Filmroom: Jonathon Brooks v Kansas: W5 2023

Published: Aug 13, 2024 Duration: 00:20:32 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] [Music] the linemen work towards the playside with the guard moving to the second level creating a pathway [Music] Edge Defender gets a forearm to his waist and eventually catches his ankle while he absorbs a blow from the DB I would argue he could have kept this alive had the DB not been [Music] there playside lineman step down double teaming and creating gaps he follows his blocks as coached at this point he sees the backer to his left and chooses to get as many yards as possible he lowers his shoulder to make him more manageable third down for his [Music] teamj lineman move laterally to the playside creating Lanes with one to two advancing to the second level Brooks utilizes Great Bend to dodge the reaching tackle the bend and balance he displays within just these few frames is [Music] extraordinary this play is a great example of Brook's elusiveness in balance from start to finish [Music] with this blocking scheme they're able to create the gaps for Brooks to choose [Music] from Brook's immediate job is to read the line and make a decision on his POA point of attack at the mesh Point Brook sees the large gap to his left but a Defender closing in quickly to fill the Gap he now has two options point one try to beat the defender in a 1 V one but risk a tfl two push the smaller right Gap with no present Defender the head goes down ball covered up and the first down is picked up it's these kinds of decisions that keep backs on the field converting on critical Downs [Music] both guards pull to the backside with a trap Concept in the playside leaving one v1s on the playside an interesting concept of poor execution particularly by The Tackle who gets beat [Music] immediately with the DT holding inside leverage Brooks is forced to go outside where the tackle has already been [Music] beat good ball security [Music] here not my favorite concept but also execution was poor not much to go off of four Brooks [Music] [Music] beat good job following blocks really good execution from the line [Music] here watch Brook's left foot as he instinctively evades the center's leg to avoid getting tripped really great instinctual movement and feel puts a decent move on the safety here good job getting skinny protecting the ball and keeping his knees up avoiding an ankle tackle huge gash but this also shows the lack of breakaway [Music] speed identified by playside lineman blocking down towards the center often with double team [Music] locks decision [Music] time don't like the decision here no blockers to his left versus to scene to his right he realizes his mistake to late and tries to cut back in slips this was a Miss by Brooks [Music] here two things I want to focus on one Center versus nose tackle Center loses badly here disrupting the flow of the line two left Edge defense defense not sure if this was meant to be a stunt but the edge rushes very wide leaving a huge gap let's play it [Music] out no tackle reaches for Brooks here but can't get a hold really pay attention to Brook's lower half coming up [Music] dead leg Dodges the arm tackle off balance keeps his feet pushes the backer forward while regaining balance really good balance control and strength on this run continues to have good ball security as well BJ [Music] follows blocker through the [Music] hole engage by The [Music] Defenders a player with trust in their speed could continue their path and outrun these [Music] Defenders instead he leans into contact either to split the Defenders or because he does not think he can beat them with speed given the angle he was [Music] taking what could have been a breakaway run is stopped short with the open field [Music] tackle beat [Music] senta loses his matchup here left tackle misses assignment here [Music] Brooks is just now setting his feet and already has to Defenders within one yard of [Music] him another pearly executed run playj [Music] tight and loses here collapsing the playside nice jump cut to the open Lane while feeling the chasing Defender one of the few times he fails to keep both hands on the ball going into contact i cho this up to being off balance going into the hit a small thing that could become a big thing if he's not careful ultimately he gets the first down even with the Back Field d [Music] [Music] uption beat this play gets negated due to this hold by the Right Guard good navigation to the chaos by Brooks hurdling his lineman lowering his shoulder and protecting the football all within just a few frames [Music] [Music] BJ need a better stick for from the guard not good [Music] enough Center makes zero impact on his blocks again not good [Music] enough the lanes are muddied up from the poor effort by the [Music] line really sloppy on the first play out of the half need more fire in the trenches [Music] [Music] Right Guard gets bailed out by The Tackle helping this could have been a tfl [Music] tight end gets overpowered here but that's not what ruins this run in my opinion it's Brook's hesitancy and poor decision-making that is the biggest concern he makes a decision to late to cut outside causing him to slip and ultimately makes the wrong decision now he tries to cut back and at this point there's no saving this run tight end is split blocker assigned for the unblocked Edge Defender [Music] good burst through the Gap good Vision looking for backsides of the lineman to determine his [Music] Direction instinctual running picking up his knees and feet while adjusting his line to Veer away from the threatening Defenders [Music] [Music] tight end needs to give a stronger punch to the edge Defender he chops his feet allowing the defender to tighten the rush Lane the difference between a Defender being [Music] here versus here it might not seem like much but this could be the difference between 7 and [Music] 17 nice quick cut by Brooks letting the flow of the line and the lineman's back sides guide him covers at the ball enough while turning his upper body away from the safety good job tight end is cross lead blocker coming from the backside to the plays Side Right Guard does well here pushing the defensive tackle then sticking the [Music] backer this was a pretty easy read for Brooks made possible by good execution along the [Music] line two failures on this play tight end is to slow on his block consistently not providing the thump this play requires on the edge Right Guard seems in the way but he's not expecting the Titan to lose behind him if the Titan wins the guard is probably not a factor I just don't see the desire to knock his opponent out of the play Brooks does a fine job recognizing the play collapse and just putting his head down and covering up the ball [Music] failure by the backer to recognize the Gap and fill it for some reason he swings way to wide taking himself out of the play nice patients from Brooks to follow the blocks as they develop [Music] left guard is slow to get to second level to take on the backer great run defense by Edge Defender to muddy the play side of the run again it just looks like the tight end doesn't really want to hit someone you see the backer faces Little Resistance to get to his assignment filling his [Music] Gap absolutely nowhere for Brooks to go he does f by attacking the DT and lowering his shoulder [Music] there's too much hesitation from the pullers I need them chugging through with purpose [Music] why are we slowing up here now Brooks can't follow his blockers through because they're hardly moving so he tries to cut back through the B Gap but realizes that's not a good idea maybe he could have gone very wide initially but the tight end is kind of in his way I can't fault him for his blockers failures [Music] right tackle capitalizes on the rush angle from the defensive tackle pushing him out of the play play benefits from the stun clearing the second level on the play side [Music] beat Brooks has been pretty good the whole game avoiding tackles but he doesn't set the move up well enough and the defender makes a good open field tackle [Music] BJ beats Beats beat [Music]

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