MUST SEE! Gold Star Parents Break Silence and DESTROY Kamala! She WON'T Even Say Their Name!

hey everybody welcome back to Courageous media the Chris Highland show thanks so much for rolling up for joining in really appreciate everybody hey we've got a great video for you tonight it's actually a series of three videos as you all know and I'm gonna flip to this the left has been apoplectic over the last few days over the co over the fact that Donald Trump had the gall in their mind to go to Arlington Seminary and place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier now according to them according to the Misfits in the propaganda media according to Kami kamla Trump never should have done that you never use uh Arlington as a photo [ __ ] which of course Kami kamla and Joe Biden certainly did uh the left tried to cover for him saying oh no no this is part of their schedule duties and either way they have been absolutely trying to trash Donald Trump over this whole thing so as you can see from this headline Cala Harris blast Donald Trump's political stunt at Arlington National Cemetery disrespected sacred ground now the implication from Kami Kamala and the implication That Was Then carried the water that was carried by the propaganda leftist corrupto crat media was that Donald Trump showed up on his own accord that Donald Trump somehow scheduled this that Donald Trump somehow was the instigator behind all this well come to find out that none of that is true and it is so untrue in fact that the Donald Trump campaign P just released an ad about this whole thing that's how absolutely mindblowing this is the fact that comma Harris and her Morana campaign actually thought this was a good idea is interesting had they known any of the facts which they should have because they were contacted so without further Ado we're GNA dive into this ad and then I've got two videos from gold star parents that you have got to hear let's check it out vice president Harris vice president Harris vice president Harris my name is Steve nikui I'm the father of Lance corpo Kareem M nikui my name is Jim McCollum I am the gold star father of United States Marine Corps Lance corporal Riley McCollum this is Mark schmidtz gold star father of marine L Corporal Jared schmidtz my name is Darren Hoover and I'm the gold star father of United States Marine Corps staff sergeant Taylor Hoover my daughter-in-law Sergeant Nicole lean G was killed in the Afghanistan exit at abig gate our kids were murdered because of your Administration you are not at do for the dignified transfer and no time have you reached out to me to offer your condolences to offer thank you for Kareem sacrifice and service you have 13 families who've been waiting over 3 years to so much as get a phone call to so much as hear our kids' names said aloud you failed for 3 years and 8 months months to acknowledge our kids where were you and Joe Biden on August 26 2024 nowhere near Arlington Cemetery you couldn't be bothered to be with us or even say our kids' names just as you had done for the last 3 years vice president Harris I ask you why won't you return a call and explain to us how you call my daughter-in-law's death a success president Trump has called president Trump shows up president Trump takes the time to hear our loved one Stories We invited him to be there these are the only memories we get to make with our son and it is you who is playing politics and trying to detract from our memories made that day president Trump has been there for us he's been a rock for us he showed compassion for us and he showed he truly cares for the families that truly do know what the ultimate sacrifice really [Music] is what you think about I love that ad I think it hits KLA Harris right between the freaking eyes especially considering that she's been out there stumping and is on Twitter she can't erase it now she had a lengthy diet tribe on Twitter calling Donald Trump dis uh despicable uh saying that he stole the the the photo op saying that he he disgraced saw sacred ground I won't bother to read you the entire expose because it's just disgusting but to have the gold star parents on a campaign ad saying no no we invited him we wanted him there he was there at our behest and oh Kami Kamala who hasn't bothered to return a phone call who won't even say our kid's name who called my son's death a success leaving $85 billion of equipment for our terrorist enemies walking away from a a fight against terrorists handing the country over to terrorists that's a success and 13 dead to boot and all of the Americans and our allies stranded in that now hell hole of a country that's success oh and remember Kus said this was her decision she was in the room when Biden made it and she fully approved and she could have vetoed at any time but she did not she Kami KLA Harris is a disgrace she is Despicable she despises our military why won't she return a phone call the woman asked that why won't you return a phone call because she hates our military she hates anybody who's a patriot she hates this country she answers to only one master and that is the globalist cabal of corrupto crats that have installed her as the nominee despite not receiving a single primary vote in two bloody tries no they've installed their communist Tyrant candidate their Man ultimate Manchurian Candidate and now she is trying to run a campaign where when she was silent she was actually doing better every time she speaks she sticks her foot in her mouth all right we're gon to roll into these two videos you've got to see them both they are amazing the first one is really big powerful all right here we go this is Mark schmidtz gold star father of Marine Lance corporal Jared schmidtz here we are in a beautiful holiday weekend day I got to stop what I'm doing spending time with what's left of my family to address a heinous vile and disgusting post put out by Camala Harris trying to incite those that don't follow the truth that President Trump was in Arlington as a poli itical stunt shows you how much you know about the 13 families we invited him to be there groundwork was put into place by Congressman isa's office to make sure we followed protocol why did we want Trump there it wasn't to help his political campaign we wanted a leader wow that explains why you and Joe didn't get a call ouch ouch I love this dude I love this guy that's amazing we wanted a leader that's why you and oatmeal brains didn't get a call awesome imagine for a second that your kid is killed and there's a president of the United States willing to take you under his wing and listen to you that's what we found in president Trump certainly not you and certainly not Joe Biden you have 13 families who have been waiting over over 3 years to so much as get a phone call to so much as hear our kids' names set alloud in the halls of Congress at a state of the union hell anything the irony behind your post that you give a rat's ass about our military or our veterans Jared's brothers and sisters in arms the rest of the 12 their brothers and sisters in arms is an outright lie we're living proof of that you're despicable you have zero business running this country and I pray to God Americans wake the hell up and get your ass out of office you have spit in our face for the last time ouch now kudos to this man who is absolutely just just I mean he's clearly distressed he's speaking from his heart but the last line that he said you have spit in our face for the last effing time it's about high time that all Americans wake up and realize that every time these two disgusting fools speak Kami kamla and tampon Tim they are spitting in your face we just did a video on the fact that tampon Tim continues to pathologically lie about his military service with the most recent video surfacing saying he was in Afghanistan which he never was he deployed to Italy and then when his unit was getting ready to actually deploy to the theater he quit because he's a coward and Kami kamla Harris who again has not mentioned any one of these 13 Heroes names one time who called their death a success it's absolutely unconscionable he's right she is Despicable she is disgusting and she does not deserve holding any Reigns of power she is not qualified or worthy of being a dog catcher now let's check out the second video Tamala your statement is nothing more than a political spin to help you look better in your presidential campaign against Donald Trump you have never walked a single day in our shoes our kids were murdered because of your Administration and you you are partly to blame for that as well what happened at Arlington was President Trump was invited by those families who have their soldiers buried at Arlington they were invited there as a friend as somebody who has taken the time numerous times on numerous occasions to hear our stories to speak our kids' names and to help us get some accountability from your administration because in over 3 years we have gotten nothing but more and more lies just like your statement more and more spun lies and coverups to make you and your Administration look good but there is one thing that you said in your statement that was true no one should be running for president if they cannot honor military members their families as well as veterans so I guess that means that you should step down Cala 100% correct love this woman too yeah kamla step down because you don't respect one person in in in uniform you're disgusting kamla Harris has spit in these people's face for the last time she hopefully hopefully Americans wake up because they're still trotting out the same old tired debunked a thousand times lies about Trump commy used this to try to hearken back to when Trump did not go to a cemetery in France and the old tired lie that Trump said they were suckers and losers which is absolutely 100% categorically false as witnessed by over a dozen people who said no he never said that no that was not the case no those words never came out of his mouth and then come to find out that the only reason he didn't visit the site was because you could not based on the the drive for security reasons you could not drive there you couldn't take the motorcade there you had to fly in a chopper and the weather didn't allow for the Choppers to fly that day so the only reason he didn't is because of security concerns when he was president of the United States and there are some things that secret service can veto people on like no it's too dangerous you can't do that and so they Trot out the same old tired BS debunked nonsense the the Charlottesville thing the suckers and losers thing all of it it's just old tired crap and Camala tries to pull this out and she every time her and crooked Joe Biden Joe Brian do this they spit in your face again her and Walts that's all they've been doing now for what 40 45 days since she was named basically the nominee she has avoided all press the only thing she's done with the Press is this ridiculous CNN interview that was scripted prepared for with questions in advance no followup from Dana Bash no real hard questions she asked some hard questions but they were given those questions in advance so they could make a prepared statement and then no follow-ups from data no push back no hey wait a minute that's not what you said earlier none of that it was just a scripted puff piece and even then they screwed it up even then the calls were oh my gosh that thing was a disaster so I wanted you to see this I wanted you to see this from the gold star parents who are telling everyone no we invited Trump KLA Harris can go jump in a lake she's lying again she's spitting in their face and she's spitting in your face and we need to make sure she's nowhere near the Oval Office man thanks to everybody for rolling up I really appreciate it hey remember the only cost of admission here is smash that like button so if everybody who's on could you please hit that like button right now I really appreciate it and also if you could consider supporting the channel you can become a member with us on YouTube or you can support us with supers we really appreciate it so that we can keep the lights on we can keep doing what we're doing and we can hopefully even get to this uh doing this full-time and we can uh we can even you know do more of this would love to do that we're really trying to grow the channel so that we can get out there and affect more people because we've got man we got what uh see it's September September 5th tomorrow we got 60 days 60 days to let all of America know and to show all of America just how evil depraved kamla Harr and tampon timr that they answer to only one master the globalist cabal of corrupto crats who want to destroy the United States destroy the west and bring the entire world into subjugation under a new feudal system where they get to be the new Global aristocracy and the rest of us are surfs the only way we prevent that right now is we've got to elect Donald Trump on November 5th we have to make sure that he occupies the Oval Office and ideally give him this house and the Senate but we have to make sure he occupies the Oval Office and we have to make sure that we give him the house so that we avoid any of this nonsense that we saw the last two years of his of his term uh in in 18 and 19 so let's make that we got to get out there and make that happen I need you courageous Army please share these clips or Please share my video with everybody that you know everybody that you're acquainted with hell share it with people you don't know pull out an email list I don't care but if we can break out of this YouTube jail that we're suddenly in uh we' really appreciate it and the same time we've got to get out there and we've got to fight we've got to volunteer we've got to donate and we've got to drag 10 people with us to vote also 10 emails 10 social media posts let's get out there and affect this thing because last time even with all their cheating we only lost by 40,000 votes in five states this time if we can flip 40,000 votes in five states we'll put Donald Trump in the white house but I think we can do way better than that we can make this thing too big to rib we can make it a landslide we can send Trump to office with a mandate to dismantle the Deep State close the border stop the Foreign Wars get Pharmaceuticals out of our everyday life and make people healthy again we can do all of that so please join me let's get out there let's donate let's volunteer let's fight and let's pray because this whole thing depends on God God is good and he is Sovereign I believe it'll all be good in the end it's not yet good it's not yet the end please share this on all your social medias thank you so much everybody who's rolled up really do appreciate yall till I catch you next time

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