Stevie Nicks Reaction Video Music Video

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:06:12 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: stevie nicks
all right y'all so I'm going to be reacting to Stephen Nicks stop dragging my heart around stop dragging my heart around Stevie Nicks um yes so maybe I've heard it maybe I haven't let's go ahead and get into the video just go ahead and Dive Right on into it [Music] [Applause] [Music] you on same all you used to use before I said yeah well what am I supposed to do I didn't know what I was getting into so you had a little trou now keep stop stop [Music] stoping let me just say this I love the live band I just love the instruments it sound so great it sound good it sound phenomenal together this this is great she looks good hair looks good looks up the part she's a very beautiful lady I love it I love [Music] it start to think about what you wanted it's all to think about what you lost this doesn't have to be the big to be at all I know you really want he sound like he well he look like his his voice sounds bigger than how much he moves his face if that makes sense it look like he just going and a lot is coming out he got a big voice it that make [Music] sense with the of the world stop stop draging my stop dragging my all around o [Music] [Applause] [Music] rning around loose in the world a got to do I like the the little hair stuff that's in her she got a nice voice it sound a little r [Music] you need someone looking after you I know you really want to tell me goodbye I know you really w't be own girl B you never me in yeah you with the of the world stoping stop draging my stop dragging my heart it look like he he mov he just barely moving his mouth and so much is coming out yeah that's it right there he's moving his mouth and the light is coming up [Music] all [Music] around stoping my car around [Music] all right all right all right all right that was pretty cool stop dragging my heart around so I want to thank you guys for tuning in to this video um that was pretty cool that was pretty cool so yeah yeah I'm a little sleep but I was feeling that it was pretty cool so I want to thank y'all for watching this video make sure y'all like Subs subscribe and tune in for more videos and until next time peace y have a blessed day too see you later see you next time

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