Love is Blind UK Season 1 Episode 11 | The Finale 🥲| Recap | Review

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:04:05 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] da I'm conflicted on one hand I truly get and respect Demi's decision I mean this is an insanely short turnaround from meeting a person to marrying them and I am too of the belief that just because you don't follow the show's timeline doesn't mean you can't have a successful marriage after that but I am also deeply annoyed because I know you would have roasted Ali had he made that decision I know y'all now I'm talking to my shadow viewers the ones who watch but never like y'all had your pitchforks out and ready I hope I can speak for both of us when I say we're both we're both so grateful for all of you being here we are still celebrating our love and our friendship so we're so glad to have all of you here with us the journey hasn't changed just a slight diversion beautifully said Ali see we ain't like y'all you know what I'm saying we ain't F to hate Demi just because she decided not to marry a man that she just met just for a TV show I mean a show I just want to highlight y'all's hypocrisy and say that y'all owe Ali an apology all he's doing is trying to live his life get to know this chick you know what I'm saying possibly marry her be authentic he's just meeting somebody too having a conversation with my mom yesterday really hurt me she thinks I like Bobby more than he likes me and then she has concerns in regards to his job at the moment she thinks that he can't provide for his family at this point in the episode I was thinking to myself man I'm just going to do my best not to really speak too much on Jasmine's mother cuz this was pure projection like it's clear to everybody watching that he is way more into her whatever happened in her mother's past relationships is definitely influencing how she's advising her daughter it's unfortunate because that's not her situation but I'll give her mom this man unlike Tom's mom she showed up for her child she was there all the way from the Philippines good luck godess I'm going to take the best care of your daughter opponent love you I love you too thank you there were worries but uh they look so happy together I can't stop crying and I really wish them a marriage that would last forever good job Mama see she gave her blessing on the wedding day she was supportive of her child like this is how a mother acts Dog Who Knew England has so many Caked Up hair stylists and do you by chance retwist dreads Nicole said her pops had a work project but we know the truth was out touring with his brothers anyway they got married and it was great you know I already said they a perfect match so Freddy left Karen and gift in the dressing room and at this point I was hoping that it was going to be like a consolation prize for The Dumping she was about to endure I'm not going to lie when she said yes and he SM at her I started getting really nervous like what you doing Freddy if you've been with me for a minute you know I with YN he could never so I be watching that live every morning and it was some people in there the other day saying Freddy was a s i Ain W afraid to go out like that man I was really getting nervous bro like you really going to marry this chick then at the time it might not be right for us can't believe you just that it's not a rejection of the love that we share and know on face of a truth we both have to acknowledge that it's still mountains life for us to climb and lessons for us to learn before fully embracing a lifelong [Music] commitment yeah was such a go for a second then man uh it was tight but we pulled it out I saw Freddy open at the top of the key so I just passed him The Rock I know that's where he does his best work he knocked it down for us you got the win you got the win and you got to respect Freddy for going to talk to her parents like he did you know what I'm saying like a lot of people wouldn't have done that but he was talking a lot of sense so they couldn't be too mad all in all man kudos to love his blind UK man a great season great cast a shout out production y'all did a phenomenal job I personally could have used a whole lot more Charlotte but you know we made up for it on this channel appreciate everybody for rocking with me this season catch you on the reunion review I came empty-handed but I'm leaving with three plus I made a by the G cuz I made them tip me

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