No Ronaldo or Messi in Ballon d'Or nomination list | DD India News Hour

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:55:45 Category: People & Blogs

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live from New Delhi you're watching DD India news are India's voice of the world I'm shindu hos coming up in the next hour prime minister Narendra Modi concludes successful two Nations visit India Singapore strategic partnership gains new momentum with focus on semiconductor ecosystem Russia President Vladimir Putin ready for talks with Ukraine says India could act as a mediator in peace negotiations to end the conflict World Bank approved $68 million Lifeline for remote Pacific Islands funds to support tourism trade and Aid flows no Ronaldo or Messi in the 30 man nomination list announced for the prestigious batt of the war awards ceremony set to take place in o oober in Paris this [Music] [Music] year prime minister Narendra Modi concluded his two Nations visit a series of engagements with political and Business Leaders in Singapore during his tour to Singapore Prime Minister Modi on Wednesday engaged with the top leadership of the country to strengthen ties between the Strategic allies prime minister Narendra Modi visiting the parliament of Singapore with the prime minister of the country as part of his two-day visit to the Southeast Asian Nation the Prime Minister was given a ceremonial welcome by the government of Singapore upon his arrival at Parliament Prime Minister Modi was accompanied by high level delegation including external affairs minister and National Security advisor of India Prime Minister Modi congratulated the newly elected prime minister of Singapore and highlighted the growing bond between the two countries the two leaders signed four memorandums of understanding between the government of India and Singapore Theus signed included mou in the field of digital Technologies mou ON Semiconductor ecosystem partnership mou on cooperation in the field of health and Medicine mou on educational cooperation and skills development Prime Minister Modi accompanied by the host prime minister also later visited a semiconductor facility in Singapore and interacted with Indian interns from odisha's World skills center the students called the opportunity to meet Prime Minister Modi motivating very happy and excited today because today we meet um our uh Singapore prime minister and also India prime minister uh so I got this opportunity thankful to be here today I doing an internship in Four Seasons Hotel like a bon menance engineer visiting prime minister is a very uh like a big things after visiting the semiconductor facility Prime Minister Modi was hosted for lunch by senior Minister and former prime minister of Singapore leison l later Prime Minister Modi also called on President of Singapore his Excellency Thurman shanmugaratnam at his official residence before concluding his visit to Singapore Prime Minister Modi held a Business Roundtable with a wide range of Business Leaders in a bid to boost the business and investments in India with the successful conclusion of prime minister Narendra modi's fifth visit to Singapore a new chapter in the friendship between the two countries has started the kind of political will showed by the leadership of the two countries and the enthusiasm that is being seen on the ground in both India and Singapore the relation between the two countries is most likely to reach New Heights in Singapore with camera person ESP du a dri DD India and during his visit India's prime minister Narendra Modi interacted with group of leading Singaporean CEOs from diverse sectors on Thursday during the interaction prime minister spoke about various initiatives to enhance India's participation in global value chains aggressively semiconductor already [Music] uh scope Business Leaders who met Prime Minister Modi hailed the growth in several sectors including digital bar and semiconductors it's it's a very exciting you know to uh meet with uh uh Prime Minister Modi in person his leadership is exceptional you know for the past this is his third term right for the past two term you can see that India has become one of the the major player goally the fifth largest the uh the uh the economies in the world and I would like to uh continue to uh uh um uh uh uh encourage encourage him to open up the market you know to consider some of the new policies you know or improve some of the existing policy to encourage more collaboration you know with uh particularly with Singaporean companies and then uh with Singaporean Investments we're talking about you know high efficiency uh Transportation Systems we're talking about smart cities we're talking about the the energy uh uh uh strategy and planning for clean and you uh reusable energy and hydrogens and then also the other very important is Aviation with the uh the population growth you know we'll see the uh Aviation related uh uh infrastructure will be uh in high demand so these are the uh areas and of course the uh the most critical part is really the uh sustainability and and we need to uh be very uh mindful about how to uh design and plan and build the future cities in everything in a very sustainable way commitment to dig India the commitment to uh digitalization across all of Indian Society has been actually something that is uh for a lot of places an example to follow and I think we have been uh very excited and pleased by that because what we've been able to do is enable the economy this way the digital economy and we've been able to serve more than thousand uh uh uh companies small medium large companies in India plus some of the the big Fortune 500 companies the big cloud players because that enables them to come in and provide the digital infrastructure to allow all the other things like AI uh uh greater e-commerce and and and the proliferation of uh uh data penetration and Broadband across the country to demonstrate money where amou is we are actually investing more than 26,000 cres 3.2 billion US in the next 5 years to enable this it means that substantial 550 uh megawatts of capacity will come online data center capacity which means that now the foundations across major cities and first second the cities which we have been starting to invest in not just the first de cities we've seen that basically that demand is is increasing rapidly and that will allow the the that c digital India story to really uh expand and grow dramatically I was really very impressed with u and encouraged by what Mr Modi said uh to all of us this is uh Mr modi's uh third term as prime minister of India and uh all of us around the table have been in India investing in India my own firm has been in India for 20 years and clearly what we have done in the last 10 years during Mr modi's time as prime minister has been much more than what we could achieve in earlier periods but what Mr Modi said that in his next 5 years in his third term he will achieve much more than what he did in his first 10 years so this has given us a a lot of encouragement that you know his increased Vigor uh and his focus on so many different um aspects whe uh from space to air travel to housing uh to uh AI digital India it just so many opportunities for us um and for all of my colleagues the 20 businesses who are present today that we will be going back really very encouraged um with the opportunities that India presents uh to us as uh Singapore companies and has looking to expand beyond the shores of Singapore we um were really taken by what Mr Modi said just recently that um uh we will reform you will have to perform and also transform that's really um Words which mean a lot to us but actually we have been seeing that happen and DD India is a dongare spoke with the chairman of AEM Holdings about future collaboration between India and Singapore the prime minister of India is visiting Singapore and one of the key uh highlight of this visit is going to be uh technology of semiconductors in fact we are at the am Holdings and we have the chairperson with us U sir thank you so much for speaking with us how do you see the future as far as the relation between the two countries are concerned and the role that semiconductors can play well if you look at the Indian diaspora across the world it's very clear to see that the leaders and semiconductors are are are there how we can collaborate um obviously this change in a way that impacts Mor law and advanced packaging creates opportunity for for both both Nations um you know prime minister Mod's visit here is very AP because that signals that symbiotic a relationship where it starts with the business relationship um the Investments so all stakeholders have to benefit in this relationships so you are part of the semiconductor industry in Singapore how is the industry looking at uh the India's push as far as the Ambitions to become a manufacturing Hub well it's absolutely um the right push there's there two ways and I call two types of Investments you got to make one is the the journey that Singapore took in terms of first getting into Electronics manufacturing assembly making sure that the electronics uh demand is local in terms of production and then bringing the chips in from a logistic supply chain perspective at the same time building up the infrastructure for more advanced semiconductor manufacturing which requires um clean Power Water um and then of course the ecosystem of chemical producers as well so that will take time then there's the human capital development right so there has to be the um technicians the supervisors the people understand how to problem solve from a process Improvement perspective and continuous Improvement um that all needs to be built up in in scale as well in in the last few decades that we have seen there have been only limited countries that have been seen as the manufacturing hubs or or places of innovation as far as the semiconductor technology is concerned most of them located uh in in Southeast Asia or in the region uh but now new players are coming up so how can the collaboration take place ESP especially when we talk about India what kind of potential that you see uh in the Indian market as well as the Indian manufacturing industry well it's part of a new globalization right so you see a lot of um high-end Electronics mobile companies moving to India it's all public right they shifting to to India so that shift is actually a very important End Market because they are consumers of semiconductors absolutely so the more Electronics assembly and production that India has the more it will have an end market for semiconductors so you got to think about that ecosystem because Logistics also plays a part in it chairman of am Holdings and talking to us about the semiconductor Market that is its present and the future of collaboration that can take place between India and Singapore as far as the semiconductor industry is concerned with camera person ESP du a India moving on solar power and wind energy is the way forward for a sustainable future India has walked the talk with 14.9 gaw of solar energy Target achieved in the first 6 months of 2020 24 the international solar Festival in the national capital Delhi looks at solutions for the world and the global South DD India correspondant Anil Thomas has the details the international solar Festival is a call to action for a sustainable and Equitable future powered by solar energy creating a more resilient and sustainable world is the need of the hour in such a short time the membership of Isa had reached a milestone of 100 countries additionally 19 more countries are ratifying the framework agreement for attaining full membership the growth of this organization is important for the vision of one world one son one greed the two-day event hosted at bhat mandapam is a Testament of the age-old traditions of India which are now a source of inspiration for the world ensuring the energy access [Music] to all and is also a priority and therefore we have to make gradual and exploit to shift to renewable energy sources the international s Alliance furthers this Vision by creating an ecosystem of support to solarize under communities across the globe hosted by the international solar Alliance the international solar Festival will cataliz global solar adoption by forging Partnerships unlocking Innovative financing deploying Cutting Edge technology and boosting capacity in Isa member countries we want Indian batteries to be made with Australian Lithium we want Indian green steel to be produced with Australian Green Iron and we want Indian solar panels to be made with Indi with Australian silicon Isa has a crucial role to play to help countries identify their priority needs and reinforce their capacities I welcome the involvement of the private sector and multiple of and of multiple stakeholders in the international solar Festival the first one to be held indeed France is convinced that the development of a close cooperation between the international solar Alliance and the private sector is key to address the challenges that the world faces today in the energy sector the international solar Festival Alliance businesses policy makers and financial institutions the two-day event will serve as a Launchpad for formative collaborations that fast track the world's transition to a future powered by affordable reliable and sustainable solar energy anold Thomas's report for DD India still to come on DD India news are German police killed gunman in exchange of fire near Israeli culate in Munich World Bank president AJ banga visits Fiji approved $68 million crossb Bank Lifeline for remote Pacific Islands Egypt's Army Chief of Staff makes surprise visit to the country's borders with Gaza Strip to inspect security [Music] situation how it stands at the Forefront of this energy transition offering a clean versatile solution to decarbonize sector that have long relied on fossil fuels green hydrogen is actually produced when you uh use renewable energy to power the electrizer which splits water into hydrogen and oxygen green hydrogen has a very very critical role to play because it allows us to start getting into solutions that work for a lot of the other energy consuming sectors India has some of the brightest people in the world and the visibility that the government has given in terms of national Mission and site programs so I think I think others will find the same reasons to invest and grow deeper in in building their products welcome back you're watching DD India news are I'm shindu hos some news coming in from Egypt Egypt's Army Chief of Staff leftenant General Ahmed Fati Khalifa made a surprise visit to the country's borders with Gaza to inspect the security situation State television reported on Thursday citing the Army spokesperson the visit comes out after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday that Israel would only agree to a permanent ceasefire in Gaza which guaranteed that the Border area between Southern Gaza and Egypt could never be used as a Lifeline for islamist movement Hamas the Israel Gaza conflict continues to escalate with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanding the permanent closure of the Gaza Egypt Porter to Hamas as a condition for a long-term ceasefire in response Hamas accuses Netanyahu of obstructing peace efforts by refusing to withdraw from the Philadelphia Corridor more in this report the Israel Gaza conflict shows no signs of abating as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insists that his government will agree to a long-term ceasefire only if it includes the permanent closure of the Gaza Egypt body order to Hamas ensuring it cannot use the area as a Supply route but we also agree to begin discussions about a permanent ceesar and the conditions that we shall have for a permanent ceesar must include a situation where the Philadelphia Corridor cannot be perforated somebody has to be there in response Hamas has condemned Netanyahu for allegedly sabotaging potential Talks by refusing to vacate the Philadelphia Corridor in southern Gaza amid the ongoing hostilities the Israeli military has released footage showing a tunnel where the remains of six hostages were found the discovery has led to Whit spread mourning and protest with thousands demanding an immediate resolution for the hostages just to keep its ability to maintain the government uh and this is completely wrong because every Israeli citizen was raised to believe that um human lives are more important than everything else and now we are explained that the Israeli government itself is more important than us than Israeli lives and that is completely wrong despite the conflict a polio vaccination drive has begun in Khan unas on Thursday large crowds gathered at medical centers in southern Gaza to have their children vaccinated ated as part of the second phase of the campaign Bureau report DD India Russian President Vladimir Putin has signaled his willingness to engage in talks with Ukraine on the condition that these discussions be based on the Istanbul agreement from 2022 speaking at the Eastern economic Forum in Riv OK Putin said India could have to play a key role in the peace negotiations to end the conflict Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready for talks with Ukraine after having previously ruffed the idea of negotiations this comes after K's offensive into Russia's kurk region in August 2024 speaking at Russia's Eastern economic Forum in vladas talk President Putin said that China India and Brazil could act as mediators in potential peace talks over Ukraine we respect our friends Partners who I believe are sincerely interested in resolving all issues related to this conflict this is primarily the People's Republic of China Brazil India I'm constantly in contact with our colleagues on this issue and I have no doubt that the leaders of these countries we have a trusting relationship with them sincerely strive to help understand all the details of this complex process a preliminary agreement reached between Russian and Ukrainian negotiators in the first weeks of the war at talks in Istanbul which was never implemented could serve as the basis for talks further Putin also said that Ukraine had weakened Itself by transferring large units in Russia by moving those rather large and not badly prepared grouping to the Border area the enemy has weakened themsel in the key accesses and our forces have sped up the assault operations on Wednesday un nuclear agency Chief Rafael grai visited zapia nuclear plant in southeast Ukraine and inspected the cooling tars that caught fire last month of course the situation is not easy so not everything is perfect but we are really in my opinion we are stabilizing the situation we are looking to some technical issues we are going to be doing that today so there is a work which is important meanwhile Ukrainian forces shot down 60 out of 78 drones launched by Russia in an overnight offensive on Thursday Ukraine claims that Russia used one ballistic iscandar missile while Russian Ministry of Defense said that Russian forces had taken control of a settlement in the Donis region Aman Kumar himansu report for DD India German police shot a man in exchange of fire near the Israeli culate in a Nazi Documentation Center in Munich on Thursday the Israeli foreign Ministry said the culate was closed on Thursday for a commemoration of the Munich Olympics Massacre no one from the councilor staff was injured in the incident police spokesperson of Southern Germany said the gunman has been identified as an 18-year-old Austrian national investigation is still on the way what we can actually confirm is that the suspect has now been identified and it is actually an 18-year-old with Australian citizenship who as far as I know is resident in Austria I would like to ask for your understanding regarding the motive as the investigation is still ongoing and we will report back in due course in cons cons a with the public prosecutor General's office horor struck a high school in the US state of Georgia on Wednesday when a 14-year-old student opened fire killing two students and two teachers before surrendering police say that the teenage suspect surrendered immediately and will be charged as an adult with murder the accused was investigated last year for threatening to carry out a school shooting the latest shooting was the first of the news school year in the United States and served as a stark reminder of the threat of gun violence in schools and colleges Across the Nation the United States has seen hundreds of shootings at schools and colleges in the past two decades with the deadliest resulting in over 30 deaths in Virginia Tech in 2007 and US presidential candidate Kamala haris called the shooting a senseless tragedy this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all on to some other stories the World Bank has approved $68 million program to prevent Pacific island nations from being cut off from the International Financial system that underpins tourism trade and Aid flows the announcement was made by World Bank president aay banga on Thursday during his visit to Fiji the first by a world Bank leader in 50 years banga assured Pacific island leaders of the bank support emit concerns over losing access to Major currencies due to Western Banks withdrawing from the region he also visited a medical center and attended a welcome ceremony with fiji's prime minister Britain's hs2 highspeed Rail Project linking London with Birmingham in central England on Thursday completed the construction of what will be UK's longest bridge stretching for more than 2 miles the col Valley wuct runs across a series of lakes and waterways between hillington and the M25 the operation involved lowering of thousand deck segments into place completing more than 2 years of construction the project is designed to help modernize the rail Network slash travel times and help Britain catch up with other European nations that operate well-connected High-Speed Rail networks Britain only has a small section connecting London with rail tunnel to Mainland Europe over the years it has pitched as a way to reduce Regional economic disparities the first trains are expected to start between 2029 and 2033 still to come on DD India news are India's president Dr murmu confers National teachers award 2024 to selected AES India's prime minister Narendra Modi virtually addresses First International solar Festival e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] welcome back you're watching DD India news are I'm Shain Duos our top stories Russia's President Vladimir Putin ready for talks with Ukraine says India could act as a mediator in peace negotiations to end the conflict [Music] World Bank approved $68 million Lifeline for remote Pacific Islands funds to support tourism trade and Aid flows NATO Secretary General hen stoltenberg said on Thursday that he does not see any immediate military threat against the countries of the military Alliance but says that there was a constant threat of terrorism cyber attacks and sabotage after 10 years in office office tton Burg's term ends on October 1st he'll be handing over the r to former Dutch prime minister Mark rate let's now turn to Other Stories making news around the world researchers at Italian Institute of Technology have decided to teach their two-legged robot named iron C to fly with jetpack the team hopes that the robots will be able to perform search and rescue operation in locations which are too dangerous or inaccessible for people after learning how to fly Chinese founded e-commerce retailer Shen has divided opinion with its first physical popup store in South Africa the store that opened in Mall of Africa for just over a week in August attracted long cues of customers eager for clothes and accessories often selling for equivalent of less than $10 each a bright Fireball lit up the night sky in Northern Philippines as an asteroid burnt up in the Earth's atmosphere early on Thursday the asteroid measuring approximately 1 M struck the Earth's atmosphere over Philippines near Lon Island and burned up harmlessly India's president drop murmu awarded more than 80 teachers for their extraordinary contribution in the field of education on the occasion of national Teachers Day 50 teachers from primary and secondary schools across the country were awarded by president murmu in the national capital the President also awarded 82 teachers from different universities and colleges across India for their contribution towards Innovation and nation building Teachers Day is celebrated in India on 5th of September every year to Mark the birth anniversary of former president of India Dr svali radak Krishna expence development in a historic move to strengthen Indian education in the UAE the central Board of secondary education CBS has launched its first regional office and Center of Excellence outside of India situated in Dubai the milestone was marked with a special orientation session on Teachers Day between cbsc officials representatives from Indian mission in Dubai and principls from 78 schools across Dubai and the northern Emirates the session provided a platform to discuss the new offices goal scope and its expected impact on the region in his address the council general of India in Dubai Satish Kumar Sian emphasize on the importance of this new development today is also special for we are having the first formal interaction between the team of cbsc Ro and Coe in Dubai which started functioning just two months ago as Mr Ram Shankar was mentioning we thought it fit to have the interaction with you all today at the start of the Academic Year and what better way to do it as a tribute on Teachers Day I must say that the team at cbsc regional office in Dubai has the best of the best assigned from cbsc out of this 50 hours CPD guidelines it is essential that 25 hours CPD you have to attend through the center of excellence of the cbsc and rest 25 choice is with you choice is with the individual as for your requirement as for your needs India's Finance Minister Nala sitaraman spoke at the 114th annual general meeting of the Southern India Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Chennai she talked about how important it is for India to have a stable government based on past issues caused by unstable governments she warned that unstable governments can lead to economic problems and force the country to give up valuable assets the minister also mentioned plans to develop economic corridors including expanding defense corridors in tamad palakad in Kerala tumakuru in Karnataka Finance Minister Nala sitaraman emphasized that simplifying tax compliance for Citizens is key objective of the Union government her remarks came during a special address Finance Minister's Insight on future path hosted by the revenue Bar Association in Chennai on Thursday revenue is the last consideration with which every budget set of meetings happen you you might think I'm not saying the truth but this is the hard truth I'd like to put before you yes we need to raise revenue and during the budget consultations that I've had several of them happen with the Department several of them happen with the prime minister's office and prime minister himself Revenue raising comes later simplifying and easing compliance on the taxpayer comes first Shakti Kant Das Governor RBI said that Indian economy is now at a critical juncture with massive changes taking shape in various economic sectors and markets the country is scared for orbital shifts he was addressing the flagship event of fiki and IBA 2024 in Mumbai Reserve Bank of India Governor Shakti kanta Das said on Thursday that India's growth story remains intact and the fundamental growth drivers of the economy are gaining momentum for The Current financial year The Reserve Bank has projected a growth rate of 7.2% the IMF has also projected India's growth Prospect they have in fact revised their growth projection for India upwards and have now placed it at uh 7% and uh two days ago the World Bank has also upgraded India's growth forecast to 7% for the financial year 2425 during his inaugural address at fbac 2024 event organized by fiki he said that the two main drivers of growth consumption and investment demand are growing in tandem Das also said financial literacy needs to be enhanced and the technology needs to be leveraged the new Trinity of jam UPI and Uli will change the landscape the fundamental growth drivers of the Indian economy are actually gaining momentum they're not slowing they are gaining momentum this gives us the confidence to say this gives us the confidence to say that Indian growth story remains intact Das emphasized that India's financial sector has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to overcome challenges and crisis he added that the financial sector needs to even further deepen Financial inclusion broaden access to credit and other Financial products and and support overall inclusive growth all the banking Community both private and public sector need to have adequate capital adequacy I think that is the key we need to build systems you and build Innovations within ourself to ensure we have adequate Capital to meet the cre demands of future Generations World Bank has also upgraded India's growth forecast to 7% for 2024 25 Union agriculture Minister shivat Singh Chan on Thursday conducted an aial survey of flood affected areas in vijar in Andra Pradesh later Minister Chan talked to the affected people and farmers and held a meeting with officials in Viada to assess the damage cost in the flood affected areas he said central government is closely monitoring the situation assed in this hour of Crisis the center stands with the people of the flood affected areas of Andra Pradesh and telengana and and will provide all possible help to them in overcoming the crisis Ace min or or human loss the High Commissioner of India to Bangladesh pranay vhma met the railways par energy mineral resources roads transport and bridges advisor of the interim government of Bangladesh Muhammad ful Kabir Khan on Thursday the two discussed the ongoing projects in exchange views on sub Regional Park connectivity and emphasized on Safety and Security of Indian project Personnel said that Indian High commission through the social media post on the platform X on Thursday let's now turn to Other Stories making news the two-day International AI Global Summit kicked off at haybad International Convention Center marking the first major AI conference in India organized by the telengana state government Summit aims to democratize artificial intelligence chief minister rant REI and it Minister SAR Babu inaugurated the event which has drawn Global attention domestic passenger traffic is set to witness 7 to 10% growth year onye in financial year 25 as Indian aviation industry is likely to navigate towards clearer Skies a report showed on Thursday rating agency IC forecast the domestic passenger traffic to reach 164 to 170 million in financial year 25 according to the report net losses of Indian aviation industry in financial year 25 and financial year 26 are projected to lower to rupees 20 to 30 billion from rupees 30 to 40 billion India's Union Commerce Minister peush goel on Thursday emphasized that a genuine rashal single window is key for ease of doing business in the country addressing a conference of Industries and commerce Ministers of states and Delhi the minister said if all states and union territories come to one platform for approvals and Facilities it would attract Global investment in each state BJP president JP NADA on Thursday visited the residents of Party founder and Veteran leader elk adwani and Senior veteran leader murli manohar josi to renew their membership under bhia janata party's 20124 membership Drive aimed at expanding the party's base ahead of crucial upcoming elections the Child Development Department organized an awareness program at the angan Body Center under nutrition month program in India's Northern State of utarak Khan's bageshwar development uh Department officials provided information on improving eating habits to enhance children's nutrition only rock stars and presidents can usually fill Indonesia's National Stadium but on Thursday it was the octogenarian Pope Francis who drew more than 80,000 fans to a Catholic mass in the world's largest Muslim majority Nation the event was the high point of the 87y old Pop's 4 days in the capital Jakarta on the first stop of the 12-day tour of Southeast Asia and usia with visits to East tamore Singapore and papa new guini earlier the pontiff visited jakarta's estal mosque to sign a declaration on tackling climate change and promoting Interfaith dialogue to resolve conflicts the Southeast Asian Nation recognizes six official religions and religious freedom is enshrined in its Constitution yet about 87% of Indonesia's population of 280 million is Muslim while about 3% is Catholic Pope Francis has emphasized Catholic Muslim dialogue throughout his 11-year papacy and has signed several joint declarations with Muslim leaders still to come on DD India news are Olympic Athlete and Ugandan marathon runner Rebecca D stays after being DED in petrol by a former [Music] friend new challenges need new strategies and technology is already impacting the way we live and we Farm based on the spikes and insights which are algorithm suggest we alert the farmers or whoever the warehouse owner is about what exactly is happening in which part of your Warehouse the weather in mealia definitely one of the center points of how we design these systems let's look at all of this together in terms of what are the solar radians that they're getting try and design a system that is designed to work in that situation it's a pretty good living green houses have improved the lives of 80 or 90% of alaran our supply chain is Farm too we Supply Traders directly bringing benefits to [Music] both you're watching DD India news are I'm shabin Duos S&P 500 and the Dow Jones started the day quietly as investors looked at mixed job market data to figure out how much the FED Reserve might cut interest rates later this month at the opening on the on Thursday the Dow Jones went up by 81.4 points or 120% to 41563 three S&P 500 stayed the same at 5520 while nasta composite fell by 21.1 points or1 12% to 17,635 Amazon Global selling is empowering Indian exporters to reach customers globally technology is the driving force that is simplifying e-commerce exports for Indian msmes Indian government is investing significantly in tools and Technologies to help sellers optimize their reach enhance product Discovery and increase sales Amazon's Global selling program has enabled 1.5 lakh Indian exporters to sell over 400 million Made in India products to customers Maharashtra Delhi Gujarat Rajasthan and Karnataka emerge as the states with maximum number of exporters on Amazon Global if we create the tools and Technology IES and the policies then our entrepreneur base is one of the most sophisticated in the world and they Embrace things very very quickly the government has also started to do its uh part in a big way the e-commerce e-commerce exports chapter came in the foreign trade policy for the first time last year e-commerce exports Hub is a large part of the conversation it got even you know a time in the budget speech of the finance minister so certainly all the aspects that are ingredients for a business's success are coming together and that's what is driving some of the trends that that we are seeing uh in the seller system the technology is evolving quite rapidly the policies are also sort of keeping Pace with what the new age Technologies are here to offer and our entrepreneur base remains very very entrepreneurial and adopting these moving on the tiav Titi of the great Asami St mahapura Shanta Sankara pioneer of new wesn white movement in Assam was observed across all Namar and satras of the state recently his literary and artistic contributions are Living Traditions in Assam even today including the famous classical Satria dance form DT India correspondent subina Roy gives us a special report from thear it's a special day for Assam as the people here are observing the tiob of the great Asami Saint mahapurush Shri man Shankar you would be wondering about who is the is great man well he is shrimant Shankar a 15th century asames polymath a saint scholar social religious reformer who played a crucial role in shaping the cultural and religious history of the bti movement in Assan the contribution of shanko is a vast one so that uh just uh a very the big picture what is the big picture actually left by shank our Guru and and also we are known as a jagot guru and new bnit Guru his teachings influenced two medieval kingdoms coach and the a kingdom and the Assembly of devotees he initiated evolved over time into monastic centers called hotos which continue to be important social religious institutions in Assam mAh Shankar was a 14th century poet com scholar but his Traditions continues still date in Assam and his contributions are such that he has given brali language to the classical famous classical dance chhatria dance to Borge and various musical instruments and also including the mask making culture of Assam you're watching DD India news are time for all the action from the World of Sports Kapil parmar became the first Indian judoka winner in par Olympics medal with a bronze in the men's 60 kg J1 category koule defeated Brazil's Alton de oliviera in the medal Clash barmar produced a superlative performance dominating his opponent from the start to finish to record a 10 Z win in the bronze medal contest cap haes from Shor a small village in mad and is the youngest of four brothers and sister his father is a taxi driver while his sister runs a primary school and prime minister Narendra Modi congratulated cap for his bronze taking to social media handle X prime minister writes a very memorable sporting performance and a special medal congratulations to Kapil parmar as he becomes the first ever Indian to win a medal in the Judo at the par Olympics congrats to him for winning bronze in the men's 60kg G1 event at the par Olympics 2024 best wishes for his Endeavors ahead chair for bat India's progress at the 2024 Paris par Olympics has been nothing short of historic with the country achieving its best ever performance so far India has secured 25 medals as of now five gold nine silver and 11 bronze outperforming its previous record set during the Tokyo 2020 Paro Olympics here more Indian par athletes are on a role in the ongoing Paris par Olympics with the country achieving its best ever performance so far surpassing their previous best medal tally of 19 medals they won at Tokyo the success and now an important update prime minister Narendra Modi has returned home near Delhi after completing his visit to two Nations prime minister was on a 3-day visit to East Asia he first visited and then went to Singapore those are visuals that came in just a short while ago prime minister Narendra Modi returning home after concluding his visit to brune and Singapore the visits were aimed at enhancing partnership attracting investment from the Southeast Asian Nations those visuals of prime minister Narendra Modi deboarding from his plane he returned to New Delhi just a short while ago prime minister Narendra Modi has returned home after successfully concluding important visits to two Nations brune and Singapore in Singapore prime minister is part of four important agreements in the domain of digital Technologies semiconductors health and Medicine educational cooperation and skill development those visuals came in just a short while ago prime minister Narendra Modi has returned to New Delhi DD India correspondent Arun sh is joining us on the phone line uh Aron historic visit concludes uh the diverse and vibrant relationship that India has with Singapore and now with brunai demonstrated during prime minister's visit it was you know a successful visit of prime minister Narendra Modi because the clear focus of the visit was on enhancing The Violet CR relationship and also attracting the investment uh in India now when we talk about the Singapore I mean yes the focus was clearly on attracting massive investment and specifically the semiconductor sector and you know uh we saw a great chemistry also between uh the I mean both the leadership of India and Singapore also you know all the business I mean uh when we know this fact that the Business Leaders when they met the uh Indian prime minister so they have primarily committed that in the next couple of years they'll be doubling up their investment in India so massive investment is likely to flow up to India uh and you know uh because of the various reforms being undertaken in last some of the years we have seen that how you know the business or the you know Global conglomerates and business C are more than you know eager to invest in a country like India so yes of course it was a successful visit of prime minister Narendra Modi to Singapore as well and as you know this fact that four M were exchanged during this visit now specifically basically these you focused on sectors like you know Health uh number two uh on creating an ecosystem on the semiconductors that was the key area and you know uh we know this fact that of the global output 10% of the semiconductors are being manufactured in by Singapore so uh best practices are likely to be shared going forward so uh uh when we talk about the India Singapore relationship yes on one side the People to People connect will also enhance because prime minister n Modi uh and the leadership they met the focus was on the fact that how can people to people TI ties be increase so yes more frequency of flights culturally how to connect with both the countries and of course attracting the investment was the key area you know when the when the Prime Minister Modi met the the Singapore leadership as well thank you arone for joining us with those updates so that's the update coming in prime minister Narendra Modi has returned home after six sucessfully concluding the two Nation visit to brunai and Singapore that's all in this edition of DD India news let us know your thoughts on the news of the day you can connect with us on Facebook X and Instagram you can also download the DD India mobile app it's available on both Android and iOS and with that we conclude this edition of DD India news R thank you very much for staying with us namaskar [Music] [Music] how it stands at the Forefront of this

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