Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 01:14:54
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: sharon okpamen
[Music] hello hello yeah we hearing you C hello okay good evening good evening everyone so it's me the lady that called Frank when Frank this morning when I was with Mama shyon that said that she rep that she cannot say anything for now so I am the lady calling now so I have been watching Frank and I also where he wrot that Frank ARR with the color Frank never ARR with the color I am the person who called in today and I called with the concept of Mama Shon because the woman is in train she cannot anything for now and social media so the reason why I'm calling again because she asked me to tell the viewer that whatever that is going on now and whatever people are saying and the lady that called that if what they are saying is true be well with them everything will go well with them but if they lied against her that she should not she did not take care of her children that the pain she's going through right now that she will go through the pain she will come out of it but when they all happen they will never come out of it they going to go in deep pains that nobody will be there to sympathize with them so now I will beg every one of us to keep Cal that woman is in pain Whatever video that is going on on social media now people are showing her the video and it hurt her very very well you know as a mother when you are satisfied a lot for your children and something like this happen instead of the woman to be mouring a child people are coming to drag her on social media is not the best way and whoever that is doing this rubbish to her to tarish her image whatever money you are going to take from this social media because of this issue is going to become a pain and a sorrowful money so you better deviate from Whatever video or t you are doing with the name of shon she she's dead you are not supposed to Sag her or sag family you are supposed to M with the family all this that we are doing on is not the best that woman is not happy she has only two children and she's proud of her children they don't have misunderstanding they good T she brought them from Nigeria with documents and everything she was working but she got to a point she decided to operate on her own personal business of which she's doing well with it please you people should stop all this you are Hing that woman you are Hing her she's in pain Shon was so dear to her mom I pray that God should give her the to Bear the L said she was also close to Shon you people will hear story when the time comes on this social media please for now everyone deviate from this Saga Shon is not the type of person that lies Saga she don't like Saga she don't involve herself in Saga doing this Saga after a death is a painful thing she might not be happy wherever she are right now you that called yourself a friend you you claim you know her very well if really you know Shon very well you are not supposed to be doing this on social media doing all these things it shows that you were an enemy to Shon so if you know that you were not an enemy to Shon stop this because she never lik this rubbage she has never done this all her lifee you people should stop please let PE for now let the more that is all I have to say thank you ask questiony Know M mama from platform say okay I think satday Sunday yeah okay she not be C she not be cing according to what M my husband also know the woman though my husband is not around he has G to work according to what they explain they said in their family house this windy St brother step sister lives in oversea and he came to buy a house for the family very close to their family house so all of them now moov from Village to that house they were all living in the same area so that particular day that that lady discuss with she came all the way from Torino to visit Mama Shon you understand so when she was there she was already telling that she was coming to mama shon's house that she would try to give information of what was going on so when she was with M Shon was calling her she left the phone on the bed so when Mama sh saw that the phone was ringing Mama sh called her said your phone is ringing behold it when she shed the phone it was inor that was calling the lady CH said what are you doing with this people why are they calling you you understand she said no I don't know why why they calling so she not told M sh that she going downstairs to take her children to the guid to play so through that gu she opportunity to call a and get WR information she's not cousin they are not related in any form you understand they are not related at all even when we were discussing this issue most of Mama Shon family they were they know this lady particularly because they were in the same area you understand the lady is not related to them she's not their cousin they are not family it's just that they were living in the same area that was it thank you very much God bless you man I appreciate you all right yeah yes my people I say we must go go this matter and get to the RO of this matter the leg you understand let's call the lady I have the L's number when let's call the [Music] double tap on the screen Now call call now watch the video That's Why They Call when now call you tell let me play audio don't know hello hello hello afternoon where will I start to hello good afternoon okay okay um [Music] [Music] Mr oh [Music] okay [Music] [Music] hello hello Daddy I don't call the I the hello okay video understand Hospital you were there right so who understand come car this this lady don't L now call you say she never late she call you sheate everybody understand I never tell you say I with SH I go hospital no go ahead hello sir I they hear you yes her again she don't live yeah yes okay now let me to you I talk don't finish I okay you call platform I have the video with me stand you can't say you can't wait now you call you Sayce [Music] yourself say truly sh she but she W again how truth is that yes I don't know [Music] that okay L okay [Music] M you you video you yes understand so ask question wow I when you you call you now when Mama be [Music] friend make I call I remember to take call so call me my phone with Mama okay phone okay you understand no no no no I don't know why ask question so Mommy Mommy Mommy supposed to E you call ask my is okay now when when you and Pi the you later car your children goard you can't call you can't talk to true or false when i i i mama your I tell all right thank you very much I tell all is well I don't know why no problem no problem you are welcome thank you very much talk with you me it's all right than care all right she finish hello hello I good to information [Music] hello lady now don't come this any you want this this all me wake up W up I for video B my this calm down calm down calm down C down everything go hospital go house but you calm down calm down okay piano piano I gu you [Music] thank you for everything with [Music] [Music] years [Music] [Music] listen sett down [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything yes accuse family ACC with wife [Laughter] thank you very much that if this you see everything everything will see come out more more [Music] exactly I know I know I know I [Music] know hello we hearing you clear fire down yeah hear [Music] you the [Music] platform to platform [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh ahead you need to find picture you you are a suspect I [Applause] yes my I it's not I don't have picture I have pictures for those for my my WhatsApp for Uka you can call myman WhatsApp don't call my UK WhatsApp live for Tik Tok you understand get the woman WhatApp the woman picture I get the picture but he never reach that stage to bring picture come because why I do my investigation she's a big suspect this she a sish she a a big snit to the house you me and the way she talk for platform she with words she TI herself with W that's why I accuse that's they accuse you understand me so because for she go to [Music] platform again you understand the way this is clear matter between she Andi because she try to use that clear the hair to the platform and she want bring the matter to my own platform for she to come clearly help my platform but I refused because she was expecting me to invite her when I when I did life so you come clear the same thing which she clear for platform for my platform but I ref because I was doing my underground because n she called me that day wheni do that video the person first play audio now she sent me sh picture where I post out that early morning through that video you understand so I constant calling calling me I was like if me monitor person like I want I find where I supposed to use this check what they have the house I they use this woman they check what they have the house but because I just this is normal thing all I pray for sh she well that was my aim know to the monitor what was going on when information to my table in night say sh don't give up then I Facebook now when I come live video now Facebook or some bloggers they share their video they for to me I share to Facebook from Facebook live video you do then she calling me D my attention to this Shon coma blah blah blah like I get my head down small small some call me I say don't give up give me information now woman which is this I just is she still alive I talk show that was what I wrote to her is when she said that word I go to her whats now for WhatsApp okay now this was on Saturday morning at about 6:51 good morning good morning how are you doing is she still alive good morning how are you doing is she still alive you understand 651 and 652 then she rep me 8:41 they don't finish the morning she rep [Music] me foree now listen understand that that was that was a respon when she played the voice record to after is she still alive you guys listen to her respond you understand that's to let you know that she was there with them she was in the house you understand she was in the house so definitely if me I write her she respond she give me the info what they saw for the house definitely can also write her and she respond she also give her the info of house and that's I get come talk for social media because she get she get info for the house they have for the house unknowingly to the family in the house see she bring her info of what they play for the house to present us me so because me I they drop my l I drop my info as as order hello hello BR I you good evening now this even sh oh God swe me small small oh my God I GRE you your side your watch me [Music] [Music] [Music] no sense no sense woman you understand what I'm saying so yes you see I the beginning of this video I said s or feel so sad I the pain but pick sense from Shon story everybody they watch me so pick sense from sh story all that are not good everybody good greet you good morning now wish to see you for that morning so be everybody you good morning now wish see let me [Music] hello okay okay okay understand [Music] [Music] [Music] understand very evil bless you now L and gentlemen listen to me listen to my judgments you see this issue of this woman she is very very wrong for this matter she wrong she don't act well she's a bad person she acted like a wi she acted like a a winch there are things that she supposed to do if her heart is clean now let me just use for example this particular woman call understand the husband was because I heard voice because I [Music] wasting set you bring name on social Med that was when she was talking to me I put my ear down and I was recording I was recording to see anybody you understand so I use my and have a number not today so I was just listening to what she was saying time I always true question to her I always you can control truth forever can never control life forever you will lie to cover life so repat the same thing you understand this one clear because record that concern private lifestyle don't have to go and be record that that's privacy this kind of thing death issu so you understand let's call our own now give all of the ti name for I don't get if problem I can help I will do it my sister that's one understand about me if you do what is wrong at that I will Scrat you out when you start doing the right I leave will celebrate you I don't get time you understand life goes on so I wish anybody no life then because like this do anything wrong to that that's why they call me when I when I all one I with yes is know you know for R don't come you understand that's me for you refuse to pick that in the Pres of that woman you act to the order of that woman immedately you start to snit out to the Gard to go and answer the diag the information that he needed if you call me go to be this night I I take f i i if want visit M now tomorrow morning I I can buy ticket tomor morning house I'll go there and see with my eyes and hear with my ear we [Music] not bring to you are updating him and who are you think you are them is S and E is very you call yourself a family member get is very is totally bad is not acceptable you understand we our but we up nor level you understand I'm sorry I I don't you know talk truth and for B see with this woman I want bring picture I have the picture I picture ask question tell me the truth the truth I already know my own due to my investigation ask answer me well that's I give chance make you talk me fine Bast stand by you they will go you pain this great loss that enter that family I mean this never repeat again you understand God Facebook especially aan Association the been moving industry I very very very very sorry for your great loss because H I know you guys lost a great person in that industry right now Shon is a very beautiful girl me I know from House back of [Music] elect I am not somebody doesn't know family Papa mother Mama sister family anybody from you understand why just little e you understand those days hold on but the truth is this for me as social de what I just want to know I've known it which is so I close my S about Shon issue with sag for me I'm talking myself my buiness very pleas know me tell [Music] you hello yeah not they disturb you because this one listen to me listen to me hear me after this evening understand this matter I have settled it for all and sense okay okay okay you Safi be happy understand again unless understand to respect the fact that say I have settled this issue anything the woman do all the with you keep your pocket no the woman for Now understand keep calm all we need is peace to for Shon soul to rest in perfect peace for peace to rain understand now see listen I tell you one daughter the woman rest the woman want fight Justice daughter you understand the we social media presenters know how to do best now we do so we find the the snit in the house the household enemy now bring that soul and between we and the ancestors we are happy we are okay with this one let's keep our fingers crossed and keep calm let peace let this woman this family M dead in peace okay that's my beautiful da do is very important should be down every all right my people I greet you all with better so we will call it a day for now let's call it a day for now I don't get with anybody don't gets with anybody for me I you know so for sh rest in peace and for a ACC guy and the right the guy do I love that song he play he BR that song at the right time many of go they talk why talk about imagine t stay for like one week after debate on Tik Tok person drop song way way he feel for heart he drop they accuse the person minister of inform fine good [Music] andine aute song Perfect great Tri song to his own colleague the industry accuse it don't make sense bro change please I just things out with our brother sister something bring her together to say it the way it is for whatever I swear to go I but get you [Music] view me love you they train with good news it go help you good news the insult on that woman on if you be really friend of sh you are one of the worest enemy of sh I to of usess if you friend of shon at this point of time you will be with the mother consol the mother the mother see you the whole I [Music] brought but today can you imagine Shon friend you don't snap picture with Shon thank for the gift now you come insult the mother oh people because of Facebook money iay days for you guys to sit with this woman cons this woman you will not sit down your house and put on your camera and start exting the woman you guys are wicked really you guys are for real people talk of when the woman lost her daughter she spear in heart you I feel well this is all I can say for now as much thank God for the life of uh the children the God strengthen the woman the mothers to take proper care of the children so please if you see me come to talk about this Shon issue it might be an advice or a better information about the family if I have been given a chance to do so or rather I have such information because I cannot come before I come on live so they don't come like to come do live today but I was still doing my investigation T information shoing that time but I was doing my time so I used go that P from VOR say make you call her to tell you with your side for talk this I I don't for work do work work I don't go now my dream Facebook take you understand it's a plus to you so all you need to do is to focus and take proper responsibility of those two beautiful children she gave to you so looking at them alone is a big plus to you and a big joy to you so calm yourself no matter the [Music] tears need you should know that as a mother one day continuously things that will a [Music] you have to be strong as a woman as a mother as a virous woman and stand your ground as a woman to stand for your grandchildren and take proper responsibility of your grandchildren is very important whatever it cost say it out all over the world will stand with you it's very important this message anything because we have nothing to do that children should be with you as the mother and that's the only way the do will be happy they should be with you that's why you see our name de go viral on social media now so you should stand anything that we cost for you to stand and take proper responsibility of those children don't be sh talk to the wisdom people people have they have a lot of them in the industry you can communicate with down they bring it all the B will pick it up from there you understand my buter this we are one nothing B our together nothing for you I brother or sister have that in your mentality don't feel for you stand you so have that mentality on your head and stand your as a woman tears today it's very bad you feel paid but always make sure to say you stand yourself as a woman and take responsibility of your grandchildren and may God see you through me ancestors bless you and give you more strength give more wisdom to Pilot this pains Agony and hardship just never her she need your conso she need your support cons support her pray for her God bless everyone of us in Jesus name I'm for now