What's The Story? Definitely, Definitely an Oasis Reunion #oasis

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 01:13:03 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: oasis reunion 2024
all right welcome everybody to a lunchtime chat Sam how you doing man doing well haven't had lunch yet so lunch time will be after but nor have I this is this is my lunch break from work so I'm in between I was on the road this morning and I got office stuff to do this afternoon but this is important so you and I are sitting down in the chat about the huge news that broke yesterday wow ear I I mean it leaked a few days ago but you and I are both thrilled that Oasis is getting back together we are thrilled yeah I know we've been um talking the last couple days off camera and uh yeah I mean there's I mean even dating back about a year ago at different interviews like they've both kind of been saying like you know if null calls me then we'll do it or if Liam calls me we'll do it like his people talk to my people you know like there's like you whatever like if it happens great you know not acting like they're gonna get mega Rich from doing anything you know like what's m well it's funny because over the last I know three four years their tones have been softening because you know eight years ago they hated each other guts or at least publicly and even up till about three four years ago no would be uh would be morning morning morning music Sanctuary how you doing thanks for joining us you know no would be like hey he's got to call me but he won't because he won't stand being in the same room look he's here concert buddy how you doing man and you know n and Liam was always you know Liam's the bigger dick of the two I think but you know gradually over last couple years I think their tones have softened up yeah and uh you know by all accounts I guess this this got ironed out about seven or eight weeks ago apparently that they finally signed the deal and I I mean there's lots of speculation out there online about what this entails and what's involved but bottom line is what I've heard is 55 million pounds yeah at least for the first leg I don't even know what kind of contract they signed who knows I don't know about you but I'd do quite a few things for 55 million pounds yeah I would do a lot yeah I would do a lot um no and like I mean the speculation again the last few few days as you know certain venues have been you know they've booked you know dates especially like like wimbley um has been the big the big talk for 10 Dates you know supposedly to beat out Taylor Swift's eight dates that she had right but right now they've only got what four right posted for wimbley yeah um so again we don't know it could be four now it could be four later in the year um but no I mean the the tour this morning I was what I what fascinated me was that Manchester was not the first date um that it was up in Wales right um I think it was the first date the first two dates because it's back toback nights July 4th and 5th I think next year yeah so the the big thing now is you know tickets go on sale Saturday you European Time whichever part of the country they're in so for those of us in America that want to get dates you got to set your alarms early in the morning to hop on um I mean it's just it's hard to say because again like you said the speculation is out there where are they going to be what what's already been booked um there's been no talk about who the band is officially I know you've heard some things so you you and I have been kind of arguing about this last night so again there's nothing confirmed but the rumor that I read in a couple different sources is that it's not actually Oasis it's Liam and null backed by the highflying birds so is that Oasis I have an opinion yeah you think it's good enough because you I almost speak for you what's your thoughts on it well I guess like to to back up I mean obviously you know when when Liam left well when null left Oasis because he left and then Oasis was done and so then it pretty much became BDI after that you know Liams project for two records and you know there it was mixed reviews on BDI because obviously the hype was like it was like a sadness right it was like kind of like I guess like when McCartney did McCartney one it was like this is good but where's John Paul George and Ringo you knowly all together for B like where's null it's all these other guys we've seen on tour minus null the songwriter um so with that in mind I mean you've had guys that have gone on to the highflying birds that are Oasis alumni you obviously have bon head who's been with Liam now the past six years or so on his last few solo records and tours um I think he originally when he started playing the Liam songs the Liam gigs he was just coming out like as a special guest for the Oasis Tunes but now it's like he's almost like their permanent Rhythm guitarist yeah um and so like for me I would be shocked if he doesn't show up unless there is underlying Feud with him and null that they're just like if no's like Liam I'll do it with you but I I can't do it with any of the other guys because it'll be too much I I would find it surprising if if Liam agreed to do it with no's band you know what I mean because that you know Liam's got a bit of an ego too I would pre I would be fine listen Oasis is predominantly null and Liam they've had a revolving cast of characters throughout the years she's been multiple lineups of the band I mean in an Ideal World I would love to to see bonehead and GGY join them would be you know ideal who knows but if you can't I don't know that I'd want to see Liam guesting with the highflying birds I'd rather see Liam and null put together a band that's not the highflying birds I'm all right you call them that Oasis but if it's highflying birds with Liam to me that's not really an oasis reunion so um you know uh which is kind of I say it's kind of what happened again to use another one of our favorites you know the Beach Boys when they did their 50th um they had a lot of Mike Love's guys and the touring Beach Boys and then they had a lot of Brian's guys you know from the Wonder mins so like you had Darian sahanaja Jeffrey foset Paul Van merens but then you also had um you know I think I think one of the Cal Sills might have been in that band as like a double John John the drummer John was in the the the 50th tour I know his nephew quite well actually that's right yeah and then I can't remember Mike's Mike's League guitarist like his musical director he's like that tall skinny guy yeah and then obviously you had the the surviving Beach Boys and so that was cool because like Brian's guys play those songs note fornote Mike's guys for whatever you want to say know those songs and play them note fornote um so to combine those two it wasn't like here's the touring Beach Boys and let's throw Brian Wilson out of piano right exactly so I I get what you're saying I get get that totally um because yeah I mean it would be like I don't even know it would be like any any of these classic bands that you know pull in an original guy with the touring group it's like oh there there they are um I I I don't I don't know I mean like obviously like it wouldn't affect ticket prices depending on you know like oh riding bonehead let's jump up another 50 pounds on these these ticket prices people are there to see the two Gallagher brothers on either side of the stage they want to see Liam with his tambourine they want to see no Sing Don't Look Back in Anger with Liam standing on stage with them I don't want to sound ungrateful if it's coming off the way certainly don't mean it I mean I'm I'm thrilled uh other than the Beatles Oasis are the most important B to me especially when I was a teenager so I'm thrilled that they're back together who knows what kind of shape or form that will take but I'm thrilled and I I I'm thrilled that it's not a one-off I'm thrilled that it's you know 10 dates or whatever and there's rumors as chance is pointing out here MH that and and how could it not right I mean if it goes well why wouldn't they do a North American leg right and New York La Chicago Toronto Mexico City and Boston um yeah um the rumor date from for me anyway for Toronto is August the 24th I've heard a allegedly the venue is Downsview Park which I'm less than thrilled about to be quite honest it's an old Airfield in the middle of the city uh it's where we had a concert years ago called SAR stock which was like the Canadian Woodstock because 15 years ago Toronto got hit by something called SARS virus and it killed a whole bunch of people and they did a benefit concert Rolling Stones ACDC uh a whole bunch of others and it was half a million people crazy so they're talking about that's where they want to have it I I mean I'll go I hate the venue it's you know an Airfield in the middle of the city it's a pain in the ass to get to I'm not a big outdoor Festival fan but for these guys I would go um none of these are near you though Sam I mean what's I mean Boston I guess is probably the closest for you or are you gonna try for are you going to try for England cuz and I were talking about that I it's it's hard it's hard to say it's hard to say because again I I don't know what tickets are GNA be and obviously if you if you look for England then you start getting to playing the game like I'm there do I do do I do two gigs because I'm there you know do I do one in Wales and then depending if they're within the same week like try to go to wimbley or try to go to Manchester um but hey Rob hold on I'm going to interject right here Rob since you're the resident uh from Manchester we would love if you join us I'll happily throw a link up here um if you wanted to join us that would be awesome to get the uh to get the local perspective so let me just uh let me throw the link up here sorry continue on Sam no but it's just it's interesting because I I am thinking about England again it would be a year in advance for planning so it's not like it's like oh they're going to be there in October or you know the end of this year um so like there's a lot of planning I'd have to renew my passport i' need to do like the hotels all the stuff you have to do for international flying and um I haven't done that and at that point it'll be nine years since I've done it oh but yeah so I am looking because again there's the there's the temperature somebody somebody mentioned looking at that that photo shoot um you know do you go to the England gig thinking like they're not going to make it through those gigs you know are they like they have to obviously by by the time that they do their first gig will have had hours and hours and hours of rehearsal time um probably that's that's when it's the most strenuous I would assume you know I mean I do know because I've played in bands I've got band practice tonight and practice is the time when like the the temperature is a little hot because you want to play in this key you want to play this chord somebody screws up whatever it might be um so to go to England and see one of those gigs is like the guaranteed slot well this is sort of TAPS into something I was thinking about this is a year from now and I know there's contracts signed or whatever so they're obviously they'll go through with it but I mean I wonder how I wonder how mended their relationship is because it's been volatile for the last 30 years and explosive at points who's to say something's not going to set one of them off between now and next August yeah it could be anything and I know that they're both close with their mom um and but they've kind of made this deal kind of like Godfather too you know like they don't see the mother while they're still alive like Fredo and Michael Corleone yeah but I we I just I need to bring up I know we talked about this too Liam just finished up the 30th Anniversary Definitely Maybe Tour all over the UK soldout shows y they're still just as big if not bigger teenagers are loving Oasis over in the UK now and when Liam finished the gig at the was it the reading Festival yep um that's when the first sign of the the the the font the 827 or 278 24 showed up and everybody in the crowd like it wasn't even like a huge scream it was just like people were like what like like they were like they didn't know because that in Oasis reunion it's like one of those fantasy things like you know like what if the Beatles would have stay together you know will The Kinks get together you know whatever whatever it is it's just kind of like they would be cool if it happened but we know it's not going to happen but so to see that date again your first thought is oh is it going to be a morning glory 30th Anniversary that they're announcing early which wouldn't make sense because Definitely Maybe is coming out Friday right this week the 30th of that with the bonus Cuts so I mean like like what do you think like if you were in that crowd and he just finished off that and you saw that font like what would you be thinking I would have I would have went oh my God is that a reunion announcement and and then a minute later went no because that's never gonna happen yeah and that was my initial thought when I when I saw it on n's social media like a minute after he posted it I went what so then I went over to Liams and it was there and then went over to and I'm like holy smokes and then I Googled Oasis and I saw that Liam had tweeted right after that something about I have never liked the term former that's when I took a couple screenshots and I texted you and went Sam yeah I think this is this is something um yeah and then somebody commented like is this a reunion he said something like see you down the front right um and you know like again like I mean I was telling you like when you look at like set list FM to see the uh the set list he dedicated the song half the world away the big nll song it's one of your favorite Oasis tunes right my favorite for sure faor um and he he dedicated it to the world's greatest songwriter which is his brother right and normally that's not the way those two interact normally they're insulting each other or whatever and i' read or read or saw a video or something three or four weeks ago where Liam or n was talking about a certain song and he goes I recorded the demo he goes but then when Liam sang it he goes he just took it to another level and I'm like wait a minute you just paid your brother a compliment like that's not something we've heard before yeah because he's bashed his voice for years like oh he's whiny he's Nails on and for a while his voice did kind of suck the B he went super nasy and uh but he seems to he seems to be back to his I think when he came out with why me why not I found what that album it's like that sounded like from years ago that's when Bon hit started showing up right yeah he was on the unplugged as well which was incredible yeah I mean yeah the rumors are that they might headline glenberry that I mean how could they not now right I mean glenberry I think is the biggest Festival in England and biggest band in England I mean you at this point can you have glenberry and not have Oasis closed the show yeah because Liam was just there a couple years ago and got a huge applaud and I mean like I mean we both agree I mean Liam has been like on this creative high albeit you know he's not writing songs but what he did why me why not um was the first one was just called Liam Gallagher wasn't it um hey Mort um and then he had come on you know he had the unplugged the river Tims live shows he did um the John Squire album earlier this year from stone roses which that would be a killer opener they decided to go with he's buddy buddy with John Squire now um so he could do something I know NL has recently played with Damon alar um a couple of times so I mean yeah they've they've made amends with some some big big people of the Brit pop years look who here Alex if you want to join us man let me know I know it says you're in the office I'm in the office too I'm on my lunch break as well so me too Alex don't don't tell my boss only here for an hour Council Skies was decent I I thought it was a little bit of a yeah decent is the best way to describe it I it wasn't as good as what I had hoped but it was certainly better than the previous album so but that's the thing um I mean the the photo that was that was put out in like of the two brothers was that that that was a new photo of them in the same yeah yeah I guess about three or four weeks ago they did a photo shoot so okay because I mean it's hard to say because they they said they haven't been in in the same room since 2009 yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna take this somewhere we shouldn't take this but can you imagine this goes well and we get a North American leg and it goes well can you imagine if they decide to step in the studio again oh man that's too much to ask but I just I keep thinking what if it's too much it's a lot even and what they could do even like if they wanted to lower tensions they could even do it the separate Studios n could record all the guitar parts and backing or whatever sure Liam could go in there sing the songs you know get the demos and they don't have to be in the same Studio ever and then again they would make a ton of M but I mean like the the big money obviously the big money is GNA be these tours these shows um because honestly they could probably set up a home base at wimbley for 20 nights and people would fly it would be like a pilgrimage for people so I got to got to talk about this comment for a minute Rob says he thinks blur will be supporting them I mean from a 90s Nostalgia standpoint can you imagine blur opening for Oasis like that's that's mind-blowing but I also love that because you know that was always the Brit pop rivalry and I don't I don't think I think of blur as a pop band I think of Oasis as a rock band but the Brit pop rivalry bluring o St obviously was a huge thing back in the 90s it would be great if blur was the supporting act for Oasis because what that says is oasis is the bger band that would be big and Damon has a little bit of an ego himself right um but again they've been hanging out with you know null and you know they've done a couple things together and blur just put out that new album and didn't they say that that was going to be it like didn't Damon pretty much say that that was the last blur album yeah um cuz he's fully focused on the gorillas I'd like to hear more about this apparently no already has an oasis like rock album already written can you imagine holy [ __ ] yeah because I mean again we can talk for a second about no's solo stuff because we kind of mentioned Liam like n's kind of like gone down the softer side of things a little bit more electronic you know um you know digital type music I mean he's still you his live shows the clips I've seen are still pretty solid yeah um and I think he's always a better um live guy than his studio just like Oasis um I liked his first two which was the highflying birds and then it was chasing yesterday or something I think was the second one and then the third one I think was like who built the moon I think I lost I lost it on that one I don't have it because it was a little too electronic for me and they came back with Council skies and it to me it's a little it it's it's better but it just kind of it's kind of the monotonous gray that is on the front cover that is kind of how that album feels to me but and we were both kind of excited for the latest like we heard the singles we like oh that this could be right a step back in a good way right but it wasn't no it was just a couple of good singles yeah exactly so I don't know it there's there's an exciting world of possibilities that all of this is putting the cart way before the this is assuming that they can even get along enough to finish the 10 or 14 shows that they have in the UK and then who knows where it goes from there but yeah God I yeah I mean it could be it could be a bunch of different things I mean if it's in you know if it's if they're coming to Toronto you know obviously that would be a reason for me to go up to Toronto as well and see that show you know meet you Glenn a bunch of the guys up there um kind of make it a you know two birds with one St own situation but also like you know do I go to a couple shows you know like because like we don't know how long this is going to last like do you go if they're in Toronto for two or three nights do you go to two shows you know depends how expensive they are depends what the demand is well and here's the thing that I think about now it's the demand for tickets right imag like the Springsteen shows that happened that debauchery that happened well I look at it like this and I mean I I guess you and I have a slightly skewed perspective respective because we're such huge Oasis fans but I don't think you can argue that this reunion is one of the biggest musical stories of a long time yeah I say my lifetime because for me that they're they're such an important band but it's a it's a big deal it's a thing that no one thought would ever happen and you look in in areas I'll use Toronto as example because I'm here there's going to be one show I if it happens potentially MH so you go how hard is it going to be to get tickets for that you know that one show or there's one show in potentially in New York City I mean I think back to I only bring this up because in terms of scale it's relevant you think of the Fiasco for people trying to get tickets for the Taylor Swift erors to her right she did six show or she's doing six shows in Toronto it's this fall and our Stadium holds 45,000 people six shows you know there's for argument sake there's 350,000 seats available over the course of her stay in Toronto and the you had to register for the sale or whatever 30 million people registered to get tickets for those shows yeah and I'm not saying it's going to be that big but I mean there's there's there's the demand is going to be 10 times what the what the available tickets are so if you can even get tickets and if you can get tickets how Bloody expensive are they going to be they're not going to be 150 bucks they're going to be whatever they want to maybe for nose beds at a football stadium because I mean in New York are they gonna play MSG Masson square or they going to play like at the you know the metal lands or are they going to play you know one of these NFL stadiums um because I mean they're playing wimbley obviously that's much bigger than a football stadium sure um because it's a football stadium um so yeah that's another one of those worries is that for me when I look at tickets you know going into Saturday do I buy a show for do I go to a show where there's you know multiple nights booked because like the demand in theory is g to be smaller right it's gonna be huge but it's gonna be smaller right um or do I risk it and wait for them to come to the US and pick one night in you know LA or you know New York wherever it is the real question in North America will they fill a football stadium oh I think so I think they would but they couldn't continue that like if they if this is like the beginning of like another like 20- year stent for them as a band no they'll drop I mean even like you know some of these gu I mean obviously like guys like the stones who are you know Legacy B and bands at this point they can still fill you know football stadiums McCartney you know no matter how bad you think they sound they can still do it Elton John he can still do it right um but there are the you know the superstars the big the big guys that are out there you know like even like like again to use one of my one of my guys Tom Petty I don't think if Tom Petty was still touring he could be filling out soccer stadiums or he could be filling out you know Giant ium every every year right um but that's I think Oasis would fall in that trap where they could do Arenas they could play you know 21,000 Cedars easy right but I think you're right for this if they come to North America which financially I don't know why you wouldn't but if they do they'll sell out a handful of football stadiums this time around but if they come back it's not it's going to be it's going to be Arenas or or or baseball stadiums festivals yeah yeah which is fine whatever um we'll take whatever we can get now here's the question do would you do we want them to do that do we want them to go 20 years after this you know well and so that raises another question that I've been thinking about so yeah do we I think here here's a pretty close analogy take a look at the eagles they broke up for 14 years and and and you know Henley and frier both [ __ ] douchebags but they said you know hell freeze over before it happens well hell froze over and they got back together and they recorded hell free Zoro which is a quasi live quasi Studio alement it's okay and then they did another album long run out of Eden which is a bloated Affair uh but then they just and to this day they're still touring the the as a legacy act really right so do we want Oasis to be a legacy act or do we want them to put out new stuff and do they still have the ability to write stuff on par with what they wrote back then or will they go I mean you know our boy John is in the is in the comments like Billy Joel who hasn't done an album in you know over 30 years now is still filling out Masson Square Garden I know he just finished up his his run and playing Wrigley Field wherever he's you know wherever he's playing I don't they they won't hold that staying power and again because they're you know for all intents and purposes a Twan act so like once one of the brothers is either unwell to do it anymore or leaves it's no longer a waste this whereas the Eagles obviously we only have Don Henley left as the original guy and then long you know Main Stays Joe walshan Timothy Schmidt and then the other ringers that they bring in you know from time to time right um and they can still you know fill the sphere at Las Vegas or you know do whatever and pay top dollar but with Oasis once once one of the brothers is done they're done that's not Oasis anymore even if it's the same guys in the band like BDI it's not Oasis right that you bring up an interesting Prospect Oasis at the sphere oh man I would go to that in a heartbeat yeah you could call that a work trip holy man I would yeah that would just now we're fantasizing at this point in time but yeah um what's conbody saying I bet they will try to book MetLife Sofi Soldier Field Gillette Stadium not sure they could get 880,000 in each I don't know for the first leg maybe they could I don't know yeah I mean they might be able to feel like Mala stadium and Denver I mean those big city you know locations um but no I mean Alex Alex has made a good points because again they're so much larger in the UK and still I mean even still like Liam and null rarely come over here right you know they'll do they'll do a festival they might hang out in California but they're not doing a American or you know North American tour they're just not because people are like Le oh Liam Gallagher he's that guy from that one hit wonder band wonder wall wonder wall fair I mean when Liam came to town last time he or sorry when uh nol came to town last year he played a I don't know 5,000 seat Performing Arts Theater in Toronto I can't remember which one it was but he wasn't anything spectacular I think he's played the mol in amphitheaters as well which is like 10,000 people but that's just him solo but I don't know I don't who knows again there's there's Alex with a good point too yeah I mean they they're obviously they're not you mean they are legendary in their own right but they did not make the impact that they that you know the stones Elton John you know Bob well no of course not but the stones of all been around for 60 something years right yeah Oasis was around for 15 so I don't know yeah I don't know um what's Mort saying here wouldn't you say Oasis are bigger in Canada than the US yeah I would I would um maybe that's due in part to our British Heritage I don't know but they were huge here and I remember the last time they played here they played a place called Molen Park which no longer exists but it was again an outdoor venue couple hundred thousand people and it was nuts and I can't remember why I wasn't able to go but I'll get them next time and then there never was a next time so yeah um Alex say what's the story went four times Platinum here which is no joke then again if they only play a few show shows people will undoubtedly travel there's a Jason out there for everyone Jason who we don't remember who that guy is IC yeah I wish he'd join us more often yeah I think this the key to it being huge is less dates I guess so so okay so then that raised a question would you rather them have less dates and you're fighting for tickets at a football stadium or would you rather them have more dates and you have easier access to go see them at an arena like a hockey arena like a Madison Square Gardens or whatever I mean obviously more dates I mean for me because I mean traveling is no joke um but then again if they did that then I would have a bigger shot and maybe seeing them in DC or Nashville you know or any of these big places where the bit I mean the Taylor Swifts of the world play um but then again you you raised the question like well then that's you know extra shows that the brothers have to be in the same space and do you want that strain on a first tour in 15 years because I don't so I this seems to be a softball to maybe have them open up another conversation but you know I mean I me I say softball but you know they're already they already have 10 shows in the UK so that's not that's huge in its own right yeah I yeah I mean I think it's probably a let's do these 10 and see how it goes kind of thing yeah we probably won't hear anything about North America for another year maybe and they can stay home I mean they're they're in the UK they don't have to be gone more than a week at a time right because they have families and kids and you know yeah because kids are a little bit older but noll's 56 57 57 sh and no and Liam's 51 51 um Chris did you I did I see so where you said you already got tickets I didn't think that I didn't think they went on sale until uh until uh Saturday Sunday something like that no he there no way he has because Ticket Master it's there they're not even showing he he had a comment up here somewhere where he said I already got my tickets for Cardiff I swear I saw that I know he said something about best steel I'm going back through opening I'm he said I'm I'm I got my tickets for Cardiff Wales but tickets aren't on sale yet so maybe know somebody that knows somebody chis Chris if you know somebody and you love us or love me whoever let me know or if you love Rob too love Sam because as much as I would love to go to Europe to see uh Oasis I'm sure that my wife would go oh you're you're going to go to Europe with yeah I don't think so yeah yeah I don't mean to make her mean she's wonderful woman but there's no way that I'm going to go to Europe while she's staying at home because that's hardly fair yeah this up I said this will be Robin I's plea to the public because we're we're not below begging you know if you know somebody that can get Robin ey tickets very early hit us up um in a YouTube comment and we will give you contact information right wow yeah so it's is uh oh look at this wow man Chris is really Liam Gallagher's like brother-in-law Chris is the man no I mean yeah I mean there there's a lot of hype right now I'm sure we'll be getting stuff between now and Saturday I mean I've already seen my feed has blown up with you know oh mine too Rolling Stone has put up like all the times they said they were never going to get together um you know all all the stuff that's out there I I I am ready for another teaser trailer or something that shows Liam and null sitting down talking can you imagine that first phone call I've been thinking about that as I was driving into Toronto this morning I was how did how did that did his people reach out to his people or did he just Liam just call all and go hey man this is stupid like let's I don't know I can't I mean I don't have a sibling I'm an only child so I can't I don't know what that relationship's like but man being famous rock stars aside 15 years is a long time to be aange from from someone in your family but yeah I don't know he and what's the motivation is the motivation because they legitimately wanted to patch things up or is the motivation hey let's patch things up because we can make a buttload of money yeah yeah I mean and again like I remember even like seeing things like in 2017 or so where that you know there's always like like are the Gallagher brothers talking again it's like you know Liam sent nol a text saying something about you know a a football match you know right and like there was like a quick response so like I don't know that they have been completely AR stranged as strange I think there's been minor contact sure um just from what I remember from past posts you know from Rolling Stone over the last few years um and again if this started a year ago I mean obviously they would have probably had to have conversations a year ago and you know Liam doing that Definitely Maybe tour is kind of like I guess like him testing the waters to see how much people care about the Oasis deep Cuts yeah um I mean NL hasn't gone out there and done you know you know a Definitely Maybe tour or you know like an only Oasis show yeah um because I mean n n doesn't do a lot of Oasis songs when playing no he tries to distance himself from that yeah I mean he'll do don't Lo back in anger and he might do like live forever you know maybe wonder wall occasionally but half a world away half the world away he he'll do five or six in like a 18 track set list yep where Liam will do you know five or six songs from the newest album or the last couple albums and then you know obviously he's all over hello rock and roll star cigarettes and alcohol and I think that's I think that's because nol is purposely trying to see that's the stuff I did in the past listen to my new stuff and I I get the impression totally unsubstantiated but I get the impression that Liam has been kind of clinging to the I used to be the singer of Oasis you know what I mean more so I don't think null really gave a [ __ ] he appreciated the Legacy that he left behind but he left it behind where I think no or Liam was trying to cling to it but whatever they they who cares it's happening and it's exciting uh I wonder if um because it'll be the 30th Anniversary next summer of what's the story Morning Glory like it's the 30th anniversary of Definitely Maybe This Year I wonder for that toour if they're going to do kind of like what greena did where they're gonna play Definitely Maybe in it or sorry story in its entirety would be incredible and then do the hits for the second or like do like the hits first then do what's the story then Encore a couple more hits yeah yeah I mean that would make sense because I mean with what's the story I mean you got like five or six just bangers on that album I mean right their biggest song She's electric some might say Wonder wal Champagne Supernova hello morning and Glory like all that stuff pretty much every bloody song on the album let's every song on the record is great um there's I mean that would just make the most sense imagine them finishing their their their main set with champagne Supernova and like that it's just like they leave the stage and like that you know like that water is like going over the speakers right then they come back out and they saying like live forever or something right um you know I don't think I don't think you can have this reunion to on the 30th Anniversary without playing what's the story in its entirety you've got it you have to yeah and obviously G be a box set there'll be another double record like there was this year I'm sure yeah did you order the double I haven't yet no I don't I don't have Definitely Maybe yet um Al it keeps coming up especially now my algorithm is all you know Manchester and Oasis i i i pre-ordered off Amazon and I ordered the 4 LP because I want the the other demo sessions and stuff because Yeah by all accounts they sound pretty different so yeah it's a lot of like no it's a lot of n demos right it's just yeah well and let me just pull this up because my memory is shitty um I guess they went to um they were in a studio and tried to record the album initially and weren't happy with the sound so then um they went I guess to a different Studio when uh 30th Anniversary let's see here yeah I mean I know again I know it was a big deal for for Liam on this tour to sing half the world away um as you know a tribute to his brother because I mean you don't see you don't hear Liam going out there and doing Don't Look Back in Anger I mean especially like the big Manchester tragedy that happened a few years ago that song became like the anthem the anthem for sure and was played everywhere um but I mean I don't think Liam ever went out there and sang it so they did I guess they tried to they went there's the uh mono Valley sessions which I guess was where they took a first crack at the album yeah and then there's so I don't know if we're going to get all of the mono Valley sessions or if we're just going to get some of it I I haven't seen the oh here's a track listing hold on okay so we get one two three four five six seven eight we get eight songs from the mono Valley sessions and we get one two three four five six songs from the Sawmills sessions I guess that was another Studio they were in and then there's a demo from malith Road of sad song which they've already released on YouTube so I'm I'm all for that because yeah why not why not uh let's see here the deluxe box set is pricey I didn't think it was terribly pricey I think it was um unless there's a deluxe box I don't know about but I think there's only the 4 LP version it's uh see what's the price here um 65 bucks us for four LPS I think that's pretty good yeah that's not pricey so I think here it cost me like 90 bucks to get it off Amazon Canada something like that so I don't think there's any Super Deluxe beyond that but no and I mean it's it's the it's a 30th it's not a 50th right you know so I'm sure they'll have something for the 40th you know in 10 years yeah yeah it'll it'll be uh it'll be interesting I'm I'm crazy excited I hope they make some kind of a now Noah's already said it isn't going to be televised but I got to think they got to be filming the whole thing to make some kind of documentary later on I would yeah yeah it it yeah the thing would be the documentary would start I'm sure with like the two of them like clips of them like we're never going to do it we're never going to do it we're never gonna do it and then it goes black and then it's the two of them walking into each other and they're like you know like you bloody wanker like they're you know shaking hands or whatever you know I would love to see video of the first rehearsal session can you imagine I fly on the wall I can't imagine and then again it makes you wonder like do you think whoever the band is have they been practicing and practicing and practicing instrumentally so that they're like we don't want to screw anything up for these guys to get mad at anybody yeah um like there lot of unknowns lot of unknowns till I really wish I knew who the band was and again that's the thing like how big is the band going to be like are they going to go all out with like you know Orchestra and like you know all that stuff no's got like what like eight or nine people on stage with him when Oasis was originally a four or five piece band yeah yeah and I don't know how many people are on on stage with uh with Liam what's chance say there's a video on the official channel of null in a recording record store yeah I saw that he was being interviewed by some guy with the stupidest haircut I've ever seen it was like a 30 minute thing wasn't it yeah yeah yeah and I know no I mean we're talking about what's the story there was a video I think for the 25th so it would have been five years ago where no was talking about like he went like song by song Through the album and no never liked how the album sounded at least that's what he claims yeah um so can you imagine if he was like in on like the sessions to like remaster it to make it cleaner or whatever he wants not muddy yeah which obviously I like it I I mean I think it's perfect as is I think it's perfect it's a top tener for me um oh it's it's a it's a top tour for me yeah right behind serar and pepper and then blonde on blonde's number three um oh yeah fantastic but the thing do we even I mean do we even want an opener I mean I can I can see like I don't think Oasis is gonna go out there and do a Springsteen type show with three hours I think it'll be just under two hours um you know I mean I'm again I'm seeing uh I'm seeing Jeff l in October and he has an opener and it's the final ELO tour um and so again obviously this they do not warrant an opener but because their their set might only be 90 minutes you know or they would kind of need to give the fans you know their money's worth yeah blur would be an interesting opener I think you'd probably stand a better chance with um I don't know um I don't know who else could do it but somebody maybe like like maybe like a reform stone roses or The Verve yeah somebody like that um I know it was interesting because like I mean they obviously like both of the brothers bash these bigger bands like you know I know null he opened for Co play for a few years but could you imagine like the respect of like one of these larger groups that say we want to open for you can you imagine like like for example I think I think it was like Chris staple you know the country singer who who can fill he's filling Arenas he's top top of the game right now I think he did a respectful thing like he opened for somebody like like a like George straight or Brooks because he's like I respect this person I'm gonna be their opener um well for for like a on one of the last tours n was the opener for you too right and not I mean it's never going to happen but I mean if if if I could make the Stars alone can you imagine you two being the opener for the Oasis Reunion yeah yeah or that would never happen in a million years but or more likely what it would be is like they could even do like an acoustic thing where it's like just Bono and Edge um or um or like you know like Chris Martin from Coldplay comes out acoustically you know where it's like that's the big man from the band paying his respects he's not GNA rock your socks off but it's just showing that there is that respect for you know whoever yeah um so H we're gonna be on for another 15 or 20 minutes Rob if if you want to join us we would love to have your point of view on this so even if you can only join us for a few minutes that would be uh oh perfect I'm gonna send you the link and Rob is a fresh off of his visit with Mazy mazy's been over in the UK yes um so there you go rob links in the comments yeah this again the speculation I'm I do again back to what you said at the beginning I do agree about Liam joining the highflying birds it does seem kind of weird I am more than okay with like highflying birds members being there sure and then Liam's guys being there too well it's goes to your point of like what the beach plays did where they kind of Blended the two bands that would seem more genuine I guess right yeah I think so too did you say you saw null didn't you no I haven't I'd like to but you haven't seen either either hey Rob how you doing hey Rob hi Rob thanks for joining us man hey Rob I mean what's the buzz like in Manchester I mean you guys got to be like going out of your minds over there well I've I've been in London I've just got back so um I visited I saw Mazi in London so yeah I saw that yeah that's awesome yeah there was big meet up so but I was I was on Abby Road yesterday oh man yeah I've never been before and Ma's like I'm going to go so I said yeah go on then you've got to go and your so and look what I bought Abby Road I bought I bought that there you go of course how funny is because I can remember buying it probably two or three weeks after it came out and I was going in work and saying you got to listen to to Oasis the album's just great um and I have seen them live have you have you seen them Robert I can't remember no I I missed them a couple times when they came to Toronto back in the 90s and I always said I'll get them next time and then you want to see you want to see this big picture I've got in the house just please yeah Rob's just come in here to make us drool there you go that's awesome that would be a good reenactment for like the tour posters yeah it could be couldn't it so yeah yeah so I mean they were always this was always going to happen at some point I don't know whether you you kind of came to that conclusion as well Rob well I think I mean my thought was always they're gonna somebody's going to throw enough money at it at some point in time that LE no's going to go go [ __ ] it fine let's do it so as I was saying to Sam earlier I wonder is the motivation this time that they genuinely wanted to patch things up or that that the time was right and they said yeah I wanted to do a reunion or was the motivation we can make a buttload of money if if we if we can behave ourselves yeah I'd like to think it's the former you know yeah I'd like to think it's it's about the music I think one one interesting thing is that when OAS is split I always thought no's going to be the big hitter and Liam's going to be in his in his slipstream over over the last five years Liam's really come to the four hasn't he and he's kind of on a p so I think that's important that Liam feels as though he's made a point he's actually can be as successful as no well and I think I said I started saying this to Sam earlier on too is that I was not a fan of the BDI stuff and I like the first two highflying birds albums and I always I always liked NL better I thought he was the yeah the talent in the band not that Liam didn't have talent without n there wouldn't have been an oasis and then no kind of went into this kind of like electronic crap that doesn't interest me at all and then Liam started to put out some Banger albums like why me why not was incredible I and it it flipped it flipped Liam ended up being the I thought the better and the more entertaining of the two yeah yeah I don't know whether I think maybe NL didn't want to just be churning out the same kind of thing so I always kind of respect an artist when they kind of Y push the boundaries a little bit might not always work most major artists have done that haven't they yeah yes um but then they always tend to go back to form don't they if you like so yeah it I mean they playing Wembley on my birthday so that' be a nice one to go to wouldn't it so you're you're going to try and get tickets I assume yeah I'll get a ticket yeah there they're playing quite a lot of dates aren't they so yeah they're talking about1 pound plus but I mean that's standard isn't it for a for a ticket so yeah yeah I saw I saw McCartney back the last time I saw McCartney was 2021 no it was 2022 um at one of the local of the college football stadiums there's probably 30, 40,000 people there my sister and I went we were in the very back from a cartney nose beds were 150 yeah with you know with fees so I can only imagine it's close to that they'll make a they'll make a killing on the merchandise as well I've already I'm sure robs already been in his draw getting all these Oasis t-shirts out no unfortunately most my Oasis t-shirts don't fit anymore because I was a bit smaller 30 years ago than I am now but there's a lot of stuff on social media you know like little Tik toks about guys saying oh yeah oh o just getting back together you know like as all talking with the wife oh yeah I might try and get a ticket and they're like talking to the matate saying yeah I'm going to go to everyone and they're trying the t-shirts on and they a bit Yeah I think there's a lot of that going on yeah yeah it's that that's good though because everyone have to buy another t-shirt a couple of sizes bigger maybe they're gonna make it killing I I'm I'm thrilled I said to Sam last night I said this band is so important to me other than the Beatles yeah because this was the first band that I discovered myself as a teenager back in the 90s yeah band means everything to me I said to sim this is the biggest musical announcement to happened to me in my lifetime and I'm yeah yeah excited what are you gonna do Rob are you are you going to see where they're going to play over there or are you gonna well there's rumors it's I mean listen I'm not going to be able to swing going to England I would love to because I love England I've been before my family's from England 250 years ago but I I would love to go but if I said to the wife I if I said hey hun I'm I'm going to go see Oasis and that's going to involve me going to Europe uh that's going to go over like a turn to punch bow you know that long list of jobs that she's been asking you to do right maybe make a start on them and then you never know you know she might yeah you never know I I don't think that would go over too well because she would want to come too and I would want her to come yeah afford being sending all three of us I can't afford to send myself over let's be honest so I'm holding that hope rumors that they're going to play potentially a date in Toronto and New York and and la and whatever I hope they play Toronto because it's only 45 minutes away from me so I'm really hoping yeah I find it difficult to believe that they're going to go through all the trouble and they're going to get they'll want to get a really tight crew together and This Crew could be together for 9 to 12 months going all around the world couldn't they I doubt they're going to do 14 nights and then just hang the coats up and then go back to the high flying birds I don't I heard you speaking before Miss signal was cutting out on the train you was saying you'd love them to maybe go in the studio I wouldn't say that's out of the question yeah I mean that would be but then again that was lightning in a bottle 20 years ago yeah can you replicate I mean not that you want to replicate it you want to evolve that but right can they make an oasis record again I don't know yeah I mean I'll say so Rob are you are you looking to do just a oneoff show or you think in a couple nights yeah well I'll be looking at maybe going to Wembley and then probably going because I saw them at heat Heaton Park you know where they're doing a lot of the dates that's where I saw them in 2009 so they were they did about four nights in 2009 and I don't know if you know cassavan they they supported them in a band called The Enemy it'll be interesting to see who supports because you know I'm a big Paul weather fan oh that would be good too Paul is a neighbor of of null he goes around to his house they go around to each other's houses nearly on a daily basis you know they're really good friends I'd be surprised if Paul well doesn't get involved somewhere along the line whether he comes on as a guest maybe or or whether he's supporting blur certainly won't be I think so yeah maybe I don't know if you're aware of like bands like ocean color scene maybe Richard ashra from The Verve I think it will be it'll turn into there'll certainly be at least three decent support acts um if you're playing Wembley you're going to get in there relatively early it's going to be all day isn't it you know it's going to be great so yeah yeah to answer your question Sam yeah I've been looking to go to more I certainly want to see him at Wembley that's one that I want to go to yeah oh yeah you have oh man Morton's bringing up a question Sam and I were debating earlier is it just gonna be Liam and null with no's band or with uh a band they put together is it gonna be are we gonna see are we gonna see bonehead or going to see GGY I mean who knows well Andy Bell was playing with him wasn't he on yeah um I I know bone head's had health issues hasn't he oh has he I didn't know that yeah there there's been health issues so um that maybe again you could be talking about sort of guest I'd be surprised if Andy Bell is it g Glen gem Archer was it as well yeah yeah so unless they've had some kind of issue but like you say I don't think they're going to use um noll's band and I don't think they're G used Liam's band so makes sense that it's going to be as close to the original Oasis that's what F PE fans want to see isn't it well and that's what I was saying because I had read somewhere that it was just going to be the highflying birds backing them and calling themselves Oasis and they said to Sam if that rumor is true to me that cheapens a little bit Yeah I'd be very surprised if that if that's the case like I say I'm a little bit out of the loop because I've been in London literally walk through the door and and come on you know I'm glad you joined us Rob priorities are correct yeah yeah the thing would be is that you know again in terms of sound Liam's current band is more in line with the Oasis sound I mean the highflying birds can do it because they've they've done and they they they've always acted as like a rotating cast of characters as it is isn't it that's kind of what no's Vision was yeah on his last album though was that the the only time where he's actually mention High I don't know the highflying birds he's got it's more of a band so they're going to be thinking oh no got back what we gonna do you know what I mean but yeah like you say I'd be surprised if Andy Bell and um you know the other guy aren't involved it was starky as well weren it Zach starky was he played on um don't believe the truth I could see Z doing it I could see Z Andy White was the was Andy White yeah because like the who I mean Roger and Pete don't have anything lined up right now um with the who which is where Zach has been for you know the last 15 years or so yeah I think that would be a good look to have Zach because that could be a draw as well um that Zack Stark is there with them um it might get Ringo what do you think of that definitely be going oh man yeah yeah Rob would have a coronary if if Ringo open some if that's the case I'd get in a rowboat and I'd roll myself to England yeah yeah yeah but it's it's nice isn't it because we just love talking about this is sort of thing that you kind of dream of in a way isn't it been fantasy it's really been a fantasy yeah like I mentioned Rob at the top of the show I mean it's always like the talk of the VC like you know what are your musical you know hopes for the new year it's always you know the Kinks get back together maybe Oasis will get back together and now one of those things is happening after 15 years yeah it's really it's I mean it still seems like a dream I mean I know Rob Rob and I were talking last night Rob is a night owl so Rob was already awake when I stayed I stayed up till 3 in the morning because I needed to I needed the that's what it was going to be but I needed the confirmation Refresh on my phone I set my alarm for three and I I remember like the alarm going off a few different times and I was thinking like why is my alarm going off and then I remembered I said oh yeah I did that on purpose and it was 3:15 and I looked and Rob had all these messages just bombarding Sam morning I'm like block Rob how how long have you been into Oasis and S it relatively um I would say well see I first I remember I first I first heard wonder wall when I was probably about 19 which would have been 11 years ago I'm 30 now so I mean I know I really got into you know Morning Glory probably a couple years after that so a little less than 10 years but I mean you know just since that I mean morning glory in particular obviously you know fed into what I what I was liking at the time and again it Rose the ranks to become number you know I think number nine on my top 10 favorite albums of all time that I did a couple years ago but then you know more recently you know started getting into you know the you know definitely maybe and all all that stuff and then listening to the Liam stuff and then hearing those live records again on the Tims and the MTV Unplugged yeah hearing there other cuts that I didn't know and going back to it that it all it all wo its way into it so yeah it's been kind of a gradual process it's been a neat process and you know I haven't really followed null at all with his music because it's just not my I'm just not a fan of the the style of it it it'll be interesting won't it to see you know when you see the audience I'm sure there will be people who weren't even alive when well maybe not they might have been very young when Oasis kind of split up there is going to be like the old sad people like myself and you know you know get with The Parkers on and you know but I think there will be kind of a new generation as well which is nice well I mean even the clips that I've seen from from Liam's last show I mean there have been I saw kids up on you know shoulders that were 17 18 years old yeah and know knowing all the words to the Deep cuts from Definitely Maybe so that's always good isn't it when that happens oh and that's what we were talking about when when that when that graphic came on the screen after Liam finished up just the audience was kind of it was it was more quiet than I thought when I saw the cell phone clips that there wasn't like this just like scream of Hysteria that it was like like what what is this what are we looking at what are these what's this font this is oasis font when when I was in in London I picked up this t-shirt sister Ray records uhhuh so sister Ray records is on Beric Street where what's the story Morning Glory you know the album cover oh the cover sister Ray records is is there so up the T-shirt yesterday yeah I was walking down there with Mazy yesterday that's awesome and again another idea for a great tour poster would be I mean I know that that's not you know them on on the cover but it was supposed to be to have the two brothers on that spot for the for the for the tour yeah like that would be some I did a video about this like a year and a half ago start behind this cover it was supposed to be them but they were both hung over from the night before yeah it was yeah so the guy that's walking toward us I can't remember his name but he's a radio DJ yeah the guy with this back to us is uh Brian Carroll the guy from micro dot that that does all of the artw work for all of the covers it was supposed to be Liam and no but right it's not you're G have hey Rob can see you resurrecting a few more kind of Oasis videos in the pipeline I bet you got the wheels turning oh boy are they ever I don't want to S I haven't got any ideas for videos yeah I I I got I got a I got a few kind of floating right in my head because like I said this this band to me was was so massively important when I was a teenager yeah um you know I remember when when what's the story came out that was a that was an incredible summer I think I was maybe 15 16 something like that and there's a lot of memories associated with that album and it's here's a uh here's a fantasy moment again because it would it would work I think I just froze um can you hear me I can hear you yeah my my internet's been going in and out but just imagine imagine them doing Don't Look Back in Anger but then they they trade verses where it's like it works for like the two of them are back together Not Looking Back in Anger again just one of those like neat like live moments where they could both be singing that and then they both come in on the chorus together because like it was usually you know that was no's moment and Liam kind of you know sat on the drum Riser I just think about you know when they eventually when we get to that point where they're playing Wembley and they start doing that song the whole crowd is going to sing that and I can just I can just picture them not even singing just the whole a you hear tens of thousands of voices singing that song that's got to be magical I I can remember when when you started your channel rob you were pretty quick to sort of share your love of Oasis so I kind of because I wasn't expecting it you know when you when you started your channel and you were talking because you know you were talking about the Beatles and then pretty quickly you were you were on to Oasis so I kind of obviously I was like I love that you know coming from like man I mean I'm an oasis fan I'm not like a super fan of Oasis I'm super fan for sure you're you're super fan I've got all the CDs I've only got on vinyl I've only got that one and um standing in the shadows shoulders of giants yeah and I I think that a pretty underrated album what do you think of that one um I like it I like it to me it was kind of the last of the good albums and and it's not the right choice of words but after that I you know I was not a fan of uh Heathen chemistry don't believe the truth I like digging out your soul I can't stand it but yeah Dan shoulders of giants had some great songs in it and to me that was kind of like the last of the really really good albums I've got everything that they put out yeah but what my my desire is is I want I would love I have um first reissues of the original albums right really want original first I have an original first pressing of be here now but I would really I I'm trying to find Definitely Maybe want story more you can get them they're on eBay but I price now AR they 400 bucks or whatever so now of course now they're going to go through the roof so I'm never going to find them but yeah yeah again in terms of like thinking like what they might open with would it be would it be in bad taste if they opened with I Am The Walrus no they'll open with [ __ ] in the bushes oh you think no yeah that's kind of their standard opener yeah that's the chaotic beginning when they can all walk on at their own time and it's a bit yeah like I could see yeah I can see that yeah I would I think the perfect opener would be uh do you know what I mean I think that would be a great this this is gonna this is so going to be like a live stream in a couple of days in it what's the uh that's the thing because I do um watch you talking occasionally you know when you do but you're always it's I'm not able to join because it's you know I'm asleep opportunity that you've just been able to come on so can I can join in a little bit but I can see you doing a video on what would be your perfect set list look yeah it's a good one there's a not pad of my my desk it may have some notes on it already Rob yeah I would imagine it'd be pretty heavy on the first two albums wouldn't it really I mean I think it would have to be right because yeah they go into a loot of really really deep I mean the master plan would you consider one of the best albums I mean it's a great album isn't it just offcuts really and see the thing is Rob do you think with it being the Morning Glory 30th that do you think they would open with some hits do a second set of morning glory and then come out and do a few more hits like because if that's the case they couldn't open with hello you know because like that's been Liam's kind of standard opener recently or rock and star I me he's open with that a few times yeah they'll they'll do I think they'll do a they'll they got to do like hits and then I think they've got to do what's the story and it's entirety next year because 30th anniversary and what do you what do you cut off of what's the story greedy he's getting greedy now any Rob he want oh yeah it's like we want more we haven't even had the first taste I know I did I just I'm like like the kid at Christmas I can't yeah tomorrow they will announce that they've canceled it because there's too much pressure yeah exactly or they're fighting again who knows yeah yeah yeah well listen guys unfortunately I would love to talk about this all day but I do have to get back to work thank you rob for joining us I was kind of secretly hoping that you'd be watching and maybe would join us so thank you for that I appreciate it's nice to go live with you I've never done it before so yeah and thank you Sam oh yeah you and I have been talking about the potential of this forever and ever and especially over the last weekend so it's a it's exciting and we'll see what happens over the over the coming weeks as more information comes out so absolutely um thanks everybody for those that don't know Rob Walker let the music play Sam St John check them both out I'll be back Wednesday night tomorrow night at 800m for the live chat which uh Sam is no longer joining us anymore Sam is retired from the live stream so there will be a there'll be there'll be a different cast of characters tomorrow so hope everyone will join us for that so thank you gentlemen thanks everyone for watching have a great day everybody bye

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