Great news for Zelensky! Ukraine launched surprise counterattack on most important facilities!

[Music] [Music] welcome to PPR Global in recent days Russia has been undergoing a series of intensely alarming events a multitude of occurrences encompassing attacks detonations and incinerations are taking place around the country this report reveals that there have been substantial explosions and fires in key areas like rostov moros Airfield vores and kirov first and foremost the news of the fire in rosov was the first item that appeared prominently on the agenda after enduring a prolonged period of intense fire lasting roughly 10 days the oil facility in rostov became the focus of another assault orchestrated by the Ukrainian militia the collaboration between the Ukrainian defense intelligence and the Special Operations forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine entailed the deployment of attack drones produced within Ukraine to carry out an attack on an oil store situated in the rostov oblast of Russia the accuracy of all the specific results of the process is now being verified at around 3:00 a.m. the Russian authorities said that gunfire in the rostoff oblast resulted in the destruction of four unmanned aerial Vehicles uavs reports from multiple Witnesses indicate that the tanks situated within the oil Depot were still emitting intense Flames video video provided by residents of the municipality revealed a significant number of Tanks engulfed in flames at one of the oil Depot initial reports indicated that the atlas plant which is owned by Ros Reserve was also engulfed in flames according to subsequent claims from the local media the tanks of the atlas combined Harvester were allegedly engulfed in flames reports indicate that Ros res ve was completely consumed by the fire The Establishment is an integral part of the Russian defense industrial base and has a direct function in supplying and supporting Russian military troops based on assertions made by Russian media sources the facility served as the site for collaborative drills conducted by the Russian defense Ministry and Ros Reserve in August 2020 the afor mentioned actions were included in the Caucasus 2020 exercise the demonstration exercises on the delivery of P pum products to meet the military's requirements were conducted using three distinct modes of transportation Road Rail and pipeline at this juncture it seems that the Russians have completely relinquished control of this facility in addition to the plant being reduced to ashes by the fire residents in Comm Shakin reported hearing another explosion within the facility furthermore there was a substantial amount of noise in the surrounding area of the morz airport indeed there is a potential for this airport to have been targeted as well conversely the vores oblast in Russia was likewise experiencing a surge of activity and was keenly perceiving it reports indicate that a drone strike was purportedly conducted in the vicinity the drones collided with a storage container housing ammunition at the Malaya maena Farm conversely gusev offered indirect validation of this crucial information the evaluation conducted by usev suggest sequent to the Drone raid occurred in close proximity to explosive materials following the public disclosure of the study there was a surge in the alarming level of concern in voron the local authorities have issued statements indicating the implementation of a complete range of security measures in the area in response to a nocturnal drone strike the authorities in the vones area have announced their decision to evacuate inhabitants of two distinct communities Governor Alexander gusev announced on the telegram channel that a provisional temporary shelter has been established in the district Center furthermore buses were implicated in the incident recent reports indicate that ukrainians have achieved a new Milestone by employing unmanned aial vehicles uavs to launch attacks on the kirov region this coincides with a period of persistent concern in vores Russia uavs conducted a targeted assault on a petroleum product storage facility situated in the town of koteles situated in the kirov region of Western Russia the drones employed by the Ukrainian military covered a distance of 1,200 km primary reports from the Baza telegram Channel indicate that two drones specifically targeted a tank filled with gasoline products the tank is situated at the vatka combine found in the municipality of kotelnich whilst one drone collided with the lid of the tank the second drone collided with an empty tank both both of them were annihilated significantly this was the inaugural assault conducted by Ukrainian unmaned aial vehic uavs in the kirov region the significance of the record lies in its documentation of the first occurrence of the attack given the unprecedented nature of the ukrainians offensive on this area the residents of the kirov region were deeply alarmed the local authorities provided some vital evaluations in an attempt to restore calm in the region and appease the prevailing popular sentiment at 10:40 Minsk time Alexander salov the governor of the region sent a message on his telegram Channel confirming the absence of deaths and outbreaks of fire indeed Russians have become accustomed to such attacks in the last month Ukrainian forces have conducted a sequence of aggressive offensive actions that have deeply unsettled Russia and inflicted substantial harm upon the military and economic assets of the Kremlin these acts have been executed by individuals of Ukrainian nationality one of the refineries under question is the trans neft Refinery situated in usinsk Comey Republic an extremely severe fire erupted at this facility in early August the cause of the fire remains unknown and the extent of the collateral damage it caused is highly uncertain local residents reported that a substantial section of the manufacturing complex was affected and a dense column of dark smoke was seen in the distance within a 2 time frame this Refinery has become the second one in the region to endure a fire despite the unclear reason experts Express fear that Ukrainian sabotage organizations may have been accountable for this tragedy the geographical separation between usinsk and Ukraine is around 2,000 km an alternative site was the airbase located in leet oblast perturbations of considerable scale have been detected at the leet 2 Military Airfield in recent weeks the airbase is loated 282 km away from Ukraine the aircraft stationed at that location included Sue 34s Mig 29's and Sue 25s following the latest attack on this site about 700 aerial bombs were either neutralized or destroyed between the 7th and 10th of August enemy fire demolished a minimum of two k52 helicopters a mi 28 helicopter and a s34 fighter bomber within the ksk region considering the recent Spade of attack ATT or acts of sabotage against the Russians it is evident that they have suffered substantial losses nevertheless the current main focus of the Kremlin is not on losses of this kind but rather on impeding the progress of ksk by the Ukrainian military nevertheless are the Russians presently attaining success in this undertaking according to commanderin-chief Alexander Cuke Russia has had to transfer 30,000 soldiers from other critical areas to better meet the current attack being carried out by Ukraine in Kursk oblast this statement is particularly true for the poov and kurakov regions of the denet oblast which are presently experiencing direct attacks considerable advancements have been made during the ongoing Ukrainian offensive in ksk oblast which is currently in its fourth week according to siriri Ukrainian forces successfully seized administration of a territory consisting of 100 villages and covering a total area of 1,00 294 Square km this area encompassed the town of suja which held immense strategic importance moreover a total of 594 Russian soldiers were captured but the accuracy of these figures has not been confirmed by any reliable sources siriri emphasized that Russia's intention to deploy its troops to the ksk front is a strategic move aimed at mitigating the advancements achieved by Ukraine the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian military has stated that the enemy is endeavoring to evacuate its troops from alternative routs while simultaneously intensifying its operations in the pcov region nevertheless Russia is persistently progressing in zapar oblast actively striving to recapture regions in close proximity to the settlement of robotin Russian military operations in the southern region of Ukraine have been reduced according to CI Russian forces are currently exerting Resolute efforts to regain control of Cru Islands located along the Delta of the nepro river in the kersen oblast which is now under partial occupation by the Russian military however ksk oblast Remains the true focal point of the ongoing struggle ksk continues to face Fierce combat while the donbas region is subjected to Relentless artillery bombardment the ongoing intense assaults are accompanied by a range of distinct periods of change on the battlefield both Ukraine and Russia released 115 Russian prisoners of war and 115 Ukrainian prisoners of War respectively both Russia and Ukraine have conveyed their gratitude to the United Arab Emirates for its invaluable contribution as a humanitarian mediator the mediation by the UAE led to the exchange of a significant number of convicts in an era characterized by constant influx of distressing news and an ongoing conflict this direct link between the Russian and Ukrainian military is a unique and noteworthy Act of Goodwill among a harsh and brutal reality not withstanding the equal exchange of around 115 soldiers there is a notable discrepancy in the composition of the prisoners of War profoundly enthusiastic Ukrainian zalinski declared that the5 ukrainians who were freed were individuals belonging to the Ukrainian National Guard the Army the Navy and local border guards a significant proportion of these Ukrainian prisoners of War were from the armed fight that occurred in marup younger individuals constitute the bulk of the Russian prisoners of War who have been freed all individuals in question are thought to be Russian servicemen who were captured by the Ukrainian Army subsequent to their attack on the ksk region thus zalinski asserts that the Ukrainian Army effectively obtained these crucial exchange funds which played a crucial role in repatriating a significant number of Ukrainian soldiers who were taken captive an earlier declaration said that the Ukrainian forces had apprehended more than 100 Russian PS in ksk with the completion of the prisoner swap the details of this dispute have become far clearer Russia expeditiously repatriated these troops facilitated by the United Arab Emirates UAE primarily they will be dispatched to Belarus to obtain medical treatment and psychological support and thereafter they will be repatriated to Russia based on the the psychological condition of the rescued Russian prisoners of War they demonstrated a generally calm demeanor entering the bus quietly and settling into their seats with a Serene attitude conversely prisoners of war from Ukraine were generally quite excited the level of excitement was so intense that a significant number of them wept Tears while they posed for photographs with the national flag given Russia's substantial stockpile of prisoners of War P chips zalinski has consistently emphasized the need of the exchange fund this is because the replacement of Ukrainian veterans with Russian soldiers serves as a clear manifestation of this reality furthermore the data about the number of victims has also been updated as of the day of the prisoner exchange the Russian defense Ministry confirmed that the Russian army has been accountable for the fatalities and injuries of more than 5,50 Ukrainian soldiers as well as the dest ruction of 71 tanks and 57 armored personnel carriers since the Ukrainian Army invaded ksk the Russian Ministry of Defense has issued a statement confirming that the operation to eradicate Ukrainian armed groups is now ongoing not withstanding the escalating violence and dire circumstances in eastern Ukraine caused by the Russian attack the Ukrainian military asserts that it is still making progress and exerting control over many settlements in ksk however it is important to note that the situation is indeed perilous Ukrainian military authorities have claimed that the Russian army is incurring substantial losses in ksk oblast region on a daily basis estimates indicate that more than 300 Russian servicemen perish due to combat in ksk based on current estimates It is believed that around 3,000 Russian soldiers have either capitulated or are presently not on active Duty in ksk oblast the events that occurred in ksk are having a multifaceted influence on Russia It is Well acknowledged that changes in the A4 mention region exert a substantial impact on the economy of the country the current challenge faced by the Russian government is the need to address interest rates of 18% it is expected that the invasion of the Bread Basket would result in a rise in food inflation the annual inflation rate for consumer goods in Russia exceeded 21% during the month of July officially rat reports that this percentage is 6.7% ksk is the primary target of the Ukrainian operation which is directed against the Russian food industry this will give rise to further challenges for the economy furthermore the ksk operation has had a substantial effect on the Russian economy the fields of economic theory and ideology are inherently interconnected by 2024 Russia's fiscal EMB balance is seeing a significant and rapid growth the long-standing information bubbles within Russia have started to disintegrate with the passage of time it is ever more difficult to maintain the Russian narrative that their Triumph is inevitable Russia is currently facing significant strain due to an overheated War economy declining revenues from gas and oil and inflation rates in the double digits the daily costs encompassing short-term medium-term and long-term expenditures range from1 to $3 billion the activity at ksk has a significant influence on both transportation and Logistics at a medium and long-term level the situation will worsen substantially due to numerous Ripple or multiplier effects thus far Russia has incurred about 500,000 casualties as a consequence of the war resulting in a loss of over $250 billion in projected yearly gross domestic product factors such as heightened sabotage drone attacks on energy infrastructure insufficient foreign investment declining infrastructure and reduced tax income are all major contributors to the escalating costs and maintenance as well as the decline in Russia's Revenue furthermore it is imperative to analyze not only sanctions and frozen assets but also windfall profits of billions of dollars the degree of corruption within the military has surged resulting in a sharp decline in both the export of weapons and the manufacturing of Autos approximately 1.5 to3 million Russians who often possess a high level of Education have immigrated from the country since 2022 given that inflation is a continuous process the government has the capacity to surreptitiously and imperceptibly confiscate a significant proportion of the wealth owned by its citizens should the conflict persist for an extended duration the cumulative effects and reverberations will have more severe adverse consequences conversely the Russian Federation is ethically bankrupt with regards to the complex demographic collapse the conflict is the ultimate factor that has contributed to its irreversibility the war economy is effectively consuming entire industries that are not directly associated with the war the European region of Russia boasts the bulk of the nation's infrastructure and houses 80% of its population centers from its Inception the Russ economy has heavily depended on the trade of resources with Western countries in return for Western expertise and financial support the objective of Russia is to shift its focus towards Asia with the aim of mitigating the consequences of these challenges the concept of relocating to Asia does not exist there exists a substantial geographical gap between the urban areas of China and India and the deposits of oil and gas for Russia to realign its extractive Fortress economy it will be imperative for the nation to allocate funds into new infrastructure initiatives instead of allocating additional resources to his unsuccessful homicidal effort in Ukraine Putin is funneling more resources into the ongoing battle Mongolia has halted the advancement of the power of Siberia 2 pipeline project at now Russia lacks the capacity to compensate for the financial losses incurred by European pipeline gas the policies outline by Mongolia for the period of 2024 2028 did not address construction wages negotiations and other related subjects the building of the 2,600 km pipeline was planned to commence in the early months of 20124 and reached completion by 2030 the Russian Federation lacks credibility as a collaboration partner the slave state under the power of the oil Mafia is incapable of fulfilling contractual obligations in order to apply pressure on its allies Russia employs the strategy of energy blackmail moreover Russia persists and indicating a wink towards China Chinese desires to delegate the financial responsibility for the construction of the pipeline to Russia furthermore China is demanding substantial price drop downs from Russia Russia is indebted to China for a sum exceeding $300 billion in loans from the belt and Road initiative br the year 2022 marked the conclusion of all belt and Road initiative BR investments in Russia unsurprisingly both China and Mongolia have no intention of allowing any additional Russian influence in Mongolia over time Russia's ability to negotiate is increasingly approaching the critical threshold of zero the belgorod and ksk operation has significant implications for both the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels as well as the welfare of individuals each of the belgrad and ksk regions contributes 0.5% to Russia's gross domestic product resulting in a cumulative impact of $20 billion out of the projected $2 trillion in Russian GDP at first sight this may seem to be a pretty insignificant and inconspicuous impact not withstanding this both Kursk and belgorod possess a substantial stratum of black soil approximately four to five us SDA plant hardiness growth zones Encompass the bulk of agriculturally viable Terrain in Russia all Borderlands constitute a part of the Russian Bread Basket Metropolitan Moscow contributes almost 50% to the overall gross domestic product of Russia successive to Moscow St Petersburg ranked second with a percentage of 10% followed by tauman with a 10% despite its population of 3 million the West Siberian tumen ablast stands as the primary contributor to Russia's oil and gas production the great concentration of the Russian GDP results in a complete absence of diffusion and decentralization for example the capital of London contributes solely 3.5% to the whole gross domestic product of the country deriving a remedy from this predicament is unattainable the imposition of sanctions has led to an unprecedented and remarkable assault on the Russian economy by employing military force Russia is endeavoring to exhaust the financial resources that are being transferred from other cities namely Moscow the capital furthermore the value of Russia's currency is experiencing a substantial depreciation at this critical moment the ruble has experienced a substantial depreciation of almost 10% in its value there exists a correlation between the Russian oil and gas sector and the value of the ruble based on the experts explanations the combined Harvester industry in Russia has been successfully eradicated at present Russia lacks the requisite replacement components to repair these machines an extensive array of other Industries are also affected failure of Russia to emerge victorious in the battle would endanger the Russian federation's capacity to sustain operation effective management of inflation or deflation cannot be achieved only through the implementation of financial strategies the problem is interrelated with both the workforce availability and the production level historically War economies have been characterized as an insatiable resource that exhaustively depletes all resources to produce fuel for the war Endeavor in addition to food the soldiers will be provided with fuel the Russian population will be required to pay a very lofty premium the said funds will be allocated to the military institutions such as hospitals and schools will be non-existent in the given scenario the inflationary pressure is expected to escalate due to Ukraine's deliberate focus on acquiring more fuel Depot and refineries mostly driven by the rise in fuel prices according to the viewpoints of several analysts it is imperative for the United States and Europe to consolidate their backing for Ukraine during this crucial period when Russia is being marginalized inevitably Russia will suffer a Savage loss resulting from profound poverty Putin's Authority is being gradually diminished due to the aggressive campaign underway by the Ukrainian military notably at ksk we have not yet reached the initial stage of this considerable progress has been made in this procedure just a limited number of localities in Russia Supply food for the military apparatus and its logistical operations located beyond the urals the rural areas of Russia are afflicted by poverty and are often characterized by underdevelopment it is conceivable that Ukraine May ultimately achieve further progress in belgrad while Russia is facing significant obstacles the consequence of this would be the isolation of Russia from its crucial Logistics Center is Russia capable of reversing this situation preventing the Ukrainian Advance on ksk and changing the economic military circumstances of the country with regards to this issue Russian officials are expressing strong disagreement due to his forceful statements former Russian president Dimitri Medvedev remains a prominent figure in the ongoing political discourse Dimitri Medvedev a prominent figure in Putin's Inner Circle has frequently exploited Russia's potential nuclear weapons capacity as a provocative tool to intimidate Western countries it is widely acknowledged that Russia's nuclear policy permits the deployment of these weapons under circumstances where the nation's sovereignty is at risk Russian President Vladimir Putin has explicitly declared that the deployment of nuclear weapons is a retaliatory measure to any incursion into Russian territory under the current circumstances Vladimir Putin firmly believes that any possibility of an invasion of Russian territory regardless of its actuality would be considered a violation of the red line under the scenario of nuclear weapon deployment the outcome is inherently unpredictable non-intentional consequences are always present President Putin is faced with a difficult decision given Putin's elevated confidence resulting from Russia's retor on nuclear weapons there is a possibility that he may restore the nuclear weapons trump card contingent upon the unfolding scenario in ksk there is not complete Clarity regarding Ukraine's capacity to achieve its goals however given its current position in the middle of the third week of its incursion into Russia and Ukraine it has once again managed to capture the attention of Western public opinion furthermore they have achieved success in relocating a portion of the fighting to geographical areas under Russian control the inherent ambiguity surrounding the military operation in ksk posed the initial obstacle for the Ukrainian Administration Ukraine's expressed desire to establish a buffer zone is primarily driven by its intention to compel Russia to participate in negotiations exchange positions and terminate the Russian occupation of eastern Ukraine nevertheless there is uncertainty regarding the extent to which Russia will withdraw from detet or Crimea as well well as the closeness of Ukraine to Russia there is no quantitative method available to measure this phenomenon with Ukraine's increasing proximity to Russia the Russians may become increasingly enraged and confrontational this is the crucial issue that must be emphasized it is conceivable that they may make a solemn pledge to achieve complete conquest of Ukraine the Paramount objective is to ensure our presence in ksk for a substantial duration rather than exceeding its geographical boundaries iies the primary goal for Ukraine should be to establish and maintain administrative control for the maximum duration feasible provided that Ukraine can sustain its relationship with Russia for a prolonged duration it will serve as evidence that Putin lacks significant leadership capabilities in order to exert control over ksk Ukraine must persist in deploying additional forces to the region it is crucial that they persist in restocking their troops one aspect in which Ukraine May really benefit from reing ceing Aid is the augmentation of its military forces an inadequate amount of troops was present nevertheless keev is urgently Seeking Air assistance to reduce the need for military Manpower consequently should the Western countries furnish Ukraine with long-range missiles and other formidable Weaponry the nation will be capable of carrying out operations in this area with a diminished deployed Force according to military assessments the ksk operation has exposed Ukraine to a substantial level of risk the primary risk that Ukraine Encounters in the kskk operation is the potential for the forces returning from ksk with substantial losses to be compelled to withdraw further into Ukrainian territory to more highly fortified areas the Sumi region of Ukraine has the potential to serve as both an entry point and an advancement zone for Russia consequently the road leading to Kiev would be strategically position positioned in a critically unstable manner should Ukraine experience a substantial defeat in ksk it would undoubtedly have a catastrophic impact on the morale of its military personnel therefore KF needs a strong and decisive strategy to effectively Engage The Russians in negotiations in ksk thank you for following us

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