⚠️ Apple Stock IN TROUBLE After Disappointing iPhone 16 Reveal!? ⚠️ (Crypto Rebound Continues)

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 01:04:46 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: apple stock
Intro [Music] what's going on everybody Welcome to the investing Bros live show we have a little bit of a different show for you guys today Apple came out with their apple 16 their iPhone 16 and while some people really excited about and anticipating this launch it's been extremely disappointing in fact markets are actually shareholders are down 1% since it happened and it's causing many to believe that we could see a further dip in the Apple price with that said at the same time crypto is moving to the upside why because we got some big stuff happening over the next 24 hours that could have Major Impact we have the debate tonight we have inflation numbers tomorrow morning how will crypto respond how will Apple respond in the rest of the financial markets we're going to cover all of that and a whole lot more in today's show so make sure you don't go anywhere smash that like button hit subscribe if you haven't already if you're watching over on X make sure to follow all the accounts associated with the Bros but first we got to roll the [Music] intro wow little cut off of the music new transition T that's right how you doing I'm doing better than I deserved Tim I thought I would be 100% today I'm still feeling a little bit under the weather but uh you know we're here we're grinding out luckily I work from home so you still drinking all that honey yeah actually been taking some spoonfuls of the locally sourced Florida honey and it is still delicious very good good listen the bees care and that's why the bees are there seeing uh Lisa J stocks in the chat what's going on Lisa good to see you very nice well t- shroom we're going to talk a little different today A lot of times we mostly just focus in the crypto world but the headline story today in the stock World Apple but Apple I mean obviously in the technology World very closely associated with cryptocurrencies actually if you look at it a lot I know T you've been looking more into this it's not a one toone ratio but crypto and small tech stocks have really been trading very similarly in fact I think most that reason why is because while there are still millions of crypto enthusiasts out there there are a lot of just good old Tech investors that are dabbling in the crypto world but they View cryptocurrency and those tech stocks as being the same so look forward if you guys are excited about the Bros talking more stocks going in the future we need to know that that's what you want so you got to smash the like you got to leave ones in chat say yes more stocks and uh and we'll make sure to bring that more of that your way but today you will get a special edition of that but first we're going to start off with a we're going to start off as we always do t- it's still a crypto mainly focused show in the sense that we got to check out how crypto as a whole is performing ing today over the last 24 hours with the Crypto Sentiment bubbles uh a lot of green here a lot of big green bubbles here Phantom continuing to rise up FTM 10% uh fet 11.3 bsv 8.8 Rune s uh Mantra 6.8 A continuing on its little tear as we told you guys that it would it's up 7.4 you got Caspa over here hiding behind t- shom at four Stacks is over here at 3.6 optimism uh hiding behind me one of those the hotter uh Tok not a token sorry Layer Two Solutions uh for ethereum doing very very well and I'm going to say a little bit more about optimism here T room there is a chance there's a coin that I'm gonna probably transfer almost all of my coin into optimism and I'm going to talk about that a little bit later in the show stick around if you want to know what that is um but as a whole there's a couple of red coins like Stark and Gala and Tron but as a whole it's mostly green today what you want to see in the markets if you take a look really quickly at the Bitcoin charts we're continuing to make a nice little climb here even here just a couple of minutes ago we got back up close to that 58,000 I think we actually kissed $58,000 once again of course if you guys have been watching the show here we talked about uh a lot yesterday and yesterday morning how Bitcoin had in fact hit a Buy Signal here on the daily chart and that should signal a rally historically we see them come the price go back up to the smart Trail on that same time frame this case the daily chart well we're talking about $62,000 now I'm not going to be taking profit at $62,000 just in case my analysis is a little off with a little bit of error I'm probably looking to take profit at $61,000 while anticipating I'm G to be taking profit a little early on this trade however if that smart Trail is broken go back to it here T room if we end up breaking above this trend D Tren uh descending smart Trail and we start to push towards 65,000 I will T and be looking for another entry position because that would spell massive momentum for the Bulls uh something that you absolutely want to see another thing I want to point out here on bitcoin I I said this earlier this morning to our VIP Trading Group and it's better on some other coins like for example I actually want to show you I'll show you back on bitcoin as well let's take a real quick look at cardono I'm going to show you the cardano chart but I want you guys to pay attention to what I'm about to say because this will apply to every single coin or asset that you are investing in or trading in this is a tech uh a TA or technical analysis tool just to add to your bag of when to know uh that the bottom is in again I'm going to be actually speculating here because the bottom isn't officially in yet in the sense of we haven't had a massive rally but historically when when this happens what I'm about to show you this historically marks local bottoms and rallies incoming what am I talking about right here well let's take a look since here on Cardon we just like the rest of the crypto space it topped out had the high of this whole bull run back up here in March of 2024 but then we've then since then gone into a phase of lower lows and lower highs what we would call a bare Trend where the markets just cannot catch a break it's nothing but downside action but notice if you take a look at the volume down below I'm going to zoom in here a little bit every single time we find a small localized bottom position like back here around April 13th you're going to notice that the volume spikes on the reversal candles right we see a small it's not really a bounce up we kind of just trade sideways for a while before we see another drop once again and then here again around July 5th we see another spike in volume when we find a bottom position we see a small little rally come back up here but it's once again a lower high we come back down find a bottom here on August 5th where again we see a spike in volume but recently this most recent bottom Flash back here on September 6th you're going to notice there was no large volume flash why is this you're going to see this across several coins in the space Bitcoin if you correspond all of these big dips you're going to find little spikes in the average volume versus this most recent one it's not really that much of a spike there's a small Spike here on bitcoin but not really that big of one if you take a look at other coins like uh uh like link for example no volume Spike if you look at uh let's go polka dot no volume Spike as a whole we are seeing that this most recent bottom position came with no volume Spike and what that communicates or what the charts are showing you is that every single time we've pulled down to these local bottoms during this be Trend there's always been a lot of buying pressure to scoop it up well that buying pressure more than likely is coming from retail buying up the dip even longer uh longer term retail investors who know that was a good opportunity to buy in but they proved to all of the manipulators out there the people who want to buy cheaper and cheaper and cheaper assets they proved well there's still a lot of liquidity right there we haven't necessarily shook out all the retail investors um that potentially could still sell for that reason we went even lower and if you go back to my chart here t- every single time we dropped these lows high volume came in communicating a high amount of buying pressure as long as there's a high amount of buying pressure at these levels it also marks level of high liquidity but when you get what we would call a low volume spring this is according to a teaching from Richard woff he's also the man that came up with the theory of the composite man you guys know we love talking about that but his theory is these low volume Springs are areas where there really was no amazing buy pressure there simply was just no more selling pressure and these more of than not are the moments that those manipulators those whales those long-term investors those institutions trying to shake out and steal all the lunch money from the kids on the playground this is their moment to say that's it we can't shake this out any lower so historically when we see these low volume Springs these are often seen as bottom positions and we're seeing that in a great amount across much of the crypto space especially a lot of the main altcoins that we keep an eye on so that's something I wanted to uh just show you guys whatever asset you're following whatever you're looking at I encourage you to check it out check out all the recent dips recently have you seen a low volume spring recently and that's your key that the bottom is in on that asset with that said teach room Apple & Stock News let's transition here and let's take a quick look at the stock World specifically Apple uh Apple is going to be the big story we're going to transition here go from charts into the stories but let's just start off with what the charts are saying right now they had a massive announcement here uh recently and yet the price action it's really not doing anything the only reason why today is actually a bullish candle you might say Tim that's a white candle right there isn't that very very bullish well if you understand how candles work yesterday when the market closed it closed at $22.9 but in the pre-markets or where we opened this morning at 930 we opened lower down here at $218 and we've since then closed what we would call a gap officially this actually was a small Gap and we've already closed it that does not mean just because today's candle is white that this is a very bullish call for Apple it's actually something that is very concerning because it's showing that despite this massive announcement with the newest edition of the iPhone in this case the iPhone 16 the initial response is extremely disappointing the initial response is is saying that these things are pretty much just the iPhone 15 with a new covering uh no new additions it's it's something that would cause stockholders to be very uh bearish and sell their positions let's take a look though at what the charts are saying here let's start off by just taking a look at our oscillators you'll notice here on the daily chart we've actually not really been bullish at all here for a while we had a very small buy order back in here that ended up being perfect but it did not communicate long-term bullishness and then once again you come back over here and we get a sell order on August 30th not seeing any signs right now that that sell order is coming to a close if I take a look at the RSI we have lost the 50 in a small way retested that 50 resistance and now we're heading down lower very opposite of what we're seeing currently across several Bitcoin charts our macd chart the blue line has crossed bearishly uh below that orange line the average price movement and is picking up steam to the downside nothing encouraging happening on that chart as well and then of course the Lux AO as I mentioned we are currently been under a sell order since right back here on September third and it's slowly but surely curving but there's a lot of room to the downside here tesro that is is saying that we are not sitting in a position of oversold we're not sitting in a position of saying that a bunch of people want to buy it gets even worse when we turn on these indicators where you'll see here more recently we had that great rejection at the daily smart Trail and we are making a move to the downside these things are showing we could at least come back down towards 211 if you're taking a look on the daily chart but the next order block the next level we have any type of liquidations whatsoever on the daily chart at least is all the way back down towards 198 you're also going to see the Confluence of that green support band coming up the question is does Apple stop there though t or do we see it potentially fall to the next level of actual liquidity where we see this large red band coming in down here towards 180 other uh you know the best way to think about this though is the longer time frames right now weekly chart showing overextension uh we do see the weekly smart Trail and an order block here around 200 so I think that's going to be an interesting spot to watch uh this did break to the upside out of bullish formation but I'm wondering here T if this is going to end up being a little bit of a bull trap let me explain what I'm looking at right here this Rising level of resistance of that red line right there and this Rising level of support this blue line right here is forming what we would call a rising wedge pattern traditionally these end up breaking to the downside however at the moment we broke to the upside that's actually extremely bullish but there are lots of times where these bearish formations give us a little bit of what we call a bull trap and rally to the upside before eventually coming farther to the downside I'm not ready to say I'm predicting for certain uh a move down back below 200 and a move down here towards 160 140 but it is something to keep an eye on short term that daily chart it is showing that we have room to the downside if we lose this red line let's go back to it t room if we lose this red line if we lose $200 there's a decent chance that we're going to have a much larger fall here on Apple and probably going to have a lot to do with this recent announcement coming in as a flop but for more on that I want to throw it over to t- shroom let's get into the news on this and cover what is going on with apple how are people responding what do you got for us Tim it's shiny it's new it's the iPhone 16 and while it had a lot of uh Tech Geeks really excited uh over at CNET they were not so excited at all said sorry Apple AI isn't enough to get me to upgrade to the new iPhone 16 ouch that is a tough headline for a company that really relies on a lot of tech reviewers to make sales happen uh but Tim it doesn't stop there uh because there is a headline circulating around mainstream news uh in Global Financial markets that really could affect Apple's bottom line and it's this apple must pay 13 billion EUR in back taxes the eu's top court rules there is no higher Court Court to appeal this to as far as I understand Tim this case has never been about how much taxes we pay but which government we are required to pay it to we always pay all the taxes we owe uh wherever we operate and there has never been a special deal an apple spokesperson said the European commission is trying to retroactively change the rules and ignore that as required by International tax law our income was already subject to taxes in the United States so that's the statement there I don't think it's going to be enough though to keep investors happy right and as we saw on the charts not looking as bullish as it could this could be a recipe for not just Apple to see some downside but for the rest of the S&P 500 to see some downside the NASDAQ and the Dow Jones as well so this could also translate over into crypto although that is beginning to be a stretch and one thing we should know is that Apple hasn't really responded to this news yet as uh this is a headline from today from this morning at around 4:00 a.m. eastern standard time so again Market's not really reacting to this headline just kind of staying sideways uh you have a little bit of you have a little bit of this this bismal kind of bearish sentiment but then you also have a little bit of this bullish new sexy product release so the Market's going to have to figure out which way Apple's going to go here in the next couple of weeks and of course Tim we've got some very very interesting uh developments coming up very quickly which brings us to our next story two key inflation reports this week will help decide the size of the fed's interest rate cut uh so ultimately this is going to be much more Market moving than Which Way Apple goes uh so let's get into it here on Wednesday the labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics will release its Consumer Price Index CPI report for August a day later the BLS issues its producer price index report also for August a measure used as a proxy for costs of the wholesale value inflation data has taken a backseat to labor market data in terms of influence on fed policy City Group econ Veronica Clark said in a note but with markets and likely fed officials themselves split on the appropriate size of the First Rate cut September 18th August CPI could remain an important factor in the upcoming decision so of course we've reported on the way that these economic data prints have been coming out the way that the Market's been reporting on it uh Tim do you agree here with City groups Veronica Clark that the CPI that is yet to print that will come out on Wednesday that that is going to actually be significant to the fomc to Jerome Powell it's got to be at least something again it's not going to be the biggest uh indicator to him I think I think most of what he needs to see he's seen I think that Jerome pow and the FED have a very good idea of what they're going to do a week from tomorrow on the 18th with that said he's never going to ignore new information I think the probability though of these numbers being unfavorable I think there's some people out there that think that magically tomorrow for the first time in a long time the inflation numbers are going to reveal what people perceive to be the truth and it's going to come in crazy crazy high I wouldn't I wouldn't count on it I I I would count that whoever is addressing the data points whoever is manipulating them whoever's trying to cause whatever they want to cause they're going to keep doing their job and they're keep doing it pretty well here they're going to be able to keep these numbers looking favorable why because they're really trying to push right now that we are entering what is called a soft Landing meaning yes we had inflation problems but we never really allowed unemployment to get out of control now you might say it is out of control with the data points say it's it's not we never allowed the jobs to get out of control but now that the jobs are starting to feel some pain it is time to Pivot start cutting rates make it easier for companies to borrow money therefore uh hire more people produce more products yada y yada all of this is just Ro Roses and Rainbows that's what they're going to try to continue to pitch as what is happening right here and as long as that is what the data is saying and that's how the FED is responding whether you believe it or not that is what will have the major impact on markets in this case should be extremely extremely bullish making people feel confident about the future of the economy and and therefore prices go up that doesn't mean that that's reality that does not mean that we're not facing a recession coming very very soon heck you can make a very good argument we've been in one large drawn out recession now for a couple of years it's just not what the data points say it's not how the important decision makers are treating it so therefore it's not really the biggest impact on how markets respond I want to take a look here T let's take a look at the QQQ looking actually pretty good here on the daily chart getting a nice little bounce here off of the daily smart Trail that's actually very very bullish we're currently still under a Buy Signal from back here on August uh what is this August 15th uh that I think we got close to but we could definitely still make a move back up here towards 490 levels we haven't seen since back in July uh our oscillators actually are looking pretty bullish here as well this is very much the opposite of of Apple where we had kind of formed some form of a bottom out that's not I don't think that's bullish diver it's not bullish Divergence so not a major reversal but it is positive momentum on our RSI head back up towards that 50 it' be nice to see it get above there here on the QQQ the macd looks like it it wants to start turning over and going back to being bullish we could see a bullish cross here in the next couple of days and then you have the Lux Alo technically a small Buy Signal here t- we had a green reversal dot green momentum and that money flow after being negative here since this peak back on August 21st is curving back to the upside and I'll tell you right now based off of everything that I just said if it is true infl numbers aren't out of control and they can continue to spin this web of a soft landing potential coming it's not just crypto that will respond very well historically the stock market performs very very well under uh soft Landing pivots in rate Cuts that's something that would be very very bullish for the QQQ for the stock market uh and and financial markets as a whole maybe not individuals like apple who has some problems they got to deal with uh but for much of the market we are seeing a lot of positive signs developing here on the charts absolutely all right Tim well let's go ahead and jump on into a couple of Scrappy headlines here that are going to excite some May mean nothing to others PayPal venmo to accept ens human readable blockchain names uh it's all we're going to cover there but this is pretty big if you're if you're heavily invested in ens ethereum name service this could be a pretty big breakthrough headline for you don't want to let that one slip through the cracks for the ens hodlers uh all right let's move into bit bitcoin news uh starting here with this headline us spot Bitcoin etfc 28.6 million in net inflows on September 9th after eight days of outflows now this is not that big of a number and and I can give you some reference here by checking out the sooso value. XYZ chart here you can see just above Tim's head that little green Sprout is what we're looking at this is from the 9th uh of course going all the way back to these candlesticks back here these histograms I should say in earlier 2024 this is when the Market was roaring higher blazing through 40,000 50,000 and settling up at 73 and change uh now there's been kind of a dismal you know little bit of a a plateau of of activity of fireworks but we have seen recently uh a decent amount of in outflow but that outflow period looks like it's coming to a conclusion with this most recent day of data from those ETFs so uh how do you read this what what is you know the ultimate conclusion here uh ultimately it's you know just as business as usual with these ETFs uh there's going to be down dayss there's going to be updats and look tonight there's a very big event at 9:00 P p.m. Eastern Standard time we've got two American uh candidates that are going to be debating and I do think that that is going to be somewhat Market moving for Bitcoin right uh if if Donald Trump performs better I think that that's bullish for Bitcoin now uh I don't think that that's going to play a giant role in the in the long-term future of Bitcoin at all I think it's going to be kind of something to it you know Bitcoin kind of turns into a little mini Casino for for a few hours um during that event which is which is kind of funny but uh ETF Inflows & Outflows Tim what is your read here on the ETF inflows outflows 28 million nothing really to sneeze at not impressive but it is an end to a few days of outflows here yeah so it's gonna be the same that's been here for a little bit we've been talking about the ETFs for a while the ETFs are going to have Major Impact on bitcoin and ethereum prices moving forward but some people are a little overreactive to both sides if you were surprised that the ETF with Bitcoin started off with a bang and then has been disappointing since March you shouldn't be we were all prepared for the fact that now that black rock and these larger players were going to finally get their hands into some serious um Bitcoin liquidity they were going to be able to manipulate the markets in ways they had that initial big big pump well a lot of times those pumps have to come a little bit of cool off ethereum has pretty much been a flop since it opened but it's only been open now for a couple of months it is way too soon to judge the long-term success rate of these ETFs but I'll tell you there's a a very glaring sign that they're going to be successful and one of those reasons is that black rock is still heavily involved if you take a look at the Black Rock specific ETFs they're actually the main reason why that headline yesterday we covered about van e dropping their eum ETF it's really black Rock's fault why because black rock is taking all of the demand all of the attention anyone who's looking to get into the ETFs in the Bitcoin space they're going after Black Rock and this is something if you remember tacher we actually talked about when the ETS first started coming out I think at one point there was like eight or nine different options oh no actually one point there was 15 options or at least talked about 15 options and and we we said like is there any chance that these 15 options stick around for the next couple of years and we gave it very little possibility why because the cream's always going to rise the the top of the glass uh there's always going to be that competition that weeds out the week and black rock has used a these last couple of months as a beautiful opportunity to steal all the demand to steal all of the value they've made their fees extremely low temporarily to squeeze the market so that everyone comes to them and if anyone ever tries to sell theirs they just buy it up so it looks really good and then when all the competition is gone they'll simply raise the fees but they'll be the only option and then they will make a whole lot of money because people will be lining up at their doors figuratively they don't I don't think that's really how it works but they'll be lining up to buy in that Bitcoin ETF because it's the only game left in town that's what's happening right now this has been a master class chess move from Black Rock to squeeze every other competitor out they're not finished they're going to keep on doing some different things but at the moment their plan is working they're being successful everyone else is not successful this doesn't change anything to me t this doesn't have a long-term impact on saying that bitcoin's not going to be good um it's actually just saying this is what manipulators do they manipulate they drive everyone else away they buy the dip and then they make a whole lot of money absolutely and this is what we were talking about today in deep talks on Discord you can sign up for our Discord and you get access to the stories that we do not talk about here on the show sometimes it's for a reason sometimes it's just CU we don't talk about it and it requires a longer conversation but you can find those conversations on Tuesdays at 10:30 Eastern Standard Time in our Discord and you're going to have a lot of fun we we would really look forward to uh to having you join us there absolutely top Legend says smash the likes definitely go ahead and smash those likes uh let's see uh username said I won't lie I bought Bitcoin ETFs for fun fast fact t- shroom I actually bought every single Bitcoin ETF the day that they were available so uh nice not a lot I I actually didn't know that did you say that on the show before and I missed it uh I think I kept it exclusive for the Discord members not that it's really I miss that shattering you know I didn't buy much of it Tim has bought zero ETFs uh so that you do that we I'm gonna go ahead and get this out of the way username you harassed it in chat every day now we're gonna get this out of the way and we're going to put this to bed there is an investing Bros fantasy football group it's closed no one else can join at the moment it's not really important that detailed what is important that username wants me to talk about T and he wants your take on it okay I got obliterated in week one right my picks didn't work out it's week one of the NFL my team did not perform well username really wants us to talk about it that's all I'm gonna say I lost it's over we're moving on to week two tesro do you want to rub any salt in the wound before we move on from the topic yes we are going to head into our obligatory football section of the investing Bros show Tim uh I am saddened to hear this news you know I really thought better of you when it came to I know I thought better myself you know so I thought my picks were good now what I will say though Tim is that there's always a brighter tomorrow and that's the Silver Lining that I'm going to find today for you and that was the conclusion of our investing Bros football corner and we love to have a little bit of fun and Tim we've actually got shout out to Montana Viking he is who beat me in week one he said I won my first game yes he did cuz he beat me and I lost uh so there you go Tim's a loser that's very nice we're gonna move on let's go on let's go on to the next one all right y so so we've actually got uh this is a pretty bullish chart Tim and you sent this to me earlier today my eyes nearly popped out of my head I Bitcoin Monthly Chart couldn't believe it big breaking news bitwise CEO says we're going to have a bullish Q4 uh and just to break down this chart very quickly you'll notice here this this histogram that is negative is negative 4.5 and this is I believe the average of September's and on the on average then October when there is a negative September absolutely breaks out is that how you read this chart as well Tim I don't know if I saw I sent it to you because it caught my headline I didn't actually even read it so but he's just showing the historical quarter 4 being a very bullish quarter right yeah yeah yeah yeah so and and I think it's gonna be again there's so many reasons for it to be again but even the historical precedence I I'll tell you this though I I've said before I want to make sure I'm I'm fair I am not a big believer in just because something has always happened in the past or usually happens in the past it has to happen again um I'm not a big fan of the sell in May and walk away and I'm not a fan of September's our X percentage Red X percentage green a lot of times those details have more convenience wrapped behind and less facts the reason though quarter 4 might legitimately be historically a great quarter and will continue to be historically a great quarter with few exceptions is obviously what happens in quarter four the most spending economically all year you got Thanksgiving there I mean you got Halloween at the end of October that's a major holiday you got uh Thanksgiving uh there at the end of November major family holiday Christmas at the end of December and of course New Year's uh all wrapped up within like 40 something 50 something days right what happens around all of those people go berserk spending money on family buying gifts yada y yada it stirs up a lot of the economy maybe some of you are saying well don't retail investors take profit on their Investments to go buy those gifts yeah maybe they do but then big old uh boss man down at the local store he makes a buttload of profit says well I don't want to you know have a bunch of free money on the side I need to do something I need to invest this money so don't have crazy high taxes he goes and invests and the markets pump because it's the opportunity for the rich to get even richer so while I'm not a fan of just the historical oh this month is usually bullish oh this month is usually bearish there's there's evidence and there's factual understanding as to why quarter fours more of than not are very very bullish and I think that's gonna happen once again absolutely and finally I found a a this graphic that has the actual explanation here bitcoin's average returns by month since 2010 so uh this you know if this is if history repeats itself we're in for a very bullish fourth quarter although Tim it feels like we're not it feels like you know the recession fears uh the jobs data fears all of this is is causing a lot of fear a lot of uh futing in the markets and ultimately you know this is a time to look up and remember what is bitcoin has Bitcoin changed no the answer is no we're about to hear from someone who knows Bitcoin better than any than than most people right and that's the CEO of marathon digital uh one of the biggest mining farms in North America um but what has changed the macro environment and Tim this isn't the first time that t shroom has gone on about this on the show I say this almost every show and I'm going to say it again the macro environment is always going to be changing it's always going to be in flux right liquidity is going to be ample and assets go to the upside liquidity is going to be restricted and assets for period come down right that's just the cyclical nature of investing in trading however if you're invested in good sturdy companies like a Microsoft like Nvidia like Amazon like apple until this weekend right uh and and certainly like Bitcoin and ethereum those companies those projects are solid value and if you have high conviction in them you buy when the price is down right so let's take a look let's take a listen to the CEO of marathon digital here as he talks about uh National Security around Bitcoin let's take a look Tim let's take a listen the National Security concern for this country Russia is the world's second largest Bitcoin mining Nation countries that operate on a Bitcoin standard from a perspective of transacting and holding Bitcoin can transact outside of the sanctions environment they can transact outside of government controls if the US does not have a substantial amount of Bitcoin mining on Shore they can be locked out and US companies can be locked out of transacting their Bitcoin so strategic ownership of block space is of a national security concern and that's why with 40% of global Bitcoin mining in the US the US must maintain dominance not just in Bitcoin mining but also in the holding of Bitcoin Assets in US companies whether they're ETFs whether they're Bitcoin mining companies whether it's micro strategy but the us must maintain dominance Because by the same reason the US holds 40% of the gold reserves in the world they can exert influence in financial markets they have to do that as the world transitions to digital currencies okay it's incredibly well so some really really interesting words there from the marathon CEO that of course was an interview there with Anthony scaramucci I don't exactly know the context of that interview uh but that was one uh where you you don't get to hear a ton from Marathon CEO you don't hear a ton from the CE of any Crypt Bitcoin mining company they're usually very very busy but Tim this is definitely bringing in Echoes of the thesis from softw war the book by Jason Lowry that kind of talks you see where I'm going with this Tim uh that kind of talks about you know the future of Bitcoin could potentially uh be a lot more uh kind of of a conflict between uh China and United States and other strong countries that actually see Bitcoin mining as an attack Vector as a actually not so much an attack vector that would be the incorrect term but as a way to power project to uh to mine Bitcoin so that uh the the protocol can remain stable and and Tim uh when we hear these words coming from someone like the CEO of marathon you know it just kind of trots that theory a little bit forward in time I I wonder Tim how far off into the future do you think this theory is or do you think that we're already there do you think that potentially China and America are kind of hiding this and they're doing so much bit more Bitcoin mining Than People realize yeah I I don't know if I can say anything with certainty that it's currently there's a full-blown war on this end but I think it's coming sooner than people would think and I think what you kind of LED there at the end is a very good point we will not find out the minute it does become serious like whether right now there's American officials already considering this Chinese officials Russian officials already consider this I don't know for certain it's got to be on someone's mind but is it a serious issue maybe not that being said it will be a serious issue long before the public understands that it is and that's where those of us who have an understanding of what Bitcoin actually is let let's slow down here for anyone who maybe isn't necessarily extremely knowledgeable on bitcoin we're gonna we're going to be in the next couple of months creating some great content on the wise of Bitcoin the wise of different altcoins what they actually fundamentally do do not just how much money can you make off if you buy the coin at this price but actually what does the coin offer the world and Bitcoin has probably the most important most vital aspect of uh value aside from money in the sense that it is it offers actual power it actual it offers actual power to not just the elites but to the everyday person as well with that said I I believe Satoshi Nakamoto completely understood that someday the governments would try to utilize it against each other but that's why you have something so beautiful like we have a 51% attack right so Bitcoin is a completely trustless system of information but also value that's why it's so good that's why it is g to be so valuable however if you could get a hold of more than 51% of the mining and you have control over those miners you in theory would have control over that asset and I think the future of Bitcoin people ask about the profitability of mining it long term right there are still profitable miners people can make a lot of money mining it some people M it privately eventually just so you guys know there will not be a Jane Doe or John Doe sitting in the middle of Arkansas profitably uh uh mining Bitcoin right the cost of electricity is just going to far exceed any type of rewards they would get in fact even these large institutions and companies like marathon and clean spark and others I believe there will become a day where they will cease to be profitable on how they M Bitcoin but you want to know why Bitcoin will continue to be mined and will continue to be operational because governments are going to get involved and start allotting a budget to mining Bitcoin why because they understand if any one entity and I'll include the United States in this even if the United States has too much of the mining control of Bitcoin I see that as a danger to bitcoin as a whole it's actually a beautiful thing that I think Satoshi thought about when creating it way back in 2008 that he knew eventually it would be spread out across governments worldwide almost like and I don't want to go too far in this but almost like the same way nuclear weapons right now I'm really hoping what I'm about to say is you I I don't think that nuclear weapons are going to be used why because they would they would just wreak so much Havoc they would they would end the planet the minute somebody sends a nuclear weapon into another country and activates it millions of people will die there and then there will be a response and then millions of people will die there and before you know it the entire world is over nuclear weap been served way more as an insurance policy uh than they do an actual ability to to rage war on people it's just hey don't mess with us we have a nuke well don't mess with this person either because they have a nuke and it keeps people in line well in the same way it's a long way of me saying but Bitcoin is going to get to a level where Bitcoin is the most valuable asset on the planet it will surpass gold in my personal opinion but the governments will continue to mine it because they do not want any one entity China does not want America America does not want Russia or China or Brazil or India no one country is going to have a majority of the mining in their country and therefore that trustless Perfection of what Bitcoin is will stay intact and it will remain the most valuable asset worldwide and possibly for the rest of of the world's existence however long that might be that's what I see the future of it and I think what Marathon CEO is getting at is saying we have to protect that we cannot get into a position where we as Americans uh even in the government go bearish and say ah we're going to pass on the Bitcoin mining and allow China and Russia who I believe are absolutely quietly right now acquiring the ability to mine more and more and more Bitcoin we cannot allow them or even the combination of those two countries have more than 51% of the mining that would be disastrous for Bitcoin disastrous for the planet I don't think that's going to happen and that's what he's addressing right now Kyle Field says the polls will headquarter the most mining I don't know about that that's interesting it's an interesting thought uh retro Mike we had him on the X spaces last night and dumped a whole bunch of awesome mining information uh he said top three mining pools currently hold 60% of the global BTC hash rate combined he corrected that 650 it's 60 is what he meant to say uh SoftWar Breakdown & Factoid of the Day but Tim jumping over to a summary here uh of of the book software uh that you just described pretty well if we can engage in a non-lethal form of warfare where nobody dies and which decentralized control access the power over data and information in cyberspace it's a net benefit for for mankind uh and that right there's a there's a lot to unpack in this type of a theory you can definitely be forgiven for not fully understanding what we're talking about here right but we don't often get an opportunity like this and uh the CEO of marathon made it made it possible so we were going to take that uh definitely take that opportunity right folks there's a lot of different ways that this world ends up going right one of the ways though is is uh is great you know one of the ways that it goes is it it creates the most prosperity for the most amount of people um and that all Technologies are utilized for that purpose I think Bitcoin in the final in the in its final form could absolutely be a way for uh entities that don't necessarily have see eye to eye to actually uh Express their their disintegration their uh rage and their their their borderline hate for for one another uh in a in an actual productive way right and maybe that's what all of this was leading up to in in the first place so Tim a lot going on there and uh I'm sure a a few people are sitting there scratching their heads with their minds blown there's a lot more to bitcoin than they thought yes uh so if you want to learn more about this look up the book uh I've got it here soft War by Jason Lowry and uh you will you will be very glad that you did um M you will need to have a little bit of knowledge about um some things to to get started but uh Tim we're going to test your knowledge here we're going to test your knowledge with a factoid of the day and it's today brought to you by the same people who brought it to you yesterday that is the tax Pros over at decrypted do tax right now you can get 25% off they're professional Tax Services if you bought crypto and you're looking to sell make sure that you know what the tax implications are going to be come tax time check out the link in the description Tim what year was the first iPhone released was it a 2005 0709 or 2010 come on Tim what is the answer to this question so I'm trying to remember because I I I distinctly remember when my dad this not iPhone but I remember the day my dad brought home a Blackberry for his work he got a work phone a Blackberry and I thought it was so cool that you could use a phone to look up sports like um trivia and sports uh you know uh scores and everything you just look at a lot of information it was just like a computer on a phone so weird I don't think the iPhone was out yet I I don't believe it was out yet either and I'm wanting to say that that probably was sitting in the I I probably had that memory 2004 2005 area I I you know someone says 2005 for sure I was leaning towards 2007 I was leaning towards B and I see a lot of other people saying b as well but some people saying c um some people saying 2009 all right so we're spread out here we're spread out here it was after the financial crash says Nathan man you guys are all over the place right now oh this is rough all right um we're one for one right so I can afford to lose this one and we still have a giveaway at the end of the week the chat's not helping me they are compl completely split in fact I'm seeing a lot of answers for all no I I don't see a lot of D's necessarily so I think we can rule out 2010 I don't think it's a I think it's down between B and C but I'm gonna go with my gut and say 2007 I'm sorry Nathan you sound very certain I I feel bad about going against Nathan Nathan seems very C I'm gonna say 07 [Music] B7 Nathan do you forgive me do you forgive me now I almost I almost went with you I almost went with you but we pulled it out that's two for two t when was the last time we started week two for two with fact TS of the day Tim it's been a little while but the first iPhone was released on June 29th 2007 Steve Jobs announced the iPhone uh in June 9th uh January 9th 2007 at the Mac World San Francisco keynote address somebody mentioned uh the sexy new transition graphic that we've got going on here and uh it's heavy it's heavy yeah I appreciate that let us know if you like I think one is like really it was really cool at the first time I wonder if doing it like 27 times a show is just a little much let us know give us your feedback I like it just you know tach I like it looks really pretty I'm just wondering if we need to have two different Transitions and use it maybe a little more sparingly sure that's my initial thoughts initial thoughts I'm having but you know it's we're having fun we're talking stocks today we're having a new transition we're building big things by the way just so you guys know Aaron Curry in chat saying more transitions let's just every single thing we do is a transition let's just have a just even in the middle of the same scene just have a transition swipe randomly in the middle that would be that would be awesome oh man no big announcement stuff we're g to be increasing next week sorry next week uh increasing some more of our members only streams want to make sure you guys know about this I'm going to start off with once a week but probably going to start doing multiple times a week doing some live trading so if you guys have been trying to get in the trading game you want to see someone do it you want to work with them you want to understand how to set up your trade in the first place make sure you have the right takeprofit stop losses what indicators and ways and and tactics you want to use for trading we're g to do a whole lot more of that with our VIP Trading Group check out the link down below join the pro Bros today by the way October 1 every single click on it real quick so look at the different options t I want to show people what they are looking at when they click on this option these are the current prices that you pay right now and if you sign up between now and October 1st you get locked in for these prices it's not a SP a spinning wheel of death I promise you there's actual prices uh I thought I could delay a little longer there we go all right well we're going to figure out anyway if you buy between now and then you'll be locked at those prices those prices will be increasing on October 1 when we make some big changes we are seeing a high amount of demand and more and more people coming in our community I love it I want to see my goal guys is to get to the end of 2025 with 3,000 members in our trading community and our investing community in there we teach you guys how to trade we show you how to trade we talk about portfolios and the best way to build them so that you can set yourself up for wealth we talk about risk management that's a very very key BroLux Memberships and important thing if you are killer on the charts but you don't understand how to manage your risk you can get obliterated it happens all the time if you want to be a part of our membership options check these out Pro Bros is the one I recommend gets you into our VIP Trading Group go check it out right now uh again price is going to be shooting shooting to the upside uh later on but with that said t- shroom you anything you want to say here before you transition well these are the prices right here uh yeah so Spinning Wheel of death is gone and that's nice that's right uh there we go all right let's let's transition here we're gonna get some Q&A but first I teased at the beginning of the show that there's a coin that I'm really really close I'm not going to say I'm officially going to do this and definitely going to do this but there's a coin that I am considering dropping from my portfolio and replacing let's check it out and I'm going explain why that is in case you missed it we had a transition of a coin recently go ahead and share my screen here tesro this is the brand new polygon Polygon News & Disney price chart no I'm not on the 12month chart I'm on the daily chart this chart goes back here on coinbase to September fourth if I were to look at uh po pole p over usdt I believe let's say we come down here to by bit then I can get a little bit more price history and come all the way back to when this whole thing started back in October of 2023 but this is not a new coin this of course is the transition from madic USD I have hel held madic now for a long time I was bullish on madic but I'm going to tell you why I'm not necessarily as bullish on this move the first thing is whenever you have a transition like this is confusing for a lot of people there's going to be a lot of people that have maybe not been paying attention to crypto for a couple of months or years they're going to come back in and say what the heck happened to madic where why do I have this thing called pole in my portfolio right that's just what's going to happen but the other thing is for people like me who want to trade and look at historical analysis this is going to be very very hard if you type in madic USD you can still find it on here and you can go back and look at historical prices going back to it origination back here in 2021 but as a whole that's not going to be what it puts you towards it's going to push you towards pole and pole just does not have a lot of data and I thought okay well maybe if it's not on the charts maybe I'll be able to see all the information over in coin market cap so we can continue to do our analysis over there oh wait no when you hit all over here that show show you the entire price action history of this asset it goes back to when tesro November of 2023 so we have just lost a major ability to track and do technical analysis on madic now it's polygon mic sorry it's not mic anymore excuse me polygon pole I mean we don't have to call it that it's just polygon or pole but we have lost the ability to do massive macro uh evaluations of madic this is going to cause confusion and you might say well Tim but the fundamentals are still great the coin is still I'm not I'm not predicting that it's going to go to zero I think it still has a bull market of some types but I think it does hurt the long-term momentum of the project I think that looking for other options in the layer 2 ethereum space is a viable solution and we talked about it earlier optim optimism or op is having a fantastic run at the moment I'm looking at optimism and arbitrum arbitrum has had some recent massive unlocks so that's kept the surprice the price downside yet arbitrum leads the entire space in the most transactions of layer twos on ethereum I think that we are going to see a transition where a lot of other people are in my same boat and they're transitioning from pole over into other options like optimism or arbitrum now some of you might not agree some of you might say that you want a lot you you think Paul still has a big uh future in fact I see in here retro Mike Tech who is very smart he's saying Paul will melt faces the question is when they when we say melt faces will it melt faces in a good way or a bad way will it melt your face because you look at your port folio and it goes to zero yeah that would melt my face as well or it's going to melt my face because my portfolio goes to a million you know I I'm again I'm not here saying that I think that polygon is going to die and go to zero but I think the confusion is going to cause a lot more chaos in this bull market Than People anticipate I'm not even necessarily ready to say that I think on the coin market cap rankings or the total market cap I'm not here saying that I think optimism and arbitrum definitely will pass madic or sorry I keep saying madic because I'm so to it but polygon although it absolutely could polygon sitting down here t- let's take a look at this polygon is at number 30 on coin market cap this at one point was a top 10 coin there's a lot of top 10 coins that fall out of the top 10 but normally ones that survive stay within at least the top 20 most of them staying you know somewhere in this area polygon has dropped all the way to 30 and if you keep on scrolling where are we seeing the other ones behind it optimism is at 41 current market cap 1.9 billion versus polygon sitting here at 2.5 optimism is not far behind polygon whatsoever t- so I I started this whole conversation by saying I'm not predicting it but at this point arbitrum see at 43 op 41 there's a very real chance that when we get to the end of this bull market whenever that ends up being we might see a new higher ranked ethereum layer 2 either optimism arbitrum let me know in the chat which one you guys think it would be honestly I think there's a lot of benefits to both optimism and arbitrum and and I'm I'm heavily looking at that and saying listen I'm not saying I'm not saying polygon goes to zero but I do think it drags I do think it gets outpaced by its own competitors krux says arbitrum yeah I mean there's good Arguments for arbitrum op I Pro what I might just do is take all of my polygon and split it 5050 into arbitrum and optimism honestly that's kind of where I'm leaning at the moment um but T what are your thoughts uh does this does this transition scare you do you think it's a nothing Burger what's your thoughts about polygon so two things first of all I do not play the ethereum layer 2s I don't have very much invested in the ethereum layer 2os uh I do hold a little bit of polygon why because polygon is actually quite heavily used at least by me at least by a lot of I think a lot of North Americans um because it's on it is used to send usdt usdc um and it's also uh you have to hold a little bit of it in your wallet to be able to send those uh stable coins and other coins that that might be on uh polygon so that's why I hold it I don't hold very much right under $200 worth of polygon so you know a negligible amount an immaterial amount uh for some folks but uh yeah that's my that's my whole thought I I think I think there will definitely be winners in in ethereum layer 2os don't get me wrong uh scaling ethereum is very very important uh that's just not those are just not the horses that I've uh that I've picked for this bull run yeah so um Indie Halo says when Disney pops people will pop or po I think it means poll it says PPL but I think he meant P will pop and what he's getting at there is is is polygon has a deal with Disney and I want to take a look at at Disney's stock here but when we say Disney's gonna pop is it GNA Pop I mean Disney it had a nice little run here in March of 2024 I guess a little bit but there's a lot of I'm not going to get into the politics of this because it is actually a political conversation there's a lot of people that used to be big Disney supporters who no longer want to deal with it Disney's had movies shows and several other things cancelled here more recently um Parks obviously they had the large parks in both Orlando Florida I grew up I went to it several times a year sometimes and then of course they have it out in California there are people boycotting parks Disney I'm not saying that Disney stock is over it's going to Disney zero and we'll never hear from Disney ever again but when we say Disney's goingon to pop I'm not so confident tesro that Disney will pop in a way that it does anything really that special I mean even when you look at the newest addition to what they have they have their new streaming services there's a lot of people not liking what's coming out on that streaming service um they're taking off some old movies and shows that people used to love growing up because of different again political reasons and they're replacing them with to be very Frank and fair and I'm going to try to dance around as best I can woke movies uh and and America showing that they're not really liking the families the number one buyer of Disney is families and families as a whole do not seem to be gravitating around the direction that Disney is going so when we say that it's GNA Pop I don't know I I I there's a there's fundamental reasons there to think that Disney might unless they change a whole lot might have some problems moving forward yeah I was hoping to find a a more upto-date version of this chart um yeah bear with me Tim this is this will be worth it um I so I don't know what year this is but it's Q2 I would imagine it's Q2 of 2024 or 2023 you can see where it deres most of its Revenue it's actually pretty close to uh so it's get 14 billion from Disney media and internet entertainment distribution and then Disney Park's experience in products is 7 billion so it's it's making more from its media arm rather than its brick and mortar right on the ground right but it's got a giant amount of cost you get you got takes a lot of human beings to run those Parks um and obviously a lot of uh you know costs go into producing content as well uh but I think so Tim I will agree with you I don't think Disney is very bullish right now but if stockholders and because there's a lot of very wealthy people that hold a large uh by large I mean like more than 5% of Disney right and they're not going to stand for it forever right they're not all Advocate investors that want to see the types of things that Disney is is producing continue to be produced they're not in it for the ideology they're in it for the money and uh and and eventually they're going to say enough is enough and there will be new management that comes in that is a time that I will probably be buying up some Disney cuz it's a it's such a a globally recognized name like Coca-Cola like apple I don't think that it's going anywhere in the long term but it does have to get new management uh or Society has to just absolutely start loving what it's putting out and right now that's not the case yeah 100% that and that's kind of what I said is pop could happen if Disney I don't even know if they need to make come out and like apologize anyone just I don't know if anyone's even asking them to apologist some people probably are just change just just go back it doesn't have to get into Political just start making good content Disney Conversation & Outro again like good good content good videos we're so in the influencer space start making good movies start making good TV shows and I'm not saying like just you know what I got I got a revolutionary idea for Disney and any other movie industry out there how about we make some movies where we don't even address politics right how about we make stories that don't try to portray any political thought either conservative or liberal just tell good stories get some good actors don't have them trying to make their own individual point in the middle of the movie just tell a good story that's what Americans want to see and if they do that yes I think Disney's I think Disney as a whole can definitely boom and go back to the upside but under current leadership and current decision- making they're not gonna do it so one thing one comment and then one question for you Tim first comment guys if you're thinking Disney is going to be the key to polygon success I think you're over you're overemphasizing how mature the you're you're you're over estimating how mature crypto is outside impacts like Disney and a brand like that I can understand the urge to to think about that because the Federal Reserve right the Federal Reserve the US elections they're going to have uh impacts on price for cryptos um but a partnership like Disney is not in my opinion I could be wrong is not going to impact an asset like polygon right it would take quite a heavy lift and it's not in the interest of Disney to pump polygon uh until it is which that you know that could change but right now the way that everything's set up that's just not that is so far from what Disney cares about today question I had is Tim what is your favorite Disney movie and you can't say Monsters Incorporated because that's mine no you know what I'm gonna go with a goodie I haven't watched this in a long time I don't I don't watch a lot of movies here especially more recently I genuinely enjoyed when I was little this movie and I watched it back a couple of years ago with like a NE NE of mine and it was surprising not adult like inappropriate but it was am amazing the amount of jokes that this movie made that only an adult would understand the punchline and I was like that's actually pretty genius it's Winnie the Pooh it go back and watch and don't watch Winnie the Pooh that's been made more recently watch the old Winnie the poos where the cartoons you can almost see where the lines are skipping the Riders are pretty genius again it was one of my favorite things as as a kid and even as an adult I thoroughly enjoy watching back through wi the Pooh movies unconventional I bet you none of you had that on your bingo card but I thoroughly enjoyed wi the Poo you know what's funny fast fact for for all the collectible folks out there all the collectors um I I pawn some stuff every now and then like big TVs and stuff when I'm whenever I move and one thing I noticed in the pawn shops is they have a lot of like VHS Disney movies I don't know if this is something let us know are you a collector let us know in the comments in the chat why are V HS Disney movies so uh so expensive maybe maybe there's some uh they're going to use them after the apocalypse right you just get yourself a vcr and those VHS tapes they're they're durable that's that is their internet if the internet goes down they'd be good to have to keep your kids entertained that's for sure we're going to wrap up the show guys it's 403 we got a member stream Q&A at 4:30 so here in about 30 minutes make sure if you're one of the VIP trading members you're in there I I'll leave you guys because I shocked everyone with my number one pi pick let me let me give you guys number two this one should have been on your bingo cards it's a classic it's Disney it'll never not be good Remember the Titans is my number two Disney movie that one I think was on people's bingo card for Tim that makes a lot more sense but you got to shake it up every now and then you gotta you gotta take people by surprise guys that's all we have for you in today's show if you enjoyed it make sure to smash that like button hit subscribe hit the follow button over on X and share this video with all of your friends yes we strayed a little bit from crypto but we still talked about it we dab a little more in the stock world give us feedback in the comments down below did you like this show or do you want us to stick to more crypto we want your feedback because we want to help you guys as best as we can with that said we will see you tomorrow same time same place [Music] adios inves trying to make paper turn that cakeone like Lego connect the B we are investing Bros investing Bros we are investing Bros investing p on trade entries and exits worthy of Praise Tim the of the TA shout it out loud on the PA news got your word doing better than what he deserves be leave no evidence soon f with his dividend try to make turn that cake money like Lego connect the B we are investing br investing Bros we are investing Bros investing Bros investing Bros investing investing investing

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