Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton is a surrogate for Donald Trump tonight Senator um have you spoken to him uh today and how's he feeling hey Laura good to be on with you here from Philadelphia I spoke with President Trump just a few hours ago he's feeling great he's looking forward to tonight's debate he's looking forward to exposing KLA Harris's record as a dangerous San Francisco liberal you know since she became the Presidential nominee she's only had one interview when she had her emotional support Vice Presidential nominee there with her she hasn't answered questions about all of her radical positions in the past we saw another one just surface yesterday that she wants to use taxpayer dollars to pay for gender transition surgery for illegal aliens held in detention if you can believe it in addition to decriminalizing all drugs and look we we've known KLA Harris is a San Francisco liberal from the very beginning she's not flip-flopping she's not moderating she's lying to the American people to try to get through this election President Trump will expose those lies tonight some interesting points in some of the recent polls that came out and in topics that we don't necessarily discuss that much because they're are not in the top three of concerns for voters but the point about Americans tonight still being held in Gaza and what has kamla Harris done as vice president to gain their release except you know around the edges at the very least make it more difficult for Israel to prosecute its uh campaign and war against Gaza until they release those hostages um but we have Americans In Harm's Way right now there we do she's done nothing in fact she's made it harder Laura as you say to get these hostages because she and Joe Biden have put more pressure on Israel every turn than they have on Hamas and its patrons in Iran rather than trying to restrain Israel we should have let Israel win from the very beginning Not only would this war be over but the hostages would almost certainly have been rescued or released by now so what we need to do is back Israel to the hilt make it clear to Hamas that we want our hostages back and if we don't get them back there's going to be hell to pay Donald Trump made that clear tear our enemies in the past yeah weakness and a lack of strength and resolve breeds real trouble around the world for America Senator great to see you as always thank you