San Diego Cop Locks Himself in Backseat With Female Detainee

roll to your side bend your knees hit this one right here welcome to cams don't lie on the evening of August 14th 2023 San Diego Police Officer Anthony hair along with several other officers responded to a call at the intersection of Denver street in Claremont Avenue in Bay park behind your back thank you hey why are you guys tripping on hey just listen to him put your hands behind your back behind why you guys tripping like that our instruction listen to him I can't your hands behind on my [ __ ] face put your hands behind your back okay okay you not move like that do not move don't move why are you guys put your hands behind your back for me one at a time guys one at a time my Israel how you do man a little scared what the [ __ ] well explain everything to you SP I know you going to spin everything relax right cool hold your side KNE H this one right here no weapons or all right yeah yeah forun me down and everything all right stand up for me yeah maybe roll over first yeah roll over there get yeah on one second the officers were there to apprehend several individuals suspected of auto theft among the suspects was a woman who in addition to being involved in the incident had a bench warrant out for her arrest although her name has not been released to the public officer hair took her into [Music] custody okay we're just going to go to my car right here okay is this car can I put on my shirts yeah all right you're going to come with me to my car so let's go said you heard said ask why you only mean one I'm not mean bro you're the only we talk more once we get into the car okay I got your i s for telling that I got your not your duffel bag with the do string bag I got all of that your makeup doing I just want go suide I'm going scen second perfect just a little bit more I don't want to paint your skin all right why are you asking that me I'm you not bad [Music] following the arrest officer hair was tasked with transporting the woman to police headquarters for processing and then to the Los kenas Detention Center in Santi California for further questioning during the transport as they neared Los kinus an unusual interaction occurred between the officer and the suspect ha asked the woman what she was doing in the backseat of the vehicle well I can't hear you now don't say that right now I said don't say that right now because um everything's been recorded right now shortly after the police cruiser began to slow down and officer hair switched off his body camera according to his account to investigate ha indicated that he believed the woman was experiencing a medical emergency at that moment leading him to take further [Applause] [Music] action all sir step out of the vehicle for me 11 14 y we're Cod for just went okay hold on hold let me turn my camera she's code four she's code okay okay yeah let me turn this off real quick about 20 minutes after the cruiser stopped officer hair called a fellow officer asking if they had a master key to unlock the patrol car another officer eventually arrived and freed hair from the vehicle both hair and the woman denied having any sexual contact in the back seat [Music] [Music] yeah you're right not so much not so much shoes you do that there when she I can do the later okay yeah I'll I know you can't however in a later police interview the woman claimed that hair had expressed interest in seeing her after she dealt with her warrant and even asked to meet her once she was out of jail although she never followed through traces of seamen were found on hair's belt during a department test on September 14th ha resigned from the department and declined to participate in the scheduled subject officer interview let us know what you think in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like And subscribe for more amazing content be sure to check out the other videos on our Channel as well thanks for watching

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