hey collector so this is going to be a collective reading I'm going try not to make this very long so we have boundless possibilities and we have bring balance so you got new opportunities and it's bringing some type of balance to you here your environment your spiritual being your just your mental state here as well is some balancing out yeah confirmation yeah we have stand your ground here as well you got new opportunities coming in for you and it's like whatever this new energy you're in like I said it's bringing some type of balance but you're not going to allow anybody to come in and you know disrupt your energy is what I'm getting here yeah you're staying grounded in the present moment is what I'm getting and like you got a lot of new opportunities coming in for you you're also paying attention to any type of red flags or you know anything that you would have ignored in the past you're paying attention you're being mindful here is what I'm getting I'm also getting something in regards to your boundaries like you're setting boundaries healthy boundaries and you're standing on them with this stand your ground here yeah it's like certain things that you would have tolerated in the past you're not tolerating it certain things that you would have entertained in the past or you know just treatment from people in the past like you're not tolerating it it's like you're in some whole new energy here is what I'm getting yeah you're also receiving wish fulfillment I'm also getting you're able to be thankful and grateful for whatever it is you have you know in the present moment you may not even have a whole lot but you're grateful for what you do have in this present moment and that's bringing you in more abundance here it's like you're I'm really getting something in regards to like because you were able to release surrender and move forward it's like you're a lot happier your mood is also improving it's like you're not allowing people to you know Place burdens on you or it's like you're not placing any burdens on you I'm also getting something in regards to like um it's like a lot is changing for you you're releasing the old to bring in new here and it's bringing you wish fulfillment and you're very happy and you're just like you feel uh free or at like you're calm here is what I'm getting and you're not allowing anybody to cross your boundaries period you're not compromising that yeah you're staying grounded in a present moment and it's bringing you in wish fulfillment here that's what I'm getting like you know that all we have is the present moment so it's like when you do start to get like you can have a lot going on in your work in your environment I was about to say work environment but you can have a lot going on in your environment or in your life at this present moment you know regardless of what it is if it's something to do with work or you know money or whatever things that you were worry about and stress out about in the past you're not allowing yourself to be in that energy it's like as soon as you start to worrying or stressing out it's like you got to bring yourself back to your Center space and you remind yourself that everything that is happening in your environment is all working out to your highest good you know whether or not you see it in this present moment you know that the universe is working for you not against you so it's like you're not up in your head anymore you feel free regardless of what you're experiencing it could even be like you experiencing a tower moment in regards to your Finance maybe employment maybe like something slowed down for you it's like you know that it's all new opportunities here like you can look at it it's like all about your perspective and how you look at it you got to be able to change your perspective and know that all is working out for you period and that's helping you attract here as well yeah you are like it's a lot of healing that you're doing here as well you're giving gratitude here as well you're very grateful here and that's helping you uh manifest here and helping you heal with this inner child I'm also getting like you being stressed out anxious it it's because you were worried like you were in a state of disease because you were worried about things that you cannot control and you were allowing that worried to take over like you could have been worried about like I said bills you could have been worried about your stability your financial stability whatever it is you were worried about you were allowing that uh fear and anxiety to take over and it could have been like you could have been going towards vices you know trying to use different vices to cope or distract yourself from what you were feeling but now you are allowing yourself to feel so that you can move forward here and that's helping you grow yep I could be speaking to a masculine energy here or a feminine energy or you could be healing is something here with masculine energy [Music] here yeah you're taking action to do this healing work and move forward here I'm also getting you could be healing uh connection spiritually or you're healing something within your inner child it could be pertaining to a masculine energy or I'm speaking to a masculine energy or something here from your past that you're working on healing and overcoming like some you're working on forgiving so that you can move forward here as well yeah and it's helping you connect with your higher self or this could even be you healing on a spiritual level and getting more in tune with your higher self here is uh pushing you towards a spiritual awakening is what I'm getting here yeah it's like you're also connecting with your soul tribe here wow I'm getting a a family of light beings your soul tribe you're connecting with these individuals uh otherw worldly this is otherw worldly like energy this is giving me like yeah this is 5D this is like you are connecting oh wow okay so yeah that's exactly what this is you are connecting with your higher self in the 5D here this spiritual being this very enlightened awakened being here this awareness this pure awareness you are connecting with this but you doing that is also drawing your soul tribe towards you people that are a part of your soul tribe but I'm getting from lifetimes lifetimes that you've lived in other uh I'm getting other galaxies here yeah so take that how it resonates yep these individuals are coming in for you but it could have been some type of block here it was some type of disharmony W because you was trying to be human you was trying you was out here trying to be human play human you know these Earthly experiences attaching yourself too much to you know that youro I'm getting the anxiety and the fear you know of you know just feeling like you were in lack but once you started realizing that none of this matters you're always provided for and the universe is working for you never against you you started to come more to a place of surrender here and you sto you you know trying to play this human or play this you know character or play this role or whatever it is you started to embrace your true authentic self you don't have to be out here trying to fit in into society or you know uh be accepted by Society it's like you're being your true authentic self which is just pure awareness that spiritual being here just allowing yourself to experience life the good and the bad if you sit around living your life waiting on things get good like you're you're missing so many valuable moments in your life you got to be able to see the good within whatever you're dealing with at this present moment I don't care if you in between jobs or you know whatever like you got to be able to continue to live your life be grateful for the connections the people that you have around you and be in that love energy and stay grounded in this present moment be in the world but not of it it's like As Above So Below things are always working out for you here it's about your mindset and your perspective as soon as you start to heal that yeah you bring in this just I'm getting something this is like I'm really getting like pure awareness pure awareness yeah water Consciousness pure awareness what always is you cannot lose what always is and you br are bringing yourself back to your Center space and once you start feeling those feelings of anxiety you understand that that is a human that is part of you that is you being a part of you know just a human experience we're all Spiritual Beings but we're experiencing it we're having this Human Experience so when you start feeling those emotions or feeling that anxiety or you know whatever you remind yourself that that is you becoming the character you are not these identities that we place on on ourselves because a lot of times we place these identities or we place whatever on ourselves these characters these roles that we're playing you know you got to be this type of person you got to be this high value person you got to be this career you got to be this you got to be that it's like labels on everything but once you realize you are a spiritual being and all you got to do is be period having more money ain't going to make you happy some people with money some of them you know they just give their money away or they just like they try to connect with like a lot of times you'll see people who have a lot of money sometimes they feel guilty for it sometime like they're try to give back what you think you're lacking you're not lacking what you need is already within you you got to come out of that place of lack and know that you are always provided for and if you're sitting around thinking more money is going to make you happy you're like letting your life pass you by if you know it's nice to have money so you don't have to worry about how your bills are going to get paid but you know you got to deal with what you got going on in the present moment and it's important to be grateful for whatever you have in this present moment your family you know you got a roof over your head you got a job you got a car you know you got people that love you even if you have nothing you got people that love you you got you and you love you you remind yourself of that you remind yourself that it's not a race you know nobody has it all figured out some people who you know you look at and you think they got you know life figured out they got a nice job nice house you know well paying job they could be dealing with depression that don't mean they got it all figured out in a minute you start to allow yourself to make mistakes you know be human because at the end of the day like you're human you're having this Human Experience but you are a spiritual being you got to be patient with yourself stop being so hard on yourself understand it's a process it is not a race it's called a journey for a reason and really is you understanding you it's you overcoming Your Shadow it's you learning the lessons that you need to learn so that you can be the best version of yourself show up for other people help Inspire and encourage you know humanity and just be a good person all around but sometimes when we you know identify with you know labels or feeling like we're in lack or feeling like we're not enough or you know whatever like you got to believe in yourself and stop allowing people to you know make you feel like you are not enough because you are enough focus on being in that high vibrational energy and focus on just uplifting you know Humanity or the consciousness of humanity the planet as a whole like we are all connected to that God Consciousness we are all a part of that so essentially you healing and healing your inner child and moving forward is helping heal the collective is what I'm getting here yeah I'm going get a couple cards let's see out of this deck and then I'mma end it yeah we have when you start the path appears so take a step in any direction so it's all about like just movement movement moving forward momentum we have intent and action launch all your dreams and um this card always reminds me of Abraham Hicks with this rocket here your rocket ET of desires like what are you telling the universe that you want here are you getting yourself in alignment with good are you uh it's something about like your thoughts here or like your mindset like this could be something that you're working on or healing here it's something in regards to your mindset here do you have an abundant mindset you know everything is working out for you regardless of you know your circumstances be able to be happy and grounded in a present moment be thankful and grateful for you know the people you have around you the connections the love the support you have around you here in the present moment yeah we have you have reached a new level and a new land to be discovered there is something for you there so it's like you're coming into this riches here um you're coming into some type of windfall here or this is an abundance of Love support it's like yeah this abundance is yours it's always been yours and now you are receiving this here but it's because you are staying grounded in the present moment you know your work you're doing that healing work here uh you're being patient with yourself you know that all is working out for you here even when you don't see it it's about your mindset because you shifted your mindset or your perspective or just the way you look at things it's like you could you're letting the Old Fall Away you know ideas beliefs things that no longer serve you you're allowing those things to fall away so that you can bring in new and because you are clearing your energy and doing that you feel happier lighter Freer and it's like opening you up or expanding you to you know other perspectives or other possibilities just boundless possibilities it's like it's opening you up to all of this new and it's freeing it's like a renewal is what I'm getting here yeah know that whatever decision you made it was the right one it's like trust where you being led because you are making decisions that are in alignment with your highest good because you are getting in alignment with what you want for yourself the good you want to bring into your Vortex you are making wise decisions you are making positive Life Choices healthier life choices and because you are doing these things could even be like down to the people that you're surrounding yourself around like you're making changes in your life you're connecting with the Divine you're connecting with Source you're Conn in with God here it's like you're focusing your priorities you're getting your priorities in alignment and you are this is like a level up spiritually you are spiritually leveling up and because you are spiritually leveling up you are receiving this abundance here this windfall here is coming in for you but it's because you're doing the work but I'mma end it there best of luck if this is you dealing with this or somebody around you for

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