect you promised to build us a home and that it would have an American flag waving from it so I promise you when I have my own home we'll definitely put an American flag in your honor love you so much wish you could have been here for all of us and my husband Stephen J Weinberg Stephen it's almost impossible to comprehend how many years have passed without you with us our children aren't children anymore we have a son who's now a husband a son living his dream in Los Angeles and your daughter is approaching 10 years with the New York office of the chief medical examiner here in New York Stephen you will be forever missed and always remembered as a devoted and loving husband father son son-in-law brother brother-in-law uncle and especially fral special friend you are to many we are all grateful you are with us for far too short a time your legacy lives on in all of us keep Wasing over us as you eat chocolate covered pretzels and we will continue to make you proud Bo Mohammad Dennis mohika Manuel D moika Jr clay bear Rolando Molina Manuel De Jesus Molina Carl Molinaro Justin John molisani Jr Brian Patrick monagan Franklin Monahan John Gerard Monahan Christen Lee mono Montano Craig Montano Michael G montis Carlos Alberto Montoya Antonio de Jesus Montoya valz Cheryl an manac Thomas Carlo Moody Sharon Moore Krishna V Mory Laura Lee defasio Morabito Abner Mor Morales Carlos Manuel Morales Paula Eve Morales Sonia Mercedes Morales Papo Gerard P Moran Jr John Christopher Moran John Michael Moran Kathleen Moran Lindsay Stapleton morouse George William Morel Steven P Morel Vincent s morelo IET Nicole Moreno Dorothy Morgan Richard J Morgan Nancy Morgan Stern shenet Mory Blanca robertina morocho morocho Leonel Jano Mar morocho Dennis Gerard and my father noberto Hernandez we love you and we miss you and my brother Bernard petronico Bernard we still feel the pain of your devastating loss and we feel your presence in our growing family in our grandchildren and in the upcoming weddings of your nephews we love you we miss you so much and you will be forever alive alive in our hearts we will never forget you Lynn Irene Morris Odessa V Morris Seth Allan Morris Steve Morris Christopher Martel Morrison Ferdinand V William David moscal Brian a moss Marco matron Cynthia modus Wilson Yuri a machinski Jude Joseph Musa Peter muchos Daman O'Neal moat Teddington H Moy Christopher Michael Millo Steven Vincent molder Richard T mold Jr Michael D Mullen Dennis Michael Mulligan Peter James Mulligan Michael Joseph muan James Donald munal Nancy munes Francisco Helio Munoz Carlos Mario Munoz Teresa mson Robert Michael morac Caesar austo Millo mark a marolo Brian Joseph Murphy Charles Anthony Murphy Christopher W Murphy Edward Charles Murphy James F Murphy ivth James Thomas Murphy Kevin James Murphy Patrick Jude Murphy Patrick sha Murphy Raymond E Murphy and my father Alex alander Ortiz I want to thank everyone in attendance today and especially for the opportunity to be here today and it's an honor and a privilege I am happy to remember my dad as a hero and a brave man love and peace to all and God bless [Applause] America and my mom Susan Marie Klein we love you and miss you every day Robert Eddie Murphy Jr John Joseph Murray John Joseph Murray Susan D Murray Valerie Victoria Murray Richard Todd Ray Lewis J nackie II Robert E Nagel Mildred Rose non chamoya Nakamura Alexander John Robert Napier Frank Joseph Naples III John philli Napolitano Katherine an nardella Mario nardone Jr Monika K Nera Shan M Nisan narender myth Karen Susan Navaro Joseph M Nas Francis Joseph nario glenroy I neet Raymond Marcus nebet Jerome D Ned Lawrence F nadell Luke G NE Pete Negron Lori an niera an N Nelson David William Nelson Ginger Risco Nelson James James a Nelson Mike Michelle an Nelson Peter Allan Nelson Oscar Francis Nesbit Gerard Terrence nans Renee tral Newell Christopher C Newton Christopher Newton Carter Nancy uring go and my cousin Craig Damen lore this anniversary I am nearly the same age my cousin was when he passed away 23 years ago 30 in reflection of that somber fact I came across Psalm 34:14 turn from Evil and do good seek peace and pursue it so how do I and we as a country do good 23 years later to honor them today it seems everyone knows the name of the next star athlete Entertainer public figure and can name the next can't miss consumer product but we all made a promise to never forget so I invite the country and the world to please become more knowledgeable of our loved ones names learn who they were what they stood for and what they were robbed of let's speak more of the names and the legacies of the victims of 9/11 not just on the anniversary that is one of the many ways we as a nation can do good in spite of the evil from that day may God bless my cousin may God bless your loved ones and may God bless the United States of America Thomas Patrick Knox I lost my brother Thomas Patrick Knox on 911 he worked for caner fritzgerald on behalf of Tommy's wonderful wife Nancy and my parents and siblings and our extended family and countless friends we all hold you close to our hearts forever and we love you all the way over the universe Tommy God Bless [Applause] America Kong nagak Nan Jody tadino Nella Kathleen an Noosa Martin Stewart nerer alons Joseph nire Frank John nesad Jr Gloria Nez Juan nvz Jr Troy Edward Nelson Paul nimbley John Valentine nen Katherine McCary Novak Curtis Terren Noel Michael a no Daniel R R Nolan Robert Walter Nan Jacqueline June Norton Robert Grant Norton Daniela Rosalia Notaro Brian Christopher Novant soichi num Brian Nunes Jose Nunez Jeffrey Roger nosound James a Oakley Dennis Patrick oberg James P obrien Jr Michael P obrien Scott J obrian Dennis James oconor Jr Daniel OK Callahan Keith Kevin okor Diana J OK Conor Kevin Keith Kevin OK Conor Richard J Okana Amy odor Moni Pont odor Douglas E El schlager tekashi Ogawa Albert ogry and my cousin Steven J ferelli Steve words could never express how much you are missed and loved and my cousin Howard G gelling Jr on the day he was born my family was forever changed on the day he was taken our country was forever changed until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hand and if I could say one thing divided we are americant united we are American God bless you all Phillip Paul agab Beni John a oganowski James Andrew ogrady Joseph J Ogen Thomas G ohagen Samuel Otis Patrick J o'keef William o'keef Gerald Michael Alcott Gerald Thomas oi Christine an olander Linda Mary Oliva Edward K Oliver Leah Elizabeth Oliver Eric to Olsen Jeffrey James Olsen Barbara K Olsen Moren Lions Olsen Stephen John Olsen Matthew Timothy omony toshiro on Sheamus L O'Neal John P O'Neal Peter J O'Neal Jr Shan Gordon Corbett O'Neal Betty an on Michael C oerman Christopher T orillo Margaret Quin or lki Virginia n orist Reuben s orado Kevin M oror Ronald orini Peter Keith orally Juan Ortega compost Jane Marie orth Alexander Ortiz David Ortiz amelo Pete Ortiz Pablo Ortiz and my brother Donald Walter Robertson Jr Donnie this day never gets any easier words can never express how much you are loved and missed your legacy and your spirit lives on through your family and friends especially your four amazing children Michael Matthew Madison and Kevin and now your beautiful granddaughter baby Ella Donnie we always keep your memory alive by doing good through your team Shamrock and the tunnel to Towers Foundation we hope we make you proud we choose to remember how you lived so large so full of life so kind so generous rather than how you left us this anniversary is not only a moment to honor those we lost but is a reminder to all of you how far we've come and how resilient we are as a nation this is a statement how grief and pain of that fateful day can turn it into a source of strength and purpose and how we can take this Unforgettable tragedy and turn this into this beautiful tribute we vow to never forget those 2,977 Souls who left us that day I love you Donnie God bless you all and God bless the United States of America and my mother sarakan mom there are no words to express my G my gratitude for the love and guidance you've bestowed upon me even in death your spirit lives on in my heart guiding me through life's challenges I hold you dearly in my heart and cherish our memories together your beautiful smile and soul will forever live on through US Paul Ortiz Jr Sonia Ortiz Masaru o Patrick J OA Robert William OA Elsie Carolina ororo Oliva James R ousi Timothy Franklin OS Sullivan Jason Douglas Oswald Michael John Aton idro D aten Walder Michael shung U Todd Joseph oida Jesus ovales Peter J Owens Jr arianis Oola anel M Pabon J Israel Pabon Jr Roland Pacho Michael Benjamin Packer Diana B padro Deepa pakala Jeffrey Matthew Palazo Thomas Palazo Richard a palaso Oreo Joseph Palmer Frank Anthony Palumbo Allan n Palumbo Christopher Matthew pantier Dominique Lisa pandoro Jonas Martin Panic Paul J pansini John M poilo Edward Joseph Papa Salvatore t papaso James Nicholas Papa George Marie papalardo vard Kumar parot VJ yener parami ntin Rish Paran car and my sister Gabriela sylvina Weissman my family remembers my sister Gabby today as we do so on so many different times throughout the year one of my biggest sorrows in life is knowing that my kids missed out on having a wonderful one-of-a-kind ant in their lives we keep Gabby's memory alive by telling stories remembering her infectious her great sense of humor and her willingness to help others as she did on 911 2001 by volunteering to be here my parents came to this ceremony every year since it was started until they no longer could in February we lost my father and he always said we must continue continue to come here every year and bear witness to the names of those lost so that the world will always remember hearing the names here every year is just a small way to do that so we will continue to come here every year those lost my NeverEnding gratitude to all of the First Responders who sacrificed their own lives to save others on that day thank you also to the members of our armed forces and our Wounded Warriors for their sacrifices and for continuing to fight for our country and to protect us all please remember them and support them as well and my Titi giovana poras Titi we all love and miss you we know you're with us every single day we ask to continue to watch over us especially Grandma and Grandpa and your niece Ava today is a sad day but I'm also very proud to be here every single year just to see how strong we continue to be and never forget and also it makes me proud to be a New Yorker because I know despite us being here and everything happened to us this day 23 years ago we never gave up and we'll never forget hardi paru James welen Parham Deborah Marie Paris George Paris G Young Park philli Lacy Parker Michael elain Parks Robert E Parks Jr hashm C parmar Robert parro Diane Marie Parsons leobardo Lopez Pasqual Michael J pasuma Jr Gerald Hughes paskins horrus Robert panan suzan H pasaro AES Ramen by Patel deepy Patel Manish Patel Steven Bennett Patterson James Matthew Patrick Manuel D Petrino Bernard E Patterson Clifford L Patterson Jr s Marie Patty Robert E Patterson James Robert Paul Patrice paw Victor Hugo paw stay Lynn Peak Richard Allan Pearlman derell V peol Jr Thomas Nicholas pelli Thomas Pacini Todd Douglas Pino Mike Adrian pettier Anthony g paluso anhel r Pena Robert peninger Richard Al Penney and my brother Francis Jude FY likees so many of the families we could not allow this tragedy to remain a negative in the course of our family's lives so we establish a charity in his name the Francis J F charitable fund what else would you call it check us out on Facebook we help the most vulnerable members of our community in the Middletown New York area I would like to thank all the people who have volunteered over the years for our fundraisers and of course all of those who have contributed over the years uh especially kjo Pizzeria and Dogwood Acres Farm I am so grateful for all of you and thank you all so much for helping us to keep my brother's memory alive and allow good to come out of this horrible [Applause] tragedy and my uncle Carlos EST tasta the as a civilian you saved so many lives your memory your bavy and everything you stood for inspires us every day we love you we miss you and you will forever be our hero and I will forever be holding your hand Salvatore F Pepe Carl Allan B Pata Robert David perza John a panti Jr Alo Perez Anthony Perez Angela Susan Perez Nancy E Perez Ivan Antonio Perez Joseph John peronino Barry Baron Perkins amelda H Perry Edward J PDA John William Perry Glenn C Perry senior Danny pesi Franklin Allen pers Davin and Peterson Michael John pesarin Jean hodle Peterson Donald Arthur Peterson Mark James petrielli William Russell Peterson Glenn Karen pet Phillip Scott Petty Ken Elizabeth pudi Dominic a pizo two on Farm Kevin J Fifer sh and Phillip Kenneth John faen Senior Ludwig John picaro yenna mccan piantieri Joseph o pck Matthew pacero Denis J Pierce Bernard petronico Nicholas p petrunti and my cousin firefighter Michael Edward Roberts engine 214 you were taken from us wa too soon there isn't a day that goes by where we don't think of you our forever hero we love and miss you so much we will never forget and we will always keep the memory of those who we lost alive and my son Norman Scott a we miss you every day and you will never be forgotten theodoros pigas Susan Elizabeth Pinto Joseph padlo Christopher Todd Pitman Joshua Michael piver Robert L ploger II Zandra F pleasure Joseph poano John M poacher William Howard pman Lawrence Michael po Thomas pamos Steve poino Susan poo Darren H pontel Joshua Iowa potin Joana porus Anthony Portillo James Edward ptor daffany potoos Richard n polus stevenh Emmanuel polus Brandon Jerome Powell Scott Allen Powell Shan Edward Powell Antonio dorsy Pratt Gregory M pretos Wanda Prince Vincent a prina Kevin M prior Everett Martin Proctor III Carrie Beth pren David Lee prum Richard A pry John Foster Pucket Robert David pois Edward f polus Patricia an Puma Jack D punches HTH Kumar putor and my brother Robert Cromwell Miller Jr Bobby we love and miss you so much and my brother like so many others has beautiful grandchildren than he never had the opportunity to know and to love thousands in families were ripped apart that day the largest attack in US history so another clear message to our leaders no plea deal with the animal that masterminded this painful tragedy we want [Music] Justice and who I miss terribly my my handsome sweet hero Brother s Edward tii Jr who was a managing director from Marsha mclenon s worked Uptown in Midtown at that office and was assigned that fateful day to the Trade Center to attend a meeting for a colleague who couldn't attend close to 3,000 victims were murdered on September 11th and all all they were doing was going to work to provide for their respective families it has been 23 years since this horrific tragedy and in my strongest Possible voice as a retired principal who I have a strong Possible voice I am demanding that the federal government the government agencies who still remain to stay and their respective law makers designate this day September 11th as a day of atonement recognition remembrance and reflection of all the Souls Lost God bless my dear brother all the victims and their respective families may God bless America and united we all stand Joseph J picor Jr Edward R Pon Christopher Quackenbush Lars Peter qualan Lincoln quap Beth and Quigley Patrick J Quigley I fourth Michael T Quil James Francis Quinn Ricardo J Quinn Carol millant rabay Christopher Peter Anthony ranello Leonard J Ralia Eugene J rajio Laura Marie ragany sink Michael Paul rusa Peter Frank rundi Harry a Reigns Lisa J Reigns eesam Raja VSA Raju Edward J RAW Lucas rambus Maria Ramirez Harry Ramos Vishnu ramsarup Deborah H ramsau Lorenzo e Ramsey Alfred Todd ranki Adam David Rand Jonathan C Randall Shas s ranganath an T Ransom fena Rapaport Ronda Su Rasmus Robert a Rasmus Amia minia rasul R Mark rasweiler Mara D Ratford David Allen James rathy and my uncle NYPD ESU truck 7 police officer Santos Valentine Jr and his partner Ronald kloer you guys were are amazing you're forever our hero your families miss you every day we will always remember you we will always honor you and your sacrifice will never go unnoticed till we meet again first I want to take a moment to honor Martin Jovin NATO the uncle of my coworker Lisa he was a maintenance mechanic for Marsha mlen in the North Tower out of respect for him and his family I want to acknowledge his memory today he's deeply missed and we remember him with gratitude and my father Edward Frank pulus he worked for Aon in the south tower on the 101st floor I recently learned that on that day he made sure everyone on his floor got out safely but but when the PA system announced it was safer to return my dad went back up that's just who he was someone who put others before himself even in the most difficult moments I was only seven when past but the memories I have are still so vivid I remember playing video games like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro on our PlayStation one together we would we would also watch TV shows like Rugrats Blues Clues and He Wants To Be A Millionaire he'd make us mac and cheese on the weekends when my mom was working and he always made sure we felt safe with bedtime stories those small everyday moments are the ones that have stayed with me the most my dad was never a slacker he lived with strank and earned respect in everything he did whether at work with his family or just taking care of himself iend or uh take care of himself I tend to slack around this time of year with the gym I diet and staying focused but I know my dad wouldn't let me get away with that he always pushed me to do better and I won't let him down dad I miss you every day I'll keep pushing just like you always did you taught me strength respect and the importance of showing up for the people you love and I carry that with me before I finish I want to say a special happy birthday to my mom who is here today Mom I love you I know Daddy would be so proud of the way you've carried us through this journey happy [Applause] birthday William Ralph Rob Gerard F Rousey Alex ruv Gregory Rita Sarah an red heffer Michelle Marie Reed Judith an Reese Donald J rean Robert M rean Thomas Michael Regan Christian Michael Otto renhard Howard R Greg REI James Brian Riley Kevin o Riley Timothy E Riley Joseph Reena Jr Thomas Barnes rig Frank Bennett ricean Joshua Scott Reese Karen Rena John Armand Rio Richard sirel res corla John Thomas resta Sylvia sampo resta Martha M resy David E reck Todd H Ruben Louise

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