NFL Draft Day 3 Sleeper Prospects: Montaric Brown, Arron Mosby, etc

Published: Feb 12, 2022 Duration: 00:23:12 Category: Sports

Trending searches: arron mosby
Intro we got sleeper prospects i don't want to talk too that is right we got some sleeper prospects today and i'm so excited i always love going through these anyway i hope you're having a great weekend and we're getting pumped up for the super bowl tomorrow i'm going with the rams and it's not just look i'm a matthew stafford fan so i'm rooting for him and i'm hoping to get the job done i love joe bro and everything but come on matthew stafford deliver at home with that being said though let's talk about some future guys that will be in the super bowls at some point maybe with these guys we're going to go over some sleeper prospects and dive right into it let me know who your sleepers are i always like to know that we got we're on QB Cole Kelley to the quarterback and it's gonna be the big monster from southeastern louisiana he's six foot six almost six foot seven like he's six foot six and three fours he's 250 pounds cole kelly what is this i mean you're gonna hear this guy i'm sure more and more but with this dude what he's really good at man he's got a rocket of an arm which you would expect for a guy that freaking big but nonetheless he has enough mobility for a big dude he's not a mobility guy he is a pocket passer that's what he is and that's what you would expect for a guy that size like this but what he is really good at one thing i'll say for a small school development guy i think he was a transfer from arkansas something like that but what he is good at is reading defenses and and understanding how to look off safeties and buying that he does a good job with that and his deep accuracy is on is on point man it really is where he struggles and some of the things one of the reasons why he's not going to be like a super high riser and i think one of the reasons why too that he didn't get onto the field until later and then he exploded at 5 000 yards this past season but is when he's under pressure his decision making goes downhill quickly and that's where you see him make a ton of mistakes when pressure comes into his face now he's not he's not afraid to step into the pocket with pressure but you know it's another thing making the right reads and stuff like that but anyway he's an interesting player to keep an eye on someone you want to take on in the sixth round on to a running back first running RB Ronnie Rivers back on the list is ronnie rivers man ronnie rivers this dude is darren sproles bait i don't want to throw out darren's because i know that name gets thrown out there a lot but this dude's hard to cover and i think he's going to be he's not a workhorse running back but he is a good receiving back to compliment is someone a power element to your offense hass pro as well is something i didn't see a whole ton of him tested there and that is going to be a big question mark on whether or not he can do it at his size five foot eight 195 pounds but he is just so fun to watch man he's explosive he's quick low center of gravity of course being a smaller dude that helps but he stays low to the ground and he blows past linebackers it is a mismatch you got to be careful whoever you are covering with ronnie rivers so i'm not super worried about some of the other things like long speed like pass pro now passport is concerning because if you're like a three down back you're gonna need to be able to do that but what he is so so good at is that short area quickness and a bean and he is powerful for his size i know he can break tackles not that he can or nothing like that because he's tough to tackle he is dense for his frame and everything like that but he is a receiving back true and true i think that's where he's going to live in the RB ZaQuandre White nfl now on to our next guy so quandary wright and this two men he makes people miss that's what he does so so well and if you're gonna say this guy could be like an you know maybe a baby alvin kamara he definitely has that potential to put on your roster as that dude and he when he was a runner too he made the most of his opportunities 4.16 yards after contact for the stat nerds out there but he's going to be a weapon out of the backfield and just get the ball in his hands because he is so shifty very loose in the hips now one thing with him too was the pass bro was a question whenever i saw him trying to pass bro a little tricky you're gonna have to get better than man you're gonna have to anyway and also not a ton of usage small sample size only had so many snaps to his name but he again he had averaged like 6.6 yards a carry four point one six or six one yards after contact so quandary white out of south carolina on to the receiver position WR Kevin Austin Jr. we're gonna start out with kevin austin jr the receiver out of notre dame and man he is just he's got so much potential he's just not there yet the big problem with kevin is that he just struggles off the line the physicality thing is going to be an issue especially at the next level he's six foot two 215 pounds i'm hoping he can get a little more physical because he definitely has the size to do it but right now i just see him getting bullied a little bit too much at the line gotta work on more of our diverse raw tree and his suddenness and things like that in and out of breaks on those intermediate routes but what he is good at all right let's get to the things he's good at man because he is good at a lot of things winning on that vertical router he's got the size and speed combination that you look to see and in notre dame it was like throw him a 50 50 ball he's gonna win on the outside he's a red zone threat waiting to happen not to mention you just want to get the ball in his hands on like bubble screens and stuff like that because he is tough to tackle he's dynamic with the ball in his hands he can move it's just he's gonna have some things to work with he's got to get better catching the ball too he had like one game he had like a ton of drops man he had like eight targets and zero receptions versus purdue he just couldn't catch a thing but kevin austin a guy to keep a close name out on probably more of a fifth to sixth rounder makai pollock is our next WR Makai Polk receiver out of mississippi state the six foot three 200 pounder kind of reminds me a little bit of tj chark now i don't think he's got the vertical speed of dj shark but what he does have man he gets open quick he's got some good route running and good separation ability to get off the line of scrimmage whereas kevin austin a little worried about that i feel like makai pollock is a lot better getting off the line getting open quick doing what he needs to do so i feel better about his game translating to the next level and i think he can be a good solid receiver for you i don't necessarily think he's a number one just because the thin frame i don't know how it's going to hold up not to mention i don't know if he wins in any particular sort of asset deep down the field but he is a solid separator getting open good catch radius so overall plus it was a big time target machine for mississippi state and will rogers and this team so keep an eye on mckay pollock we'll see where he ends up going i'm gonna say round four round four round five i take him round four no problem now and our WR Kyle Philips next receiver this has been one of my favorites and i included him again kyle phillips he's just so so good he's underneath guy he's slot guy he's get open quick twitch guy that's what he is he's not your size length guy i know he's got a little shorter arms whatever man he is a slot only guy you can take that for what you want and that's why he's gonna end up falling to the fourth fifth sixth round wherever he goes but for a team that gets him you're getting the guy who's got shore hands really really good at catching the ball and that's what you want from a receiver get open quick and catch it you're gonna need a quarterback who can put it on him all right you're gonna need an accurate quarterback you don't want someone like desmond ritter throwing like 20 feet above him but yeah i'm joking devin ritter i love you desmond but what i'm saying is you're going to need someone throwing him lasers like a tom brady of course anyway kyle phillips my last receiver in the slot position now on to TE Curtis Hodges the titans group we got curtis hodges the arizona state dude and this guy's got a huge monster wingspan it's six foot eight he's just a little thin 245 pounds which is definitely something we were talking about here you gotta bulk up a little bit more get a little more muscle on that frame but you can do he definitely has the ability to be that and his blocking also needs a little bit of work man he does he's not a terrible blocker he's a willing blocker but he's got to get better at his technique i'll say that too now on to the good things and that is one of his good things he's a willing blocker it's not like he just gives up on blocks he is a willing blocker he's got good enough speed man where he's going to be able to win across the field and enough athlete man he like he can get open with the speed you give him the ball in his hands and he can go it's not like he can't and he's got enough suddenness in and out of his brakes to be able to get the job done the big thing is the huge catch radius there it was a bit of a tight typo but i was trying to compromise with that i didn't mean to put that what is that hugh jackman out here he's like the wolverine get out of here anyway i'll pull out the claws here in a minute i got him over here i got him over at my back i just leave him i haven't unrailed that yet that's when it gets serious man but anyway going back to curtis hodges really good hands i think he's gonna be a playmaker for somebody who can come in here and develop this guy as a backup titan working into that role early on as a red zone tight end now on to our next titan TE Peyton Hendershot this dude's more of a receiving tight end an early underneath guy and i had to include an iu guy i'm sorry i'm a little bit biased take it for what you want peyton hendershot he has improved hendershot's a guy who really struggled with drops last year and it was a big problem but this season he's gotten a lot better with it he's become a lot more shorthand did a really good job and he's got enough quickness he's not your vertical this guy is not your vertical guy that's just not where he's gonna win he's your underneath uh sort of guy he's got enough agility to get the job done there in and out of his brakes and he also is a willing blocker he's not going to be a blocker though that's not really his game he's he's going to be an underneath tight end guy you get the ball into on those underneath the drag routes and a lot of times man that's what you're looking for in a titan he's a number two tight end though in the league now on to the offensive line OT Zach Tom where it's zac tom the offensive lineman from wake forest this guy he whooped jermaine johnson that's all you need to know no that's actually a little bit more that you need to know about zach tom but here's what i'm going to say about him he has a ton of upside but the problem is his technique right now is just not there a lot of times he's doing this one arm thing and i hate when offense alignment trying to block with one hand get both hands out there man he has a good enough ability like in terms of his uh feet and everything like that his quickness his movement his base and things like that he'll get crossed over from time to time again his footwork is just not there yet his overall his technique is very very raw but he gets the job done and he's great at uh being very patient right he's he's not back here trying to lay a punch too quick he doesn't give up his inside he's really smart and his understanding of the game at wake forest and what he's been able to do to protect the quarterback and i think his pressure rate too is really really good i don't know too much i think you know i did check the analytics on him but i was more worried about him on tape going together against some of these tougher edge rushers even though i'm not as high on jermaine johnson i made sure to watch jermaine johnson and versus tom and he did a great job stonewalled him really for the entirety of the game maybe jermaine won one rep but i felt like zach did a really good job he's a dude that's going to be a project man he's really a project with his technique early on his career maybe just a guard but he does have potential to be a tackle on the smaller size at 2.95 six foot five mixed dude is out of OT Obinna Eze tcu it's obedient the offensive lineman the big brute over left tackle there at tcu and this is another guy that's just not technically there but he has all the physical tools that you would look for and if you're saying to see yourself we can get this guy and develop into him into a jordan mata allah like prospect that's this guy he has those tools he has that ability he's just not there yet he's got a strong hand he got knife the length and all those things you look for the physical tools uses that power in the run game he's new to football i believe he's from nigeria so again he started out like high school so he's not he doesn't have a whole ton of football to his name give him some time but in terms of his upside and he moves a lot better than you think he would four six six three hundred and thirty pounds he's almost six foot seven two i think he's like six foot six and three fourths or something like that but he's a big dude he's just a hard leaner he really is he's a hard leaner he's constantly like leaned over like this too much on his film and it causes some trouble versus some edge rushers you're gonna see it for some of these more powered up edge rushers you can go to the oklahoma table he did a great job against nick benito and some of those guys isaiah thomas but more powerful players that you see him go up against he struggles a lot more on his tape looking at him and what he can be i would definitely take a chance on him because he's the tools fourth round even i could see him being a starter at some point in his career and being a good starter if you get him with a good offensive line code but very much a raw prospect overall on to our final OL Logan Bruss offensive lineman and this is a bit of a projection he played right tackle but i think he'll be on guard at the next level it's logan brush the offense alignment from wisconsin and this dude is really more of a technically sound guy it's just maybe he doesn't have the huge tools huge upside that someone maybe these other guys have but just fine you're gonna take this guy maybe fourth fifth round and i think you're gonna be very very happy with what you get as a good quality starting guard for you and your offense so what is good about him first off his hand placement is on point now he does have a problem getting letting players get into a chest maybe because of his shorter arms but very technically sound someone you would expect of course from a wins constant offense alignment they're very well coached he's got a nasty streak to him man he finishes he finishes people so that's always good to see from your offensive line you definitely look for that trade because it's like you don't finish people man it's like i got a little bit worried about that go ahead and finish them that's what he does good against the second level keeping his composure there finding guys and delivering a blow and then finally again scheme diverse you can put him in just about anywhere good reach blocker now some of the other things with him balance and i think this goes along with letting defenders get into his chest a little bit cloth pull him one too many times that's why i think he ends up moving the guard at the next level but definitely a good solid offense alignment i see him being a starting right guard for a team now onto the OLB Tyree Johnson defense side of the ball you got tyree johnson texas a m a linebacker edge rusher and i think he's going to be like your hybrid player because you see him drop back into coverage definitely has that ability to drop back coverage smooth enough athlete not an insane uber athlete or anything like that probably gonna be like a four six four seven guy he's a rotational player for your roster but these guys are needed you need these guys these death pieces on your roster to be come in there and help out your team help out your your starters or things like that and in his own right he did a good job mike he does have a nice long arm and bull rush he needs to work on his pass rush plan and his tools a little bit more because he's very limited in what he does he more is just like okay i'm going to push into you and see what happens i'll try to get off of the offensive lineman but developing more of a pass rush plan is definitely going to be something that he is going to have to work on but he is very very good at getting pressure like he just gets pressure that's what he does there and he's got some nice pop too in his arms and on contact for for a smaller guy 240 six foot four and i don't think he's got super long arms or anything but he's good in the run game like he's really sound really stout not too worried about him in that point i think he's again just a really really solid rotation guy a third edge that you want OLB Arron Mosby on your roster next guy now this guy no joke i think could be a day two prospect if he got a little more hype aaron mosely he is good man and he's athletic like this guy i'm surprised is not being hyped up a little bit more i went back and watched this guy and i'm like dang this guy legit has got some athletic tools to him and he's got some good pass rush ability whether or not he transitions to more of an outside linebacker i think you can put him though as that three side strong side linebacker three four strong side linebacker in a system just depending on what scheme you want to roll into but i think he's at three fours strong side linebacker let him pass go after the passer he can drop into coverage too like he's definitely athletic enough he's a playmaker waiting to happen 11 sacks this season and like 40 pressures whatever like he just made plays whenever he saw him this was his first season too that they really let him go after the passer at fresno state and he was really really good he definitely has that ability he was a former db too so he has that ability to be able to cover people out in space really good athlete i'm going to be very curious to see where he tests that i believe he has a combine invite he better have a combine invite i'll be upset if he doesn't so yeah just drafting there's not a whole ton other than size he's a little bit smaller i don't know how long his length is probably not super long but i would take a i would take this guy man in the third fourth or fourth round all day all day on to our defensive tackle noah DT Moah Elliss ellis the defense of lyman out of idaho and he went to go play for us like his father and whatnot i guess his grades weren't great so he had to transfer over so and he got some big time scholarships for a good reason like when you see this guy he's 360 pounds but he is so explosive off the line like oh my gosh i'm like when i see this dude i'm like he's 300 pounds right this guy's 300 pounds and he's 360 pounds i don't know if that's 100 accurate but that's what he's listed like 360 357. six foot four he's explosive for his size he's gonna be a two gap and machine nose tackle yes he may not be an every down player but that is okay give me this guy all day as a nice nose tackle on your roster plan three to 600 snaps depending on how good he is but anyway yeah like i said grades who cares man if you love football if that's what you love to do and that's what you want to do i'm cool with it i mean grades are important don't get me wrong don't don't skip out of school kids don't do that but anyway i uh i love this dude this dude's awesome keep an eye out on him he's a stepping in sleeper on to our LB Jake Hansen weak side linebackers jake henson the iowa linebacker this dude was like a five year starter played for 16. for six seasons on illinois one of them was injured but this guy was the definition of a leader and college football he may only be a special teamer at the next level but i think he can be a good rotational linebacker for you so keep an eye on he's got enough coverage skills he's going to be a very basic zone dropper sort of dude but he's a good blitzer you can definitely get after the quarterback when you ask him to blitz he's a sure tackler definitely knows his play recognition and things like that of course what you would expect from a five-year player out of illinois so jake henson i do like his game if nothing else has a great special teamer not the strongest not the lengthiest not your super coverage linebacker modern nfl i guess if you want to call it but he's just got that grit and i feel good about him as a guy you're taking in like the fifth round he's a dan campbell guy go out and take him now the next guy is similar like in LB Nate Landman a way i love these guys dude who just come out here and these five-year stores nate lyon landman the hitman right the hitman this guy comes out here and just punishes people if he had better coverage but he's a little stiff i'll say this he's a little stiff he's a downhill guy and that's fine you're not gonna want to put this guy one-on-one he's not one of those dudes you're gonna say hey go cover alvin kamara if you're doing that then you're doing something wrong he's a mike linebacker that's who the hitman is put him straight up in uh a i don't know i'm trying to think of a good conference blake martinez sort of role maybe i don't know something like that but this dude just a downhill player comes at you with a mile now every time you watch colorado and landman play he always makes tackles he's just always over the field it's like oh there's nate coming out here with a big time hit yeah he he's not crazy athlete not your one-on-one guy but a fun guy to watch if nothing else gonna be a fun special teamer now on to CB Busta Brown our cornerback position busta brown this guy is one of my favorite sleepers in the entire process busta brown montrevic brown this guy six foot 190 out of arkansas is your man to man coverage corner he sticks with corners he's got good athleticism i think he's going to test in the 4-4 range definitely your guy you put one-on-one only allowed a 74.7 passer rating this season last season it was around the same like 72 or something over so over these past twos has really been good and he was tested a lot to this season coverage and he made some serious plays in coverage like had like 11 past deflections or something like i don't remember exactly the stats i'm not always into the numbers and analytics but when you watch this guy you're saying yeah i want him to go one-on-one with your receiver that's what he can do he's also physical for his size like he's not afraid to get up in your face that's where he feels the most comfortable is in your hip pocket now he's a little bit crabby ah you might have to say hey calm down a little busta i know you want to bust them up but you gotta slow down and you know what uh anyway i love busta dude get him on my team that's what i'm saying i don't care about the penalties six penalties it is what it is he's not a great zone coverage guy because he just again he's a man-to-man coverage corner his instincts his back pedal aren't there yet but again if you're looking for a man coverage corner busta brown is the man to watch out for now to SCB DaMarcus Fields the slot corner position now he played outside there at texas tech but i think he's going to transition to the slot at least that's where i feel like he would be solid i think he'd have a good potential there demarcus feels the corner out of texas tech why because i do think he can be a good solid physical player at that slot position enough of a twitch to be able to cover that slot and then you combine it with his instincts and zone coverage he's not really the man coverage guy i think he's got enough ability to be able to play and short underneath rats and that's why i would want to keep him in that short intermediate area because i don't think he's got the long speed and not that i saw on tape i don't i don't think that's where he's at and he was targeted a lot too with texas tech his coverage gave up he gave under just a hundred passer rating but i think he'll be a lot better in the slot that's why i wouldn't want to put him i feel a lot better about demarcus fields plus he's got some nice size at six foot 200 pounds maybe you can find yourself a michael carter 2.0 i don't know maybe on to our safety S Russ Yeast position and this dude's super versatile rust yeast the safety out of kansas state he was the transfer from louisville now i will say this he was a one-year wonder at kansas state really was a different player i will say that he was a different player because you go back and watch louisville i was like okay yeah he's out there but man he is he was really really good this season making tons and tons of plays he was they're one of their best playmakers on that defense and for good reason he played everywhere free safety split safety slot box it didn't matter he played it all that's what he can do on and give you that versatility and what a lot of nfl teams are looking for in their safeties is that versatility to play anywhere he can cover guys one on one he's a little bit smaller 510 195 but he's got that short area quickness to get the job done again one year wonder he's not the most physical guy maybe he needs to work on his tackling and his technique a little bit there and then finally finishing up with delarian turner yell oklahoma safety i think he's going to be a solid third safety in the nfl i don't think necessarily i think he's a starter and that's fine look the S Delarrin Turner-Yell safety class when you're trying to look for sleepers and stuff like that these are more deep sleepers some of them i'm sure you've heard of and whatnot hey you probably heard of all these guys but anyway you know i'm trying to point out some names who are going to be dudes that you find later in the draft and those fourth plus ranges and can be good solid rotation pieces maybe starters on your roster that's delirian turner yell to me solid athletes solid all around not like uber twitched up or anything like that but uh he can get the job done in a rotational role again his tackling technique i think can be improved upon saw missing tackles here and there at oklahoma but anyway delirian turner tom turner yell is going to finish it out there one honorable mention i want to i S Damarion Williams didn't get to see all of his tape i'm going to go back and watch more of damarian williams the houston product he played corner but he also played a little bit of safety i like this guy to move to safety i think he'd actually be a really solid player to potentially develop along at that safety position so i'm just saying keep an eye out on delarian williams the safety or corner out of houston i think he can be someone that could develop into a safety role that is going to be a hero though for the underrated prospects let me know like i said who your favorite underrated prospects are as always i love underrated prospects and i have done for the super bowl anyway i hope you have a great day my name is usually i tell my thing i hope you too stay cool

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