Cam Ward vs Graham Mertz | Mario Cristobal vs Billy Napier | Miami vs Florida | TOP 5 GAME OF THE WK

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:10:07 Category: Gaming

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because you got the game in Gainesville so Miami making that drive up or they can fly out the Gainesville but they probably going to drive up the game is at 3:30 bil and N Pier needs this win he needed in the worst way possible uh Mario Chris he also needs this win so it's like two coaches got I know every game the coaches got to have to win y'all but y'all don't understand right I I know if y'all F follow the uh the State of Florida and our coaches you know you got mik norell he bowled out last year um but the gator almost beat Miami almost be them three teams are big three right UCF has stepped up to make it the big four but they got to win something to really be up there with them so it's still a big three everybody that was born in the uh 90s they going to see 80s and 90s and 70s and 60s and 50s they see it that's the big three the 2000 kids they might see as UCF like that but they they got to win but all eyes GNA be on this game y'all all eyes will be on this game Chris you say you got Miami wi listen man I don't know them Gators man when I looked at they dep chart they got a quarterback okay quarterback quarterback they both got them but I'm just going to talk about uh um Florida Florida play in the SEC they playing more tougher competition than miam in the ACC then Florida quarterback coming back Florida got three wide receivers or four that they could throw to a true fresh Well a true sophomore and then you have a uh a senior coming over from Arizona State that's like that um then another guy transferred Wisconsin that came that's that's uh Graham one of his guys he used to throw to so that's three guys he already know and then a fourth guy in Jackson that could end up being a starter they Old Line return a lot of um older guys now they got a sophomore guy that's um getting that start but at the same time y'all Florida look like they got something I know Miami got cam Ward and cam gonna get out there and dance but to me it's like Miami only have Cam one wide receiver um they got the running backs we got running backs um the both lines going to be straight the defense I want to say I get a defense to Miami but Florida got a good D2 so this thing hard to call y'all I I think Florida going to get it unless unless hit me out unless cam Ward get out there and be throwing and running throwing and running because yes he got that uh x x at uh W uh wide receiver number seven yes Char uh cam Ward gonna be throwing at him but I don't know the other wide receivers cam just going to be throwing to like that which I seen in the Colorado game last night you ain't got to know everybody them boys if they got that system working so Billy has been in his system longer than Mario Cris ball so he has more he done built he done built longer to me I feel like but I don't know I just feel like the SI just feel like the system better now you look at it it's in Florida the swap going to be packed the swamp gonna be packed y'all I'm talking about packed I done been in it when matter of fact I done been in when they played Miami in the early 2000s y'all that game was packed you can't hear nothing so to me all the recruits going to be there every recruit that's a baller in the State of Florida they ain't got nowhere else to be they ain't worry about no Boston College versus Florida State which they could hit that Monday but they ain't really tripping they want this game tomorrow all the scouts going to be there NFL Scouts going to be there because you got two quarterbacks that you gonna be looking at you got running backs you gonna be looking at wide receivers you going to be looking at o line dline you going to be looking at the secondary you goingon to be looking at so this is a basically a NFL game or who the best talent in Florida Florida going to have Ballers I don't care how hard that schedule is they have talent Miami Got Talent now we just got to see who going to do what they do I think Florida going to win y'all I think Florida gonna win at home they GNA have the fans behind them it's hard to win in the swamp uh the Heat ain't going to be no different cuz Miami Heat and our uh Central Florida Heat ain't too much of a difference so the heat is the heat now the people that baby J getting in in the summer or something now they might be getting used to it if they not for around here but everybody else they going to be good everybody watching that game at 3:30 I don't care what other 3:30 game it is everybody watching that game they at 3:30 they are locked in to this Florida and Miami game I'mma give it to Florida I think it'll be close I I don't think it's going to be no blowout I think it's going to be close um y'all know Florida got a D lining that I don't know if it's true but they got that boy at 449 lbs that that that's they need to get with him and I know him cuz he R he he played in uh Armwood like they they they right up the road from him real close maybe 15 20 minutes away I just think that no player should be 400 lbs I think they got him at 6'5 but this off season they need to let him not they got to get that weight up off of him for health reasons this just for health uh Chris you think Miami goingon to win they they could but I just feel it's at the swamp the crowd going to be behind them I know Miami going to travel well I don't know about that I know the gamesville people going to be there they this their first game of the year they hey you either love him uh Billy n p or you want him out so everybody going to be tuned in um Miss Johnson you say how is Floyd defense well Floyd had a a young defensive coordinator last year now they brought in the defensive coordinator from arburn they co-defensive coordinator so I believe the defense uh improve just like that you got a older guy who been knowing defense forever and then you got a young guy mixing with the older guy that's that think that's going to work Mars you said Miami finally got a elite quarterback expect good I I I expect that to be I expect cam the ball but I don't know if Cam ever been in anything like this I I know he from what Texas so he probably been in some uh big boy Texas games but man here in Florida that game mean a lot cuz they don't play every year like Florida State and Miami play Florida State like Florida State play Florida and Miami every year but Miami and Florida don't play every year so this game happens like see like every blue moon and when it happen you got all the alumni you going to have Tim TBO there uh all the Florida big boy dogs going to be there all the big boy dog for the canes going to be there and if they not there they watching they want to show out they want the bragging RS so I think it's going to be a good one I just think Florida at home I got to go I'm going go look at Miami depth chart again but that Florida depth chart look good to me I think Florida going to be better than what people think they are uh Mars you say how Florida stay still in top 10 I don't know they they they don't want to drop him they don't want to drop they think that was G that flute was the game was a flute versus Georgia te but Boston College got a quarterback that can run and throw so that game might be tough for them but the game in Gainesville is a top five game of the week yesterday was Colorado and not d uh Colorado in North Dakota State uh Saturday you got Clemson in Georgia uh Florida and Miami and then later that night you got Texas A&M vers Notre Dame and then the next day Sunday you have LSU vers USC so that's a big boy game uh Mars you say uh Florida State almost lost the B Boston C last year now imagine what they gonna do this year imagine what they gonna do this year with a new head coach who bring NFL style to it um and ready to own and he from you know he was coaching with the New England Patriots and all that uh so all that experience coming to Boston College and and Florida State vulnerable right now boy this thing going to go down but good thing about Florida State they play them at the house so that's good hey blessings to y'all I just want to come tell y'all man this game tomorrow at 3:30 Easter Standard time what time is it now it is 2:00 just imagine y'all see how hot it is in Florida right now now that's a breeze blowing but you ain't going to be feel that in that swamp that thing going to be hot and everybody going to be checking it out hey blessings to y'all holla holla

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