Making Disciples // Apostle Michael Thomas

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 01:24:58 Category: Entertainment

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Hall amen amen amen good morning good morning good morning to all of you that are watching online good morning to the um ones that are in the sanctuary amen God is good he's blessed us to see another morning and I just thank God for you that are here with us inside of this ministerial training class amen amen amen good morning good morning good hallelujah amen I want to welcome your um in here amen eternal life matters that's my brother Perry amen amen I appreciate him Hallelujah my godmother sister Mabel mlan good to see you God Mom Cynthia Pasley my pastor Pastor Patty Johnson amen just thank God for all of you that are inside of this particular training and I I think today is going to be a really good one amen one that the Lord is laying on my heart to minister on disciples making disciples making disciples I've I've noticed in recent times thank God for himma uh and also Auntie Kathy Bryant I've noticed in recent times the Lord has really highlighted something inside of what he motivates me to minister amen and I'm not saying that no one else is motivated the same way but I just know that I'm in a particular season where there's something that God is highlighting for me to minister amen and so and one of those things is the maturity of the Saints amen the spiritual maturity of the Saints seeing seeing the Saints um fully mature amen for some reason God has that very important to me that the Saints grow into maturity amen and so in doing so in trying to bring the Saints into maturity often times we have to address why Saints are not maturing why they are not maturing one of the ways that you can tell if if maturity is taking place is if you are a saint Born Again believer and you deal with things the same way you dealt with them five years ago when you first came into Christ or let's say 10 years ago the same way and there is no growth then chances are you're not maturing amen you're not maturing if you have the same weakness that you had when you came in and and and you you don't see no strength in that area amen chances are you're not growing and if that's the case then that's concerning that's that's of the of the greatest concern why am I not growing there are certain things that when I was a younger Minister that I failed at I failed at both at you know both for due to reasons of conviction but also due to reasons of a lack of knowledge amen but whatever the case was I still failed at i c can't say the same today about those same things amen there are certain things that I just I just know it's it's a no for me I'm not going to fail in that you know based on the wisdom that I've gained over the years about the Wows of the enemy based on the wisdom that I gained over the years on on the necessity of truly loving God loving God Amen to where certain things are not an issue that they may have been an issue before I don't say that as braggadocious I say that as a staple Amen to confirm that there is a such thing called growth in God Amen and the more you grow the more you mature the more certain things wouldn't won't even be an issue certain decisions are automatic for you they're innate in you are you all working with me so God is really impressing upon me to to teach or preach messages that bring the Saints into maturity it's a terrible thing when people sit under leadership for years and they are still not mature amen that's that's actually a terrible thing it's a terrible thing for you to sit under leadership for years and your pastor still have to hold your hand inside of your decision making Hallelujah right that's that's a terrible that's not a good thing amen that's not a good thing if if if you're under leadership for years but but the simplest of decisions you cannot discern and have discretion on how you should navigate amen hallelujah so it is imperative that we come into maturity so why or how or when did we stop growing when and why why did did we as the church stop growing why did Church become organizations that simply babysick grownups until they die amen let's just be real why when why did the church become a a nesting ground for adults to Simply come you know weekdays Sundays for some Saturdays until they eventually perish but there is never a manifesting of the life that is described in the Bible in that person's life Hallelujah there's you you never see that Hallelujah why and why did we become this stagnated this stagnated um group are you all working with me this stagnated where we're stagnated in our in our growth why and why this is another big question and why are we okay with that why are we okay with reading a Bible that tells of people that were walking in the fullness of the stature of the man Christ but we are not as the church right why are we okay with that why are we okay with reading a sinless gospel but yet struggling with sin amen why are we okay with that why are we okay with the early church bringing forth the power of God we see it in Miracles we see it in salvations we see it in in one would preach and 3,000 are saved and added to the body of Christ we see it when God would lead one to a whole whole house and he would preach and even the Servants of the house get saved we see the power of God in the Bible why are we okay not operating in that power why are we okay with that is is that a good question Apostle why are we okay with just reading of Peter and Paul but not walking in the same Authority and the same you know freeness that they walked in Hallelujah maybe it's it's it's the same reason why we're okay with reading the life of Jesus but never walking in that you know it why are we okay with Hallelujah seeing the glory of God in the Bible but not seeing that same Shak glory in our own life that's a problem Apostle you want to address any of this um Apostle Kareem amen they did they saying okay tell us why we okay with it hallelujah amen but why are we okay okay with that Hallelujah why did we become okay with mediocrity as a way of life for the Son of God a life separate and apart from the leading of the spirit are you all working with me the Bible says in one of one of our one of our chapters in verse be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind by the renewing of your mind the way we think has to be renewed amen the way we think the way we think about ourselves the way we perceive the church has to change cuz if that does not change we will conform to the world that's right Hallelujah even the church world that's right y'all quiet that's right even even the church where we we would just conform and to to to what things are and the way things are now I remember Apostle kareim taught a message and I listen when he when he teaches he taught a lesson in one of the school of the prophets where he said that the Lord said to him don't be don't be content with being what you see but but if I if I God move you to to do what you don't even see being done around you amen then you do that Hallelujah and I believe that when God was saying that through him he was saying that to us amen don't be content amen just because you see a bunch of powerless churches for for you now to become one that's right come on somebody is God talking to anybody don't be content amen just just because you see a lot of Blended churches churches that have Blended in with the world for you now to become Blended in with the world is also amen no be what you don't even see that's right Hallelujah that lesson blessed me Hallelujah be what and have the guts to be what you don't see you don't see Hallelujah and have the guts to say what you don't hear amen come on Hallelujah have the guts to say Amen if God said be ye perfect have the gut to say that Hallelujah even if you don't hear it being said no where else oh is God talking to anybody Hallelujah even if it's not popular still you Proclaim it Hallelujah are you are working with me have the guts to seek for the power of God that you read about even if no one else is seeking for it Hallelujah have the guts Amen to believe that Holiness is achievable yes it is and I'm talking about continued Holiness is achievable even if no one else believes it you believe it it's God talking to anybody else hallelujah amen I want to go into the scriptures this morning amen we're going to starting The Gospel according to Matthew amen Matthew and I believe the 21st the 21st chapter amen and this is a a familiar very familiar scenario that that is often read amen inside of messages but we want to just really explore it a little bit amen Matthew 21 and 23 amen the Lord and when he was come into the temple mm the chief priests and the Elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching and said by what Authority does thou these things and who gave thee this Authority now I want you to see something here I want you to see something here amen Jesus no one will mess with you let me let me let's let's start here no one will mess with you except you start making waves you know except you start making waves except something is being done through you that draws people's attention because we remember when the Pharisees was discussing Jesus and his disciples they were discussing about them and one of the Pharisees said man he's he's just going to die out like the other ones did right so that lets us know that there were other men before Jesus you know that had reputation so to speak if you want to say Amen but Jesus was making an impact right because he was operating in the power of God and see it's something about the power of God that will make the enemy stand up and take notice right so here the Pharisees they're asking him by what Authority do you do these things in but then they ask him a very very specific they say and who gave you this Authority it's very important that you see this it's very important that you see this because the Pharisees they were limited to what they understood to be the constitution of faith right right and that was the Mosaic law right that was that Judean law are you all working with me and it was passed down to Israel amen and it was enforced by the Pharisees but it became an institution are y'all working with me it became an institu it became a hierarchy it became status it became Pharisee it became organization it became structure yeah are you all working with me it it it ceased to represent just the word of God given to govern the people but it now made the Pharisees separate and apart from the very people that they were supposed to govern are you all working with me I want I want you to see that this is how leadership today has gotten off course they started amen with the intent of God to to bring structure to the household of Faith amen but somewhere they lost that intent and they saw it as now position right and so now they're asking questions who gave you position all right who gave you Authority oh Hallelujah you know why Apostle Banks you got to see this because there is not even Credence given to the possibility that God is actually giving Authority come on come on man has completely wiped God out of the equation of ministry here it to me um Apostle Kareem that was a very stupid question it was a very stupid question based on the works that Jesus was doing it was obvious God had given him that Authority but it is but that shows us how far the minds of the Pharisees were Hallelujah from from just straight logic Hallelujah to where they're looking at the operation of God and still asking the one that God is using who gave you this Authority you know why because they have completely removed G God out of the equation of ministry removed him they removed him before you go Apostle they've completely removed him so he's so removed now in their thinking to where even when he operates they're essentially telling him did we give you permission exactly that's to operate that's it that's what they trying yeah he did we give you permission to operate got power even though you got the power we don't even have the power but but did did but did we who did did you talk to one of the guys come on now come on somebody are you all working with me God is trying to show us how church got off course Apostle amen oh my God Amen praise the Lord amen that is just so so epic as where the church is today yes ma'am because there are there are leaders that that don't have the power even the anointing sometimes to even Minister mhm but but someone will be in that work that does have it and they will not authorize them to work right it would not because they feel threatened by them my Lord praise the Lord amen you want me to read the next verse I'm sure yes ma'am and Jesus answered and said unto them I also will ask you one thing which if you tell me I in likewise will tell you by what Authority I do these things my Lord the baptism of John when was it from heaven or of men oh look at this look at this question that Jesus is posing look at this question the baptism of John now I want you to see how Jesus aligns himself with John inside of this how because this is really honoring the ministry of John the Baptist right the baptism of John did you approve it this is what he's asking I'm not the only one that you don't approve of but did you even approve of John was he a Pharisee did you give him Authority or did his authority come from heaven or did it come from men cuz if it came from men it would have came from you right it would have came from you but it was undeniable that God was working with John yes it was undeniable brother Mark that God was working with John the Baptist right so much so to where he had become an icon in the in the Israeli people to where people knew wait a minute he's not a Pharisee he's not this he's not always in the temple and look the way he dressed but there's an anointing on his life see you can't take when uh when when a person is actually anointed amen we need to one day we need to really explore the anointing come on and the anointing we need to explore that and we need to explore the anointed right the anointed when a person is Anointed they are selected they are selected by God Amen they are selected by God Elijah was anointed come on somebody amen hallelujah amen the the Leviticus priesthood they were anointed they were selected for the priesthood amen are you all working with me and the thing about the anointing is it's undeniable right come on when God select a person just like Apostle amen gave the scenario amen that person may not be the pastor in the church but that anointing going to shine through it's coming through it's coming through every time they open their mouth it's going to spew anointing when they're in the presence you going amen of of just a meeting you're going to feel the anointing why because they are selected by God to walk in his power are you all working with me and so and so it was so the same way with John amen John was not a Pharisee that's right John was not a Pharisee the Bible does not say that he was a Pharisee the Bible say he was a Baptist he was baptizing people are you all working with me but but in the midst of baptizing people he was preaching another thing that that sometime is never mentioned in the midst of baptizing people he was creating disciples he had disciples come on somebody if so look at this um look at this brother is there were people that were following God that were not Pharisees that's right y'all got to this Hallelujah there were people amen following John amen amen what God is doing so what that lets us know oh hallelujah oh Lord What it lets us know is that God had given people discernment that though these men know the law they are not the standard of it don't follow them now that was understood before Jesus came y'all got to see this amen cuz if this is not so would not have any disciples they was already understood that these brothers talk a good one Hallelujah but they're not walking in the spirit of the word but this man John come on somebody he don't have the nice robe he don't have the temple to preaching he's in a in a in a old Canal somewhere baptizing people but yet we see and experience the power of God on his life that we will follow him yes yes yes oh Hallelujah somebody say the anointing the anointing is undeniable and the anointed is selected and chosen by God yes John God is not just throwing the anointing around and and and this one look around he anointed don't know why and all this kind offf no God Amen chooses those that he's going to bestow the anointing on are you all working with me so here it is men already got the discernment that the Pharisees they're not it that's not it I follow John I follow I follow John out there in the wilderness by itself he's the voice of one crying out in the wilderness I'll be out there in the wilderness with him rather than be Amen in this Temple come on somebody with all these Hypocrites Hallelujah with all this hypocrisy I I I rather be out there in the sun with him is God talking to anybody this morning Hallelujah Apostle Kareem do you have anything you want to add to this amen what the Lord sharing with you hallelujah hallelujah it's just so profound um it's like I'm just looking at the fact that God just put something in people that know him you know and and sometimes we give so much Credence to culture MH culture and how people are you know and sometimes we can even structure our services to meet a culture okay or we need to do this sort of natural thing in order to be successful in Ministry you know but we have scripture here where ministers like John the Baptist and Jesus they broke culture they broke what was customary the disciples the apostles um they were not educated in the law that's right but God has a way of showing who's anointed he has a way of letting everyone know my Lord I am using this person Lord and you know what people will come in contact with you mhm and they will know mhm okay this is God's man this is God's mhm and they will do their own thing but once they're ready to serve God they'll know who to find that's right you know and and sometimes there's a toiling there's a striving there's a striving to even keep people but our focus should be that we're walking in the anointing where it's undeniable as you're saying that that that anointing that you're walking in that life you're walking in that word that you preach is so of God that to depart from the words and to live contrary is to depart from God my Lord because your words are of God your life is of God and you know once we stay there a lot of the striving a lot of you know just trying to do this trying to do that it will be done for like Doc would always tell a story about that that lady where everyone in the community know if you need to be healed go to that lady Lord bring your child to that lady you know she didn't even have a church she was in her home you know but but that was God making a statement breaking through the culture we're not taking our child to the church we're taking her this child to a home to a house there's an anointed one that stays in a house day in and day out and and if we just abide there you know if our heart just hungers and thirst to walk in righteous where God will will show the world show principalities and poers that we are chosen we are approved then working Ministry we'll be able to see what we see in the scripture my Lord Apostle you good Hallelujah are you all learning you know when when Apostle Kareem was was ministering one of the things that came to heart was that you know there are people that watch this particular broadcast this particular broadcast they get up in the morning and they wait till this particular broadcast come on right now we don't make them right we don't make them they have service the next day but what will make them on their own you know take the initiative to say you know I'm going to tune in to this particular the anointing amen because I'm selected and we are selected to do what we're doing Hallelujah now now let me show you Church though let me show you church amen and and when I say church amen take that as as in I'm talking about the modern church and churchy right when I say let me show you church church will put a demand on you to to be at right oh Hallelujah this platform right for training and teaching right yeah but if you're anointed you won't have to demand people that's right to be there right are y'all seeing this church church will make it a stipulation right hey you got to be here and don't get me wrong there's a there's a place for structure there's a place for for yes structure amen but I'm talking about when you put structure in place of the anointing right when now you force people yeah you got to ask yourself why is it is it something yeah yeah I'm sorry Church makes people come out of loyalty to leadership right sometime loyalty or the authority of leadership the authority of leadership yeah rather than the anointing of God right and that's the difference when people are compelled they're compelled in their heart in their heart in their heart by something that you don't even have to say mhm glory to God you don't have to say you need to be there right God will let them know they need to be there you see M we can't leave that principle that says you can't come to God except he draw you he draw you that's right and it's the anointing that God used to draw me unto himself amen and that person that God has selected so that's why the scripture tell us that each one of us that have been selected have our measure my Lord that that means now as that God has already allocated how many people are going to hear you my Lord my Lord he already knows how many going to hear you he's already selected he's already placed that anointing in their hearts my Lord and that compelling my Lord to hear you whether it be coming into the sanctuary being at home riding in the car turning on the the link or on their job you know playing it in the earphone wherever God has has has placed that anointing inside of them that compels them to tune in to this broadcast my Lord and there's nothing that anybody can do to stop that my Lord you see that that's not you that's that's not the authority of man right and his association with his congregation that that can bring that about right glory to God Amen that's the same as if glory to God if God tell you to go into another Nation I've lived this God tell you to go into another country my Lord people will other leaders there will be opposed to you coming into that country but if you if you're coming into that country in by digital design amen they can't stop that that's right and and and when they when people tune in and they hear glory to God they why are they tuning in something compell them the anointing because their leaders may say don't don't listen to that don't listen that has happened to me in my Ministry leaders big you know you know those High exellant leaders have said to their congregation don't listen to that lady don't go to her website leave her books alone but but but glory to God there was a compelling there is a compelling right today in people's heart to hear this word my Lord glory to God I don't even know them my Lord you you don't know the people everybody that's getting this broadcast you don't know where it's Landing you don't know the the Far Corners of the world that it's going into and what it's doing in the hearts of the people but that's because God selected you for this particular moment and for this particular task to God and there's nothing any the devil can do to stop that my Lord is God talking to anyone heyen how many just want to be anointed anointed I want to be anointed and I want to follow an anointing amen I want to follow an anointing I I don't want want to follow personage I don't want to follow um blind loyalty I want to follow an anointing are you all working with me amen when you're following the anointing as apostle said and I may sound being like I'm being redundant it's just that we're on one Accord amen when you're following an anointing there is no forcing to follow you're compelled to you're compelled you're moved to you know there there are people in the sanctuary amen that that that are not charged hey you got to be here it's they expect the anointing amen and so they just come you know they just come we got our our resident um Israeli he just come you know no matter where he's at he he he'll come are you all working with me because something he is experiencing or is God talking to anybody he's experiencing amen and what we what God want us to see from this scripture that that we're reading is how the anointing how the anointing when it is experienced by Authority and tradition it's the anointing people have a problem with yes it's the anointing these Pharisees Say by what Authority you do these things do they realize how how such a oxymoron the question that they're asking they it would have been different if they would have said that you Endeavor to do or try to do but you have actually concluded that he's doing that he's doing it certain things that can't be done without God right are you all working with me and you're still asking by what Authority that shows you where you have placed your Authority and the priority of authority amen there are leaders that are okay with you being immature as long as you honor their Authority for the rest of your life come on now oh Hallelujah they're okay with you never coming into the fullness of the man Christ on your own they're okay with you never being able to say the Lord spoke to me and I followed and I obeyed the Lord God they're okay with you never having a personal relationship with God that you have confidence in his leading his guidance as long as amen you honor their Authority and we as Leaders we have to we have to guard against this we have to make sure that there's a safeguard on our heart that we don't want amen the honor of the people amen for our authority over their maturity in God my Lord hallelujah we got to guard against that we have to guard against that some of some of us leaders need to go Seasons without people calling us by our title come on now that's real some of us we regard it too much being called Pastor being called Bishop amen amen hate to hear our first name come on somebody some of us need need to need to amen take on hey I'm just brother or I'm just sister let's just do that for a come on somebody I already say I'm brother mikeen cuz that's who I am are you all working with me are you all working with me some cannot handle somebody always calling them this and calling them that they'll get offended if you if you forget or Amen to call them by their calling yeah are you all working with me because they they prioritize being recognized by Authority they're Authority being recognized they they prioritize that so much so to where they'll downplay and even negate the moving of God the operation of his anointing amen they there and and I'll tell you something else that they'll do they'll put a petition between their people and the anointing anting they'll put a petition yes Hallelujah when you prioritize your Authority in people's lives and people start experiencing the anointing here or there you'll put a petition between that I love this about John Hallelujah when John the Baptist was coming to the end of his ministry he told his disciples go follow Jesus follow Jesus go follow Jesus he didn't send him to the church he didn't send him to the Pharisees he didn't send him to the temple and say hey know we've been following John can you all take us in no he said go follow Jesus amen hallelujah and see we should learn from John John always kept amen a a disposition of humility to Jesus even before he met him he had a disposition of humility already saying that hey I baptize you with water but there one coming he going to baptize you with the spirit and fire we know what the fire amen for those amen but he always kept humility for Jesus amen he always left room for that he was not it right oh Hallelujah as as much as people wanted to exalt him on that pedestal amen he always left room where no I'm not it I'm not it amen if leaders can adopt that and embrace that disposition kareim Hallelujah the the the modern day Church would be a different type of um or organization is God talking to anybody can we go further into scripture amen Apostle praise the Lord I just wanted to back up to something you said in the very beginning okay you said that John you said no one will bother you until you start making waves that's right you know know John started Making Waves Jesus was Making Waves amen what what are those waves there he was making an impact in the lives of the people amen he was making an impact in the lives of the people there is a very important aspect of the anointing that we cannot Overlook okay okay when we talk about the anointing you made reference to there are leaders there leaders that were that are simply okay with the people not being matured that's right they don't care if you don't reach maturity as long as you reverence and bow down to their Authority that's right as a leader in your life right okay that's what's important to them that's terrible so you remain now now now watch this now you remain under their Authority right you submit to that Authority MH mhm but you don't mature you don't mature you're not maturing just with that Authority M you you're listening to what they preach you're listening to what they teach you're going to everything that they doing but you're not maturing into Ministry and and and and you're not maturing in your fellowship and and relationship with God you're not maturing in that why because the aspect of the anointing that people will refuse to embrace is that it's the anointing that destroys yolks in people's lives that's right that's right that's why Jesus was able to make an impact that the Pharisees couldn't make that's right because amen that anointing that Jesus walked in was destroying all of the cultural differences the the ideologies the the social economic barriers it was tearing all those things down in the hearts of the people that's right and that's something that Authority can't do that's right it Authority alone man's Authority can't do that M so so you you're right those people will sit right there under that that allegiance that allegiance to the Loyalty of that of that authority of their leader until they perish my Lord they'll never mature because that authority of of men cannot destroy yolks in your life my Lord it would you they can preach but if you the Bible says this and I I can't leave this the Bible says the people must be taught by God by God that's right now you can't you can't you can't ignore that that so how does how are the people taught by God by the anointing that is Upon Our Lives God must be speaking through us if God is Not ministering to the people then the people will never mature if if we're ministering out of Flesh we're ministering out of of of of our own disposition our own agendas glory to God and we're controlling the people with with with with our own agendas we're we're we're putting scripture to our agenda my Lord glory to God you can't mature people like that that's right that's right those people will never be able to stand on their own and face the devil and and defeat the Devil in their lives amen with that kind of teaching my Lord it has to have the anointing my Lord glory to God awesome Amen are you all learning I'm just enjoying amen this particular amen class amen I told you God was going to say some things yes absolutely amen um you refer to when John's disciples this is Big John's disciples came to John and eventually John had to say go follow Jesus right that is that is so big because I I think sometimes we think about it from retrospect okay um meaning we now as a church know that Jesus is Lord yeah yeah but at that time Jesus was a man yeah you know walking around this was we would consider him another minister in our time you know um but it takes humility someone to be able to look at their own congregation and acknowledge I can't take you any further my Lord my lord I can't take you any further I have to refer you now Lord to someone that's anointed to take you beyond what where I am able to take youu and you know God will test Us in those kind of things I remember there's once there's um um this man came to me and he was like um I want to follow you or I want to um be mentored by you right and people have done that before you know and i' I've ministered in their life but this particular man I realized that what he needed MH was above my pay grade what he needed was basic basically I wasn't able to supply it right and and I was still learning you know and I'd probably still say the same thing now still learning but he needed more an experiened leader okay okay you know he needed an experienced leader and I remember that now was a test it was easy for me but hearing the lesson I'm realizing it's a test um I was able to say hey you know what based on what I'm seeing that you need you need a stronger leader I remember referring him to Doc I was like you know Doc is even my leader Lord you know and and what you're seeing in me I'm sure you've seen in her you know but she's able to take you where I can't take you currently my Lord you know but if if my heart was tied up in oh I have influence I have influence that do may not have I have influence that that might may not have I may now Lord ignore the fact that I'm not even able to meet that Soul that's right you know because that soul may be caught up in foolishness that soul may be like I want to follow you when you alone my Lord but if you truly love that Soul you'll tell that soul I you can't live off of me alone that's right you need the other body parts you need the supply of the church Lord you know but if we get caught up in our Authority or even our measure Lord you know people that have have come to us and said hey I want to follow you if we get caught up in that we'll ignore that Hallelujah that one person is to be fed by multiple measures my Lord you know one person is going to be nourished not just by one member of the body of Christ but many members me every joint has a supply that's right you know and but we will as you say put up those partitions we will separate them we'll control them we'll say hey I want you to only receive from this and you know what that's that's to the detriment of the soul lord and that is something that we would As Leaders be judged by that's right if we don't let the people receive the nourishment they need to grow my Lord yes ma' I would like for you to come in on this Mike uh create a scenario here because this is lead ship let us say that we that there there are pastors out there okay there are pastors out there that may be able to uh teach they they you know they they pastors so they they able to preach you know but they let's say they have um someone in the congregation that may be a um teacher or an associate pastor in that Ministry uh let's say it may be an assistant pastor Pastor whatever or a bishop but somebody else in that Ministry that has a deeper revelation of the New Covenant okay the deeper revelation of the mystery of Christ now that doesn't say that the pastor cannot preach but the pastor is aware that that person has a deeper Revelation would it not be I I like for you to comment on this uh there are there are some pastors that feel threatened by that or won't allow that uh that that Revelation to come forth is it that they feel threatened or is or are there any other reasons why they won't just allow that in other words like to to put that up as often as they possibly can without you know taking the pastor out of the out of the the place but putting that Revelation out there as often as it can that they don't have that that that Revelation there's a scripture that we quoted earlier and if you can bring it up on the board um Pastor um the scripture about be not conformed to this world right I want us I want to just see something for a minute um Romans 12 and 2 and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable perfect will of God now that scripture instructs us to not be conformed to the world I want us to see something there is an operation in the world okay that the church has conformed to okay right and that operation is I'm I'm can we um lift up that operation is Corporate right corporate the the corporate operation of the world has been brought into the church right and the church has now conformed to that corporate mindset right amen they' they've conformed to that so in that corporate mindset there is a CEO okay right and the church now has made the pastor the CEO oh wow he is not a Shepherd or she is not shepherding she is CEO or he is CEO take right so that's the conforming that's the world now influencing the church right and so now the church now has taken that structure and adopted it as Church right yeah and it it is like a pyramid it's like a pyramid structure in the church right but now let's see this let's see this what if the pastor is a Shepherd right Shepherds gather and Shepherds maintain the Gathering yeah that don't mean the shepherd does everything amen or every function in the flock but the what the shepherd do is bring the Gathering and maintain it I may be the pastor right but God may have a preacher for the flock come on now but he tells me just maintain this flock for the preacher to influence them with preaching I may be the pastor but but but it may not be for me to prophesy oh my God you are y'all working with me but but but but it may be the operation of God in my life to is to provide a congregation for that Prophet to prophesy too yes are you all working for that teacher to teach too yes Hallelujah but but if I have now conformed to this structure this construct of the world now I see myself as the CEO so if I see myself as the CEO then I got to I got to influence every auxil with my presence and I got to prove that I am the the teacher I got to prove that I am the prophet that I am the the head of this church I got to prove that because that's the construct of the world that I have now conformed to so there's no liberty in those you know I've conformed to that construct amen and the Lord told us to don't be conformed to the world don't be conformed don't don't do things like the world do it don't bring that now into the church amen but by the renewing of your mind be transformed is God talking to anybody Hallelujah I look at amen I look at the Nesbit and and some of the evangelists here right they go out and and and and and feed the Homeless and and and clothe people and stuff like that but I'm their Pastor right Hallelujah I'm I may be in their life hallelujah amen for their congregation that I may never enter entertain that's right come on but to gather them come on somebody I may I I may be in their life to gather oh oh I just hear a holy spirit I may I may be in their life to to to gather them amen but for Kareem to preach to them come on but I gathered them and say Kareem I need you to preach to them my hallelujah amen I may be there to gather them but for Dr Banks to preach to them oh hallelujah hallelujah to maintain when when when they now hear that word of God and and they get you know extremely excited amen I'm the I may just be the hand in their back that's encouraging them come on somebody follow what Kareem said follow what Dr Banks said but but in order for that to take place there has to be no pride in me amen because there's pride in me I become an impediment to that process an impediment to that operation amen if if if Kareem seem to get more amens than me guess what I'm going to cut Kareem's amen influence off Kareem can't keep ministering now amen Dr Banks can't keep ministering now because everybody looking to them like they're better than me uhuh no but what if God say but they are better than you in this particular measure come on and you're better than them in your in your particular measure amen but what if your measure is to gather come on somebody is God talking to anybody what if your measure is to gather Hallelujah don't you know amen for weeks amen maybe even months I did this class by myself I amen every every morning Saturday morning people was was was listening to me amen but that was The Gather amen for them to hear Dr Banks for them to hear Apostle Kareem is God talking to anybody but if I saw this as my platform I'm I'm going to keep that influence out no no I'm going keep this no this my class now are y'all working with me sometime that Pastor amen amen is not a preacher come on he should be apt to teach just like the bishop should be but sometime he's just simply not a good preacher right Hallelujah take your time but that doesn't that does not lessen his value as a shepher as a Shepherd he may be that one amen that come and visit the sick and shut in he may be that one that's that's excellent in a counseling session Hallelujah he may be that extreme encourager when the preacher is done preaching Hallelujah but he may just not preaching may not be his expertise right it is a fallacy it is an ideology it is amen a man-made theology that all pastors are great preachers that's not true but they are simply not that's right and they and they can still great pastors great pastors Hallelujah I know one now now now this one here amen can can can preach amen but I know one amen who who's who's pastoring is not highlighted by their preaching and that's Wonder Grooms amen Wonder Grooms is a Shepherd she come on somebody it's it's it's people that come to wonder broken am amen but but they come out come on somebody mature I can look at an RJ come on somebody I I know see see brother am man you probably just meeting RJ I know RJ amen I done I done sat in a courthouse with RJ come on somebody and I know how he came on Hallelujah but look at that Pastor right now H is God talking to anybody amen even Daisy amen I don't know amen no no bad about Daisy amen but I know amen that she is not amen what she was that's right Hallelujah and that's due to the pastor that was in her life amen I can call another Pastor amen another Pastor there's a pastor in Jamaica called Lorna Wesley amen people come broken yes Lord Jesus broken and they're not broken any longer on come is God talking to anybody it's it's not all about amen showing the expertise of preaching right when you're a pastor it's not all about vying for the microphone waiting for the microphone waiting for Amen Let me when whenever that Podium get open I'm I'm going to be on it because I am the pastor no it's not about that it's about the development of God's people yes and if PE and if God's people are not being developed under you and they're not coming into maturity you're not doing anything that's just the truth hallelujah Apostle Banks Hallelujah well all I can say Apostle is that you just ripped up the modern Church you just I mean you just gutted it glory to God and flushed it down the toilet prise the Lord hallelujah amen you know I'm so glad though that you can point to some leaders in this ministry you know that when back to where you were saying you may be the you may you you know there there you may be the shepherd but you got to use the other gifts that's right that are there to develop people another person that does that is your sister oh yeah Tanya Thomas absolutely now she used too though Cynthia too Cynthia too use the gifts that are there Cynthia Thomas they use the gifts that that are in the church to help develop the church glory to God knowing that okay I got my measure but this person over here T tashai is an awesome teacher she an awesome te amen Tama Riley is an awesome teacher amen Greg glory to God these you know and she uses those gifts right Amen to help develop the people and I watched Tanya do that and and like you said Bishop LA on him glory to God Belinda are an awesome team they are they are Sean Dash yes they are a force to be reckoned with and and and not to cut you off doc Dr Banks but also look at Tanya's development in Tia's life Pastor TI and now he's a pastor over over his own over his father's church amen amen this is what we're supposed to what we're supposed to do and like glory to God there you know we have some Ministries we have some Churches in this ministry and I need you leaders to hear this we have a couple of churches in this ministry that the pastor may like you said may not be the maybe it's not so much that they can't teach or preach right but they they may not be the one that can can either disciple right you you know and they need that person in there to disciple they may not be the one that that is the master teacher amen of the mystery but now if there's a bishop there or there's someone else there that can minister to that flock pastors got to oh my God Mike this message needs to be oh my it need to be imor moral what you call memorialized amen because pastors got that mind you know if it that that corporate mind that says wait a minute now uh if you coming in if you coming in to teach my people you you're you're kind of disrupting my Lord you're kind of disrupting our schedule wow you know cuz we we we're on this particular schedule and and we can't really find time for you right something's wrong with that that's right there's something wrong with that because that does not keep in mind or in heart the development of the flock when there's somebody that you know has more wisdom has a deeper revelation of the word and is more articulate Lord why won't you loose that person Lord in your flock make room for them that's right cut out some of the other stuff and make room for that development my Lord come on uh you know this is one of the greatest messages I've heard in my life my Lord hallelujah since I've been in the church I'm serious because we're the reason why it's so big like you use the word big the reason why this is so big Mike is because this season we're in now the spiritual season that God is has the church in yes ma'am is Reformation that's right God is reforming the church that's right and it takes these kind of teachings to bring the church back to the spirit my Lord back to the thing that God intended it to be Lord and I just want you to know how much I appreciate it Hallelujah come on let's give God a praise are you all learning you learning Bishop Dan amen I'm going call you brother Dan okay that's okay you learning though you learning um sister Flo hallelujah amen this is good I'm learning right along with you I'm learning right along with you you know God will say God will establish something and I I've watched amen this in the life of our Apostle God will establish something through a person and then say now set this establish this person establish that person establish this person Amen on that thing that I established through you amen and and Saints God does this often through pastors yes through pastors you know you know most if not every gift will encounter the pastor will be influenced by the pastor even the Apostle has had a pastor at one point of time amen are you all working with me amen and so let me let me let me show you something that that I feel like the holy spirit is impressing upon me amen my my my wife I love her amen but I love her ministry right my wife does um this thing called Christ and coffeee right and my wife have so many women there that are not of the ministry that she's impacting yes sir you know she's impacting right but one time she said hey one of the places that that we wanted to go we can't get can we use the church now she's asking me that I said well you know the pastor so I'm I'm sure you you you know if you go and bat your eyes at the pastor he'll probably Bend to your will hallelujah amen but what I'm trying to communicate is that that's what a pastor is supposed to do here in evangelist saying I got a congregation and I need to meet with them somewhere the pastor should be there together yes the pastor should say hey Daisy can you help in this area Hey sister florice can you help in this area the pastor shouldn't say no I need to be there come on you know order for it to be accomplished yeah come on man I need to micromanage it my hand need to be all in it no if I'm developing an evangelist in Jessica I should trust the holy spirit in her I wasn't there when she was gathering right come on are you all working with me Hallelujah so sometime it's uh the the operation of the office of the pastor is not to be the the the head front ler no just to maintain sometime you know what sometime you know the job of the pastor is to pay the bills of the church let me let Let Me Take These funds and allocate them to the bills that the preacher have a a stage he can preach on microphone Hallelujah see Ministry we said this a long time in this in this class but we need to reiterate it is that Ministry is one of the most selfless things you'll ever do that's right the the minute you implement self into Ministry it is corrupt that's right Hallelujah the minute self become a priority your ministry is corrupt Hallelujah are you all learning amen Apostle you going to read for me we going to finish we just going to finish this okay praise the Lord okay they asked uh the baptism of John Jes um John Jesus asked this the baptism of wait a minute um Apostle I'm sorry Joseph Taylor writes in the comments Dr Banks is a perfect example of this she is over all these churches yet she pastors none what an awesome testimony I never even thought about that hallelujah amen that that but that is so true that's so accurate Brother Joseph Hallelujah um sister Kea had something up earlier referring to John the Baptist that that I that I read over but we kind of moved away from it it says that did not that does not D detract from John's Ministry what it did to him was added to John as he pointed his congregation to Jesus absolutely thank you for that sister Edmonson amen Apostle back to the scripture if you will amen the 25th verse amen the baptism of John whence was it m from heaven or from um or of men and they reason with themselves saying if we shall say from Heaven he will say unto us why did you not then believe him but if we say of Men We Fear the people for all hold John as a prophet everybody know God working with John this man is this man has backed us in a chest corner and his Checkmate cuz everybody know that God is with John right and they know that John wasn't with us come on somebody read though Apostle amen and they answered Jesus and said we cannot tell that was a cop out and he said to them neither tell I you by what Authority I do these things my God read Apostle but what think ye a certain man had two sons and he came to the first and said Son go work today in my Vineyard uhhuh he answered and said I will not mhm but afterwards he repented and went mhm and he came to the second one and and said likewise and he answered and said I go sir and went not M whether of them twin Twain did the will of his father M they say unto him the first mhm Jesus said unto them verily I say unto you that the public an and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you I just wanted to read that part all of that Authority is not going to give you entrance amen it's going to be people that never knew God uhuh we we we coming to a close Hallelujah am people that never knew God people that didn't have no titles Lord they're easier to save than those who think that they're are somebody that's what Jesus is saying to them you are perceive yourself as someone and those people that that perceive themselves as nothing they going to they're going to be saved amen Saints have you been blessed today come on let's give God a a hallelujah amen okay amen I've enjoyed Apostle Kim you have any closing remarks Mar amen we want to hear from you amen I'm just truly blessed me I'm truly blessed these sessions are always enlightening and it just changes my concept of ministry every session you know it's truly a blessing my Lord amen well as I said earlier Apostle all I can say is you just ripped up the whole modern Church it just and and and it's like like you just you flushed it down the toilet it's it you know this word this is this is the heart and mind of God this is God's heart and his mind for for leadership this and and I got to say this is this is a stellar class today this this is just Stellar glory to God this is just Stella let's give God a praise amen because uh you you you didn't you didn't allow the enemy to gag you and you just said what God Said you know we as Leaders glory to God got to hear this statement that was made the most selfless thing you will ever do is Ministry you have to deny self in Ministry if you want to develop people glory to God and so when your and and and see this is a hard pill for most leaders in the body of Christ especially pastors to swallow pastors and Bishops and all these people it's it's hard for them to swallow this message because the uh because of what he has he said we have merged with the world and we become we've treating the church like it's a corporate business and and we got the chief executive officer there that has to have their hands in everything glory to God that don't you know is and and and it's not that they don't trust amen they don't they don't trust a person's ability they they fear the person's influence and that because that influence says wait a minute hold it they feel that the influence is threatening their Authority and that's that's just not wholesome and and we got to hear that mind we got to hear that mind you know it's it's good when a pastor can can just hear this message and say wait a minute now what is my role what what is what what has God anointed me to do you know I may it and something you said too that we can't we can't ignore you you said that a pastor may not be a great preacher he may not be he may not be a he may not even be a real good preacher you know but he may be a gatherer he may be a Shepherd he may be a good counselor he may be a great encourager he may be a structure person glory to God Amen but there may be somebody else that's the preacher that's really that gifted anointed preacher that can bring the people where God want them glory to God and and pastors got to hear that and say wait a minute then what and look around you what did God give me what did God give me you got to see the people in your ministry as gifts that God gave you to help you develop the people of God Amen and if you feel that you're the only one and and something else you said too Mike and we got to be careful we got to examine ourselves to see if we're guilty of this when you when you are on the wrong side of that principle you will alienate the people from that other influence you'll Ali you you'll come up with some cockman corporate inspired ideal Amen to you know Satan said something that pastors don't hear themselves that they are IM emulating Satan when they say I got to build my thing I got to be I you know I've heard that too much lately I got to build my thing glory to God we're supposed to be about building people people glory to God do you know when you build people people will build other people people will bring other people to be built by you glory to God that's how you build a work you know we're supposed to be workers together with God but when we have when we have God has has given a vision for his church and his church is his people if I got two people let me develop them let me develop those two and I may not have all the tools I need to develop those to but if God give me access to the tools let me not alienate the people from those tools glory to God Amen I I I I could go on and on you have inspired me so much G glory to God this is this is going to be amen transcribed and and and you'll hear it again and in in a whole lot more detail praise the Lord glory to God because this will change the church if this word here gets out this will change the church let's give God a praise amen praise the Lord I bless the Lord I bless the Lord today those of you that are online I know you've been blessed I know you've been blessed glory to God so amen let's bless the leadership class let's bless it everybody glory to God if you got 10 bucks 20 bucks give it today everybody that's online let's give it amen we need to help this class amen we need to help this class praise the Lord amen we need to help this class maintain because Saints every time we come in here and turn on all these lights and and and air conditioners and and and and our staff is here and everything it it it's it it creates an expense praise the Lord so please would you please help this class today every one of us let's give something just just to show God we appreciate it we appreciate what he's doing on Saturday morning amen amen and and and and we appreciate let's show Pastor Mike how much we appreciate him being so faithful to it every Saturday morning amen let's let's let's show him that so if you have 10 $20 whatever some people give 50 whatever but if you use the cash app amen it goes right into the class glory to God if you don't have a cash app you can use the donor box amen Mary and just note put a note there leadership leadership class that's all you have to put on it leadership or leadership class amen and it will go into this leadership class amen for the expenses of this class all right if all hearts and minds are clear anything else guys this is the team here in Spring Texas saying we'll see you next time e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

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