Category: Entertainment
Sans spoilers jean du jardin qui joue une sorte de zoro progressiste il fallait le [musique] [applaudissements] faire zoro comme d'habitude jusqu'à la minute indiquée dans le titre de la vidéo il n'y aura pas de spoiler jus qu' vous êtes tranquille après on va tout spoiler zoro et donc l'histoire de... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
D i'm sorry ry what was [music] that [music] your for the past 10 years ight yamalan has been going through a directorial period away from big hollywood projects with personal films of his own prod production and mostly self- financed trap is again such a film regardless of the distribution by warner... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Obrigado blue pela bandeira gay e o bach assim que eu fico feliz vamos embora vamos embora vamos embora é nesse capítulo que o itador morre chupando o próprio p eu acho que é eu acho que seria um final que faz sentido eu acho que combina capítulo 268 o fim sukuna ouça a alma de fushiguro ok ok estamos... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Intro salut à toutes et à tous très heureux de vous retrouver dans vidé club aujourd'hui pour une nouvelle émission reportage dans un endroit absolument mythique et incroyable avec alexandre elman le grand patron du grand rex merci infiniment alexandre de nous recevoir et bonjour bonjour euh voilà donc... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
This jump right out he is much more impressive than the hog i f previously dude i'm standing right here you're a colorful buch we don't want [music] to that's amazing oh god oh oh that's cool i like that run yes yeah that sonic adventure running i can't believe i'm saying wow yeah he's on the motorcycle... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Star wars die letzten jedi ist der unterschätzteste star wars film leia film poe und der rest liefert sich einen erbitterten kampf gegen kylo ren und die erste ordnung während rey luke skywalker trifft und ihn zu überzeugen versucht sie zu einer jedi ritterin auszubilden star wars 8 ist keinesfalls... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[música] em apolo 13 sobrevivendo no espaço a missão que deveria fazer história quase terminou em uma tragédia este documentário traz imagens reais e depoimentos impactantes para reviver a luta desesperada da tripulação e das mentes brilhantes da nasa em uma corrida contra o tempo com tempo total de... Read more
Category: Entertainment
It's why i think you know bobby like picked me out of the bunch to run with him it's because you know i keep track of every penny i take it very seriously i think there's a moral um commitment you make when you both give money and take money and i'm very strict about that um immigrants tend to be really... Read more
Category: Entertainment
But i think this film is going to get compared to three other films i'm thinking immediately get out i'm thinking saltburn and i'm thinking don't worry darling all ironically films that were directed by actors turn directors um i do think this film is better than two of them um obviously get outs in... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro probabilmente è il film più brutto di tim barton ma quanto mi sono divertito allora allora allora buon cinema a tutti bentornati su cine follie vi spiegherò subito la mia frase iniziale insomma ci sono delle cose che non funzionano in questo film che se qualcuno va lì per determinati motivi potrebbe... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[संगीत] यह आदमी एक पेशेवर चोर है सबसे पहले वह एक न्यूज़पेपर चोरी करता है फिर रास्ते में उसे एक बूढ़ा मिलता है जिससे वह बस हाय बोलकर निकल जाता है फिर यह चोर एक शॉपिंग मॉल के अंदर जाता है मॉल में घुसते ही वह बड़े मजे से अलग-अलग चीजों को छुपाकर दूसरे कस्टमर्स के बैग में डालने लगता है जैसे ही कस्टमर्स बाहर निकलते हैं मॉल का अलार्म बचने लगता है सिक्योरिटी गार्ड्स हर कस्टमर को रोकने लगते हैं और हर बार लगता है कि मॉल का अलार्म खराब है... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Si tu ne sais pas quoi regarder en septembre 2024 sur les plateformes de streaming ou encore au cinéma et bien rassure-toi tu es au bon endroit mais ne perdons pas plus de temps et débutons ce 3 septembre sur canal plus avec l'ajout du film sorti au cinéma pauvre créature qui a fait évidemment sensation... Read more