Tom Cotton horror insults Gold Star Families & IVF Women - Meet The Press MSNBc

Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 00:11:59 Category: Entertainment

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uh the family of Master Sergeant Andrew Marcano he was a Green Beret uh his family was concerned that his grave was actually shown in a photo that was posted on social media a statement from the marcano's sister Michelle said quote we hope that those visiting this sacred site understand that these were real people who sacrificed our freedom and that they are honored and respected accordingly did the Trump campaign fail to honor her wishes their wishes no Christen they honored the wishes of the 13 families whose children died at abig gate those families wanted the photos they told me yesterday that they specifically asked president Trump for the photos obviously headstones at Arlington are close to each other and when you take a photo your Mar when you take a photo of your loved one then other headstones are going to be present as well frankly I think it's pretty disappointing that the New York Times went and found a family whose headstone was featured in that in that photograph of another Gold Star Family and then to them to try to embarrass the gold star families who wanted president Trump very quickly have you had any stick with Donald Trump his big announcement on IVF this week he said Thursday he wants the government to pay for or Force insurance companies to cover IVF is that something you would support Senator well all Republicans to my knowledge support IVF in the Congress and there's no state that prohibits or regulates IVF in a way that makes it unaccessible it is expensive for many couples I understand that so it's something I'm open to that most Republic to be open to I think we'd have to evaluate the fiscal impact whether uh the taxpayer can afford to pay for this what impact it would have on premiums but in principle supporting couples who are trying to use IVF or other fertility treatments I don't think is something that's controversial all well two months ago you voted against a Senate bill that would have protected an expand IVF access and it would have mandated that some coverage was covered by health insurance plans if that bill came back to the floor would you now support it is that what you're saying you mean Chuck Schumer ridiculous messaging bill that that that requires fertility treatment for men who think they're women that was slapped together in a summer you slap together buch of other Bill a bill that also would have protected an expanded Chuck Schumer has been all summer Chuck Schumer has been all summer long slapping together ridiculous bills that he thinks are going to help his liberal incumbent Senators face off in their re-election just very quickly do you know where this money would come from to cover IVF because in 2022 some 8 billion do were well no again that's why I say we'd have to we'd have to evaluate any specific legislation I do on any specific I'd have to evaluate any specific legislation as I would on any legislation so you're still undecided on where you stand on this government funded IVF plan well I certainly support couples having access to IVF and it's not even a controversial issue in any of the 50 states all right let me ask grow and you want abortion to be a states rights issue in Florida the state that you are a resident of there's an abortion related Amendment on the ballot to overturn the six week ban in Florida how are you going to vote on that well I think the sixth week is too short uh it has to be more time and so that's and I've told them that I want more weeks so you'll vote in favor of the amendment I'm I'm voting that I am going to be voting that we need more than six weeks look just so you understand I will stand proudly in defense of innocent life just as I did for four very powerful strong years because every child born and unborn is a sacred gift for from God partial birth abortion the eliminating of abortion in the third trimester big issue in Washington would president Trump ban partial birth abortion well look I'm I'm very pro-choice I hate the concept of abortion I hate it I hate everything it stands for I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject but you still I just believe in choice and again it may be a little bit of a New York background because there is some attitude in different parts of the country and you know I was raised in New York and grew up and work and everything else in New York City but I am strongly for choice and yet I hate the concept of abortion but you would not ban it no or ban partial birth abortion no I would I would I am I am pro-choice in every respect and as far as it goes but I just hate it we'll get something done where everyone is going to be very satisfied I believe that on the national level and National level I think we'll get it done in on some level it it could be on different levels but we're going to get it done I know the issue very well I think I know the issue better than most and we will get that taken care of I strongly supported the House of Representatives pain capable bill which would end painful late term abortions Nationwide and I call upon the Senate to pass this important law and send it to my desk for signing and that issue has become a much smaller issue you since this has originally happened when everyone said oh you're taking away the right to abortion they were saying you elevated this movement and that you made them feel included others are saying you're doing this for politics it's an election year when was the moment when you went from pro-choice to pro-life was there a moment well it was and there was a specific moment and it was quite a while ago but it was something that's turned out to be uh even more I think probably even more of a truth than I would have thought at the time but uh it's just an honor to be here today you know they have tens of thousands of people outside too Raymond so this was uh their alltime record and I think uh they beat it by a lot and incredible people they're just incredible people I got to ask project 2025 lays out how Trump and mega Republicans would try to ban abortion Nationwide and how they would go to extreme lengths to control women's bodies and lives it is written plain and simple in their blueprint for a second Trump Administration it details how they would try to ban medication abortion Nationwide how they would try to enshrine fetal personhood into law which would not just ban abortion but also end IVF as we know it and put access to birth control and Jeopardy Trump and mega Republicans want to put in place an invasive abortion Data Tracking System they want to abandon women in medical emergencies who desperately need life-saving abortion care and so much more project 2025 lays out the truly dystopian reality that Trump and mega Republicans would push for should they get power this is what is at stake and why Senate Democrats will keep working to protect reproductive Freedom good evening everybody my name is Anthony devolder um I recently founded a movement called United for Trump on Facebook um our first rally was the rally last Saturday in Fifth Avenue where Brandon and Barbara were in attendance I'm one of the co-founders for that um organization uh as a gay man and having always been a republican I've always had a lot of controversy around that because I'm pro-life I'm gay I'm a Republican and also my parents are immigrants so um uh a lot of people would say wow you like compiling minorities God damn it yeah it's it's a hobby um what I see um personally with the issue at hand as far as abortion goes is we're too focused um in creating a a a fast solution to a problem instead of educating people on how to not get pregnant right how about not getting pregnant and how about avoiding to having to abort kids that's that that's where I see the problem is we're we're spending too much money indoctrinating people on how to kill a life instead of avoiding to create a life I mean condoms and then and then we we can go on and on here and there's so many options I mean I don't see the necessity for us to have this alarming rate of you know abortion not only here in New York but we're we're talking you know Countrywide globally whatever the case is I don't see as you said there is no choice the choice is death and that's not a choice because to me that's infanticide not even abortion um and and I I can't stand here and and again as I said for being a gay registered Republican since I was 18 and that was 13 years ago I've gotten a lot of heat for always voting red and I don't regret it and I am from Jackson Heights queens and I know what goes on there as far as MS13 and gangs and it it it goes on and on so I just wanted to thank Brandon for this movement I mean I'm not a walk away but I sure love the message and I I can't wait to see this blow up in their faces in 2020 he's a he's a walk with walk long ago that even people who um are are very far left or were very far left would even admit that it was a terrible decision for a woman to have to make if she had to make the decision to have an abortion and and that it affects the woman it affects the child obviously in in irreversible ways um but now it seems to be championed in a way and and people are advocating for you to have an abortion as opposed Nicole to giving you the choice to choose whatever you want it it's terrible and it it honestly seems like there's a moral Decay that is set in in our society and I think it's contributed to some of this and you've seen this David meet Jason Miller he's a deadbeat dad making over half a million dollar a year while fighting against just $3,000 a month and financial support for his own child a child he had following an affair he participated in despite being married this is a man who has admitted hiring prostitutes for years who had to step down from a job after he was accused of drugging a stripper with an abortion pill Jason's character isn't some Washington rumor it's a matter of court record in deposition over his failure to pay child support he was asked you lie to your former mistress about sleeping with your current mistress right his answer correct so who would say still hire a guy like Jason Miller especially as an advisor oh Donald Trump I had the best people in the world I think we're doing an extraordinary job you hit the nail on the head she can't I just did an interview backstage was a very terrible person but she was okay actually NBC fake news it was NBC fake news she asked me about all sorts of things she asked me about abortion and I handled it very nicely because you know what that's so overplayed we have abortion we have the whole thing brought back into the states where it belongs that's where everybody wanted it for years and years and years you over everyone does overow and you want abortion to be a states rights issue in Florida the state that you are a resident of there's an abortion related Amendment on the ballot to overturn the six we ban in Florida how are you going to vote on that well I think the six week is too short uh it has to be more time and so that's and I've told them that I want more weeks so you'll vote in favor of the amendment I'm I'm voting that I am going to be voting that we need more than six weeks look just so you understand everybody wanted roie way terminated for years 52 years I got it done they wanted to go back to the States exceptions are very important for me for Ronald Reagan for others that have navigated this very very interesting and difficult path

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