GME Stock Earnings Live Coverage - GameStop Q2-2024 Earnings Reaction

e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e M check mic check I think we're situated here and just like that we are live thank you so much for joining me today whether you're watching this back watching it live I do appreciate you very much it's good to be live it's exciting day GameStop's going to report earnings maybe a lot will happen maybe nothing will happen right I'm not here to tell you what exactly is going to happen I'm just here to report on it cover it live and we'll see what happens right so thanks thanks again for being here and on the bottom of the screen you know got some analyst expectations we got last year's numbers and then we have tetron expectations although please take my expectations with the utmost Grand assault because of course those you don't know me know I'm not in the business of giving Financial advice I was here to share thoughts and opinions and just go through some things and we'll see what happens and have some fun it's good to see you guys in the chat appreciate you all very much Giga what's up hope you're doing well Ace buy more ready hey your words not mine thanks for being here bought two more bricks today cocaine oh my goodness we don't like that stuff here send Daddy why do you need two bricks see negative B I mean that's not negative bananana I mean look at his name it's clearly not him right and sure enough they see him going live the Alo saw it right so they crashed the price allegedly no I'm just kidding but it's 39 P p.m. teton's late hey I'm here and yeah dude it's crazy it's so late over there appreciate you staying up you know gotta catch the earnings catch the tetron stream right I mean I guess it's not that late but late relative to what time it is by me I'm in the east coast so it's 3 p.m. bright and sunny out today actually a great day worked I got out of work early W for a long walk just get my mental ready haven't streamed in a while want to just get dialed in and whatever happens happens right because at the end of the day this report is just another quarterly earnings report you know we've had several over the past years and we'll continue to have them right there's four every single year but look at some of the previous numbers and we'll be able to update these today so that's always nice just as a reference point and I got my overall GameStop canvas here some of the stuff GameStops done we got a lot of different stuff to go to to but yeah it's really just good to be streaming and back and just rocking and rolling and the you just don't want to put any too high of expectations I know there's this thing going around right now um where saw it like a day or two ago I think it was right here yeah I looked it up it says Vanguard and multiple others account is labeling G shares as new which usually signals a merger acquisition potentially for GameStop maybe uh I'm hopeful I don't know about merger right I I don't know why it's always said like merge or an acquisition I think it's going to be an acquisition I have a hard time seeing the merge right I mean I guess it would depend on the scenario that takes place but I really think an acquisition is going to take place at some time or another but with that being said I'm not really sure it's today this could be something else right like CL it's basically saying like a new share or they got rid of the Class A and now it's listed as new let's get some other screenshots same share from today here's from August 1st GameStop Corp classic GameStop Corp new class so maybe they're putting all their shares in one class now but the specifics of how that would go I don't know exactly do have my assistant chat GPT here in case we want to ask it some questions however it's important to know when you're going to use chat GPT to research information you should take that with a grain of salt you know it's good research tool in my opinion and just good for defining stuff grammar correcting yourself uh thinking of a better way to word things finding synonyms right all those small things I think chat GPT is is really a good tool for but I'm not going to be like explain to me why this is definitely happening and just oh oh my God chat gbt said it it has to be right right so just keep that in mind but it is interesting I have to admit it is interesting that this happens right before earnings right what is this 21 hours ago so this account oh my don't even get me start on this account 22 hours 22 hours see so about 24 hours ago right about this time yesterday because I was leaving work and I'm like what does everyone talk about new shares right and this is an old one obviously but yeah we'll see if anything comes of that I don't think so but also I'm just so numb to anything good happening or like like there's been a lot of hype around previous earnings reports especially when I first started covering GameStop it's like is there going to be a major announcement and just the way they've done things it seems like that won't be the case and if there was a major announcement to take place they would likely just do it on the fly or not on the fly but it would just come out after hours a random day when you least expect it it wouldn't be a day when everybody is watching right and that's historically speaking will it be the same today not necessarily I don't anticipate an earnings call because when you get The Newsroom of they when they announced the release date you see there's no earnings call mentioned here so not expecting an earnings call that would be a complete surprise if there was um but it's been like that for a while now so it kind of is what it is you know that I understand some people are saying well I want to hear what's going on but to me it just is what it is in that whether you agree or not like GameStop has basically made very clear hey we're not going to Telegraph any plans we're not going to do earnings call we're just going to put our heads down to work which good yes they've done some good things however you know it would be kind of nice to get an idea of where things are going but when I got involved in this and started seeing earning reports it became apparent that that wasn't going to be the case and I'm personally accepting of that and I think you just have to kind of be accepting accepting of it it's okay to disagree right like that's totally fine and you can agree to disagree with other people but that is just the situation at hand that's what I'm trying to say here and then one other thing to build upon the supposed potential alleged merger that is not official at all potential right is where were we I just had Larry Chang all right we'll just pull it up here home Larry CH where is he oh my god wow I can't even type can't even type it usually posts pretty frequently right and and you know could just be a coincidence right like scrolling back 30th 30 when I'm when in grapeville grapeville Grapevine thanks to hospitality for GameStop team today if you're not aware grapeville grape why do I keep going to say grapeville Grapevine Texas is where GameStop headquarter is and clearly that's it right there so he was there right before earnings he's tweeting tweeting and then what do you notice he hasn't posted in several days it's been five days um for Larry Chang that's a typical like usually he's pretty frequent like not all day every day and sure you miss a day here and there but as you see I'm scrolling back here it's about one or two tweets a day roughly right so just food for thought it could mean nothing it could be an absolute coincidence uh there could be something else in the works that happens in a few weeks from now we don't even hear about it today right I'm just throwing all the different ideas out there just to be clear anything's possible anything's possible right so mold 9:00 PM's late Hey listen bro I I get it because now I feel like more and more man going out late like I don't know about that right like I'm getting to that point where I'm like going to bed early it's kind of cool actually dip and rip or rip and rip Ray pz thanks for being here who knows right that's that's what I have to say who knows I think dip rip and then dip again and then rip I I expect volatility I mean we just have this little jump here and typically after earnings are released there's usually a quick move in One Direction and then the other and then it kind of Staples out or it goes back in the other direction right again that's just generally speaking um but it really I think will kind of depend on the numbers the biggest thing I'm looking for today or that I would like to see and it might be a stretch and it's kind of built into my estimates you see scrolling on the bottom here earnings per share to be positive that would mean net income is positive however I'd really like to see operational profit and that might be a lot to ask in Q2 and just still doing all these little things to adjust but I think it would be really really encouraging to see because when you look at the past four quarters the only quarter that GameStop's had an operating profit has been quarter four and historically you know they are consistently operationally profitable in Q Q4 because it is their biggest quarter of course however just being able to maintain operational profit quarter after quarter I think would be really encouraging while they just continue to work things out and work on some of the things they're working on right we've got some Larry not Larry Ryan Cohen tweets as of rate as of late I called it about the iPhone 16 and then love roaring P he's probably the top reply for me right here or this guy Greg is so bullsh for games just guess what col unders can someone decode this I love that he puts that under every single ran goe tweet and it's the most basic tweet right uh looking for a strong head of omni Channel engineering to lead our development teams in Dallas and a hardcore Salesforce Commerce Cloud engineer email tat team clearly this guy Greg has the most ideal resume obviously he has a B+ in science he's on the JB soccer team not one two years he can eat greater than 10 Oreos in one sitting I don't think I could do that I feel pretty shitty owner of several Doge quits see that's that I don't know maybe he's not qualified can burp the alphabet that that might make up for it can run fast top 25% I would have liked to see top 10% but I don't know he should probably be the cloud engineer for GameStop right no doubt about it but you gota love the AI photos like I love AI photos for my thumbnails it helps a lot and then even now I've been doing AI videos there's this website I've been using you can do them for free called Luma or something like that right I think that's what it is that's the one where I've been posting I don't know if you guys have seen some like I video I basically you can generate a picture and you give the AI that picture and then you can make it into a video right and obviously it's not perfect you could see there's flaws with this but I don't think it's really cool that this kind of stuff is starting to happen right this is my frog I absolutely love my frogs and my fish tank they coexist with my fish these are called African D frogs pretty dope so I thought that was a funny picture just share it on Sunday but yeah look at this this is incredible that this is what we're moving towards and we're still so early right in terms of artificial intelligence and maybe GameStop does something with AI in some way not some like corny way like oh they're we're using AI to take things to the next level right and they do already to an extent but is there something they can profit off of like some kind of product relative to the quote unquote AI boom um something they do have that not too many people know about I don't think you know ubic or yic I never know how to say this um essentially they created their own chat GPT it's the simplest way to put it for GameStop so if GameStop employees like okay what's our return policy they could ask that and then the AI bot spits out okay well this is the policy for this this this and this and then okay well if it's the holiday season are there an exceptions yes we have an extended warranty period or we have an extended return period right so essentially it's a tool for employees and also just makes it easier from what I understand to communicate between the upper level and the store level in terms of management and then obviously store to store managers pass the information along usually the structure is generally speaking with retail companies you have your average employee then you have supervisors then you have uh manager assistant managers and then you have a district manager then you have a regional manager and then you have the overarching management and that's Ryan Cohen Larry Chang Allan Adel Etc so they've done the small stuff right and we can add that to my list here so like I've worked on this the other day let's say added I should probably real here and they're not in par any particular order added ubic [Music] technology um they also added sap which is just pretty much software for their sales platform like the thing is too people don't realize when Ryan Cohen maybe you watching this realiz right but when Ryan Cohen took over GameStop all the technology was so outdated like they had to do so many upgrades right and in terms of outdated technology I feel like I got to get a new headset speaking of I feel like this one's just not that good um really want a better mic but I don't I'm open mic wouldn't be the best situation for me because I'm not the only one that lives here so people sometimes come by and picks up every sound really sensitively so that's why I've done the headset but I feel I got to upgrade this so stay tuned for that we're going to work on that very soon but thus far management you know some would say oh this is nothing right but this is just some of what they've done and don't get me wrong I still think there's more to do but they've closed unprofitable locations they let go of of overpaid Executives zoom in a little more here they dramatically cut overhead costs for the business you can see that look at sgna over here especially from 2022 to 2023 and then now into the early part of this year and there is definitely a figure I'll be looking at when the earnings come out in about 50 minutes from now or whatever exact time it winds up to be but they cut down overhead costs such as sgna narrowed it down to one Warehouse in Texas and it's right near their headquarters which I really like and gra Vine because they can go to the facility itself and see okay like how much product is in here how fast is the product moving out right they can really get like a hands-on experience in terms of what's going on there I mean not saying oh my God that like it's the great craziest greatest thing ever but it's just good perspective I feel like for management to see like ground level operations to an extent um like in the beginning when Ryan con would just kind of show up to stores like Undercover Boss style some would say and just see what's kind of the vibe and what's going on and then you have UBC technology sap so just basic technology upgrades again not groundbreaking but just was not there before with the pre previous management team that essentially in my opinion was just trying to drive the company into the ground and that's a whole Topic in itself but at this point essentially no debt uh they only have a very very tiny loan from the French government it's like 10 million left at some point first four billion cash like basically no debt obviously if you look on y who finance they show that they have debt but that's because of the leases and then they established the GameStop credit card another thing I'm just thinking of changed GameStop Pro Plan you know part of that was going from 15 to 25 but they changed the benefits of it a little bit as well uh began selling and buying PSA cards I didn't see that coming I like that development I think that's something they can really lean into it would be cool if they could one day grade cards I'm not sure if that's necessarily something they'll ever be able to do or have within their structure some kind of deal with a card grading company why can't I think of the name PSA we'll see I don't know about that but candy con private label brand I really want to see them do more private label Brands I think that is a defin definite way they can boost revenue and margins over time because if you're not familiar candy con right here private label brand it's GameStops own in-house brand and generally speaking in-house brands have higher margins so that's good for them this is my controller honestly it didn't look as good as I hoped u in terms of the color scheme I chose like I wish I picked like different thumb sticks in different colors but I also got the red one the red one's kind of sick too and look how easy it is like you literally just snap it on and off it'll give you the full screen here see just snap it right off see candy con got my controller and honestly I don't have a switch but I use it for my computer for some games and works great honestly like I'm not playing any super crazy games but it works very smooth and it has a smooth feel to it overall I think the red honestly looks a little bit better but I kind of have bolts so I'm like all right I guess I'll alternate I only have one controller so might as well but switch it back so yeah that's the inside scoop on the candy con controller but I feel like this came out really well I'd really want to see them build upon this you know more aspects of the candy con brand but then even beyond that create some other private Lael Brands I think there's definitely a good route to go with that or that could be a part of what they do because you have a lot of people like myself who really like the company and want to shop GameStop and would prefer to shop GameStop over another brand so if they're launching their own products that is potential Revenue right and obviously it has to be a good product you can't just rush it out there we don't know exactly how long this product took but it definitely took some time to develop and ultimately put out and of course the haters will say oh it's just a cheap Chinese knockoff blah blah blah try it then try it I think it works fine it works better than me than any random controller from China so and now the latest mod retro uh GameStop exclusive product we've seen that come out and supposedly they're launching retro GameStops although I didn't see that from Gamestop directly I saw that was put out but I'm like is that just being misconstrued for the fact that they're doing mod retro and then they're say oh they're doing retro GameStops I'm not too sure I haven't seen any retro GameStops or anything official from them so as a general rule of thumb I don't believe it unless GameStop says it then I'll believe it for sure so we'll see we got what is it um 3:18 Eastern we have about 40 minutes or so about 40 minutes so did Ryan Cohen or roran Cy tell you are we are getting a PSA data in the report not negative bananana I don't have any I think you think I have connections but I don't I don't connections like that but that's something I would really like to see in the report and that kind of brings me to my next Point here some things to look for I just is kind of just like uh jotting stuff down just brainstorming I wouldn't think oh my God this is like the most essential or anything like that just some thoughts I had which I'll get into in a minute but any1 feeding chat GPT SEC filings it still gets everything wrong Cabo G me thank you for being here you're absolutely right I totally agree that's not a good use case because you're right it doesn't properly read the numbers and from learning about AI I've really trying to understand it because I really think it's just very fascinating and I'm very curious about it I want to know what ways can I use it to better myself it like reads like the structure of it or something and not even the words itself so I think that's why that happens but I'm not the right person to ask about that but you're right you can't just be like oh what was the exact earning net income for GameStop last year it'll definitely get it wrong I feel like this could be the last negative earnings for years but hey Ray that's optimistic thinking and it's it's possible right it's not impossible but I think it's just good to tempor expectations and understand you know it could still be a negative VPS I know my bottom here says estimating 6 or seven cents I'm no expert right let me be perfectly transparent I'm not an expert I could be wrong it's just what I'm hoping for and what I think is actually feasible Wendy hope you're doing well thanks for popping in sup GM peeps RP hope you're doing well GTA what up what up hey man I made to live can't wait to hear earnings Budd yeah man it's exciting times I'm really excited I can't believe the day is here what's up tetron thank you for streaming the report of course Scott of course thank you for being here I appreciate you very much AI where it's at yeah it's it's incredibly fascinating but incredibly scary at the same time in my opinion that's the best way to think of it overall what up guys happy earnings that Derk hope you're doing well man good to see you Derk such a pleasure to have you here dude everyone in the house we love to see it uh you still use my Beats by Dr Dre GameStop sells a good streaming kit late microphone camera Etc Scott thank you I might have to look at that honestly I'm gonna post a note post a note let's see stop streaming kit take a look for that later yeah it's time to upgrade some things I'm really getting to the next chapter of my life you know I feel like the channel is improving little by little over time but also even myself like I'm realizing to become successful on YouTube or in tetron and whatever route I ultimately go and where I take everything I'm just going to keep moving forward so that's number one keep the feet moving but number two I'm realizing like you have to better your allaround self to accomplish the goals you want I mean by that is like health and just habits and ideology like all these different things I really feel like it all comes together and that's a lot of the stuff I've kind of been working on especially with like my health I've been trying to just be a better on a better diet and whatnot see the DM what up Scott rugg everyone here I love it I love it yeah know I apolog it's so hard to keep up with things sometimes especially my job like just gets busy and trying to make sure do a good job then come out do a good job on tetron right that's the way she goes but BCG lawsuits concluded any details probably not any specific information on the PSA cards I think it'd be really nice I feel like it's going to be under the Collectibles category in terms of like the revenue breakdown because usually Hardware software Collectibles but I think it' be really sweet to see PSA cards in their own category anything about candy con private label brand expansion probably not it's kind of why I have the stars there I am very curious what the total cash pile looks like how much interest they occurred keep in mind they just did two major share offerings in this quarter however they took place in the middle of the quarter so the cash accumulated on interest is not going to be as high as Q3 if they had that same amount of cash because they haven't had the cash for the entirety of the quarter so they raise it towards the middle and end and obviously they have 4 billion in cash now and what they do with that is to be seen that is for sure total cash for share just fun to calculate doesn't mean a whole lot but really just the overall cashes the most important DRS I'm just curious what that looks like mixed feelings you I think really the only way to truly own your shares is directly registering them however I I see a lot of arguments on both sides and there's a lot of good points and and I'll would say I'm like I'm mixed right and then at the end of the day you should do your research do diligence to determine how you want to hold your shares like it's your own individual decision whether you're going to use a brokerage directly register them use several brokerages whatever the case profitable on operating income is the one I keep mentioning I think that'd be really encouraging to see if we look at the same quarter last year right was this Q2 yes because this is the same quarter we're coming out now Q2 end of July 2023 they're what were we looking at oh operating income so you can see their net income was -2.8 million and that was negative 1 cent per share and also keep in mind because there are more shares now that is going to impact how net income is relative to EPS just keep that in mind but you see their operating profit or loss was -16.6 Million and then they had 11.6 million in interest income and 2 million in other income and then after taxes and whatnot ultimately winds up being Nega -2.8 so while they were basically break even on the bottom line the interest income was a larger part of that right so I really want to see this number the operating income be profitable here even if just five million of operating income right I think that'd be so encouraging and that might be stretch you know because look at what revenue is right now and if you look at what my Revenue estimate is what analyst estimates are and what q1 earnings were it's very likely revenue is going to fall right I'm hoping for around 900 million again maybe too optimistic considering store closures and just things that have been wound down however I don't think it's completely out of the cards with PSA cards now and I don't think Canyon is going to be a major major boost a tiny boost and that won't be separate that'll just be within Collectibles but really PSA card separately would be really interesting to see and over time just determine like hey how is that business doing as an aspect of GameStop's brand or Revenue aspect of GameStops brand but we'll see because the number to beat from last year's negative -6.6 but you got to consider if Revenue goes down you know yes cost sales will fall with it but it really depends what gross profit is what the grow profit margin is and then sgna which we have all over here so you could see year-over-year for the same quarter Revenue significantly fell from q1 2023 to Q q1 2024 but net income went up um we'll see if that's the case here again I think it's probably going to be a similar story but again even if they're net profitable I don't want it to just be from the interest income I wanted them to be operationally profitable and then the interest income just gives them a boost in terms of the net profit right that's just what I'm looking to see and then here are their margins really I want to actually update this chart I might just do it I'm just trying to think if it's possible because I want it to be gross margins operating margins and net margins without it being too tiny I think I think it is I probably just have to like shrink these and then add operating in the middle because it'd really be nice to see gross margin operating margin and net margin all in one place quarter by quarter for the past five years so we can see gross profit went up a little bit that's encouraging um but can they maintain that right here and really a number like 30% would be a lot more enticing to me and a lot more exciting and then increases the likelihood that we get that six or seven EPS per share which is a clear beat compared to the analyst expectations of negative 8 cents per share but again it's to be seen it's to be seen what the numbers the numbers don't lie H so I I could predict all I want right but it all comes down to what the numbers are and then also you could see how sgna has declined over time look at q1 2022 to q1 2023 to q1 2024 pretty significant move down essentially cut it by 50% from 2022 when really think about it because it went down over 150 million and then really when you're cutting Revenue as well I put the percentage sgna has a percentage of Revenue I think that's a major factor because if you're cutting down Revenue right or revenue is declining you really want to look at sgna relative to what the revenue is so with that being the case that's why I put the as percentage of Revenue here and they really were trending nicely from 2022 into 2023 each time sgna was being cut and beyond that sgna as percentage of Revenue was declining by like 5% here was about like 7% maybe 6% here about another 5% here about the same and then back up to 2022 level so that was a little bit discouraging to see to be honest with you uh in the last St report but at this point is what it is and here's a little more on The Mod retro see mod retro the emerging leader in higher Loom quity Electronics is thrill to announce sa launch of an exclusive chromatic colorway available on a GameStop noic device exemplifies Retro Gaming Renaissance and its top 10 position in GameStops weekend in console sales combined with GameStop significant role in the National Collectibles Market indicate the future of gaming is indeed retro and a couple friends say to me like oh it's not a good idea that's such a crowded space but I'm like relative to who like who are the competitors I'm sure there are competitors out there but there's the Retro Gaming space is so broad right so like they could kind of Niche into it and right now this is just one particular thing Niche into it become the niche itself almost and not become the niche itself but focus on like a certain Niche and then expand upon that and just grab like a corner of the market don't go for like the whole retro market like obviously don't think it's going to be that plain and simple right that's kind of my thoughts on that but another good website if you want to just see like all the breakdown of the numbers or always the best website is GameStop investor relations but this website macro trend is some good stuff oh I hav even checked this this is a max pain for the week so there's been a lot of times where GameStop closes at max pain at the end of the week and if you're not sure like what is Max pain why are you even talking about that it's where the most it's the price point at which the most options expire worthless so for this Friday it's 2250 right now Stock's at 2332 and it's currently falling since we started the stream here but it's the way she goes sometimes you can see we've been in a little bit of uptrend out of nowhere after hitting a bottom of 19 1979 at the very end of August and that was after you know right here was the whole like flash crash yet and carry train trade unwinding which by the way I don't think that's done for the yen is starting to appreciate and the dollar is starting to depreciate against the Yen and I have a hard time believing it that any Yen carry trade out there because there's a lot and it's been the same way for a long time low interest rates Japan higher R in the US turn around to the conversion while all of it might not be in the stock market I just have a hard time thinking like this was it for the Y carry trade on winding because I'm sure there's plenty of people who had liquid cash so they weren't liquidated when that big move happened all at once right and that's a whole Topic in itself we won't get into that too much today but we are uptrending a bit here and you know year to date they are slightly up right yep they started the year about 1750 and really at this point too they have a base like right now they have roughly and we'll know for sure when the earning support comes out $10 $11 per share in cash maybe nine something so when you look at it down here at its absolute lowest $10 at that point they had about I think it was two it was like 350 in cash per share if I remember correctly let's think one yeah so it was about like it got to a point on its lowest where pretty much more than half the market cap not more than half but about onethird was represented in cash so if you take that same number over here like $10 like right now it's a huge part of their overall like per share like the cash so we'll see and all a sudden we have this little move here but obviously this was a very volatile period but from here it's pretty much generally been sideways and when you zoom in it really kind of hasn't it is sort of volatile but it's sideways relative to this time period in here and obviously this where Roy Kitty came back and there's a lot of commotion and then this guy buys chewy out of nowhere and then he just says I don't want to play with you any more with the like the Toy Story meme so much going on right and I don't read into all that stuff too much honestly like I read it for fun and I am curious who people say but I don't analyze any of that too heavily although allegedly you know people are buying 5,000 share lots of GameStop and wasn't that was what was going on last time with the options for GameStop but maybe someone's trying to replicate it right like there's so many different eyes on this and so many people with different perspectives and trying to Hope oping things go one way or another I'll just say that so but apparently also Siri I see people talking about that but I don't fully know what happened with it when drone Pal's doing the sketch thing like Siri so I don't fully know I know it's like they combin different classes of shares because Siri was at like $5 but there's like all these different classes like charts independent path with BuyBacks and streamlined capital structure so they really just strange change the structure of the business um so people are saying you know that's interesting I don't know I haven't read too much about it it is interesting but I would be able to speak on it more if I read into it more and this is funny just side note Platinum Sparkles Emoji gate transcript okay you you've never gone publicly and said I'm not the meme Lord no I have not You Gotta Laugh at this I've never said I'm the meme King but you've never said that you're not right I've been called a lot of different things Mr C it's a yes or no question you've never gone and publicly said I'm not the meme King I don't believe so okay you've never gone public and said I'm not the meme Lord no I have not you've never gotone publicly and said don't call me Papa Cen no I don't believe so like just imagine a court like saying that Mr Cohen it's a yes or no question you've never gone and publicly said I'm not the meme King I don't believe so okay you've never gone and publicly said I'm not the meme Lord no I have not it's just imagine that right so funny oh my gosh but get y Finance open again like to have that open on the side there my full toolbar of stuff and again I hope everyone's doing well out there we'll see what happens we're about T minus 30 minutes away from Gamestop earnings let me check the chat out a SI of water because I am yapping away but I really appreciate you guys being here see what up Scott we do hope JY does something for us today and then I do not feel as if holders getting screwed travels thanks for being here I think it's a fair point you know I see what you're saying but again I was saying a little bit before I just feel gam up holds their cards close to their chest given how they've acted I would say over the past several years to me it's likely that if there was an acquisition it would just come out like after hours on a random day it wouldn't be on an earnings date although it's not impossible right like some companies do do that like that is a known thing that companies announce an acquisition on earnings day so it's possible and I was saying before you know strictly speculation but Larry CH hasn't tweeted since since September 5th and when you go back he tweets pretty frequently and also it was only like 10 days ago or so he tweeted that he was in grapeville Te why do I keep saying grapeville Grapevine Texas it's Grapevine not grapeville I don't know why I keep saying that but the equal long-term infinity pool account street name purchased to control cost basis Cabo thank you for being here yeah long-term infinity pool it's true that that is true here we go t you should add JY does anything with that five billion sgna under 265 million would be awesome no and bananana I think you're absolutely right that would be incredible and what is it um anything that's true all right that's a good point I'm going to add that on here store closures we can expand this a little too spending any of the roughly 4 billion in cash and also you know going back to that right when we look at their balance sheet so obviously they have way more cash than the year prior excuse me and marketable securities marketable security essentially cash equivalent is a little bit longer dated so by definition by the way cash and cash equivalents are either Straight Cash Money Market account could be a high yield savings type of situation or anything that matures in less than three months if they're buying like monthly treasuries for example that expire within 30 days then that would still be considered under cash equivalence marketable Securities is over 3 months but then less than one year and you know that because it's under current assets current by definition on the balance sheet is within a one-year period so with that being the case marketable Securities is basically treasury bills that are more than three months in length but less than one year so probably a lot of six-month bills and having said that interest rates are about to be cut by the Federal Reserve uh meeting is is it this week or is it next week it's coming up I know it's coming up and that it's pretty much priced in that rates are coming or it's pretty much widely known I would say generally accepted that we're getting at least a 25 basis rate cut maybe even 50 some are saying in this upcoming fed meeting so with it being the case and with the way the FED is Shifting they're saying like yeah we're getting ready to begin cutting rates if they're going to be getting cutting rates then they either are going to lock in the cash into longer term treasury bills right theoretically although those start to move in terms of the price when the FED starts to kind of foreshadow what they're about to do so I'm not sure that would be the most favorable rate or the best route but they can keep in the short-term Securities right and just earn that little bit of interest income but as rates are getting cut the amount of interest income is going to decline and also I want to be perfectly clear some people I think maybe think oh you think they're just going to earn interest income and that's going to drive them to the next level that's going to make them successful and super profitable no I don't think that to be perfectly clear I think for the shorter term and while they're planning the right moment to make the right move great at least earn some interest income in the meantime but there's less and less of that happening if the rates are being cut right so just some food for thought there again thank you guys for being here I appreciate you very much Travis G is doing something for you you need to stop expecting some kind of Silver Bullet the company has cash is now developing forms of Revenue what more do you want if J does come some kind of radical move they are soon to be sued uh being sued best thing is to just make money and pay a cash divid in the future Scott yeah I mean I do wonder about a dividend in the future I mean I think they have a long way to go before that happens but as shareholders who have held for a long time might want you know cash flow is very nice so again they're not right at that point right now I don't see them doing that I'd be utterly shocked honestly if they announced the dividend today but down the line I don't think it's such a bad idea right to reward your shareholders and also keep in mind Ryan Cohen himself and the board members himself major shareholders so they would get that cash flow reap the benefits of the company if they ultimately did Implement a dividend down the line but again we're very far from that right now my friends got calls uh not 5,000 of them though yeah Anthony thanks for being here hope you're doing well hey best of luck with your calls you know you guys know me I always say with options just be careful know thyself and trading in general there's nothing wrong with doing that if that's what you so choose to do but just remember options you could lose everything with it so just know your risk tolerance know thyself have your game plan set up for good or for bad so just always keep that in mind in general with options but hey we'll see what happens right we'll see what happens we're dipping going to the end of the day here about 4% down 333 Eastern is that right no 339 my computer is off on its time you guys can't see it my face is blocking it but it's off by like five minutes but it says it's connected for real time it drives me crazy but whatever um how crazy would it be though if and we'll get into the AK in a few minutes here Fring Kitty came back where did I have it um the last GB YOLO up update well we got one today that'd be pretty nuts right out of nowhere and he wound up with 9 million 1,000 shares the exact amount of shares Ryan Coen initially had so some kind of Nod to him some speculated maybe becomes part of the GameStop board maybe right maybe I think that'd be so interesting I think that'd be an epic turn in The Saga and just would be awesome honestly in my personal opinion um but I don't know I I don't necessarily think that's going to happen but I think it'd be pretty dope but we'll see see if he happens to post he just tweets out of nowhere what was that yesterday chout out Fitzy I'm sure you guys know him he's a homie ran Kitty it makes me laugh roran Kitty tracker he like doesn't even trade that much but and everyone think about the eyes see just post this out of nowhere bu chewy and then the eyes are facing the other way now and then he's saying I don't want to play with you anymore and they sold chewy but there was no filing for it all questions being asked right lots of questions and right before that Dune and he was just tweeting out of nowhere here and some were speculating this was him saying this was interesting what does it mean and this was right when he kind of slowed down right he did the Uno reverse card of course that was after disappearing for two weeks and then just a week later day after day two in one day did once for the 12th once for the third 13th once for the 17th and this when you look it up it was like controversial tennis thing I forgot exactly the details a while back at this point this is Bruno people were saying people hated him because he could see the future type of thing then there's all the Emojis people speculate on if you're just listening to this and you haven't been following that closely you're like what the [ __ ] is this guy talking about like it's fun to speculate on that to be clear but really it comes down to the numbers and just focusing on what the company's doing like I really truly believe that and then also just look at what Management's doing look at Larry Chang's share acquisition prices so these are all the shares he's purchased right right here from 2022 to 2024 his average cost basis was 2016 on those shares and his most recent purchase actually in July of this year was $24.85 per share that's the most he's bought shares for between the years of 2022 and 2024 and you can look at he see he earned some share awards for being a board member so he got about 19,000 shares there and then also in June 2021 he joined the board of directors and at that time he was required to form file a form three being an initial like discloser of share ownership and share rewards and revealed he already had 12,000 shares which 3,000 presplit prior to joining the board so he bought 12,000 we don't know at what price pre- June 2021 he purchased 46140 and then so that's 58,4 total and that's a grand total of 78,000 shares that he currently owns seems like pebbles relative to what Ryan Cohen owns but still pretty significant and definitely much more significant to me I'll say that so by the way if you haven't already follow me on X I'm always posting updates and just miscellaneous economic stuff on here so appreciate if you guys catch me on there but yeah then also just scrolling at uh super St always fun I haven't in a while honestly so I was just quickly going through but Roy k a YOLO update merger and acquisition confirmation positive Q2 timeline for today that would be exciting it's time for the company to reveal long-term business plan says Jim Kramer okay Jim okay Jim Jimmy boy funny how he is saying this now that Wall Street are in the dark thanks to Ryan Kitty getting us out of or Ryan probably meant Ryan Cohen getting us out of the credit facility which brings me to the next Point here perfect so they filed this 8K on August 28th it was filed 28th it was put out 27th but came officially out on the next business day and I just closed it out I just closed it out there we go oh I just tabed away from it but whatever zoom in as previously disclosed on November 3rd 2021 GameStop entered into a credit agreement by and among the company certain subsiders of the company the other bars in guarant gar guarantors why is that DPP me up uh from time to time party there to the lenders and issues from time to time there to Wells Fargo Bank National Association administrative agent ceral agent and Australian security trustee Wells Fargo Bank National Association J JP morgage so pretty much all these major Banks Fifth Third Bank Etc Wells Fargo the credit agreement currently provides for an asset-based secured revolving credit facility with a barwing capacity of 250 million and a maturity date of November 3rd 2026 and included a 50 million swing loan revolving Sub sub facility a 50 million Canadian revolving sub facility and a 50 million letter of credit sublimit pursuant to the credit agreement the company was required to pay commitment fee of 0.25% on any unused portion of the total commitment so they're going to save a little bit of money there like under a million nothing major right and every little bit helps right definitely don't get me wrong but that's not the most major part of it the fact is that on August 27th 2024 the company issued an irrevocable notice of termination pursuant to the credit agreement to voluntarily keyword vol voluntarily terminate the credit facility including all commitments and obligations under the credit agreement the termination is effect is in effect as of August 27th 2024 after giving effect to the termination the company's principal Source sources of liquidity will be from cash and operate cash from operations and cash on hand so key words here voluntarily and this last line the company's principal sources of liquidity will be cash from operations and cash on hand so one they voluntarily did this that were not obligated to or forced to in any which way they chose to do so and then beyond that they're saying hey we're going to be good we have enough cash on hand and we'll generate enough cash from operations where we're going to be able to pay our our uh suppliers out of our own pocket we don't need to use this revolving temporary credit facility and also from what I understand by doing this they have very little connections to Banks right like they don't have any major debt they don't have this revolving uh credit facility anymore so from how I see it and if anyone has any insight like feel free to drop it in the chat they're not obligated to pre- notify any particular bank or anyone really about an acquisition or a major move with the company's Capital yes of course they still have bank accounts and they're not completely detached from Banks 100% they need to hold the money somewhere but this really from what how I see it doesn't obligate them in any which way to give the banks ahead up of something that may be coming relative to the credit facility because they don't have the credit facil facility anymore so we'll see and then this is what roing pish tweeted out shout out to him he's an OG restrictions of GameStop's old credit agreement that are now gone the credit agreement places certain restrictions on the company and its subsidaries including but not limited to limitations on additional lines Investments Acquisitions loans guarantees and the incurrence of additional inness certain fundamental changes certain dispositions certain dividends and distributions and certain related party transactions so basically saying it obligated them to pee them in on what's going on but now that's not the case and also Investments that stands out to me a lot because remember the company approved I feel like this has kind of been forgotten about I actually just forgot about it till just ped my mind right now they approved an investment policy that Ryan Cohen and the other board members can basically direct the company funds and invest it as they CH so choose to so theoretically GameStop could be invested in a videoid right now we might not find out till today right I don't think that's actually the case let me be perfectly clear that's just a very simple example but that is part of the situation in terms of like their investment policy how they execute on that I think just time will tell time will tell but it's worth noting that that AK comes out right before the report and I know the Shar change you know from to GameStop shares new instead of GameStop shares Class A I don't know it's just one of those I'm always skeptical because I've been around long enough to know like every time something seems really good like oh it's going to be big it's going to be true and then it's like a nothing burger right so I guess I'm like always overly cautiously optimistic when it comes to just seen so many things be so hyped up and see oh my gosh it's really here and then I just kind of like oh that's not what we thought it was right so yeah we'll see we're getting closer and closer here 3:48 already damn time is is flying when you're having fun that's for sure that's what they're saying how far do you think Jimmy can rise on a moas situation Donnie thank you for being here uh good question so I've come to say over time that to me moas is defined by everyone differently right it's not a true like thing that has a definition in the dictionary it's like a term that's kind of been created so if you're not aware ass stands for mother of all short squeezes so in my opinion it really is going to vary a lot of factors obviously like how much potential short interest underlying that Buble to the surface and by the way before we even get to any of that ultimately to being a quote mo ass type of scenario I really think the company just has to drive forward and succeed and whatever is underneath will naturally bubble to the surface if the company's thriving and succeeding so that's really why I just focus on the fun to the company because if they do that then honestly I think whatever's underneath will just naturally come to the surface and let the show begin right theoretically of course I don't give Financial advice so make your own determinations but it could go to a ridiculous number I really do think that like it's hard to put an exact number on it but it really could get ridiculous because it's going to depend on the fomo it's going to depend on you know institutions how they're trading it because there's so many Algos that play so if it starts going up a lot Algos are going to pick up on that and start buying up shares calls and I think it'll be very volatile period that would be kind of like a quote indicator you could say but I really think everyone's definition of what a mother of all short squeezes is is different and the more and more I think about it and the more and more time this Saga has gone on I feel like it's just going to be an elongated rise kind of like a Tesla style short squeeze not exactly the same thing but where it's just like hey the company's driving forwards and then meanwhile like shorts are just unraveling steadily over time right and also if I put myself in the shoes of a hedge fund that potentially allegedly was aggressively shorting shares and had massive short interest to cover I would do it as slow as possible without making it dramatically move and then having to buy the rest of my shares to cover my position at a ridiculous price point because of a dramatic move and really what to me moas is in in theory I guess is immense demand of for shares and very limited supply of shares so that just caused the price to keep going up and up because the ask price just goes higher and higher and higher but then when you learn about market makers and the specifics of them and how they work and you're oh well they can always just kind of throw new asks on the book right because they're a market maker they're allowed to do that so it's it's so complex that is a a very complex question to answer that's really the best way to say it I think hi from UK first time on your channel so looking forward to your take on earnings David thank you for being here hope you're doing well hope you're having a good day in the UK out there but yeah I'm just going to cover it live give you guys a raw reaction and to be perfectly clear too even when I do react you know my opinion might change after digesting a little bit and analyzing and like while give you like an instant reaction it is important to remember like when you digest information like you perceive it and just see it differently when when you get like one full night's rest right or you waited till the next day like okay dust is settled like what is really going on here right okay what did this report really look like right so while I'll give you an instant reaction like post earnings I think people's reactions will be a little bit different potentially I mean obviously depends what it is but just remember like in the moment sometimes like oh my gosh and then the dust settles oh you know what I mean like it it depends depends on the stario do you know so think GameStop will do anything with the GameStop nft wall in the future GTA honestly I don't think so I think it's a situation where the US just made it clear we're not going to put the regulatory framework in place to do something or facilitate nft transaction so it's going to be a gr area so I think GameStop saw that and said well it sucks we invested time and energy into this we want to cut our losses now because we don't want to be in a situation where we have to spend a lot of cash on a lawsuit and we've seen a lot of lawsuits take place since the GameStop nft Marketplace was wound down so in hindsight I feel like they made the right move and also given GameStop scenario right you don't think there's a Target on their back if there's any possibility hey maybe something's going on with that nft Marketplace let's let's sue them and investigate it right right that's all I'm saying so I Feel Like It ultimately wound up being the best move and I don't think they'll necessarily do anything with it I think they've kind of pivoted away and also it seems like GameStop um R just broke for a second GameStop player nothing's really comeing with that you know that was something I was speculate on for a long time so we'll see YouTube and their commercials are getting out of control naked Mania my bad bro my bad I don't think I I had just have like the whatever the standard is that's what I have oh wait did I disconnect test hold on we disconnected oh no we're good yeah we're good my my side device where I've been checking out the chat is the one where I disconnected which is odd but we'll just refresh it real quick and damn just like that guys we are about like six or seven minutes away would you believe it time is flying getting a little bit of bump up here towards the end of the day we'll see but it really come down to what comes out after hours and oh let's go through the rest of the chat here keep the numbers up then these are you could say the rough uh excuse me like predictions for me I said I changed this to let's say 900 million revives downwards 26 million net income which should about 6 cents per share shares outstanding did significantly increase which again will impact EPS relative to net income compared to the same quarter of last year but rais about $3 billion this quar so we'll see if anything's been done with that if that's just going to sit on the balance sheet but this is what analysts are estimating here and all the by the way this is also all flowing on the bottom so feel free to check that out but let's get through the L of the chat here and also I got I think I got to add operating margins here I feel like it's too big of a factor not to include but damn back to back commercials I'm sorry guys that's that's crazy I don't know why I gotta look into that after GL to be here with some of the same Dylan thanks for being here happy to have you here jimmmy Bears winning Bulls losing so far travels yeah that's the way she goes sometimes she's going to go up she's going to go down Left Right circles it's a Wazi it's woozi it's fugazi fugazi uh looks like we're losing again tonight we'll see travs we'll see night's uh I didn't hear no Bell I didn't hear it either negative travels maybe should take a walk yeah it's always good no I'm telling you taking a walk is so good for your mental even more than your physical right like I feel like for your mental it's so so important and really helps me especially try not to take my phone just just think just think and walk like that really is so good for you I swear mentally thank you for answering fundamentally G up strong anyway so there will be huge value nonetheless yeah Donnie thank you of course I got you any any question in the chat I always do my best to answer you know don't ever take any answer I give them oh my God tetron said it it oh my goodness no you know just sharing my opinion like everyone else has the right to Bulls are fine my cost bases below current prices 8 years pre-split let is more Equity per share after the offerings and more cash on hand maybe you not have aged analy warrant announcement cable maybe if you have doubt about the company nobody's forcing you to stay invested or even stay at the stream Scott this is very true at the end of the day I'm perfectly clear one we'll see what the numbers are numbers will speak for themselves and two make your own individual decisions know your own financial situation and what's best for you are you going to do options are you going to do shares like know yourself like just knowing yourself is so so important and having a plan and just just ideology and how you want to go about things because if you don't then that's where I feel like people make mistakes or they make a trade they regret or they sell when they wish they held or they didn't buy when in the hindsight they wish they did because they didn't have a game plan or no their own plan like position or way they want to go about investing or trading right so remember when G America OD should I buy today my fellow up sniff or sniff tick I like your name um hey at the end of the day like I was saying make your own decision I'm not here to give Financial advice you know I think know thyself if you want to trade it I think if you're trading based upon earnings you're kind of taking a risk cuz in general with earnings Anything could happen right Anything could happen with earnings and sometimes earnings are good and the market perceives it as bad and the stock tanks sometimes earnings aren't even that good the market perceives it as amazing for whatever reason it's just generally speaking not just GameStop stock so having thought about that you got to keep that in mind like that's why to me trading on earnings in particular is very risky for that reason because you never know how the Market's going to react right and then sometimes the stock Falls the next day it's Sly Rises we've had that happen before with GameStop and it's happened with many stocks before where it'll fall in the after hours it'll look red the next day start creeping up in the pre-market then the Market opens all a sudden it's trending up the rest of the day right or even vice versa Market overacts oh wow this is so amazing and then over time it's the next day it's actually maybe it wasn't that much and it Trails off right so you you just never know what you're going to get with an earnings report in terms of the stock price reaction but what you do know you're going to get is updated numbers for a company so that's really what we're looking at here today and then also a quick side note shout out uh Durk I'm sure you guys know them as well cost headphones promoting GameStop mod retro that's interesting um I did check that out and I did see it myself pretty interesting I'm not sure it means anything I don't know a whole lot about cost I know cost has been widely watched because it's kind of in the basket some say ever since January 2021 and it's one of the only stocks if not the only stocks in the basket that doesn't have any options people say that's a factor why it can't be as controlled it moves more line the GameStop again just things people are throwing out there DV update refresh just for the fun of it good morning Jerica but yeah I love this video too this this is so iconic this guy absolute classic I mean it's not he's not a gam guy but just I remember this in the beginning like it was just such a hype thing just look at him he's just vibing he got the gold watch gold microphone just in his living room in his Rob like he's kind like a Llamas on there or something so funny but yes so maybe an acquisition maybe just maybe but also temporary expectations I think realistically guys there probably isn't going to be an acquisition to be frank but it's not impossible it's not impossible that is the truth it's really not impossible so we'll see we'll compare it to the same numbers of last year we get a roaring Kitty tweet right now that'd be amazing we'll see guys we're counting down the minutes here we're getting really really close we are 1 minute away from 4:00 so probably we get a numbers like 402 403 oh I got to get my laptop plugged D the side the side for the chat for the chat applied moves like 70% Your option bet can be right but not moving enough then you get IV crushed very valid point Anthony you're absolutely spot on that's a great Point especially with trading options on earnings you got to keep in mind that yeah implied volatility will crush you so if it is 17 I thought it might have saw that the implied move was 133% but I could be wrong um so that would say like the option Market is pricing in the Stock's going to move 13 or 17% whatever the case one way or another oh so we are officially in the after hours here we've officially hit 4:00 the first candle started let me plug this in drink some water get dialed in candy con controller if you game on your PC honestly it's worth it you have a switch it's worth it guys I'm telling you I'm telling you it's a nice controller but J post on PS5 Pro I like what I see yes sir look forward to DRS numbers marker dude what up everyone Robert hope you're doing well fresh maker what up what up hope you're doing well my friend damn happy to see everyone great SI one we got the first candle here numbers aren't out yet take that with a grein of salt and again no matter how the stock price moves right here it doesn't mean that the report is good or bad the stock price is going to do whatever the stock price is going to do and there's been many times in the past not just GameStop where the earnings are good but the market overreacts and the stock sells off or the earnings are bad and the market overreacts and the price goes up right so really anything could happen in terms of the price action that's the reality of it now we anxiously await we anxiously await here we refresh refresh refresh right refresh refresh refresh wait for the next filing until we see September 10th September 10th and we got the debate tonight I literally I think anyone who's been waiting for GameStop rootings like you don't even remember there's a debate today you're just like it's GameStop earnings day what do you mean debate day like who gives a crap about that right but we'll see we'll see all right so the first candle a little bit red and then bounce back but again numbers aren't out yet so the Market's just doing what the market does bouncing up bouncing down let's see any moment now any moment any last words anyone want to throw predictions in the chat Feel Free at work I'll reat this later bro hope good to see you back my big man Ryan hope you're doing well my friend hope you're doing well hey we'll see what happens any moment now and again thank you guys so much for being here I really appreciate it so much and we'll react together right now when the numbers come out let's see any moment any moment I'm so curious what CNBC you know what I did last time when roran Kitty was set to do a stream I put on CNBC I paused it and then I resumed it once he actually finished the stream and then I said I saw Andrew left like talking this is crazy right by the way that guy got investigated or is being investigated for supposedly doing some funky stuff right so isn't that ironic but overall we'll see what happens we'll read the numbers we'll read the numbers and I don't really care about cnbc's reaction you know they're just going to say a bunch of nonsense oh positive EPS but what are they doing what are they really doing that's what that that guy's gonna say Andrew whatever his name is but my body's ready hey Anthony I'm ready too is the okay I thought I was like wait is the stream not good nervous travels I'm sweating man I'm sweating but that's cuz it's hot in here not even because of the earnings right so and by the way since we're about to report it you know the same quarter last year EPS was negative 1 cent Revenue was 1.16 billion so I do expect Revenue will definitely fall and analysts are expecting EPS of negative 8 cents for this quarter and revenue of 895 million roughly I'm hoping for 900 million in revenue and a 7 Cent or 6 Cent rather six or seven Cent net profit but we'll see we'll see numbers will speak for themselves that's the reality of it and the Market's not doing anything much it's because we don't have the numbers yet see any any moment now imagine imagine they just wait till like five o'clock or something are they even allowed to do that I'm not sure but see Trav good please stop the foot are you going to join are you going to stream the call John thank you for being here uh as far as I'm aware there is not going to be an earnings call as of late GameStop has not thr an earnings call so if there was I'll throw it on why not but I don't expect there to be an earnings call my friend but again thank you for being here Andrew left is singing like a canary to avoid Rico charges bullish Dono thanks for being here hope you're doing well my friend yeah no pretty interesting that that happened and I don't once it's all finalized the investigation that'll definitely be worth uh looking into so here we go here we go let's go any moment now we might have to we might have to put on sunglasses Future's getting bright you heard that the future's getting bright oh Future's bright Future's bright now we're dialed in now we're dialed in there we go oh see I should have put the glasses on and now the Stock's going to go up had I known that I would have just put them on when the stream started right that's what we could have did probably any minute now what time is it we got 404 I feel like usually it's between 405 and 410 the filing drops because usually if a company's doing a call oh and we have a green dildo candle we have a green dildo candle that's what they're saying the sources are saying the source is the chart and that's initial again it's just a a move right now we're climbing we're climbing we're dropping we're dropping we're way dropping we're dropping a lot we're dropping we're dropping let's see do we have numbers do we have numbers can we get numbers News Room nope so we don't have anything yet unless Wall Street is seeing it before me is something happening okay I can't see that well with these okay so we start coming back a little bit keep in mind no halts in the after hours let's get this crap out of here okay okay we are climbing back we Are Climbing back feel like a sports commentator giving you the play by play We're climbing back and we are dropping we are dropping we are dropping and we are not moving but we still have no numbers any moment now any moment now five minute chart all right let's see not that it makes too much of a difference but relative to this morning's price action we had this little jump was that like 7:15 out of nowhere very interesting and then nothing all right we're climbing back we're climbing back I feel like I'm sorry my friend I'm going to go back with the one minute I feel like we're in that moment where the white the one minute let's let's just feel the full stress right like let's do the let's do the 10-second candles even do they even have that on here no I'm not going to do that but dance dance dance love the dips hey negative bananana buying the dips away something's going on sub as the boss thanks for being here potentially maybe maybe not again thank you all for being here appreciate you very much we're just rocking and rolling we're going to react to the earnings live and see what happens let's get the actual numbers right and as I was saying anything could happen with the stock price the earnings could be good the stock could go down the earnings could be bad the stock could go up right like that's just the nature of the stock market so but we're getting bouncy here we're getting somebody oh shout out to hex zombie 555 thank you for following me on X I appreciate that all right we're climbing back we Are Climbing back but we still don't have numbers still don't have numbers oh is this the most stressful minutes of my life I swear every time I do these earning streams it's four o'clock like earnings time and then I'm like oh wait it doesn't come out instantaneously it doesn't come out instantaneously ah I don't know maybe take the sunglasses off I think every time I put on the sunglasses it might go down that might be the problem guys it might just be the problem no but we'll see overall guys be clear I just really care about analyzing the numbers whatever is going to happen with the stock price is going to happen right and anyone with any options bet or short-term trades I wish you the best but anything could happen with an earnings trade this thing could move a ton and by the way whatever move it makes in the after hours right now it could be completely different from what the stock price looks like by market open tomorrow so keep in mind you know there can be volatility ups and downs in the postmarket trading action so we will see we will see getting jittery getting jittery can we get some numbers can we get some numbers nothing yet let me know guys if my think uh not not working oh we have numbers out let's see super ly Luke says check your email tetron they sent it oh okay hold on see that's so annoying though why they wouldn't uh one sec one sec give me one second guys one second pulling up my email pulling up my email okay okay just the press release first that's what it is all right here we go reacting in real time GameStop discloses second quarter 2024 results so the market mixed feelings on it okay let's see what they say so sales were just under 800 million wow my expectation was way off below analyst as well compared to 1.16 billion the same quarter last year so significant fall off sgna 270 million versus 322 million of the same quarter last year 33.9% of net sales versus 27.7 not the best nice to see that they cut the numbers if you look at sgna for the previous quar was 295 so quarter over quarter you know subsequent quarters that number did decline that's nice to see at the least that's a silver lining right here net income was 14.8 million for the quarter compared to a loss of 2.8 million for the prior second quarter okay so they did turn a net profit although given that it was only 14.8 million chances are guys as we scroll down here they probably didn't make an operational profit but maybe I'm wrong maybe they broke even operations earned exactly 14.8 million in that interest income let's find out C Cash Cash go markable Securities 4.2 billion so they didn't make any big move it appears so here's the revenue wow cost of sales went down a lot along with it that's encouraging to see again not the oh my gosh everything's fine at Danny but that's definitely good the very least 270 million of sgna so operating loss 22 million see unfortunately the operating loss compared to same quarter last year ah a little bit worse a little bit worse that is a bit unfortun to see to be honest with you but it's not the worst you it's not the end of the world oh we have the numbers right there duh and as you can see they earned way more interest income I was thinking they were going to make about 24 million in interest income so they earned more than I expected they must have got that cash on hand right away and immediately invested I had estimated they were going to maybe earn about where was it I don't know I'm all over the place I thought I had it they were going to earn about 25 million somewhere that income 6 million and then earnings loss before income taxes so after the interest income right because remember when you're paying debt interest this number would be positive so you subtract it out but this number is negative since it's interest income so you see they earned way more than the same quarter of last year and again the interest income is what's made them net profitable for the quarter so earnings was 17.5 million then you account for 2.5 2.7 million in income tax benefit or sorry income tax expense rather and you get 14.8 million on the bottom line so definitely I would say just upon a glance right initial reaction this is the best part of the report the fact that they are net profitable on the bottom line and you can see uh the shares that have been issued um although they issued a lot more shares than that how is that the number that is interesting and 4 cents of eps see and their net Marg 1.9% okay not the most swell and dandy and this is now year to date of q1 and Q2 combined so you can see year over year again kind of the same story just looking at Q2 vers Q2 the first half of 2024 versus first half of 2023 it's kind of the same story where revenue is declining uh but net income is improved EPS is improved and interest incomes improved but again like the operations are still steady like I really just want to see them get to profitability and operations but it just seems like that's going to take a little bit more time and effort that's the reality of it right now but moving down to the balance sheet here you see they have a ton in cash cash equivalents very little marketable Securities at this given point in time a little bit less inventory than this time last year prepaid expenses is relatively the same this same point last year oper operating lease right of use assets so that kind of coalign to some store closures and leases that were not renewed hence why this number is lower versus the same number of last year same quarter of last year and then deferred income taxes pretty much the same other non-current assets pretty much the same but you could see how overall their total assets significantly increased due to the amount of cash that they raised through the share sales so accounts payable went down a lot that's pretty good uh cured liabilities and other liabilities a little bit less current portion of operating lease liabilities so again a little bit less because again just a little bit less leases in general current portion of long-term debt again just very small amount of money that was loaned from the French government associated with their response to the pandemic and by the way that $1 million is a curring interest at like I think a one point something percent rate maybe even less than 1% so overall less liabilities um long-term debt very minimal and again see they're about current portion is 11 million so they're paying off like a good majority of what's left of that very very tiny loan already and then operating lease liabilities 335 versus 45 then overall total stockholders Equity went up significantly liabilities went down and overall they just have more assets than the same quarter of last year right just generally speaking let's see what the stock price is doing real quick and then I'll hit the chat after all this so Market is actually not really reacting at all ironically enough right and if you're an option seller that is where you make the bag right everyone's buying options bullish and bearish and the stock does nothing right the stock does essentially nothing and again we are a long way before the market open tomorrow the stock could decline a lot before the Market opens tomorrow or it could go up a lot by the time the Market opens tomorrow right so that is to be seen just keep that in mind and after hours generally speaking in pre-market hours have more volatility so that's also worth noting um let's take a look at the cash flow statement now so profit 14.8 million versus the two negative 2.8 million of last year nothing too significant here a little bit more merchandise on here okay everything else relatively the same less spent on accounts payable inured liabilities changes other long-term liabilities not major so net cash will use an oper operating activities was positive proceeds from sale of property and equipment so they sold some property most likely I don't think it really would have been equipment in GameStop's case that's just like a general line on the cash flow statement so that a little bit of like a one-time gain on that sale it's not like going to be something that's reoccurring and obviously they're out of digital assets at time so there's nothing there not doing Market they didn't buy any marketable Securities this quarter um and then some of them matured so that's why you get this number right here but really when that happens that cash is just moving like it's showing up on the cash flow statement but it's really just moving where are we I like the filing so much better I hate the the in website thing I me I hate it's fine but it's really just moving from when the proceeds from marketable security just means money moves from here to here so it's really like not that major but it is a part of the cash flow statement in general and then you have you know a positive number here oh wait soor that's the 26 weeks I like wait a minute that's not where I was proceeds for maturities and sales and marketable securities so at this point they're really just going to cash cash equivalents I think that's because the fed's probably about to cut rates or maybe they're getting ready to use the cash right potentially so net cash flows used in investing activities again positive repayments of debt again just paying like really small amounts 3 million is relatively small compared to the company as a whole proceeds from issuance of shares at ATM offerings net of cost see just over $3 billion rais I had it down that they had raised 3.74 billion slightly off 3.55 right so just about there though but overall obviously their cash flow was really strong here mostly because of the shares issued but if you take that out they still had a net free cash flow increase so I think that's pretty encouraging to see and then obviously that's going to skew the numbers for year like first half 2024 versus first half of 2023 because it's already happened but yeah that's the overall quick breakdown oh okay wait a minute let's go with the mix is the stock doing anything okay we're going up a little bit right now I mean while the revenue completely missed the EPS absolutely surprised right because if they had 4 cents of eps versus annual estimates of negative 8 cents that's a 12 cent surprise that's pretty significant especially for the fact that their revenue was way off of anal estimates right like they completely Miss on Revenue in terms of estimates but they completely crushed on EPS so generally I think that's kind of why the market is reacting the way it is and the way that it's kind of not reacting so to speak um and then looking at net sales obviously it went down overall so you're pretty much looking at everything going down especially significantly going down in the software category really want to see Collectibles improve that would be nice just given that collectibles generally speaking have higher margins and unfortunately it seems like we didn't get any specific numbers for PSA that's something I was hoping to see I know we talked about that a little bit before but it doesn't look like that's the case right now and then you could look at the first 26 weeks of the Year pretty much first half of the year and we're at that time in the day I'm realizing the sun is just straight up shining on me isn't it yeah hold on let's close this wait okay there we go oh sh on my pillow okay includes sales of new and pre-owned Hardware accessories Hardware bundles in which hardware and digital or physical software are sold together in a single SKU okay just specifics sna expense okay they're accounting for transformation costs interesting let's see transformation costs include Severance stock based compensation for forfeitures related to Workforce optimization efforts and departures of Key Personnel adjustments to reserves for expenses for consultants and advisers related to transformative transformation initiatives and other costs in connection with the transformation initiatives so I don't think that's anything too major there but I think they're just saying like we're depending on winding down certain places certain Severance packages paying out and that's another thing like once the dust settles I'll be able to dig into that a little bit more and it didn't get better did it there's still sun right on my face but that's all right guys that's all right it is what it is and iida still negative it's a little bit unfortunate but that's right as long as Inc comes positive I can accept it then anything else major here nope I don't think so all right now let's see what you guys think and see how the stock price wants to bounce around again it's not really doing much I mean especially relative to the few days going into it like this move is very minuscule like it's pretty much nothing right like there's going to be huge IV crush on options on both sides if the stock opens at this price tomorrow but again anything can happen between now and 9:30 a.m. eastern time tomorrow morning when the Market opens right although it looks like we're slightly trending up but again I think you got to take that with the grain of salt doesn't mean a whole lot I feel like the market in general is just having mixed feelings about GameStop certic like Revenue didn't meet expectations at all but EPS was way better than expected but for me personally the thing I'm like ah I just really wish operations were profitable but they're just not quite there yet but that's all right that's all right let's see oh super luky Luke thank you 5 cents EPS net income 48 million 4.21 billion hey green now flying hard spring visuals thank you for being here Martinez no it's it's not your liar stop Flying worth crap thanks for being here brother thanks for being here de number I don't see it what up great earnings yeah it doesn't seem too bad your numbers will be in SEC filings once posted Cabo good point let's see if we have that out yet no we don't have that I I always forget yeah they send an email with it or like you look at like their post on their website but not like the actual filing doesn't come out until a little bit later hope the price drops all 10 bucks again so I can buy more cheap hey 1 2 3 88753 it's a great buying opportunity that's absolutely true because right now where it stands see but this is the thing that I'm like getting a little confused how are their shares outstanding only 3004 oh no that's yeah but they raised they sold way more shares like how is this a number like that doesn't make a whole lot of sense someone help me out here I I'm not sure how we got this number if we raise right like the capital raises 75 million that looks to be accounted for right about and then what about the other 45 million it seems like the 45 million isn't really included but both of these were definitely in Q2 because Q2 is May June July right yeah q1 is February March April Q2 is May June July so I'm not too sure why that's the case off the Dome here but that's something I have to Circle back to GM and AMC hey David good luck with AMC but I'm just a gme guy to be honest with you uh allo not sure to interpret the results Anthony I think that's kind of true I mean honestly like I think people are just trading it right and just maybe strictly looking at analyst estimat and what the actual numbers are like wait revenue is not good wait but EPS was way better ah right but I think that's what the alos are thinking right and obviously alos don't think but I think you know what I'm saying there 24 and up yeah we're floating at 23 and change 2410 was the high at the lowest point we hit 2231 so really honestly not a lot of volatility I mean you might be looking say this is pretty volatile but for GameStop like this is nothing to be honest with you relative to its past where stream stream just got messed with no way really oh we're good okay they coming after after me guys they don't want me to talk about GameStop now G 10 I start selling play Ste again it's quite the deal now moving Direction going to crush both calls and puts exactly agree I'm shocked they did so well why does y finance and trading view say EPS around 12 cents killing it on margins think the estimate takes time to effect yeah I think I think you're right uh bananana lean mean cash flowing machine it's true because yeah that's probably another really encouraging thing just off the like off The Hop here just analyzing real time you take out like what they raised in proceeds and their free cash flow is still positive right so if you take 31 99.5 minus 30 30557 free cash flow was still 143 and then you can even go as far to take out proceeds from uh proceeds from marketable Securities because again it's really just moving on the balance sheet from cash like markable Securities to cash cash equivalent so it's not really like free cash FL but it kind of gets counted for so if you even take that out right take out that 72 million still free cash flow positive right so I think that's pretty encouraging if I don't say so myself let me know what you guys think you can disagree that's fine so I'd say a mixed bag here and again it's one of those like I'm just reacting in real time when I really like digest the numbers tonight and analyze it follow me on X tetron invest I'll be posting uh some insights on it later this week really just digesting the numbers and analyzing them and going more in depth in what they mean so also looking at the previous quarter right sales were 881 million in q1 so it's kind of discouraging honestly seeing sales decline like that I think it was you know seems like people were expecting sales to decline more than I was I mean I think once I put in the 900 number and I started thinking about it more and more I'm like it's probably way over an estimate but whatever I'm just going to leave it at this point right so while the revenue falling is not the most ideal again it's not the end of the world because they are net profitable and there's still more work to be done there's still a lot more work to be done but I totally understand if you're maybe trading this or looking at this out persective like this is horrible oh my God fine you can think that that's no problem but to me what's discouraging in terms of the revenue is usually well actually no q1 was a little stronger than each of the p Q2 so I thought it was the other way around so I guess it's not that bad and then also you got to think about I guess with q1 a lot of people get gift cards and have Christmas money to spend so usually q1 and Q2 are the slowest quarters and Q3 has kind of been the same in the past couple Q4 is really where they make a lot of their money so we'll see what happens we still got a long way to go with the year we still got a long way to go before the Market opens tomorrow Anything could happen with the stock I think anyone wants to go long on it is gonna almost hope the price drops to have a buying opportunity because nothing's really dramatically changed in terms of their fundamentals where you're like oh my God like I'm not buying this now if you were buying it before and you're probably still buying it now like if you were bullish before the report you see this report I don't really see anybody's less bullish but that's just my opinion right so let's see what else you guys got in the chat lean mean okay now it's time for Ryan Cohen to buy Anthony that is always exciting I'd love to see that should I have bought puts at 23504 earnings release um cyclo no because puts or calls either side right anybody bought options if the price were to open tomorrow at where we are right now all options buyers both puts and calls are going to get crushed by implied volatility because implied volatility is going to dramatically fall off because it was implied that volatility was going to take place after the earnings report but with a mixed bag of earnings if you want to call it that or obviously it's opinionated the stock price isn't really moving much and as volatile as once expected so so of shares and are buying puts it's normal hedge yeah that's that's true um if I've had to restart your stream four times six damn that's crazy actually really it seems fine like I have got the side devices I have one where I read the chat and I have the backup one just to make sure in case something goes wrong so that is actually crazy they don't want us to stream let me tell you crazy they don't they don't want they don't want GameStop to go up they they I always saying that like I always say this stupid thing now too like they really let us get to Friday like they really let us get to the weekend like you wouldn't believe it I can't believe people like who's there who's there I'm like you know they it's a joke there's no they that's the joke of it right and I'm Al always saying like sources are saying there's no sources I'm just joking around right but we'll see uh I've had to restart your streams that's crazy where can I watch the earnings call David there will be no earnings call as far as I'm aware unless out of nowhere they decide to do it there will be no earnings call for GameStop uh they haven't done an earnings call in quite a while and I don't anticipate they will do one okay so we do have the report oh for minut a format is in the process of being created from the filing please check back short shortly okay all right we'll have to go back shortly but I don't think you know if that if there's no acquisition within this information there's no acquisition that took place so if you guys could drop a like follow at tetron invest on X I would be greatly appreciative of that you know just trying to build the brand keep talking about GameStop keep covering it live and I'm always going to do earning streams stay tuned for that I literally take a half day of work I'm like guys it's GameStop earnings day you know what that means I need a half day of work today obviously request in advance I don't screw over my team but I really do have a lot of fun covering the earnings report because also you know some people say oh why are you so obsessed with GameStop like why do you why do you literally take off for work to cover GameStop I'm like there are not a lot of people I'm not the only one right to be perfectly clear but there are not a lot of people accurately covering the earnings reports or when things are coming out yah finance and or CNBC they come out oh bad numbers OMG blah blah blah okay now next there's not a lot of people like actually truly covering it live and that's why I chose to do so on a consistent basis for a while now new training sets good or bad um I don't know it says Q2 Miss DPS actual 12 cent interesting it's all relative Scott spitting some fire in the chat what's the news about the new shares Veron valid question I was looking to that a little bit before to be honest with you I don't know I've just been around a while now where like I just feel like it's nothing burger like I feel like maybe they did something with structuring their shares maybe that's going to be in the a AK filing here cuz you know as of right now right like on Yahoo finance it says GameStop like Class A shares or if it's in your brokerage you see Class A and some people got it where it said like new class but look at what Siri just did right like they did some kind of like restructuring and that was different classes of shares and different I mean it's much more complex than that like I'm just like grazing over it really quickly but really was a situation where they just adjusted like the ownership right it's not like anybody made a huge amount of money by the restructuring of the shares right so I don't think there's anything major happening with that I would happily admit I was wrong if there is something that's taking place but I just don't think okay here's the see it's so funny on the last AK look at this oh this is the AK I'm sorry this is AK this is the 10 Q the 10 Q always comes a little bit later so the 10q would be a lot longer because I was going to say how is this 10 Q 267 Pages this one's 13 but but it makes sense this is an AK a little bit different just current news of the company whereas 10q is like the official quarterly filing with all the fine print in details but let's see anything else in here you can't make that up though 420 4.20 billion dollar in cash 420 what a number but net sales cost of sales so yeah really cost of sales went down a lot and let's see as a percentage that's pretty encouraging okay so gross margin when we're looking at margin 312 per. I see what you're saying uh bananana before about gross margins were better than accepted better than expected so that's definitely encouraging I would say that of you know again just looking at the different aspects here reacting real time I like a 31% margin and then you look at these numbers right relative when's the last time they've had a 31% margin actually not at all in this chart right this is the first quarter that GameStop has reported a gross margin of greater than 30% in the past 5 years I don't even know the last time they've did better so I think actually might have to we might even have to tweet that out real quick let's see um actually we'll do that after I'll do that after I'll leave this open as a self- reminder but keep the flow going here but that is definitely encouraging 31.2% is a pretty solid gross margin you know I've been kind of saying as they're evolving here they really need to scale all margins like they need gross margins operating margins and net margins to all subsequently scale as Revenue begins to grow again like Revenue can't decline forever I definitely understand that but they're still all right the reality of it is they're still all right they're not going anywhere at 4.2 billion in cash and this story is far from over I think that's the biggest takeaway from today and it's probably going to be the takeaway regardless of what the numbers looked like right or whatever took place even if there was something that crazy that took place because there's just a lot more to come there's just a lot more to come and like with that much cash and just taking their time waiting for the right opportunity something has to come at some point or another right and remember when you think oh well why haven't done anything oh my gosh this oh my gosh that just remember they all have Equity stake the people running the company and especially the CEO and chairman of the board who's guiding the ship owns more than well a little bit less now than 10% of all shares outstanding given after the share offerings right it was around like 11 12% prior to the share offerings but he still has such a significant position in the company and he's operating the company day-to- day he's going to do something with the cash at some point I truly believe that you're more than welcome to disagree it's just a matter of when and the we don't get much commentary from Ryan Cohen but when you listen to if you did listen to the what's what I'm thinking of the shareholder meeting he spoke very briefly on there then they had Mark Robinson pretty much the their main lawyer like PR guy kind of improved things like going through some of the numbers and very brief stuff on that call or just meeting like it's a virtual stockholders meeting and in the beginning of the stockholders meeting he essentially said monetary and fiscal policy worldwide are at unprecedented levels we're in an unprecedented economy and I'm completely paraphrasing here we'll wait as long as we need to to make an acquisition they didn't he didn't directly say the acquisition part but he basically said like economic conditions are not ideal we're going to continue to weather this storm for the time being that's what I took out of it um I would encourage you guys to go back and listen to that because it's very rare Ryan Cohen commentary and just based off that tone and what he said it just made me think like he's not going to rush to make an acquisition in a situation where he feels like everything is extremely Val like overvalued but again it depends you know relative to the asset they might acquire what the value of it is how it would integrate in their business and whatever they do ultimately acquire one day I really think it's important that it coalign with what they do in gaming and technology and T I say TVs but like just screens right into say very very generally really just co- aligning with that and you know new egg has been tossed around for a while now as a potential acquisition with computer parts that's something they could expand into I like that idea but I'm not sure I me when you look at neg's numbers they'd have to cut a lot of sgna and also it's like how could they integrate it into GameStop's business model right the market cap is small but usually when you buy out a company you have to pay more than what the current market cap is right so say they spent 500 million on NewEgg it's still be great financial standing but it's just a matter of is this if they were to do something like that right and again this just a completely random example I think it's probably more likely they buy out a private company than a public company that people are speculating on with that anything's possible but I think if they do make an acquisition they're still going to make sure they have adequate cash especially after terminating their credit facility um again volunt ly terminating they chose to do so they weren't obligated to in any way so if they do make a purchase I feel like they're probably not going to spend more than one billion of their cash so they still have significant maybe two billion but regardless of all that whatever they acquired it has to be able to vertically integrate into their business in a way that whatever they're acquiring like it will cause obviously Revenue would go up because they're most likely unless they require something that doesn't bring in Revenue but I have a hard time thinking that would happen but they would have to buy some that could be integrated and ideally if it's you know physical products shipped out of their main Texas Warehouse so they could integrate it in a way where they're going to be more profitable than they were before otherwise why integrate just to make Revenue higher but then your margins are still the same right that wouldn't really make a lot of sense so it has to make a lot of sense in aspects of GameStop if that makes sense I don't know if that's the best explanation there but C click HTM and see you see the and then you can view the filing oh thank you okay oh okay we're pass it though it looks like it's good now though once I refreshed it but yeah it was default to the PDF but I see what you're saying thank you for that though then we have Dan Moore oh so he's a Principal Financial and accounting officer um there was it Mark Robinson he's kind of like the lead counsel or kind of PR gu proves everything for them and then this guy's Daniel Morris kind of like Principal Financial and accounting offic kind of signs off before all the statements go out right then Ryan con CEO Larry Chang's board member Alan ad also a longtime friend of Ryan con if you're not aware he was with him in the early days of chewy is on the board of directors for GameStop and then also Jim Gro that's another guy um tetron knows my intentions you're good B is done finished let it rest in peace CJ yeah listen I'm not even going to comment on that the end of the day it's just an unfortunate situation that people lost money and sure some still speculate there's some super secret merger you're more than welcome to speculate that I'm not going to argue with anyone you can think whatever you want but I just don't think that's the case and you're more than welcome to disagree anybody but PI says warning release tankq isn't out yet you guys uh did not enough games from the stores ear rele I bought like 50 PSA cards this quarter not me I just bought the Astro bot for my daughter yeah I have to look at more PSA cards I bought some too but not too many and really I wish I kind of got these in PSA 10 but they didn't have them I just picked up some football cards um hype by the way football season's back my Steelers won super happy about that they just announced um I got CJ stra though because he's a beast then we got Justin Jefferson because he's Justin Jefferson and then we got Justin Herbert uh this card was pretty cheap and I just feel like it has upside because I feel like he's a great quarterback and honestly I think when he leaves the Chargers he's capable of winning a Super Bowl maybe I don't know maybe that's a bold take but just cards where I feel like will go up in value over time and players I like so that's how I kind of approach the PSA cards but let's see aren't they supposed announce what they're doing with the money they hold in cash travels no it was never a guarantee never guarantee free cash flow positive 65 million Sumer you're absolutely right you're absolutely right and that's considering you know taking out the cash they raised and proceeds for marketable Securities still a pretty good number niku is also watched several live about GM earnings some still going on now you're only one that sounds genuinely making sense good for you Alex thank you I really appreciate that comment I'm really always just trying to keep it real with you guys and just improve over time I'm not in the business of G advice I'm not here to tell you GameStop's going to a gazillion oh my God it's all so simple just close your eyes and pride no like I'm here to like just explain how I see it what I see happening and how you can better yourself in trading and investing and whatever you want to do I really think that's so important and where I really resonate with that is I have two sides of my family one that knew a lot about investing one not so much and I just see like how that helped them over time and then also just a lot of young people you know trying to start their life because I'm only 24 I fall in that category young people not like seeing the importance of investing I'll wait to do my 401k or like oh yeah you know like it's fine I'll start saving later like no you got to start now like you got to start investing dollar cost averaging like I really try and encourage those things like to me if you're going to go along on something and again not Financial advice make your own decision but if you're going to go long on a stock or an asset or anything right where you believe in it for a long time to come you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow right you don't know what's going to happen with the volatility so dollar cost averaging in my personal opinions the way to go where you just consistently buy okay share goes up I buy I buy a couple shares next week shares go down I buy a couple more price goes up again I buy a couple more you're just consistently buying so you're consistently averaging in so you're kind of like hedging against the volatility in a way if you want to think of it like that and for me as I've just found myself and who I want to be in terms of being an investor I found that to be the most effective way because I hate timing I hate that feeling it's like all right I've been wanting to buy the stock this seems like a good time you buy it and then some random news comes out and it drops like six s% and you're like if I just waited one more day I would have a way better cost basis whereas you if you're dollar cost averaging you're like well it doesn't matter I'm G to buy again next week anyway so that's all right and I really take that approach with GameStop and Bitcoin you know those of you who know me know pretty big Bitcoin guy you're welcome to disagree with that but for me dollar cost averaging especially with bitcoin's the way because it's extremely volatile and then you could take the approach of when it gets to a certain price point okay I'm going to stop purchasing in because it's reached a certain price point where I don't want a dollar cost average anymore or you could say I want to get to a certain point where I've invested x amount of dollars then I'll cut off my dollar cost averaging and what those determinations are should really be based on you as individual and your own financial situation and your own goals and just perspectives right you gotta like piece it all together of course it's not easy it's not meant to be easy guys it's really not believe me and I'm not saying like oh I've seen it all right but I'm just seeing in real time and like learning real time like it's not going to be easy it's not going to be easy right and that's just I'm speaking generalities here it could argue they don't need to require something that has to be with GameStop look at Buffett he buys lots of other businesses they didn't go into each other Sumer I love that Counterpoint I love that thank you for saying that you're right it's not impossible that they acquire something that doesn't have to do with GameStop especially with the investment policy approved where essentially Ryan Cohen and other members of the board can direct how they use the capital that the company has the excess funds so you're right it is possible that they do acquire some has nothing to do with the company it's not impossible so we'll see maybe that does happen one day I'd definitely be curious if it did uh let's see if all the sheres go to the stores and just buy one item that would help true sub you're right but the end of the day you know maybe geographically people can't buy stuff and again everyone has their own financial situation whenever I can I shop GameStop whenever I need something Tech based I can get gearing up for some new streaming stuff got to improve go on a GameStop right shop the company when you can I'm doing my part salute G me $10 in coming zero that'd be crazy man because that would mean that they're trading below their cash per share and they're net profitable right now so I have a really really hard time believeing that but if you want to think that best of luck brother we'll see what happens when is earnings uh cry Vic or seek SI cryos sorry if I just butcher that the earnings are out uh Revenue missed we got about where are we up here just under 800 million but EPS comes in at 4 cents per share so EPS improved here over year Revenue pretty significant decline although just saying to me the most encouraging when you're looking at sales altoe and just the income statement is that gross profit is now 31.2% versus 26.3% of the same quarter of last year and it's the highest it's been out of any of Ryan Cohen's tenure right so that's worth noting there and we'll see if they can maintain that right because that happening one quarter is it just a one-time thing or is this something they're going to be able to maintain 30 plus% gross barging going forward so I think that would be very nice to see and then again really what I want to see is operating I want to see operating profits going forwards and then pad the bottom line with the interest income that's accumulated see great if it comes to 10 I'll buy then we'll go up to 20 subz boss hey yeah 10 I think I think honestly anyone who's a long-term shareholder thinks 10 is a spectacular deal and it's one of those like when it was at $10 and again I'm only going to speak for myself here but when I was at $10 man this thing's just going to keep going on forever it's crazy but now it's here and I'm like damn I can't believe I didn't buy more at $10 what a fool I am right so like hindsight's always 2020 so that's also worth keeping in mind but again really I want to be a big advocate of stick to your plan know thyself if you're a Trader trade if you're investor invest if you're doing both find the balance find what level of money you want to be putting into investing each week and what you want to be doing with trading each week right that's really up to you at the end of the day it really yes see we're getting a little bit of a recovery here but again not too much and I feel like out of any of GameStop's recent earnings volume is or volatility rather is extremely low after earnings like I know it was kind of a mixed bag here but you thought there would have been at least a little bit more volatility but now when you look at like gme max pain though it kind of starts to make sense right you're like wait a minute gme max pain for this Friday 2250 if you're not familiar max pain is the price point at which the most options expire worthless of all the options on the chain expiring this Friday September 13th which obviously pretty popular options chain um week considering that earnings were announced to be coming out this week so a lot were written a lot were purchased but I wouldn't be surprised if the price is at 22 47 right it's going to be like right near that number by the end of the week I really wouldn't be surprised I don't think it's impossible but I also wouldn't be surprised if it's down at 20 or up at 30 right anything can happen with this stock that's something I've learned over time you get with GameStop you really got to be prepared for anything and everything I think that's really the best way to think about it commercials are too loud I've seen $10 before Su is the boss I'm sorry about that I got to look into that I haven't streamed in a while people are saying it's like excess amount of commercials I swear I didn't I didn't put any commercials on I don't know why there's so many um so I got to look into that we're going to make note of that here commercials and also new mic a new mic needs to come because maybe that's creating like an imbalance I've seen $10 before me too is there a 500m earnings call Tommy there's not thank you for being here but there is no earnings call for GameStop uh they haven't had one in quite a while holidays are coming up pamel La you're right you're absolutely right although it's worth noting that this was the Q2 earnings report and the next earnings report will be around this time in December so likely the second week of December which again I will be live for I live I go live for every earnings report cover it in real time and then analyze it after and again you could follow me tetron invest on X Twitter whatever you want to call it these days I always post updates on GameStop and just some ellaneous find and stuff and you can subscribe if you'd like that'd be great but holidays are coming up however when the next earnings report comes out it's going to be for Q3 so we are currently in Q3 which is August September and October so when October ends Q3 will be in the books and then that Q3 gets reported at the start of December and then Q4 which is the major holiday season and historically the most active for GameStops revenue and just foot traffic and obviously people shopping for Christmas and various other holidays Q4 is November December and January and then that number would be reported probably about the start of March roughly and yeah gotta remember to breed sometimes guys it's crazy I get some more water too do I was you know I was thinking about it guys I was going to do like right here I was like should I do a roaring Kitty should I should I just send a beer like in honor of him right at the start of the stream but honestly and I was like n I'm good and plus negative bananana would have roasted my beer choice because I don't have any good beers in the fridge right now only the cheap ones but which would have made it easy to chug but that's right maybe next time we'll let that one go for today wow this has flown by though the fact that I've been streaming for almost two hours is actually crazy because so much going on Chase thank you for being here no earnings call my friend no earnings call I think was hoping to hear from the company maybe a little insight Tommy yeah no I definitely hear what you're saying and I know we've oh no I just lost the chat oh I'm so sorry guys I only have top messages coming up if I missed you at all during here I do apologize I try and read through everything but it's hard something's moving quick I'm trying to keep my flow as well but unfortunately I only had the top chat on not the all chat which I usually do on the side but so I apologize if I missed anything but I get it's like I get it it's like you want to know what's coming with the company but GameStop has pretty much made it clear that that's just something that they're not going to do they're going to keep their cards close to the chest and you have to just look at the numbers and trust them which I get it if some people are like I can't can't do that like this is too concerning I want to know what's going on I totally respect it and I get it but to me I'm kind of indifferent about it it's like I would like to know but I also really understand their approach is given the negative attention on it and institutions essentially trying to drive it into the ground previously right like that historical aspect to it so I see why they do it so like I would say I'm indifferent about it but I'm fully accepting of it like I understand and I've understood for a while now that if I'm going to be invested in GameStop they're not going to do earnings calls they're not going to issue guidance and I'm okay with that and I get that people are like how could you be okay with that like that's crazy that's abnormal that's fine this is a unique story unique investment unique everything right it's truly oneof a kind in my opinion and that's why I really have so much fun talking about it and covering it because at the end of the day I don't know what's going to happen in five years from now with GameStop I don't know what 2029 looks like right but I really want to document the whole way so you guys could just see me improve over time as an individual and just somebody could tell the story as it's happening in real time right and maybe people look back one day this guy tetron was recording the whole thing it's crazy but the OG of course let's be perfectly clear roaring Kitty is the OG let's see did he tweet by some chance that'd be nuts is the OG of GameStop streaming right this a regular guy unprecedented what happened in January 2021 and that that's what's crazy people thought in Jan 2021 wow what an incredible story but little do they know it is just getting started his story is just getting started right now this earnings report today is just another chapter in this huge huge book of one big story that's unraveling in real time that is GameStop and again that's how I see it you're more than welcome to disagree I really always encourage you to disagree if you so choose to because that's fine you I feel like we I also want to be an advocate of that you know I'm not going to like like yeah I'm standing up fighting for this but you got to be able to agree to disagree like I'm really trying to like I really try and be that way like when I disagree with someone on whatever it is like okay you think that I think here's why here's why for you okay that's fine we just agreed to disagree right like there has to be more of that in the world otherwise like everything's going to go to crap right like it's crazy so I think it's okay to agree to disagree guys just keep that in mind and not everyone out there there's always going to be people who are like no it has to be this oh my God you're stupid oh my God right and that's fine that's fine for me those who know me know I'm just like hey okay that's fine you can disagree no problem I'll but when I last chatted with you you had returned from a trip uh any plans for trips in the future I booked a trip with a friend to Jamaica in January Alex yes I did go to Croatia incredible experience I also stopped in Austria I got absolutely blessed out a one night stay like you get an upgrade sir I'm like okay so my girlfriend yeah I guess we're getting a little bit of bigger room that's nice they gave us a full-on suite it was incredible like it was incredible in Croatia beautiful the water was so clear I was like just put goggles on the water's only up to my waist I could just go down and just see all these fish like I really love Aquatics like I have a fish tank next to me I don't think I can get the webcam I'm going to try really quick to get the webcam to show it but let's see I got to show you guys my fish tank really quick got to see it let's see hopefully it goes good see here see got a couple guys chilling in there see got that's like the shrimp running around on the left I'm going to place it but yeah no I love fish oh now we just dropped the webcam hold on very smooth of me well sorry guys I'm gooning okay but to answer your question no no other uh major trips planned at this time that was a pretty big trip for me it was almost like two weeks and you know obviously pretty costly and just trying to save up for some other stuff in my life and just build my accounts up and whatnot so no major plans right now but yeah it was an incredible experience so definitely you know B your life out guys like do go have experiences cuz then part of me was thinking as was oh this is so expensive am I ready to do this I like no I got to go see another part of the world like I've never been anywhere else besides America or Canada like I got to go to a different continent at least right and see what's going on and it was an incredible experience thanks for asking though um nice fish thank you yeah no it's not the best but I really wish because I have I have frogs in there too and they're called African door frogs they're so dope if you look them up um I wish I could show you guys but the webcam the cord just isn't long enough from like where it comes in the bottom of my computer but 4 billion cash didn't burn any money this quarter made a small profit get R 75 absolutely right and we got a 31% gross margin so I guess we might as well start a thing right here right keep building out or see okay we'll just do this Q2 2024 earning it's driving me nuts that this sun is in my face oh my gosh like I think yeah last earnings report the sun wasn't going down as early wait oh yeah it was in June so the sun wasn't going down as early so I didn't have this problem I was going to say I don't did I I don't know maybe you guys remember from last time but this is annoying just keeps like being directly my eye and also like you just get a nice streak on my face if I'm sitting at the right spot but let's kind of put together some summary points here so so eps4 gross margin where are we oh and we could go look at the DS DRS number after cross margin was 31.2% net margin was 1.9% actually we're going to throw in the operating Marg it as well again I really want to see that number be positive but just looks like we're not quite there yet 2% okay income 4.9 then what was the exact interest income was 39.5 right or is that yeah no that's right why am I buing okay interest income 39.5 million then what else anything else see do you think we'll see full profitability this year and what about an operating profit well hold on we got Carter we don't need an earning SC Sher all with a will to win is leading the company cars thanks for being here hope you're doing well my friend good to see you um Sean says do you think we see full year profitability this year what about operating profit great point so pull up the charts here which we will have to update so net profit I do think we see because also we could open this up we can do the 16 weeks ended or 26 weeks I'm sorry right now EPS is 5 cents the net loss is 17.5 if quarter four if Q3 is break even and quarter four is the same as last year I think we're in a pretty pretty good spot where they're very likely going to be net profitable for the year however in terms of operations I don't know after seeing this I I'm not too sure honestly unless they you have a really strong Q4 and Q3 is improved on the operations maybe profitable or even at least break even even then it's going to be tough right because the operating loss is oh that's percentage excuse me um operating loss 72.6 so it's not impossible to turn it on operating profit for the year but given that they're around the same spot as last year and they didn't turn an operating profit last year overall I don't think that's the case right like let's see for sure let's do the last annual filing where are we where are we I want to see what was the operating profit for the previous year oh why am I always spazzing out gas news room or we could just go to full year four quarter and full year so three so there operating loss was 34.5 million for this all of 2023 um it's possible then if they had that last year then I don't I don't think it's in possible right and then right now we're at get this out of here at this point in time we're at 72.6 it's not impossible but I think it's going to be tough to get to an operating profit to be honest with you but I do think if we're not an operating profit it's going to be a very low number hopefully even lower than is 34.5 more like -10 -20 where easily the interest income will be more than that and in turn make the bottom line net profit a net profit and not a net loss and you can see like we're already on track for a better year than last year in terms of the bottom line and a little bit of extra interest income will definitely help that with the extra cash but obviously there's a lot of time between now and the end of the year they could make a move of some kind which totally screws with all those estimates so that's worth noting for for sure see Afternoon brother Yar hope you're doing well thanks for being here hello t on friends do less hope you're doing well thank you for being here I like your name do less that's the we do less but learn more or yeah what do they say like work smarter not harder that's the one that's what I used to say when I worked in Marshall like guys we got to work smarter not harder that's how I try to encourage people when I was like doing the manager stuff so what an experience being a manager's Marshal Marshall's uh department store manager great experience um really tough at times maybe want to rip my hair out of my head but a great experience and really I recommend anyone you know I mean probably you guys old to me but anyone if you know is Young like niece nephew kids like they should really have the experience of working like either food service or retail job I'm telling you it gives you it gives you so many life skills like knowing how to deal with the public like the like there's a lot of interesting people out there let me tell you I've met I met many of them when I was working as at Marshalls from cashier to supervisor to merchandiser ultimately manager right I mean I was like just not manager of the whole store I was manager of a couple departments but it was a lot like and I was in school at the same time too that's the thing like I was working like 50 hours and full-time in school like I was not sleeping at all it was actually insane um and I really don't sleep a lot in general more lately I'm finally like starting to get a little bit more sleep um but I'm one of those people were like I feel like I don't really need too too much sleep I feel like when I sleep over seven hours I am like more tired honestly eight is like the maximum if I go over eight I'm like it's as if I slept if if I sleep like 10 hours it feels like I slept five I know I can't be the only one but great learning experience and just dealing with a lot of crap honestly 31.2% gross margin is pretty damn good I couldn't agree more I couldn't agree more honestly and when we're looking at last year's numbers gross margin for the full year was only 24.5% and then if we look at for 26 weeks gross margin right now is 29.4% so looking to be trending up there for sure so we'll see though we got two more quarters to go J is a Buy and Hold even if it's for years Buy and Hold and when it squeezes takes some profit and rents and repeat if you're looking for fast money in the markets you probably should just lose money fast Alex yeah exactly that's the thing some people will trade it some people just hold it but you just got to know your cup of tea and just understand the situation at hand and how you want to go about things that's really like just so so important and I think where people don't have a plan that's where people get screwed they like don't know if they're trading or investing and then they sell and they regret and then they buy back oh wait no I should have waited longer so it's really just about knowing like how you want to approach things like I think understanding that and you only understand that with time and effort in this game that is finance and stocks right see yeah agree I think it'll be a full year net profit this year from the interest uh but from the four billion but operating profit will be tough best will be Break Even thanks for looking into that Sean yeah thanks for asking that was definitely a great question I've been training it and seen multiple volatility holds since 2020 with this stock OG here Alex yeah I'm happy for I hope you've made money my friend um there's definitely people who are just kind of hopping in and hopping out and that's all right for me I'm pretty much just holding shares you know I'm just starting to now dabble in selling options but what I did was I did it in a completely separate account where I'm like okay I'm going to go for the wheel strategy I'm going to try and really just sell puts but if I do get exercise and I'll turn around and sell a call which pains me because I know it could fluctuate way up and I know then I could miss out on profits right but in that particular account I'm looking to just collect premium on options because GameStop has one of the most consistently High implied volatilities for options across the board and it doesn't look like that's going to change and I know the company's not going bankrupt so I'll keep be able to sell options for a very long period of time and again that's just like one small account something I'm just starting to dabble in so I don't talk about it too much and that's complet to be perfectly clear too that's completely separate from shares I've been accumulating over the past several years those I will never ever ever sell covered calls on because I know I'm limiting my upside whereas that one particular account I'm mostly trying to just sell puts but at times I'm going to have to probably sell a call here and there but really that goal the goal of that particular account is to just get really nice at Option selling and collect a lot of Premium because I really feel like you know just look at what market makers do and look what max pain is options more often than not expire worthless so if they more often than not expire worthless it makes a lot more sense usually to sell an option than buy an option right but to be clear also I took a lot of time to research and understand the concepts and how you would go about doing something like that so don't just blindly go into do that right just to be perfectly clear don't just oh sell options right plain and easy no it's not super super simple it's definitely a tool and a way to trade in the market but it's you got to know like does it fit into your plan right and for me I'm like okay maybe this is something I'm going to do I'm going to try it in a small account completely separate from all my other investing I do and see how it goes over a onee period and that's just my personal approach um see I've been trading it what up Al I had to leave morance rant just see are with rant uh Top Line down huge sgna now 33% but net profit plus yeah Patrick that's that's really the thing the gross margin to me is what stands out the most and the net profitability the revenue like there's no sugar coating it's not ideal that revenue's falling but at the same time it's expected given how much they've wound down and then also stuff like the game inform fora right I haven't really I never really talked about this too much because I had mixed feelings about in the beginning I'm like I don't know but then I thought about it I'm like all the people are allow on the internet saying oh I can't believe they got rid of one of the most longest lasting uh gaming magazines right like yes maybe they could have went about it in a better way I would agree with that and you could argue that point right but to say like oh I can't believe they got rid of this how many of those people were actually still getting that magazine less than 1% so it's like everyone's all loud about it but it clearly nobody was buying buying it if they ultimately decided like we're not going to move forwards with with the Game Informer Magazine right so everyone's all loud like oh my God I can't do this oh GameStop so bad oh my gosh like you know just all random people on the internet because that's what the internet is it gives everybody the opportunity to say whatever they want right and that's great but it's also like you have people just saying things just to say it and just to hop on the bandwagon but it's like literally none of you probably were getting that magazine right for the one person that was then you have a valid argument right so then that's just another small spot where they're going to be cutting Closs so again not that oh my gosh it's going to dramatically make them profitable but they're just doing all these little things over time but the reality of it is like a big part of what they're doing is really impacting their revenue you can see for the first 26 weeks of last year they had 2.4 billion in accumulated Revenue versus this year they have 1.68 billion right so but again the margins are improving so like when you look at gross margin this year at this time versus gross margin last year definitely Improvement there pretty significant 5% pretty good sgna gone up a little bit like sgna monetarily has gone down right like you can see down here it went from 322 to 24 yeah that's oh no sorry that's gross margin 27.8 we're going to add that here too SG 270 but when you look I think that's the lowest for any single quarter since Ryan Cohen has been cap the ship is that correct yes it is because last quarter was the lowest out of any particular quarter of the past five years and then this quarter now this number when I update it is going to be that $270 Million number so while dollar-wise it's going down percentage wise unfortunately it hasn't quite gone down yet but if you scale operations and you know scale in general with whatever they do going forwards and maintain SG which I think they'll be able to do given their commentary and just really wanting to operate as nimbly and as efficiently as possible I don't think they're going to go out and spend aggressively on sgna as they're scaling things down the line but of course it's all circumstantial right it really depends so we'll see uh blast of volume love the channel Martin thank you I appreciate that my friend thank you yeah no I got to I got to get a new mic I got to get a new mic I got to upgrade my setup guys there's no need not to if I want to do this as like a side gig or just a thing I do right tat on a part of my life I got to have a better quality setup and I'm working on it and there's other aspects as to why I haven't quite done that yet but I'm not going to get into that right now but regardless it's coming guys it's coming we're going to keep working to improve just like GameStops evolving tetron evolving too call me a Pokemon LOL stupid stock to buy gonna die by chocolate croissant thanks for clicking on the the stream that's all I can really say to that it's funny when people come in okay you don't realize like whether or not you like it like when people comment on my X account or YouTube like GameStop such a stupid Stu I can't believe you're still talking about this all you're doing is helping me so please talk all the [ __ ] you want like it all it does is help me in the algorithm so thank you but GM broke 22 let's see yeah we haven't looked in a minute okay see not totally expected but you know what's crazy off the Dome thought here this must be an algo thing right because usually earnings calls are at 5:00 P pm. this drop happens right here like oh they didn't do an earnings call oh my gosh that's why the stock is falling now but it was known they weren't going to do an earnings call right when they do their earnings release right like you do their Newsroom if you look back at the old ones you can see how it's different they announced the release date and you notice there's nothing here about an earnings call whereas if you look back at ones a couple years ago and Matt Furlong used to do the earnings calls when he was with GameStop they had it was said earnings call is going to be at 5:00 pm they said they didn't put it here it was known they weren't going to do it right but yet oh the miraculously I bet the headlines would be GameStop doesn't do guidance or earnings calls oh my goodness meanwhile this is pretty widely known by anyone that's consistently followed the stock right and you see right here gam swing second quarter revenue or earnings Revenue fall quter swings to adjusted earnings sales decline upsp cash upd more better than expected but yeah see 500m is when the earns call typically would have been but nope they decided not to and yeah oh yeah suddenly just miraculously it happens like I don't know about that but again guys I mean I I just really if I had to predict then I'm not going to predict it but if I if I absolutely had to what's the price going to be on Friday I would guess 2250 honestly like it just happen so many times where GameStop closes at max pain and it's just where the most options expire worthless and will that be the case this week maybe it looks like we're trending towards that right but although you have to think like after tomorrow tomorrow's Wednesday we still have two have two whole trading days Thursday and Friday so maybe not Anything Could Happen don't get me wrong but just some food for thought there and yeah I don't think you know also do you think at this exact moment just a bunch of people decided to sell because there's no earnings call give me a break institution dumping shares in some way or another but again this could drop just theoretically right by 800m when the post market closes we could be all the way down at like 21 and change but then by the time the Market opens tomorrow right over here we could be way back up here you just don't know with the after hours right you just don't know with the market in the short term in general right like there's always going to be volatilities UPS Downs Left Right circles it goes all around cheeks are clapping tone good for you brother down 7% after hours 67 golfer yeah no but we climb back a little bit here but yeah again it's just funny to me this exact time 5:00 pm that there would have been an earnings call if it was any other company right and they were reporting earnings after the Bell the earnings call is always at 5:00 pm so I can't help but Wonder like interesting timing right like why why that particular time but more shares hey you do negative Mana I know you were saying that you were waiting for the dip to buy more share offering 20 million shares 8K check the file selling 20 million shares oh okay okay thank you guys thank you thank you see I see Keith always says sell more shares raise more money do less I think he did say that in the past if I'm not mistaken okay here we are you are right thank you my friends thank you very much we got more information analyzer this is the 10 Q that this is the AK wow okay wa no this is the AK where this is the one 20 million shares okay let's see in accordance to the terms of the sales agreement we may offer and sell shares of our common stock from time to time through Jeff AC our sales agent and referred to as the sales agent previously sold an aggregate of 120 million shares of our common stock for aggregate proceeds of approximately 3.1 billion purs to the sales agreement prospectus supplements followed by us on May 17 2024 and June 1th 2024 but again why is it I'm I missing something if they sold 120 million shares how did year-over-year the shares outstanding go from 304 to 386 I just am not I don't know if I'm missing something or my brain's just not working on that aspect of things I I just don't understand that part right there but whatever I digress in accordance with the terms of the sales agreement we may offer and sell up to an additional 20 million shares of our Common Stocks from and after the date hereof so the last two share offerings went by really quickly it is worth noting right like the last time they did one within three days they sold 75 million shares which is kind of crazy to think about and the fact they sold that many and the price despite the initial reaction really didn't dramatically move that was the average price point at which they sold them at and then the one before that it only took six Trading days yeah within six training days six training days and they sold six million so what will'll be interesting to see is do they follow Trend do they complete the share offering by the end of this week just do it all at once into next week I don't know um I I'm initially my thought is probably if they did the last two share offerings then quickly then they're probably going to do this one quickly as well meaning just sell the 12 12 million shares relatively quickly over the next several trading days however it is worth noting that that's not a guarantee right it could be a situation where they so choose to only sell shares once the price has gone up for whatever reason right like let's say the price goes up to $30 in a month from now or 35 and they say okay well now we want to go ahead and sell shares into the open market and I would think you know with the price being 22 right now and the last two share offerings were at average prices of 249 and 2074 h i mean given that this one was 2074 it's not impossible guys it's not impossible that they just rapidly issue the shares and then wrap up the offering just like the last two but also there's certainly a possibility that they don't do it right away this time and they're going to sit back and wait because now maybe people are anticipating like oh they're going to do it quick right when I say people I mean institutions so that is another interesting development here our common stock list in New York Stock Exchange last reported sale price of our common stock was 2425 I think that was just right before the market closed during each period our stock has experienced extreme volatility in price and trading volume from February 424 to September 9th the closing price of our common stock New York Stock range as low as 10:01 and as high as 475 and that by the way if you include the after hours numbers right we look back here this was way higher actually it was even higher it was at 80 so and that I think they're saying prior to like this was the range prior to um the share offerings or no they're saying in 2024 but regardless and daily trading volume ranged from approximately 1.7 million to 279 million shares that is such a wide range during such period we do not experience any material changes in our financial condition or results of our operations that would explain such price volatility or trading volume furthermore since January 2021 through the date hereof the market price of our common stock has seen extreme price fluctuations that do not appear to be based on the underlying fundamentals of our business or relation or results of our operations investors that purchase shares of our common stock in stock subsequently declines please see a section this prospectus for risk factors so part of is disclosures but my initial thought right away here is did they specifically say in the last two furthermore since January 2021 this volatility is taking place did they do that last time I don't know I don't know I would have to go back let's see if we can go back super quickly let's look up the last one so the last one this is the previous one okay yeah it's literally like word for word pretty much it is the January 2021 my bad guys didn't mean to overhype that but another interesting development issuing more shares wow again initial reaction here interesting because they haven't done anything with the cash yet but they need more cash right so like what are they gearing up to do they have to be gearing up to do something right in some shape or form maybe not an acquisition maybe an investment of some kind that winds up being an asset on the balance sheet but what is that going to be what is that going to be that is what I'm so curious about and guys is my stream My Stream is bugging for some of you guys you're saying I'm seeing in the chat I keep like I have on two devices one will just stop working another and the other won't stop working they don't want want us to cover GameStop earnings live they don't want us to cover GameStop earnings live would you believe it maybe if I put on my disguise I'm like not negative banania definitely not tetron I don't know where he just went I just did a I'm an AI version of tetron actually so the real tetron you know he's out out a walk right now I'm the AI version um it's not me it's I'm robot ask me anything let's go laugh my ass off Bears one again toone Blanco happy for you brother if you're making money listen at the end of the day this game that is the market is tough if you're making money I'm happy for you but just know if you bought puts you're probably not going to be up tomorrow honestly man because the thing is the price didn't move was like 13 14% so reality of it is I think you're going to get IV crushed potentially but we'll see right they're blocking your stream Jay it's crazy they don't want us to cover GameStop Ivy had 12.6% move price in puts are printing options sellers will print make no mistake sounds like you didn't make any mistakes there and I think you're right 12.6% sounds pretty good Teton did a share offing howdy thank you Keith Gil says sells more shares they'll be worth less tomorrow they'll be worth less tomorrow than at 4 pm Eastern I think you're right jimy R is dropping like a stone in a pond Randy yeah that is true and is concerning but I would say there are you know some Silver Linings to report it's not just like cold damn see that's crazy the stream we're still good right yeah this one's still going wait I don't know I hope hopefully we're still going here I'm check on my phone it just it is glitching out you guys are not wrong that's so weird it seems like everything's fine on my end it's the sunglasses maybe it's maybe it's because I said I was a robot no we're good yeah we're good we're good okay interesting interesting world we live in am I right uh they'll be worthless um this is an authorization to offer shares not an actual offer 20 minutes is the exact amount of gme sold short in the xrt ETF interesting um this is an authorization to offer shares not an actual offering 20 million is almost exact amount of GM sold short in the xrt interesting Scott thank you for pro providing that point but you're right yeah it's not like they're definitely selling them right away it's that they can sell them when they so choose to we may offer and sell up to an additional 20 million shares from and after the date here off and that is today so we'll see it could be tomorrow it could not be tomorrow Ryan Coen need more money to post memes grzly I don't think that's the case I mean he's already got four billion and also keep in mind he doesn't get compensated a single penny for working for GameStop he only owned shares which by the way he bought them all with his own money he wasn't compensated them in any which way so just some food for fa there brother uh Scott something different from the previous right why no earnings call yeah Grizzly they just haven't done earnings call in a while for a while they've determined like hey that's not we're going to go about things so J has offered 45 million shares which is the reported short interest in marker 75 million the deer count and now 20 million offering the approximate short seller short shares in xrt interesting scy very interesting are they trying to tell us something maybe I don't know but that is definitely an interesting point that you just made and also let's see let's get the um direct uh how do they put it DTC transfer agent okay let's see as of September 4 2024 there were approximately 426 million shares okay so that is that I was right I don't know why on the the statement it was inaccurate maybe they have to amend that but our classic common stock outstanding of those shares approximately 357 Point stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent or approximately 177% of our outstanding shares okay so not really any significant developments there we'll just put that down in the numbers though the summary then also let's go back to the heat PL heat lamp theory was there anything any Merit to that September 4th was the reporting date not any major volatility on that day because the heat lamp theory is like oh in times of volatility seed and Co can borrow shares so what a coincidence on reporting date there was a lot of volatility right that was like a previous the um in case you're wondering what I'm referencing and I'll sort this out more later but just to kind of dump it down here just get it all out there that's something I'm trying to really get better at I'm telling you guys if you're researching anything or whether it be stocks or anything that you're trying to do right and you're making content and you want to like present the content it's really important to create structure to how you do your research and that's why I really love this app it's called obsidian um you could just create a bunch of notes and you can put images in there like I have live web links in here as well which is really nice so I can really structure it to kind of have all my information right and this is just one thing right see there's a bunch of stuff down here and I have some other canvases that I'm working on they call it a canvas then you have notes pictures and whatever and you can organize it however you want and it really has helped me organize information and I'm really trying to get better at just writing things down on the spot and then combing through it later on and organizing it in a way where it's like presentable for whatever reason right obviously it's all circumstantial but um where was I what was I I oh yeah we were in the chat let's see aggressive with the ads huh DZ AP nuts nice name I'm sorry my friend everyone keeps saying that I I did not change anything I swear Maybe YouTube just made it the default one has more ads but I swear I really didn't like ramp up the ads purposely for the Stream So I really do apologize if there's an EXs amount and I'm going to look into it because I didn't want there to be some I'll be honest with you guys transparent but I don't want it to be like a poor like experience where it's like so ridiculous like holy crap so given that a few of you have said it I am going to look into that so thank you for the heads up um to J is offered 45 or make no mistake this is the same format as the other offerings I don't see any big changes in the word of the form Scott you're right upon a glance and I'm looking at the other one real quick I think you're absolutely right make no mistake this is the same format why do they need 500 million they already got four billion how do you that's a great question the only thing I can think is you know it's way smaller than the other ones too maybe something is just about to happen right maybe maybe that's overly optimistic let's say they show it at the current price point we're at 22 let's say they sell it an average price of $21 a share right it fluctuates they sell all 20 million over the next few days at $21 a share right like let's say that theoretically happened $21 time time 20 million you're right 420 that you literally can't get a away from the number 420 right it's everywhere but yeah you're right roughly 500 million and obviously depends what the actual average share price is and then you do have this 1.5% of the gross sale price goes to Jeff for basically facilitating the share offering so another interesting development another chapter in the story how do companies uh want to be able to get to be able to sell shares into high volume gives the board ability to act not a requirement to act suppose why not have 4.7 million yeah true I'd assume that they will sell at market tomorrow make the mistake yeah it's it's debatable it's not impossible they wait and that would be pretty good I would say um but I'm going to take these off I can see better without them um I feel like it would be a pretty good move right like to kind of catch people as surprise like last two they did the offerings quick and then and by the way I think the other ones were mostly institutions how do you 75 million shares you really think individuals were buying 75 million shares over a 3-day trading period like I find that really hard to believe so I think it's mostly institutions that are gobbling up these shares upon being offered right that's my opinion sure that's debatable um but when you look at the past ones like they just happened so fast right especially the 75 million share offering announced on the pre-market on a Friday announced to be completed by the following Tuesday in the postmarket so really only three trading days elapsed so although the time before they sold 45 million shares over 6 day period so it depends right but given how these last two went I would say it's probably more likely that they're going to sell all the shares over the next few days I wouldn't be surprised if Friday afternoon we got a filing that says like the share offering is complete because 20 million is like not that much honestly relative to the last two share sales remember well authorized boards fill up 1 billion total shares oh yes that is true Scott you're absolutely right at maximum at where it stands right now they can have up to 1 billion shares outstanding right so theoretically they could dilute a lot more theoretically but I think there's some shorts that want out and Ryan con is happy to take the cash make no mistake that's a very valid Theory honestly because yeah as I was kind of saying I really do think it's institutions buying up the shares I don't think you have individuals just flooding in right maybe for the 20 million one sure but that one that happened in three days for 75 million there was so much volume at that time and yes there were a lot of people trading it roren Kitty was back don't get me wrong I'm not saying there's a lot of there wasn't a lot of individuals involved it in some shape or form however I just think no one no retail investor really has this massive amount of capital to just gobble up 75 million shares like that quickly it had to have been institutions in some shape or form like I really really think so and maybe it is situation where certain institutions want shares to cover a position of some kind for one reason or another it'll probably like 4.6 one completed sounds about right howdy yeah big question is will the stock s increase or decrease our Equity per share we got wealthier after the last year offerings in terms of equity very valid point Scott very valid and sorry all chat went off again but why I do the offering what the [ __ ] videos thanks for being here not sure yet not sure yet just reacting to it live we'll have to see and I think nobody knows yet but I think they must have a plan whether it's to acquire something or invest in something why else would you just keep raising cash I hope they sell at much wiser W much higher prices wise cracker thanks for being here to honestly I I feel like it would be good to have an open share offering right part of me thinks it'd be good to have a share offering that's open right like let's say this one completes quickly theoretically they do another one 50 they up to 15 million 50 million but that one they choose to wait until there's a price fluctuation upwards but on the contrary You could argue like the price isn't really going to aggressively move upwards if there is an outstanding share offering that is currently open at that time right I think that's kind of the counterargument because we've seen each time when the share offering has been completed especially the first one was a little more dramatic it causes the price to go up and then it kind of I don't want to say give it gives it a floor but like gives a relative idea where there are a lot of buyers willing to come in right so roughly right and I it also depends like on other factors and macro market conditions but will stock increase after earnings uh nabila thanks for being here it's probably not given that after hours earnings was kind of moving sideways and then the share offering got announced um and I was quick to blame the alos like oh the people thought there's earnings call there's not it's just the AL was but it was a share offering announcement which makes sense wasn't too dramatic um anything's possible the stock could be green tomorrow although given that they are announced to share offering now I feel like more likely than not it's probably going to be read on the day so I believe the board has been talking to Major Banks and parties that are super short gme and selling the shares into the market rather than private placement the short firms buy and close shorts that's why the price isn't really being impacted by the offerings that's a great analysis Scott because you're absolutely right and that's something I thought with the last ones right to keep circling back here when the in offering was announced each time that was the biggest movement right here was the first one very big move down but then for the most part sideways right with the exception of the very end and then also look at the more recent one again upon the offering down then that Friday was when roran Kitty was doing his stream and then down a little further upon his starting right which kind of seemed expected if I had to guess right remember oh oh oh and then like I'm going to end the stream right now oh oh and then down hole right funny stuff but with that again from here pretty much move sideways and like usually it would be kind of you would think it would be like a steady decline down if they are just actively issuing the sharees so I do feel like yes they are offering them into the open but I feel like it has to be with institutions in some shape form like it just makes sense honestly and really thank you guys again for being here I appreciate you so much I'm just calling it as I see it covering everything live so much happening so fast but I really appreciate you all so much why would they do that um I think they have to have some kind of plan that's I think that's the only thing that makes sense why would you just keep raising cash unless you're going to do something with it but what they're going to do with it that's entirely up for debate and to be determined and when that's to be determined I'm not sure there was plus million shares unaccounted for in the last two offerings I doubt retail bought them it must have been shorts uh make no mistakes I don't think so U oh yes I do think it was shorts but I know it's if you're were saying like on the the weighted average common Shar is outstanding I don't think I think this is just a typo maybe that's an aspect but yeah I think sorry I misread it initially but I doubt retail bought them must have been shorts it just makes the most sense honestly it really does and also if you have been shorting this company for a while and you see the amount of cash and the fact that they're net profit you could look at and say sure like right I'm putting myself in the shoes of a short seller okay sure Revenue will keep going down but if they're turning a profit or at least breaking even and they have plenty of cash what is the good like how much upside is there really for my short position right again putting myself in the shoes of a short seller put on a short seller Noah right short seller tetron if I'm a short seller right okay I'm shorting the stock for a while it's been a long inter period maybe I've been even short Shing it since 2020 right like let's say I've been shorting it for 5 years a lot of people been shorting games up a long time I short it back here here you thought okay this is a ridiculous scenario it's going to come back down but then you see how they've evolved to the point where they're breaking even they stack the balance sheet okay yeah revenue's been declining this whole time and again I'm putting myself in the short seller shoes but net income isn't going down they have ton of cash in their balance sheet so they're not going anywhere they really only can go up from here so why and sure it could trade sideways but as a short seller how is that good for me I capital is better used elsewhere so the more and more I think about it the share offerings do offer an out for short sellers okay like you can get out right here and the price is dipping right now because there's a share off front of the table so you could buy these shares at this offered Price Right theoretically right theoretically but obviously nobody really knows for sure because it hasn't uh out there like that so see the SEC and doj are definitely involved I Scott I wouldn't be surprised I mean I always think back to that one filing where it's like one particular security uh displayed uh what was it systematic risk or I forgot the exact word but basically like major risk like one particular security Express setting and that's crazy tetron great report a thanks for being here hope you're doing well yeah listen to me the greatest thing is to see at least an OP um a net margin wish we saw an operating margin but the gross margin improving is a great sign I think that is definitely something that's really standing out to me and then also raising more cash so what are they going to do with that cash that's what I'm wondering gming these YouTubers are here to take all our money simply ignore them applebe yet you chose to click on the stream my friend and also I'm not here to tell you what to do brother I'm not here to tell you what to do I'm not telling you to buy GameStop I'm just reporting on it you can listen if you're curious or you can choose not to like please like if you don't want to own GameStop I am not telling you to own it like I want to be so clear about that like I'm not in the business of giving Financial advice or telling people how to invest their money I'll explain Concepts and different things I'm seeing and react to numbers in different in real time and share my opinion but I'm not telling you to do anything I'm not telling you to do anything seriously if you don't want to own any stock don't do it it's that simple and you didn't have to click here but you did brother so thank you tou great report nice Gap up to fill soon Dempsey we could we'll see I'm not too sure though giv this active share offering I feel like we're probably going to be R tomorrow to be frank I feel like probably we could go as low as 20 tomorrow maybe right maybe we'll see see it's possible JY is at idio syncratic risk OS I'm definitely butchering that but you guys could read Scott's message and really does pose a national security risk there are back room negotiations happening 100% Ryan is integrity so he's he does offerings to the market Scott yeah I think that's a very very yo shout out to Scott guys he's Spitting Fire in the chat for real keep help me with the flow here I appreciate that that's a great point because if it really is right and I don't like to get too in the weeds of this type of stuff because at the end of the day I'm just going to look at the numbers and that's all I can see that's all I can control and truly talk about and quote unquote report on right or talk to you guys about whatever's underneath to me so long as the company succeeds and drives forwards whatever's underneath will naturally bubble to the surface and maybe this is how by issuing shares to those short Sellers and then a lot of cash I don't know right I don't know for sure but it's definitely an interesting twist we've seen here in 2024 where now after no share offerings for years right we had a couple in 2021 to raise Capital pay off all the old bad debt that they had and just really put the balance sheet in good shape now they're like all right we're ready to sell some shares so why now right that is a major question and maybe Scott's right right maybe that is the situation but don't know so take that uh however you'd like let's see Jamies 120 million shares offering 35 million interest short interest reduction 10 million plus bought by institutional firms filing 13d 70 plus missing oh okay got you make no mistakes I have to follow up on that a little more another one Chief show us what the plan is for the 4 billion for we give you another 400 million it's not just to got something I'm not buying 40 chest [ __ ] Anthony yeah no listen it's fair I definitely see what you're saying but I think it's one of those things at this point where it's like they're just pretty much like hey this is where we're going to operate like kind of whether people like it or not to be honest with you but really I just I do want to see what they do with it and it's like you can't just raise cash and there has to be some kind of plan for it just stacking cash eventually it's just going to inflate away in value right like yeah the inflation rating is lower but we all know the CPI rating is a low to baloney they just amended over time to take out things that are going up the most in price and also you just got to go to your local grocery store and know that the average thing is going up way more than what the inflation reading is so having said that cash is the value is like inflating away over time so they can't just hold cash forever yes they can earn interest for the meantime and that's good but inevitably like they do have to do something and whether that's an acquisition or an acting on the investment policy is really too be seen idiosyn oh my God I can't say it guys idio OS syncratic this is crazy guys this is crazy I'm anyone that knows me too know I'm bad on the spot especially trying to pronounce stuff oh my gosh what's up tetron just Pras what up what up hope you're doing well my friend systematic risk ID idiots oh I gu to crack me up thanks earnings release was fing huge and exactly what GM me needed Jonathan Kelly thank you for being here love your response idiosyncratic idiosyncratic Wonder Nation can you talk about Cava I heard it's a good stock wonder wonder wonder this dude this is the biggest Cava Bowl you guys have ever seen I'm telling you I've never met met anyone like this guy he's obsessed with Cava he literally lives breeds and eats Cava this man loves Cava so naturally whenever I get Chipotle I send him a picture and I say brother Chipotle is better I'm sorry uh did you already talk about dilution um a little bit um it's it's be oh my gosh chat's moving so fast but are you talking about the dilution yes sir so to make me laugh at the ca stuff I know my boys are in the chat just trolling me here but 20 million shares I think it's likely I was just to quickly recap based on the past two offerings they were so quickly completed it's very likely to me that they're going to complete the next offering just as fast over just probably a few business days I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the week it's all wrapped up but at the same time they're not required to do that right like they could wait and say okay we're going to wait until we feel the time is correct to go ahead and issue these 20 million shares into the open market right but we were also discussing is it short sellers who were trying to buy the shares because it's say systematic risk or idios syncr I can't say it guys I can't say it I I know I've said it before but it's just like I have it in my head now and now I have like a mental block on it but Tails down 30% damn that's surprising also surprised how some of they turn to profit desite this big decrease in Revenue what are your thoughts on this wise cracker um looking at the numbers it really seems like they're just scaling up their margin so cost of sales went down a ton and you could see for this quarter gross margin was 31.2% versus 26.3 and then you look at whop over here and we look at margins by quarter this is a single highest quarter for gross margin since Ryan Cohen has been captain in the ship so that's how they're really able to turn a that profit like unfortunately what I was looking for was an operating profit that wasn't the case the operating loss was 22 million because you had s of 270 million so operating profit was negative -22 million and a little bit worse than last year not as ideal however you had a lot more interest income than the same year prior or same quarter prior so with that being the case they were still able to turn a net profit on the bottom line but really no matter what they do to go forwards I'm really a firm believer they have to get Revenue back on track and they have to get margins growing they have to grow gross margins ideally if they get up to 40 that would be great they got a long way to do for that 30 is a good start keep it in the 30s but then they got to get operating margin on the net positive side and then from there if you always have a little bit of cash accumulating a little bit of Interest your net profit is always going to be bigger than your operating profit right where your net profit would not be bigger than your operating profit it would be a situation where they have debt and GameStop simply doesn't have any debt so that's just the reality of it someone say you're not buying the shares retail isn't buying 20 it's a big player well we got [ __ ] 10% down travels brother I feel like I gota be honest I don't think you actually own shares I think you're just here to troll around but if you do hey everyone's going to make their own decisions at the end of the day another question asked why they made 50 million Oh no you're good brother you're good no worries it's it's me BK Burger King it's you Burger King is that what it is kav is a scam 35 million from interest hey not negative ban yet see that's my guy yo you Cava boys you hear this we call this guy Cava Colin that's what we call him because he loves Cava so much H H good point forgot we had four billion in cash yes sir Cava gang we got Jim's losing side how will she go tomorrow pre-market 2130 uh KJV honestly I think we're probably going to be I would if I had to guess probably in the low 20s given that they're issuing the shares right now but we'll see right we're floating at 2159 maybe we float around that same price point tomorrow because also look at the last two share offerings it's a situation where both times the most major move happened in the post Market upon announcement and then was pretty much Sideways from there this one is a little bit different because this was the day RAR in Kitty stream so I think that is an X Factor but you look at this one the major drop was initially and then from there pretty much stayed sideways so I think we're going to float in the low 20s through the remainder of this week if I had to guess maybe close closer to 21 or around where we are now but let's say the share offering Zone in two days we had fing after hours Thursday maybe we're back closer to the mid 20s by Friday right and again all just speculation there I could be completely wrong on that so please do own due diligence research make your own decisions if you're trying to trade this in any which way because you never know with GameStop I I always say with g GameStop and probably been watching me a while I've been heard me say this be ready for everything and anything when it comes to GameStop there's UPS Downs lefts rights and it goes in circles see um let's see do last game of the pronunciation idios syncratic idiosyncratic I can't be good another good aftermarket Ryan Aaron not sure who that is Cav or Chipotle Chipotle is way better Mr no Sean thanks for being here brother hope you're doing well Cava sucks yo here we go we got the Cava vers GameStop in the chat I love it guys I absolutely love it but seriously what do you guys think Cava or Chipotle settle this debate for my boo friends right now Chipotle is better I honestly taste them both Chipotle is better like I a local restaurant's always better but Chipotle is better than kaava you can't change my mind we're getting played kava's better it goes to greater than 20 I'll buy more me too 110 kavak King he here Cav stock after this yeah no this guy he's like oh I want to Cava and it's busy bullish bullish isn't Cava a kind of champagne you guys like I burn down no in it again um Cava kind of champagne um no I'm not sure maybe let's see 54.4 million interest income net can JY sell shares in after hours I don't think so wise cracker I could be wrong um not too sure honestly Bros and cocka Bros maybe the end for game for GM is to just keep selling entities who are deep short eventually the share price will match the cash maybe Randy but also I don't think that could just be their plan right I feel like if you're stocking that cash like you got to do something with it right but I see what you're saying in a sense like they're kind of satisfying the short sellers in a way like they're letting them close but then they can still drive forward and succeed as a company and eventually break free from the algo in theory right idios cratic idios dop Cho thank you idiosyncratic risk idiosyncratic risk one single security expressing idiosyncratic risk that's what it is oh my God so much chat the freaking dilute us kick us to the bottom what the no Lionel I see what you're saying but 20 million is so minuscule compared to the shares I'm sing they have like 42 something million shares right now so I feel like it's not that big a deal honestly it's not like I'm not saying it's the most ideal thing to see I was like hoping for this but like I can live with it I guess that's the best way to see it only at 20 is a for 14.3 million adjustment to the sgna due to the IMX deal last year it's an improvement when you factor that onetime in very true by Sava we got Sava Cava we got all kinds of names thror in the chat what's up tetron Ser hope you're doing well staying around 20 till the offering is finished then we rip again Jonathan I think that's a very fair analysis right there GameStop up today my kids college fun s Sean this guy is a troll don't listen to this troll yo operating profit uh would have been3 million this quarter last year if it wasn't for that AMX uh adjustment you're right make no mistake good point good point I did forget about that because this was the first year where that was not in place like the IMX agreement Chipotle yes sir Chipotle they always f up my order a Cava that's see that's bearish you guys better go sell your Cava stock that's some bearish news right there if they're messing up orders very very bearish let me tell you I heard Cava will murder you and eat your children don't get involved with Cava lowering sgna better margin on Collectibles less software less Hardware pivot to revenue producing products needed Tik Tok they've had have had years Anthony yeah I see what you're saying but they're not going anywhere man I'm telling you they're not going anywhere but I definitely understand where people may been involved in the stock in a while really the biggest thing you've lost out on to be frank is opportunity costs like if you bought the stock here and then you held it all the way here yeah sure you didn't lose money but you could have made money investing elsewhere right so really you lost out an opportunity cost not like the stock itself thus far you can see the AK oh good looks uh doku DOI yep it is right here and then also got too many things open we got to wrap it up or get organized out here down 8% I mean yeah I think it's going to probably float around this amount honestly if I had to guess we'll probably float around $ 2021 over the next several days but we'll see I heard you lose oh my gosh these guys it's GameStop the je I never heard of C that's look they diluted by doing an offering was hoping it would pop yeah Ken honestly I mean I don't I see where you're coming from but it's one of those where even if they didn't do the offering like it's probably going to go sideways to be honest with you because we kind of had an idea of what happened after the report it was like oh revenue's way down but wait night income is good way better than anal expectations of negative 8 cents but then oh wait share offer but I mean if the share offing is completed I'm still sticking with my guts that the share price would finish at max pain although this max pain could fluctuate tomorrow because I'm sure there'll be a lot of options that are closed tomorrow so this number could theoretically change right but we'll have to see how that goes bring the 20 million get sold to alltime high 110 that would be most ideal that we pay off the French flow no I mean it's only 10 million like we got 10 million being paid over the next year another 10 million after that and that's really it so yes 20 million solely would be sweet especially if nobody knows getting rid of the credit facility into another dilution it's huge nobody knows what's going on Jonathan yeah no you're absolutely right that's that's the thing too they voluntarily terminated the credit facility so they must feel good about where they're at and then whatever they're planning to do in moving forwards and also just another side note I had brought this up before Larry Chang better than the Larry in the chat uh so so smart is his last tweet just quote retweeting something September 5th and oh he actually just tweeted GameStop's results but prior to that he hadn't tweeted like he was tweeting every single day and he hadn't tweeted in like five days right and he was in Grapevine Texas at GameStop's headquarters could have just been coincidence but part of me thinks like something's in the works and I love this too no joke my Uber driver this morning you gotta love that and he's literally heading to grap Vine right so that's pretty awesome but see he's a very frequent poster on X then he just didn't post for five days so was he working on something the last five days not that necessarily something's going to come out like right now like I'm just scrolling through to show you like he's pretty frequent sometimes sure he misses a day but he doesn't really usually Miss five days right although granted could be anything right and here he kind of slowed down for a bit but and he did the live stream those were always those were pretty cool I don't think I ever even watched the second one only watched the first one but maybe they're negotiating something right again I'm just throwing ideas out there I'm not trying to like hype it up or over spec I'm speculating right but I'm not trying to Hype it up like something's coming oh my gosh no I'm just saying it could but it's all just food for thought like I'm all just throwing ideas out there just calling it as I see it but got to make your own determinations of what you think's going to happen um yes slowely agreed GameStop equals cheese find one too absurd uh anyone know the iida uh just slightly negative I think when I looked here iida we had that's by category by the way also free cash flow very strong where I was doing before for anyone that missed it you know their total increase in cash cash equivalence and restricted cash was 32 78.1 but then you take out the share offering the 30557 and then you take out the proceeds from marketable Securities because that's not really a gain like that's really just um purchases yeah proceeds oh yeah the oh 273 I'm sorry so technically I guess they were net negative on the free cash flow but pretty much about even right and really it's going to come down to like the full year but sorry about that sometimes it's hard doing the numbers quick and I really appreciate all you guys being here it's crazy Jeff is in driver seat now they will sell the map without taking the price that much that's very true Anthony because they are the one that's facilitating it but let's see I did see EV on here EV where are we ah okay so justed iida negative 18 cents versus or sorry 18 million versus this is oh last year was it was actually positive one interesting okay for the same quarter so actually down a little bit not the most ideal but they are citing you know some transformation costs such as Severance stock based compensation forfeitures related to Workforce optimation efforts AKA uh Severance packages and Departments of Key Personnel adjustments to reserves for expenses for consultants and advisors related to transformation initiatives and other costs in connection with the transformative initiatives not complicated it hasn't started let's see uh yeah this is so fair too I wonder if this throws a wrench into what dfv had in mind Ryan that's a very valid question you know because he did just post again what does it mean does it mean nothing does it mean something I don't know it's so hard to say it's so hard to say and he's changing the eyes of the dog Emoji like what does it mean I don't know like I like to like read what people say about it in the speculations but I also don't like think to I love your boy Nancy he's just funny account just does like like okay just puts Nancy but I don't know I like to read what people speculate but I don't think too hard about it honestly but it is funny too how this happens and then I had wrote like I don't want to play with you anymore implying like he's selling chew I only want GameStop GameStop excuse me briefly goes up on that news chewy goes down he didn't post any positions or anything he posted a picture of an edited like Woody like think about that for a second that's the world we live in that that moves the market and it's worth speculating on like it's fun to speculate on but also fresh just in case but I don't know at the end of the day it's just tweets right how do you really really know and it's crazy how many followers this man has 1.6 million it's actually insane and I wish you would do another live stream like when he just did that live stream like that was so epic honestly like that was so so epic see it's not completed it hasn't started you are correct uh bad guts uh it's a share offering for an Institute or a buyer to agreed to buy not a short for a short covering understood right U at the market yeah so it's technically at the market like into the open market but theoretically if you're an institution right want to acquire shares like that would be the time to do it because the 20 million shares being released is essentially being offset by 20 million in buying pressure if you think about it generally right so it makes sense at that time like if a short seller was buying to close it wouldn't really drive the price off massively because what's offsetting that is the new shares being issued so while it is like at the offering I mean at the market and it's kind of going technically to the open market it's basically going to an institution if it's being done to that effect which we don't know for sure we are just speculating but to me it just makes the most sense because I know for my right I'm not just going out there buying like a ton of gme shares right now it's spod of time like I might pick up a couple more later this week I'm not going to lie to you keep just dollar cost averaging in over time but I'm not massively just buying chunks or it's not like I sold a bunch bought a bunch here sold a bunch here now I'm buying a ton here so where is that buying pressure like really coming from if you think about it like it has to be institutional it's the only thing that makes sense and then that's what makes you laugh too when stuff like this happens oh my gosh I just messed up my chart like the whole roaring Kitty earlier like oh yeah retail all just bought at once like no this there's definitely institutional play going on here absolutely without a doubt in my mind so and that also was validated to me by the last share offerings where they were able to complete them so quickly do you really think there was that many people jumping to buy shares when they announced a share offering like regular people like myself or you I just don't think so so I think indirectly like it's an offering to institutions like it's at the market so it is to the open market but the institutions are buying shares at that same time that they're being put into the market so they're essentially the sell pressure is offsetting the buy pressure if that makes sense that's how I'm perceiving this in real time as we're kind of this pretty good like I'm brainstorming with you guys in the chat like I love it the market can you explain a little more about how they're processing the solution uh exactly is the last two yeah kind of feel like I just touched on that Ryan but yeah I feel like probably given that the last two happened so quickly and were for higher qu quantities of shares more likely than not this one will be done quickly that's my speculation but it's not impossible that they decide to wait and then let's say the price they just they don't do it a month two months goes by they never announced the offerings complete so that would mean it's still open-ended it's two months later the price goes up to 35 out of nowhere for whatever reason some kind of news some kind of just Trend in the stock starts trending upwards and then they come out say say oh okay we actually just completed our share offering and maybe they were selling them in the 30s right so theoretically they can still wait it's an offering that's been announced but it hasn't been completed you'll get another announcement like when it's completed uh let's see uh thanks I got you Sgt thanks for being here C so C we sell uh vand V jandro hopefully I didn't push you that um do whatever you like honestly that's all I can really say do whatever you like uh just got crushed Anthony thank you for being here I don't feel crushed I don't know about anyone else I'm been in this a while I mean 7% move is literally nothing to me 10% okay no problem dollar cost averaging the whole way down to 10 so might just have the opportunity to dollar cost average more and so be it it's whatever happens happens the way she goes so we buy AMC moas oh my goodness oh my goodness I just got sick to my stomach no my friend no no no was that sound for you um NP I don't think so I'm not sure uh so we buy um AMC listen AMC has been an endless dilution Factory and they've done nothing next to nothing to really like better themselves so and it's unfortunate right like people think oh what do you hate the movies I'm like no I just hate how they're operating and how they've really padded their pockets so much so since they took it since they got hype around them for whatever reason and they damn well know it and are taking advantage of it and are like we we got this or what did he us what did Adam a used to say like we'll show them or I don't remember he had like some kind of Catchphrase or something it's just a bunch of nonsense right determinate the credit facility because we are the credit facility exactly Anthony exactly they don't need the credit facility it was voluntary determinated they weren't obligated to or forced to in any which way they said nope we're going to be good from here on out so we're chilling and also you know at the end of the day guys GameStop is still up year to date even we we open at $20 tomorrow it's still up year to date just food for thought you know you might not you might think who cares but that is just what the numbers say going below uh 21 tonight looking to buy dips uh e DIYs thanks for being here it's not impossible it's not impossible I'll tell you that um and I totally messed up my chart I always do this and then I can never fix it if I reload it okay there we go so yeah we are still dipping here but this would make me wonder can you sell shares can you sell shares we're gonna ask Chad GT but let me be perfectly clear take this with a grain of salt as just for some perspective right don't blindly just trust this can you sell shares as can a company all right let's just see if we can get any perspective here and this is something I want to further research because I do wonder is it possible they're selling shares right now like as soon as it's announced they start selling right away because that would kind of explain the last two times why both times you had a situation where the major drop was initially I think it's partly on the news of it but also like look at both of those the initial drop on the news and then it kind of tails off after right drop on the news and then tailing off after so are shares being sold into the Open Market at this particular time let's see if we can get any insight from my assistant here can a company sell shares as part of an at the market offering in the postmarket OR pre-market or does it always have to be during Market Normal trading hours and I'm going to ask you to provide me a source after so I can look at it further an after the market offer a company sell shares Market prevailing price however the time they sell is subject to certain regulation practices The Exchange where the Shar is listed normal trading hours typically ATM offerings are conducted during normal trading hours when liquidity is highest and the market is most active that's a very valid point just reading that gave me the thought like why would you want to do it right now when generally speaking there's a lot less liquidity in the pre- and post market so do you really want to be selling shares at that time to dramatically move the price but at the same time on the other hand gives people like myself the opportunity to buy if I so choose to and then also I can then see the price go back up tomorrow right theoretically right theoretically if they're doing it a time when liquidity is low such as the post Market pre and post Market technically it is possible for a company to sell shares during premarket or postmarket sessions however these sessions have lower liquidity higher volatility and wider spread which can make it less less advantageous for a company to execute an ATM offering during these times additionally not all Brokers on or platform support trading during these sessions which could further limit the effectivess of the offering regulatory fin SC S3 registration agreement typically govern the terms of an ATM offering adhere to any limitations by the okay give me sources where you found this information Just for future reference yes do you mean they chat GPT just said I am the source like no see that's why you got to take with the great assault guys and it's just for insight and just sometimes also reading it to me like I just reading that gave me the thought oh yeah actually it doesn't make a lot of sense if the liquidity is low right so I feel like chat GPT is also a good tool to like you know when you talk to someone you're bouncing ideas off them if you're doing that with chat gbt like it's essentially a virtual friend right I guess you want to call it that to bounce ideas off of Just for perspective but again you don't want to say right like if I say what was GameStop's EPS for the earnings I would bet the house that this is going to be inaccurate right now watch it's actually going to be accurate Port that just came out today let's see I guarantee you it's wrong wow it's right but an estimate okay so actually of course it's right of course it's right I knew that was going to happen but still you would want to check that you wouldn't want to blindly just trust chat GPT that's the point I'm trying to say here but I'm refreshing I'm refreshing I'm curious is he gonna do a YOLO update is he gonna do a YOLO update and is he gonna post what does this mean so Random out of nowhere and then just back in the dark and also this was the first one in months right because you had all of July all of August with no post September 6 so essentially about two and a half months until he posts again so again take what you want of that information doesn't necessarily mean anything in particular um let's see oh boy we got to get caught up in the chat let's see Kid myself for not the stock in the 30s Randy yeah know it's tough when it's when you're trading it that's the thing about trading it it's tough you just don't know there so much volatility with this thing but I'll tell you for sure I mean of course nothing's for sure in this life right but I think the story is far from over I'll say that so I'm personally really not worried but that's just me everyone's in their own spot Blake Cox thanks for being here going under 15 tonight only simp me whales says going under $15 tonight that would be honestly surprising I would I would be happy though because I would probably buy a lot of shares to be honest with you but I have a really hard time believing it would go that low like you really think that or you just saying that my friend like I don't really think it can go to that that quickly can you could it drop to 15 over the course of next quarter sure this thing has gone up down left sideways circles time and time again over the past several years so I'm not saying that's impossible but to go to 15 before before the end of the post market like we're already at 6 PM Eastern two more training hours I have a really hard time seeing that happening and if we did I think then it's a situation where we wake up tomorrow and there's a filing hey we actually already completed the share offering and the post Market that would be ludicrous that would actually just be insane but hi Bots colins gaming thanks for being here and I think they're in the chat my friend there might be some that's what they're saying discounts in the morning leap froggles thanks for being here that's what they're saying that's what they're saying that's what I'm seeing did you have this move on your radar Ultra fair question um the share offering move to be honest no that caught me by surprise um the stock dropping yes I certainly thought it was a possibility I wanted the stock to go up I thought there was a fair possibility the stock would go up but I knew there was absolutely a reality where or situation where the stock could Decline and I also think if they didn't announce the share offering that this drop would be nowhere near as sharp as it is right now I think we'd probably just be floating around here like in the low 22s if I had to guess right but obviously that wasn't the case so regardless it is what it is we buy beyond meat squeeze uh Lena good luck with that I'm not sure about anything with Beyond me but I don't know about that uh stocks going to 15 is probable but I'm happy to buy in that price 11 me too is J not patting its pockets as well LOL um yeah by offering shares they're patting their pockets I mean the shareholders aren't I'm sorry the managers aren't because they are shareholders so they get screwed if the price goes down in theory in terms of their net value of shares should have more should have bought more GameStop at $20 incoming Jonathan it could happen Ryan's worst in AA zman that's a bold statement really I strongly disagree with that you can think that but I don't know about that guy like look at this look how much aim you're making me go here I I I don't like to do this but I'm gonna do it five 95% brother 95% look it if you bought its peak look how badly you got screwed they've done an insane amount of dilution remember tre's trades was like AP is the solution not the problem don't complicate it there's a problem Houston we have a problem like look what happened no way you can make that compar right even even one year and the only reason AMC has even been able to dilute and raise the amount of capital and done what they've done is because they've just piggybacked off of GameStop I it just it is what it is that's what it is they've piggy packed a off GameStop right they've just forced Associated themselves with GameStop and when I say they forced associate very generally right at one point a long time ago I F remembers this they said we're in talks with GameStop about a potential partnership because they were both meme stocks right and both stocks like briefly went up on that news that was never a thing nothing ever came out about that what was game what were they going to partner with that was baloney it was a way for AMC to force associate themselves with GameStop look at GameStop's one-year chart and look at AMC's one-year chart one's down 33% the other one's up 33% look at the fiveyear right or even just look from Peak to now right for a GameStop relative to Peak to now for AMC you're literally down if you bought at the peak of AMC you're literally down 99% meaning if you put $1,000 in you have $10 left think about that for a second GameStop put $1,000 in at the top here sure you're down to like 200 something not the most ideal but you didn't get completely diluted away and you still have a company game AMC's done all that diluting and they don't even have a good balance sheet they still don't have a good balance sheet they're loaded with debt they're still overpaying their Executives it's nowhere near the same like I'm sorry it's just simply not the same and you can criticize GameStop and Ryan Cohen but to put them in the same bucket AMC and GameStop Ryan Cohen and Adam Aaron I think you're taking crazy pills my friend that's crazy Z man yeah making money off the hype is probably not the best idea as a struggling company huh Lena I'm here to talk about it people are interested in GameStop I'm here to talk about it you don't have to buy it I'm literally I want to be so transparent don't buy it if you're not interested in it and you don't believe in it there's no reason I'm not here to tell you to do that I'm here to cover it and report on it because there's really just not a lot of people out there doing that with GameStop and I'm going to do that that's people say oh you're you're a stock influencer I'm like why can't I just talk about it and report it how does that make me like an influencer I'm not trying to influence you to do anything I'm telling you do whatever you want just because I have a stream about it right that always makes me laugh but but also I appreciate all you because you're still here like you're still here you're still on the stream you're commenting you're viewing it that helps me so thank you yeah J pads pocket damy puts feeble payment down on its debt big difference sir yes sir not all utions bearish I for one happy to see cash value pressure go up as a result of such actions AMC can't say that exactly Richard Watson what's the difference between G and AMC recently G is a lot worse deluding every to opportunity Richard I think I just explained that the thing is tanking big we getting but travels hey you're still here though brother thanks for sticking with me on this stream Ryan's worse and AA better for private Equity versus true for retail investors exactly gez there are some interesting people in here right Cohen made a critical error crapping on the loyal I am done even if it gets goes Mo I will sell at break even and place GMA and do not trade L Lio listen I respect it I it's okay I it's okay like I'm not oh my gosh no I'm not going to tell you you have to do this you can't no don't think that if that's how you feel it is what it is it's all good best of luck with your future trades high energy reviews and Investments thoughts on sava I'm not familiar with it honestly I gotta be honest I'm not too familiar with it AMC's is a big piece of [ __ ] that idiots jumped on just because it was cheaper than gme Eduardo yeah and that's where it is criminal in my opinion where they what they did what they did they took naive investors and said oh look look look is fancy oh we're doing po we're selling our own popcorn now in grocery stores it's bullish bullish right just no that didn't help their margins at all I like the price action of gme hey Hey listen if you were looking to buy you can't be too discouraged by this right and also we're making up a little ground but I expect more volatility tomorrow regardless uh cheers everybody feels like time the crack uh 9% IPA hey Jonathan send it why not in honor of uh DF dfv he loves cracking a beer inter incom went way up cherry picking to fit a narrative um Collins I wouldn't say so I mean inter incom did go way up but gross margin also went up which I found to be encouraging and beyond that you know I'm not saying Revenue doesn't need to get better but they are still net profitable on the bottom line and yes interest income is the only reason they're currently net profitable but they're operating income their income they just need to make a little bit more improvements and maybe change up their product mix in a way it's a little bit more higher margin items which they're already working towards given that their gross profit is 31% this quarter versus always being lower for any other quarter since Ryan cen's been cap as the ship or that's sgna but you can see right here 31% is by far the highest of any single quarter since 2020 or probably even before that just just as long as his chart goes but having said that you know there's they're moving in the right direction and there's still more work to be done it's not all sunshines and and rainbows right now I want to be perfectly clear there's still more work to be done right like they're doing the little things like they've done some of these things close and profit locations let go of overpaid Executives cut overhead costs narrow down the one Warehouse ubic technology sap essentially no debt establish gam stop credit card change the pro plan PSA cards candy con private label brand I want to see them do more private label Brands to be honest with you beyond just candy con mod retro GameStop exclusive product supposedly launching retro GameStops might be coming so acquisition core brand values or say investment policy being used to add assets to the balance sheet y not worried at all let's see would it be a far reach to think that the dilution was time the expectation of DF come back around earnings maybe Ryan maybe but at the same time he didn't really come back right so I I don't know I don't think that's impossible though don't need DF for this to be a smart move they are selling it to short volume and could easily have an announcement to come Le froggles that's absolutely right or absolutely possible I should say that they could have an announcement to come right and also you know it's funny how people say like oh yeah you know DF he ulating and blah blah blah right all the nonsense they say meanwhile CNBC they go on there every single day Jim Kramer and all those guys say I like this I like that and that's fine but a guy who does it on the internet gains a big platform whoa you can't do that you're not the mainstream media right but that's just the way the way she goes right but there was a ton of people like myself you could go back on this channel I've been posting on GameStop for several years now Post January 2021 just documenting sharing my thoughts on it as time has gone on and what I'm seeing over time and again just my opinion I'm aware enough to know just because it's my opinion doesn't mean I'm right right like of course I always do my best to be right and as accurate as possible with information and how I'm analyzing things but I'm aware enough and conscious enough that I make mistakes like I'm not perfect and that's why I say you got to do your own due diligence and research and you could sure you could probably find a super old video of me and clip one thing and say oh oh you were so stupid on this you were so wrong and I'll admit yeah I was wrong I've made mistakes in the past but that's what this channel is documenting and just learning over time so yeah and oh the point I wanted to make is prior to here nobody knew dfv was coming back he came out of nowhere like he just came back out of nowhere like right here nobody knew that was happening and by the way he came back right here nobody knew right when we when we go back the price had already started moving up keep in mind he came back here this Monday because I remember it was that Sunday he posted so yes we did Gap up but we had already ran from a low of like just below 10 right 995 but we could say from 11 and touched as high as 20 so the stock price almost doubled prior to him actually coming back right so people say oh it's just a raring Kitty height but it was already starting to increase in price prior to that you could say well that's because he was buying some shares he was buying shares to the point where he move the price 100% that doesn't seem right that means some there's a very low amount of sh that's like available in the market or institutions are at play here but even beyond all that I never knew D when I was making videos back here I never knew DF was going to come back honestly I thought he rode out into the sunset and was like I'm done too many eyeballs on me I was shocked he actually streamed and then I thought when he was doing the stream and he was late I'm like this guy's not even going to do the stream he's literally just trolling the financial media like it's not even worth it because of if he I was like if he says one wrong word or one slightly not how do I put it like it would have been like if he was not very very careful and I'm sure he went over with a lawyer prior to a law firm he had to be so so careful about what he said because if he said a certain thing and the price moved a certain way lawsuits lawsuits lawsuits even if they were bogus he would have to deal with them right so I was shocked he came back and I think a lot of people have been in involved in game stuff this whole way honestly didn't think he was ever coming back so the fact that he's back is just like a bonus to me and just an extra layer to this exceptionally unique story that's the thing too no matter what happens right again I'm not telling you what to do never just do in general right it should be known but never just buy a stock because someone's talking about on YouTuber or any investment you always have to do your due diligence and research including me like do your due diligence and research before you ever make any kind of move on GameStop stock but my point being with dfv like he coming back was just such unique part of the story and what I'm trying to do here is just document the whole thing and just cover it over time for you guys I know people are interested in it and keeping up with it so I'm really just trying to document it and him coming back was just one part of the story and it would be sick if he was doing the same thing honestly it' be awesome but and it'd be a dream to collab with this guy but that is like a huge stretch but then also I got a lot of eyeballs on me right but regardless he's not a cat he's not a cat let me tell you see not wored at all pro Without Santa Claus beautiful share offerings going be another warning shot shorts us again and we'll take 400 million from you thank you I think we will go from 18 to 15 pretty soon a not impossible but I have a really hard time believing that to be honest with you bought today too I'll drop 25k instantly that price you claim you love it more than drops that's a cap bro nobody loves to money Harry Harry I never particularly said that I said you know if you like the stock for the long term you want to get in at at the most accurate the most low price point for long-term value right obviously I do want it to go up as a shareholder I'm not going to cap as you say but I'm okay with the fact that it's going to dip sometimes like I understand the nature of the game that is the market and GameStop so like I can live with it I can like it's not rattling me right but I I see what you're saying fair but I can live with it and I just take an opportunity to buy more then it goes up I go great I'm just going to watch watch this thing I'm not going to buy more when it's going up no fumo for me would be the least bit surprised if this is the offering czz me too honestly me too the more I think about it I'm like they offering it right now but as I had asked chat GPT again just for perspective that's when liquidity is highest during normal trading hours so that's the thing it's like if they're doing in the post market like they are just they just they don't even care not they don't even care but they're like you know no we're going to be able to sell these shares no Pro blo so that would be crazy if we wake up tomorrow and there's a filing share offering complete and I guess we could check the actual SEC filings and see is there like is there specifics about pre-market or postmarket no pre-market after hours extended Trading yeah see I'm trying to find like a keyword so I don't have to read through the whole thing but I wonder if there's any specific language that says they can or cannot issue shares like in the extended hours which is like pre-market or postmarket but I would think they probably could they probably could right but does it make the most sense because of the low liquidity right but then if they were right like yeah the liquidity is low right now but theoretically then it lowers the price then you have people who might want to buy shares tomorrow and that might bring it back to just right where we at right like maybe the share offerings complete tomorrow and the price is back to where it was at the close today right and again that's just the theory I'm not saying that's definitely goingon to happen I'm not okay with another offering mom Brooke thanks for being here listen I hear you but at the end of the day I think when you're invested in GameStop you're really invested in Ryan Cohen and the management team so you kind of have to trust them and if you don't want to you know maybe it's not the play for you it's really up to you as an individual figure out where you're at and how you want to go about things but really if you are buying GameStop you are buying into belief that the Ryan Cohen and Bard are capable of driving the company forward so over time now cap is called buy and undervalued asset there's uh always this volume Afters what indicates this is the offering um no not any guarantee it's the offering but just generally like after earnings there's more volume than the average like after hours for GameStop or another stock either 20 is enough any more delusion yes s I want more something that appreciate sale 20 million who we lost the chat we lost the chat hold on okay I want the all messages beard um let's see oh I'm way behind the chat oh my gosh we just much to catch on let's see okay Ryan GM RC R thanks Gap still open down to GM poke Bros I'm not too sure sure I'm not a big ta guy kind of just like to look at the numbers why would it run 100 pluss and limit up uh Aon a p some of their offerings gross exactly why wouldn't it need to use a finance wizard option in jat gbt what is that s says tell me more I'm curious what do you mean Finance wizard interesting I I'll check it out let me know um Q2 earnings and kitty come back I don't know 4.3 billion I don't know maybe it's nothing Pao dies alone pretty sure the 20 million offer was the ability to sell them doesn't say they will you're correct Apollo you're correct there's no guarantee that shares are being issued right now in real time or that they're even going to issue them tomorrow or this week the offering says they can at any point in time sell them into the open market I'm just speculating here and kind of people in the chat and we're all just bouncing ideas keep in mind too if you're just joining in like I'm bouncing off just things in the chat and just throwing miscellaneous ideas out there I'm not saying like this is g to happen that's going to happen I'm just trying to cover all the different ideas right but when you look at the past two off offerings they were very quickly completed after they were announced right so that's what leads me to believe this one likely will be the same scenario especially since it's a low amount of shares relative to the last two last two were 75 million and 40 million or 45 million so it makes you think 20 million this one could be done really quick but at the same time maybe not maybe they're changing the plan here trying to catch some people off guard whatever the case Ryan con never let gme rip up Bren I I know people are saying that that like you're screwing over the squeeze screwing up the momentum but I think from his perspective he's sticking to the fundamentals and trying to improve the balance sheet or balance Sheet's in good shape right now but stack the balance sheet to the point where it's ready to make big moves whether it's big acquisition Andor big Investments is to be seen because that's the thing too A lot of people oh nothing happened today oh back to nothing ever happening I've said it before we actually got to the earnings when the stream started that based on how GameStop has done stuff for the past few years under Ryan Cohen's tenure and just how he's captained the ship if they're going to make an acquisition or do something with the investment policy and there's a filing for it I think it's going to be on a random like Wednesday afternoon in the middle of the quarter when literally nobody expects it like out of nowhere that's just how they've done things so why would an acquisition or anything using the cash be any different right because the earnings date everyone knows a date there's a lot of eyeballs on it including those Banning against it right so that's just my perspective on that I got help us Jamie or leave what are you really here to put doubt in people um we held super nicely at over 20 there anything over under 20 is probably a steal I broke I broke myself out by buying 10 13 so I can't buy more it says from here start is up right now exactly Jonathan it's about knowing yourself you know some people listen some people are tapped out and that's all right and you don't but you know like I'm not going to keep putting in just because I I want to keep buying but I can't I'm not going to do it anyway you got to know where you're at as an individual and your own financial situation I'm in this price pre-split nice hell yeah dude I can wait as long as it takes Liam love to see that you got a great cost basis if that's the case oh one device just died hold on just lost the chat we're GNA get it back in one second let's see get back on track here see price spr split shows everywhere is always a good sign Liam there's quite a few quite I welcome the GameStop lovers and I welcome the GameStop haters bring everyone in here we can all we can all duke it out we can all hang out I've been watching all of ran Kitty streams they're extremely educational if you watch his streams you become a better investor D us yeah I honestly should go back and watched them more I've on occasion watched like part of them but when you look back at how he talked about things at the time like he is a really sharp guy the way he like looks at the market and evidently he's built his portfolio up massively right as per the last uh YOLO update so he must be doing something right and I feel like this has to be a Roth IRA otherwise he has like massive taxes right especially with like buying and selling because he had to have been buying selling throughout so I'm specul he sold calls the whole way nobody really knows what he's done in between right but yes I agree you can learn a lot from that guy price is going to move not his most recent one obviously one he had to be very very careful what he said otherwise you would have been under a lot of legal scrutiny otherwise you'll go back to the older ones prior to the whole January 2021 situation those are epic honestly and you could see like if I don't know if there's a chat replay but if there is like you could see who the true ogs are that were communicating with them at that time gotta remember to breed sometimes damn can't believe it's already 6:30 we going like three and a half hours guys I appreciate you being here still got a lot of people here so we're going to keep rocking and rolling uh the price is going to move to the right 100% I can guarantee it and yes preach do your own research exactly you got to do your own research I'm not here to tell you what to do I want be so clear about that I'm not here to tell you what to do where are people seeing news about the share offering uh buess Beyond meeser uh if you go to the filings you could see it like they basically put out that they're doing the share offering for 20 million shares it's when they're company filing so by the way when you're reading numbers for a company it's always best to just look up the company in this case GameStop investor relations every public company has one Walmart investor relations Pepsi investor relations Nvidia investor relations and you read the numbers for yourself and make your own determinations and you can look at other websites that's fine but sometimes those numbers are out of date or the way they're translated over could be a little bit funky so to me always best to go to the source which is GameStop in this case or whatever investment go to that company's website read their filing so you know for sure what's taking place and most of the time right like I have it on where I get an email every time there's a new filing for GameStop so if there's any any SEC filing like I just got four automated emails today of all these filings so for any company you're invested in you can turn that on so when you're checking your email or even I know you someone who did this they told me that I made an email just they made a Gmail just for stocks are investing in go on all the investor relation Pages put in their that email right like let's say it was like stock research1 stock research1 for their like seven or eight different stocks and then every week they go on look through okay what are new filings oh there was an Insider transaction for stock one oh stock three just issued shares stock five is buying back shares right so that could be like an idea of how to kind of keep track of things but thanks I got you they just got rid of their line of credit and at the snap of their fingers they raised all that back in their own bank insanely bullish Andrea yeah that is a pretty valid point to be honest with you and also again voluntarily terminated the credit agreement nobody told them they had to do that nobody forced them to me it just says like we're in good Financial standing we're not going to have have to worry about cash from here on out all the BS aside full your profitability are given now year over turn around is inevitable G St CES clutch when it's least expected Ryan I would agree year-over-year um they're going to turn a profit again like they turned a very small profit when we look at the numbers here for net income they turned 6.7 million they just turned out a net profit for the full year of 2023 I think they're absolutely going to turn another net profit in 2024 and it will be greater than 2023 maybe not super significant right even a 100 million I would be pretty satisfied with on the bottom line for the full year and really is just about to stop from here now you got they got to stop the bleeding on the revenue but they're just cutting so much excess and like you can do that but you can only really do that if you're moving towards something so I just have to believe my gut feeling is they're really moving towards an acquisition and or action with their investment policy which allows them to buy like into other their public Securities I think it theoretically GameStop could have Apple shares on its balance sheet right just in theory because of the investment policy that was approved previously bare thesis smoke soon I think so I mean listen what I understand like not being bullish right but is there really a bare thesis like sure Revenue keeps going down but the profitability is there so what is really the bare thesis I get not being bullish like being neutral like okay it's not going up because their revenue is not going up things don't look I don't really see what they're doing there there's no guidance so I'm not bullish but I'm not bearish because they're still turning in that profit their balance sheets absolutely stacked so they're not going anywhere and when you're betting against a company you're betting it to go to zero it's literally impossible for GameStop to go to zero anytime in the near future of course if something dramatic changed then that could be potential right but as it stands right now that's just not happening so I just don't really see the be case I can understand how other people don't see the bull case but I don't see how you could truly firmly believe in the barcase unless you just really have some Vendetta against the stock or people invested in GameStop for whatever reason which there are people out there gme melt doners they are so like just imagine creating a a whole subreddit and being so dedicated to something you don't like why why would you put that much time and energy into it like it's actually comical like I actually feel bad for those people like you don't have anything better to do at least talk about something you like right and you say oh well you're just talking about something you like like yeah cuz I enjoyed talking about it like why would you make dedicate your time and energy to hating on something like on a consistent basis like it just doesn't make sense to me I don't know I'll never understand I guess about 12 million over average volume for the day now interesting yeah killing the ly into this through all make sense line of credit personally take profit around 50 but I'm not hard cashing until over a couple hundred bucks there's no reason J can't can't can't go to 1K pre-split pricing again which would be 250 uh post spit no there's no detail it's the same as last time only about 2.5 volume since the offering news yeah Elite progs the thing is the more I more think about it there's just such limited like liquidity as it says here right like there's very limited liquidity in the post market so it's hard to think they're selling a lot of shares right now and it doesn't again also because of the low liquidity it doesn't take much to move the price in the post Market here I really think it's best to just look at where it opens up tomorrow and then we can go from there that's really the way I go about it Nick tanel you're always looking up something pointless anyway Nick thanks for being here uh they Canon will they T I like how you're moding all this too buddy Jonathan thank you I'm trying my best fan no I'm really honestly I'm having a lot of fun this stream like oh man and I see someone in the chat I just knew was going to be here he comes to every earning stream he loves tetron so much know who you are I'm getting to you much better chat here exactly hey tetron did you see both JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs dropped 5% inry day today I did not actually I didn't keep an eye on the overall Market was there news on it or anything that's pretty interesting also side note what is going on with keep an eye on this too for the genen carry trade because I really think it could further on want like it went to here and oh okay it started recovering but it's unwinding further right or like the conversion the yen is appreciating against the dollar and the dollar is depreciating against the Yen so in theory if there are any other Yen carry trades out there they could still very likely unwind in the future if there's more pressure on the markets again right and more pressure on the currency like if the dollar continues to depreciate against the end then we could see a situation where more of people's leverage trades onwi because you have to think that period where we had that like kind of flash crash was like a month ago at this point early August where the market went down they're like oh it's again carry trade on winding and the Japanese Market got crushed and then just went away oh all fixed all fine and dandy all is done but those are probably only the people getting liquidated that were highly leveraged and were just on the edge right so they got forc liquidated whereas a big large institution smart is going to have a lot of excess capital or be able to put up excess Capital to meet margin requirements so what happens if this unwinds further right and that's just like a general thought there but something I've been keeping an eye on interesting 5% any news fed updates Capital requirement oh okay maybe about the FED updating their Capital requirement proposals because we do have the FED meeting coming up why Bank stocks get hard let's see what they say president warned that investors were underestimating how much the bank would spend and overestimating how much would earn interest interesting of course got what a stock trying oh allies getting crushed that's another that was the whole thing remember a while back the regional Banks uh Silicon Valley Bank never a good sign when you see a Regional Bank drop that dramatically but that should drop to CFO says consumers are struggling and delinquencies are rising it's just because he said it their stock fell the most that's weird comments on credit challenges stock sinks I guess Their Own Credit challenges that's causing the stock to SN but you said also Goldman Sachs largest Investment Bank in the world also down pretty significantly just near all-time highs though just like JP Morgan yep pretty much the same thing as JP Morgan oh suffers mounting losses from credit card exit oh yeah that's right because they had the credit card with apple and they wound that down so they're getting h on that it seems that'll come up in a future report but echo echo you literally love tetron so much you come every time I I actually appreciate you coming here every single time like you have to be subscribed I would think right because you're always here so thank you 20 million shares for the sale today nice down 10% Market after all soon as dud his AMC Eko they got a lot more diluting to do before they get to AMC level they got to completely mess things up if that's the case h yeah they don't have to sell it shelf offering same prospectus nothing new exactly whoa okay I just scrolled way too far down what's the price head open shut over the bow live long gme Viva GameStop Long Live gme uh o it's okay man it'll get better it's all good yeah I stayed out today cuz I got burnt last time that's all right T that's all right listen you got to know thyself whether you're trading investing got to have your plan see your perspective why is share offering though they already have four billion cash uh mxr the only thing I can say is I think they are anticipating making moves over the next 12 months or so I can't say for sure but it just seems like the only reason you would do that is if you were preparing to make moves hold on let's get the lamp on here Dam you guys are flying by in the chat I got to keep up the lamp get situated close the last blind what though they have 4.6 million now though driving probably slower angles yeah it was just about to pump and they cut the nuts off it I don't know Jeremiah I don't know was it really going to pump maybe it seemed like it was going to kind of move sideways like we were trading choppy but then a little bit of a trend up and then but then we went way down or come back but again limited liquidity in the post market so I think you got to kind of just take it with a grain of salt and see what tomorrow morning brings where's your comments from I'm just getting caught up I'm back in the chat yeah nice you can never get the things pay mail to You Want It That Way T knows what he's talking about thank you John I appreciate it GCA B dip nice wish you the best of luck brother why is the stock dipped uh Reese because they announced a share offering looted because of the share offer think Ryan has a huge plan for J and needs this cash I'm so bullish there's no point to raise more cash exactly Marcel exactly I think that's the case you know I can't say for sure I'm not in board meetings with GameStop but just thinking about it very generally that's the only thing that Mak makes sense right it's really the only thing that makes sense why else would you go from 4 billion to 4.5 billion unless you're about to do something it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense right uh too much selling pressure long players win with illusion long no options no problem yeah that's thing anyone trading a shortterm that's why it's really hard to trade GameStop shortterm or even stocks in General on earnings because sometimes the earnings are really good and then the stock goes down or sometimes the earnings are really bad and the stock goes up right so it's really hard to just trade earnings in general General G on the way to S&P 500 with share offering acquisition bringing up market cap hey that would be fantastic going of the S&P was ex would be extremely bullish we just saw that happen to paler another company I closely follow and I think they're doing great things so hopefully uh Gamu can piggy back off that okay paresis I've been in this play waiting for something positive but always comes back negative Jeremiah yeah I mean listen the thing is it's the story is far from done and I know that's maybe not what we want to hear but that is the truth of it but if you're long I think you got to just keep riding it out but of course you got to make your own decision decide where you're at personally and how you want to go about things only real Gamers should trade options yeah or if you're G to if you really want to trade options look into selling options it's a little bit more complex but more opt generally speaking across the board more options than not close out of the money worthless so if more options close out of the money worthless you're better off being the seller of the option if more often than not the option expires worthless and then even if you're exercise right if you're selling cash secured put or share secured call you do have the underlying collateral so you're never naked on the position cap even lower than it was and if the price keeps dropping lower but X mxr think about it after this they're going to have let's see right now they have I'll tell you exactly they have 400 where is their total shares outstanding so after right let's say they they wind up with 4.5 billion after the offering so if it's 4.5 billion right divided by or is it 4.5 billion even going to fit here yeah 4.5 billion divided by the amount of shares so let's see the 446 519 5 to they're looking at about $10 in cash per share so when the price is at 10 $20 a share you're looking at a situation where 50% of the current share price is represented in cash and this is a company that is net profitable just barely net profitable but they are net profitable and they're not losing money so it's sure it's more of a waiting game and it's not flashy and exciting but nothing really bad is happening right but I get it some people are frustrated been waiting for a while but again I'm just calling it as I see it and you got to make your own determination and if you're not willing to be patient the reality of it is like this could not be for the play for you because it is a very patient play if you're just going long on it because it's a very complex situation complex stock complex story and I just really truly love being a part of part of it and documenting it and I'm willing to wait as long as it takes and I understand that not everybody is and not everyone's in a position to or whatever the case but I put myself in a spot where whatever I have in GameStop if it somehow all disappeared GameStop went to zero I lost all my shares somehow God forbid I would be okay I put myself in a position where if GameStop somehow goes to zero things somehow don't work at all which I again don't think that's going to be the case and they're in Good Financial standing right now they're balance sheet strong they're turning a small net profit where they go from here I'm going to ride it out and see but if somehow it goes to [ __ ] whatever they do terrible acquisition terrible Investments everything's bad bad bad whatever reason right at the end of the day I'll be all right I'll live on and move on that's honestly like I can say that very truthfully so that's where I feel like you got to put yourself in a position with a stock like GameStop where it is considered you know generally to be more speculative although to me I think it's it's not as speculative as it's made out to be by the average person but I will agree you know generally speaking it is considered a speculate investment relative to Pepsi or Coca-Cola or Walmart or any blue chip stock that's been around forever right so yeah not Financial advice exactly I've already got too much in the play so you can do and Hold Steady I don't have anything else to put in exactly Jeremiah got know yourself then don't if you don't have anything else to put in Don't Force It Man Don't Force It it's all available shows raise 10 million in cash earn interest qualify of the S&P inclusion stock doubles Fair Point he's responding to comments from I'm just working my way down bought the dip nice GCA T actually knows talking about oh sorry I'm all over the place um should have sold ear today when it was relatively high but I had hope for earnings got burned dilution though yeah Jeremiah is unfortunate but it's just tough man when you're when you're doing short-term stuff it's so tough to know what's going to happen numerous shares to offer to raise 10 billion yeah they would have to offer a Lot 400 million shares would definitely screw us but it's one of those like if you do it over time and the price is accumulating for other reasons maybe right but don't beep yourself up on the dip it will recover from a higher price point dilution is annoying though because there's no reason Le you said why I'm missing it party in the house because I can thanks for being here hope you're doing well brother going for a while but keep going mxr yeah I see what you're saying where it is like another offering right another offering but again I just don't see a world where they're doing this unless there's some kind of plan in the works and maybe that's a plan we don't really get any insight to in terms of like what they do for several months and again I can see where people are frustrated with that but I think that might be what's going on here what if the whole time they're paying each other out mxr that'd be crazy I think they would get in a lot of trouble a lot a lot of trouble um if shares sell quickly shows interest of demand will they be used for call contracts um Inked in all day share selling quickly does show demand and that's what we had during the last two share offerings there was evidently a lot of demand given how fast they were completed we had a $45 million offering completed in six trading days price didn't move that dramatically after the initial announcement next time within three trading tra three three trading days they sold 75 million shares which is just remarkable if you think about it selling that many shares that quickly there's no way it's retail buying that up there has to be institutions in there buying them from the open market but use for call contracts I don't know I personally stay away from calls what's happening tetron killing it endgame hope you're doing well thank you for being here thanks for popping in 426 million morance morance in the house what's up brother hope you're doing good man 446 after oh okay yes yes exactly so 426 prior and then if they complete this offering 446 as we do kind of see here but also I'm just getting caught up maybe you guys put that there before 1028 in cash oh okay here we go y Rance extreme 10.28 billion in cash tonight oh all right morance I'll have to tune in it's been too long my friend um where are we party in the house yeah got worse two weeks ago pity party over uh 2,000 live G view GG tetron hit that like thank you yeah hit that like damn that's crazy guys guys you guys have been awesome today yeah it's actually incredible having so many people here like I'm incredibly thankful and again I really just love documenting this journey I'm not here to tell you what's going to happen I'm here to call it as you see it go through the different things and there's people interested in GameStop so I'm going to talk about it bring I bring up welcome the Bulls I welcome the Bears the lovers the haters bring them all here I have $15 a share price I'm getting F out tomorrow juke joint hey you're getting a profit man if that's what you're choosing to do still profitable right so that's always good to get a profit if you're trading I think we're watching the dilution right now it's possible John there's a plan I don't care if it's a long play that's fine me too GCA me too yeah I mean it's possible but not a ton of volume in here so I don't know I'm going to kind of just reconsider like where the price is at tomorrow morning yeah 100% is always what matters is dilution price of the share sold exactly you're absolutely right I heard $2 I cannot see rent odd maybe the because you're not on live chat you're on top chat potentially if you don't see someone the chat like in the little section at the top but once you can remember up Rance we're we are pretty awesome how long do you think to sell the shares from the offering mxr um I think honestly if they do it like the last few I think it could be done by the end of this week but if they're choosing to be patient maybe not see uh Billy Ray says what's your position large and has been steadily accumulated since June 2021 I was messing with options in the beginning from January to June and then I said nope these are too stressful I made a t ton of money all right story time because this is how I got started with GameStop and a lesson to be learned so I traded options and I'm sorry if you guys have already heard this story but I really do think it's a good one so I traded options in 2020 pandemic hit I'm all right I'm G to try options trading I think I could do this right like I'm capable right I could do this so I try options raing and I'm doing it back and forth It's not really going well it's kind of going down kind of going down January 2021 hits I'm like all right I'm going big on paler options for their upcoming earnings I think it's going to be good and there's a lot of hype around at the time a lot of social sentiment and I was like all right I'm going to go into it I buy a bunch of calls and paler it goes up a lot I make some pretty good money like really good so okay I'm on a roll I buy something else and it goes up I quickly in and out I'm like damn this is crazy and then my friend is like GameStop dude he's like GameStop just is the play right now everyone's talking to Wall Street bets and I'm like okay all right I don't know but and I'm like you know what like it was the day where the price went all the way up to like 120 and then all the way down to like 70 and then it was like that was like first thing in the morning it came crashing down and then it was going sideways during the day so I'm like this is like Tuesday I'm like okay I'm gonna buy it I'm gonna buy the farthest call option I'm gonna buy the like 120 strike price call for this week a weekly complete D gen it was like $200 and I was like okay I'm going to just let this ride out because I think it could come back IV fell off in the middle of the day you know obviously relative like I'm trading on a weekly basis so like Ivy didn't fall off that much you know it was still ridiculously high but it was way lower than it was that morning so he said all right pulling the trigger I'm buying it and my friend told me and he was training options with me so we're kind of bouncing ideas all right I'm letting that ride and then the afternoon starts going up and up and up and up and up and I'm like oh oh my God like I got to sell like I got to sell this option it's crazy went from like 200 to being worth like 2,000 by 4M and I'm going to sell it like right at the end of the day I'm out of day trades on Robin Hood and I'm like are you serious I'm going to get burned but that was the best thing that ever happened to me because because I couldn't sell that option because I was out of DET trads on Robin Hood I didn't want to get the penalty or whatever it was like I'm planning get ride tomorrow I guess we'll see what happens that afternoon Elon Musk tweets out game ston and that literally changed my life forever because that next day I stared at the all day long trying to pick the perfect moment to sell the option and I want just selling it midday because it it went up a ton but it didn't it wasn't super volatile like it was way up and I was thinking so such a large amount of money and I sold that single option for do I want to say the number a lot a lot it was just over five figures I'll say that it was ridiculous I paid off a college loan from there I play with options and some went good some went bad I would say more so bad going into like June septe and then I started accumulating shares in June and then really by September I said that's it I'm not trading options anymore I got lucky that time this is such a volle thing nobody truly knows what's going to happen so I got so so lucky that one time I was like nope the chances of that happening again are very unlikely if I want to be a part of the story I'm going to accumulate shares because I do think there's something here I think this story is unique I think they can ultimately turn around I know that's a bold assumption especially at that time I was like I think that can happen I'm going to start dollar cost averaging my shares and accumulating over time and that's the route I went guys and here I am today so I don't buy and sell GameStop calls anymore I just hotle my shares I'm just starting to dabble in selling puts and calls mostly puts only if I absolutely have to all sell a call I recently just set up another account and completely separate from my position I've been accumulating so the position I've been accumulating to be perfectly clear I'll never ever ever sell covered calls on that no way but my new account where I'm selling cash secured puts if I do get in a situation where I get excise I will turn around and sell a covered call but then I'll turn around and sell a covered or cash secured put and I'm really just looking to collect option premium I want to be an option seller and again that's my preference and I feel like I've been taking my time to study and understand the concepts of option selling and how I want to go about it and again I'm using a specific new account completely separate from my GameStop position I've been accumulating for the past several years to do that so that's a great example of just evolving over time and knowing yourself and how you want to go about things and just if if you are buying calls or puts like please be careful just understand it could like go away like that and not to say there aren't risks associated with selling options but relative to buying options I'd say there's less risk especially if you feel like you know what you're doing and also the underlying company isn't going anywhere I don't think GameStop's going anywhere so but that's just me and that's kind of my journey as to where I'm here today and again just holding my shares for my long-term position the selling options I might even start doing another stock as well just as a way to collect premium and I do think it's something I want to do on the side but again I'm just dabbling it I'm just testing it out right now and I took my time to get started I didn't rush to jump in it and also when I was first doing options in 2020 2021 I was still in school so I didn't have a lot of money to use I'm very thankful and then even prior to that 2018 2019 when I was senior in high school freshman in college I was doing I tried everything I tried crypto day trading I tried for 4X I tried four leg spreads I tried everything out there and none of it really worked for me but I was very fortunate where I never lost a significant amount of money because I didn't have a significant amount of money when I was trying all that stuff I was just a dumb early college kid late late high school so I was fortunate enough to make all my silly mistakes early in my like investing career if you want to call it so that's got me to where I am and how I think today so take what you want to that that story always make your own decisions but that's kind of my uh situation or what took place for me so quick last time there's a high volatility do seem high right now I will pick up because of the offering I think you're right make no mistake offering will go fast really small say it Super ston Rocket 670 Robin Hood saved the day they did actually I did and I said screw them I'm leaving after the whole January 2021 situation but it was crazy it really was actually crazy like I remember like I didn't even sleep that night I was like what is the market going to look like tomorrow what is the market I have so much rioting oh my God oh my God because it already literally I think it already gone up like 100% that after hours or something it was right it was in here but these are weekly candles but can you go back to January 2021 see oh we're in 2004 I went way too far oh my gosh yep 2021 so it was from here this is this was the day it had gone all the way up no it had gone up to here right so I had seen the day before and in the morning it went up and then it went down and then I bought in midday the option and then it went up up up and it closed at the high of the day and then a huge and then after hours it went up huge because Elon was like game stunk and then it went up huge and then then in here fed all this it was so stressful in here then I think I sold somewhere around here if I remember correctly but again it was pre-split so that was the case but yeah that's my OG start with GameStop and then from there I just fell in love with the story and the journey it's taken me on it's had a lot of ups and downs and I've learned so much along the way and also another thing that's underrated about this whole story there's a lot of people who have invested in GameStop and followed GameStop that never invested in anything before and just started hoping for something quick but then wound up in it for the long term right and in that happening while the Game Stop stock price hasn't greatly accumulated a lot of individuals like that have learned a lot about the importance of being Frugal saving more money accumulating wealth dollar cost averaging General Financial Concepts understanding of how the macroeconomics work all these different things were brought by some and I can't speak for everyone right but I feel like that happened for a good amount of people out there right or at least some where they became more in touch with financial markets and the concepts of Building Wealth over time by having this experience with GameStop so I think no matter what happens with the stock you got to take the most out of the experience if that makes sense like obviously you want the stock price to go up but you want to better yourself constantly like Beyond just the stock price I wonder if there needs to be a certain amount of shares available to get into T S&P 500 de screw that up needs to sell more shares for liquidity three dilutions neutralizes the DS threat coffee thanks for being here hope you're doing well my friend that's a potential point because a part of it is like a large majority of the shares do need to be changing hands I forget the specifics let's see actually right now s&p500 entry requirements I know there is something with like the liquidity of it market capitalization has to be at least 12.7 billion so as it stands right now let's see where GameStop is they're a little bit below that 9.99 by raising more cash I get closer and closer and what else we have liquidity stock has sufficient liquidity which is typically measured by trading volume specifically the ratio of annual dollar volume traded to float adjusted Market capitation should be 1.0 initially the stock should trade at 250,000 shares in each of the six months leading up to the evaluation the company must be a us company specifically compan must be incorporated and headquartered in the US public float at least 50% of the stocks Company's stock must be available to the public meaning it cannot be closely held consider insiders and DRS even before the dilution that was still less than 50% right of the public float so I guess the delution just make sure that the company must have had have positive as report earnings of the most recent quarter as well as over the sum of the trailing for consecutive quarters in other words the company must be profitable games are just about there they are there for the full year but they aren't consistent like quarter after quarter sector representation also considers whether the company's inclusion helps ensure the index reflects and makeover the US economy by maintaining balc sector representation well the whole thing is Tech so I don't think that matters that much I mean not the whole thing but you know what I mean such a large majority compared to historically time IPO must have public least 12 months definitely the case only common stock and non-convertible preferred stock can be included companies with multiple share classes can be included but only one class will be used in the index does that have something to do maybe with how the shares just change to class A to new GameStop not maybe right now but in int and in anticipation of trying to get into the S&P 500 sometime next year potentially right potentially how many shares you got if you can say over under uh 2500 under I'll say that but for me that is a lot I will say that as well um is Ryan Kin Brian Cohen diluting again good or bad yes he is diluting again uh I would say that's up for you to determine and I guess time will tell good beef up the balance sheet that's a great story thank you C uh GCA thank you yeah it just kind of shows you how like the good and the bad could happen and like I lost a decent amount don't get me wrong like I made a huge amount but then I lost a decent amount when I was still messing around with options after but I was smart enough to realize like or aware enough I guess I should say I'm not the most not saying I'm super intelligent being but I was aware enough to be like all right like that was one huge play that's not going to happen every time this thing's going to be volatile there's a lot of pressure on it seems like a lot of people betting against it pushing it down do I really want to keep betting on short-term plays that's kind of what my final determination was and in general with options I'm like you just don't know what's going to happen look at nvidia's earnings they seemed like they were pretty good right pretty much beat on expectations across the board what it do after earnings it went down and it's gone down since right I forgot exactly when the earnings are were most recently but I guess you could see it on here see earnings were right here it went down and the numbers were above expectations so you just don't know with the short term in the market right especially if you're trading on earnings you're playing a risky game uh bated shares at 21 90 [ __ ] Dr Jerome pal fed oh my God sir Jerome Pal's in the chat oh my gosh turn on that money printer no I'm just kidding but um I would say you're probably fine I mean it's up to you I don't know do you want to hold do you want to are you trading like it all depends it all depends right like it always makes me laugh people ask that I don't know like if you need the money tomorrow you might be [ __ ] if you if you're not in any rush you might be chilling right like so it's all depends I wish uh roaring Kitty would tweet his position and send GameStop rocketing past 30 super weenies 24 thanks for being here hey I me I'll be honest I just love seeing Roan Kitty tweet his position and in general so I wouldn't be opposed to it it's back GameStop needs to buy money to buy whiskey yeah coffee and listen with the investment policy in place it's like I feel like we all kind of forgot about that when I say we generally just individual investors talking about GameStop you kind of forget about the investment policy was put in place where they do have the ability to just buy shares of something off the open market they could theoretically buy a position in apple right just example sake but it seems like everyone's just caught up in the acquisition so maybe they are going to just make purchases right or Investments with enacting on the investment policy rather than making a big acquisition but I feel like the acquisition makes more sense and obviously it's relative to what it is and whatever it is you try and integrate it within the business I think that's the way to go Fus scammer Florent thanks for being here do whatever you want you chose to click here I'm not telling you gam Stop's gonna go up I'm not telling you it's going to go down I'm just going to talk about what the numbers are and what happened if we got the S&P 500 I'd be happy with that but it'd be nice if they said that was their goal it would be mxr it would be I I definitely hear what you're saying but I think just reality of it is like they're going to pretty much just do what they want to do or hold the cards close to their chest at this point they've kind of made that clear but whether you agree with or not like or whether they should do that is debatable but that is kind of what they're doing retails in buying all of the three dilution stock offering that's institutional buying couldn't agree more coffee couldn't agree more the video earnings went down because too many people bought options they were never going to pay out pay that out GCA yeah yeah that makes sense there's a lot of hyper on it especially when there's a lot of hyper on something that's usually when you should be most weary and it goes back to Warren Buffett's classic saying be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy and you could apply that to options trading for shortterm earnings right in a sense where it's like if everyone's think it's goingon to go up you almost feel like it's GNA go down right but I don't know if you want to turn around and buy a put if there's a lot of hype about in video right did you really want to buy a put but that's why also in general when you're buying options you're buying knowing that there's going to be a lot of volatility so if there isn't volatility neither side of the trade is really going to make money and who wins the market makers the option sellers the casino House Always Wins exactly exactly so was this a shelf offering maybe they drop some good news and then sell those shares when the price much higher no uh super WIS just a standard ATM looks just like the other ones the print like the fine print is pretty much exactly the same so I don't think that's necessarily the case but I don't think it's impossible ETF will allocate more funds into GameStop than your future okay uh so what does it mean if institutions are buying um mxr means they like to stock for the long term or I mean obviously depends if maybe they have a position or some kind of swap to satisfy or some kind of complex position they need shares to satisfy that position or some kind of failure to deliver to satisfy those are all various reasons they might buy the shares would jimy take out the seven uh 1750 before a cent in uh Mohamed thanks for being here possibly it's not impossible I mean I've just been in this play long enough to know that like if you don't think it can go lower it can if you don't think it can go higher it can so I'm just saying like Anything Could Happen throughout the rest of this year and then into next year but if they do keep raising cash I do think you know that kind of essentially raises the floor for the stock because you're looking at a situation where 50% of the market cap is in cash where it stands right now right roughly then as you consider the dilution being completed but whatever point being a large majority as it stands even coming into the Sur report of the market cap is in cash and they're turning in that profit right while it's not miraculous they're not losing money so they're kind of just cruising along right now it's not fancy the revenue is declining which is not ideal to see but they're just cruising along they're just cruising along until they do something major or another uh they turned a profit didn't they yes they did Barnacle Bob you're absolutely right thank you for being here hope you're doing well uh small profit it's not the largest but they definitely did turn a profit we [Music] saw four hours guys crazy four hours strong we're going on here time flies when you're having fun oh my legs are going to be so not sore but you know you stand up for the first time in literally forever I did like one point till like close the blind but got to remember to breed sometimes too yeah 14.8 million so small net profit but I really again I just want to see operations let's get this operations number net profitable it's easier said than done right it's easier said than done and then they did a great and that's for the first two quarters they did a great job cutting down like cost of sales so in turn gross profit was higher right I sorry if anyone's keep hear me say the same things but people coming in and out 31.2% is the best gross profit margin they've shown in literally years and ever since Ryan Cohen has been in charge so that's encouraging to see but they got to just get Revenue back on track they got to get Revenue back on track maintain the gross margin ideally raise the girls margin and subsequently operating and net margins rise as well how they do that is tobc intitutions give money to GMX to stay alive hopefully GM can diversify make money on more than just gaming and collectibles exactly coffee exactly I think that would be great to see that would be absolutely great to see and to kind of summarize you know EPS 4 cents gross margin 31.2 operating negative -2.8 net margin 1.9 only profitable because of this interest income sgna 270 and also uh not here sgna the lowest for any single quarter again under Ryan cen's tenure so just food for thought DRS not really changing just another little piece there excuse me damn I'm overheating honestly crazy these PR are just working together to reach themselves at the cost of the shareholders KGB um thanks for being here or kjb sorry not kjb kjb I don't think GameStop is enriching themselves but I think they're raising capital for whatever they're going to do next and what that's going to be I think it's going to be one of those like it's going to be the most random day when you least expected we're just going to get news like GameStop is acquiring this company or GameStop has enacted on its investment policy to purchase XYZ shares and has been accumulating for the past month or something like that so that's kind of my good feeling with it man time is flying for real it's crazy oh my gosh I'm just seeing before one of my friends were popping in just trolling around so crazy though yeah I don't know anyone else have anything else we might have to wrap it up soon getting getting beat burnt out here how much interest have they collected on the four billion so marrow for this particular quarter it was 39.5 million but keep in mind they just raised the capital the three billion from the two P share offerings only this summer so it hasn't really been paying that higher interest income and also interest rates will be cut so that is a factor but their interest income should be higher going forwards for the time being unless the FED dramatically Cuts rates or they wind up spending this cash in some way or another and did we have anything about store closures actually we could check that forgot to look at that FS oh we have that over here the 10 Q all right that's get into the weeds of things I just going to look um toally just lost my traded thought store closures that's what I just see see if there's any closures okay selling in general of administrative expenses and also this is where you get into the weeds of things gross profit decrease comp the prior year the percentage of sales increased decrease in Gross profits primarily attributable to decrease in net sales further outline the net sales commentary and you can see also by segment so let's see us pretty much across the board they all fell off I I think that's pretty expected just scaling down in general and then let's see the gross profit six month ended again still improving but s during the three months ended August 3rd decreased 51.7 million or 16% compared to the prior Year s expenses are percentage sales increased to 33.9% client sgna expenses for the three months ended August 3rd compared to the prior year is primarily attributable to a reduction in labor related Consulting service and marketing costs of 41.7 million driven by our continued focus on cost reduction efforts and a 6.4 million benefit from legal settlements in the current year period partially offset by 14.3 million of deferred income recognized in the prior year in connection with our nft Marketplace additionally store related costs decrease 8.4 million compared to the prior year in connection with the prior year store closures primarily in our European segment so I think that was oh no decreased compared to the prior year during the six months ended decrease 102.3 million or 15.3% as expenses percent sales okay we already went through that but they just detail it a little bit further here and you can see it says and marketing cost of 41.7 billion that's a lot and then we look at and it's probably year-over year of the same quarter so they really cut down on the marketing that's what it seems like to me they're not really going to bark it too hard excuse me because that [Music] 41.7 you know going from what do we go to 270 from 322 so $52 million difference if 41 million of that was marketing so 41 million in the marketing budget was cut and then another 10 million or so elsewhere in sgna if I'm reading this correctly right deferred income recogniz and then also there's the Deferred income recognized DFT Marketplace as like a factor but and also like let's say you're reading this like right now my brain is just burning out because it's been like 4 hours of streaming what you could do when you're analyzing these reports you know I'm talking about reading the filings you just go to chat gbt explain in simple terms and you just copy and paste information in right like let's just get a basic here related to the sna okay what happened reduced the cost saving about 41.7 million okay so they're saying marketing wasn't 4 1.7 it's across all these across the money on employee related costs Consulting and marketing across the board saved about 41.7 because been focused on cutting costs and then they also benefited from 6.4 million due to Legal settlements which helped overall expenses and last year the 14.3 was minused out because it was deferred revenue those already recognize company Clos them stores mostly in Europe which reduce costs by 8.4 million so you get the total actual like number of store closures at the end of each year that would be in the um 10 K filing for the full year 10 Q quarterly filings 10K annual filings summary Focus counting on compan class legal sentiments and fewer store related expenses all contributed to overall sgna expens another way you can use this research tool be like further explain the nft market place portion right like let's say we're still confused on that portion uh last year oh okay wait actually had 14.3 million market last expenses lower in comparison gotcha certain there's a break simpler breakdown of The nft Market Place portion this is the money the company received earlier but recognizes income later following specific accounting rules later last year versus this year last year the company recognized 143 million of deferred income from its nft Marketplace this meant that in the previous year they added this amount to their income statement which helped reduce their overall sgna for that period so they must have sub subtracted it out from their sgna last year is what it sounds like this year there wasn't a similar amount of deferred income from the nft marketplace which we know there was no income considering they wound it down to recognize this year because of this when comparing the two years it makes this year's s seem Higher by comparison since they didn't have that extra 14.3 million to boost the nft marketplace simpar terms last the sated expenses were lower because they had some extra income from the N Marketplace this year they didn't have that same income which makes the expenses look higher in comparison but yet still it's way lower because it was 322 last year and then this year for this quarter 270 billion so looks like sgni is in line to be the lowest for 2024 of any year since Ryan Cohen's been captain of the ship and looks to be that gross margins and net margins are probably going to Trend the same way so they're again they're still trending in the right direction but it's not something remarkable that's happening right now and I'm okay with that I'm ring to wait I know not everybody is but that's where you got to make your own determination who are you are you a Trader are you investor are you doing both how are you going about things what are your goals what do you what price are you looking to get out if you're trading right if you're just long-term investor you might just be holding until something fundamentally changes with your investment that's fair but if you're trading you got to know your price okay I'm getting out of here I'm getting in here these certain dates whatever the case right like it all depends on you as an individual is what I'm trying to say here so G can diversify make more money yeah diversification would be good the revenue just more Tech related stuff I think that'd be exciting uh how much interest PlayStation pro released today you're right you are right LinkedIn it's true touchon seriously needs to adjust his volume he's so quiet then ad comes on and oh my God I went okay D I'm sorry the thing is if I put it too close I feel like it's staticy I apologize I'm gonna I'm gonna note this guys new mic and then also too low I didn't realize I was that low damn but off have to listen back I I wonder if it sounds a little bit better now maybe but yeah I got to upgrade the mic too this was from Gamestop but I just bought on the Fly I was kind of silly like I didn't really do enough research oh this one seems decent it'll do the job but really ideally it' be good to have just a straight up mic but for like my situation right now a headset is easier for me some said to be on the go also some like background noise here so this mic isn't as sensitive as like a mic you know you have like the arm and everything oh that's cool though so maybe I should get a high quality one of those but yeah any dfv updates or let's see what let's read some super stock we'll do that to kind of wrap it up here D less thanks for being here man I hope you're doing well let's no change oh internal comments CH on X it's been seven years since profitable to the true store of the transformation phase been eight seven years since games has been Prof huge OB team for the implo it's clear to to transfer the this help ongoing reeven declines is what sh do it's the besto management 4.2 million in cash billion cash and the strongest invest on the planet couldn't have set up any better everyone should be excited for the future time pressure we'll see how it shakes out I'm excited to keep just following this journey and step by step just documenting it the whole way as much as I can beat on EPS Miss on Revenue that's true although the enforcement that doesn't seem right 4% versus 9 cents though seems pretty significant like that's a 13 cent swing on the bottom line which is pretty good amount of net income considering like 422 million shares outstanding times 13 wait we would do 0.3 times 422 million roughly shares outstanding that means analyst estimates considering like they're roughly off by 55 million for the net income based on how they got their estimate right so 50 $55 million swing in terms of their estimate versus like the actual number there are current no there are no current plans commitments or arrangers to make any Acquisitions or Investments for the use of proceeds again this is like the standard this is the same thing we've seen every offering it's like pretty much the same structure while during the offering there's no particular plan if something comes on the table like a week or two later still would be allowed right because they're just saying there's no plans at that time but things change in business so it could happen hype let's see tradeing my PS5 for the pro announcement got 410 for it damn that's actually a lot that's a more than I expected I'm a massive savings here are my stupidest mistakes stupidest money mistakes I see people make or paying for car insurance yeah no that's it see another this is what I was saying before oh this isn't a super stock thing I just realiz it's promoted but a part of this journey people like oh how can I buy more shares I got to be more frugal and I think that people's just concept of money following GameStop closely has allowed them to get better concepts of money and like understanding the importance investing how to invest how much to invest how to go about your investment strategies and I'm sure there's people who started with GameStop and have branched out and maybe they're not even in GameStop anymore but now they're doing their own investing and understanding the importance of like Building Wealth over time and I think that's just a great thing for people to do and you know listen you maybe in GameStop like I don't care about anything else that's fine but if you're learning from it I think that's so so good I really really do oh there's a death kiss death kiss from Jim Kramer we should have known and Shout this guy marijuana Miller days 780 through 784 of running 7.41 until mo ass incredible M respect closed movements for not not retail investors sad about profits but Market makes it f on to Parts nothing new here yeah honestly that's what makes you laugh you like oh look at the after hours I'm like it literally means nothing gota love that another day of trading sideways everybody calm down without a game plan I agree thank you verse repo wow this went all the way up and it's almost completely gone right people say that's what's been PP up the market allegedly maybe we'll see 4.20 billion in cash incredible Ryan salamy the former CEO of FTX digital markets openly talking about SPF and fake freaking fiz gme shares oh shout out welp I always see this guy he's been here before too so shout out users WEP I've seen him on X and uh super ston he's been posting frequently you see he's got a lot of karma I'm sure most of it super ston but tell us something about tokenized GM shares did Caroline wished death to G investors I wish I knew more about the tokenized socks ask Brett Harrison try that BR Brad Harrison any chance you do an AM and super ston fun fact s SPF didn't lend me money from Almeida Caroline did plus Dan plus can the lawyers why is she not in trouble for campaign Finance fraud tell us something about tokenized oh interesting okay not too much but the fact is talking about it is interesting actual good news on time 39.5 million in the interest income it's called fear J to the moon five minutes for ear report you got to love Joe's epic timing here oh yeah that's right that guy Joe toast is now the social media man for GameStop the guy who actually interviewed Ryan Cohen uh the one interview he's pretty much done looking like cat that's what some people are saying going into it wasn't bad well except with actually good gam will have done three and four months to but raised 3.5 million even know dip doubled the share price in April this is a great post right here actually I'm not logged in so I can't upload but it's a great point because people say oh dilution is bad whatever but if you told me back here right in dog days of April that hey by the end of the summer GameStop's going to have raised they're going to have done two share offerings and the stock price is going to be double what it is now I would have said you're crazy there's no way that's going to happen and sure enough that's what's happened even despite the price falling now and even let's say it goes to 20 and the share offering is complete they've doubled the share price from their 52- we low and since they've doubled it the share price that is they've accumulated over three billion it'll be like 3.5 billion from share offerings what other company have you seen do that with where they do they rais 3.5 billion in capital and yet the share price is still double what it was at its lowest point of the year you just simply don't see that very often because if I told you right here you go back in the time and you're GameStop Sher and I told you right here I said I'm from the future on uh September 10th there's GNA be a third share offering announced people are going to say oh my God I can't believe they're diluting again and I'd say what do you mean diluting again oh yeah they completed two share offerings already um in the early part of the summer in May and June and they raised $3 billion from that I'd say what are you talking about that's crazy there's no way that's going to happen over the next several months yet that's what we've seen take place here over the past several months six months now right because well March would be six months ago so still even back here I told you hey the stock price is going to be higher than it is now and they're going to have completed multiple rounds of dilution that raised them a lot of cash and say no way there's no way if they're if they're issuing a lot of shares then they must be declining a lot in stock price right but no no that's not the case and also if you think about it someone say why didn't they do this earlier if they did it earlier their cash per share wouldn't be that high like their cash per share would be down here but the price would still be down here so there' be more room for it to fall I feel like once the cash per share is now at like $10 a share when you go below 20 and that you're profitable 50% of the market cap is represented in cash and of course it depends how they execute with that cash but like they're just in a great spot that's that's really what I think and I think betting against it now is honestly foolish I mean you could I you're more than welcome to I welcome the Bulls I welcome the bears but I I could see and I was saying this before too I could see where people are neutral like I don't believe in this company but I'm not going to bet against it but the people are like oh I'm so bearish the meltdowns oh it's going down it's going down I'm like what fundamentally really tells you that like the revenue but the net income is improving and they're turning in that profit and they have a ton of cash on their balance sheet they have so much opport Unity why would you want to bet against that so I get not being bullish but being bearish I'm like all right so be it do last an tetron you need to you need a limiter effect on your audio Channel stop the peing assuming OBS leave froggles thank you that is what I needed let me write this down limiter I gotta talk to my brother too he's pretty good with this stuff not the audio as much he's more like video but he probably knows about that too limiter effect stop audio from peeking I love learning from you guys thank you appreciate this but of also a bit of pee popping going on with the air wind from your mouth gotcha yeah see that's the thing why I don't want to put it too close but when I move you move listen to the cat he hasn't openly moved yet RH know fair point but also I just do whatever I do as an individual investor you know I'm not chasing anything I'm just going to focus on myself I'll keep watching what ran Kitty does I'm absolutely curious but I'm just going to keep doing my own thing personally um JY doesn't advertise enough yeah coffee that's the thing they cut marketing costs but it's like I feel like they could more but my thought is they must feel that their marketing dollars like if they spent more on Advertising they don't feel like the conversion would be good enough where like they're going to actually get sales more so than what they're spending on the advertising for where they are now so that's why I feel like they have to evolve in a way where like yes they do have to advertise more but maybe just not right now until they have that next big thing going which whatever it may be there used to be a YouTuber in early mid 2020 who ran while talking about jimy a young blond guy I don't recall where he went but he posted YouTube videos for a couple months also wondered if it was Miller leap froggles interesting I actually don't think I ever saw that I really I remember ape Andy back in the day I don't know if you guys know him like GM AMC he's just a chill guy like he's a but I don't I don't know what happened to him I think he like stopped posting and sold it eventually but obviously AMC completely screwed him um but GameStop you know could have been all right but everyone's going to make their own decision but I remember guys like him in the day but I don't know it's a fantastic marketing expert give t-shirts out at ComicCon does that get the word out the company is still there coffee yeah I like that t-shirts at ComicCon events and gaming tournaments right or what if they what if they sponsored like a an Esports tournament I've always kind of thought like Esports seems up in their alley but they haven't really I'm going to add that here involvement in orts whether it's like a partnership right because like think about when you have like you're sponsored by a company they could sponsor an orts team right and then make some kind of deal some kind of promotion maybe I'm not sure I don't know but I always wonder why they never really did anything with that and it's funny it's kind completely dark in here some when I started Sun's completely down J has millions of oh see need to J has millions of investors marketing for them free that's kind of true need more regular folks not Apes okay fair some cause is not worth trying to invest and convert that is true some people are so s GameStop's so bad I'm never shopping there again oh my God they're so sad on I'm like why like why are you so burning passionate about it but it's the way she goes uh they will eventually come around but it won't be because of a friend or an advertisement or bit of free merchandise at convention generic retail store opened up a strip mall near me there is a need being filled by others I note their revenue is dropping big time only made money on stock sales okay my stock room thanks for being here GameStop girls handing out t-shirts to ComicCon that's the winner idea hey coffee not the worst idea as I got leak in2 whatever it was were great the respawn one is specifically other I think he showed his true colors is it normal that we are we beat down earnings that we beat earnings and it goes down Paul yeah definitely it's not impossible this happens all the time with the market like Nvidia beat on earnings and it went down and then also to be fair though they missed on Revenue in terms of analyst expectations but they beat on EPS so it's kind of like a mixed bag but really the D dilution an ounce is really what's driving the price downwards but also liquidity is so low in pre- and postmarket I think you should really just look ahead to what the market looks like when it opens tomorrow and we get into the trading day I think that gives you a better idea where you're at pre and postmarket I really think you should take with a grain of salt because of the limited liquidity and then also the reality of it is gam go up down left right move all around but it's not irregular for games have to go down after earnings at all at all sideways are down yep yes that's GameStop exactly but yeah I know coffee I like girls at the Comic-Con events that that could help that could help maybe but no it also depends like what you're advertising who your target audiences and you know they have I'm sure a team for that but it's one of those things too if they can get Revenue back on track to scaling they have something acquired they can then get marketing ramped up again once they have something in place that they want on market for I guess is like the best way to say it see is giving me Adam Aaron Vibes no Paul I'm telling you man I'm telling you brother it's not like that he's they're gonna use the cash Adam Aaron's just doing it to keep AMC afloat Pat his own Pockets Ryan Cohen isn't paying himself anything I get the comparison but Ryan Cohen isn't paying paying himself anything GameStop has no debt AMC just issues more and more um shares just to pay down old debt and they're not even turning a profit they're not fundamentally turning around the business business nothing is changing GameStop is now net profitable Ryan Cohen doesn't take any um share compensation or compensation in general and now they have a absolutely stack balance sheet they can choose what to do so at this point you know it's still really a big bet on the management team of GameStop and that's what roran Kitty basically said it's the best way to summarize his stream that he did out of nowhere and that the whole world was watching he basically just said like this is a bet on Ryan coh let's give it some time and that's his perspective and I kind of agree I kind of agree can't can't say I don't so nope no popcorn potential for them to buy AMC seems farfetched but the bumc in the stock sell 20 million High ah bumo no the thing is I'm telling you man the the balance sheet is just a mess like it's just such a mess and the people running things over there they simply just don't want it to turn it around if they wanted to they could have by now they could have cut cost they could have closed unprofitable theaters they could have done a lot of different things but they haven't all they've done is just continue to pay themselves and they even try to pay themselves more and AMC shareholders actually shot down a share comp um a compensation package that they were trying to get approved by shareholders because the shareholders are like no you guys are you guys are getting paid already a decent amount and nothing's happened for us and literally look at how much AMC is down and look at AMC's market cap look at this literally 95% and then also from here 9 literally 99% just small market cap and it's balance sheets a mess I this is just an overview but just a ridiculous amount of C like debt on the sheet on the balance sheet it's really really going to be hard to dig out of the hole and look at this little to no Insider ownership they don't care they don't care and again this just had a glance look at GameStop Great balance sheet this is not up to date we know this is 4.20 and this debt they actually only have 20 million in long-term debt the other considered debt and again this isn't up to date because the ear report just came out excuse me the debt is store leases it's considered to be a debt on the balance sheet and also current ratio current current liabilities 2.22 and also the Insiders but look at current assets versus current liabilities AMC their current ratio is not going to be good yeah below one is not ideal because that means they have more current liabilities than current assets and cash is one of the current assets by the way but also something you notice too when you look at any other stock right I mean generally right GameStops like AMC is 40% but you look at like JP Morgan or a uh alley or those other ones are recommended but any stock in general large majority is always institutions right look at GameStops institutional shares by the way institutional ownership has been going up over time if you look on the filings like you look on finel I think that's the one they show the filings of GameStop institutional ownership it's been going up steadily like it went pretty far up after the offering so that would apply to me a lot of Institutions grab those shares um but also look not a large majority are owned by institutions even despite institutions recently buying a lot of shares so most of the stock is owned by individuals that is I think truly the reality of it but yeah head towards S&P 500 incl you think they're going to sell the shares Market over tomorrow bermo um wait until they run up another 1 billion in the bank uh honestly I don't know bur going back and forth I feel like they might wait this time because they already did the other ones quick they got a ton of cash they not really in a rush unless they're just about to make a move right and they need the cash right before they make that move if that's the case then maybe they do the same as last time right and my hunch was like the past two share offerings were completed in six business days and three business days respectively so really fast so if that was the case again here and this one's only 20 million maybe by the end of this week but then also another part of me thinks they're not in a rush to get the cash this time like they are absolutely stacked on the balance sheet unless they're just about sing tomorrow or not literally tomorrow but very soon then why complete the share offering why not leave it outstanding the price of accumulates goes up to the 30s again 40s then you go ahead and issue shares at that price but then you know people will say oh they killed the squeeze they killed the squeeze right but I think Ryan Cohen and the company is just focus on fundamentals and driving the company forward and just ultimately making it into a profitable machine in the long term of things and that's way easier said than done don't get me wrong but I I think that's what they're working towards that that's it but see profit yes sir Scott tits coffee let's see what does Paul got say s h i want to keep going guys but I think I have to wrap it up my brain just feels like jello at this point it's really been a great time stream with you guys today you know not the most ideal in terms of like the stock price performance but honestly I'm okay with it and just know thyself like don't ever invest more than you can afford to lose don't ever trade with more than you can afford to lose know whether you're Trader investor and just how you want to go about things your certain goals and targets you want to meet just figure that all out and it's easier s the done and it takes time and if you're just getting started with things don't rush don't feel like I need to get money in quick quick quick quick no start slow start slow time is on your side like there's always going to be opportunities there's always going to be ups and downs in the market and fluctuations and you just got to make the absolute most of it so yeah out of breath here so I think we'll wrap it up there leap froggles thank you for being here appreciate you Paul ad real Slither back of AMC yep Paul thanks for being here hope you have a good night coffee thank you for being here I appreciate you man I always see you commenting I'm sorry I don't always reply I appreciate you so much though for consistently showing up to the channel SC have a good day peace out Scott thank you have a great night again I appreciate you all it was a great day a fun day streaming just talking stock and we'll see what happens from here just expect anything and everything with GameStop stock I think that's really the best way to go about it if you're mentally prepared for anything then you're good to go right and you're not putting in more than you afford to lose like you're not going to lose sleep at night you're just going to enjoy the ride you're gonna enjoy the ride so one new subscriber thank you Paul I appreciate that anyone else wants to subscribe or you can follow me on X I do write up do some writeups about like I have one about Larry Chang and you know just some put on my videos up there I usually post on YouTube first comes on X usually the following day and I'm going to get into more in-depth videos very soon instead of these like just quick recorded ones um and then I poke you know just my infographics been working on AI videos these have been fun AI pictures and then just data it's my frog African door frog pretty dope and then just wrote some stuff about the end carry trade here and also if you want to see some stuff I've wrote in the past about GameStop if you go to the highlights tab of X you have my most recent videos as well as like my long-term writeups and see another video see this one just just about the GameStop Saga this one about I've wrot about the share offerings I've wrote about the margins um this is one of my t this is my best post ever Andrew left reacting to ro Kitty's live stream oh so funny about birkshire a volume the Comon forget GameStop forget GameStop right wrote about that dollar cost averaging as I've been touching on in the Stream I've wrote about that a little bit as well so you can read some of that stuff if you're curious but yeah appreciate you guys very much thank you so much when to see Scott on Richard Newton show oh nice dude shout out Richard Newton man yeah that guy he's come long way it's crazy other day look like this man has 30k subs I love it he just seems like such a genuine guy and I do listen to his videos sometimes like sometimes I'm just getting ready in the morning like I'm not watching necessarily but because they're long but I'm like listening or I'll listen on the way to work CU I love that K's approach and like his teacher approach okay well what if this what if that let's test this let's test that theory right and just talk about various things and just being an advocate for GameStop I think what he's doing is super cool so shout out to Richard he's a super chill dude so maybe we'll have to collab one day but we'll see work for you line no way I'm getting X all good Paul it's all good I no worries man but I worked for Mr Mr bur all right guys for real for real this time I am wrapping it up thank you so much for being here I hope everyone has a fantastic night evening couple days ahead John hope you have a good night good to see you in the chat everyone one take care see you

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