hello guys asalam I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her lose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she is 26 years old so she won titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she W Deli Australian Open Mar much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she L appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparisons of f two players Bron career price is $2 million sinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka ex 235 so further you see there has to have this will the second meeting between them so the has Standard 1 by Z for saal Linka the master bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also saala has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her karma King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her lo St is 297 by two double two she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more tighter so her lo with 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther two comparison of f two players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two brunetti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and sa Linka ex 235 so for the see theu had this will be second meeting between them so theu stands at 1 by Zer for saal Linka the mar Brian this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances so let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against Arena Linka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check up profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25y old so her is 297 by 22 she won only one single TI in a career in 23 she won the Bal she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this s she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her for her current ranking is number two she is 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Delight Australian Open mared much more title so her loose St was 399 by 185 she last appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two compis two players bronti career price is $2 million my SAA career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka Play 50 two matches bronti exis 55 and S link ex 235 so for we see the house who had this will be second meeting between them so the H was stand at 1 by Zer for saal Linka the master brisban this year and saal Linka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her L with 297 by 22 she won only one single TI in a career in 23 she won she now in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she W Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comis and players Bron price is $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka exes 235 so F you see there has to had this world the second meting between them so they has to a standard 1 by Zer for sabinka the M bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka had 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are in good and W so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena salinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Luci bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 2 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the high she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her car rank King is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that relied and open mared much more tighter so her L 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparison of two players bronti career price is $2 million Mya career price is 24 million doar brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so for you see the has who had this will the second meeting between them so the has who stand at 1 by Z for saal Linka they Mar at brisan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against Arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her lo St is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the ball high she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this she has Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won ju Australian Open Mar much more tighter so her loose St she was 399 by 185 she L appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forg like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the compis of two players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has G only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 match matches bronti ex 55 and S Linka ex 235 so for see there has to have this world the second Ming between them so they has Standard 1 by Zer for saal Linka the M Brian this and saal Linka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys luia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check out profile so first let we talk about Lu bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her Lu was 297 by 22 she won only one single high in a career in 23 she won theal High she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 title she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she Deli Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into compis of f good players bronti career price is $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles Bron coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two brti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka ex to 35 so for you see they has to had this will the second meeting between them so they has to Standard 1 by Zer for Sabal Linka the M bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are ining good and well H so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against ARA sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her P profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her Karm King is number 76 she is 25 F old so her loose ra is 297 by 2 double two she won only one single Tiel in her career in 23 she won theal Tiel she now Callan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her form her ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and beforei open mared much more TI up so her L was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparison of two players bronti career price is $2 million Mya career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so F we see the house who had this will the second meeting between them so the has stand at 1 by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win that's guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her lo St is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got in the previous round now to win this round she Hasina saala so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Del light Australian Open mared much more titter so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she last appeared at cinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channnel so let's go forther two comparisons of our two players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronzetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and Linka play 52 matches bronti exis 55 and S Linka ex 235 so for see there has to have this will be second meting between them so the h stand at one by Zer for saal Linka the M brisan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget also like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia BL Z will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Luci Bron profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her lo with 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won theal High she now got lul in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she W Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei Australian Open married much more tighter so her been lose she was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into compis players bronti career prize min million my sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka ex 235 so for see they has to have this will be second meting between them so they has to stand that one by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are ining good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arenaa in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the high she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win overa sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current rank King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that live open mared much more titer so her L was 399 by 185 five she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into compis bronti career price is $2 million my SAA career price is $24 million bretti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brother coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so F we see the house who have this will the second meeting between them so they has stand that 1 by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisan this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalamu alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 F so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina saala so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won the light Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she L appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparisons of our two players bronti career price Mone is $2 million my sinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 Linka play 52 matches bronti exis 55 and S Linka ex 235 so for you see their has who have this will the second meting between them so there has Standard 1 by Zer for saal Linka the master brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronet will play against arena saala in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Luci Brun the profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her lo is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got Lulu in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 years old so she won 15 titles she Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied Australian Open mared much more tighter so her been L she was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison of our two players bronti career prize is $2 million my sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka ex 235 so for we see the has to had this will be second meting between them so the has to stands at one by Zer for Sabal Linka the M Brian this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chance is so let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalam alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia Bron will play against arenaa in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her play profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won theas High she now Callan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her form herur ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Del live open mared much more TI up so her L 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two compis players bronti career price is $2 million Mya career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S link exes 235 so F we see the house who had this world the second meeting between them so the house stand at 1 by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisban this and saal Linka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened find that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of us open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her L St is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win a saal Linka so let's go for and see her form her car ranking is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she W Delight Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like and subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparisons of our two players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and Linka play 52 matches Bron exis 55 and L exis 235 so F we see there has who have this world the second meeting between them so the has Standard 1 by Zer for saal Linka the mar bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also saala has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Luci bronti file her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by two2 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won austral open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more titter so her been Lous 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparison of two players bronti career price is $2 million sabinka career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so for see there has to had this will the second meeting between them so there has to stand that one by for Sabal Linka the M Brian this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalamu Alum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to YouTube channel ways of succcess and we are back with another video so guys Lu Bron will play against arenaa in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her St is 297 by 22 she won only won single high in her career in 23 she won theel she KN Gotan in the previous round now to win she has wi Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won julyan open married much more titer so her loose St was 399 by 185 she L appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into compis players bronti career price is $2 million my SAA career price is $24 million bronzetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to the this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F we see there has who had this world the second meeting between them so they has stand at 1 by Zer for saal Linka they Mar Brian this and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that until then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of Us open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her lose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in a career in 23 she won she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena Linka so let's go for and see her form her current ranking is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she W Del Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose was 399 by 185 she L appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe by by channel so let's go for the two compis and players bronti career price is $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and saan Linka play 52 matches bronti 55 and L ex 235 so F you see the house who have this will the second meeting between them so the has standard one by Zer for saal Linka the mar bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are in good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile [Music] her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 2 two she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the high she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her form her car ranking is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open since in 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more tighter so her L 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the comparison of two players Bron career price is $2 million a career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and sa Linka exes 235 so F you see their has who had this world the second meeting between them so the has who stand that 1x04 sinka the M briean this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check out profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her St is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this s she Hasina sabinka so let's go for and see her for her current King is number two she is 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Australian Open mared much more titter so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparisons of our two players bronti career price is $2 million SAA career price is $24 million bronti has G only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti ex 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F we see there has to had this will be second meting between them so they has stand at one by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisban this year and saal Linka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament until then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys luia bronti will play against Arena saal Linka in the round of Us open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her Lu is is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won theal High she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina saena so let's go for and see her form her current rank King is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she W Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she Australian Open mared much more titter so her been loose was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channels let's go for the two comprise and two players bronti career prize is $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and saan Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 5 and Ling ex 235 so F we see the house who had this world the second meeting between them so the house who standard one by Zer for Sabal Linka they Mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are in good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her P profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile [Music] her karma King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 2 Double two she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the high she now Callan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her form her ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open cincin not in 2024 and before that shei open mared much more titter so her L 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the compis players Bron price is $2 million price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and sa Linka exes 235 so F we see the house who had this world the second meeting between them so they has to stand that 1 by0 for sink the M Brie ban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her lose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single in her career in 23 she won the B she KN got in the previous round not to win this round she Hasina saala so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won thei Australian Open mared much more tighter so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she L appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparisons of f two players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match dur king of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti ex 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F you see there has to have this will the second meting between them so they has Standard 1 by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisan this and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lua BR Z will play against Arena saal Linka in the round of US Open so if you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Luci bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her L with 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won theal High she now got lul in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sinka so let and see her form her current King is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she W Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she went relied Australian Open mared much more title so her been L was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our Channel let's go for them two comprise and players bronti career prize Min is 2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 link ex 235 so for we see they has to have this will be second meing between them so they has to stand one by Zer for Sabal Linka they Mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronet will play against arenaa in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile [Music] her karma King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the high she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win overa sabinka so let's go for and see her form her ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati 2024 and before that eveni and open mared much more tighter so her L 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comp players bronti career priz is $2 milliona career priz is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so F we see the house who have this will the second meeting between them so they has stand at 1 by0 for saal Linka the M Brie ban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalamu alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel way of say and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 F so her lose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles High in her career in 23 she won the Bal she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win sinka so let's go for and see her form her ranking is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Del Australian Open mared much more tighter so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appear period since Nati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget to like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparisons of our two players bronti career price is $2 million my sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so F you see the has who have this world the second meting between them so the has standard one by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronet will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her profile so first let we talk about Lucia Bron the profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her lo is 297 by two2 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got l in the previous round now to win this round she has to win aren sabinka so let's go for and her form her current King is number two she is 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied Australian Open mared much more tighter so her been L 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for then two comparisons of two players bronti career priz is $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and link ex 235 so for you see the has to have this will be second meting between them so they has to stand at one by Z for Sabal Linka the M brisan this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chance to let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalamu Alum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronet will play against arena binka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check out profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile [Music] her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her new is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won theal High she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 22 24 and before that eveni open mared much more tighter so her L 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two compis players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F you see there has to had this the second meeting between them so they has to stand at 1 by0 for saal Linka then M at Brian this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalam I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high a her year in 23 she won theal High she now Callan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win a arinka so let's go for and see her form her Cur ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she L appeared at since and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the comparison players bronti career price Mone is $2 million rinka career price m is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number seven six and sa Linka rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronet exis 55 and S link exes 235 so F you see there has who had this world the second meting between them so the has standard one by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah off and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are in good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against Arena saal Linka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going into one then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lu bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by two two she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the high she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her her current King is number two she is 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more title so her been lose 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into two compis and players Bron career price is $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka 235 so for you see there has to have this will the second meeting between them so there has to stand that 1 by 0 for Sabal Linka the M Brian this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu Alum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu Bron will play against Arena Linka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check up profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile [Music] her Curr King is number 76 she's 25 year old so her lose is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won theal High she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her fall her Curr R king is number two she is 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more titter so her lo St was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparison of two players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is 24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so for see there has to had this will the second meting between them so their H stands at 1 by0 for saal Linka they Mar at Brie ban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that t till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose St is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in a career in 23 she won theal she now Callan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena saala so let's go for and see her for her curent ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei Australian Open mared much more title so her loose was 399 by 185 she last appeared at cinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the compris and players bronti career price is $2 million my sabinka career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and SAA has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exis 55 and S exis 235 so for we see the house who had this world the second meeting between them so the has stand that one by Zer for saal Linka they Mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to open in then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the high she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her form her car ranking is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more titter so her been L 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go further into comp and players Broner price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka exes 235 so F you see the has who had this will the second meeting between them so the has who stand at 1x0 for saal Linka the mar bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check out play profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 year old so her lose is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B she KN got in the previous round now to win this s she has to Rina sabinka so let's go for and see her for her current King is number two she is 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied and open mared much more titter so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparisons of our two players bronti career price is $2 million career price is 24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this matash with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F you see there has to had this will the second meeting between them so they has stand at 1 by Z for saal Linka they Mar brid SP this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her Lu is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career and 23 she won theal she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina saal Linka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she W Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei Australian Open mared much more titter so her loose St was 399 by 185 she L appeared at cinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channels let's go for theise and players bronti price is $2 million my sabinka career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sub Linka rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sub Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Link ex 235 so for we see the has to have this will be second meting between them so they has to has standard one by Zer for Sabal Linka they Mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and forgot to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are ining good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronet will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her karma King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 2 dou two she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the high she now Callan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win overa sabinka so let's go for and see her form her car ranking is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open cincin in 2024 and before that shei open mared much more tighter so her L was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the compis and players Broner price is $2 millioner price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and sa Linka ex 23 five so F you see the has who had this world the second meeting between them so the has who stand at 1 by0 for saal Linka the mar Brian this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel W of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check how profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronzetti profile her King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her lose is 297 by 22 she won only one singles in her career in 23 she won the Bal she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win sabinka so let's go for and see her form her ranking is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before eveni and open mared much more title so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she L appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparisons of our two players bronti career price is $2 million Mya career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S linga exes 235 so F you see there has who had this will the second meting between them so the has was Standard 1 by Z for saal Linka the mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her L is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sinka and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 years old so she won 15 titles she W Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she went relied Australian Open mared much more titter so her been lose St was 399 by 185 she L appeared at cinnati and won the tit again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two compar two players bronti career prize Min 2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sub rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and ex 235 so for see they has to have this will be second meting between them so they has to stand that one by Zer for Sabal Linka they Mar brisan this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget also like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu Alum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu Bron will play against arena binka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the high she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her car ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shean open mared much more tighter so her L 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into compis bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex is 235 so F we see the house who had this will the second meeting between them so the house who stands at 1 by0 for saal Linka the mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronzetti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her lose with 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the Bal she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win saala so let's go for and see her form her curent ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she live and open mared much more title so her loose St is 399 by 185 she lost appear per since Nati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the comparison of players bronti career price is $2 million Mya career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and sinka ex 235 so F you see there has who had this world the second meting between them so they has Standard 1 by Z for saal Linka the mar brisban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all has in good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia Bron the profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by two2 she won only one single TI in a career in 23 she won the B she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied Australian Open mared much more titter so her been lose she was 399 by 185 she L appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for them two comparison two players bronti career price is $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles Bron coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Link ex 235 so for you see the has who had this will the second meeting between them so there has who stand that one by Z for saal Linka they Mar brisban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances soon let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronet will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won theal High she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this s she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more titter so her L was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison of f players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so see the H who have this will be second meeting between them so the house who stands at 1 by0 for saal Linka they M Brian this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 7 26 she's 25 Old so her L with 297 by 22 she won only one single TI in a career in 23 she won theal High she now Callan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win a Arina saal Linka so let's go for and see her form her Cur ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Ju open mared much more tighter so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she last appeared at Cinna and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the compis F players bronti career price is $2 million Mya career price is $24 million br has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exis 55 and sink exis 235 so for see the has who had this will the second meeting between them so the has Standard 1 by Zer for saal Linka the M brisban this and SA won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all Asing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by two2 she won only one single title in her career in 23 she won B she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she's 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she Delian open mared much more titter so her been L 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against J pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into compris players bronti career price is $2 million right sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka exus 235 so F we see there has to had this world the second meeting between them so there has to stand at 1 by0 for saal Linka the M Brian this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like and sub subcribe our channnel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arenaa in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her curent King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her lose is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she KN Gotan in the previous round now she Hasa so let's go for and see her pH her Cur rank King is number two she is 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison of players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so for see their has to have this will be second meeting between them so they has to stands at 1 by0 for saal Linka they Mar briean this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that t till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 year old so her lo St was 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won theal she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina saala so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she W Deli open mared much more tighter so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she last appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channels so let's go for the compris and players bronti career price is $2 million my SAA career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exis 55 and ex 235 so F you see the has to have this will the second meting between them so the has Standard 1 by Zer for saal Linka the M brisban they and sabinka on the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and while so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her karma King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single title in her career in 23 she won the B High she now in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open ccin in 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more tighter so her L was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two compar players Bron price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka exes 235 so F you see the has who had this will the second meeting between them so the has who stand that 1 by0 for saal Linka they Mar at bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us and so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her current King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got in the previous round now to win this s she Hasa so let's go for and see her phone her current ring is number two she is 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied and open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't for like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison of two players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so for we see their also had this will the second meeting between them so the has stand at 1 by Z for saal Linka the master Bri span this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Luccia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 5 old so her L was 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the B she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 years old so she won 15 titles she went Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she went Australian Open mared much more titter so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channels let's go for the two compis two players bronti career priz is $2 million my sinka career price is $24 million brunetti has G only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and sink ex 235 so F we see the has to have this will be second meting between them so they has to standard one by Zer for saal Linka they Mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66 chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose is 297 by 2 Double two she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the bar High she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cinna in 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more tighter so her L was 399 by5 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica Peg Goa so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into compis and players Broner price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two Bron played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka ex 235 so F you see the house who had this will the second meeting between them so the house stands at 1 by0 for saal Linka the mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel W of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her lose is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now in the previous round now to win this round she has sinka so let's go for and see her phone her ranking is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that and open married much more title so her loose St is 399 by 185 she lost appear Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparison players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so F we see the house who have this will the second meeting between them so their h stand at 1 by Z for saal Linka the M brisban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys guys asalam alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 real so her L was 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B she now got l in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sinka let and see her for her current King is number two she's 26 years old so she won 15 titles she W Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she W Deli Australian Open Mar much more title so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparison two players bronti career priz is 2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and ex 235 so for you see there has to had this will the second meeting between them so there has to stand that one by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this and also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget a like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia Bron Z will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got lulan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei open mared much more tighter so her L was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison players bronti career price is $2 milliona career pric is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronzetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka ex 235 so for see the hasu had this will be second meeting between them so the has stands at 1 by0 for Sabal Linka the M brisban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start video and check her profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her Karm King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her lose with 297 by 22 she won only one singles high career in 23 she won B High she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win saala so let's go for and see her phone her ranking is number two she's 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she liveed open mared much more tighter so her lo St was 399 by 185 she L appeared since Nati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into compis of players bronti career price Mone is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bonetti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and sinka ex 235 so for we see there has who have this for the second meeting between them so the h stand at 1 by Z for saal Linka the M Brian this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys Alum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia Brony profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 so her L is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the B she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena saena so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she is 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei Australian Open married much more title so her been loose sto is 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for them two comparisons two players bronti career price is $2 million my sinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single time title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka played 52 matches bronti exes 55 and ex 235 so F you see the has who had this world the second meeting between them so the has who stand at one by Z for saal Linka they Mar bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also SAA has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronet will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check out profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she know in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more tighter so her been lose 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison of f two players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti comeing to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two DTI play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka ex 235 so for see the hasu had this will be second meeting between them so the has who has stands at 1 by0 for Sabal Linka the M Brian this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video check her profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her was 297 by 22 she won only one single high in a career in 23 she won theal she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win arinka so let's go for and see her phone her ranking is number two she is 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won July open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she last appeared at cinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the compis and players bronti career price is $2 million Mya career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti ex 55 and S link ex 235 so for see there has to have this all this second meeting between them so the h stand at 1 by Zer for saal Linka the M brisan this year and saala won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam welome I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her L with 297 by 22 she won only one single TI in her career in 23 she won she now in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei open mared much more title so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessa pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into compis players Broner price is $2 million right sinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka played 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka ex 235 so F we see there has to had this world the second meeting between them so there has to stand that 1 by0 for saal Linka they Mar at bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to your YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia Bron will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her current King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high sell in her career in 23 she won the B High she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more titer so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparison of two players bronti career price is $2 million career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and Suba rank is number two bti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F we see the has who had this will the second meeting between them so the has who stand at 1 by Z for saal Linka the mar brisban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that t till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check out players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronet profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 year old so her lo was 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the Bal she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina SAA so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26 to so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Del Australian Open mared much more titter so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she last appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparisons of our two players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has G only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sub Linka play 52 matches bronti ex 55 and Link ex 235 so for see there has to have this world be second meeting between them so the has stand at 1 by Zer for saal Linka the M Brian this and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our play profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so have St was 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over ARA sabinka so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open since 19 2024 and before that shei open mared much more tighter so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into compris players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka played 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka exes 235 so for we see the house who had this will the second meeting between them so the house stands at 1 by0 for saal Linka they Mar at brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66 pry chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in a career in 23 she won the B High she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her form her C King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that Sheed open married much more title so her loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparison of two players bronti career price is $2 million Mya career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sinka rank is number two bti played 30 matches in 24 s Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so F you see the house who had this will the second meeting between them so the house who stand at 1 by Z for saal Linka the M Bri ban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check out play profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her lose is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the Bal she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina saena let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Del light Australian Open mared much more titter so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she L appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for them two comparisons of a two players bronti career price is $2 million righta career price is $24 million bronti has G only one single title and sinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sub Linka rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka ex 235 so for you see there has to had this will the second meting between them so the h stand at 1 by Zer for Sabal Linka the mar at bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forgot to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her karma King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her new she was 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won theal she now got lulan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her for her current King is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cinna in 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more titer so her lose 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into compis and F players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka ex 235 so for see the hasu had this will be second meeting between them so the hasu stands at 1 by0 for saal Linka they Mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66 pretty chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel always of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel W of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against Arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her karma King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose St is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now Callan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that Sheed open mared much more tighter so her loose was 399 by 185 she L appear Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the compis players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and Suba rank is number two D played 30 matches in 24 and Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so F you see the house who have this will the second meeting between them so they has stand that 1 by Zer for saal Linka the M Brian this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 so her L ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena saena so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she is 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Del Australian Open moded much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she L appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparison of two players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and Linka play 52 matches bronti accesses 55 and L ex 235 so F you see there has to had this world the second meeting between so they has Standard 1 by Z for saal Linka the master bridan this and sabinka won the game this time also SAA has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu Bron will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then St AC with us till the end so let's start our video and check out profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronet profile her karma King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her lo St is 2 97 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the bar High she now got Lulu in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied and open mared much more tighter so her been St she was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison of two players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so for see the hasu had this will be second meting between them so the hasu stands at 1 by0 for Sabal Linka they Mar brisan this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66 for chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel W up success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against Arena binka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her Karm King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her form herur ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won live open mared much more tighter so her loose St was 399 by 185 she L appear at since Nati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comp pris two players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI played 30 matches in 24 and sub Linka play 52 matches bronti exis 55 and S link exis 235 so for we see their heart who had this world the second meeting between them so the H stands at 1 by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys Asam Alum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so for first we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her lo ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B she now in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sinka so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she's 26y old so she wants 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she W Del Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for them two comis players bronti career price is $2 million by sinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 Anda ex 235 so fur you see there has to had this will the second meting between them so the has Standard 1 by Zer for saal Linka the mar bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her L ra is 297 by two2 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied and open mared much more tighter so her lo 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the comparison players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 50 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so for see the has who had this will the second meeting between them so the has who stand that 1 by Zer for saal Linka they M brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances so let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronet will play against Arena binka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose is 297 by 22 she won only one single si in a carer in 23 she won the Bal High she now Gotan in the previous round to win this s she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won July open mared much more title so her loose St she was 399 by 185 she last appeared at cinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two compis players bronti career price is $2 million my SAA career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti ex 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F we see there has who had this all this second meeting between them so their H stands at 1 by Zer for Sabal Linka the M Brian this and sabala won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam Alum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check how profile so first let talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her lose St is 297 by 22 she won only one single TI in her career in 23 she won she now in the previous round now to win this round she has to win overa saala so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she is 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jess pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go further into compis F players bronet career price Mone is $2 million rinka career price Mone is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and sa Linka exes 235 so for we see there has who had this will the second meeting between them so the has to a standard 1 by Zer for sabinka the M bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also saal has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are in good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her Karm King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the high she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her form her car ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied open married much more ti so her been l 9 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparison of two players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 title titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two brunetti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and sa Linka exes 235 so F we see the has who had this will the second meeting between them so the has stand at 1 by Z for saal Linka the mar brisban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalam alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against Arena saing in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check out profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25y old so her lo St is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this s she Hasina sinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26 old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Deli Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she last appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparison of our two players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has G only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti ex 55 and sinka ex 235 so for see there has to had this world the second meing between them so the H stands at 1 by Z for saal Linka the M Brian this and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her Lu with 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in a career in 23 she won theal she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her for her curing is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 TI she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she Australian Open mared much more title so her loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison of good players bronti price is $2 million by SAA career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and SAA has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sinka rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka exes 235 so for see there has to have this will be second meting between them so there has to Standard 1 by Zer for Sabal Linka the mar brisan this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are ining good and W so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her karma King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 2 two she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the high she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena saal Linka so let's go for and see her form her King is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that eveni open mared much more tighter so her been L was 399 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the compis bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and sa Linka exes 235 so F we see the house who had this world the second meeting between them so the has who stand at 1 by Z for saal Linka they Mar at brisan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win that let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against Arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check out players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got in the previous round now to win this she Hasina saala so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Deli Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she L appeared at cinti and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget guys like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparisons of our two players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sub Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti ex 55 and S Linka ex 235 so for see there has to have this will the second meeting between them so there has to a standard 1 by Zer for saal Linka the master bridan this and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forgot to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lua bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Luc bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her with 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won theal she now got Lan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 years old so she won 15 title she W Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she went relied Australian Open mared much more tighter so her been loose was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison F players bronti career prize minister $2 million my sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka ex 235 so for see there has to have this will be second meting between them so they has to has standard one by Zer for Sabal Linka the M Brian this year and saal Linka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel always of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia Bron will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 2 dou too she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the high she now Callan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her form her Curr ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that Sheed and open mared much more titer so her L was 399 by1 5 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the comp pris and players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so F we see the house who had this will be second meeting between them so the H stands at 1 by Zer for saal Linka the mar at brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalamu alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has sabinka so let's go for and see her form her car ranking is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Delight Australian Open mared much more title so her loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparisons of our two players bronti career price Mone is $2 million sinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 Linka play 52 matches bronti exis 55 and S Linka ex 235 so for you see their house who have this will the second meting between them so they has Standard 1 by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia Bron will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then St active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia brother the profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her L is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got lul in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she went relied Australian Open mared much more titter so her been L St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparison of two players bronti career prize Min is 2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so for see there has to had this will the second meeting between them so they has to stand that one by Zer for Sabal Linka the M Brian this year and saal Linka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel W of success hello guys asalam Alum I hope you all are doing good and well so welome welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia Bron will play against arenaa in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our and check out profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her Karm King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the high she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won live and open mared much more tighter so her L St 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the comp pris players bronti career price is $2 million Mya career price is $24 million bronzetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F see there has who have this will be second meeting between them so the H stands at 1 by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys Asam Alum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena saala in the round of you is open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first we talk about Lucia bronti profile her Karm King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her lo ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win saala so let's go for and see her form her curent ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she W Del Australian Open mared much more title so her loose was 399 by 185 she L appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the comparison players bronti career price Mone is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and saan Linka play 52 matches Bron exis 55 and S Linka exis 235 so F we see there has who have this will the second meeting between them so there has Standard 1 by Zer for saal Linka the master bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronet profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by two2 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the high she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her form her car ranking is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won austalian open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied Australian Open mared much more titter so her been L was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison of players bronti career price is $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and sa Linka exes 235 so for see there has to had this world the second meeting between them so there has to stand that one by Z for Sabal Linka the M Brian this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu Bron will play against Arena Linka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her lo St is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the balel she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this s she has to win Arina sinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Del light open Mar much more ti so her lose St 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparison of two players bronti career price is $2 million my SAA career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles Bron coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F we see there has to have this all this second meeting between them so they h stand at 1 by Zer for Sabal Linka the mar Brian this and saal Linka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened at tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra up success hello guys asalam Al I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of Us open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose St is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won High she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win a Arena Linka so let's go for and see her form her current ranking is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei Australian Open mared much more title so her loose was 399 by 185 she L appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comp pris of two players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and Linka play 52 matches bronti ex 55 and S link exis 235 so for you see their has who have this will the second meeting between them so they has standard one by Zer for Sabal Linka the mar brisban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are ining good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile [Music] her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won theal High she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena saal Linka so let's go for and see her form her car ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei and open mared much more tighter so her L 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into compis bronti career price is $2 million I Linka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and sa Linka exes 235 so F we see the has who had this world the second meeting between them so the has to stand that 1 by0 for for saal Linka the M briean this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our you Channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check out profile so first let we talk about Luci bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose St is 297 by 22 she W only singles high in her career in 23 she won the Bal High she KN Gotan in the previous round now to win this s she Hasina saala so let's go for and see her for her current King is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she W Deli Australian Open mared much more ti so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparisons of f two players bronti career price is $2 million my sinka career price is $24 million bronti has G only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this mat to the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti ex 55 and S Linka ex 235 so for you see there has who had this will the second meting between them so there has to Standard 1 by Z for saal Linka the mar Brian this year and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that t until then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lua bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of Us open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her Lu is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in a career in 23 she won the B she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win a Arena sa link so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she W Del light Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe channels let's go for the two comprise and players bronti career price is $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and saan Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and sink ex 235 so for you see the has to have this will be second meeting between them so the has standard one by Zer for Sabal Linka they Mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are ining good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronet will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile [Music] her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 2 two she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the high she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her form her curing is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open since not 2024 and before that eveni open mared much more tighter so her L was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the compis two players bronti career price is $2 million career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two brunetti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so F we see the has who had this will the second meeting between them so the has stand at 1 by0 for Sali the M briean this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check how play profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her L St is 297 by 22 she won only one single heel in her career in 23 she won the balel she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win sabinka so let's go for and see her form her ranking is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Del Australian Open married much more ti so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she lost appear Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparisons of f two players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has G only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so F you see the has who had this world the second meeting between them so they has Standard 1 by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till and take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her profile so first let we talk about Luci bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her new was 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won theal High she now got Lan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina saena let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 years old so she won 15 titles she W Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she went relied Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica paga so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our Channel so let's go for the two comparison of two players bronti career priz Min $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and ex 235 so for we see there has to have this will be second meing between them so they has to stand that one by Zer for Sabal Linka they Mar Brian this and saal Linka won the game this time also sabinka has 66 for chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel always of success hello guys asalamu Alum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronet will play against arenaa in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check out profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile [Music] her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won theal High she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina saal Linka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that even relied and open mared much more titer so her L 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two compis of players bronti career price is $2 milliona career PR price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sub Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F we see the house who had this will be second meeting between them so they has to stand at 1 by0 for saal Linka the mar Brian this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra of success hello guys asalam alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel W of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 F so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now in the previous round now to win this round she Hasina saala so let's go for and see her form her Cur ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Delight Australian Open mared much more tighter so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appear perod since inati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the comparison players bronti career price Mone is $2 million my sinka career price is $24 million bronti has gon only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so F you see there has who have this will the second meting between them so they has standard one by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia Bron will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Luci Bron profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won theal High she now got l in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena saena so let's go for the see her form her current King is number two she's 26 years old so she won 15 titles she went Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she went Deli Australian Open mared much more title so her been L St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's let's go for them two comparison players bronti career price is$ Million by sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Bing ex 235 so for you see there has to have this will the second meeting between them so there has to stand that one by zero for Sabal Linka the mar bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel W of success hello guys asalamu alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu Bron will play against arenaa in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our and check out profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile [Music] her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the high she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati into 24 and before that she relied open mared much more tighter so her L 399 by 185 she lost appeared cinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparison of our two players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F you see there has who had this world the second meeting between them so the has stand at 1 by0 for saal Linka the M briean this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ra up success hello guys Asam Alum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her lose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles High career in 23 she won the Bal she now Callan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over saala so let's go for and see her form her curent ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose was 399 by 185 she L appeared since and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into compis of f players bronti career price is $2 million my sinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exis 55 and sink exis 235 so for we see the house who had this will the second meting between them so the has standard one by Zer for Sabal Linka the mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care office and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia Bron will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know is is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by two2 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the high she now in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied Australian Open mared much more titter so her been L was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparison players bronti career price is $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so fur you see there has to had this will the second meeting between them so there has to stand that one by Z for Sabal Linka the M bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against Arena Linka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check out profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile [Music] her K King is number 76 she's 25 year old so her lose is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won theal High she KN Gotan in the previous round now to win this s she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 202 before and before that even relied open mared much more title so her been lose St 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the comparisons of our two players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is$ $4 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F you see there has who had this all this second meeting between them so they has to stand that 1 by Z for saal Linka they Mar Brie ban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalam alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single T in a c here in 23 she won theal she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena saal Linka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she W Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose St she was 399 by 185 she last appeared at cinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channels so let's go for the compis and players bronti career price is $2 million sabinka career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and SAA has won 15 titles Bron coming to this match with the ranking of number 7 six and sa Linka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exis 55 and L ex 235 so for see their house who have this will the second meting between them so they has standard one by Zer for Sabal Linka the M brisban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are in good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronet will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the high she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena saal Linka so let's go for and see her fall her car ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cinna in 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more tighter so her L 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channels so let's go further into PR and players Bron price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two brunetti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and SE Linka exes 235 so fur we see there has to had this will the second meeting between them so there has to stand that 1 by0 for Sabal Linka the M briean this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel W of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check out players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile [Music] her current King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her L is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she nowan in the previous round now to win this s she Hasina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her ranking is number two she is 26 old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied and open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparisons of our two players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is 24 million million dollar brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so F you see the has who had this world the second meting between them so they has stand that 1 by Z for saal Linka they Mar fre span this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS up success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her L is is 297 by 22 she won only one single TI in her career in 23 she won the Bal she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina saala so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei Australian Open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she L appeared at sinin Nati and one the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparisons of two players bronti career price is $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and SAA has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 sa Linka rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Link ex 235 so for see they has to have this will be second meting between them so they has to standard one by Zer for Sabal Linka they Mar brisan this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are ining good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu Bron will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose is 297 by 2ble two she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the high she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her car ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open since in 2024 and before that sheali open mared much more tighter so her L was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channels so let's go for the into comparisons F good players Broner price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 2 5 so F we see the house who had this will the second meeting between them so the house who stands at 1 by0 for sinka the mar brisban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check how players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronzetti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her lose is 297 by 22 she won only one single in her career in 23 she won the she now in the previous round now to win this she has to win ARA sabinka so let's go for and see her form her Cur ranking is number two she is 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before livean open mared much more title so her loose St is 399 by 185 she lost a per Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the comparison players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S linga exes 235 so F you see the has who had this will the second meting between them so the H was Standard 1 by Z for saal Linka the mar brisban and this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another the video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her new was 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 20 she won the B she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sinka so let go and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she went Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she went relied Australian Open mared much more titter so her been loose was 399 by 185 she L appeared at cinnati and won the T title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget to like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparisons of two players bronti career prize $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sub rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and L ex 235 so for you see the has to had this will the second meeting between them so they has to stand that 1 by Zer for saal Linka they Mar at bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66 PR chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget also like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronet will play against arena balinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then and stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose St is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the high she now got Lan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more title so her L was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bonetti played 30 matches in 24 and sub Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F we see the hasu had this will be second meeting between them so the has stands at 1 by Z for Sabal Linka the M Brian this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check how profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronzetti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her L St is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the Bal High she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win sabinka so let's go for and see her for her Cur ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that even liveed open mared much more tighter so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared inati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the comp players bronti career price is $2 million Mya career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exist 55 and S Linka exis 235 so F we see their house who had this will the second meting between them so they has to Standard 1 by Zer for saal Linka they Mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are in good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia Bron profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her lo ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single tit in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena saena so let's go for and see her form her car ranking is number two she is 26 years old so she won 15 titles she went Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei Australian Open married much more titter so her been L St 399 by 185 she L appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again is Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for them two comparison of two players bronti career price is $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and ex 235 so F you see there has to had this world the second meeting between them so there has to stand that one by Zer for saal Linka the mar bridan this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then say with us till the end so let's start our video and check out profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the high she now Gotan in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 20124 and before that she relied and open mared much more titter so her been lose 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison F who cleared bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two DTI play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so forther we see the house who had this will be second meeting between them so the house who stands at 1 by0 for Sabal Linka the M Brian this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel WS of success hello guys asalamu alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her lo was 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in a career in 23 she won theal she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win saala so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she w live open mared much more title so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she L appear at since and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the compis and two players bronti career price is $2 million Mya career price is $24 million br has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bonetti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exis 55 and sinka ex 235 so F we see there has to have this will be second meting between them so they has to Standard 1 by Z for saal Linka the M brisban they and Linka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care face and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by two2 she won only one single TI in her career in 23 she won the B High she now go in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena saala so let's go for and see her for her ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied shalian open mared much more tighter so her been L was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into compis players bronti career price is $2 million by sabinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka ex 235 so F you see there has to had this will the second meeting between them so there has to stand that one by for saal Linka the M brisban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like and subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against Arena Linka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Luci bronti profile her current King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now Callan in the previous round now to win this s she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her Curr King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied and open mared much more title so her been lose St 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison of f players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so for the see their house who had this will the second meeting between them so their house who stand at 1 by Z for saal Linka the mar Brie ban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel W of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 year old so her L was 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the Bal she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sa Linka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she W ju live austalian open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she last appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channels so let's go for the two comparisons of our two players bronti career price is $2 million my sinka career price is $24 million bronti has has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti ex 55 and S link ex 235 so for see there has to have this will the second meting between them so they has Standard 1 by Zer for saal Linka they M brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are do good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single title in her career in 23 she won she now in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open ccin in 2024 and before that shei open married much more tighter so her L was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into and players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka played 52 matches bronti exes 55 and sa Linka exes 235 so for see there has to had this will the second meeting between them so there has to stands at 1 by0 for sabinka they Mar brisan this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the high she nowan in the previous round now to win s she Hasa so let's go for and see her phone her ranking is number two she is 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she livean open married much more title so her been lose St was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into compis players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is 24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so F we see the house who had this will the second meeting between them so the house who stands at 1 by Z for saal Linka they Mar at briean this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25y old so her L St was 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the Bal she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she W ju Australian Open open mared much more tighter so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparison of two players bronti career price is $2 million my sinka career price is $24 million bronti has G only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sub Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Link ex 235 so for you see there has to have this will the second meeting between them so there has to Standard 1 by Z for saal Linka the mar brisan this and saal Linka w game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose is 297 by 2ble two she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her for her current King is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open since in 2024 and before that she relied open Mar much more tighter so her L was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica Goa so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into compis players Broner price is $2 milliona carer price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles Bron coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka ex to 35 so for see there has to have this will be second meeting between them so there has to stands at 1 by Z for sinka the M brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her karma King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose St is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the high she now in the previous round now to win this she hasala so let's go for and see her form her ranking is is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that Sheed open mared much more titter so her loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appear per Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the compis of f players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F we see their heart had this will the second meeting between them so they has to stand at 1 by Z for saal Linka the M Brian this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened the tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 old so her L with 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena saena so let go and see her form her car ranking is number two she's 26y old so she won 15 titles she went Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she W Live Australian Open added much more tighter so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparison two players bronti career priz million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and L ex 235 so F you see the has who had this world the second meeting between them so the has to stand that one by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisban this year and saal Linka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget also like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia Z will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got lul in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relied and open mared much more ti so her L 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pegol so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison players bronti career price is $2 milliona career pric is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bonetti play play 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka ex 235 so for see the hasu this will be second meeting between them so the has stands at 1 by0 for saal Linka the M brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel always success hello guys asalamu Alum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win sinka so let's go for and see her form herur ranking is number she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that evened open mared much more tighter so her loose St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared inati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into compis players bronti career price is $2 million Mya career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka ex 235 so F we see the house who has this will be second meeting between them so the H stands at 1 by Z for saal Linka the mar brisan they and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys am alikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 so her lose St was 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B she now in the previous round now to win this round she has to win arinka so let's go for and see her form her curent ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she went Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei Australian Open Mar much more title so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for them two comprise and players bronti career price is $2 million my sinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and exis 235 so F we see the has who had this world the second meeting between them so the has who stand that one by Zer for saal Linka the mar brisan this year and sabinka won the game this time alsoa has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronet a world play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Luci bronti profile her Curr King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the B High she got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 20124 and before that she relied open mared much more title so her been L 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the two comparison of f two players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and SAA rank is number two bti play 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka exes 235 so for you see the house who had this will the second meeting between them so the house who stand that 1 by Z for saal Linka the M Brie ban this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happen that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel W up success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against Arena saal Linka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her L is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in a career in 23 she won the B she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Aina sinka so let's go for and see her form her ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won delali open mared much more tighter so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she L appeared since Nati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget to like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther comparison of f two players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches Bron ex 55 and S Linka ex 235 so for see there has to have this whole the second meeting between them so their H stands at 1 by0 for Sabal Linka the m at brisban this year and saal Linka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care face and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check our players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronet profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 F old so her L St is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won she now in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her for her car ranking is number two she is 26 years old so she won 15 titles she won aan open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she relian open mared much more title so her been lose St was 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into compris players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single TI and sabinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka exis 235 so for we see the has to had this will the second meeting between them so they has to stands at 1 by for saal Linka they Mar brisban this and sabinka won the game this time also has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia Bron will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know who going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose St is 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won theas High she now in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her form her car ranking is number two she's 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that shei open mared much more TI up so her L was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparison of players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sinka rank is number two bti played 30 matches 24 and sa Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and S Linka exes 235 so for we see the has who had this world the second meeting between them so the has who stand at 1 by Z for saal Linka they Mar briean this year and sabinka won the game this time also sabinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tourament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel W of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check C profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her Karm King is number 76 she's 25 Old so her L was 297 by 22 she won only one single high in her career in 23 she won the Bal she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina saal Linka so let's go for and see her form her current King is number two she is 26 six year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that she won Delian open mared much more title so her been loose St was 399 by 185 she last appeared at Cincinnati and won the title again Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparison of two players bronti career price is $2 million rinka career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles bronet coming to this match with the ranking of number 76 and sa Linka rank is number two bronti play 30 matches in 24 and sub Linka play 52 matches bronti ex 55 and S Linka ex 235 so for you see there has to have this world be second meeting between them so they has Standard 1 by Z for saal Linka the M Brian they and sabinka won the game this time also sinka has 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalamu alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lu bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video and check out profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her K King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her L with 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won she now got in the previous round now to win this round she has to win Arina sabinka so let's go for and see her for her current King is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open since 19 2024 and before that she relied open mared much more title so her been loose St is 399 by 185 she lost appeared at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into compr and players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is $24 million bronti has won only one single title and sinka has won 15 titles bronti coming to this match with a ranking of number 76 and sabinka rank is number two bronti played 30 matches in 24 and S Linka play 52 matches bronti exes 55 and Linka exes 235 so for see there has to have this will be second meting between them so there has to stand at 1 by0 for saal Linka they Mar brisan this year and saal Linka won the game this time also sabinka had 66% chances to win let's see guys what happened that tournament till then take care Allah and don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel ways of success hello guys asalam alaikum I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys Lucia bronti will play against arena sinka in the round of US Open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with usan so let's start our video and check her players profile so first let we talk about Lucia bronti profile her karma King is number 76 she is 25 Old so her loose ra is 297 by 22 she won only one singles high in her career in 23 she won the B High she now call in the previous round now to win this round she has to win over Arena sabinka so let's go for and see her form her car ranking is number two she is 26 year old so she won 15 titles she won Australian Open Cincinnati in 2024 and before that evened open married much more tighter so her loose was 399 by 185 she lost appear at Cincinnati and won the title against Jessica pagola so guys if you want more videos like this so don't forget like And subscribe our channel so let's go for the into comparison players bronti career price is $2 milliona career price is 24 million brunetti has won only one single title and sabinka has won 15 titles brunetti coming to this smash with the ranking of number 76 and Suba rank is number two then

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Hello guys asalam i hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our youtube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of us open so if you want to know it's going to win then stay active with us till the end... Read more


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Hello everyone i hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to youtube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guysen and we play against arena sabinka in the round of us open so once you know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video... Read more


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Hello everyone i hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to youtube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guysen and we play against arena sabinka in the round of us open so once you know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video... Read more


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Hello everyone i hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to youtube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guysen and we play against arena sabinka in the round of us open so once you know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video... Read more


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Hello everyone i hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to youtube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guysen and we play against arena sabinka in the round of us open so once you know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video... Read more


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Hello everyone i hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to youtube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guysen and we play against arena sabinka in the round of us open so once you know is going to win then stay active with us till the end so let's start our video... Read more


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Hello guys asalam alikum i hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our youtube channel wer sucess and we are back with another video so guys kolina m and jessica pigola will play against in the semi-final round of us open so you once you know is going to win then stay active with us... Read more


Category: Sports

Hello guys asalam alum i hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our youtube channel ra sucess and we are back with another video so guys sh world play against anna shara in the round of us open so you want you know is going to win then stay active with us so let's start our video and... Read more


Category: Sports

Hello guys asalam alaikum i hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our youtube channel ws of success and we are back with another video so guys e will play against camila rakim moa in the round of us open so you want you know it's going to win then stay connected with us at the end... Read more