game nyt

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 02:14:50 Category: Gaming

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main account baay Sil y borun ba ah meain oh Sil let's go gold AK PR gold one bronze 3 o one I see relation the [ __ ] I let's go Wala NG ano no from warm up warm talaga warm PA [Music] n warm up warm up this go spamy smoker Yun Naman Bala m it doesn't matter what this place used to be justament akala KO ano Ed [Music] ah shadow cover going out enemy spotted a enemy a my Al's not ready placing SW grenade last player standing B you B one enemy remaining hey P Pala barin Al B is nak [Music] go rotate rotate rotate go go go go H carrier is dead enem fight down attacker spawn enemy Spott a I got the Spight they're calling my B still in enemy spotted me fight's down last player standing we're here we're the best don't any of you forget that 140 you have a spe uh Omen can you smoke here please thank [Music] you enemy spotted cover going now get somebody there done one air on me down one enemy remaining watching here okay who's got this snap okay they tried now it's our turn uh can someone drop me please need thank you here here [Music] one more B one more b effective my cover steing [Music] Fight Shadow [Music] tet out thank one enemy remaining now they want to dance I'll can I get a drop [Music] thanks thank you T out right there you want to play Let's Play cover going up diz's up top down enemy a it's you and me [ __ ] down a last player standing pitiful My ultimate is ready sorry 30 seconds left under you cover going out stay I have the spike you can you got watch them run 10 seconds left Spike planted it's fine it's fine is everyone's Tech still working double check it please hey we can go in we can go in I got uh oh wait wait wait try and fix one B here goes the someone's there enemy spotted a that's Spike Wings Anil coming back SP pled thanks Wings oh one FL care FL here welcome to my world all inside wa last player standing one enemy remaining placing nice one nice one clutch I had to focus for a second I getk can I get a drop thanks tet out don't overthink it that's my it's fine bro it's fine it's fine I'll just break Shadows traveling someone's there you are powerless okay inside inside on my ping last player standing and look for my Shadows they will hide you there KO sniping by pipes next time we go a can I get a drop come onom uh can someone smoke here or blind thank you placing alarm Shadow 78 ini my ready planting enem last player standing know hey they think they know pain they can't begin to comprehend it chamber out of charges right there coming back tet out cing their mission [Music] Gren reloading somebody's there t destroyed man's going variable remove finding uh Viper backside CL cover going out I have the [ __ ] one enemy remaining Kant care FL FL watch them run chers M I heard it m careful Escape my nightmare look your enemy in the ey it helps with accuracy Aris Lord uh Omen can you smoke mid here thank you cover going out ah Sir You Sage Wala palang Sage one enemy remaining 8 okay take thank [Music] you need a drop I got money need something see you on the other side you want to play Let's Play Shadows traveling uh back sidec one back set one top reload you guys rotate guys rotate mid mid last player standing Spike down batter last round before the switch spend those before we lose I got money need something can I get a drop thanks I'll buy you up by me Bal can I get a drop can I get this D it bro let's see how it [Music] goes I smoke first wait turet out cover going out cover going out haset it's you and me Spike down a a smoke feeling SP pled thanks Wings one screen one screen one enemy remaining one top one top there Afters don't with my nice oneing sides my city needs me I can't be away for coming back Viper set up here a [Music] placing alarm box placing SW grenade be clear enemy spotted a enemy Gren out Spike down Aion one enemy remaining onena on nice hry we feeling good hope so hope [Music] so taking to out everywhere kill [Music] still sh Spike down B scoping scoping one enemy remaining enemy out out nice T out one hit alarm out placing swarm grenade them nice one down there alarm down bom grenade out one Nest one belt low last player standing Spike planted there enough you got this dude the enemy only heart still a different St Odin gay Odin gay Odin gay uh Viper set up again what wait wa wait wait 2 a 2 a 2 a enemy spotted me there get him Spike down B here Spike B last player standing ano naun chamber 23 kills they mess with one of us they mess with all of us dead alarm out watching here placing Sentry recalling my bot smoke okay it's all you little [Music] homie Spike planted canuse that can't use that one enemy remaining last player standing chamber you're going to scatter from my stuff super easy to pick off it's fine guys we got this turn out you want to play Let's Play faing SW grenade here coming back enemy spotted Spike down Spike B Spike B Spike B one mid om in kitchen probably last player standing bar bar Spike planted no one there already all right FL sneaky honestly she won Miss that finger out leave mid to me I got that I got that recing my I'll delete them thank youing someone set up okay going welcome to my world it's you and me [Music] Spike planted low Viper one enemy remain 100 steing sight CL shame I love it there on my mark everyone note down your observations then let's run it again no uhen hold B please thank you okay I'll try there there let's make me Spike can't use that spike a destroyed terminated dizzy has targets their Vision enemy spotted ready is ready one enemy remaining last one on Arena down a just scare spe just SC Shadows traveling watching here Spike n 30 seconds left he's out here just go to spe uh gecko 10 seconds left inside inside no time no time it's fine last player standing nice nice nice was great knowing you all also delete my hard drive KO you are placing alarm box placing swamp grenade experiment complet Nice kill here here here just hold day they might rot it nice there enemy a right there good 30 seconds left rushing B rushing B what the 10 seconds left one more mid one more mid Spike planted three killed right there one enemy remaining Nice kill nice one nice one you guys a great beep beep beep enough of that don't die if you need help figuring out how just us D spr and [Music] foring time to explode placing alarm bottle placing swarm grenade b b b b BL blind there Spike down B one enemy remaining 64 inside inside inside there gecko nice one I have more Ts to run match point I know how this work can I get a drop they they get a drop they get a drop alarm out placing swarm grenade you want to play Let's Play yeah I hear footsteps here watch them run oh [ __ ] initiated te it down top frags dead guys you got this caugh one nice nice spikes here standing Spike down a going to you I think maybe not 30 seconds left Spike planted cover going out jow traveling one enemy remaining oh what's another death Andy my bur never ends oh hello recalling my bot alarm Bo out tet out me Nice kill g g no one entered kitchen n uh go back a OD game h two mid two mid one more mid one kitchen one more one enemy remaining Spike down B nice game guys nice game Defenders win to this SW stop here SW grenade out [Music] OD Pi l inv invite Nam Kina oh you didn't show Tom Holland was stressed out by a bunch of Paparazzi during the red carpet premiere of his movie onward Tom begged the paparazzi to stop shouting at him because it was making him very anxious you'll never see me at an award show that I don't have to be at I'm never going to a red carpet event that I'm not in the film up you know I don't want the attention when I don't need it Tom Holland was stressed out by a bunch of paparazzi the red carpet premiere of his movie onward [Music] Tom for meron saaba G sir nak GG sir GG sir sa Baba NG ano title [Music] TI ano ba KAS Isa don't online friend May online per nakalay Legends hasbul sin baung Katra Mo Pala SI ASB now no s you sir match found do JK Baka I am the beginning I am the end for f b what has Kingdom done to this town however pretty their lives are they're just sucking my city drying sucking my dick drying my dick dry reloading Shadows traveling stop that cover going out standing ahead but one but last player standing Spike down a only if you are not doing well keep trying we must keep up appearances reload Shadows traveling go go go enemy spotted me standing ahead them reloading Shadows traveling one enemy remaining last player standing CA smoke clutch 65 bro don't forget who you are om a man not a monster someone is someone is revealing area teleport gone the are cage trigger fight planted shot I know exactly where you [Music] are enemy a last player standing they're just batteries and I need a recharge paap SI keep it together nice enemy spotted a is ready J's traveling reloading fight planted stay side one enemy remaining Shadows traveling [Applause] be still a second win let your senses come alive need a drop thank you I have money if you need I have money if you need need a drop no there oh yeah monster on the loose sh that cover going out stay reloading finding cover going out rash isn't done with you reloading [Music] reload one Shadows traving one morees [ __ ] down a begins them run one enemy remaining Spike planted last player standing cover going out cover going out nice that was good another round yes Happy Hunting omen Shadow cover going out I am the hunter where is everyone hiding Shadows traveling last player standing Spike down B 30 seconds left one enemy remaining [Laughter] ni reloading I'm scared we so bad Shadows traveling cover going out smoke revealing area camera taken out they are so dead I have this Shadows traveling cover going out 30 seconds left last player standing Tak out defeated Nice kill their leader and the rest will flee like rats that cover going out Vision traving reloading my I know exactly where last player standing Spike down a that's a good spot TR destroyed oh my God I find them I killed them simple as that for Shadows traveling get out of my way Spike down B last player standing they don't have a single life worth saving reloading reloading a out cover going out Shadow's traveling are TRS oh yeah monster on the loot cover going up I have them I win again last player standing Spike down a one enemy remaining revealing area these guns we use are okay but I will also bring my own no offense reloading going out Spike down B I have the spike standing head Shadows traveling there watch them run [ __ ] planted cover going out reloading for hell last player standing ah ah the [ __ ] pre [Music] fire last round in the half [ __ ] spend everything we keep nothing [Music] I will be their nightmare Shadows traveling the hunt begins cover going out no a gift GG 21 [Music] 2 same down a play standing oh yeah monster on the loose 10 seconds left switching sides they try the same old tricks wable wable 1310 1 which is the better cyer to set destroyed cover going out away fight planted enemy a the [ __ ] too slow Z three reload last player standing one enemy remaining but wait until I blind them to strike does anyone have funds no no no Go cover going out revealing area there they are stay found my trap Spike planted last player [Music] Standing Match Point level sh until we're home yes I I am not just a shadow Shadows traveling no naay silang ano so good so good so good so good Spike planted last player standing attackers win enum boing Bo it wait why won't you get her another cat lwig do you hear what you just said I want another one sometimes greed is a sin I've got two cats and they're better in pairs yeah I see them they're both on stage with you and I think one's acting out oh ooh oh all I want you to do is lick the cat think wait why won't you get her another cat lwig turbo doita uh last game da okay oh when Hearts like ours meet hold up I F for you please s me Frosty the Snowman I allow it off the top of my head you're the next is it Burl opes well listen son you're going to Hollywood is I don't care if I got to cut an arm off here we go here we go my wife send something to this phone now I don't all right I want you to want you to get out of it real quick no way Frosty the Snowman was a jly happy soul [Music] bab lock the door and turn the lights down low and put some music on the soft and slow and baby we ain't got no place to go Kal Yung mid CM sa [Music] rank going part Lea [Music] Naman P mag p [Music] rank [Music] [Music] [Music] 5 seconds remaining hey it's your turn to pick now [Music] bab 10 seconds remaining 5 seconds remaining [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa Arc P the Cal before the storm the spirit moves me prepare for battle yes well said big anime we are agreed forward 30 seconds to battle when a warm front and a cold front love each other very much a storm is born I'll scatter my foes like dead in a winter G without a doubt no battle I love this you know what's better than First Blood nothing First Blood I am under attack [Music] [Music] mhm like the wind denied here I come storms are coming Let It Go storm cross time [Music] moves me sweet keeping my up we are agreed I am under attack [Music] yes without a doubt well said ooh who's that something like the wind MH forward ah [Music] nice MH this SP to come in handy we are agreed yes I [Music] grew looking good M your bottom Tower is under attack you shouldn't yes get set for heavy weather let's you a little something without a doubt well said mhm I'll save this till it's 5:00 some the spirit moves me's that Stormy Weather tide I am under the time over here oh mine here I come stupendous this will get better with age forward like the win I'll Spirit you away you really should look at your bottom Tower let you something I grow stronger your bottom Tower is under attack mhm like the wind no get set for heavy [Music] weather glorious without a [Music] doubt I'll save this to it 5:00 somewhere here now we are agreed he you had your warning your middle Tower is under attack now over here who's that handsome devil forward [Music] watch out it's a killing spree the spirit moves me TP TP you really should look at your bottom [Music] Tower I under attack your bottom Tower is under attack well [Music] said looking good [Music] [Music] [Music] the middle Tower K free my Assa [Music] Nam you Tower is under attack but breath of fresh air [Music] the battle resumed your bottom Tower is under attack bottom Tower is gone forever attack oh Rick he's dominating now he's dominating the spirit moves me let the with out your top Tower is under attack we are [Music] agreen I'll de this of stupendous [Music] [Music] know I love this part I'll Spirit you away looking good don't worry there's plenty to go around here I come where's the [Music] party I'm getting a second [Music] wind here I am [Applause] L what double double kill [Music] your bottom Tower is under attack now that first breath is the [Music] sweetest Stormy Weather time a g not a soul pun pun middle Tower is [Music] attack Blown Away your middle Tower is under attack why is this happening yes don't let your middle Tower fall [Music] your middle Tower is under attack middle Tower is down you just let them take that as tribute we are agreed I am exactly [Music] storm Force Five the enemy's top tower has fallen the frost of War creeps even closer blow them away without a doubt to the secet yes the time has come here I come forward uh let's talk about your top Tower dire snow fortified their structures take a break the spirit moved me there's no more top Tower I thought this might happen I am under attack looking for me oh your top Tower is under attack who what I miss there here double kill man get set for heavy weather let's R oh boy killing spree your top Tower is under attack uh let's talk about your time top tower has fallen is this going to be a pattern [Music] saing Stormy Weather time mhm looking good yes let's something we are agreed [Music] mhhm you really should look at your bottom Tower I don't think you want that to happen the enemy's middle tower has fallen your bottom Tower is under attack like the wind your bottom Tower just fell maybe you shouldn't look B who's that handsom devil forward it's not time [Music] mhm here I come without a doubt let you little something mhm oh radi career has been killed those little guys are all so cute [Music] don't let your middle Tower fall yes your middle Tower is under attack without a doubt here I am your middle Tower is under attack youw I'm get a attack Killing Spree there there was a clipping issue there was a hit detection issue I'll take that as tribute come on come on come on don't let your middle Tower fall the middle Tower Has Fallen oh my God four four in a row that's he's now dominating bken malevolence Like the Wind he's dominating D you and cry more your top Tower is under attack [Music] [Music] in the eye of the storm oh what I miss you're it C warning [Music] z m I'll just [Music] stupendous hello can anyone hear me it's a killing spree over here I'm over here ooh who's that handsome devil the spirit moves me mhm we are agreed MH over here now H let you do something forward water [Music] pun make kill he just make a [Music] kill I not free without a doubt [Music] [Music] yes let's your top Tower is under attack oh my God your top Tower is [Music] [Music] falling the forward feel the power [Music] [Music] okay [Music] BL back backa looking [Music] good let's go one begin yes oh my God we are agreed here I come Tower I guess ra their structures without a doubt oh shut the spirit moves me up G Blade G blade [Music] Lang [Music] yes [Music] again mine like the wind over here now I'll take that as D I love this part well gy gy wait no hold [Music] on again [Music] indust ni One [Music] me WEA over here blow the your top barrs are under attack they're attacking top Barra your top won't last long at this rate was that a spotlight on me w what I miss we are agreed [Music] M that's the spirit the spirit moves me welcome to the secret [Music] sh here I am let you do something without a doubt [Music] wa killing oh man this guy's dominating oh my God four four in a row that he he's now Domina he's dominating RI oh my God whoa Mega kill upga [Music] [Music] kill you you really should look at your bottom Tower read instructions snow fortified your botom Tower is [Music] under who's that devil the spirit me is under attack like the wind once those Barracks fall your top Barracks have [Music] fallen let's have the spotlight over here I'll Spirit you away forward looking good here I come oh well SA I'm over here storm for we are agreed ran has fallen to the dity yes [Music] mhm without a [Music] doubt B [Music] [Music] I am under attack th middle Tower is under attack stop them wa initiating kill just like that we won the class [Music] I love this fir have fortified their structures I guess radiant fortified their [Music] structures we are agreed the enem power the ene midle the enem M are no [Music] [Music] more set for heavy weather mhm this SP stupendous Here I Am the spirit moves me greatness deserves to be shared here I come [Music] without a doubt like the wind well [Music] [Music] I miss your bottom Tower is under attack initiating killing Jee he's [Music] Dom so fast kill now I'm dying B without a doubt with this I be king of the Winds it looks like dire fortifi their structur the enemy's middle Tower to oh it is via top ano ages alang KAS Cy works [Music] [Music] z s o look

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