Ep688 - Karen Read Case: Grant Smith-Ellis Police Reports | John DePetro Reacts to Karen Read Dinner

Published: Aug 17, 2024 Duration: 02:42:27 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: grant ellis
Intro song I'll call this bang bang seriously I will [ __ ] you up I will beat your ass I will [ __ ] you up pull up [ __ ] I will [ __ ] you up I will beat your ass I will [ __ ] you [Music] up I will [ __ ] you up Koy bang bangang I will [ __ ] you up you're a [ __ ] bro I will [ __ ] you up I will beat your ass I will [ __ ] you up right yeah the Bang Bang the bang bang pull up the Bang Bang the bang bang pull upang right yeah the Bang Bang the bang bang pull up the Bang Bang the Bang Bang Bang bangang [Music] all right Mr L your next witness please yes you're on the call the call TR Michael Proctor to the stand how you state your name and St your last name for the jury Michael Proctor PR c t o r you're a [ __ ] bro I will [ __ ] you up I will beat your ass I will [ __ ] you up I'm going to allow it I will [ __ ] you up I will beat your ass I will [ __ ] you up I'm going to allow it welcome to the weekend live show8 is I'm we run down the biggest stories of the week with you every Saturday night let us know in the comments right now where you repping Jun Taunton Wester Long Island manth Florida Malden Framingham Tucson Salem GL mus Connecticut Charleston South Carolina Conneticut London [Music] qu F guy have you ever heard of yeah are you fan 58 is where I'm from hey what's up 58 is where I'm from was that you a freaking idiot stop telling people that I'm mentally deranged stupid call Meen doctor get out of my store please you're a [ __ ] loser you are a loser you're not a journalist You're Nobody you're not Turtle hair how make such fun of the criminal justice system and it fell on the house blog out let's get this party started and I will not be ined I will not be silenced and we will continue on our journey for justice for John o' and for KCK tick Bo go baby we bringing our toys sing be on the bang bang we going to ride out gang gang we going die out one it like this ain't no timeouts tell me who really going [Music] find the street Reed has supporters whove shown up in large numbers tick Tick boom hard and not scaring nobody you make me to Wild you must be blind by the diamond I want it to be this way but y'all won't need to try this so it's no way around and you the loudest one [Music] iset we be desing a peace working we serving the streets about to go going Beast bang bang Le this is the first time I think I've ever seen this an outpouring of support for someone accused of murdering a Boston police officer unbelievable situation never seen anything like it Tick Tick boom you can't stop me so who going stop me you can't stop me so who going stop it you can't stop it so who going stop it you can't stop it so who going we be disturbing a peace working we sering the streets about to go going Beast bang bang Le [Music] s woo go go go go go go [Music] time Tick Tick boom what's up everybody how's everyone doing out there tonight good good Welcome - vacation next week excellent welcome to the live show ladies and gentlemen hold on hold on we gotta fix this little thing that's gonna annoy the [ __ ] out of me hold on there we go oh wait no then I'm disappearing okay you know what we'll just go with this and then we'll do this is never [ __ ] get out of here this is supposed to be a manicured lawn all right we're good that's good enough what's up everyone welcome uh this is the last show for a little bit going on vacation starting tomorrow uh uh Jill Daniels knows where I'm going I know that she gets really really mad when I go where am I going Jill where am I going okay no you don't because you're [ __ ] loser oh went to tro because somebody gave me a thing oh because so somebody gave me a thing so I'm going to Truro uh tomorrow also known as a house I'll be up in North tro near Ptown if you're in the tro or Wellfleet or Ptown area maybe I'll see up there I don't know kind of a late vacation but better better late than never but anyway um what was I gonna say Okay cool so anyway welcome to the show uh got a lot of good stuff going on here tonight um it's GNA be a fun night uh we got to talk about Grant because you know the trial it's dying down a little bit it'll pick up again soon we're still waiting on Auntie Bev to get back to us um with you know her findings about whether or not we're gonna actually dismiss this case and have an actual trial uh and by the way um outside I'm in souy right now outside uh guess who I saw you guys guess guess who I saw when I was coming in here I'm like loading all the [ __ ] up moving the turtle boy Studios uh guess who I saw out there you'll never guess actually I've seen this person in souie before and I oh I wish I thought of something to say afterwards and I didn't even think of it at the time who can guess Josh Levy no it wasn't Josh Levy there there we go it was my guy Tristan Tristan was there I realized it too late Merith thinks she saw Caitlyn Albert I didn't notice I'm like I didn't what this guy walks by I'm like and then he I'm like oh [ __ ] it's Tristan and then I'm like oh the joke was too late I was gonna ask him what time it was and then be like oh wait you don't know time something like that uh but because that's like the end the ultimate the arch nemesis of Tristan Morris is time he just you can ask him anything else in the world he'll know the answer to it you know plowing and snow girlfriends a pain in the ass all that stuff just don't ask him what time it is he will he he doesn't [ __ ] know I'm telling you right now you're wasting your time if you ever ask Tristan uh Morris what time it is because you already know the answer he's the fourth toughest guy in Canton moving up in the rankings trying to especially after we saw those Colin fight videos uh he definitely moved up in the rankings in in that in that world so uh yeah guys so anyway um what was I gonna say so yeah welcome to the show if you're new here my name is Aiden Carney uh on Facebook I go by Clarence Woods Emerson you can follow me on there give us a like follow whatever I do morning bus stop lives once the fall goes around uh comes around I start doing those um but you know follow me on Facebook there uh we also have a turtle boy Facebook page and a Justice for Jon o'keef and Karen Reed Facebook group if you're still on uh Facebook I'm on you know the gram I don't run Instagram I don't know how it works same with Tik Tok we're on all that [ __ ] I don't run any of um I am on Twitter that's like my big platform my biggest one so follow me on there uh my nicknames you can call me old school Turtle Riders call me Uncle Turtle Boy uh I prefer doctor you know because if Joe Biden's a doctor then [ __ ] it I'm a doctor too so and I Prof you know I appreciate all you people using my correct pronouns you know when I see in public and you're calling me uh doctor I really do appreciate that thank you thank you um also acceptable uh is daddy still acceptable you can call me that um I understand it's a little bit weird so you're definitely not required to um but uh you know if you want to I won't hold it against you I don't care what you call me just be here every Tuesday and Saturday night at 900m sharp and make sure you smash that subscribe button because we're getting close we're up to like n how many Subs do we have right now I bet you there's like at least a 100 people watching right now who haven't hit the Subscribe button because we have 98,0 during the show the other night we were like right below 98,000 and I'm like I bet you there was like we're like 10 below and I'm like we're only 10 away and then next thing you know we we had like a hundred more I bet you if I refresh this in like 30 seconds or a minute there will be a bunch more because how many people are watching right now on total let's see how many people total we got watching on these YouTube streets right now we have 3,400 on YouTube okay whole bunch on Twitter um and uh how many Rumble rats we got the rumble rats going on over there let me see let me check my Rumble rats oh there's one Rumble rat who will not be here Steve Cody we gotta talk about that remind me to talk about Steve Cody uh let's see right now we have let's see 178 of you Rumble rats awesome cool so uh Let me refresh this how many are we up to now 19 oh we just got seven more so we're we're really close to 98.2 we're getting close to 98.2 all right um but yeah hit the uh subscribe button give us a thumbs up afterwards hit the notification Bell because you never know when we're gonna do an impromptu because if I do a live while I'm on vacation um you know I might you know do an impromptu you know because it won't be scheduled so um you know we'll see uh because I I you know I I'm it's a vacation but at the same time it's like I'm still gonna have my phone like to me going on Twitter and just [ __ ] around is relaxing like that's what I do in my free time you know like when I'm working um you know my job is kind of fun anyway so but when I'm working I'm out working on the streets getting in people's faces you know what they call witness intimidation now it's all fake it's not really witness intimidation it's journalism and by the way did you guys see the new Scott Peterson documentary did you see the Scott the Lacy Peterson one I Scott Peterson documentary / "witness intimidation" started watching it last night it fell asleep on part one uh I was kind of you know think he got it was in 2002 Lacy Peterson was killed and I was probably in college so I wasn't paying attention to anything besides like where I was getting beer that weekend um but apparently uh you know like so I I just assumed everybody Scott Peterson did it I mean that was the consensus you I don't but I I won't lie I didn't follow case like at all um and now people are saying you should look into Scott Peterson well relax okay we're not going to put Karen Reed in the same box as Scott Peterson he probably did it right I mean let's be honest let me hit the refresh oh we're getting close um but anyway I bring this up because there was something really interesting uh on part two that somebody brought up uh and I think I should share this with you guys check this out all right so this is from part two in Netflix you can't like screen record so you have to physically take a phone out and uh you know record it this way I hope we don't get bumped we gonna get bumped is Laura watching this are we G get in trouble for this okay it's a clip it's a clip Scott didn't do it Cala kamla framed him wa was she in charge we'll see oh and shout out to I see Miss shorty there the comments go check out her stream give her a sub if you haven't already I had a lovely conversation last night with her and uh the the kangaroo uh True Crime kangaroo Lily um you know learned a lot about Australia I feel like uh and they're doing a a Melbourne standout on Labor Day weekend that should be cool so give her a sub I had a really good time on there I had a good conversation with them we got deep man we got deep I talked about some personal [ __ ] on there about jail and stuff like that lot of lot conversation revolved around that so it was cool um direct people to your Twitter um might be risky um like what's the so here's the I don't know how this works like so Netflix owns their material right like and so like if I somebody has shared a clip of this on uh Whatchamacallit on Twitter right and so if I share share the video on here will I get in trouble on YouTube I don't know but you know there's people out there just waiting to lock me up so I'll just narrate it for you okay so I'm here here's what happens because so just check out my Twitter I retweeted this from an account what was the account that that tweeted this out it was Louise 87368 774 what is with you people that pick like a million numbers on your Twitter accounts like who why why would you do that it's so hard to like tell people what your Twitter account is when you use that but just fair use it I don't know if you can fair use um Netflix though you know and I feel like that's like an automatic strike I feel like Netflix has like Bots out that will you know be all over that so I'm not going to take a chance let me just uh narrate this real quick so I'm gonna tell you what happen so they are outside so there's a bunch of cameras outside of Scott Peterson's house in episode two and this is before he's been arrested or charged I don't know how long between Lacy Peterson's disappearance and when he was arrested but like during that time frame everybody was kind of like everybody looks at the husband and he's acting Wicked shady I don't know if he had been busted for having a mistress yet he had this mistress Amber fry I think her name was um but I'll narrate kind of what happens here from Louise's account all right so there's a bunch of cameras outside and there's a reporter in Scott Peterson gets out of his truck he's in his house there's all these reporters outside his house he gets out of his truck and a reporter yells hey Scott Scott hey why don't you come and talk to us and tell us the truth this reporter is saying And the reporter is on a microphone he's on a megaphone like me the things that Ken Melo hates he hates the megaphone he Sayes why don't you come outside and tell us the truth this is almost word for word what I said outside of julan Juliana and Nagel's house except I didn't like like no like this is like what they're doing is even more aggressive you're not fooling anyone with your phony story that's what the reporter says why don't you do the decent thing and tell the truth tell us where she is okay so um you know that's what the yell so I'd like to point out this is another thing we'll use in our case like bro this has been going on since the beginning of time those people Scott Peterson was not a defendant at the time and at the very least at the time and even after he was arrested Scott Peterson was a witness like because criminal defendants are witnesses if you allegedly killed the person then you're a witness to it like Karen Reed could was on the witness list was she not I don't even know if she was but obviously she could have been called right and so when Grant Smith Ellis or uh Jesse what's his name jlr douche bad guy prison boy I call him and by the way J uh I just want to point out what a [ __ ] you are dude you came one day and I punked you down and you ran a [ __ ] away you ran back to whatever [ __ ] little hell hole you came from you little maggot don't ever come back to denam ever it's my city My Town my state get the [ __ ] out of here J anyway he tried he thought he could come here and like intimidate C Reed and intimidate me and Ne no no one was impressed by his [ __ ] so he just moved on like he was expecting us to be like get out of my face please stop like that's what he used to do and I'm just like prison boy anyway anyway um yeah so like the the Brian laundry clip like they do that to him too um but you know the you're Scott Peterson was a a witness and at the very least because they're asking where's your wife like he's talking to police he's a [ __ ] witness um and these people are outside and he hasn't been arrested yet and they're yelling tell us the truth that's how I view the Mac Alberts the same way those reporters view Scott Peterson I view the MACC Alberts I didn't view the Mac Alberts as Witnesses I view them as murderers because they are like they're [ __ ] murderers like let like and they put this in my charging document so let me say it again in case I wasn't clear the first 1,000 times I've said this the MACC Alberts murdered John o'e they did I don't know who delivered the Fatal blow I don't know how it started I don't know all the details of it because the police didn't do the job and find out but the Mac Alberts murdered John O'Keefe because it wasn't Karen Reed and if it wasn't Karen Reed it had to be the MC Alberts because he was inside that house and then he was left on the lawn how the [ __ ] does that happen every single person who was inside that house is as guilty as the rest of them because they all lied they all witnessed a murder and they covered it up so [ __ ] them all [ __ ] them all so for me to say oh Julia juliia uh Nagel tell the truth why don't you tell the truth nothing wrong with that you're allowed to do that she should tell the truth she should everyone should tell the truth there's nothing wrong with telling the truth Juliana nigga's a liar she's a [ __ ] liar it's not my version of the truth it's the truth she didn't see a body she didn't see a six-foot black blob on the front lawn literally No One Believes that Julie No One Believes that it's like saying you're a [ __ ] abber cromi model Julie nobody [ __ ] believes that nobody believes you saw black lob like nobody absolutely no one believes that and personally I don't know if she's a spiritual person but like there is a a spot in hell waiting for her if she if she go if she dies and this is on her conscience a spot in [ __ ] hell waiting for her it's going to burn her [ __ ] alive and the Whit and [ __ ] ain't gonna save you from the devil girl He Ain't Gonna Save all right you know Brian Tully is not going to save you from Satan he can't do because he's going to be joining you I hope you know that they're all all the friends and family they're all going to be in there burning and your souls are going to be there for [ __ ] eternity unless somebody comes clean and tells the [ __ ] truth because we all know what you did we all know what you people did anyway anyway as I was saying I that's just how I view these people that's how I view Jennifer mcabe I never viewed her as a witness the [ __ ] and they're just hiding behind I'm a witness thing you can't criticize me you can't protest me you can't do all this [ __ ] you can't be like tell the truth so yeah all right anyway so that's my um my rant about that AB cromie bagel I see in the comments um oh yeah if anybody wants to have their message read out loud to the class tonight uh you can do that uh by clicking at the link uh it should be pinned at the top let me make sure it is how many follow how many uh listeners we got now nice 43 yeah it's pin to the top so you can click on that and you can donate whatever amount of money you want and write a message I will get that message in my inbox and I will read it out loud to the class momentarily but before I do that we just have to celebrate for a moment Steve Cody is in Steve Cote jail jail all right Steve Cody if you guys don't know he is this guy who was like a um a super fan if you will he's like Stan like weird like he started coming to like Ken Reed events and just looks so he's like 300 pounds just looks like he never showers he just looks like he takes a bath and bacon grease or something is no way to like he's just disgusting like a like a a breeding ground for acne there's no other way to describe how just hideous looking he is and he's also a psychopath and if you look if you Google Steve Cody the first thing that comes up Steve Cody lemonster okay um he was from lemonster and let me show you this article that comes up and I've never written about him because I don't want to give this [ __ ] attention because he's just obsessed he's like [ __ ] crazy so he ran for City Council in lemonster when he was 17 or 19 rather oh that's making me [ __ ] clergy sexual abuse oh for a [ __ ] sake okay anyway actually I can probably my apologies to lemoner he wrote an apology to the city of lemonster oh God it's making me basically there was another person he ran against and he started just no he demanded to know who a person voted for and just wouldn't stop on Facebook and when he does this he just messages you all the time and then the threat start and he has been posting he came to my parents house in May and posted a picture outside died there and he's like I am going to tell everyone on the street that his parents are pedos and when my mom died he said he was going to go down there and sing and and say dingdong the witch is dead and I I know he's responsible for that [ __ ] Turtle the Worster police are still investigating it you know they don't really give us details it's got to be [ __ ] him no one like who the [ __ ] else would do that anyway a whole bunch of turtle Riders have orders on him including I may be missing some people but I believe Jennifer Alman definitely hasn't order on him Suzanne had one one time uh Courtney Anderson has one on a uh so maybe more I don't know like semolina goes back and forth with them I don't think she ever got an order uh Kyle goes back and forth he's the hot dog water guy he uh the he named him hot dog water like they all just they all everybody's got an order on him because he doesn't stop and when he gets the order he doesn't stop he just keeps tweeting at you he makes a million accounts and he like it's threatening it's really disturbing some of the shits he writes and so finally he just he got an order on Jennifer Alman or Jennifer Alman had an order on him and part of the order was he couldn't go on Twitter at all and what does he do immediately immediately goes on Twitter and just tweets at her and is like I was told I can't make a Twitter account and now I made one LMFAO haha you'll never stop me they read that tweet out loud in court yesterday because he had a warrant put out for his arrest and he was arrested and he spent the night in Bill R because malbro is in Middle sex County and that's the county jails in Bill RKA so he spent the night there and then he got brought to malb court yesterday and it I I wish we could have taped it it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen his court appointed attorney explaining why he shouldn't go to jail his excuse was um he applied for a j he's unemployed but he applied for a job at AutoZone and he's waiting to hear back from them and this is gonna really hurt his chances of getting the job at AutoZone and he has cats so the cats he needs to take care of the cats I don't know who's gonna take care of the cats now that Steve Cody's gone free those cats free Steve Cody's cats free Steve Cody's [ __ ] get him out of there um but yeah luckily and then seeing his the judge revoked the bail and then seeing his fat ass walk out of there in shackles was so satisfying and I hope he learns a lesson because that [ __ ] is scared he does not he's not a jail guy uh and he's probably never been to jail and this was all just internet fun for him and he needs serious psychological help and I hope this is a wakeup call and when he gets out of there he because he'll just keep going right back if he keeps if he comes out and he starts with this tweeting [ __ ] again he'll go right back but yeah so good job everyone nice job Gan all right cool um let me see here let me uh read some turtle chats before we get into the grand stuff because there's a lot of Dono read & questions good Grand stuff here all right first is from mind sends five bucks and says look and George Anthony and reporters they fought all the time and no one was charged he was definitely a witness keep fighting look and George Anthony okay thank you very much Grant needs to shut up Shelly sends 10 bucks says Google Massachusetts Superior Court jury instructions and click on the PDF the supplemental instructions is proof drunk sex without incapa with drunk sex without incapacitation is not rape okay thank you so that's crusty panties there's getting really desperate she made some tweet today she's just can't stop talking about me they can't get me on anything else so they're they're so love that they're trying the RW I'm not even going to dignify it with the response Haley has put out all the information I'm not even gonna post about it because I'm not even jumping in the sewer with these people but Haley has put out all the information if you're into that sort of [ __ ] uh and just it proves 100% not only did nothing of the sort happen but that when this individual after the individual got mirandized and was going to be charged with uh wiretapping then all of a sudden she tried to save herself by claim throwing that word out there and the police she showed the police a video the police watched the video and they said in their report that is not that word so there's that all right thank you um next up uh Tammy Lee sendss 10 bucks and goes hi doc I sing your theme song all day can I download it on iTunes love from Rhode Island I don't think it's on iTunes but uh if it is you absolutely can thank you David sends 10 bucks goes can I come hang out you and Meredith and TRL I'll keep you sfe from the Sharks and Jill Daniels enjoy the V the vacation doctor she can't she doesn't come all the way out there she's stuck in Falmouth it's like a world away tro um but we're on the Bay Side so the sharks are really on the Ocean Side side and they're really down south I mean they there were a lot of seals in Peak toown so that means there's going to be sharks somewhere but we have an app for that so thank you very much but yeah if you see me out there say hello Ashley sends 10 bucks and goes hey Doc just want to thank you for having Karen Reed shirts as I ordered mine yesterday also I know you're G to get a lot into Karen Reed which I love but I just want to ask how yourself and Meredith and the little ones are going and coping with everything uh I know you're all strong but I felt they need to ask much love from Melbourne Australia well thank you Ashley uh you know I'm good getting day by day I have my days where it's not as easy uh but you know the kids are fine they don't know any of this [ __ ] I'm just their dad you know what I mean it's just like I we play a lot of football this summer that's what a backyard football you know because I'm automatic quarterback and and one of them plays defense and the other one plays offense and so do a lot of that this summer and go to the pool and CH all good clean American fun if you will all right uh but thank you very much for that one next up um John sends five bucks and goes are you gonna show off your nipples during this year's Cape vacation is that where it came last year from is because I'm walking on the beach and I saw Turtle Rider there and she took a picture and it was posted on social media and I'm not wearing a shirt at the beach so my nipples were showing so I'm not sure if that's where the origin of the nips came from but uh yeah that's there will be nips so thank you very much closet baby sends 10 bucks and goes I know you think the closet is bad but I've seen worse places trust me free Karen Reed free turtle boy [ __ ] morisy well free the closet baby get out of there uh Nicole sends 10 bucks and goes hi Aiden I'm a graphic designer in South Florida I've been trying to get in touch with you to send some merchandise to support you in your upcoming legal process I'm pledging to donate 50% of my profits to both you and Karen's legal fund I had to get approval from Alan Jackson and David unti use illustrations of that I made you're harder to get in contact with you messag me on Facebook if someone can contact me on where to send a few pieces for you thank you so much yeah you can um send me email me turtleboysports gmail.com or Facebook me at Clarence withon thank you very much Nicole Stephie sends 10 bucks goes turtle boy you do you do slurp but I find it endearing please don't stop I'll slurp just for you I appreciate that very much um and uh shout out to Chris monz who who sent one yesterday ad Dono uh thank you for that one let me I do have a couple cash apps here to read out messages uh first up we have Emmy sends uh 10 bucks and goes they did worse than you ever did they I'm know I'm not sure who that is but thank you Emmy uh she go sends also sends 15 bucks and says not reporters KFI La morning show hosts John and Ken exactly I mean the first amendment doesn't just apply to quote unquote journalists so you can call me whatever you want to call me but I have First Amendment rights no matter what thank you Emmy Sean sends 20 bucks and goes stand out at Legacy Place in Dam 10 to 12 tomorrow be there or B Square Legacy Place always a good a good uh stand out so thank you Sean great guy for he's a Canton guy uh and okay cool all right if anyone else wants to donate the link is at the top or you can cash at me a dollar sign uncle turtleboy and we can do it that way all right cool all right let me uh so tonight uh we're gonna talk a little bit about Grande keep it because we did a public records request into the town of Belmont Grant Smith Ellis FOIA request that's where he lives all right and I I'm gonna be honest with you I haven't read all these yet but we're going to read them all all right see so let me open all these goddamn holy [ __ ] there's a lot all right we're gonna open them one by one like it's Christmas and read these okay you guys ready so Grant lives in Belmont with his mom Wendy and I've pulled up Wendy's prob Court dock she blocked me after this because Wendy's a big she's a big feminist and she's on court TV a lot is this like and feminists believe in what like female Independence and you know women can work and all that fun [ __ ] but Wendy is just a leech so her husband is a really successful attorney and Wendy says in her probate court documents that she doesn't make any money off of her Court TV appearances so she which we knew she wasn't getting paid she just likes ATT so she just sits there and her successful attorney husband she just mooches off of him and once the kids aged out and became adults she wanted to keep that gravy train going and she you know she wrote all the [ __ ] in her probate CX accusing him of calling a sex line or something like that you know a phone sex line which I can't blame him if I was married to Wendy Murphy too I would consider my options she's a total grifter on her husband total grifter but anyway uh so she Grant has I don't know if Grant's the oldest kid in the house but they're all [ __ ] up all of them and they're all losers and so they all just mooch off of their Wendy and all the kids who are grown-ups now all mooch off the successful millionaire dad all right so let's read some stuff here okay which by the way this whole War thing that they have going on with each other uh it's like it started with Grande Grant going up against crusty calling crusty out for being a scammer which she is but Grant is also a pathological liar so you can't believe a word that Grant says and apparently not others have joined Grant's side and there is a big rift on that side okay I don't pick sides I I don't do that I just let them fight that's my thing I let him fight but it appears as if the food stamp five has been uh you know it's it's like the food stamp one and a half now because it's just crusty and the other like uh who else Julie the crazy Julie and um uh Twisted tragedies Twisted Charities and a couple they they've all switched they're all anti-rusty now they went with Grande so it's a big rift over this apparently $100 was raised for lunch and there weren't receipts about who the lunch went to so that's that's what the that's what the justice for joh O'Keefe people are doing right now the people who are in this because they care about John o'keef are currently beefing over lunch receipts and just you know AR talking about who's more ratchet and sharing screenshots and I'm here for it you knew this was gonna happen eventually everybody knew it was gonna happen eventually but yeah evicted tragedies it's a it's a it's a shame okay anyway back to Grande so let's see year this is on August 5th 2023 and it's reporting person Wendy Murphy let's see what she reports here okay she says at 805 uh dispatched to the Belmont Women's Club for a motor vehicle struck on a curb Sergeant Rell officer Deandrea and officer leppo also responded uh upon arrival I spoke to the involved party Jason Tandon he stated he was dropping off a party to a wedding at the address above after dropping them off he stated that he tried backing out of the driveway pulled in and got struck on the curb of the driveway he stated the curb was too large for his vehicle to clear because his vehicle only had a rear whe drive he stated he requested a toe okay after the toe Wendy tried to obtain his information he refused and she called Meeting Wendy Murphy & Grant the cops on him okay so that's kind of a boring one so by the way I just kind of assume everybody knows who Wendy is and and I don't think that's the case so believe it or not it was a year ago yesterday when I got a message in my inbox from a guy named Joel from uh some sort of podcast called surviving the Survivor STS and I missed it and he invited me on to talk about the C re case because I was like the the C re guy you know and I missed it and then like you got to check this out you know oh she tries to say in the police report that she owns did I miss that part oh okay Wendy said in that police report that she owns the Women's Club but she doesn't it's all a lie it's all a lie so we got some pictures of Wendy we could show you a little bit too but anyway um so Joel messages me invites me on and I don't I miss it and then people like yo you got to talk they're talking about you on the show so I go and I check it out and there's this woman named Wendy who's on court TV sometimes and she's just spreading complete disinformation she's saying that oh that that that Karen did it Karen hit him in the driveway which nobody literally nobody says that that Karen hit him in the driveway and then the plow driver came along scooped him up she said and pushed him onto the lawn that's and she says this with the straight face like what not even the MCC Alberts say that like she's insane and you know it's like Joel I like Joel I thought Joel was a nice guy but he's a kind of a [ __ ] like let's keep it real Joel like you know he's he's he talked about the camera recase a million times never called me on once never and like bro this the reason you [ __ ] know about Karen re is because of me let's keep it real nobody knows that Karen re case like I do no one ever will Joel so you know he he just tries to sell his book and [ __ ] and play I'm a nice guy card and didn't really take a position he's a [ __ ] like I'm gonna be honest with you I don't really give a [ __ ] his ratings suck I think he's got more subs than me but like he gets a fraction of the views he doesn't like if I went on his show he would get the it would be the big episode he's ever had ever like he does we have 5,000 people watching right now this is a slow night and so I guess he doesn't like ratings I don't know maybe he feels threatened by that but whatever anyway this is how it went down when I jumped on there with Wendy let me uh speed this up because it's funnier in uh time and a half the cell phone data and how complicated it is I she keeps saying it's complicated it's comp have you been recently dealing with a cell right stuff it's not that complicated they just download everything that's on your cell phone and you can literally search and see everything that individual has done I have plenty of cases all the cases that we gotten especially recently have involved celebrite and everything is downloaded it's a software and you can actually all so she didn't know she was muted she didn't know she was muted see exactly what time certain things were done and no one questions it this idea that it's too complicated is ridiculous it's right there for everyone to see it doesn't take a genius we once the expert downloads it all anyone in my office can go through the data and see what time the text went what the content of the text was what websites they were on everything is on there so I want to make it very clear that c is not as complicated as Wendy Murphy it's quite the opposite it's very easy any one of us can once the data is downloaded you can see it all and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that's number one I got you muted just say know and turtle boy mics I have to in order to keep the show on the on the rails but it's funny watching you guys both scream at each other I'm not screaming I'm just laughing to myself it's entertaining no final thoughts Wendy um final thoughts I am G to say that there aren't enough stupid jury jurors in norford County to acquit her there just AR of them they're not stupid enough in that county they're Prett educated there so apparently that was untrue because they did vote to quitter but go ahead defense attorneys will put false information into the court of public opinion because they can't there are no sanctions on that side which is why you get the imbalance of false stuff from the defense and virtual Silence from the prosecution except that they can respond in court documents which they do but then nobody goes and reads the goddamn court documents the court documents in this case make clear why the turan's claims are nonsensical but you got to do some like work get off your ass stop watching these stupid not yours Joel but but go read the goddamn court documents so you don't sound stupid when you buy into this nonsense the most important evidence in this case I'm going to restate it because we don't we can't afford to get distracted a man is dead Justice should be done the way to do that is to find the truth not distract the entire world with nonsense the physical evidence is consistent with her hitting him with her tail light why because she hits him she hits him in the front he's sitting on his ass because he's drunk when he gets out of her car and he falls on his ass she hits him in the head right here which is where the first injury is he goes backwards and slams his head not on the grass not on the grass assass on the asphalt that's where he got the big cut in the back of his head that's where the fractures and the bleeding happened which came forward like they always do and created the two black eyes typical typical injuries that you see from head trauma then a plow comes along and Scoops his body down a bit up onto the grass but guess what the plow gave him scratch marks the medical examiner said these marks have nothing to do with a damn dog stop blaming the poor dog who can't defend himself this is from a plow they called it blunt force trauma those are those scratches and the most important thing is everyone will agree if you just read the evidence that that tail light broke right then and there when she smashed him in the head her tail light wasn't broken before and everyone agrees it was broken when she returned to the scene in the morning and found the dead body and pieces of her tail light just happened to be found near the body she can't explain that away and again I remind you what else was found in her broken tail light which by the way was also surrounded by damage to the paint there was a bit of a dent to that area around the tail light and guess what else was found embedded in her tail light human hair human hair not dog hair not Turtle hair human hair we going would now assume that the police conspired plucked hair out of the dead guy went back to the scene and stuck it in the broken tail light use your freaking head don't make such fun of the criminal justice system this is embarrassing you should be ashamed of yourself I'm so sorry I'm so ashamed of myself you should be it's funny because she was so serious she was so serious about it like she's like said it with such conviction that John was drunk got out of the car fell on his ass Karen didn't realize he was there so she backed into him his head hit the tail light while he was sitting down somehow and Trooper Paul would like a word by the way uh and that that that his head broke the tail light and then knocked him out she didn't realize he was knocked out and then the lucky lockran comes by and instead of staying on the street he goes in the driveway plows it for free and then Scoops Scoops him up as she calls it pushes them all the way across the entire lawn and and that's that it's like the fact that Joel isn't like bro you're [ __ ] insane like the fact that like and I assume she's been back on by then like anyone who has that lunatic on their show is not a serious person you're not you don't have like you're not anybody anyone should respect and that's why I can't respect Joel it's just like you have like your your only obligation is to just laugh at a person like this and shake your head and be like I want whatever that woman smoking like whatever drug she's on hook it up to my veins because that looks like a fun time like whatever you're on right there like [ __ ] insane so yeah that that that was a year ago so that's Wendy I didn't realize at the time that she had a son named Grant Smith Ellis I didn't even know Grant Smith Ellis was at this time last year like he just appeared out of nowhere like right when I went to jail like that's when Grant Smith Ella suddenly took an interest in the Karen recase I knew that Mike Crawford from Young jerse had beef with him and Mike was telling me about it before something about cannabis they're both in the Cannabis world and this is some sort of cannabis beef and a black guy got arrested and it was Grant's fault I guess and Grant's racist I don't [ __ ] know the whole story I didn't really get it and I was too fixed on the Karen Reed thing to even look into it I just the grant was a racist that was the takeaway I was supposed to get so um anyway uh so Grant just suddenly appears and I didn't realize that was Wendy's Sun all right and it just when I found that out everything made more sense like everything so we got another Grant video here that was sent I got play this one AE atie oh auntie atie aen did Ken cut you off because Lindsay about Josh Levy I love what you did with your hair today guys hey you mind why you bring her why didn't you bring her I got no it's my gr is that is that your auntie girlfriend over there Grant your auntie your auntie girl I know it's not did you really beat her Grant did you did you touch her should we try to go fun me for her is she a victim of you is she a victim of you Auntie a what did he do to you what did he do to you did he did he do you want to go find me do you want to go find me what did you do to her Grant what did you do to her what are you doing what did you do Grant what did you do what did you do to Auntie leave Auntie alone leave Auntie alone leave Auntie alone 8 com what you scar atie Auntie what what did he do to you aune what did he what are you a State Street VP or something yeah GR you still need money for food right now yes no my aunt got me a oh your aunt got her s that's great what if she's a domestic violence victim think she is because you touched her why did you do that to her Grant sources are telling me developing story any comment any comment on that FBI sources are telling me that you did this is this true is this true is this true is that true FBI sources FBI sources developing devel shocking news shocking news shocking news we're shocking any questions why aren't you answering any question where did you get that jacket from where did you get did you get that as a good did you get that as a great FBI did you get that as a grant are you working for the FBI Grant did the FBI give you that jacket Grant did they give you that jacket Grant see I had a little fun with Grant um anyway yeah oh Grande's in the comments that that was his nickname in high school is Grande he went to high school with um so he's from Belmont he went to high school with Elizabeth Proctor he was a grade younger than her in school and as we're gonna see on a couple of these reports he's investigated by Elizabeth Proctor's sister like a brother rather who's a detective in the Belmont Police Department so yeah I mean he's always got that jacket on him like and if you go on his Twitter like he's kind of funny like he's a piece of [ __ ] like the [ __ ] that he says is really evil about Karen about me you know he comes up to me calls me a rapist and blah blah blah just because like you know Grant's definitely a virgin and I disagree with the people who think he's gay he ain't gay like the gay community rejects gay men are not that sloppy and disgusting gay men are clean and pretty Grant is heterosexual he's just an incel like that's all it is like that guy and he thing he's one of these incels that thinks by like being the nice guy and the night and shining armor that it entitles him to [ __ ] right like that's ultimately what he did with fake victim right he's like he thought that like by if I attack Aiden and call him a rapist and basically you know act as the propaganda Minister for this liar then she'll be in love with me and then I'll get a piece of that sweet potato pie right that's that's clearly what he thought was gonna happen and then I guess it didn't happen and that led to the rift between him and crusty and here we are now so anyway let me uh go and let's read another police report shall Back to FOIA request we now that we've uh reviewed all that okay next actually no I want to do downloads a what's this one all right oh this one's for grant grant is the victim in this one let's see what happens here all right so um what's the date on this one uh this is in February of 2024 so I was still in jail at the time okay a guy from oh it's Steve Cody Steve Cody speaking of the devil speaking of jail on uh on February 11th I was dispatched to one stone Road for a possible hate crime upon my arrival I spoke with Grant Ellis who was waiting for me at the front door Grant showed me a box of tampons that was left on his front stairs on this box of tampons was a note that read two grant for bleeding [ __ ] I can't believe this is real bleeding [ __ ] okay um goes on to say he he believes that the box was left on the stairs by Steven Cody he went on to further explain that he's a journalist who's been covering a turtle boy case and that Cody is affiliated with Turtle Boy whatever that means he said that this harassment from Cody has been going on for some time and he also stated Cody often communicates with him and his social media platforms and is concerned that the harassment will become violent he said he wants to document this incident just in case the situation with Cody becomes more volatile I informed him a report would be on file okay so grants this is black so this was when I was in jail I so missed a lot of this but there was something about bleeding [ __ ] like Grant said he had colitis and his [ __ ] bled or something like that and uh so this is kind of [ __ ] Stephen Cody does just takes it too far he sent a box of tampons to Grant's house for his bloody [ __ ] so there's that okay cool next up next police report we got a few of these you'd be shocked how many times shocking development how many time the police are called to Grant's house okay all right so this one is from uh New Year's Eve on 2023 at 6:30 uh and the uh let's see the victim is Grant oh Stephen Cody again and the victim is Grant and Wendy so he was dispatched to Stone Road for threats uh Grant Smith Ellis stated and by the way the smith thing is fake there's no Smith he's just doing it to sound smart his name is Grant Ellis like there's literally no Smith at all all right he's involved in the turtle boy case and been doxed by Stephen Cody who left a comment on his page saying how is Stone Road Grant Smith Ellis and that's the kind of [ __ ] Stephen Cody does like posts your address and tries to get a rise out of you Ellis stated that someone ordered Chinese food to his homeland last night this is Stephen Cody's othero my parents would get 1800 junk to their house all the time not me my parents they would go out to my parents and post like uh you know send Chinese food to their house and pizzas and I didn't know who it was at the time now I know it's Cody it was him the whole time so I spoke with Murphy she showed me the food that was left on their steps the food was in their refrigerator a crap and three containers of sauce wait a minute time out time out so they got Chinese food delivered to their house and then they kept it they kept the food and put it in the fridge as did they pay for it what okay um I asked what time the Chinese food was delivered they said between 6:30 and 7 and she refused the delivery but she kept it she stated she would speak with her neighbors to see if they left the crep on her steps she stated uh ex exterior cameras are not working he believes leaving food or ordering food to his residents is a subtle threat to let him know where people resides he stated that people do it to Turtle Boy as well that's true they do do it to me so I'm a victim too Ellis also handed me except I didn't call the cops when pizzas were ordered to my house like he also handed me printouts of Cody's Facebook account in a Facebook message sent to him from Cody stating haha hey Grant I pray some turtle Rider doesn't spray paint Wendy's face with acid that would be horrible and I wouldn't wish that upon anybody okay so anyway I mean these are two nut jobs going at it so that's our third report let's check out the fourth one from Belmont PD okay so this one's on August 2nd 2015 this is Young Grant young Grant oh this is the jack O'Brien one Wendy hates Jack O'Brien hates them whoever that is all right on August 2nd at 4:15 I officer Deandra and two others were dispatched oh excuse me you guys know that a sneeze is like one they say it's like 1/8 of an orgasm it feels good to sneeze like I'm not you know it feels good you know it feels good it's Sensational anyway um so back to this upon arrival Officer Taylor spoke to the homeowner Wendy Murphy who stated that she wanted her son's friend Jack O'Brien removed from her home Officer Taylor and officer pin spoke to Murphy's son Grant Ellis and asked him to tell O'Brien to leave but Ellis didn't want O'Brien to leave but O'Brien was very cooperative and left without any further incident after O'Brien left the home Ellis was extremely disrespectful to us and his mother he was consistently telling us to quote get the [ __ ] out of my house and you have no right to be in my house he continued to verbally assault as we were trying to speak to him he also referred to his mother as a gold digger oh the [ __ ] chaos in this house and they're all leeching off the dad they're all this is all paid for by the dad the only one who works the only one has a [ __ ] income and this is what's going on Jack obrien [ __ ] Jack she hates Jack O'Brien and [ __ ] Jack O'Brien came over and when he's like get him out of my house I [ __ ] hate that guy and Jack O'Brien's like no problem Miss no problem and Grant's like no Jack is my friend and Jack gets to stay if I say he gets to stay and then the cops come and Jack's like no problem I said i' leave Jack gets the [ __ ] out of there and then but Grant's all mad and Grant takes that out on the cops who by the way Grant's all back to Blue now he's telling the cops get the [ __ ] out of my house that my dad pays for uh get the [ __ ] out okay and then he calls his mom a gold digger and also stated that he will never respect his mother and that he doesn't care about her Ellis then told us that he would leave the residence for a while and that he would get obrien and Uber to his home Officer Taylor told O'Brien not to return to the residence prior to the Uber and informed Murphy to contact the police again if another incident arises dude this is pure comedy gold next one there's more there's so many Grant Smith Ellis reports all right next one is from 2006 we're going Way Back Back in the Day buffet here all right so we have um one stone Road a domestic dispute okay between Rick Ellis Grant Ellis and Wendy Murphy all right on the date above uh these cops and I were dispatched for domestics dispute upon arrival we spoke with Wendy Murphy who stated that she had a verbal argument with her 17-year-old son Grande Miss Murphy stated that approximately an hour prior to her calling her husband Rick and her son grant were arguing over Grant swearing in front of his younger siblings so Grant was swearing in in front of the other kids uh Miss Murphy stated that her husband and son agreed for approximately argued for 45 minutes they informed Grant as a punishment that he could not go to the Red Sox game tomorrow night Grant then knocked over his sister's dollhouse and a lamp oh my God GD is [ __ ] so bad and how he's bringing Jack O'Brien over and calling his mom a gold digger he's knocking his using foul language around the smaller children knocking over doll houses we spoke with all parties and they've agreed to work things out until the next episode of uh Wendy Murphy's house of [ __ ] horror okay what else we got next all no Red Sox for Grande no Red Sox for Grande all right next up this is pure comedy all right how dare you yeah all right so this one is from um uh June of 2014 it's just Wendy Murphy lone victim all right I was dispatched to Stone Road for a report of vandalism upon my arrival I spoke with Wendy Murphy who brought me to the rear of her home and showed me an area of her house that been egged she believed the egging happened sometime after 10 p.m. she said this is the fourth time her house has been egged and believed the eggs are being purchased at the loading doc convenience store located on Flanders Road I took several pictures of the egging which will be attached to the reval how the [ __ ] did Wendy know where the eggs came from like she Rec oh those are Flanders Road eggs sounds like Wendy egged her own [ __ ] to be honest with you and she just had a beef with the local Eggman leave the Eggman B Wendy leave the Eggman B next this one is from September of 2012 okay a lot of parties here we have Greg Flinter Ellen Flinter Cameron Ellis Wendy Murphy Oh Grant's not in this one and there's only one victim named Trina so let's see what Trina does here there's like 10 egging reports I'm being told to um all right replied to um 88 Dalton Road for report of a male asking for money from the resident Trina at the suspect was described as white male 6 foot and 14 years old wearing red shorts in a blue white striped shirt officer Benedetti and Taylor were also dispatched to the scene while in root I observed a male watching matching this description walking with two other males I stopped the males and called off my location at 185 Dalton Road officer Benedetti and Taylor arrived there after I instructed the males to stop and informed them i' like to speak to them about the incident so somebody is asking for money this is Belmont problems the first male who matched the description was identified as Gregory Flinter the other two were Cameron Ellis oh can't this sounds like Grant's brother and Jimmy axiotis Officer Taylor cleared the road and went to Ed Dalton wrad to speak with Trina a we spoke to the males I spoke to Flinter about the incident at Dalton Road I informed Flinter that we received a call from the female resident of 88 Dalton Road stating that she was approached by him in her driveway and he asked her for money is that illegal I don't know Flinter responded by saying that he was the one who asked OD for the money Flinter then informed me that he and his two friends Ellis and axius were walking on Dalton Road when he started talking to Ellis about asking Aunt the resident for money so it was Ellis's idea they thought it would be a good idea to ask her for money and believed it would be a funny joke the [ __ ] is the crime here okay hold on where did my thing go okay so um I guess that's a funny joke as far um Flinter stated that he and Alice entered the driveway and approached a and her young daughter as for axodus he waited on the sidewalk in front of 88 d Road Flinter stated that he asked a do you have any money she responded by saying no Flinter stated that he then asked her thanked her and exited her driveway with Ellis I asked Flinter if at any time he threatened OT or demanded her give him money he said that there was no threats made and they left lastly I asked Flinter why he approached her for money in the first place he said that he doesn't have a job due to being in high school and playing sports this is the reason he's unable to work I mean what the [ __ ] how is this real I then spoke with Ellis about the incident and Ellis me that he was walking down Dal road with Flinter and axiotis when Flinter brought up the idea to ask uh okay this is just so stupid this is all about asking a woman for money and then nothing happened oh oh here Murphy arrives okay while at roadside officer Benedetti informed us that Ellis Flinter and aotus contact their parents he was able to speak with Ellis's mother Murphy who informed her of the situation she arrived a short time after and Ellis was released to her so that's it okay so I guess this is I I want to know more about Cameron Ellis and I'm gonna check out his uh is this that was just sent to me oh crap ah sorry i eh whatever too late now um let's see C I'm going to search camera Ellis is he on social media I gotta find him I want to learn more about Grant's brother does Grant have a brother like where I mean is he on Facebook if anyone could find Cameron Ellis oh wait okay all right let's go on to the next one okay they so they have tried to find Cameron no luck we gotta find Cameron Cameron if you're if you're watching open invitation to come on the turtle boy live show to talk about living growing up with grants I'd love to learn more about that okay um what do we have here the report all right uh okay 2009 this is uh Wendy Murphy I dispatched to Stone Road for a suspicious activity W Wendy stated that she received a package from James Cronin from the Tog shop the package included one blue women's sweatshirt and two black women's pants said James had passed away and hadn't lived there for 10 years what okay who's Jame what and she called the company they told her that it was ordered in November but stated that they didn't have any information at the time and could call her back or more information spoke with the Tog shop and they told me that all they could tell me was that the order was placed by a James Cronin and I was charged to a Visa card they stated that they couldn't see any credit card number okay all right that's kind of a boring one all right next going to the next one I Wendy problem who who calls the cops over that you get a package at your house it's not for anyone that lives there you just [ __ ] throw it out like who who call I'm going to call the cops what all right Next Up Wait hey take it easy take it easy out there all right this one's from 20121 all right so Wendy Murphy Cameron Murphy and so seriously bro what is with the [ __ ] motorcycle people like we get it you have a huge [ __ ] dick it's so [ __ ] big that you just have to rev that [ __ ] so we all know you're driving a [ __ ] motorcycle you're so [ __ ] cool dude you're so [ __ ] cool I I love it you just I want to let you the motorcycle people who rev their entres like that you're so [ __ ] cool we get it thank you thank you so much for letting us know anyway all right next here we go so this is uh all right on September 27th 2021 um at approximately that time I was dispatched for reporter witness intimidation I arrived there and was met by the reporting party Wendy Murphy and the victim her son Wendy explained to me that her son had been confronted by Caleb guari inside LC's variety after having already received threatening messages from him on Instagram Ellis reported uh to officer Connelly that Gary sent Ellis I just got out of jail and we don't do that [ __ ] around here Ellis believed this to be a reference to an assault and battery and an unarmed robbery incident for which he is the victim and the case is currently in court proceedings earlier today detective syracusa that would be Elizabeth Proctor's brother detective syracusa uh spoke with Gary regarding Instagram Direct messages he admitted to detective sakusa that he exchanged messages with Ellis Garnier said that Ellis post pictures of himself on Instagram holding BB guns so Cameron aaro he also admitted to calling him out for acting tough when everyone knows the guns are fake he stated he never met mentioned the incident where Ellis was assaulted he further stated that he deleted the messages on Instagram after the conversation was over so he's basically calling him an [ __ ] and it has nothing to do with the fact that apparently Cameron is a witness in something so they Wendy has been playing the witness intimidation card for quite some time I asked Ellis to explain what had happened Ellis told me that approximately 11 9:00 he went to LC's Garnier entered the store and yelling yelling at Ellis I dare you you're a [ __ ] and kept calling him a rat Ellis said he felt intimidated by his actions and tried to back away from him Ellis said that the clerk offered to call the police and upon hearing this Garnier left the store he declined the clerk's offer telling him he would file a report on his own Ellis went on to describe Garnier as friends of some of the defendants in his pending assault case at this time I made my way to Elie's variety and spoke with the owner pan edge gay who uh was running the store at the time of the incident I asked pancake if he would describe to me what he witnessed pancake said that Ellis entered the store and began shopping a few moments later Garnier entered the store and almost immediately identified Ellis pancake says that Garnier began yelling at Ellis I dare you I dare you [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] nword You're a Rat pancake emphasized the Garnier called a rap multiple times Ellis paid for the items and asked if he could walk him out to his car because I'm afraid I'm going to get jumped he asked pancake if he had surveillance cameras and he said he did he allowed me to review the camera footage shows Ellis entering the store he goes back to the store okay 30 seconds later okay I believe that garnier's words and actions were intended to intimidate intimidate Ellis and demonstrated an intent to obstruct him from testifying Upon returning to the police station I learned that Garnier called the Belmont Communications and spoken to officer Riley he admitted to having the enounter I didn't threaten him I didn't say anything okay does he get charged with it okay I'm not reading this whole thing so he issued a temporary arrest warrant for a probation violation so and he went to the Billa House of Corrections so Grant's brother getting in trouble uh or he's a victim hate crime or whatever um Etc okay next up we got more believe it or not there's more doorframe oh oh god oh and oh it's another oh my God [ __ ] Wendy how many times does it's kind of funny there I can't imagine why Wendy's house would get egg you know these people just are such douchebags like everyone in town hates them it's really not surprising that their house gets egged hold on all right uh next um so this is on 2015 her house was egged approxim 10 times now she getting upset she believes this happened at night her kids were home and the central air unit was on no one heard anything Wendy's rear back door was egged and the top part of the door and frame was hit by white eggs I observed eggs Wendy was concerned because of the numerous amounts of times her house has been egged okay so they didn't get the egg and now Wendy believes that they sell these eggs at Star Market in Belmont how the [ __ ] does she know where these eggs come from she always like then again she figured out the plow thing so that's that's good all right next up not Turtle hair is this another [ __ ] egging okay we got a vandalism one now all right bed um so Wendy Murphy 2015 report of vandalism her house got egged again fresh eggs broken outside the window um I inform Murphy that despite her prior eggings this could be random due to the recent upward trend of eggings throughout the town they have so much they have a real egging problem in Belmont I stated there would be a report on file for the incident and recommend that she remain vigilant told her to make extra checks of the area so check out Star Market go pull some uh footage from there Wendy what else do we got here um oh oh we got one of Wendy and Grant in January this should be good all right let's see what this one says so I spoke with Wendy Murphy who stated that at five o'clock tonight two different restaurants attempted to deliver food to her house it's [ __ ] Cody isn't it she stated that no one was at the house ordered the food is the O Ginger restaurant in Somerville and hometaste in Watertown Wendy stated that a similar incident happened last week that these deliveries are due to the fact that her son Grant Ellis has been reporting on the turtle boy case that has been in the news she stated that she heard that other people that work in the DA's office have received food delivered and at this time she would not like the phone number called for fear of retaliation okay so I like how they blame it I'm in [ __ ] jail in January and they're still blaming me for all this [ __ ] can't catch a break uh we got another Wendy and Grant from 2017 let's read this one please don't be another egging eggciting all right all right so we went to his house for a well for a well-being check on Grant the reporting party Wendy Murphy was concerned at her son's well-being because he was supposed to let a contractor in and was not answering the door Murphy called Ellis several times from Florida but was unable to get a hold of him a short time later units arrived on scene and were met by a contractor who St he had to leave equipment in the basement of the home overnight it was not able to uh reach Ellis officers knocked on the door several times and were unable to reach him they radioed Belmont Communications and requested Belmont fire assist in gaining entry to the home a short time later Belmont fire and rescue arrived on scene and were able to gain access inside the home via a unlocked rear window Belmont fire and police Personnel made their way to the third floor and located Ellis sleeping in his bedroom we explained to Ellis why we were there and that his mother was concerned we also explained that the contractor would be placing the equipment in the basement and then leaving he apologize for not hearing the door or his phone what time was this at freaking 9:27 pm. he's passed out oh Grande wake up Grande you knew he was so his mom's away for the weekend he didn't have a chick over that's shocking that is shocking he's got the house all to himself all right next up oh we got another one with Grant this is 2015 please don't be eggs please don't be eggs there's there's there's only a few more don't worry if you're getting bored with this um I spoke with Wendy Murphy who came into the station she stated that she bought her son Cameron a truck and he wasn't able to use it until graduation she then gave permission for other son Grant to use the truck until his brother graduated Grant then went and registered the vehicle Wendy asked Grant to sign over the truck now the Cameron had graduated and he told her no he hates Wendy she was unsure what to do and asked if we could speak with him I went and spoke with Grant and was able to convince him that since he had made a promise see he needed to keep it he need a promise he didn't sign the title to give it to his mother how is this real just like the he picky more he bought it's it's all funny because none of the money's coming from them it's all coming from the dad who has the phone sex addiction so the mom calls okay so they call call him up here's a truck for the kid who's graduating hasn't graduated yet Grant tries stealing the truck really he tried stealing the truck he signed it over his name and then the mom was like hopeless so helpless somehow and so she calls the cops and they're like Grant you promised and then situation resolved okay next how many more are there holy [ __ ] let me see let me just see how many more we got only a couple more left okay all right okay so this is uh Wendy and Cameron Murphy in 2014 vandalism there was egg again fresh yolk someone threw pumpkins on the steps of the house too I asked Wendy or Cameron if they had any known enemies I bet they do when knew they uh did this but they couldn't come up with anyone specific okay the whole town Wendy requested I take the pumpkins as evidence put those in the evidence room put that they're not gonna rot or anything like that it's not like it's a pumpkin oh my God okay here's another one this is Cameron Ellis and this one was 2015 only have three left I think okay I spoke with Wendy Murphy and her son Cameron regarding vandalism he had observed a group of 45 males from a vehicle which is driving by his house the vehicle was described as a light gray SUV the ocan threw eggs he stated that his father's vehicle was struck by the eggs I observed the dry egg and uh but homeowner Wendy Murphy indicated the egg was easily cleaned for her husband's vehicle okay so more more egging more egging of the Grande household um okay got another egging we're going to skip that one what else do we have here um Wendy Murphy This one is from 2021 more W oh another witness intimidation let's see this one always getting intimidated all right Wendy Murphy came to the station talked about witness intimidation towards Cameron Murphy stated that Ellis came home from working an overnight shift and found a message on his Tik Tok account from Dominic yansy which stated yo he you going to tell your lawyer mom to file a case on me CU I'm bullying you your music [ __ ] sucks of course he a musician you fake rap and I hate nword a nword like you and I'll catch you don't [Applause] worry he has rap beef on Tik Tock of course I need to meet Cameron Ellis he's a rapper and he's got rap beef in Belmont with other rappers who you GNA call your mom lawyer your music [ __ ] sucks he's probably right it's probably horrible Murphy and Ellis believe this could be in regards to an ongoing case in which Ellis is the victim and witness oh it's always witness intimidation okay okay send a copy of this message to detective Syracuse's Department email so Lizzy Proctor's brother no wonder Grant is so protective of them okay uh what's this one okay somebody stole a collection thing off rep porch we'll skip that one what's this one a gas grill is the victim okay somebody egged the gas grill okay so there's that another egging what's this one oh this is Boston police is this [ __ ] long is this a long one oh what ises Grant have to do with this a knife cutting incident in March of 20 oh is this the one where the black guy got something happened with a black guy and Grant's racist I I didn't really know it's all acted and [ __ ] officer LaRosa was assigned there was a fight on Boon street at the convention center um suspect fled observed a fight between two males outside the cannabis convention the males were inside the building on the ground fighting one of the individuals pulled a knife out they were separated and reported to security staff the suspect observed exiting the convention send traveled down balmont street blah blah blah blah blah familiar with them where's Grant I don't see Grant anywhere on here ah we're skipping this all right this isn't I like the Bellmont stuff I don't really care about the boss is this one interesting July of 2024 see the Boston ones are all like heavily edited so you can't even see grants okay grant called the cops on someone in Boston in July said that someone's provoking him on Facebook okay all right the Boston ones aren't as fun so we'll skip those all right um so that's Grant that's your comedy portion of the evening I just think I mean Grant see Grant's funny like when he's not calling me a rapist and making things really awkward he's really funny I don't know if he means to be funny but it's [ __ ] funny like he Grant is funny I don't care um oh Grant's charged with witness intimidation get out of here but his name's not in the report oh okay but his addresses okay hold on let let me see if I can find this I want to see Grant if he's all right um I gotta find it larsy 2008 the April 2023 one yeah I don't see it I see March 2023 I don't see an April one see July 2024 that's fine I think we got enough grant for the night we maybe we find the uh that one we'll share it later but anyway um let me uh read a couple Turtle chats here before we carry on with the evening we're just getting started here Dono read & questions / anonymous source Erin O'Keefe first one up is from Bob Brown sends 10 bucks and goes um Turtle Boy resistance to silence Channel episode 30 opening video very emotional very inspiring should be the anthem of the free Karen Reed movement it shows such contrast to the other side which is just filled with hate and anger if you could play it the channel doesn't have your megaphone and this video needs exposure it's only 352 long but awesome so yeah check out uh resist to silence YouTube channel highly recommend it uh Dana and Tracy over there doing a great job um and uh yeah good stuff uh so thank you very much Bob go check it out um he recommends episode 30 very emotional he says thank you Bob Andrea sends 10 Buck and goes I enjoyed listening to your interview on Miss shorty show I'd love for you to share more fun facts about us history maybe sprinkle in on some of your shows enjoy your vacation I'll try to do that thank you very much Andrea um Kristen sends 10 bucks and goes free the closet baby and Plymouth standout tomorrow 4 to six come join us I'll probably be past Plymouth by then but uh yeah if anyone else is interested in going hit them up thank you Wendy says will Erin O'Keefe and crusty panties be cellmates so let's talk about that let's talk about that so I can't confirm this but I got a message today that said the following Erin O'Keefe was arrested by State Police yesterday again this is not me reporting anything this is just a message I got I have no idea if this is true or not not saying this is true this is a message I got okay Aron o'keef was arrested by State Police yesterday I said for what I don't know need you to find out okay so when they say that go find like I love when people tell me this go find out like I'm [ __ ] magic like if you're gonna send me a tip you have to send me a source somebody a lead something you can't just be like go figure it out go go getet turtle boy go get it done like that's not how [ __ ] works I think people think I'm like [ __ ] magical or something like that I I can't do that goes but she was taken out of her work Cox Engineering in handcuffs eight State cops and helicopter okay so if true would be wild not gonna lie want to learn more but it cops and a helicopter and Po's wife like what like that's [ __ ] crazy like you gotta have something for me if you send that I go I said can I ask how you know this and this person says a friend a friend that's into the case has a friend whose brother-in-law works there and saw so this person has a friend who has a friend who has a brother-in law that works there like this is as far this is the definition of a rumor okay I don't like rumors I don't like [ __ ] like that like you if you hear something [ __ ] outrageous like this like arino Keef was taken away and there's eight cops like you should immediately be like [ __ ] [ __ ] sh like show me the [ __ ] [ __ ] no [ __ ] way no goddamn way again and I go and so she I'm like who's your source so she sends me this other woman okay so now we're back so this is the friend who has a friend who has a brother-in-law so now we're on the friend now so now with a person now I'm going to talk to the friend so this person has a friend who has a brother-in-law that saw this so we're two away now from The Source the brother-in-law okay we if we can get her the friend to tell us who the friend is and then the friend can lead us to a brother-in-law we're in action we got something but this is the [ __ ] I hate so I messaged this woman and I said Is it true that Arin o'keef was arrested yesterday I'm on the Clarence erson account not sure who this is they say to me okay we're off to a rough start but even though they're in the Justice groups and [ __ ] like that okay but I heard that was true from a reliable source so this person just heard it okay at her place of employment by State Police I have no further details okay that's fine can I ask who the source is and this is the part where you're just like yeah we want to get this information out because this person was trying to post in the Justice group anonymously and it's like bro you can't just go on there and post Anonymous [ __ ] rumors that you heard about your brother you need to confirm this [ __ ] okay and so like okay so we're close so give me the name of the friend and then they go no they won't get involved sorry okay then go [ __ ] yourself it's [ __ ] fake news like you know what I mean maybe it's true maybe it's not but like who does that like know I can't give the [ __ ] you know I'm not going to tell you know I don't reveal sources that's kind of my [ __ ] thing don't you want it out there they go they don't want to be involved they don't have to be [ __ ] involved and then they go are sure you have other sources yeah I've checked other sources I can't find I called the police about it they don't have any [ __ ] there's no record of this so if anybody has Isn't Randolph in it's a Nori County not Plymouth County I believe so it would be the like the Plymouth it would be the norick police that the state the Nori County State Police would arrested her like come on come on did I just get sent grants Grande's Facebook Grande's brother okay is this him I think I found Grande's brother is that him I don't know if that's him it could be him he's from the Boston area it looks like this guy looks like what I would imagine Grant's brother looking like let's go on his page let's share this hold on copy share profile messenger aeden send that okay let me pull it up over here okay he hasn't blocked me that's good don't message or your um thing's going to show up so is this this is Cameron Ellice this is him what that one I mean I see a little Grande in him is that that that could be Grande's brother that looks like Grant definitely a like I think this is Grande's brother I think this is him do you guys agree this H who like why is Grant not in anything there like come on what the who are these people that he keeps is he in a thruple why do I keep seeing these two people in everything he's always with this dude in his chick what is Cameron what is Grande Jr up to how come Wendy's not in any pictures or Grant is he ashamed I would be anyway um yikes all right so anyway back to the Eternal so again I don't know about the arino KE thing if anyone can verify that for me I'm all yours all right but again till then I'm not reporting [ __ ] Danielle sends 25 bucks and goes when are you coming down I'm on the Bayside in East Town pull up [ __ ] East you mean East Ham on the Bayside East Ham's like two towns away but thank you very much okay I'm going to refresh that see if we have any more Turtle chats um no we don't okay okay all right next thing up uh check the cash app Chad sends five bucks and goes where to find your nudes asking for a friend I don't know my dude I don't I don't H again hopefully they're not out there anymore I really was hoping to put that part of my life behind me thank you very much Deanna sends 10 bucks and goes lock up KP now # bail revocation coming in hot she does have a bail revocation hearing on August 29th in lemonster and another one in West rockberry a surrender hearing on September 5th so we'll see if she could survive backtack bail revocations okay uh K sends five bucks and says thank you for all you do keep doing what you're doing my pleasure call all right cool if anyone else wants to donate and have their message right out loud to the class you can click the link at the top for turtle chat or cash me dollar sign on turtle boy and we can do it that way how many people we got watching now all right cool over 5,000 nice all right hold on there's your slurp there's your slurp all right oh by the way and thank you for Audrey who just donated and says me and Lisa drove by Fairview Street last night glad to hear glad to hear it's a lot smaller it's a lot smaller than it looks that's what she said uh in person isn't it so okay um what I want to show now is a video here that uh this John DePetro dude okay so John Depetro who is just a [ __ ] [ __ ] and I didn't realize what a scammer John Depetro was I thought I liked him I don't like him he's a scammer uh he was fired from a radio station uh for cooking the books basically he had his wife he blamed his wife for it I don't know if you guys know this John if you so John de Petra just was like the new Grant after Grant got banned from Court ratings Scandal wife all right so John Depetro just showed up and he immediately took the position that Cameron Reed's guilty but and he's in court just reporting disinformation about like what the jurors are looking like like just [ __ ] Li he's just a liar like that's all John is he's a not he's a clown he's a cartoon character so a Providence radio talk show host is blaming his wife for a rating Scandal that made his show appear more popular than it actually was in a statement reliefed Thursday John dep Petro's wife Kristen returned six Arbitron Diaries in the spring ratings period the Diaries indicated that six people who lived in their home listened to the pet show 109 out of a possible 120 hours a week the station's management said Depetro had no knowledge of his wife's actions and said they are profoundly disappointed dep patro told the Providence Journal the incident was embarrassing and that his wife should not have participated in the Arbitron survey his DriveTime show dropped from 4th to 9th under the devised numbers an important distinction because advertising rates are based on ratings he was fired in 2006 from wko in Boston after making a derogatory comment about the weight and sexuality of the green Rainbow Party candidate running for governor he later apologized yikes Yik so the dude basically nobody listens to his show and so he has his wife turn on six radios in the house and list and listen to him and that somehow moves him from ninth to Fourth which increases advertising rates on the station also known as fraud and uh he gets fired and then when he gets caught he blames his wife I didn't know anything about that rating Scandal no no like this is the kind of person that takes up the you know the cause of of Jennifer mape that that's all um what else was there there was also something about sexual assault or harassment I forget oh here it is all right so a wko producer is suing a local talk show host John Depetro after alleging he sexually harassed her she previously worked on a show and her supervisor refused to investigate complaints okay uh on May 21st the Petro invited the quatro the Sue claims to lunch before driving to a house and making sexual advances does his rating scandals wife know about that according to the filing the Petro has previously boasted to the quatro that he rented a house with certain individuals where they would bring women to get together for sexual parties he reported the alleged incident to a program director the lawsuit cites an incident in which the Petro allegedly asked her and her boyfriend to have sex with him and another woman oh oh that's not good that's not good John get your act together I mean this is the best that the Mac Alberts can find to uh take up their cause I guess I guess um oh he's got another one here okay um so this one is entitled where'd it go oh [ __ ] man this guy gets to know a lot of [ __ ] huh web statement John de Petro has left W PR at this time I've decided to include my entertaining weekday show thank you to all my listeners for making it my best year in radio ever with my coverage of the Trump campaign plus my national work on the Savage Nation I'm very grateful for many loyal listeners okay unfortunately I have a health situation right right right is this it all right he's known for being pro provocative and touched off a boycott in 2013 and was sued for sexual harassment an appearent suspension came in 2013 for his characterization of women protesting outside a fundraiser then of den General Treasurer Gina Rondo former governor he called them Union hags a group called for our daughters backed by organized labor launched a boycott and Depetro was off the air for five weeks okay okay so yeah just John don't be like John okay um oky doie so let's um what I was goingon to talk about oh let's talk so John had a tweet about let me go to John's Twitter John Depetro and I'm gonna message him right now and try to get him on Yo John oh yeah oh so I'm like telling him about Kate I'm like you're supporting Kate Peter right you're supporting Kate Peter who who she wrote this when my mom died he's like wow that's terrible I don't want anything to do with her so I'm gonna send John a message right now and invite him on the show because he has unfollowed me you you should jump on the show we're talking about Greg Hill okay so I just sent him a message and we'll see if he responds all right I don't I don't think he's got know but uh we'll find out all right so Paul he's just a right-wing guy he sh's a lot of right-wing [ __ ] Trump okay notice he got like no engagement on here oh he's getting ratioed you are spreading fear porn again okay all right anyway he's talking about politics no one cares like zero likes on this uh nobody comments on any of his [ __ ] at all none so let's find when he talks about Karen Reed Karen all right here it Greg Hill Show Karen Read is all right so if you guys missed it Karen Reed apparently had dinner with uh mutual friends uh of Greg Hill from the Hillman show that Greg Hill used to be on WF before it turned to like Christian radio he replaced Kirk manham basically at Wei because the ratings were too high when Kirk was on the air uh so the Kirk and Jerry Show got cancelled and you know because they were controversial because they were interesting and so then they replac him with Greg who's a nice guy um but definitely not as controversial and so that's the way they like it at Wei low ratings but less controversy so anyway I like Greg he's a nice guy and he had me on a show in 2015 actually like in studio when I was like getting my big break I was on the Greg Hill show he invited me in there and uh he has Courtney Cox on here uh not the friends chick the other one uh and they're they apparently had dinner with Karen Reed all right and they talked to her and they have both been part like they believe Karen Reed's innocent and they have dinner with Karen and they say something on here that John is [ __ ] stupid and misinterprets what the [ __ ] they're saying so let's it's a 15minute clip uh let me find the actual clip so we can listen to the whole thing instead of stupid clip that John has and then you guys can get a a feel for it okay last night yeah I'm fine with that yep I'm always interested in in uh your opinion good or bad we were Court and I were invited by a mutual friend to go to dinner I had been asking about trying to get Karen Reed on the radio show because I feel like it the trial was newsworthy and of interest uh of course that trial ended in a mistrial uh and so uh there was no verdict um I don't believe that uh the when going choosing to go and try to uh do your best to get somebody to come on the radio show I don't believe that you have if somebody is accused of something and a jury in the United States of America has not found them guilty I don't think you have an not to at least have that discussion but um you I know you were very nervous I was just nervous because I I care about people's feelings and so I didn't want to overstep or ask something that was out of line I I don't know her um and so I I never wanted to offend or or come across too strong so going into it we were not told whether or not you know lawyers would be there or if there would be any type of things off limits um and you know Greg and I followed this this trial very closely and I think you know if there is going to be a next trial we will do that again um it's of interest to me and I have been talking about from the Monday after it happened we reported on John o'keef dying and the circumstances around it and from that Monday I said this story make much sense um meet with somebody who is going through a battle like this because I believe she is innocent you do yes did you go into dinner believing that or okay I I've I've always I mean just from from numbers alone from from the technology aspect of it I have just F like I said followed this closely and I I think something else happened I and I don't think that she is a malicious person who had any intent in killing John o'keef and that's how I felt in the beginning of the trial then after the trial I don't think she hit him with her car like by accident or Not by accident at all I mean she was willing to answer every single question no lawyer was there no exactly she was willing to answer every single question if you ever get the chance to speak with car Reed like I have one of the things I like about Karen Reed is that she does not back away from any question ever she has an answer for everything and it's a good answer too like every time you think like you might have seen some of my messages with her that Natalie has shared and you know I questioned about the Colin in the house how the [ __ ] do you know Colin was in the house and she's just she can back it up every single thing that she said she could back it up every time I asked she could back up everything she said and she's a criminal defendant who isn't afraid to talk about it like these people who are you know like the MC Alberts when they lie you know they're lying because they get caught in one lie and it leads to another lie Etc um Etc who clap back the Ted Daniels [ __ ] who did Courtney Cox did wait Ted Daniels said [ __ ] I like Ted I like Ted all right let's play some more um and she was so open with us and she and I also was I wasn't sure if maybe she had heard the show and knew that Greg and I um things that we had said in the past but she asked us she's like did you pay attention to the trial and once I knew that I'm like okay this woman is meeting with us not knowing that she has two people that have been pretty supportive yeah of the cause from the beginning angry angry texter 978 texter what do you dat line You've Lost Your Way Greg uh why are people such children like Karen Reed was charged with second degree murder yes there was a jury trial that lasted a month or two and there was according to reports there's been hearings about it that all 12 jurors found her not guilty of second degree murder correct there was a hangup on lesser charges there has been a controversy even prior to the time with which the jurors got the the were were uh when the trial ended and was sent to the jury there was a a controversy from the defense attorney saying that this is a very different looking that was talked about more maybe since the Woodward trial back one based upon an allegation that she was not convicted of is to just deny the entire able to make their determination based that they believe that somebody is innocent of the charges and let me just say this because I know Greg won't if anybody's going to come on Instagram Twitter on Twitch on the text line and say and and say whatever you want about me but to say that Greg is sympathizing with a cop Piller if there's anybody in this room or in Massachusetts who hasn't done more for police officers in need like shame on you it really a backseat because Greg's done more for people that are police officers firefighters the people on the front line than the MC Alberts are giving him [ __ ] like you're supporting a cop killer no [ __ ] you're supporting cop killers the MACC Albert's how many interviews have the MACC Albert's done they're not facing any criminal charges but they don't want to talk none of them want to talk no no no no no they have nothing to say ever you will ever do in your entire life so please respectfully sit down it's that was infuriating all night for me to just see people say stuff like that like enough yeah it's a but comp this to OJ like you really are a [ __ ] whoever you are out there the people that are every single media member in Boston every single citizen of Boston by and large my gu if offered an opportunity to hear Karen Reed outside of the trial discuss what happened would say yes rating suggest that I think that's the most interesting part of it is that you do want to to meet somebody like that in person and honestly evaluate whether you think they're telling the truth or not and this wasn't a sit down where Greg and I you know treated her like a celebrity we sat down and we asked honest questions that Greg and I had about the case and everything that goes along with it and I want I wanted to know because I fascinated with the way in which the court system works what went into her uh getting yannetti and Jackson like how that all came to be it was a it was a getting information like people I saw some people saying you know you guys are treating her like a celebrity nope that's not how it went down it was they treating her like a celebrity guys because they took a picture of it with her who cares uh and at the end of this by the way carine's gonna be a celebrity at the end of this like that's how this story ends with her being rich and famous as she should um but you know it's like when I when I talked to K I had so many questions I'm just like and she wants to answer them it's like a [ __ ] great thing it's like like you saw the news reports I had 189 phone calls with her I didn't realize I had that many calls because I'm interested she wants to talk I'm here to listen you know what I mean I have questions who the [ __ ] wouldn't take that opportunity up I me is it gonna be on the news with these guys the cops gonna take care of Reed's cell phone and say that Greg Hill and Courtney Cox are conspiring to do witness intimidation because they oh no they spoke with Karen Reed oh no you're not allowed to talk to Karen Reed you can't do that three adults having a conversation about the biggest story going on right now which this woman is the center of and whether or not you believe her side of it that's on you for me I walked away from that dinner having not a doubt in my mind I think you could tell if people are if if you've been around life you can tell if people are lying I thought this was fake every question was answered immediately um there was no Heming and haing or stumbling over what you were gonna say and um there was when it came to questions that she had whether it was you know I think I'm allowed to I thought it was fake I thought the mic was was you know until I thought the mic was fake if I go like this it stops working I thought this was just for show I had didn't know I had no I thought I was using the computer mic I really thought this was just for show I didn't think this piece of [ __ ] actually worked I thought I just got the audio in my ears it's real I I had the whole time I thought the microphone was fake and I thought I was using the computer mic but I guess the microphone's real and I just don't like the shadow I don't like the shadow right there I don't like that but I guess we'll work with it okay she found out when like for instance until she found out when her vehicle was towed she was wondering how there could possibly be tail light at tail light fragments at the scene and she wasn't made aware until much later that they found it much later that night right yeah so like that is one thing interesting that Cameron's told me before too is that uh she did not she couldn't figure out like anything like she didn't you know that she didn't know about um like she knew something wasn't right about this but it wasn't until after she was indicted she saw the autopsy photos and she saw her tail light right and she knew and we saw when she was arrested and brought to the Milton Barracks so she goes we're all in the same joke right you know his my tail light cracked or whatever and uh you know John's head is pulverized and Yu's like you have the right to remain silent and uh I I highly suggest you uh you exercise your right to uh remain silent because you know you really shouldn't be uh for talking little girl you know we're trying to do a police cover up here and I I don't know if you read that on uh the internet or or where where where you reading those things but that's not true and uh you know you shouldn't be talking about that sort of stuff okay yes so remember she said that at the Milton Barracks how she was like uh basically that joh like she knew col she's like Colin and and Brian Albert did it but she still didn't know at that point how the [ __ ] the tail a got there like that's still because they didn't have the whole report and then she got the report and it just just clicked like wait a minute the search team started searching at 545 because there was no tail light before that and then she sees the Proctor lied in the report about what time he towed the car and it all just made sense now I don't think and and and I know she doesn't I I assume she she had more time to think about this than I do but I don't I'm not convinced it was Michael Proctor himself that pled the tail doesn't matter who did it doesn't matter all right it could have been Kevin Albert Brian Albert Ken burkowitz Brian Higgins like a number of people anyone because remember that Sally por garage video just stops working for 20 seconds at a time someone comes in there grabs a couple pieces of tail light goes back to the scene and remember according to O'Hara there was like a a posi a vigilante posi of of Searchers showed up he couldn't name everyone who was there maybe one of them was named Kevin Albert I sincerely hope they call Kevin Albert as a witness in the next trial because I have some questions for Kevin Albert that I would like to have answered a lot of them so I'm not convin because honestly I don't think it was Proctor that planted it that did the actual planting I think it was I really think it was an Albert I think Proctor helped Proctor knew obviously Proctor you know they conspired to get that [ __ ] car out of there didn't they real quick from dayon they did but Proctor's on the sallyport video too late in my opinion to have been the actual one who planted the tail light that's why I think it was somebody else comes in there during one of those times and the [ __ ] video stops working and they take cou all you need is four pieces just come in there and they don't even have to [ __ ] find it they don't even have to find it you just say Eureka look what I found is there a single picture did you guys see a single picture the tail light at the bottom of snow anywhere no tail light every time like put it right on the top well look what I found let's put it right on top of the snow top of a foot and a half of snow come on again Canton Police didn't find any tail so like picture that aha moment for camera Reid when she reads the C team report for the first time and she's like holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] it all makes sense now and this I think we can say because it's she she was very honest with us because a big story all over the Internet is that John O'Keefe was had reported Colin Albert for some drug activity before all this happened she said that story is completely false people are trying to make it more dramatic that she was wondering how there could possibly be tail light at tail light fragments at the scene and she wasn't made aware until much later that they found it much later that night right and and this I think we can say because it's she she was very honest with us because a big story all over the Internet is that John O'Keefe was uh had reported Colin Albert for some drug activity before all this happened she said that story is completely false people are trying to make it more dramatic and make it seem like Colin Albert would have some type of you know um reason for hating John O said that never happened there was he did not report him for anything no I I think and she is um she signed a deal with so check this out so that's so this is John dep Petro's take on what you just heard right there all right numnuts here writes this Karen Reed gave her first post-trial interview to W first of all it's not an interview John and use the opportunity to remove motive of Albert wanting to harm O'Keefe that is not what this clip says seemed like Colin she was very honest with us because a big story all over the Internet is that John O'Keefe was uh had reported Colin Albert for some drug activity before all this happen she said that story is completely false people are trying to make it more dramatic and make it seem like Colin Albert would have some type of you know um reason for hating John o'keef she said that never happened she was that never happened who else has been saying that this whole time oh yeah me me I've said that because I can I had access to car I can find out the [ __ ] truth Karen Reed never pushed the drug angle and I haven't either I've like this you know who actually started so John so this like this is very actually interesting let's talk about this for a moment let's talk about this because d numnuts goes why is the media ignoring this story Karen Reed at dinner with them discussed the case removed a motive for Colin Albert he that never happened [ __ ] he said the drug angle part of it which I've never bought into Karen Reed's never bought into there's no evidence of that whatsoever but that doesn't mean that Colin didn't that Colin got along with John they were neighbors they didn't like each other John yelled at him a lot KH was in the house when he got there okay and where did this come from let's actually talk about the origins of this Karen Reed had someone reach out to them arranged dinner and told them this when she could have said I can't discuss the case she could have declined commment on any witness so where did this come from he gets ratioed on like every single thing uh where could this have come from well I know where it came from allow me to pull it up on YouTube who else knows who else anyone else in the comments know where the uh where the the John where the Colin drug dealing angle started okay because it actually wasn't sha on the gulf okay sha on the gulf has said this a lot on his thing um I've never I've L I've been on Where Colin drug angle came from record multiple times saying it never I've no evidence of that I'm not saying it happened I'm not saying it didn't happen I'm saying I got no receipts but who is the actual source of this well we have some uh we have some receipts let's go find it shall we so all right so back when I first started reporting on this story it was getting a lot of attention in the media because of me and you know crusty used Crusty's obsessed with me and she won't let it go like she just I want nothing to do with her because she's nobody you know I'm [ __ ] turtle boy and she's [ __ ] nobody nobody knows who she is meanwhile I go out [ __ ] take pictures of babies and [ __ ] like it's we're not on the same level so me having any what appears to be a rivalry with this person is completely inaccurate it's not a rivalry if one person is you know on a much different level than the other person all right but she's obsessed with me so she sees that I'm being successful with this and I'm getting way more followers and Subs than she ever could and she decides that she's gonna glom on to the story she's going to attach yourself somehow initially their POS her position was actually not that Karen Reed was guilty it was that Turtle Boy didn't break the story that it was broken by Court TV she didn't deny it like was initially taking the position that Ken Reed's Innocent but that Court TV was the one that first reported this that was their initial position that kind of changed along the way because she need she realized that like like plevin did that if I want attention I I can't just be another person saying cam Read's innocent so we need to do the exact opposite I've yet to see any receipts of that it's Mur but I'd love to see them if anybody has actual evidence of of Colin Albert dealing drugs send them to me people send me that [ __ ] all the time so let's talk about the actual origins of the story so let's check out this channel okay so as you can see this individual is a little obsessed with me okay um you know I appear there's me uh like this was the original the hypothesis of many a species I can't even watch this for too long but this was so they just she she would just read and the defendants SUV exits in Reverse from the ground you know what I'm gonna I'm going to get you right I mean it's like what's more compelling here somebody stating over and over again that they someone or they replace their basement floor yeah yeah can we just can I just take a I need to get into okay so Nails in a chalkboard so um you know very compelling very interesting stuff there now here is this video Turtle Boy live runs with fake info again and that's a video that's my that's my fa that's my coming face in case you're interested so she's saying a video of me that's what I look like when I come apparently and she's using that as a cover because that's cool or something but she's wicked against revenge porn and she literally has a picture of my face in the act of climax that's that's what I look like there apparently that's what you look like the the tears are fake but that's what it looks like okay luckily you know the Intimidator is not on display there but you know she's the innocent victim here so she sent me having sex she what with Karen Reed and oh my God guys oh my God Tom Bey and Aaron Bey and I've been talking about this these names for months now but I think that I got [Applause] [Music] it oh that's another [ __ ] face that's the pre [ __ ] face pleasure what a [ __ ] guy is remember I 15,000 go ahead now having relationships while she's basically a prisoner in her own home can't go anywhere um and is like you know trying to save her life all right anyway as you can see my we don't like this is the first time I've ever shared one of her videos on here her entire existence revolves around me like this is a regular episode and she apparently sent some sort of email to me that I read out loud during the show this what your little boss does so this is an 18-year-old kid that he's already accused of murder with no solid evidence and now he's throwing out like hey check it out sounds like he sells drugs too and I'm going to go ahead and throw this out there he do the same thing he' probably run with it too if here's a text message followup to that call that he uh they sent right afterwards where he uh confirmed in text Aiden that he tried to get the PD records on Julia Mayha he talked to his sources but there was absolutely zero evidence so they dropped it right publish it that's what I said it is what he said can't May Irish demon never said that he knocked up Shannon because he didn't knock up Shannon yeah right yeah so this was 100% a fabrication out of my own mind it is not rooted this is going to be my good faith retraction on this statement too so I told a little fib and I'm sorry about that it was damaging to somebody but I'm here right now putting on the record this was 100% a fabrication out of my own mind it is not rooted in reality at all I so she she she admits she made this up what did she make up what did she do this just to [ __ ] with a to prove she doesn't have that information at all run with any sort of gosip that b just claims and I went to prove this so anyone who believes him should realize that a lot of this is getting sent out uh I just went ahead and I emailed uh Turtle Boy Sports gmail.com I wrote uh based on a movie plot this based on a movie plot uh you could do the same thing he probably with it too if if anyone gets their fake stories mentioned by the schmuck please email me we'll have a prize for you listen this this is an like I don't know who this person is but I'm just gonna read the email so she sent me an email from an anonymous account with a tip and listen to what I say here listen to what I say could do the same thing he' probably run with it too if uh if anyone gets their fake stories mentioned by the schach please email me we'll have a prize for you listen to this this is an I don't know who this person is but I'm just gonna read the email that got bear with me hi I've been really scared talk to anyone about this and I know I'm not the only one but I see you're keeping people Anonymous and I think it's important people know problem that Colin Albert had with John o' is that Colin Albert sells pills and weed and John knew about it because he lived across the street from one of Colin's friends who runs so she sends me an email as a prank saying that Colin sells drugs so I go on my show I'm like I got this email and do I say this is real I go no this is just an email I have no idea if this is real or not I put that disclaimer out there just like I did with the AR o'keef thing today this is what people have reported but this is not confirmed really important to say that [ __ ] part like the not againin Albert mentioned by the schmuck please email me we'll have a prize for gmail.com that information all based on I don't know who this person is I'm read the email same thing You' probably run with it too if H if anyone gets their fake stories mentioned by the schmuck please email me we'll have a prize for you listen to this this is like I don't know who this person is but I'm just gonna read the email that got I be with because hi I've been really scared to talk to anyone about now imagine this is your life I know I'm not the only one but I see you're keeping people Anonymous and I think it's important people know again again just imagine that's your life like you're such a loser that you see me being commercially successful lot of new Subs lot of followers you're like I have to get involved in this so I'm going to send him a prank and say that's not true and see if he reports it and he doesn't really reported he reads the email but he doesn't say it's true isn't that [ __ ] funny we're grown-ups we're so funny imagine that's your life like what a [ __ ] loser problem that Colin Albert had with joh o' is that Colin Albert tells pills and weed and John knew about it because he lived across the street one of Colin's friends who runs Colin Colin's dad knows and sometimes the drugs go to the pizza shop from what I've heard whole Albert family makes money from it I don't that's like that's what makes a little farfetch like you're making the Albert family relies on marijuana sales and what other pill sales come on like that sounds I'm just reading the Emil I literally go I don't believe this this sounds [ __ ] ridiculous so I'm like you sent me a fake thing a fake story about Colin selling drugs to see if I would report on it and I read it out loud and I basically say this sounds like [ __ ] from it and and I don't know if his uncle bran knows or not but I think he probably does and explains why they're really covering it up I have screenshots of Colin selling drugs because sadly I have bought from him before that's interesting that's very interesting so interesting so again this person asked for anonymity they will be granted it just to be clear I have not said your name and I'm not going to say your name yeah very trustworthy man are until you don't dance do what I tell you to dance he said you're safe with me I don't want anonymity I sent you that email you dumb [ __ ] this is an 18-y old kid that he's already accused of murder with no solid evidence and now he's throwing out like hey check it out sounds like he sells drugs too and I'm gonna go ahead and throw this out there he didn't even respond to this email before reading it out and running with it and listen to him spin it because he's gonna he's gonna try more and more to push it like it's legitimate he's never vetted this in his life because it's 100% fabrication on my part I'm gonna show you the email in a minute it's a fabrication on her so she fabricated imagine that's your life Colin talked a lot about getting I just couldn't imagine ever being this interested in another human being I just wouldn't care about them like I don't care who they are I just wouldn't care at all but she's just obsessed with me like I wasn't talking about her I didn't want anything to do with her I'm killing it over here cover in the camera read story and she's just like well I have to get involved I have to see I sent him a fake email and he read it okay no that's the thing John I didn't even [ __ ] her first of you've seen what she looks like and I think we both know she is not Intimidator worthy okay and that's the crazy part about this is I didn't even [ __ ] her and she's this crazy for me like not even close didn't kiss her nothing never came on to her nothing a judge asked her that one time why she was so obsessed with Lauren Murray and following Lauren Murray around and stalking Lauren Murray and she's like well because of because Aiden because she's friends with with Aiden and and he goes are you in a relationship with him were you and she's like no and then judge is like then what the [ __ ] do you care order granted psychopath John because Colin thought JN had him under surveillance but I don't know if he really did Colin was also a huge part of bullying a girl named Aaron Bey pretty bad oh that's that's true that's true oh yeah I wrote something true and made it unbelievable morning and a lot of people thought oh is Tom Bey in on it no Tom Bey has since been accused of having sex with Karen Reed and oh my God guys oh my God so Tom Bey and Aon Bey and I've been talking about this these names for months now but I think that I got it more pleasure than proving what a [ __ ] this guy is in front of almost 1500 people in front of 1500 people imagine bragging about 1500 people oh good for good for her that's so many good job that woman wants to be doing right now is having relationships while she's basically a prisoner in her own home can't go anywhere um and is like you know trying to save joh O's guil we know he was at the house it's a fact true word is that he was asking Aaron Bey for ride out of there he was she didn't answer she called him the next day he said never mind yes she was sleeping that's fact and so that's interesting you're right we know that the bees are like the only ones in town that didn't get in line with the m true they're not like K Robert K Roberts has been a good dog good car yeah she is good dog the Nagel kids Julie Nagel who Brian Alber Junior's girlfriend no that's a mistake see I there's so much [ __ ] I didn't know back then I had no idea that Brian Albert Jr was homosexual like that but it all made sense when I saw Julie Nagel and I heard him testify and the mustache came out it's like oh I get it now it all it all it makes so much more sense the other nle Ryan Nagel the other they've been team so he's that every single W every single witness to this incident has remained consistent with their stories imp car re that is what he this is the absolute cocaine Aderall adult mess yeah if you believe that Caren re is innocent you're actually on adol and by the way I do take ader roll it's it's it's a prescription drug you can get it from your doctor believe it or not it's CRA I know it's [ __ ] crazy the condition that this man brain is 42 grand jury Witnesses 42 right just the grand jury WT um not to mention the people that g gave statements that didn't make it the grand jury like yeah all these people are are bad people because they haven't changed their story from the beginning it hasn't changed to benefit his narrative regarding Karen yeah imagine saying that now that their stories haven't changed Jen [ __ ] maccabe's story has changed several times like when she testified and all of a sudden K Reed said I hit him I hit him I hit him but she didn't tell the grand jury that and she didn't tell the police that and oh yeah what time did Caitlin Albert leave it was 12:15 but now it's 145 so that changed too everything [ __ ] changed with these people constantly Julie Nagel saw a shadowy figure then it turned into a six-foot black blob As Time evolved they all every single one of them is [ __ ] change and she's sitting up there laughing all like condescending like oh yeah this they're so stupid haha there people these guys would never lie it's not like they you know they have a a family member that could go to jail over this no um yeah they're good dogs for that apparently or you know they're telling the truth and yeah totally is a lying wh who doesn't want to take accountability for the tragic loss of life that resulted from her negligent drun driving Sarah Levon shut her [ __ ] mouth they did their job Emily Fabiano did her job they shut their mouths been bullying Tom's daughter for quite some time now so they're saying he was also a huge part of bullying this girl Aaron Bey pretty bad this email doesn't the fact that this email calls it this girl aonb suggests they don't know that I know who she is shows what kind of person he really is I really think what happen is he followed through with what he was saying about John that sounds so [ __ ] legit then we will look into that but that is the first time I've heard this angle that Colin Albert selling drugs first I would not be the least bit surprised I wouldn't did his in a drag queen just come out there so to be clear like I wouldn't be surprised if Colin was selling drugs I mean would that surprise anyone if any of you found out Colin Albert sold drugs would anybody be surprised by that no but I see no evidence of that so I'm not GNA report it as fact so that John Depetro is where the Colin Albert cells drugs angle came from your girl crusty panties somebody on so all this [ __ ] all the MC Albert are getting harassed and poor Collins had his life upside turned upside down and they're calling him a drug dealer that's the source that's the [ __ ] Source right there K crusty panties it was K crusty panties she's the [ __ ] source so there you go there you [ __ ] go so anyway [ __ ] on that the Petro [ __ ] how come John won't come on he hasn't got did he get back to me nope he he's not getting back to me he's not answering so we'll see if he calls later okay let me uh refresh the donos right quick Turtle chats all right Candace sends 10 bucks and says I might regret this but why do you call her crusty panties oh we have a video for that does anyone have the video of why we call her crusty panties do we have a is that on Krusty Panties clips and where name came from our YouTube channel there's a clip of it there's on one of basically um and I think I if if Laura from London was right now she would just send it to me I'd have it in one second but we're on like 4:00 London time so basically she was like sleeping at mooching off some friends she was the best man in her friend Eli's wedding and Eli has since doesn't can't stand her anymore so Eli and his wife came on the show and told us that she left her um rotted crusty panties in their house like on the floor like she didn't clean it up like she's just [ __ ] disgusting like what like her I talked to her mother-in-law or you know and she left period blood all over the [ __ ] they were staying at the house all over the bread oh she's gonna get it to me in a minute she's gonna get it to me in a minute she says so yeah no it's just [ __ ] just the most disgusting pig ever ever and word is the MC Alberts and o'keef although they are gracious for the fact that uh you know she's been very loyal to them they're kind of getting sick of her shenanigans because she's kind of making it all about her um yeah oh yeah that is Brett I I have no [ __ ] idea what happened to that loser um haven't heard from him in a long time don't really care I'm sure he's still talking about me doing his thing but uh is what it is okay next up um might have missed you talk about it what are your thoughts on the micro dos waterfall video oh wanted to get to that tonight we we'll do that another time I thought it was amazing thought it was amazing go check it out you're and I should have Richie on sometime do like an interview with Richie and talk about micro dots we should do that sometime yeah um so thank you uh keep you're my favorite person on the internet keep winning much love well thank you very much uh Candace Danielle sends 10 bucks goes yes East Ham sorry damn talk to text I was driving and clearly didn't proof fre that's okay we love you um do we have any cash apps oh we've I got the crusty panties video uh Rod said five bucks and goes Anonymous you're not Anonymous now Grant's brother cam is rapper LV Montana LV Montana you heard it here first LV Montana so thank you very much Grande's little brother is a rapper and his music sucks his music sucks all right um let me see if I I think I was just sent the video okay 5550 so this is when we interviewed messages you said that um her kids spent almost their entire lives in either foster homes or Andrew's sister had them for would do everything in her power to make DCF think Andrew's sister wasn't stable Andrew by the way she calls Andrew her her husband she told me that she was married she's not married to him you know that right I know she told us that they went to like New York or something for a weekend and they got married but then afterwards when we were hanging out every day was the best man in This Woman's wedding like New Hampshire um so I'm trying to read what else uh what else we got here um so you talked about the AA meetings we talked about uh did DCF once I went to K went with K oh when she pimped out Jade she pimp remember she pimped out Jade so she was in rehab with this chick named Jade and then she ended up being Jade's pimp and like selling her body for crack or some [ __ ] like I mean she is one of the most ratchet individuals to ever grace the face of the Earth ever for a visit at DCF with her kids there was an incident uh in which they were being inappropriate with each other and you knew about that you knew about that how did you know about yeah see her children according to her DCF reports uh were uh two when they were put in a foster home the older two they were touching each other I guess and they had to be separated and that's as Brett as my old pal Brett said that is learned behavior you know like uh listen unless unless her daughter was at the liquor store I don't believe Kate found her for one second one I think to get your kid taken in Massachusetts as a female bro you literally they gotta catch you [ __ ] pimping her out and [ __ ] lighting your crack pipe off its head yeah let's not let's let's not forget what happened in DCF care with her son and her daughter like that was learned behavior that was learned you know that is 100% something was witnessed or done to fidd her on the roof there her son and he acted out the same behavior because he thinks it's all right and again I'm not saying this [ __ ] because I hope these kids go through like best case scenario they never see their mother again and they get therapy right but the world we actually live in is one of where under her [ __ ] care one of them [ __ ] played Connie with his own [ __ ] sister and put some digits in them or whatever the [ __ ] he did and the other ones running around sucking dicks or fentanyl and cocaine that's not the kids's fault that's because their example as a parent and a mother and a beacon of art how am I supposed to be is bottom of the [ __ ] barrel sign that's her friend Brett who was on the show that's her buddy Brett that was saying that about her kids or about I have no doubt this broad's been [ __ ] suck a dick for a [ __ ] way to go like I I don't want that to be the truth the kid yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely that's what he said about her daughter what about this I meet two two aren't there there two that aren't there about a girl about sex and one of them buried his digit and his sister do you understand that man Brett was funny when he was on our side he was funny like hey mom wait mom what are you doing this is what M's doing you in love you're [ __ ] okay okay no it's just like I said I'm enjoying the [ __ ] out of this and there'll be people tomorrow talking about how much of a scumbag iy am from liking this I don't like that are kids a [ __ ] mess no but you don't only need to look at Kate Kate is the root cause of all of this and someday Kama comes for its payment and she'll get it and we will sit back and laugh because we still have a great show and you're sucking out of the dick [ __ ] you dead be like you br you won't be part of it stop it and that oh they're lucky I don't let my daughter say her peace on that I dare you kid Listen to Me Kate you [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] I dare you dare you to let that little [ __ ] psychopath out of her cage yeah go ahead I dare you I dare you I dare right well she's real good at fooling stupid people that is a skill I mean you look at her audience and stuff hey you were stupid I I got stupid a little we made the mistake I'm talking about the ones that after this are going to blindly defend it she'll be they'll be like well maybe her vagina had covid that could happen P he's thing is the cherry on the piece of [ __ ] Sunday like what what the guy there say it looked like her [ __ ] [ __ ] had a nasal infection that what he said something listen when she's 18 give it a shot Kate I [ __ ] dare you when that little [ __ ] Sean demon [ __ ] is 18 send her out here have her do you work cuz I'll bury her like I buried [ __ ] you you piece of [ __ ] I bet you Benedict Arnold Judith [ __ ] [ __ ] you you slimy [ __ ] what oh indigenous isn't when you put your fingers in a dog's butt no no that's what Kate son put in his [ __ ] sister that's what the [ __ ] how about oh no you guys want to keep [ __ ] that's not an allegation you get to make you piece oh no it's actually in the DPF report it's not you know but Ser oh my God that's horrible that's so horrible to say those things you know like ques said do you regret [ __ ] with Lauren M [Music] no what what okay all right anyway um I could listen to those all day those never get oh so I gotta play the K crusty panties part is that 55 minutes I'm told where she talks about crusty panties that lived across the street from the school and uh after his mom passed away she treated them like [ __ ] they broke up and like Rick was just finally the the nice guy friend moved into the position and Rick knocked her up and I mean Rick's a nice guy you know but he's an addict as well yeah I mean nothing ever surprises me definitely has a TI absolutely addict that's weak-minded enough to let her control sad because they're nice people they're nice so it went Rick was the first uh no the the father of her first kid was also named Rick I believe Rick Kelly Rick Kelly that's what I'm talking about Oh I thought you talking about I think her actual father's named Richard too oh I think so I I thought Steph was the father of all those kids no no Rick Kelly is is the is the girl's father and she got him hooked on on drug so I talked to Rick Kelly's mother about this Kate used to live with them and Kate one time uh uh this was like the final straw with her she said that they slept in her bed her and Rick and Kate got period blood all over the sheets and just yeah she told blood way worse than that all over some [ __ ] clean let's he so you tell me a story about that let's hear I want to hear tell me about what she did tell me about what she did what did she do after she after we had like told her get the [ __ ] out of our life like you suck ass and we're not [ __ ] your friends anymore go the [ __ ] away never come back basically I go in my room like there's a stack of laundry on my folded laundry on top of my dresser and it was like clothes that Kate was borrowing right while she was there so I didn't want them back so I just put them I would wash them by themselves and dry them and I would fold them up and I put them on top the dresser and that was her spot and some of her clothes were there too so after she left I'm G to just throw that [ __ ] away so I got the trash can I go throw it away I pick up a stack of the clothes and like part of the way through and there's clothes in between the clean clothes there's a pair of panties in there that I don't even know how the hell to describe crustiest dustiest nastiest drawers this side of the Mississippi I don't understand how that happened like [ __ ] no like something from her vagina like it looked like crust and like [ __ ] oh my God it was all kinds of pictur sinus infection but I pictures yeah it look like her vagina had a really horrible sinus in infection and like exploded um it was terrible I printed pictures and that was one of the things that we did when at the newspaper to try to terrorize her I took those pictures and I showed them to everybody at work you still have them do you still have them look what she left at my house I show everybody like livid but she didn't say anything to us she left them at your house like first of all why wouldn't you put been dirty clearly hello that's the dirtiest I've ever seen of any underwear ever and I have six kids and have all potty trained you know like come on that's a biohazard how dare you biohazard a red God that is [ __ ] nasty thing I've ever seen and that includes those gross shows on TV that show you all kinds of gross stuff yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh so you said that you um we had to stay with and basically babysat her every day make sure she took her what's it an abuse yeah okay so that's how crusty panties got her name is she lived with those people and she was the best man in their wedding and then they had a falling out and she left her rotted crusty panties that looked like her vagina had a a nasal infection I'm just quoting them and because you asked and that's how the off like that's who Jennifer mccab had over for a Christmas party like imagine like think of how far Jennifer mccab Has Fallen that that is who she has to befriend hit her and John de Petro that's that's what she's got left yikes even if they get away with murder would you really want to if those were your friends you know is it worth it yikes anyway all right cool all right anybody else have anything else uh before I go on vacation Dono read & questions let's see um let me just refresh the turtle chat 10 bucks from Jenna says I love watching your videos which ones nobody has the balls to confront these people like you do keep it up which videos okay thank you very much Jenna I appreciate that balls keep it up I don't know if there's some things in there but all right thank you um why are we forg covering this I forget because that's that's the P that person was on court TV as like the official spokesperson of the o'keefes and the MC Alberts like that that person so I'll be gone for a week uh so we'll miss two shows but I'll probably be checking in here or there I'll be on Twitter who am I kidding um but anyone else have any questions I don't have the camelis video I need it though what is it Montana LV and again that's the source of the um no [ __ ] way this guy is he doesn't even have a video it's just him sitting down is this him is it hold on we just got to see Grant's brother music video [Music] [Applause] my world you know [Music] it's we gotta free that guy charg witness intimidation because he did nothing wrong his music does suck that's [ __ ] horrible King is this really Grant's brother Grande's brother [Music] no you broke my heart now I don't know what to do baby why did you do this to me it was me you and me now I can't do anything cuz you're on my mind and he killing me baby why you do me like this you know you were my first kiss now I'm sitting here and I I know what to do I just want to be with you I got you mad I got you a bag I'm sitting on it's making you sad you see my little girl you staring you laugh but you side it's making you mad I'm flipping the scrip I'm popping the you see mying this L I'm whipping the drag I'm all now and it's making you mad you call my phone you blowing it up you call I'm hanging it up backing the sto I'm making these hits you send me a text you say I'm a [ __ ] I text you back stop running your lips I'm chasing these racks chasing a [ __ ] you [ __ ] with me I'll EMP the clip [ __ ] talking I'm trying to get R done with you I can't play these games with you you broke my heart in now I don't know what to do baby why did you do this to me it was supposed to be you and me now I can't do anything cuz you're on my mind and it's killing [Music] me that tell me is this really Grande's brother he bro this can't be real if you [ __ ] with me and this guy's wi how are you going that cuz his friend said like he thinks he's hard on his videos he wanted to be in the game now he's in the game is this really Grant stupid brother he's got that had 10,000 views with 10 subscribers oh there's a lot of hate Watchers out there what's this one pull up his fing got the drop now talk the cops don't that sh and that boy got stop now we going to your mama crib bro just grab the clock my watch look I flex my whip look I flex my [ __ ] look F my it's [Music] him watch watch f f Flex ta up in your tax Max with your ta Max oh we got it oh you know what else okay you know what I you know what I thought of since we're doing rappers here real quick all right so in the freaking data extraction from fake victim she calls gnti all the time so Trying to call Gianetti now we have GN Edd's uh phone number so now I think we need to call GN edti let's let's get her I just got to pull up her phone records real quick okay all right GN Eddie where'd he go she called them all the time Auntie Cheryl oh Mike gianetti okay here we go we're gonna call him right now you know about the stoen thing who's this star 67 okay I definitely don't want gianetti having this although he's probably got it who am I kidding 648 error please hang up and try your call again oh of course it's not in sir let me try star 67 648 hold on the subscriber you have dialed is not in service if you feel You' received this message in error please hang up and try your call again later okay so gnti uh the phone that he used to communicate with fake victim every day uh right around the time was arrested uh is out of service so there's that okay so oh well oh well it was a good time time we I hacked his I haven't talked to him since he uh confronted me outside he was there when I got released from jail I believe it was like him and Grant uh that greeted me when I got out he was there after the 22nd hearing um this is him oh wait we got another one oh my God he's so ghetto holy [ __ ] how is this Grande's BR this is Grande's brother like what is going on with Cameron Ellis no wonder this I mean he's talking about like I'm intimidated and [ __ ] stop it stop it Grande's brother oh and I got one more video sent to me let me see if I have this I'm not sure what this video is uh let me pull it up all right I don't know what I'm about to play here this was sent to me so I gotta play this so are you are you good old crusty panties I am I'm gonna crusty panties okay just wanted to be sure oh you know what's funny in the cell phone data extraction too so Tim bradel went on the young jerks oh this is funny actually Tim BRD went on Tim Bradl on Young Jurks the young jerks on December 13th right and now that we have uh fake victims cell phone data extraction we're able to see like we see that she was texting uh crusty panties and they were talking about making fake names and stuff to go on uh Tim Brad's thing and you know [ __ ] around I guess like and so I went back on it and I noticed this so like Natalie Hughes is apparently her fake name okay and she's writing stuff like uh let's see if I find the good one why aren't you addressing your knowledge of Karen Reed's guilt okay um fake thank you your confirming Karen Reed is guilty uh and I said I said no I I got the right one don't forget your birth control I said this is on December 13th because I I thought it was fake victim and uh so but apparently it was crusty panties we've now learned from the data extraction um I said how's your life in Medfield you give yourself way too much sorry AIDS land you got the wrong person I did it was crusty I did uh but she said she calls herself crusty in one of these isn't Aiden trying to get crusty charged with witness intimidation so this is crusty on a fake account on the young jerks on December 13th using a fake account and referring to herself as crusty panties I know this is her because I have the text messages between her and the fake victim in which they're talking about using fake names and writing on there and crusty panties goes she thinks or he thinks I'm you he thinks I'm you so there's that so it was like when you put all the clues together like put the pieces of the puddles of the data extracting together it's just [ __ ] wild it's just like oh my God you have no [ __ ] life huh like none but anyway guys uh I'm at my batteries at I haven't charged my computer this whole show uh Signout it's we're at 4% so I'm gon to call it a night as opposed to charging it love you find people all right keep up the good work guys and uh we'll see you guys uh for the next episode of Live show I won't be till uh about 10 days from now all right but uh hopefully nothing too crazy happens when I'm gone and uh but if something does impromptu live obviously from the cape all right if you're down in the Truro area you know uh don't be jealous Jill don't be too jealous you can come you can say hello because I have ah a thing I what is it called okay no you don't because you're a [ __ ] loser oh I went to T because somebody gave me a thing so I'll be on my thing and uh we'll see you guys all when we get back all right peace Turtle Riders

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