Alex Edelman: The importance of getting out the vote for Kamala Harris

Published: Aug 04, 2024 Duration: 00:04:34 Category: News & Politics

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well look I just think it's you know it's always been such an easy time it's such an easy time to be a Jew right now and uh you know really it was sort of a coin flip decision for me and uh really can't like um I'm there I mean there are so many there are almost an infinite number of good reasons to sit down and uh support uh like if you sat down and thought about like why you're going to support kamla I think you could probably talk for like a couple of hours just in bullet points about like the reasons that you were going to um choose uh this one side but uh but look I uh I've worked closely with the administration that's not true I uh I don't work closely with the administration but uh I've seen uh kamla and uh the second gentleman um as as Robie H but said uh quietly and behind the scenes work very diligently to figure out what the real issu are for Jewish Americans not just the ones that are grabby and uh and headlining and and uh and sort of grippy in like in the news uh and to try to amarate the pain of of Jews particularly young Jews uh Doug is really really um I love we shouldn't If he if kamla is elected president I don't want the title to be first gentleman I just want to be like here's the president of United States KLA Harris and Doug like I want no title for him he should be as informal as he feels to talk to he's like these are real human beings these are people who uh who who genuinely want to ease the pain of uh of of as many people as they possibly can and the care that I watched them take with the Jewish Community particularly with young Jews has been like ah it's hard to say that something is inspiring such a cliche but like it it actually has been uh and Doug has really dedicated himself in particular uh to those causes and he's worked with with uh with Ambassador lipat and and many others to uh to do those things I actually feel very personally offended to see Donald Trump say things like uh I some Donald Trump was on a radio show or something and someone called Doug a crappy Jew and he agreed and I should be so lucky to be as crappy a Jew as Doug mhof it is truly like this is someone who cares deeply about uh about where they're from and cares deeply about the community uh that they feel uh strongly a part of and has been fighting like as quietly and uh diligently for that Community though the one thing I want to say I I only want to say one thing really because like other people will come with like policy stuff and people will talk about how kamla and uh the second sh reflect like Jewish values but everybody has different policy things that are important to them and everybody has different understandings of what Jewish values are although if you can find me a Jewish value that uh you think Donald Trump reflects better than K Harris I'd be really interested to hear that um I I just think that everyone on this call they are probably more informed than me and they're probably uh not everyone I'm sure there are a couple people who uh who are just curious but and uh and are like wait who's running for president but uh but I think most of you guys probably know uh exactly why you're voting for uh Kamala and why you're supporting kamla I I just really want to quickly talk about uh how to do that because this is going to be such a tightly contested election and it's going to come down to to people talking to their friends which sounds like really silly and small but it's going to come down to having conversations uh with people in your community and encouraging them to vote and phone Banking and being highly participatory and highly motivated because um look these elections have been won and lost by very small margins and like we are a small percentage of the we are like a rounding error in the population and uh but we are highly motivated and have had big impacts on elections uh up and down the ballot and so please if you are on this call um please do everything you can because like you're G to want to say that you did everything you can and um and there are a million good reasons to and by the way if you could do it without the ranker uh toxicity of the other side that would be especially wonderful so uh yeah and now someone just say something nice about why why about K Harris's policies but like I think they're lovely people and I think you should get out there to vote for uh to like vote for them and Fone back for them and and do and do all the stuff so

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