REACTION: Were Newcastle United LUCKY? Bournemouth Secure Point Amid VAR Controversy

[Music] there we are outside team Courts at a one all didn't feel like it did it didn't think it was for a while bit of hand ball heartbreak at the end there which we've yet to investigate I'm sure we'll hear more about it Paul did you enjoy the game yeah sort of my throat's SC a bit so uh yeah I did I enjoy it I thought we did enough to win the game I thought Newcastle had some good chances Netto was on fire today got a got a shout out to Netto especially after all the stick he's been getting recently I think today he actually had his best game for us for a long time and in terms of other players on the pitch that stood out for you today anyone particular Atara when he came on again it seems to be a super sub at the moment yeah creates so much when he does come on I thought Lou cook was great in Midfield Evan nson tried had a good few shots but nothing came out of it so yeah I think most of them had a solid game I think at the backs and Essie was brilliant and zani both of them I don't know how howson's going to get in the team no me neither uh and a good opening opening days of the Season really quite an entertaining game yeah yeah I thought it was um Eddie how always brings the entertainment with him doesn't he so uh we had it when he was our manager they've had it now as theirs I mean I don't know how he's managed to get V on his team but it's it seems to be I mean a friend of mine said it was shoulder not handall but yeah they were watching from home so yeah and just a quick mention 125 years football you got a nice shirt on there what what season's that was signed 20101 yeah I I thought I'd go through my wardrobe and try and find something old and this was the oldest one that I had um it just happened to be somebody scribbled all over it so oh yeah I see yeah there Tindle in that one cuz he apparently he got a red card at the end he Tindle I don't think it was Tindle who got a red card was it I it was one of our assistants oh really I think so yeah but yeah no he's on there somewhere with Eddie and yeah all the all the greats B brilliant oh move on to the next great Noah hey Noah how you doing I'm good good light your glasses matching your top today looking great uh what do you think the game uh it was good apart from that goal it was no handle it was a shoulder yeah I got to say I was really excited I was jumping up and down having a great time and then all and nobody seemed to nobody seemed to say handle at the time did they nobody not their not their players not the goalkeeper nobody it doesn't make any sense to me yeah it doesn't did you see anything anything that looked like a hand ball for you have a good view from where you are no no no hand ball no okay all right well apart from that who did you think did really well today for us I think F meno yeah I thought he was unplayable at times wasn't he really really good really must have given Lloyd Kelly a bit of a headache on his his date first date back here don't you think yeah and I also liked Netto he did all right in goal today didn't he yeah yeah better than I doing goal definitely uh how you feeling about the season first time we've tracked you this season so how you feeling about it how you reckon we're going to do I think we'll do mid table nice brilliant you want to give me a number position uh seven seventh I'll take it brilliant buddy thanks hey Steve hello guys oh my goodness you look spelt and and beautiful don't you look him that can I read it AFC B versus Newcastle United 25th of the E 2024 this is one of them just don't ask me how much this is one of the expensive expensive ones is it for the game and all that something like that it looks Lely thanks you look lovely too oh thank you buddy uh let's talk about things other lovely things what what did you think of the game was the game lovely it was lovely for large parts of it today I thought we were I thought very slow start um Newcastle looked dangerous at the beginning and then we um we kind of grew into the game I thought we really sort of got stuck into him thought Lewis cook was phenomenal today thought he was snapping at everyone's heels winning the ball back Christy the same um Tav and seeno look really exciting on each wing and even nson I thought he he had a really good debut I mean only thing was lacking was a goal I mean he had two good attempts hit the target both times um yeah he really unfortunate but um as the game progressed I thought for once I thought andon got it a little bit wrong today with the subs I felt that Christie when he took Christie off and Scott came on I thought we lost the Midfield a little bit yeah and they started to dictate things more and it was a 15minute period and you could just see it coming and kirz actually I thought played really brilliantly today I thought he was was really good but he just lost Gordon for a second and he stole him back post and you know he only takes a second score goal when we W all and we think how's that happened then we have all the for at the end don't we um I've been told it's come off his arm I didn't see it myself but um people debating whether it's shoulder sleeve I don't know what the rule is these days right but um you know thing the one I was really annoyed about was that Netto foul at the end yeah that one where he grabs him around the neck that's that's really dangerous I'm surprised he only got a yellow for that but all in all I thought is it David C I thought he until that last s a little bit I thought you handled the game quite well cuz it was it was a bit of a frantic Affair at times absolutely yeah how did you feel it went yeah it's quite exhausting to watch actually which probably what you want from your football in a way rather than something boring but uh he still can't do us he still can't do us another just one all every time on your coupons at home there you go thanks Budd Tom Tom did predict one all for first games is he he does he's got it he's got it see you later see you in a bit see come on Scott how you doing buddy okay fine excellent good to see you at the start of the Season what did you think of today's game it was a fair result you feel that was a fair result good excellent were any of the players very good today who did you think was good um I was I think it was the new signing Evan Nelson yeah I thought he was good too and last word is he your uh player of the game do you think he was who's the best player well best player was I think it was Antoine seel brilliant fantastic Scott thank you for coming on good to see you H hi you okay yeah I'm fine um you can't celebrate anything anymore can you absolute limbs in the Ted Ma and all of a sudden you get that joyous moment taken away from you but AB that's the way it goes I probably would have taken a one or before the match come honest with you um some strong performances I thought today you know seveno and everything Netto he gets a lot of stick but one of those saves was world class I thought you know the one down was right but um all in all uh my first game for 10 years I live abroad I live abroad and I brought the kid over but she won't come on she's got the shirt I wore at Wembley he w stand up a second Wy 8 that's our first ever football match so oh you treated to a classic I think thanks to the global membership I was able to get a ticket for this that's brilliant that's really good that you can do that that is really really and great stuff on the on the back of the neck cuz I'm a subscriber I pay me three quid a month and it just keeps me keeps me connected oh we really appreciate it thank you so much thanks for coming on go because I know you got a oh yeah got quite a c haven't I that's right problem hey Tom you okay how you doing Bu you're right yeah aned but um it's good to be Anno with a one draw against them lot a good result but um I just I just feel for the players just feel for him and our do obviously because we we're brilliant that was that was just proper rock and roll football it was amazing to watch that's why we love him cuz it's just Full Throttle we're always going to Tire when we play like that and you have to make Subs that have got then got get the speed with the game and I thought we struggled in that period and obviously conceded but then we found ourselves again um they could cope with some old game I felt for Lloyd it was a great return for him because he was getting tall all over the park but unfortunately have a just tweeted off the back of the net account actually you can have an amazing football match brilliant to watch and it's just ruined by a bunch of idiots because I've watched it back it's not hand ball of course it's not hand ball I mean no one in the sky J said it's AB ball where's it hit him back there um never amble and then Joe linson's just WWE slammed that out to the floor and got a book in um yeah they just lost all control at the end and that's it's just ruining football it's just doing my heading because I just felt for the L felt for Dango Cubs on he's had that at United as well with his hand and um got this allowed he was buzzing we found a way to win it and they found a way to just stop the enjoyment of football I just Absolut lims what's the point uh just honestly f up now I could see why there's certain fans that go don't mind if you go down because it's just so bad what's the point what's the point you watch an unbelievable football match and it's ruined it's just ruined by in suits just sat there making like ridiculous rules that make no sense there's there's no way that's hand ball not one of their players thinks about hand ball and then when they said they are I looked that I'm right behind there well they a going to get it's not at all so they're just looking at it absolutely crazy man it's it's annoying that we're talking about it because we were so good today thought everyone was good I've obviously got to say big Sage from letto yeah he which was good um and listen I just said to them I've never once said he can't save it he's very he's very good at saving it it's that command of his box but to be fair to him when he the first time he caught a ball he they got battered that's probably why he doesn't bother but um yeah he made some big saves when we needed it which was good thought Rojo was really good and as I say they they kind of R their race and we had to change it but we we were excellent all over the pitch and even the subs done well so loads of positive SIDS um obviously the main thing being I said we drew one all last week I said we draw one all again this week um I should have put a bet on it cuz the cash out would be nice but I certainly would change my mind if you off of it now because I I think if we play like that we'll beat Everton and I also think we'll give West Ham a game on Wednesday they just just got it for him but um it was a really enjoyable match for thetics watch great yeah yeah yeah good good good good thing to Mark today 125 Years celebration Eddie how here as well 10 years since that it was a good game for that yeah if he sck he might beat us one day Eddie he might beat us one day maybe take another one of our players but no I enjoyed it t it's just shame of it yeah a shame thanks buddy aan you're right you yeah go on then that was very good I thought yeah okay that's that's good way start pos positive yeah I liked it every from minute one to minute 90 plus whatever yeah apart from the nighty but and I thought we played very good yeah yeah I I liked the way we played and our press was great yeah yeah that ra yeah he's got some he's quick yeah he is quick stopped Gordon as well one of the quickest Wingers in the Prem yeah so good there a really Pacey down that side for us and for them because obviously they had Lloyd Kelly there uh as well um and we had seeno that was an interesting match up what it between those two what did you make of that oh that was entertaining to watch cuz seo's he's class ringer is he oh he's incredible he's he's he's he's everything yeah finisher whatever but yeah he was good as well today as well he deserves one the match I thought and I don't want to be negative but everyone's talking about the decision at the end there yeah uh and is it a handle is it not a handle I've not seen it back Tom says he has he say it was about there what do you make of that not not humble CU to the loss of the game shoulder is not humble yeah from the shoulder down that is a handle it didn't it didn't come down a so it's not handle right so V is just a joke these days honestly they take so long on easy decisions but when it's these type of decisions it's quick and then just to annoy the fans it's annoying yeah I we'll be talking about it for a long time thank you buddy do you have a man of the match today before you go uh either Aro KZ oreno but I'm going to go with Aloo thank way you said it thank you buddy good see he you Ben my head is on Mars to be honest I mean Jesus Christ hand ball for that I haven't seen it I've been told it's hit him there I mean Jesus Christ I I I I don't know I don't know if people the referees the V I don't know if they know what the handall rule is because if is hi there you're not gaining any extra Advantage players do it all the time and it's and if that's anywhere else on the pitch no way on Earth is like being given us a handall in any in any context whatsoever but that's the the referee today I thought was app ping he completely lost control of the game how how Joe Lind didn't get sent off of whatever his class says violent conduct for literally clotheslining Netto when he's about to throw the ball it's it's mental I don't understand how you can get away with that um but but but yeah if if players do a little towards someone and it classifies as a headbutt and it's really dangerous saw last week didn't we yeah exactly and it happened with Newcastle so I I I don't really get it um but to be honest I probably complained enough about the referee the officials and I'm sure that will be a very big topic of discussion but I thought on the pitch um I thought we were decent I thought if anything we did deserve to win that because we did Miss chances obviously the goal should have stood that would have been 2-1 I think that would have been a fair result but Evan nson missed a good chance Pope made some good saves Sinister at the end um but yeah I thought I thought we were really good I thought Oro was very decent um Netto made some good saves obviously I know some people know I'm not the biggest fan of him but his distribution I didn't think was good but the saves he made made were amazing so you know you can kind of we up both sides of the argument andt in theame yeah he kept us in the game like if it if if those saves Haden gone in it would have been a completely different game yeah um but all in all I thought we were decent Evan Olson on his debut again I thought he was solid physical maybe slightly different profile to Dom but yeah he he looked decent um obviously he should have probably scored his chance but I'll give him benefit of the doubt it's his first game absolutely over it so I'm I'm not going to lose my head at that um but yeah all in all pretty solid meno was unbelievable I thought um that I thought Lloyd Kelly really struggled against him um also some of the fans booing Lloyd Kelly in the northand there were a few I thought that was pretty pathetic to be honest he's done nothing wrong as a player for Bournemouth yeah um you know he captained us back to the Premier League he never ended in a bad way he always put put his all in and everything um so yeah but again that that was the minor that was the minority very very small about people and not for very long to be fair um and it was good that we clapped him off at the end um but yeah all in all it's not the end of the world if we had lost my head would have been completely gone because we did not deserve to lose that at all but draw is not the end of the world it's pointing the board still unbeaten so yeah it's what it is Happy Days mind the gap oh yeah exactly hey how you doing buddy oh nice little upgrade there thank you yeah let's talk about football what do you think well I got to say uh there's the obvious talking point of's disallow goal yes now so could you talk me through it did the how the ball came in what exactly happened did yeah so of course it was from the corner uh Dango goes up uh he's got his arm around a Newcastle player right um he goes and he heads it like this and it touches just there so did the ball touch his head or just his shoulder you there just the shoulder okay um however according to um their uh their uh laws that it's not hand ball so I don't know how they come to that conclusion okay um you know I I think we'd be lucky to see uh what actually happened um during the decision because of of course it we're only Bourn withth aren't we um you know if this was like uh was it last year Liverpool V Tottenham with that offside if it was that highkey sort uh sort of game then you know we might see something but I I think we'd be lucky to um which is a shame really because I don't know how they come to that decision uh but say that for a lot of our decisions with us could we you okay let's talk about something positive then uh you probably down that bit to death so uh tell me about what you thought of the the players for for today and who stood out for you it's got to be anemo isn't it I mean he was he was phenomenal um he's indestructible as well um yeah I mean seeno uh seeno was different different gravy today and um got I got to say we have been highly critical of Netto of course I have I've been quite supportive of him uh but you got to give him his dues today you got to give him his credit he was phenomenal uh some of the uh saves he made today were World Class um of course still distribution there's there's something left to be desired there but at the end of the day very very uh good saves today very very good performance and yeah I'd probably say anono just as for my man of the match but N is a close second good thanks buddy thanks for coming along hey how you doing you okay yeah good nice what's that you got on your shoulders the new oh look at that that's gorgeous Brant got some P down there Southampton with a a line through it look at that it's brilliant absolutely brilliant fantastic and uh other brands of of uh Spanish BR available Str brilliant that's great what do you think of the game today I I think I think it was a great game um before before the referee mistakes I think very exciting for end to end two very acing teams was there a player that stood out for you I think credit where credit is due Neta was great he was his saves were impeccable he's starting to get a bit better at hands ining it was catching a few as well um but I think Seena just got it for me today yeah that's good that's good I like that and in terms of right at the begin of the Season terms of a season prediction where do you think we're going to end up this season with the new Strikers I think evsa may be a little bit more Fitness I'm going to say ninth I'm going to say solid ninth but knocking on the door Europe but we might not just get it um but yeah we're definitely close keep knock on that door thank you so much for coming on that's brilliant all right hey Josh how are you I'm good see you got a new mic I got a new mic Mike yeah we won't talk about the Mike though cuz that will that will take up too much of our football time so talk me talk to me about football we played well we played well yeah a really nice little uh way of summing it all up who played well I think they all played well until and only took off Evan neelon when when he took off Evan neelson there was so much space and when he took off Christie yeah made a difference I would if if you because Evan nson was going to come off I would put Jefferson on instead did it too late bit too late the Christie thing was interesting wasn't it there are some apparently there was a uh a training session here open training session for junior cherries and uh he he wasn't involved Christian there was concerns maybe that there there's something going on there with with him and maybe carrying a little bit of a knock that could have had something to do with it I thought when um Alex Scott came on he did some some good bits but he's not the same type of player is he I don't know about that no he didn't do very well you didn't like that no no okay uh anyone else I could ask you about let me think uh what about sessi sessi came back in today inad of H what did you think of him there's certain things about housing that's better than tenesse and then certain things that are worse do you think we made the right decision today in in terms of who we played I I don't know between those two it's going to be a battle this season between those two it's good to see also that V you have to give one all the other because if you don't count the one today you had to count the Louis cook one last week but there's no consistency is there no consistency no consistency okay well let's get on to something consistent then going have a chat with you with your dad I need to give man the match oh sorry cut go quick I'm actually going to give it to cook in the Midfield cook in the Midfield thank you so much right quickly who's going to shoulder the blame for all of that I don't know get up H in LS cook and Joe I loved it love a good Midfield battle it was fantastic especially when Louis cook actually pulled him by the hair and pulled him back down I thought brilant um s many was fantastic we were great so whatever the end result was that we should have possibly won and the V check we were brilliant lots of progress points there nothing against any of the players I do question that change as Josh just mentioned but if Christy was ill I get it but it really affected momentum age but hats off to Eddie how because when he moved Joe Linton away from LS cook they looked a different team that's it brilliant super thanks I have to I have to be I've been told I have to be quick so uh one question and one question only uh no I'm ask you two questions man of the match and where we going to finish this season we're going to finish eight eight seven eight and nine go on and the man of the match is so menu because he put some great balls in and I don't think Kelly had a chance against him he didn't have a chance against that fantastic summary well done brilliant love it hey buddy how you doing yeah I'm good I'm good I'm just going to let you talk for a little little bit cuz I think it's probably the easiest thing to do so talk about what you want to talk about I like the noise yeah honestly I think H just terrible really and truly isn't it but it's one of those things I don't know I've seen I mean I saw the replay happened at the East stand the go happened at the East stand and I literally saw the replay like top of the shoulder to me and what frustrates me the work the most is that the referee didn't even go and have a look at the screen no like he he gave the goal and yeah he's had advice in the year but going a look at the monitor absolutely yeah you're right because that is such a in in the Premier League we cannot be having these we cannot be having these moments afterwards we should be getting these decisions correct and explanations like they do in other leagues they have these explanations but having said that Netto did keep us in the game um I was quite angry with Netto during the first half yeah but second half he did redeem himself very well to be honest um I think we kind of burn out after a while yeah and we got quite tired but you have to give credit to meno I mean he's just and he brilliant yeah he's unbelievable I give I take my heart through him every single week honestly he's unbelievable Ryan chrisy as well Lewis cook even our alho did very very well on his debut so I'm quite pleased I think we played quite well today even nson played quite well I think I can see why went for someone like even you can kind of see a little bit of similarities between him and salani in terms of pressing and stuff like that um but just I think just lack of match ftness but yeah over good signs just a bit deflated 2 5 years but yeah it's just one of those things but we take we'll take the point we yeah we'll take the point 125 years and Eddie how still can't beat us in the league that's it that's it so I beat him my continues isn't it so yeah I guess I guess when we go up there we'll we'll see what happens yeah the as always good to see buddy thanks coming on man hey buddy you good yeah good uh we caught you before the game Sam that will be in the the Vlog that will be coming out tomorrow so uh what did you what did you think of that well um of course as a Newcastle fan especially with the weird game that I would definitely have to take a point after that but in all honesty um I think both teams are going to walk away today disappoint or not to get three points the amount of chances both teams had to win is unbelievable um I feel like Bournemouth are probably going to be the more disappointed out of the two teams because had a massive chance when they were won the L really should have scored at the back po at 2 nil there nasto never going to had that spark would have going to G on and potentially get back into the game um I thought Eddie how were quite positive I thought they were all quite good Harvey bars was really good for us today K made a massive impact Newcastle done well like a back into the game and had chances it wasn't for your goal keep the potential go and get a second goal but um it was a a battle where both G has made a good amount of saves Bournemouth probably the better of the two teams I think in terms of uh getting real clearcut chances I think in terms of the game as well um I mean in all honesty I don't I think a draw is probably fair but I feel like Bor is the more disappointed out the two teams walk away from because I felt like they were the more likely team to score especially the game ended I had had a chance to watch the hand ball back yet I don't know how harsh it was but at the time I didn't personally say anything in it so I to watch it back I don't know where the hand balls came from but I'm not going to complain about that v c looked at it it must have happened somewhere but uh points I mean I say a p's good um in the context of this season because that P could be cruci for cast at the end but also said at the start of there I thought Castle will need to win no matter what it's a tricky one it's a tricky one to judge but both teams are going to be today yeah I think they are I think but at the same time 125 years for us anniversary and that was a that was a really good game for a neutral to watch eyes on Dean CT on TV so uh an exciting game of football nevertheless yeah a real good second half especially I thought the first half was probably a bit flat on our point of view second half is just end to end football I mean in terms of any cast a ball match I don't think our games ever tend to be that good to be honest when you're watching them back but that one's definitely the best one I've seen a long time against B I thought both teams went for a real good competitive game and a real frustrating game as far as of course a team with a red card at the end as well so it's it's one of those ones where I think I think both teams will look back at the end of the season and whether that point makes a difference or not it's a sort of point where you kind of look back and go well you know what yes we could have done better here but that that one point in the board's still going to help us bro it's one of them ones who've G out to judging when the season ends I feel like but for today a bit of a disappointment yeah and what's not disappointment was your content that you do if people want to watch a little bit more of what you do how can they do that uh just adding PS on YouTube so of course have the Vlog on from this game had a chance to speak to Sam and himself as well so no it's a real privilege being down here I say it again the ball fans are so lovely so welcome and Newcastle fans that of course traveled such a long distance to get here a real nice place to come and I'm sure next season you guys are definitely going to be in the Premier League so I'm looking forward to come back again but no it's been abolute pleasure so thank you so much it's been real nice being down here thanks thank you bril so that's pretty much us done I think from outside Dean C we put a little Link at the bottom there for some of Adam stuff as well if you want to catch that uh onwards and upwards we got uh West Ham in the cup next what kind of team are we going to play I don't I don't have no idea probably a good one let's hope happy chess [Applause] [Music] [Music]

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