what's popping guys welcome to Zer talks and welcome to this live stream SL live transfer show whatever the hell you want to call it which is going to be very fun and interesting for me because I'm going to be talking about two of my clubs that's involved in a transfer for Kingsley Kar yeah I know it's mad like who would have thought that two of your favorite teams are now negotiating over a player that I and the thing is I'm going to give you my thoughts on the scenario which will be also interesting in itself but before we begin listen I need you to do me favors guys come on smash the likes and comment your way through subscribe and press the alarm Bell for future content notifications such as streams like this video shorty Community content go check these socials such as Tik Tok Instagram and x and most importantly guys what are you guys doing please take care of yourselves be happy and satisfi wherever you may be now listen I have to say man who I would as I said earlier I would have never thought that this would happen but it is happening so I'm going to read the news from both sides and then I'm going to give you my thoughts how about that but we're gonna have to read through all of them or at least I'm G to try to read through most of them so let's begin um let me just move this um there you go and voila all right now let me also make this massive because this is apparently from Fabrizio Romano himself actually no we need we kind of need com a bit there you go so this is from faio Rano himself and Hal have submitted a huge bid to S Ki K there's a there's competition from Premier League top clubs which apparently is Liverpool by the way as well as Barcelona Koma has still not made a financial decision also on whether he wants to leave Bayern I mean he has made a final decision and it is to leave Bayern so you see the bit for there that's false but anyway we move on we uh what does he say here you can imagine that I will not comment on the com rumors on the final days of the transer that's not bro get out of here we already know he wants to leave get out of here fraud anyway then there's this one Barn have received Al hil's bid for kingsy K and are ready to accept it the decision is now down to the player there you go there you go uh Hey Liam big up to you my guy he by the way Liam if you want to hop on in here send me a message or tell me on the chat to send the link and I will happily send you the link I have no [ __ ] problems so just let me know bro if you want to hop on in here let me know Lim right but anyway let me continue all right uh so then you got what else we got here so then you got this and by the way before I continue as well go check this guy's Channel I was on his video or stream today the moment the news did come out and we did have a conversation regards that so if you want to know more go check over there but again Liam let me know if you want to hop on it anyway back to the back to this right and this is from the keep and Lloyd tanzi okay this some French Source sorry Bayern and alh have reached an agreement in principle for the transfer of kingi coma the player has not agreed to move yet Premier League offers could soon arrive okay so that's in regards from the French sources now let's see if there's any more okay I'm not reading this agree B okay here German sources now platenburg and who's this guy again ker H how Okay agreement reached between Bon and H for Kings command the Frenchmen would be open to move to Saudi Arabia if no other option in Europe presents itself there you go then is there any other news okay hurry kanane winning the Golden Boot Fair congrats to him uh there more news King zoma is ready to move to Saudi Arabia and join Al hilal the amount of the salary is still being discussed this is from Christian folk Okay so so we're Gathering all the news here all we talk about that later we talk about that later uh is there any more news training okay more King Zan news here King Z could wait for the end of the European transfer window on Friday before making a decision about H's offer the Saudi window is ongoing until September 2nd also I start to be corrected I thought initially because I had a friend tell me it was October it turns out it's September okay well El's bid meanwhile is very important for Bayern well yeah of course important for Bayern because we I mean in a Bayern perspective we need to so Center boxs uh and it's uncertain whether the club would accept a lesser offer from Liverpool who are also interested see I did say Liverpool I did say so so there you go uh any any more news okay nobody okay no not the time uh nor not the time K not the time okay big up to K but not the time any more news what's this k no no no no no uh no okay this is important but not for now no no no no uh the hell is going nobody gives a [ __ ] no who cares this [ __ ] about TV right apparently there's something I read here on my phone this is important uh and this to do with Max herel uh but has something to do with Kings of coma as well listen I see how many of you here six of you come on come on we need to smash the likes guys come on smash the likes I'm tracking as we go right Bayern supervisory board will meet on Wednesday Max herbel has to present his figures to the board members therefore it would be good thing for him if he could present other successful sales in the time for the meeting and since Leon goeta is still V what vly whatever the hell that means opposes a departure King Z could be the one to raise further funds see comes to the point I just mentioned has something to do with Kinga B and H have an agreement in principle but K's approval is still missing as he's fully not convinced of moving to Saudi Arabia okay coma already had two lucrative offers from Saudi Arabia last summer but this career move was never an option for him okay that is true last year he did not want to go however the Frenchman became aware in recent days that he no longer plays a real role in the club's future plans again that's very true he is therefore hoping that clubs from other top European leagues will get in touch before Fridays deadline day now again the only Club I can really see giving a goal maybe Barcelona and for I mean Liverpool but again they're they're they're close to getting kza done apparently so it will come down to and again Liam and I had this discussion on his channel and we said that at the end of the day who's really gonna pay up his wages so at the end all he really has left isil but we will get more into that we will get more into that is there anything else other than this no okay so we are done with the FC B menion news all right we're done from the bar mention perspective and you when you read all these is you can you would think that it's all agreed right you would think that everything agreed down to comma that's exactly what you would think now if what would I what if I told you if I showed you the sui reports it's the other way around let me show you uh there you go right here now it's in Arabic however I did put the translation know underneath over here but it says which means was CH two weeks ago all right which means many priorities have changed during this period okay Canelo so which means alh could have gone completely on common deal if the Canelo deal had not uh faltered that's what they're saying so based on this guys news coma would have been a big thing for alh if the celo deal did not happen now am I supposed to believe that let me let's continue and then let's continue and then I'll give you my thoughts all right I'll give you my thoughts after I continue all right and by way this was from uh who was the reporter here in this case oh this is from okay okay then there's this other one right here this other one right here let me show you guys right here now follow translate so you guys can read it there you go it says so which means Curr are not interested in buying K's contract from bar which means is not interested in getting King K from by that's what they're saying that's what this same guy is saying now am I supposed to believe that again we continue after I read more now let me find the other one all right now I'm not going to lie there's so much on kello because he just joined by the and by the way imagine prior to all this can you imagine there was news in regards to this let me show you let me show you but this is crazy let me show you all right so here the whole story short whole the whole story is short right it's basically saying um if let's now that ABD Hamed di left which is this right back who joined Roma this guy for go for those of you who don't know this guy right here right now that he's gone you know what I mean they're saying that King Z K and canel would replace ABD Hamid and L who Loi were trying to get rid of now that we got canello apparently for foreign reasons imagine so yeah man again it's mad still it's mad in the D still I can't I even lie look at this guy you still haven't answered the damn question are you going to hop on in or not damn it man anyway uh okay now I'm seeing ABD Hamid stuff okay so now you want to join thank you what did did it did it take you so long to answer holy [ __ ] leam man oh my days Oh my days bro but let me finish reading this and I'll and then I'll add you in quick yeah but I'll send you the link anyway uh boom I sent you the link buddy uh now let me continue uh where where the hell okay what the [ __ ] what yes okay I'm back don't know what the hell just happened now let me go find the other news wait uh why is there more ABD Hamed news where the hell is the damn where the hell is the damn news that I was looking for did I lose it oh my days maybe it's more far Bel far down below oh I found it there you go now this is from okay this is the report all right let me show you this boom and big up AJ by the way AJ you know what big up to you bro I'm G to give you a mod right now because you always you're a top mod for every channel I see right now I'm gonna give you mod right here managing moderator congratulations you're the second moderator of the channel congrats to you my guy well deserved anyway as I was saying right uh this is the news right so over here OB news okay then it says uh which means sources deny making any offer for Frenchmen Comm okay then it says which means interest was earlier in the market and has now stopped for a while now I read all this and you want to know what my thoughts on that are because I've seen this with so many times I just don't talk about it on YouTube because I don't obviously talk about transfering new on as much as I do with B do you want to know what my thought is there you are it's the biggest piece of dog [ __ ] that I have ever heard everyone's laughing by the way but it's true cuz everybody heard it too everyone heard it right they look at all everyone's like yeah big piece of dog [ __ ] do you know why it's a lot of [ __ ] what I just read I'll tell you why it's a lot of [ __ ] what I read because every single time are linked with somebody they always have to say oh well well this well this news on this player is not true I mean and H are not interested in that player then give it give it a few days give it a week whatever and all of a sudden sudden guess what happens it becomes a thing they did the same with canello literally the same thing with Canelo they did it they did the same thing with some of the players that we had such as the neses the saves the miches and all these guys and they did it with ldi you know even at one point Neymar was not going to be a thing it turned out was something massive you know what you have to understand something these Ser reporters they are they are are covering up a lot of things why because they don't want to overly expose what they're doing at the you know with these transfers they want to keep it as lowkey as possible because once they keep it as lowkey as possible guess what happens when it's announced way you know what I mean because if they reveal things guess what's gonna happen they reveal things now and other teams are going to know and when other teams know what happens they try to take advantage of a weak weak point so just trying to play it smart that's all they're trying to do that's what these reporters are all about and people need to understand that anyway let me just read the comments quickly and I'm gonna add Liam in uh from AJ they're all for me thank you zir can't wait to help you and the rest of the mods with the hey big up to you my guy exactly please like the stream if you have not already really helps Z out yeah 100% bro you already know what it you know what because it's t I'm starring your comment right there this one right here I'm starring this but anyway uh and and it says please subscribe to the Tavia ah exactly keep keep pushing it man and Liam if you could too while I add you in here you know what's good Liam what's this background uh the hilal stadium because I was showing the hilal stuff but now that you're here and you're a barn fan we can add the uh bar thing back boom so yeah uh what's your thought on what I just said and showed just it's just conflicting news isn't it to be honest um not really too sure what to make of it to be honest like yeah I don't know I I I really really don't know what to make of I don't really see now I'm really really interested if I generally thought when it said about English Club because they're getting Kasa I didn't think it would be Liverpool I thought it would be Arsenal and Tottenham because they were the two clubs that were linked with him and um but if it's Liverpool now I'm very interested because obviously I want Virgil so we could do a deal where you know but for me you know I know this is going to sound stupid well maybe it's not you you can obviously tell me if I'm stupid or not um but for me I want them to give us virgila and money um because Virgil was see yeah I knew that face was coming I knew that face was coming um before you before you give me your reason because bro I'm sorry but shut up [ __ ] oh no go ahead explain yourself no so basically my my point is you know um 33 years old so he he's P but he's not past his prime obviously but he's not in his prime anymore um we're giving or we would be selling them a player that is 28 going into his prime yes there's injury concerns and everything so on and so forth but I'm I'm not expecting 50 million in Van djk that would be ridiculous obviously um so what I'm thinking is like um a 15 million BKE that's what I was thinking um or villa villa did a deal with juuve where they obviously got two players for one player so if they want to give us ver Virgil Van djk and I can't think of who they've got to be honest let me have a look at their players Liverpool and I know I sound like a [ __ ] now I I get it but like hopefully hopefully you are understanding my point um I get it to a degree but come on man 30 we're talking about van dijk who's still in my opinion at least like and there's a reason why you want van djk too yeah best center backs in the world bro at his age you know what I mean so based on that you're saying you want money and come on don't work like that man I no I know I know I know I know Virgil Van djk and Joe Gomez that's nuts that's still nuts bro bro listen listen by the way I'll tell you something following up with a bit of like you know for examp for the like example the likes of Hassam for Liverpool and I hear his the news what he talks about with Liverpool I can tell van dijk is staying I genely can I can tell he's staying is this a matter of Van dijk extending the contract you know what I'm saying so I genuinely don't think that van dijk is gonna happen at all you know what I mean even though don't get me wrong we all dream of a van djk it's just never gonna happen you know I mean see even he see with all due respect see even he agrees bro see even he agrees listen the point is there's no way van dijk leaving Liverpool especially with ar slot there two Dutchmen you know what I mean yeah no no no 100% the only thing I'm saying like on transfer market um the website obviously it doesn't mean that it's 100% that it um this worth is like what it's worth but they're saying that he's only worth around 30 million euros do you agree with that the fact you take that serious is a problem I don't think it's necessarily a problem personally you know what where where are they so um where so Joe Gomez is worth 28 million van dijk is worth 30 million what that's what 58 million mate do that I don't see why that's not a good deal personally um because they're getting managed villy anyway who who else would they have if they got rid of those to be fair they probably need to bring somebody in that's the only problem um because if van djk goes and then you take Gomez who is rumored to be leaving then they would have to bring someone that's where it gets complicated [ __ ] it though just you take K and we'll take van djk in 25 M yeah but bro bro bro bro bro the fact that you're saying don't get me wrong it would be amazing it actually would be amazing it's just it's not going to happen it it just like what AJ said is perfect it's just not happening bro they would never do the trade van dijk would not want to leave Liverpool we need to forget about this van dijk thing n man van dijk would leave Liverpool man he's done everything that he can do at Liverpool why would he not want to leave yeah but let's be honest winning one of each title is not enough actually they're not winning the title City while pep and city in there that's not the okay but van like Van Dyke he himself has ambition with Liverpool bro like he's their Captain you get what I'm saying that he's not leaving he lo you have to understand you see these big names are at Liverpool right now out of all these players right let's be honest they're likely to leave that club right would be Muhammad Salah like after a year or two okay toad or to whatever team in Seri because he's going to be a massive face in the Arab world since he's from Egypt and Egypt is very close to Saudi by the way just a different continents right and Trent Alexander Arnold because for his age and the fact that he's linked to Madrid and he's in a similar situation to Alonso Davies is's intriguing to see what he does other than that I I don't see a like of Van dijk leaving and all these other guys leing I'll be really honest with you bro I just don't see unless if there are bums that they want to get rid of later maybe who knows but I just don't see it in the world where Van djk dips no I get it I get what you're coming from and maybe you'll see Luis Diaz leave in the next summer maybe to bartha because that guys's been twerking for Barcelona but that's it again another gu that's it like I can't think of other guys as dipping they and you know the Mad thing is they already got in Mar I think they're getting in marad yeah yeah so yeah bro this van djk thing I don't see it man but you know what you brought up center backs you know because obviously we were talk about kman doing Liverpool this so let's say kman goes to Hil yes so would imagine that my Saudi team would be paying my European team Bayern um a decent amount to get that player now if that is to happen um you think that we go get the uh players needed like the center back yeah we are not getting van djk the one that we apparently going to try going for I find it interesting one thing one thing though on on Hal um Al Hal I find it interesting that they're they're actually like the the bid is disclosed um which is very interesting because they do not want any of one any other club knowing um what this fee is that they've offered um which is obviously smart know so yeah it's interesting obviously you know why wouldn't you want to do that you know there's obviously that famous famous one of Willian going to um uh Spurs he then goes to Chelsea um obviously the most recent one is uh juny waldum um obviously was literally going to Barcelona the next minute he's holding up a PSG sh so I understand why they would not want to do that of course um because obviously we all know that the Saudi Lads um you know his his um how' you say it I can't think it it's not Grace what's what how did you say the um the main guy in Saudi oh Sal MOSI yeah him um the Winger yeah like we we all know we all know that s could blow blow um um everybody out of the water MoneyWise so and obviously they're not going to want to bidden more so I get it I get it uh if the f is upwards of 60 million we did a Blinder you know Hala is bidding 8 million plus yeah that's not happening Chev Alonzo I don't I don't think AJ I I I I think he's a very good Center back but unfortunately for you my G um I generally think they will go for CBA um I think he's going to have another good season and then he will go he will go to Real Madrid I see that happening as well by the way but you know what um with you know when I was talking about um just let me just show it again quickly yeah yeah oh I don't not know what I was trying to show this one this news right here where it says it's denied and all this you know I genuinely think it's a bunch of bull crap because at the end of the day right the point that you just mentioned the disclose thing these guys as I mentioned earlier they they do this all the time with every single hilal news I just don't talk about it on YouTube enough they they deny the news then the news becomes true and then we get the player and these reporters look like a bunch of liars that had a plan all along you know what I mean these guys they literally try to cover up everything hilal do behind the scenes because at the end of the day they want to be winning in the bidding war and if they explo expose themselves just one slight bit maybe the European clubs will try to take advantage with something maybe something that halil don't have and something that Hil don't have is again like I said on your channel earlier as of right now the competitiveness within the you know what I mean within the within the league you know what I mean so that's I think this is what they're trying to do I think what they're trying to do is and it's not even just that imagine if you put if imagine if H put in an offer right now right they put in an offer right they look at the price who knows what club can up that you know what I mean like for example if it was um I could see for example an Arsenal you know like Arsenal or serious club before AJ has a go at me you know what I mean but who knows maybe out of nowhere but you know what I'll up that you know I think they're just trying to play it safe rather than being sorry Hil like they always do they even did it with Canelo bro and that's why they beat Barcelona to the Canelo deal I mean we were really the only ones going for him but Barcelona at one point were considering having him but they didn't want to pay the 20 mil and we did so happy days so yeah it is what it is is it but uh yeah let's read through some of these comment by the way guys smash the damn likes if you haven't done so I see that there's four likes here we can get up to more than that come on let's do that you know what I'm saying let me read if few so you were reading already some of them so let me continue from what Kevin says over here uh just want them to get Mario Herm maso on a free to end all the center back discourse is that the guy from atletic he used to play for Atletico Madrid yeah he's now in a fre wait he's now free agent yeah no an no no no no no no no no no no who's this guy uh place for Le who the hell is this guy I believe believe he plays for Le Anar needs time it out by the way but who the hell is he he's Young Center back wait wait I'm searching right now who I'll be back in one second yeah a by by lusin ivorian foot ivorian this is who you want man sor ain't no way you want this guy bruh who's this guy so he's a he's a B I have not seen him play much and you want me to or this guy's probably benched because I have barely seen this guy play you know what and just based on that all right you know what you need right now you you my friend bro yeah you know what no no no you know what because I do know who you I'm going to ask you a question answer who's this guy the [ __ ] is that guy who the [ __ ] is that answer who in the F who in the hell is that guy bro fraud who the [ __ ] is that guy who is he bro anyway [ __ ] sake no Real Madrid will get bossa and I mean imagine if they do that I'll be nuts in my opinion because they need a young left foot center back and we will see next hey I guess we will see man who knows if ancelotti stays or not as well that's another thing we have to keep in mind uh from lusen he seems more likely to come to Bayern yeah right uh my club is definitely not serious I know that artto and edu out you know what I have something for you I said give me a hell [Applause] yeah this gu man he's got all the [ __ ] gifts memes and [ __ ] Hey listen man just like 10 Stone call St a give me hell yeah no man we needa to stay so then ask stay [ __ ] oh no I'm just saying Hell yeah because I agree that like our ain't that manager you know but hey we or we can do a swap deal of coma for coib you know answer you know answer one second uh get out of here get out of here man man had the balls to say that never talk about my kibali ever again right how about that you I think he needs I think he needs timeing timeing out for even mentioning kali's name joint with my club his ass all you know what Liam I Liam all I I see you know Liam this is the this is the problem with you right this is an issue with you and so many football fans they are 100% what I have always said they were fickle they're fickle they chear him one minute they don't care the next [ __ ] you n man he's [ __ ] did you not see what he did at Chelsea man he's crap again this is why you are this they are 100% what I have always said they were fickle they're fickle they tear them one minute they don't care the next you guys only judge based on Chelsea and forget what he did at Napoli go [ __ ] yourselves yeah but that's when he was in his prime he's no longer in his prime he might need to drink [ __ ] Prime facts man do that man you know I mean Liam what you just said was fraud big up Cole Archer you know I mean big up to him every single time listen guys smash the damn Lees we're on five now we can try to get to hit the dislikes had the dislikes I wantu I have all the control now yeah you're also Frozen noad yeah yesterday what was it yesterday or two days ago I was frozen down that was actually [ __ ] awful anyway go check the Deon show that was act you know what I had to watch that back and I swear actually I chose to watch it back cuz I knew that the amount of times I was lagging I probably missed some bit and boy the bits that I missed was hilarious I I I almost choked to some imagine I almost choked while drinking water just from what YouTube said that [ __ ] that [ __ ] um I was jokes bro that that was absolutely unbelievable I mean if it was some other sh you have I mean don't get me wrong I have passion about my country but I know when it's a joke and when it's serious and it's you know and that was just an unreal joke that was wasn't like that offensive to me so I listen man fair play YouTubes you know I mean but [ __ ] him at the same time pause um anyway what are you on about here oh [ __ ] did I just okay and he won the African Cup of ntion oh you talk about that uh leveren Defender that four games last season yeah but I didn't see him start I you you sure about that one me at least I didn't see it maybe I wasn't paying attention most of the time I saw h t tap SOA and then there was another guy stanisich stanisich was playing right center back as far as I know you have to kick yourself for that kick myself for what you L just said and that other guy um um stanisich he's our [ __ ] player you [ __ ] donkey you know what you need Liam map if you follow this you'll find the exact directions where you can stick each and every one of those bottles of prime yeah no Ju Just just no what no man yeah come on man you want some prime don't you you were trying some Buffy bar munion Prime I've got the Barun Prime yeah see so you that La night clip applies to you hey what does this guy say I know you probably talked about it I wasn't in the Stream I was at school but how do you rate the con oh um all right from my Hil perspective um obviously because it's a signing um I think it's a good signing however we literally got rid ofd who I mean I I don't I'm saying getting R is a harsh word because to be honest he wanted to go to Roma to test himself in Europe so just on that he left us to go to Roma right for around4 million EUR and listen he's get an opportunity fantastic but he was actually our best fullback man this guy could literally defend his physical he can he has the pace for his age which by the way he's not even that young he's getting older now you know like he's at his prime age and the guy is literally able to overlap cross the ball you know he's explosive and the guy can take a shot this guy is literally a perfect fullback the only reason why he's not known is because he's from Saudi Arabia he's from Saudi that's the only reason why he's not known but if he was from Europe or from South America and he pulled up to Europe and he gets game time now at Roma I have a good feeling about how he performs honestly because I think if there was one sui that could do something it's him even though Salam do is the face of sui but in reality I think shud ABD Hamid is the best performing player from Saudi Arabia you know what I mean so yeah the fact that he's gone and now we bring in Canelo and we know about Canelo the guy can and we had him a bar if you remember the guy can attack create chances take shots what can he not do he can't defend and what's our weakness weakness in El Hil especially with our style of football giving away counterattacks right so now we have to deal with fullbacks that are full on attacking that if we give away counters I have to rely on kibali and I hope that Jus plays timbak this faster Center back between him and B blei you know who the [ __ ] is that guy get out no no get the [ __ ] out no this guy's a fraud he's actually the the biggest fraud on planet Earth bro get out of here man have some [ __ ] shame i w no it's actually some fraudulent Behavior man anyway would you would you Jens do com for tapsoba be for because for me that show you can actually want your title back I don't know about tap SOA you know you know the same way a lot of people rate uh to that's how I feel about to SOA yeah yeah yeah no I can see that I can see that just look just like kulali you know who the [ __ ] is that guy you know Liam you stay there like an [ __ ] and think about what you've done right n you stay there right because you need to know something about me surprise surprise [ __ ] the king is back you know what I'm saying I'm back bro I'm back with some more I'm kicking your ass out learn about what you've done you scumbag you scum of the earth now you can come back look at oh wow this turning into the [ __ ] D show again it really is bro hey by the way do you w to know do you want to know what message I have for the gooners is cuz if he keeps messing up the tra Chief is going to be his [Applause] daddy that's us against bars in the champagne League F you know what I mean hey who wants to see more Clips no nobody okay well listen anyway um anything else you want to say my guy yeah um take name Mar's rubbish uh I think kola's rubb oh keep going keep going no I'm not going to keep I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking no Neymar's rubbish come come keep going well no Neymar is rubbish but um shut up [ __ ] you shut your mouth right now boy I knew you clicking one of them I was just waiting um you shut your mouth right now boy [Music] um he's about to get Ted down again um I said give me a hell yeah uh I'm lost my training to thought with all of these [ __ ] things um I think it's interesting that it's a disclosed bid I think uh it's interesting that Liverpool are the club when I thought it was Tottenham um I don't know to be fair if Arsenal won him they can give us William CA I know that's never going to happen but um that would be that's a that's not that's not a pipe bomb that's a pipe dream um yeah definely was a pipe dream but yeah if if Hal won him and he wants to go there then cool um again I said it on my channel I say it on here I'm not a massive fan of players that come to their Prime going to to these lesser leagues uh again that's me disrespecting the selda league I don't mean to be um but they'll get there they will get there because of the money that they the power that they've got and they do they do the boxing and that right so you know that they give they give us Francis versus Tyson and he beat he beat Tyson Fury they can they can rig that as much as they want he beat Tyson Fury and then AJ kicked his ass um so you know as well as Tyson Fury getting his ass whipped by usix so you know for a while um they know what they're doing with the boxing his Excellency knows what he's doing um so yeah um don't have much to say what' you say speaking of his Excellency do you know that the club that ABD joined Roma their sh sponsor is real season which again his Excellency is the one who owns the whole thing oh yeah the whole thing so again it's interesting you know an is asking to get Ed out [ __ ] s could you imagine that just ruining it you're R look at my lips you're ruining it ruining ruining you're ruining you're ruining my mood bro could you just imagine though like um if he was to leave us and come to you you would have to deal with him coming from one club to the [Laughter] other he'd be [ __ ] fuming um why is this [ __ ] not damn answer you're supposed to be [ __ ] timed out you know [ __ ] well let me answer this guy's question uh questions please Jens if Kanan does go do you need it no we don't I thought we did but no we don't because we have enough uh players that can get opportunity such as viim it would give to it would give the um or tell yeah there you go tell time I need so yeah no definitely not um s there you go they added the name that answers the whole question anyway so yeah yeah you know what I mean um guys smash the likes if you haven't done so um and by the way answer since I couldn't time you out for some stupid reason probably because you got timed out already I don't know what the hell the deal is but uh this is my answer [Laughter] [Applause] to fraud [ __ ] s donkey tle bro are you mad like that's crazy n it's calm bro it's calm bro I we're giving you more answers than your own club is giving you answers bro you know what I mean [ __ ] sake that's such a backhanded compliment I mean already knows it himself bro you said that man wow yeah but but come on man these guys complain about it anyway like you shut your mouth right now they complain about it so it's calm bro like they know they know I don't have to that's just the only reason why I'm saying because they would agree with me bro you know what I mean but you know it would hit different if I said it to the Geeks you know the Geeks that like you know it's like they just chat even though they lose at the end those guys really need what I just said to them you know so a actually low key I'm sorry you know what I [Music] mean you know what I got something right here I got something right here why would they go for Ian Tony though they should be going for aaman uh Chelsea I think cu the um I don't know what it is actually toi you know I'm confused myself as AI you know why because initially it was Ivan Tony to um Al then now it's becoming a to so now Chelsea looking at Tony because the aan thing's taking forever but I thought the aan would go to Chelsea because of the Lukaku deal because of anonio con I'm confused myself yeah it's confusing yeah I'm genuinely [ __ ] confused bro like AJ if you know more about let me know or let us know because I'm just confused again it's it's GNA it's gonna sound mad um of me um saying Kali before he said the reason yeah yeah yeah kali's too too good for that League um did I just say koua Victor aan [ __ ] hell my brain is fried um I do agree A's too good for that yeah A's too good um but yeah but put that comment back up please um oh oh go sure one second uh but there you are like I know that they don't want to pay that but the way that they've got to see it and I'm obviously not coming at you you're just given the the fact but the way they've got to see it is their Club is in turmoil like yes I know they scored six goals against wolves but wolves haven't been wolves since they got rid of the player that is now at um alh Hal um so you know since since they got rid of NZ they they've not been the same you know then obviously um TR hard went Netto went so on and so forth so that's the way that they got to see it and I get it you know it might be a good step in the direction to not go and spend 375,000 a week on a player um because that's ridiculous money but at the same time this is Chelsea Football Club and Chelsea Football Club are known for shelling out money look at the amount of players they've got like at this rate they're gonna every time they turn up to to a game they're gonna have to bring like four busers they got that many bloody players um to be honest there's more on what you were talking about so he sayson is only on 26k a week at the moment so he wants 170k a week mats they are happy to pay that yeah of course of course but in that again that's that's just money um fluctuating obviously because one wants 375 Grand uh and the other one want 70 170 but one of them has been in in a Champions League uh semi the other one hasn't the other one had done got done for a betting Scandal um you know what I mean he Ian turn is not the striker people think he is generally he's a very good Striker he's very cold with his penalties and everything but he is nowhere nowhere near uh Victor osaman osaman is a bad boy Striker um you want my thoughts on that go this is your channel man go ahead yeah yeah so here's the thing right do I think people do too much with oh auman's not that Striker yes I think people do too much and AJ I don't know if you were in that stream that North Side done for nine hours I was in there and I even me and a couple of guys were having this discussion and I even myself to a degree mentioned that people do too much with this aan thing like because I said then and I'm gonna say again that aan literally is that type of Striker that if he has the space right you give him the ball counter in front of goal he's scoring fantastic crosses in the Box Osman in the air he heads the ball in simple if they cross the ball to Osman he had some of a physicality to win the now it's up to him to score it because I apparently from what I'm hearing in the Alcon he didn't do that well you know what I mean so that's my thoughts on AIM however I do think Ivan Tony is that and can again drop back and link up the play I don't think aan can really link up the play you know what I mean so my point is with aan it's kind of like getting earling Holland but the btech version that's what it is you know what I mean okay that's why I hear when people say I rather B Ivan Tony than us by the way can we address the Ivan Tony thing you know AJ the fact your Club ain't going for a because of attitude problems is [ __ ] disgraceful and I know I'm sure you know that too so yeah not to point that out because I found that stupid because I can't believe I heard AR so fast oh he has attitude problems yeah but they're talking about attitude problems when their manager goes and gets a [ __ ] pet dog so called win [ __ ] all you know what I mean literally anyway [ __ ] literally one is Prem proven one isn't now that's a point to be mentioned he's talk about Tony being Prem proven yeah but I can I can um clap back at that though one is um European proven the other one isn't um because he's never been in it because he's actually yeah I can't lie if I'm going to keep the energy up with levandowski for example then yeah I hear it because I remember people are saying levandowski wouldn't do it there but then how's he doing in the Champions League so to be fa AJ Liam has a point bro he actually does have a point yeah yeah yeah performing in Europe actually does matter even when Napoli were losing to AC Milan and by the way the way AC Milan were performing till the semi-final was actually not bad you know and even then aiman scored yep so I hear you I hear you to a degree to be fair uh but by all reports uh my Club if we buy a nine we want Victor Gores or I don't know how you say his name we are going to wait the year for Alexander bro I'm not gonna lie if you keep on waiting you ain't winning [ __ ] all I don't think they're winning anything anyway I really don't and like I I I think there's a reason why Pep Guardiola bought back um gundo Gan yeah without a doubt uh now does he still have those legs that he once had um you know with a season oh no without a doubt I agree um that that question's got to be answered but yeah it's interesting to be honest bro I'm not gonna lie they get a striker bro I'm not even if you get a striker I don't like this Mareno signing if I'm an Arsenal fan if you tell me Mareno is a good signing you're smoking weed yeah it should realistically be um ruber meny zand yeah yeah because Moreno is another declar rights unless if you're telling me and this is maybe where they might stand a chance they win one nil every week if they sink out one nil week wins every week and even against the big teams sure or maybe a nil nil draw big oh no maybe actually because again they drew nil nil to Man City and what and they lost the league anyway so if you could get as many wins as possible by defending and then scoring one or two chances here and there sure maybe but if you don't do that it bites you in the ass and I'm pretty sure the way areta wants to play he probably wants an eight that can transition play from Midfield to attack man city have a similar Sol to Arsenal and what do Man City have a rodri now they have gundu gonna be a little bit different now because rodri was doing gundu and his role combined anyway but you get the point I'm trying to mention exactly so now you've got gundo back who will do the defensive work with rogery and that's going to make rogery back to the rogery we know um which is going to be a pain in the ass of the Premier League not that I give a [ __ ] because my club's not in the PR but yeah just to just to go on it oh no even in the Champions League we need to worry about him I'll be honest oh yeah yeah yeah Fair Point Fair Point Fair Point yeah that you see when I could worry about Man City and Madrid getting players and all this stuff I'm looking at it for us in the Champions League bro like for them they look at a premier league and CH I'm looking for Bayern mun perspective Champions League bro because our bread and butter is winning that [ __ ] you know I mean yeah I say Bundesliga bare minimum and I still think so you must win that but the biggest competition and the hardest competition for us is the Champions League so the fact that I see Man City getting gundan pisses me off because I actually genuinely thought and you're going to call me crazy but if they didn't get a Gund and they still didn't get a midfielder then we could have had a chance at them going having a go at them especially with the attack that we had now yeah it's long if we don't get a Defender you know yeah this is how I feel about but anyway uh Isaac's cold yeah Lea is my favorite you know I don't even blame you for saying that that guy M it gave me the H one of the happiest years of my life as a football fan honestly not even though it was Co if you're a bon Mion fan you were still happy honest like honest to God oh no without a doubt I don't the thing for me and it's going to sound crazy I'm just going off that levandoski is he's a legend without a doubt I don't know why but every time I just think of it and maybe I'm just maybe the hate for Barcelona and the fact that he snake does for Barca gets into my head but I just rather manzukic and I don't know why um I I think it may be the [ __ ] House of man zukich maybe um maybe that maybe I don't know obviously they two different levels of Striker Le dusi scored five goals in nine minutes or whatever it was so I know he's about to [ __ ] click something that's like shut up [ __ ] or something so make it Happ Club shouldn't go for yeah well speaking of Barca M Club shouldn't go for Messi because he's not proud proven he's that my less proven Burger League hey man I'm in the burger League I said give me a hell [Applause] yeah you d right Li you're damn right Burger League hey but on a real dop Kevin genuinely has a point like if you don't want to be a hypocrite then do you think this you know what I mean so he has a point bro I I don't think it's going to be that easy to combat that you know I'm just saying but this is why I'm saying fans from the Premier League in general are just [ __ ] Geeks because they only look within the Premier League [ __ ] bubble you get what I'm saying AJ no I'm not targeting you I'm talking in general in general yeah they're all [ __ ] Geeks bro it's so [ __ ] annoying bro they're all like there are F like fans there are genuine fans that call Premier League PRM your league for a reason because it's just [ __ ] PR all over the place W it's just PR all over the place man and this PR is all feminized bro how do you think I feel I gotta live in this country mate I get I get [ __ ] it all the time I see it on every single news thing when it's to do with football it's Jude Bellingham this Phil foden this they're both [ __ ] there's one baller and he's next to me other than that they can [ __ ] off I mean I get what you're saying but also when you say there [ __ ] it's exaggerated but I get your point I get your point anyway definitely has a of course but my club can't win a Champions League with artetta so run me with the pre I don't think you're gonna win a premier league Eva bro you just need to get rid of this [ __ ] dick you know what you know what this guy has a Muslim mentality you know why because it's like uh we have a saying and and I sometimes say it but I don't know if you know notice I say like as in like uh how do I explain it to you it's basically like it's some it's something you know like it's not everything but it's something like I'll you know like that's the best way I can describe it this is what he's trying to say about Arsenal right now you know so I get where he's coming from you know what I mean one touch is all it takes to go to anfield the hell's that the hell's you wait wait wait you talk about bro I want you what do you mean what do you mean by that I'm guessing he's talking about Kingsley Kingsley come I mean yeah but I don't I mean thing is if they're getting kza doesn't make sense because bro they have to understand Liverpool haven't gone for anybody till they gone for marad and that kza guy man so you want me to believe all of a sudden he's going to go to Liverpool you know it's hard for me to do that you know I mean Marino ain't replacing odard or rice nope I mean if it was if I was in arteta shoes right now if you told me if I would get Marino as a rice bench option and then I would get zubba meni as well if I had the funds which I'm sure I have the funds but you know what who the hell are we we're football fans you know what I mean and yes I'm sarcastically before you say anything like he did the you know what I mean but anyway uh for me to win this league we need Ivan Tony Brian buo e however I don't believe I oh I do believe Ivan Tony would definitely give us a better chance just on his own bro I think you need a better AP than Mar marena's not even an AP for me that guy's a six at best you know what I'm saying um who's top scoring isn't it levandowski make what oh the comman deal happened Hey listen man I'm not going to lie for as a fan of both clubs I I'll take it uh at the time and zukic we had Mario Gomez oh yeah shut up [ __ ] oh honestly bro just shut your [ __ ] mouth in like what is this man Ser generally if you tell me Burger League you're you're clapped I just add burrito League why not well add burrito League y now we're gonna make it a three-way now we're gonna make it a triple threat yeah let's see who wins I bet mine still wins over both all the [ __ ] I bet my league wins over both of them anyway uh if didn't want to leave the McDonald's League he went down to Burger what the [ __ ] is that the [ __ ] are you trying to say did you get this nope I think I think an's on that bush again it's the biggest piece of dog [ __ ] that I have ever heard everyone's laughing by the way but it's true cuz everybody's heard it too everyone heard it right they look at all everyone's like yeah big piece of dog [ __ ] yeah everyone's laughing at Dwayne for saying that what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] idiot just said what the [ __ ] are you saying bro to be fair though to be fair that biggest piece of dog [ __ ] thing needs to go on Kola um one second Liam I have something for you right now and just so I I get someone you shut your mouth right now [Applause] boy you shut your mouth right now boy yeah man anyways let me read this thing Matt O'Reilly just signed for Brighton I would much rather him than M by the way you know fun fact by way I don't know who that guy is but you know fun fact that gruda guy joined Brighton or alone I don't even know if it's Lan but he joined them apparently I wonder if he played against man united did he play against man united [ __ ] know a stupid thing I'm going to go check because by the way that guy's a baller and Liam and I were interested in him if you remember gruda who gruda the guy from mines yes you were interested I thought you were talking about the Turkish lad from Real Madrid no the youngster bro you not remember yeah well he's gone to Brighton Bro Look n bro we are sleeping giant man [ __ ] hell I'm not lying to you bro actually I found out from when I was doing the after I done the Newcastle thing with Steve and T Steve told me when I was talk about grud with him damn it man such a shame I I don't know if it's Lan but yeah I know that he you know is with them right now at the moment uh to be honest about big up Steve top guy you should go subscribe to him as well you know what I'm saying um to be honest La Liga and PR league has the same amount of PR but Real Madrid runs the pr yeah I I can't even lie that's actually not a lie although Real Madrid fans if there's one thing I think you're fraudulent in is the fact you deny that crap uh Messi left McDonald's League to go to burgertown I'm guessing he's calling La Liga McDonald's League no he means league on because he was a PSG oh yeah he was would they [ __ ] Mari was a Celtic Danish midfielder number eight and he is a baller going to ah so you're saying arsal could have had a go at him and he's cheap and whatever I see what you're trying to say now um if Le gets top scor in La Liga wins La Liga and puts up a fight in the UCL does he win the balandor that guy should have won a balandor [ __ ] few years ago he won't win B and he should have won and he should have won it twice uncomfortable conversation he will not win a b a bonor in that Shir even under flick Barcelona are [ __ ] yeah by the way he the fact that he won't do anything means he ain't gonna win [ __ ] all anyway but like he should have won at B he's no way near winning that League even with flick bro not a chance that you Madrid team clicks everyone is [ __ ] Champions League [ __ ] the whole league [ __ ] the don't get it twisted it would not surprise me I'm not smoking uh it would not surpris me if um you're smoking by the way I'm the fact that you even asked that question go on I think no one to trouble you think M's in trouble I don't know if they take CA the r serious you know no I think they will now they've got mppe I think they will bro they had Ronaldo Benzema Bale they never took that [ __ ] serious that's the only reason why I don't think M takes the coper D seriously man I could see them lose Copa D win La Liga and Champions League again yeah but a double for their standard shouldn't be good enough it shouldn't be good enough I agree with you how I don't know what the [ __ ] Madrid are doing man these guys they just they never care enough to win the [ __ ] cup of the I don't know what it is like if they care I agree with you they should win but they just won't care bro it's just they're weird bro but this is my point bro this is my point imagine winning the most Champions Leagues far ahead of everybody else and you still haven't won a treble treble yeah we're out here with two trebles and the 62 point and same with Barcelona their own rival by the way bro stop saying Barcelona or that man what they're Spanish bro why you want me say Barcelona bar or okay I'll say it like huh I'll say it like I'm an Arab guy huh Barcelona happy you should say [ __ ] Alona I'll call him put Alona instead [ __ ] Alona [ __ ] sake I am so fuming my club let hansy flick go to Barcelona he would have cook at Arsenal what do you how do you think we feel the guy wanted to come to us unlike you guys Niam are you reading this the guy actually wanted to come to us but our director was like no no we need to rely on Vincent company give him a chance better work bro anyway why is that saying Barcelona because man that's how you really say their name in it they don't say like that Barcelona how do you how do they say it then I want you right now to try to tell me how they say it that's how they say it in Madrid yeah Madrid what is Madrid Spain Spanish right Barcelona is what Spanish too I know they want to claim that they're catalonian but come on uh the board yeah pretty much pretty much I I don't even need to say more bro I mean I mean do do you even wanna do you want to go with what we think of the board there's one thing you're better at than I am and that's kissing Vince McMahon's ass bye bum well [ __ ] the catalonian accent in it man said [ __ ] the accent raw so what do you say Barcelona the [ __ ] do they say bro then every time I hear a Spanish person I know what I say yeah you call him [ __ ] alone or whatever the [ __ ] or [ __ ] alone whatever the [ __ ] you call or aalona you know when you say the word the ter the word e talona that actually sounds unbelievable because we ate them you know what I mean so at Tona bro we ate them it actually does sound insane you can't lie you can't lie man we ate them no no no I'm sorry this describes what I just said man this describes what I this [ __ ] don't miss no he's [ __ ] good that [ __ ] don't miss man that [ __ ] don't miss man um I I wish he needs to show me more bre he get off your phone and stick man all right all right chat give me give me some more outrageous comments so I can react them with some [ __ ] Clips come on now you guys are good at giving me the most outrageous [ __ ] even this [ __ ] I'll give you an outrageous I'll give you an outrageous one there you are kabali [ __ ] who who [ __ ] huh who [ __ ] Kim and J Kim and J no no no you said [Laughter] who it's the biggest piece of dog [ __ ] that I have ever heard everyone's laughing by the way but it's true cuz every body's heard it too everyone heard it right they look at all everyone's like yeah big piece of dog [ __ ] yeah who Kali by the way guys okay yeah well you're fraud anyway guys I see five likes come on all this time we were having a discussion all this time we showed clip and you still haven't like I've only seen one more like six y let's try to get to 10 come on get why five hey he I'm looking right now why do I see six and then five get back to liking people get to 10 come on we can get to 10 now what are we doing fraudulent Behavior right now is what H is what happening right now you know I mean it's fraudulent you know what I mean what is this Liam stop vaping it's unhealthy are you vaping yes oh yeah he actually is vaping damn I didn't even notice I mean you were just Ving I saw that but anyway it's come Kim is a fraud mate [ __ ] this [ __ ] go back to that comment you're right it is unhealthy you're not El is unhealthy watch in my [ __ ] club with donkey T that's unhealthy that's [ __ ] mental health that is it's a bit of a sticky one St you're making me want to hit the [ __ ] [ __ ] It generally is a sticky situ you know sticky situation man I'm not even going to lie as well so you know I actually don't I have heart conditions but you know vaping and C is a common thing yeah like there's hell of APAP stores over here man anyway to be fair um he's not wrong but [ __ ] it well Kim and J is a fraud there you go for YouTubes this guy man done any better shut your mouth man oh mean ahed SBO is so 2018 you shut your mouth right now boy is that is that 2018 is that 2018 right now boy is that 2018 the way he said is that 2024 which one is it oh F we need to fact check this you know so 2018 fraud Dam dam shut up [ __ ] 100 resp and I'm with you on that one that respon that's his response to you bro his his old stuff is way better than him now he's too egotistical now I'm not goingon to lie the final boss is phenomenal but speaking of rock I'm wearing his [ __ ] uh hoodie right now project Rock right now me project Rock bro oh man anyway enough of project Rock in that it's about to drive about power we stay hung yeah that that rap song was [ __ ] awful like Dwayne Johnson should never rap ever again that was pathetic he only made Cody bleed and that did you not hear the [ __ ] promos he was cutting all along did you not see the [ __ ] match he had with Roman Cody and Seth that was actually an unbelievable performance I can't even lie and I thought he was not going to perform as good I swear to God I thought his performance was going to be so [ __ ] mid he actually shocked me bro people need to understand that guy is [ __ ] what 50 years old 52 51 52 something like that and man performed the way he did bro put some respect on the man's name you know what I mean at least within the business cuz some [ __ ] he's saying outside of the business yeah I don't I'm not going to lie I don't agree with but yeah it's just what it is have only made Cody bleed and that was EG okay I read that already yeah but you know what guys I think I'm GNA end it here um any final words Liam yeah the botom views going live soon so go check it out B is there a way I can redirect to your thing nah I I haven't set it up oh [ __ ] okay fair enough man said dum dum is class you know what he actually is class to be fair [ __ ] R Ripley by the way I mean I mean he's class at being a pure [ __ ] that's what he is class at you know what man he just is he's just that he by the way who who wants who wants to know what uh paulinho be thinking before he joined us anyone wants to know before I end it uh not tonight an not tonight anyway be talk about center backs oh yeah fair enough but anyway uh does anyone want to know what Pini be thinking before he joined us what all right well one this is over I want you to fire me you [ __ ] Mark fire me fire me that's what P be thinking bro remember when he was talking about um I'm not allowed to speak that that that's what he' be thinking bro funny enough it's the message is towards the same [ __ ] as well yeah yeah literally so but yeah listen guys I'm gonna end it here you know what I'm saying uh Liam thanks for hopping on in you know and by the way his his channel has already been in the description like always just I just don't really mention it enough but it's in the Des I'm in big trouble you know what I mean if I speak I'm in big okay there you are but anyway his link is in the description thanks for go for those who did like and commented their way through I'm disappointed that it's only five likes and I'm disappointed that on the poll 83% of you is hell yeah and 17 hell not should be 100% hell yeah and 0% hell no so this is fraudulent behavior from the viewers right here you know what I mean but in regardless for those who did thank you very much but I'm going to end it here now so subscribe underneath Liam sub it says subscribe and press the alarm Bells you know what I'm saying um and then what I want you to do as well if you do watch it on later you know which I mean the hell's the point of me saying but again comment give me your thoughts you know give me your thoughts give me your opinion and everything has been discussed hey you can even give me your thoughts on just like Kevin did on the clip that was being played the amount of Clips I played give me your thoughts on those anything just give me your thoughts on anything Liam and I discussed about Kingsley K that's the whole point of this video I gave you the two senses of alh and the Bon view perspective no pun intended by the way you know and go check the socials Tik Tok Instagram X which it's it's just Zer talks if you type Zer talks you should find out I I'll show you one more time so you guys can you know where is it uh there see it's over here see Zer talks above you already know the drill and most importantly Dr take care be happy and forever you may be and we're going to bounce now and again go to the barn View so you can check what's going on and call let me I'm going to read your comment and we're going to bounce uh you said I just won the trouble with bolognia in FIFA and I just realized you guys were talking about troubles that's [ __ ] OD but anyway congrats to you in that in that regard now we're gonna bounce take care see you later [ __ ]

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Category: Entertainment

This guy wasn't just a player he was a soldier sir alex ferguson said it himself he's a soldier who follows my instructions to the letter it was 2010 a champions league game manchester united against ac milan ferguson wanted to stop the heart of the milan team andrea piro so he gave a special mission... Read more

Villarreal CF Vs RC Celta Football Match 24/25 | LIVE Scoreboard And Game Simulation - FC 24 thumbnail
Villarreal CF Vs RC Celta Football Match 24/25 | LIVE Scoreboard And Game Simulation - FC 24

Category: Sports

Gran beltran carles [applause] perez aspas to square things off and there's his second of the match leading the way for the team here we can see it again and this is really good strength he uses his body well and once he gets a yard he finishes it nicely really good composure so they're back to being... Read more

EA FC 24 Karriere ⚽ [S04F29 ]:FC Bayern vs Schachtar Donezk thumbnail
EA FC 24 Karriere ⚽ [S04F29 ]:FC Bayern vs Schachtar Donezk

Category: Gaming

Guten tag leute hier spricht wieder euer p heute haben wir spielen wir jetzt gegen donet ohne den wettbewerb modus den wettbewerbmodus habe ich jetzt rausgenommen leute und jetzt werden wir ohne wettbewerbmodus weiterspielen ne jetzt bin mal gespannt ob mal ohne wie es jetzt mit wettb das heißt punkt... Read more

XXL Champions League!🥲 So sieht das neue System aus. #shorts #fußball #germany #bundesliga #football thumbnail
XXL Champions League!🥲 So sieht das neue System aus. #shorts #fußball #germany #bundesliga #football

Category: Sports

Bayern m bayern hab wir aus deutscher sicht schon mal ein richtigen die uefa versucht große clubs von einer superleague abzuhalten indem sie die champions league massiv ausweitet 36 st 32 mannschaften 189 statt 125 spiele und eine ausschüttung von 2,5 milliarden euro jeder teilnehmer erhält knapp 19... Read more

EA FC 24 Karriere ⚽ [S05F41]  :SC Freiburg vs FC Bayern thumbnail
EA FC 24 Karriere ⚽ [S05F41] :SC Freiburg vs FC Bayern

Category: Gaming

Guten tag leute hier spricht wieder euer p g so leute m dies dies projekt ist eigentlich wie ein bisschen schief gelaufen leute das projekt dieses projekt ist ein wenig schief gelaufen leute muss man so hart zahes projekt ist schief gelaufen leute wie gesagt das projekt haben wir ist jetzt schi gelaufen... Read more