Cong Wang Wins UFC Debut, What's Next?

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:04:18 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: wang cong
all right so Kong Wang is on the scene um wow now I don't know what is going to be next for her maybe Lauren Murphy could be a good one Casey O'Neal they're right outside of those uh the top 15 areas right I'm pretty sure Lauren Murphy is actually number 15 right now or something close um or you know after gets past her next fight maybe fight the winner of that but Kong Wang is very pushable in a lot of aspects uh she's got the kickboxing and if you look at her record she's got submissions in the game so she's obviously a well-rounded fighter who's not just one-dimensional I think she's probably got some wrestling in there that could really manage and I think she has overall a lot of potential to make it into the upper echelons now obviously we've seen it before hamach chamay until you met Gilbert Burns uh Kyle bro just last night when you met Jared koner it's easy to look like the monster until you face another monster so for the Joker or that's her nickname Kong Wang uh she is going to be she she's going to be tested when she reaches the rankings when she gets a number next to her name it's going to be a different story um cuz right now you got to look at who she faced someone with like basically a 50/50 record um so another so she was facing a journey woman pretty much they were feeding her someone who you know was an easy win for her and it got done um but I think when she faces Lauren Murphy she it's it's not that she's going to lose those fights she's going to meet more resistance so obviously she's loving the buzz from her first fight but I think she needs to take her time and not just bust up into the rankings to be honest because she needs more seasoning time maybe she could face Amanda rebot um maybe she could face who um JJ Aldridge if she's still around uh those are some good names but I think there's a lot of options right now that she could play with but my thing is if she gets pushed too soon uh she's probably going to catch a a confidence changing reality loss you know cuz obviously you know all the signs are there we've seen this story a million times sometimes blasting through rankings and going up really fast is going to work but it's better to just say okay I got some time here to evolve every Camp I could learn something new and the more time I take to season myself up before I'm ready for that big title fight with Gro versus or Chef chenko or whoever has the belts um I just just want her to be ready for it because I want to see someone with this much promise uh face down plus like let's say years from now like Jan way Lee decides to move up to flyweight or something like that and then it could be another Chinese Champion versus Chinese Contender because in in the women's division the Chinese are taking over and they're making it look easy so whatever they got going on in those training camps over in China is obviously working but um yeah I mean we're all thinking the same thing we saw one fight one fight now let's say she goes up against someone like Lauren Murphy and gets another first minute TKO or KO yeah no push her to like someone like rose Nami hunz or a Tracy Cortez or something like that someone who's got stake in this division that she's really going to catch resistance from now it's not that those fights aren't winnable but it's not going to be a first round finish I can tell you that much but wow what a debut Kong Wang or Chong Wang I'm I am terrible with foreign names sometimes like most of us but welcome to the UFC I'm looking forward to your future but I really think right now I'm going to play vicarious manager right now kyong Wang versus Lauren Murphy next bet

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