Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:15:34 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: sharon okpamen
Jesus Christ how did we get here for God's sake an innocent person just passed an innocent person just passed a peaceful girl just past you people don't want her to rest in peace why why even if s even if want talk nobody should even call me I don't even want to talk even if want sag someone that just passed this one go come out come talk this one come on top a young girl that just passed is that what we should be talking about is this what should matter to us right now is this how we should go about this whole thing because of Facebook money because of pinut oh my goodness guys I'm disappointed I am disappointed why are you disappointed honey I'm on I'm on video please okay this is so wrong this is so wrong this is so wrong if people W play is that you've sold your soul to the devil girl everybody know all just carry I thought by now I talk how is the mother fairing how are those children fairing how would the mother cope how would the children cope this person in case you guys don't know I'm aware that the mother has just two kids just two children one just passed do you people think that woman need this trauma right now so how do you guys think she will feel that when she's supposed to be money her late child people are bashing her online does this make sense this is wrong adopt me this is so wrong this is so wrong you push should allow her mour in peace you people should please allow that woman mourn in peace sh was an Entertainer that the the whole world know the whole being know but in Nigeria and in diaspora this girl just passed just like that you guys did not even want this girl oh God I just wish this was a prank on Sharon say she just want fake her death may she see W her people they do to her you should stop stop it you don't have human feelings the mother is grieve this woman is mourning just two children now she get one just pass if let's assume what you all are saying is true say she know really take care of her child she don't do this she don't do that do you think this woman is happy now that this has happened what is you people's business in this issue all this sag the SAG now waiting he go do for Shon and our household even if not forgive the mother assuming you guys are angry as the family members online family members assuming you guys are angry with the mother go because of L Shon show Mery as love and Rich way claim to love Shon so much go because of Sharon show the mother Mercy why you dragging why you dragging the mother go dig out informations I want know who she born for what is your business what okay what has the person she born for what what what get to do with this situation at hand now the person where she born for concern us now is this what we should be talking about is this what we should be concerned about be people is this how you people love is it is this how you people mour the dead now a young girl just passed with a newborn baby who is less than a month we are dragging the mother don't people don't people realize that this woman need a sanity to take care of that child what is the meaning of this join me what is the meaning of all these things we are doing can we put a stop already before what happen to Shen to household can you po stop already before what happen toen to I don't care who sees this video I don't care who comes out for me if you come out for me I will come out for you enough is enough use my sense Shon was my friend Shon was my friend sh was this me you coming out to Sag can't you shut the f up for us get wife get husbands come the dead Fe life this sh on death Fe this sh on because of Facebook cheap money all the money get all the house everything she is it gone all the Facebook Nigeria if you die that house your family sell everything money for nothing say I have access to go that Europe now from this UK I don't reach there go hold the woman you should give that woman hope she has just two kids and one just P you are here talking trash online why why did you die Shon you for fight you for fight for fight I'm coming for the rest of you this one is just to to pass an advice to you all I can't warn you people but nowen to sh if we are not stop to the SAG sh name online get online because this is too much and if you come out for me came to you know me I take nonsense I go take permission I come out for this just pass call friends online which friends I be which kind love I get for this girl people even love her seven years old if people are saying Shon was this peaceful Shon was good Shon was quiet she know look for trouble even worse this one happen get children get wife get siblings if siblings dieti don't make sense now we all should be doing is just okay how do we not raise money how is the burier going to be done are they bringing her to Nigeria are they burying her there how are they going to do it this is what you people I oh I can't believe I'm saying the you suppos should stop this you suppos to stop this stop this they do it don't make sense for the past for the past 5 days I don't think I've been okay I've not been okay yes I know some be like why don't yes but there was a time we were friends there was a time Shon was my best friend in this industry there was a time she was my best friend you didn't so you think because we don't talk I won't feel hot you think I'm happy that she's she passed why should I be happy that Shon passed why what will he do for me I be Al life will do me more [Music] favor you are coming out you say you you love her you say you you I don't know how you people love I don't know how you people love so human doesn't mean anything to you guys if you see her picture I can't even watch her picture I find it hard to believe Shon was gone until her friend posted you guys stop stop already leave shon's mother alone let that woman mourn in peace I don't care what she has done I don't care what she did she just lost a child is what matters to me are you you people should let no honey I'm not crying you people should let her mourn in peace you people should let that girl rest in peace make leave Sharon alone who know leave Shon matter for mouth who go sag Shon name Facebook again go now you go you say make you Shon name make money nowon now you see now go through now you go through for your life now go see come out they analyze a pretty young girl I thought by now the whole Facebook will be as peaceful as anything grieved pained you'll see chance till they post post till they talk on live video they post post they talk and you say you love this person how do you guys love how do you guys do your friendship how do you guys do it what kind of friendship what kind of love do you have for that girl he just done on me that no friends for this life when I feel more better I will come to that how do you guys do your friendship because of money Facebook Facebook get respect for come again Shon where my d where

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