You Already Know w/ Kenan Thompson & Tani Marole Ep 183: “Kids Can’t Tell Time” w/ guest Deon Cole

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 01:08:41 Category: Entertainment

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are we rolling because I got I got something to say you already know you already know you already [Music] know yo Happ what what's happening bro yeah please please don't even I look like a lunatic I love that don't worry baby he's good that means that means you're in the lab that's exactly what it literally in the kitchen [Laughter] cooking this is delicious man it's a blessing man thank you man thank you for doing this bro come on man you know you the you the man brother you the man thanks for having me sh come on man so how many years man how many years doing stand up now ah man 30 straight 30 piece hold on before we get into it let's run a quick intro this you already know podcast he's Kitty Thomson T maroli we are joined by the incomparable the funny and the very relaxed Dion Cole incred give it up alls we are we are hot opening into uh history so let's go KY continue please yeah I was I was asking you know um my next followup question was going to be do you remember your first set yeah like yesterday yeah I did um Chicago I um tried to get on stage like three times they kept denying me and finally Adele given was like yeah I seen you every week yeah yeah I put you on and I was like wow she put me on and I remember getting to Standing Ovation on first first out the gate Standing Ovation hooked hooked done done yeah out of there yeah right yeah so you from Chicago born and raised absolutely born and raised where you from I'm from Atlanta really yes sir I always thought DC everybody think anybody ever tell you that as long as long as it's all good as long as it's something chocolate you know it's all good from something righteous from somewhere righteous somewhere right just but hold on Adele given brought you up was she was she was she just as was this Heyday runchy crazy Adele given yeah this was on White Hot Fire Adele giv this is De Comedy Jam Adele just the lady Adele G yeah fire yeah absolutely incredible and how many specials now so technically it's like five and a half I did like this minute thing on Netflix it was called the standups like yeah we we kicked that off like the very first season of that it was me Nicki Glacier bu us whatever yeah we did that we all did like 30 and that 30 sent us all to have specials and we ain't look back everybody been going yeah and their specials are actually really awesome um I watched them actually I watched them of good repeatability so I watched the you the Netflix ones and then I realized you they Paramount has one of yours too they got to bifurcate it and [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so you got to go to different platforms and [ __ ] so it's like you know what I'm saying you switching them all over there back in the day back in the day they used to get specialist out on Comedy Central yep so the one that they have is my Comedy Central one I guess Comedy Central made a deal with them and uh put the specials up over or whatever but yeah that was my very first one hour special like that I remember I remember with Netflix they I did that one hour special and then I was just like waiting to do another one and I remember Netflix was kind of new to specials but they was like yo we got this thing called the standups and I was like they was like we only we want you to do 30 minutes and I was like N I just did an hour special and they was like nah n these are just 30 minutes you should def definitely do it and I'm like N I ain't I ain't doing that and they was like no it's this thing called algorithms that that's really G that you don't know about that that's really gonna take off and the people that's gonna see this is gonna be all over the world and I was like nah but then they kept telling me and I was like no my my my agent was like what's 30 minutes just give them 30 minutes you you're right because I was scared to give him 30 because I a feel like writing a whole another 30 because I was trying to get hour how long does it take you to to get 30 up a solid 30 yeah a year a year ladies I saw you with with Evan who's our video producer two weeks ago at improv you was you and OSHA and you were T out you were testing [ __ ] out you had the bucket hat on you on Thursday Lance was there because we to same Barber Shop shout out to so um yeah you were testing out some [ __ ] and I saw at first it was like let me just throw some [ __ ] out and then towards the end it was all off memory and I was like oh that's the [ __ ] he's been working in other places you know what I mean yeah you see it so it's like I I I it's actually these are the new things that I just wrote that I never tried out and I don't have any confidence in so that's what you see at the top so it ain't like I'm just randomly I just don't have no confidence in that [ __ ] I'm putting it out there hoping hoping I get something and then once I do all of those then I'll do the ones that I just wrote that I know that work and keep trying to perfect those and so that was like the ending part of of that yeah so that's the process I be doing but yeah for a whole special for me to do a whole special take me about two years two years and you've been doing it for 30 that's a lot of jokes man it is man but I write really bizarre you know like like really Evergreen and and when you write really Evergreen and you do like observational humor it's a you got to live in order to witness things but if I'm filming a TV show or a movie or something I'm I'm I'm getting paid to be somebody else so I can't be me and I ain't got time to really live you know so on top of all of those things happening you know when I get a chance to be me then I try to live and I try to write so I mean you you know what I'm talking about I feel you a th% I mean it brings me to like my next two points actually because when you talk about being Evergreen kind of thinker you know I remember when you were on The Tonight Show you were a writer on The Tonight Show for how long um well we was on The Tonight Show for like a year and then I went with Conan he had his own like late night show and I was on over there eight years wow got you so like yeah and Conan is a [ __ ] beast of a writer too so monster yeah like did you learn a lot of skills as far as like actually pin to paper and you know thought to pin to paper or did you already kind of have it and you were just sharpening those tools well he taught me another way he taught me that uh it ain't how you laugh it's you laughing right also Tau me that you can't keep chasing magical moment M because if you keep doing that then the moments wouldn't be magical if you keep having these amazing moments you know what I mean it's like you can't keep having amazing moments you know it'll take away from the amazing moments right so like you know thinking that way softened the blow on what didn't work and then I start realizing from him that the heartache is the job it's not really the laughter it's the heartache it's it's the rejection it's all of that that's what you get on a normal day everyday basis especially in late night television you know and so that was something that I learned to embrace that instead of me running from inject rejection I will be like ah dang it didn't work and then hop right back to it or whatever know but he also taught me to get to it you know like don't don't don't don't try to do a whole lot to get to the joke like get to the joke like especially with television like just just get to the joke you know and also he has a a unique way of of writing for him that that's also great too like with Conan you would write a joke and then you would have to dissect the joke which will also be a joke so like for instance let's say I was just about to say please tell us a joke he had like a bat coming the studio right like a battle string right and it be like like [ __ ] with him and he'll be like man we got to clean these chimneys with all these bats up in here you know joke about the bat and then the second part of that joke is dissecting it where he goes all right who okay you can clearly see the string on this bat like why would we have this cheap bat This Bat is plastic like who now you now you tearing the joke down which is also funny you know what I mean yeah that was like a skill set that I was like ah okay yeah I could do that and to this day you know I make sure in my sets I do a joke I at least do one joke I know don't work because it's funny not being funny sometimes so you can go metal with it so I can go metal with why is terrible 100% And I imagine being in Conan O'Brien is similar working in in late night TV is similar to being on SNL where you have to write it's about as you said it's not about magical moments it's about volume you got to put up shots you're like Curry I got to put up a thousand shots every day in order to hit these crazy threes that you see you know what I mean which means I got to miss a lot of shots in order to get that crazy three you see and then and It Ain't No Way Around It that's exactly how it has to be done you know I'm quite sure I didn't heard stories about SNL I heard well that [ __ ] over there I mean it's it's a process you know what I mean like it like you said is there only one way that it works you know what I'm saying you just got to do it that way that's why I've always been hyper intrigued by you know standup number one as an art form but number two the people that do it you know what I'm saying because that dedication is I don't know if it's applauded enough you know the fact that you spend a year building something that we eat up in you know one sitting with with in the comedy club with chicken fingers and [ __ ] we not even thinking of how hard it is or how much time it takes to put towards making us laugh you know what I'm saying like y'all ain't doing it for yourselves like you doing it pretty much for us man so like that [ __ ] is crazy definitely definitely that it's like yo you you you put these you put these jokes out that especially the beginning of it because after every special like my like my special's about to come out right when do that drop please plug it September 17th next yes PL we're Shameless pluggers PL plug your bet show plug it all baby we here since we here we have Average Joe Netflix we gonna get there we gonna plug it all baby no no but um like uh I forgot what I was talking about uh you you were talking about standup we were talking about jokes we were talking about Netflix talking about your special and then that's why I ask you what date it comes out oh you were saying like yeah in the beginning of you when your special was about to come out you was probably saying like the beginning of the special oh right right right right right right right like when that when it when when it come when it comes out you're at the beginning of being jokesso and now you I remember when I finished my special I finished taping it and I remember going to The Improv and I sat in there and I do the same thing every time I finish the special I'll just be like so what y'all want to talk I have nothing right then you go from that to you know have a material because I would write a lot and I have some funny stuff but for my standard it'll just be fill in until something else comes and and and and knocks it out the way you know so like a music artist basically you take this time to create something that goes out to the world but unlike them you can't make a living redoing it out on the road because people want to see brand new stuff yeah which leads me to my second question I noticed that the lowest um respected form of standup is crowd work because I guess they assume anyone can do that but then I saw mat Matt re I think do a whole special was just all crowd work and I feel like they're two separate skill sets yes anyone could crack on someone but to do it really well and entertain everybody is that a is that a lower resp Ed form in terms of standup versus having set up sets that you know work that you worked across every small Comedy Club across the country and world for a year well I just had a wonderful conversation with a guy who is very popular with doing crowd work uh my man Nate Jackson me and Nate Jackson got together and doing this and um we had a long we had talk about that you know and the way that he the way that Nate does it it's almost like he's that's what he does you know what I mean like that's his thing he sets it up like that he has rules you know he goes into the audience he does that and he's making a living out of it you know and it's just another form of standup here's the issue when Matt which is my little brother loving to death when Matt and Nate blow up doing this other people think that they can go to everybody's show out in the audience and think that they gonna be talking about each other Mama case in point George Lopez was just in the news a few months ago him walking out of the comedy club because people kept heckling talking thinking he and he's trying to tell them hey guys chill like I you know I spent time writing this material let me do it they kept heckling he walked off and everybody was like how dare you walk off and how dare you but it's that it's that where it's like now everybody think that every comic is running around talking about talking about people to each his own whatever anybody does but there's a craft out here that still exists but it's very it's very scarce of writers that's out here really writing and Performing and it's a skill set that's slowly going away look like and I would love for people just the the writers that's out there and the comics that's out there to stick to formula if possible or have a hybrid do whatever you do do the new stuff do the crowd work do all of that but also have some material in there too to at least keep keep that form of it alive you know yeah it's like cursive writing they ain't teaching cursive no more and I don't know how I feel about that they not teaching it no more you I'm I'm a double down on you they don't know how to read clocks they don't know how to read clocks bro they don't they don't teach curs they don't teach writing the signatures are no longer signatures they just write their name now it's not even a signature because it's no cursive so how you sign you're just writing your name on their computers that [ __ ] say one dot dot z7 but if you get them you get them they gonna be like what's that uh 9 3:00 it's 9 3:00 300 you got to go to YouTube and go to the videos of when they put the rotary phone in front of the kids and they don't know what the [ __ ] to do you got to go to YouTube to learn how to read a clock y by the way we didn't know what to do with them shits them shits was hard as hell to work oh dead ass but they that's the world we seven and if you got it number wrong you had to hit the thing on the top and then go back to H it again all over again and then you had to wait okay that [ __ ] was wild like that [ __ ] be you had to go you'd be like 9:45 how that 4 like that was another thing I was gonna ask since you've been in the game for 30 years like paint a picture of what it was like to promote yourself without social media like what were the outlets you had to be like to make make flyers you know what I'm saying like before Myspace even like before all of that kind of [ __ ] like radio stations and it was it was it was word of mouth and shows that's show because in the city in Chicago you would just do shows and the more people that lik you the word of the mouth would be like man you should see this guy you should see this guy and more people come to your shows then the word getting around like man that guy Dion is really doing well and man he killing it so now when they put shows together they'll be like yo we coming to your city who's the hottest cat and they'll be like get Dion or get whoever and then you'll get on the big ticket show and then you'll kill and then that's it just that's that's the only way that you'll get on just like word of mouth and doing comedy clubs and doing numbers and going every year and building your craft building your crowd up that was the only way to really kind of like get on and blow up you know I mean until 2015 14 you know H yeah absolutely and now you can you can kick a cat and they'll be like yo that's the kick the cat guy you know he'll go sell out tickets t-shirts with him kicking the cat on it and just it's crazy right now like you you it's more it's more famous people than talented people oh yeah sure and that's where we at with it right now and just and people have to be smart enough to know the difference and it's in the hands of the people but the the the the famous people they you know they they blowing up you know and I can't I can't think in a famous mind I remember I did something I did um I was with lesie Leslie Jones we did NAACP and we presented and I remember they got on me really tough about calling women and [ __ ] right and like they were like they was like shout out to Leslie classic vintage woman yeah so lesie was supposed to say her line and she didn't and I was like just out there like and I remember I walk backstage and and I was like oh my God why did they take that that way I've been saying that [ __ ] for years why is everybody tripping out and lesie said boy don't worry about that [ __ ] we went viral I was like what I can't eat I don't even have an appetite right now how could I even think about viral she was like this don't let that [ __ ] bother you we went viral and I was like I can't and so I'm I'm trying to figure out how to think that way but I don't think you do I don't I don't even think you need to figure that out because if you weren't yourself I don't you know I think you wouldn't continue to push boundaries of your t and the way you are perceived which is bringing me into my other point of you bringing you being in the harder that They Come Harder that they fall Harder They Fall movie Harder They Fall bro you was like the hardest part of the whole [ __ ] joint you know what I'm saying like just the fact that you did that and then your character was so dramatic but it had it funnyish kind of moment or whatever you know what I mean at a at a time kind of barely but that [ __ ] was hyper real I was like [ __ ] look at Dion like taking a big swing that [ __ ] was real I applaud you on that one bro that was a big one enjoy that thank you man it's you know we just Taking Chances and doing things that you know we normally don't do man and you know just like with standup it wasn't like I knew I was gonna do standup it was somebody saying that to me like betting me to do it I didn't see it I always wanted to do dramatic Parts but I just didn't I didn't I didn't see that coming you know and and when he came to me with it I just was like like I just got ready like I just was like oh this that moment like all right like let's let's go you know what I mean and man it just did it but I always thought about that but it just wouldn't come my way it's almost like when I didn't think about it it came right I was about to say how how did it come about man do first of all anything you ever seen me in first of all anything I ever auditioned for I never got at all anything you ever seen me in has always been on some like good faith uh they just like my personality and you know because when you auditioning you bring something different to the table and you're not what they Envision so they would never give it to to me you know uh that they wouldn't um they were looking for it was another guy that was like that character and something happened where he couldn't do it so I guess they had went to an agency and they was looking for this how this how guy work too they went to his agency and they was looking for like the hottest actors in Hollywood whatever so they gave him a list of all these fantastic guys at the bottom of the list number like 34 they it wrote in pen wrote in pen in blue pen Dean Cole by the way Dean Dean Cole is available oh yeah Dean Cole it's like your porn name Whitman P we forgot we forgot to type it but here it is it's Dean Cole that was the one black person in the office they were like de Cole he was like oh Dean Cole got it yeah put put D put put Dion on there Dean Co right and so uh the writer producer guy he got the stuff and he was looking at the list and not to get real deep or whatever but BOS the pain of BOS when he does his paintings he usually crosses out a word if he wants you to really see that word you know what I mean you focus on the word this crossed outy so if you looking at this list and everything is typed the one is written in pen you going to draw your eye to it he seen it and he said Dean Cole he was like I don't know no Dean Cole but then he start thinking he was like I wonder know they talking about Dion Cole and then he was like man I remember meeting Dion and he was at this uh screaming he was like real nice dude then he started thinking about my voice and he was like man that' be crazy if if if he played this part he was like and it' be interesting to see somebody transform rather than be and so he was like man reach out to him and they called me I just was like I thought he was lying at first I mean if if somebody called you it was like out of the clear blue they was just like yeah Jay-Z is doing a western and it's got uh it's got Regina King and Stanfield and Del Roy Lindo and zazi Bates and Jonathan Mages yeah we want want you be a part of this I was like get the [ __ ] out of real you know but man he was like he was like no I'm dead serious bro that's give your flowers man you definitely held your own with all of them names that you just named they're all fantastic and very very talented people and you know Talent shines at the end of the day man you really you really shined in that role just by just by being you definitely transformed but you was you was being you know what I'm saying like very real thank you man and man look keep doing what you doing too man you uh I don't know if anybody ever told you man even when they was asking me to do this today I was just like man that that that [ __ ] there has transcended the game and what you do and and so it's so seamless what you do it's seamless it don't even look you study yo it like nothing you do it look like that [ __ ] be off the cuff every do you do you Do You Freestyle a lot when you you was doing SNL and and even on your show Keenan and [ __ ] like no we we writing and learning you know what I mean like writing and learning trying to like make every Department be together and a coordinated effort so it's it's pretty much like manuscript it will like you know ad Liv and [ __ ] in rehearsal or whatever but when it's showtime is like to the book basically so you don't be throwing people off but like a couple little moments you know what I mean where you'll stretch the laughs out if people are laugh and I'll let that [ __ ] go for a while but as far as like the wordage is like pretty scripted you wrote everything on SNL no I mean I collaborate you know like I'm I'm much better collaborating so I write with you know Brian Tucker or me and Colin shared an office for like eight years so we wrote some [ __ ] uh Chay is forever writing you know what I mean Seth used to write for me stuff like that but yeah me and Tucker as far as like me actually going line by line by line is usually with yeah Brian Tucker that's what's up yeah good [ __ ] now quick question Dion now did the role in The Harder They Fall butet your series on bet that's now on Netflix that's now being shown on carried on Netflix as well I think it yeah I think it I think it has something to do with it definitely I think it let people go let people see and be like yeah I think uh he can pull this off like you see what he did and how they fall or you seen what he did in the color purple like he he can do serious you know he can play these different people and so I definitely think that they was like this this yeah he he he we think he could pull this off with funny and being dramatic at the same time so yeah I definitely think so and you've been on a health Journey too like I remember when you turned like a a specific corner and like focused on I don't if it if it was working out or better nutrition or all of it like all of the above like how long has that Journey been going yeah like a while I I I I struggle with that still to this day I'll be big as a house one day and then the next day I look like a spoon just I still struggle with that like all the time especially if I'm about to film something I get right into mode and [ __ ] like all right eat [ __ ] you know work out whatever but if I ain't filming boy [ __ ] give me ham sandwich between two Donuts whatever the [ __ ] you know but I still try to keep I try to maintain you know excellent diet as much as possible I I quit eating meat all the way around the board oh wow okay just I eat fish and so yeah so I still maintain it to the point where even if I'm going crazy I'm going crazy with like carrots know like some chips it's like you know glutenfree like it's always some type of help [ __ ] with it where I'm not just going crazy and for anybody that's might be listening that might be struggling with that like payoff versus difficulty you know what I'm saying like is it is it imbalance or is it is it more of a strain or are you used to it now because it's been going so long yeah it's just your mind see I I got a couple things that I keep in my mind and I use them when I need to use them like one of the things is I sit back and go not let my taste buds be greater than my opportunities and [ __ ] you know what I mean like I think that way I be like if I eat something I'll be like N You Really Gonna Eat This you rather satisfy your taste but than looking decent on camera that's one thing that I think about the other one is and I I used to do this in my standup but it's real [ __ ] though but I I be like people be getting fat on [ __ ] that they ate already be like we don't have to eat that [ __ ] you know we already know how it taste we don't have to keep eating the same [ __ ] over and over again especially if you get fat on the same [ __ ] it's like you don't need to do that [ __ ] so like if I'm about to eat some macaroni I'd be like I'm getting fat on that [ __ ] man I already know how to taste you know like so I I keep that in my mind as well so using those methods and those tricks they they really they they help me you know and so with anybody else I think it's just your determination and what you want to do but it's also lifestyle that you have to start living you can't just you can't be like I'm going on a diet and you open up this motherfucker's closet and it look like [ __ ] every chip and every dip and every anything is in that [ __ ] you got to bring one of your friends over and be like take all this [ __ ] out here and put in a whole bunch of healthier [ __ ] less sodium less sugar put that [ __ ] in your closet but you can't be talking about I'm I'm gonna change and I'mma lose weight in your closet got every [ __ ] gummy bear in that [ __ ] you're the perfect partner to order the Wing Stop with I'mma get the lemon pepper wings and you got the celery carrots good that's it no argument over Flats AR zero we both extra condiments for Dion yeah that's like when dudes like different kind of chicks like d be like oh I don't like tall women I'll be like well that's perfect we don't got to argue over nothing you like dark meat I like white meat this is great I don't want and I don't want this you take it perfect you take it you take this and I take that we all winning that's a win win absolutely so are y'all in the middle of shooting right now or y'all uh what's going on what are you up to so uh right now uh we don't start shooting our second season of uh AIS Joe into January shooting South Africa really crazy fantastic you know you know this good brothers from South Africa right here who you yeah I'm South African if you go out there really what part oh Johannesburg well I'm from America I'm from New York my father up from Johannesburg so family out there may ask why are you filming in South Africa your show is an American show correct yeah the storyline is taking us there oh [ __ ] spoiler alert okay [ __ ] story line has is taking us there and it's wow wow this wow like a lot of people been loving the first season and if you love that then and I ain't just know like trying to like um sale but saying really like this second season is gonna be nuts you know like they was on the phone with me I say about maybe about three weeks ago and they were saying stuff like uh you scared of fire I'm like this I mean I don't known do you do you do anything with rattlesnakes I'm like doing is thisor alligators yo don't tell them you don't [ __ ] with sharks cuz South Africa in Cape Town got sharks that's when you draw the line brother at the I heard that I heard they do I'm like I [ __ ] no sharks NE but yo they they had a whole list of [ __ ] they just going through and I was like what it started started simple and then went crazy like they was like do you ride a motorcycle do you not drive the boat how like what I [ __ ] with the motorcycle in the boat [ __ ] but that whole snakes and [ __ ] that all the rest of that I can't do it hey my [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] with snakes bees or electricity or electricity [ __ ] with I remember this girl wanted to get a she she needed a jump I got to call somebody I was like I'm G call somebody for you need Triple A ma this is what Triple A is for [ __ ] I can't do it I ain't hooking up no caes mother if I catch a heart attack near you the EMP is usess hey man hey I hope I hope it's a plunger around mou I can't do it I ain't [ __ ] with no electricity ja oh my God incredible man but don't let us hold you all day man we really appreciate you being here man and just share your time with us and your story man we big fans over here you know keep going doing what you're doing man you know we got all you got all the support in the world I'm sure but let us just reaffirm bro we we right here with you and we just appreciate you sharing your talents with us bro man thank you so much man keep being inspiration like you are man and man thank you for sharing your platform man y'all are wonderful wonderful dudes man appreciate you we appreciate you man 100% appreciate you the incomparable Dion Cole the incomparable Deon Cole Chicago looking forward to your special coming out on Netflix September what date September 17th on Netflix called okay mister please check it out Average Joe right now and um yes yeah and also shout out and AA a rest in peace shout outs to your moms I found that very special on your last special how you opened it up with her and and dedicated it to her and I always I found that very endearing so I wanted to shout you out on that for sure thank you so much man I'm still I'm still it's just me and her man I'm still going through it with that it's so wild because people they hear because it wasn't just her who passed I had like five family members all passing that whole year and I'm still rocked over that and people still be coming to me like I'm normal you know they be talking to me like hey yeah so we still G and I'll be like like no like I'm not I'm not doing that or I don't feel that way I don't want to do that no more or I'm not I'm not thinking that way no more or whatever but yeah it's it's a struggle every day but I appreciate that word thank you so much that 100% man yes one of those life changing things you know like we just celebrated my mom's 75th birthday and while she was making her speech you know she just happened to mention she was the oldest of seven but like all her siblings are gone you know what I'm saying like from just different things or whatever and it was a real it was a moment like she finally choked up cuz she's always been kind of strong and just you know handling the business and going through it and I've never really seen her like fully break down or or be in the slumps you know what I'm saying for a longer period of time or whatever than the exact moment so to watch that choke up it was it was heavy man because you know I remember my aunts and uncles you know what I'm saying and they you know nearly dearly departed so just keep your head up bro you know what I mean keep taking care of yourself man word nothing love man thank y'all fellas appreciate 100% you have a great one have a great weekend Co yes sir D de Co appreciate it peace man all right excellent that was great that was great the best man he's one of the greatest yeah he's definitely one of the greatest he's definitely one of the greatest um on a continuous on a somber note we want to send our condolences to Kendrick Perkins and his family on the loss of his nephew he's been sharing it I don't know I don't know um I know he's just been expressing it on Instagram so you know he's a friend of the Pod friend of the show so we want to make sure we we let him know that we're here for him and our thoughts and prayers are with his family you know 100% and him and his whole family they just I'm sure they good people so yes yes yes yes for sure for sure for sure um quick question Keenan um if hypothetically Kum yeah the the the guy who played The Last Dragon I think his name was like ta something or something the dude who played the guy the last dragon yeah could he fight all these other Kung Fu dudes in like AUM like Jackie Chan uh Frank Dukes um BR Chuck Norris Bruce Lee I mean the last dragon had the aura you know what I'm saying so imagine him versus everyone else who you think wins that great you know in his in his era he was very John Claude Van damh you know what I'm saying like he wasn't as like test like steroid swo but like he was flexible and this that and the other you know what I'm saying so maybe he had some skill kind of thing like we was all food in The Last Dragon we was like we want the glow yeah he had the glow saying his character with the glow you think he can character with the glow if he pulled the glow out it's a problem even Bruce Lee what's Bruce Lee gonna do against the glow bro it's a problem I'm just telling you he's catching everything because the glow makes him speed up and that's Bruce Lee's whole thing is speed he hit him with the you got the glow you feel your heart you got the glow your mind your soul Bruce Lee didn't have the glow nah he had slow motion and blurs slow motion and blurs yeah he had the glow and reverse the tape yeah reverse the tape up in the tree listen you got to use what you got what your walk player you know what I'm saying I'm saying you know what I'm saying you got to do what you got to do out here player what you got to do out here man what's going on to your world man how's that California like hey didn't y'all just have earthquake oh yo bro I was I was literally in an office building and the whole [ __ ] started jaking and I was like shouldn't we be in the the doorways they're like no under the table I'm like what if the roof comes on the table I think the doorway is safer and this is the second earthquake I've experienced in like a week and a half cuz I was at my girls crib and we got Earth quake and the pool was shaking and I was like yo what's going on dog is this we getting ready for the big one player I don't know earthquakes happen all the time out there but like man they're never settling that was the biggest one I felt since I've been here the rest of them felt like turbulence over your head and you know what I mean I've slept through a few of the baby ones this one was the whole [ __ ] was shaking yeah that's so good 4.6 4.7 out in uh Pasadena no thanks yes 4.7 pass I'm glad you're all right and you know I hope nobody was anybody is super injured or any you know man it's just hyper scary I'm not with the word the Earth move when the earth is moving that's the one place you feel safe going to get the land get the land everyone knows get to get to Flat low land or high land if it's if it's too much water but if the land's not safe then what the [ __ ] take to the air take it to the jet pack with you know what [ __ ] supposed to do I I'm befuddled brother I'm befuddled I'm I'm I'm I'm confused you know we just G we just gonna stay prayed up yeah we just gonna stay prayed up that's right when we in line with the universe and with God and sometimes God be testing us and giving you things and you just got to be like you know what it is what it is and you got to find a way you know is this a is this a it's not a loss it's always a lesson and you know what I'm saying is this a test or a sign and you have to figure it out you know what I'm saying that's it that's it that's it I'm not going to hold you for too long but I got another question so me oh man give me some pterodon [ __ ] man okay okay okay well it's not quite some pterodon [ __ ] but uh got a quick question here and say terter on theories of of of living here so me and a friend of ours who uh shout out to Guido got actually introduced us to me and him always go we go out to eat that's my playart to go get some food right he's greatest greatest diners in the in the in the universe do not underestimate the way people look versus how foodish they can be yes he's down to go get some food and travel for some food you know one go get some food right so we went to go get some we we always in restaurants and I have been of the mindset That I Used to Be of a mindset of tipping 20% standard that makes the most sense but what I've realized in my travels in the last few years is that the more I kind of give out the more the universe gives me for some reason I don't know why and then I started realizing I was like you know what some of these people like they're not making a lot of money you know what I mean but they're doing a lot of work and then I start Computing how much money they're making over the hour versus minimum wage and then I'm like well what would I want you know what I mean I started to realize that if I get a $100 a bill for $100 me giving an extra 20 so it's $40 on the tip doesn't materially really affect me but that might change someone's day you know what I mean that extra 20 bucks you know versus if it's a $100,000 bill and you're giving 40,000 that's a big difference because that materially affects things so me and him always argue over bills about tipping more and we'll ask each person yo what standard is this a good percentage is that a good percentage and I wanted to ask you what's your philosophy on tipping now that you know My Philosophy is basically just if it's food it's just 40% off the dribble like yo here take it unless your service sucks you know what I mean but what's your philosophy on tipping I'm a hyper Tipper you know what I'm saying like I've always been a hyper Tipper and I've always known that you know the soul you reap kind of approach to the world is just very much how the world goes the more you give the more you receive this that and the other but you don't give to receive you just give to give and that's how you receive kind of thing but at the same time it's not just restaurants it's like anybody that's in the service industry you know what I'm saying so if you catch a ride from somebody and you you know even if you catch an Uber and you tip them in cash you be surprised the reaction that they have to a cash tip you know what I mean as opposed to like having to just work through all the percentages and interests and you know bus days in between they actually get their money kind of thing no matter how much you tip digitally kind of thing and then on top of that it's like anybody that receives a tip is usually really appreciative of yes so like anytime there's a tip moment I I usually go out of my way to like do more than the norm for the sake of their struggle but also for the sake of perception of the black men you know what I'm saying like I like crazy because it's like I don't want y'all to think that we never tip or it's be an issue or I'm tip $2 you know what I mean I I know you know the majority or over time it has been perceived that the majority of black people were like struggling you know financially or whatever so a tipping thing could be a concern but I feel like them days is you know definitely further in the past than they are in the future and I I tip accordingly you know what I'm saying like I'm just trying to like push it for also we talk about the eradication of the middle class all the time and I just I know a lot of people are out here really trying to figure out how to stay afloat and not just stay afloat but try to put themselves in a position to grow and level up not knowing that it might just not be possible at all and not being able to see that realization before it's too late to where they could have just had a job like a union job that they work for forever long and it's a steady rate you know what I mean but it's not necessarily going to be you know the Range Rover rate necessarily right off the top kind of thing and then you know they might be too old once they realize to start a job that has that kind of like tenure attached to it or some [ __ ] like that if you can get it you know what I'm saying and actually work it for it just like a Dependable kind of existence but a lot of us are thinking that we have the trajectory of any any given moment now you know I mean my billionaire ticket is GNA come cashing in kind of kind of like mentality and like month after month get constantly reminded that they're not necessarily not only keeping up with their bills but like falling behind con kind of [ __ ] you know what I mean so like I I tip accordingly oh yeah and I mean to yes and tipping accordingly I think there's a there's all you brought up something very smart I want to get you but first it's I think one way I look at it is the universe is is M sometimes you have to as I tell people sometimes you have to be a blessing to others and a blessing isn't standard my my my gu would be like but 20% standard I was like well when's a blessing ever been standard it's like what if if everyone's laughing a joke's not a joke it's just a normal you know what I mean so sometimes you have to be a blessing to others and sometimes the universe is using you to be a blessing to someone else you get what I mean and you have to look at that like I'm a vessel to help someone else's day because the 40 bucks that I just gave off does not materially affect if I'm going to eat how I'm going to eat if I'm going to live how I'm going to live or I'm going to watch what I'm going to watch but that might materially affect the next person on how they're going to eat what they're going to eat live where they're going to live or do what they're going to do and it's like I feel it's paying it forward and I've never I don't think I've ever lost in that situation I don't think I've ever been like damn I gave that person too much money I guess I'm I guess I'm never going to eat or you know [ __ ] or I Ru the day then I double tip somebody because it it never it never occurs to me which leads to the second thing I think there is conscious semi unconscious burden as a black person who goes to restaurants who happens to have a little extra to want to tip extra so we know the next person whose looks of our ilk comes through we want them to be treated better because we want to be treated great off the dribble at a place that you may not know us at you know what I mean 100% it's a nice concoction of all of that yes a nice concoction of wanting to be a blessing to somebody the feeling that I get when I see them acknowledge the the fact that that a blessing is happening you know what I'm saying and passing on the perception of another person that's coming in there innocently that just happens to fit my demographics to be treated with any sort of respect that you would expect from anyone else you know what I mean that's walking into an establishment kind of thing and just even the playing Ground you know what I'm saying and not just the the pre determined kind of ideologies of people like stereotyping if you will yep yep and it's it's interesting because you were talking about the erosion of the middle class and it's like I don't think anyone's I don't think I I think if the people who understand it educated the people who are going through it it would accelerate um a uh an unrest it would it accelerate the unrest thisness if that's the correct term that's already going on so they're afraid of that but it's like you need to be explain to these people which are are people are cousins aunties uncles friends that yo with the thing that you lived and experienced at Heyday that shit's gone bro and it's going faster than you think especially with technology coming in especially with consolidation coming in you know what I mean I you just have to look at the boldness of crime you know what I mean like I feel like crime is getting Bolder not just because people want to be mean and evil and like just like don't give a [ __ ] is because like times are getting harder resources getting scarcer opportunities is getting less you know what I'm saying and like [ __ ] is getting squeezed in in a bunch of different ways so like robberies are getting very like bold so many home invasions and this that and the other like [ __ ] is crazy you know what I'm saying if everybody was chilling everybody would be chilling agreed on that I also think it's in part that no disrespect to the police but ever since 2020 to fund the police movement and and the riots the criminals for the most part listen I I said it if I was a criminal this would be a Heyday because police police are reactive it's no longer about the business attaching thieves in the act or preventing them they're about being reactive right now on Rodeo Drive they're installing right now as we pod they're installing these big round uh sculpture orbs right every five feet essentially down rodeo and it looks like a sculpture and it's being installed to the ground but it's so these [ __ ] can't like drive up with cars and run through the [ __ ] and all type it's like that's what it's to because we can't prevent it and because some of the laws are so crazy that yeah I can arrest the guy but I can't hold him in jail he gets out and then he's doing wild crimes but here's the flip side to that coin Keenan if what happens that everyone thinks is gonna happen where Trump gets in office or or whatever regime whether you uh uh I don't want to say Kamala Kamala or Trump whoever gets in and whether they crack down or crime all these people that have been arrested and then Rel out and then arrested and relet out and the same guys doing going crazy because they don't sweet eventually your Margin Call is going to get called buddy and you're gonna have to pay what you owe the state which is gonna be a lot of jail time and I think that's part of a bfold plan because someone was talking about San Francisco sorry the monologue but San Francisco I don't know but the buildings all right so the buildings are going rocket cheap some buildings that were like 60 million are going off for like 10 15 right now you can we can go buy one right now like Giant Superstores and it's just because San Francisco is just a lawless Town people doing drugs on the street that everyone's moving out bipping breaking into cars is just the norm but I'm sitting there I'm thinking I'm like that's a major city throughout the history of this world it's a major city where text across the water I I'm like this has to be part of a plan this has to be part of a plan to devalue the [ __ ] so that someone else can come in and buy the [ __ ] real cheap and then bring it back up because it it's just it's just why would you let all this craziness go on you know what I mean like like what is this RoboCop yeah bro I'll buy that for a dollar you know what I'm saying I can't figure it out because even in New York it's going crazy they robbing Trippers that's what I was saying I'm like yo why are they letting this happen to Los Angeles like why are they killing LA like that you know what I'm saying why they killing Sunset Strip like that the notorious yo bro they're running down on no the valley is even worse in Cino Tarzana uh all these places they're just running up in your crib and just taking sa out just taking the sa out in the broad daylight like in the broad day like to the point broad daylight you better you better be blicked up and then on top of that they're like yo well if you shoot them then you're in the wrong I'm like what so hold on I can't defend my property so they can just take it so then what I mean what are you what are we talking about right now no idea but I remember that footage of that dude when he came home and closed his gate behind him and was walking up in the crib and his crib was like it was nice it wasn't like a ginormous [ __ ] Mansion or he just doing you know what I mean just like doing a bit better yep yep right and the [ __ ] was over his fence in two seconds and he had to start blicking like who's ready for all of that constantly man what is this [ __ ] Tombstone like what's going on out here and on top of that let me give you some another backstory on that if he had a CCW which is hardest [ __ ] to get so if he have conceal carry weap he would had to run up in the house tripping and falling no he's dead no he's done the guys got him it's three to one they got him he's done they have their way with the house he's done he's done and some of those guys they prefer if you're there so they don't have to go look for it tell me where it is [ __ ] you know what I mean like that's the one you got to be worried about so he had a CCW he was able to draw on them shoot them out did you know they tried to take his gun away for shooting he had to fight wild hard to be like bro what is the point of this license if three people are trying to come with my wife and children in home they followed me to my crib and I prevented it and you want to take my gun away are you like what sense does that make that's that's the problems and that that's why everybody's like oh Republicans are Better Or democrats are better everybody's corrupt like nobody knows which way is pulling what you know what I'm saying in what directions that make any sense you know what I'm saying because it's like Democrats like are you know for some sort of gun control and Republicans kind of aren't kind of thing you know what I'm saying and it's like all right I understand the argument kind of on both sides or whatever but the mass shootings and you know a lot of the like suffering is on the on the side of like not wanting to have gun control and and laws and things like that you know what I mean like the responsibility is kind of in that in that ballpark you know what I mean because everybody else is like hasn't had their chance to prove the other you know what I mean we haven't had them like super gun control to see if the numbers will go down this that and the other like still fighting to get that kind of thing but you know these is like amended rights kind of thing from the Constitution so who knows when and where you know that'll all shake out and then in the meanwhile the average individual citizen who's just trying to protect his home gets like yeah it's crazy and the squatting of it too like the squatting [ __ ] is is the illst [ __ ] ever insane insane we s let's get squatting in one second I'm a two and that's the problem the the first line is there should be gun control what the [ __ ] what are you talking about there's no gun like of course there should be gun control bro there should be more stringent laws about who gets one who can aely on these things all types of [ __ ] like I'm with it but then I hate to sound like a [ __ ] Republican but it's the truth and I say it to anyone at any time the only thing that's stopping a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun didn't want to break it to you bro and if you just stop giving people the the ability to arm themselves you're just letting them be victims cuz cuz if I have intention to do bad to you I'm not afraid of getting an illegal gun you he what I mean like that's my asymmetric advantage against you who does not have a gun because you're afraid of having an illegal gun that's my asymmetric advantage in committing this crime therefore I'm going to press that asymmetric Advantage so you're only [ __ ] up the game and I think we're past the Tipping Point of oh let's take the weapons away it we're past that point bro if if it's a state where you don't got guns good luck and if the state where you got guns you better teach people how to arm up respect responsibly you know what I mean we're past that Tipping Point now to get to the squatting part that shit's insane that I can't get someone out of my house that's Insanity Insanity I was watching this the post it was somebody's like interview and this guy was talking about a family went on vacation for two weeks to come back somebody's in their house and they say they got a lease and then the C they call the cops to get the person out and the cops say the only thing that they can do is this and this and this and this and that whole family had to go find somewhere else to stay and then battle and pay all this money 120 Grand or some [ __ ] to get their house back yep yep what the [ __ ] is that it's insanity but I found something on I don't know if it was Instagram or YouTube I found something but it's this white dude right and he said his mom's house was getting squatted in or something like that like he his mom's an older woman and then like she went somewhere and was getting squatted in and then he tried to go through and they're like nothing we can do and he was like this is [ __ ] there got to be away and then he like talked to some lawyers and then he created he legally found a way and what he did is he's like Mom sign this paper it says that I'm legally the leaser of the of the apartment she was like sure she legally leased it he went into the apartment this they happen to be there but he picked perfector technique later which I get you he went into the apartment while they were there with like two three dudes was like yo I'm the new ly here you know I know I can't kick you out so we just living together he set up ring cameras everywhere the house and he just started making noise [ __ ] in the bathroom not [ __ ] flushing he made their life so inconvenient they were out in three nights and he was like yo if I could do this for my mom I make this a business and now that's his business and you sign the thing and he comes through and he [ __ ] that place up 247 in rotation of people coming through where the squatter is like yo I'm out of here I can't even sleep like as soon as you get to sleep Squad by who let say he does hundreds of those yeah how many houses how many people was getting squatted on you know what I'm saying at any given time I feel like it might be a good balance a lot a lot listen a lot my thing is are there thousands of squatters or are there just a couple more than that because you gotta think thousands of squatters yes listen ready of people in active homes or people in homes that are vacant that they're just setting up shopping or people that are not in the home you know what I mean cuz it's the pure to tear easily thousands cuz some people own three homes and they're only in one home so it's way possible someone could be squatting in those other two homes then there's vacant homes you know what I mean vacant apartments the people just set up shopping and now my rights I always tell people they like my rent and I'm like bro just your rent like listen pay the rent first of all how how do how do you squat like do you yeah you just set up shop you prove that you're living there if you're a diabolical squatter you get some kind of utility bill something there you change the your phone bill and you get it sent there ASAP and you go I live here and then it's six months six months it's gonna take him to get out of but like I'm saying can you like leave the house and come back or you just stuck like yeah I don't think they can lock you out yeah I don't think you can just they can lock you out legally because you proving you live there now now they have to so you R to just come and go and [ __ ] you have more rights in that house than they do it's the equivalent you shoot someone who comes in your house and it's like they have more rights than you do unless they were trying to do you bodily harm it's kind of insane backwards you're supposed to kill them because it's like you know it's GNA be one story not to put it out there like that but that's what they say yeah I mean as long as the cameras aren't in the crib you know what I'm saying you know crazy yeah I'm just saying like but the squatters yeah that's a real thing bro but my thing is like look bro I will bear M you and we will get it out in the rinse because all I hear generally when I get in conflicts I don't know if it's a bias for all I hear but I tend to hear when people get really crazy with me they they call me the n-word I realize that I'm like oh you call me the nword that's crazy people just calling me the nword that's nut how am I gonna react against this you know what I'm saying but I don't know if that really if happened like that right just saying if the squatter was there and I having a bear Mason I I heard him call me the n-word and that was crazy you know what I'm saying that's a hate crime that's a hate crime So I responded to hate crime which is self-defense which was the bare Mees and that's why he left and he 911 on a payone five block toy talking about his houses in Beverly Hills get the [ __ ] out of here bro you don't a got a cell phone my dog yeah [ __ ] as hell bro it's nasty out here man it's nasty work what kind of laws they passing out there man and that's why the average Joe if if and you talking about political I don't know who to believe and we can leave it at this if I'm the average person without a deep knowledge skill set or deep yearning curiosity to figure it out all I look at is the facts I'm I'm making less money it costs more money to buy things my opportunities to make it aren't there my kids are going to have less opportunity they're constantly mentally [ __ ] up due to the dopamine Rush of of social media so they're upside down on what their values are I don't see anything that I used to have coming back I have Strife in my own household and family where a lot of dudes are making less than their lady you know and I mean especially me includ way more than me but I'm not talking about me I'm talking about dud in the in the struggle you know what I'm saying like then you have one guy telling you all these guys are wrong everyone is wrong and believe in me you're like yeah I'll believe in him and then you you find out he's a Shyer okay and then the other side's don't believe in me and then you go [ __ ] it I'm gonna believe in y'all and then the GU doesn't really do nothing and now you're like I don't know who to believe in you're just going with whoever has the best play at the moment because you don't really have faith in anybody and I think that's where we're at we're in a system where a lot of people just lost faith in everybody and that's why I don't think it's in this election but I think in the next election I think and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing only time will tell but I think a bunch of billionaires are gonna fund a third party I just don't know if that's going to be some third communist crazy [ __ ] or it'll be an answer to a system that was only a two two- party system for the last 400 years I guess we shall see yeah we shall see but you know Keenan we appreciate your time um good times today before we let you go I saw on Deadline just just before we got on this shout outs to you and your announcement range Media Partners AFA big big big Partners yeah big company they're doing really big things they had long legs just come out so I know you guys are going to be collabing uh anything you can tell us about that uh yeah man like you know if you know anything about range you know they have a crazy client roster or whatever so they're also across the board and anything that has anything to do with making money in this business so there's a department for everything they ask me about our slate you know what I'm saying so just like just take a look at anything and everything that we're doing inside the entertainment business Spectrum so they have a lot of capabilities and you know they're their head partners are are two good dudes you know what I mean that have been doing it at a high level for a long time and they you know are above board and like just want to put all the tools in the sandbox and play basically with everybody kind of thing so that's like our exact RO with artist for artist you know what I'm saying we want everybody to be able to play together and win together you know what I'm saying so it it it's looking like it it's going to be an insanely lucrative but like also like really really like powerful partnership I think you know what I mean with what we do and what they're capable of doing so looking forward to it yep that sounds awesome we're excited to see everything that's going to come and you know we wish you guys all the best obviously yeah thank you man thank you man we all long for the same ride so yeah man they they ask me to like ask you to send over our whole kind of slate and see like you know what they can do to facilitate whatever kind of growth you know we're after basically kind of [ __ ] so send me that and also Sheree needs to talk to you you know Sheree that does the little comedy showcases with me yes she needs to talk to you yes we will we will speak I text you you got her number or no you just put it together and I'll make it happen I got you no problem um but Keenan we appreciate you you know audience know it all thank you for another episode it's been you already know episode 183 I think or 182 183 it's one of there there's a party coming up there yeah yeah it's up there yeah it's 183 183 you know what I mean you know he's Keenan Thompson still doing big things we just had Deon Cole I'm Tony maroli still doing small things but you know we just had Dion Cole so we me in the middle it's called medium things baby medium things popping baby you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying baby you don't got a time for the emotional highs and lows get yourself a medium you what I'm saying baby Medi medium things popping man medium things popping flly steady yeah what I'm saying you fly steady football season football season is back baby Olympic Olympics saved us no basball yes Olympics saved us Olympics saved us cuz we have basketball and a bunch of [ __ ] up break dancing we had all three weeks worth of all kind of [ __ ] and then all of a sudden they was like oh [ __ ] football's back yo straight preseason on TV I'm like oh is this the Hall of Fame game like like straight up I was like yo Falcons is playing right now right right now FAL yeah yeah we up we upag looking good it's gonna be interesting it's gonna be interesting season I know it's gonna be good a lot of young quarterbacks too a lot of young quarterbacks uh Stefon digs Tex talk about how St Cleveland is it's going to be interesting what about the Texans they got CJ Stefon digs uh tank Dell we got lineup dogs all of it and the Niners ain't no [ __ ] and they're like man this going to be this going to be a good one I can't wait let's go yep let's go let's go we back we back we back you already know episode 183 medium things popping let's go up have a great have a great one ke we speak soon I will I will no doubt my dog peace peace peace [Music] this has been a gradients production [Music]

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