Reactor Power! | Asteroid Station | Space Engineers Time Lapse #15

hello and welcome back to pandemic playground with Dave we are back with building the ashray station and so far so good but we're going to jump right into the time lapse let's get started [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Happ we happy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] love now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are need [Music] we don't need don't [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] by [Music] we [Music] a [Music] [Music] come on [Music] h [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so a bit of explanation for the beginning piece or first half of the time lapse it is basically venturing out to find more resources we found uranium pretty early on found Platinum uh episode or ago and now we're looking for silver and gold so instead of bringing the little mining ship which was that one here which would be easy enough to you know get as much material as possible but we did actually have a modular piece to this ship here which was this je arm right here connecting to connector so we decided to venture out with this one because it does have a large ore detector so it be easier to look for the ores and everything like that if at first I thought I was just going to run around with the ship with just the or detector but I I remember I made it modular with the drill system so that I can carry a little bit more it carries roughly the same amount maybe more cuz this system only have a small car container doesn't have a large one and it's not airtight or anything like that so it's exposed seat so it's kind of similar to that but it worked out well so here is the mess of the GPS waypoints if you see there I try to reach out to all the asteroids nearby so that we can see what materials is there or resources are there and we've gotten pretty far away um in some points but we still have a few more on the sides here that we need to venture off because we still haven't found one particular thing and that is goat so we found every material that we could possibly find except for that goat we found uranium we had Platinum I don't even know which is which at this point so we got to rename some of these things here I don't know what that here the Waypoint is U we have the ice asteroid um we have Cobalts we got a decent decent chunk of stuff as you see here I know we got platinum and silver here's a bunch of them that I was looking through here's some platinum on the middle right there right here and the silver was right here the elusive resources now is gold but I don't think I'm going to venture off to explore the same way I did in the time lapse I'm probably going to do it off camera to save you guys the trip in terms of looking for the resources so yeah we'll just end up doing that we might want to drill out these little asteroids Too part of this bigger asteroid but it's kind of like in the way it might end up hitting it sooner or later but the good news is that we have silver silver was able to build a lot more materials and items um such as reactor components because reactor components uses silver we're we could actually do a medical Bay potentially I should cue that up for real but I think I killed all my silver so I'm going to have to gather more cuz I got most of silver for the reactor components which more or less I shouldn't have done but we need gold gold because we need Super conductors so we got to find that unless we find an Economy based to trade with that could be a possibility and yeah so that is basically our resources we're just missing gold and then other than that we were working on our power station or our power room so open up our base here get our red lights I might change them to Green if I I can figure out which one's which or may to put build Vision in here in the mod list which I don't have any mods in it right now but as you see here we have our power station and yes we have small reactors and not that large one just yet because we needed superconductors in order to make the large one the small one we could get away without the um super conductor unfortunately so this big one requires 100 reacor components so we just placed three small ones for now we could place a lot more for sure but three I thought was going to be more than enough to kind of power up this whole entire base which it should be decent enough I would think and the reactors yeah we got the uranium going we have a decent amount of uranium not a lot but a good chunk of it yeah it's it's we probably could do a run for it eventually to do uh a lot more why do I have a little ho here that's fine but yeah this should start powering up all the batteries here and then some so that is what we've been working on here we pretty much welded up all these batteries within the walls itself we have a plumbing going down from under out to out over there so this took a little bit of time but we did most of it through welding arms and everything like that so it can weld it up a little quicker I'm contemplating if I want to add another layer of batteries here or not similar to right here so the bottom layer is sticking out and the rest is implemented into the walls so I don't know if I want to do the same thing up here and make it even probably should and and also probably could just keep the small reactors as well could make a whole bunch of them instead of making the large one that's also a possibility I don't know yet we'll figure that out um very soon soon but I want to get the power station going because we've been running out of power here and there once in a while so this should prevent all that from happening going forward so up next we get once again we'll look for gold on um off camera so we don't have to worry too much about that but the rest of it we do have to punch in more holes here we punched this one in not too long ago but we got to make it wider in inside and we got to decorate the country room but we'll do the decorations a little bit later down the road for for now is more about kind of making the structural piece of it and I didn't get a lot of comments on it but some had said that they like the idea of kind of punching a hole through it or cutting it in half in some ways or maybe not cut it entirely in half but a good portion of it like say up to here maybe save some of the asteroid and the rest could be all blocks so we can see through there I don't know what how I want to do that but that is going to take a lot more time so we'll probably SA save that for last if anything we could build a drill system from outside in if we want to go that route which wouldn't be too bad but we still need to decorate the outside too and in terms of decorating I don't mean actual decorating I mean to line it up so it looks like we're assimilating this whole entire asteroid basically so we just got to go around it put all the Curves in Slants or whatever the case may be finish up the rooms move everything out right down here inside somewhere so it's more more than likely same size room here same size room here and then on these two sides here I probably don't want to add rooms there if if it's not necessary of course we go is buildt up too so that's another thing so we got plenty and plenty of space going up and down but we just got to drill it out if anything but yeah hope you guys enjoyed this time lapse it wasn't too much going on unfortunately but hopefully the next episode we'll be a lot more cuz I think we start moving things around anyways so if you enjoyed it please like And subscribe don't forget to drop a comment down below even to just say hi and of course I'll see you guys next time bye

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