NEW Star Wars Outlaws is *INSANE*

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:20:48 Category: Gaming

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welcome to Star Wars Outlaws this is the first ever open World Star Wars games with crazy missions and a ton of open world fun you can explore planets on your speeder or on Foot Fly seamlessly from surface to space explore and fight in space play various mini gamess do side quests and so much more and this totally makes the game unique for everyone depending on how you want to play thanks to Ubisoft for sponsoring this video and if you want to play the pre-order is available now by clicking on the link in the description below now it's time to explore the outer rims Criminal underworld with our pal Nicks in Star Wars Outlaws wa what the heck I like the little creature like it come on huh [Music] hello H he like whoa cool jacket stylish how'd she find that [Music] thing oh my gosh I'm sorry I'm sorry I uh I thought you were one of them huh lots of new friends [Music] today hey we oh snap Under Pressure K's adrenaline meter will fill once full K can eliminate enemies oh oh my gosh blast them all ooh getting zappy with it what's up dude what are we doing talk to the mechanic good work handling those Bandits who are great work even let's do this thing oh this thing looks sick it's a big old W all right we're moving okay holy smokes we fixed the ship this area looks so cool a okay we just got to go get some credits that's it no big deal I love the open world though feeling nice and vast feels like a proper Star Wars world you know are we in a ramp what is this over here oh I like that are these like water buffalo oh my gosh more of those Bandits doing some dodging let's mark them and blast them oh the fact that you can do that while on the bike is so cool I don't have anything just leave me alone I literally don't have anything guys please you Al alive back there buddy I know what are we doing oh oh that looks way too cool what they got blown off their bike holy smokes you're dead you hear me restricted area uhoh I'm just trying to get out of here all right you can go through here smooth with it all right all right we need to find gor there like a gas station over here oh they're still on me they like Won't Give Up all right let me turn around here bye-bye blasted oh there's like a Caro ship there pardon me all right Wala what do you get out of this I don't trust charity charity do you know what this baby is it's an EML 850 a custom job checked the logs and even found a name the Trailblazer the Trailblazer Trail Blazer so so this ship is special o security guards over here okay par me oh no pardon me I'm just go through this side no worries oh don't worry my my little pet uhoh but the let me see some identification oh uh yeah here you go you're torn Valerio nup that's me mhm all right move along okay fair enough don't tell me to move along and block my path okay it's not nice okay let's go find this person that we need to find we're in town this town looks cool he was alive a lot of intricacies a lot of cool looking characters I love the level design it looks so cool this feels like I'm in a Star Wars movie legit this looks like a movie theater or something o are these ATMs maybe they could buy movie tickets you know okay points over here oh maybe through the elevator or something oh okay we're in look at the vibe over here wow talk to the bartender okay don't mind me how you doing you don't look like a pie and you're not getting up there without an invitation wow okay find a way into gorak's Suite maybe we could climb up on the outside or something ooh what is this over here maybe we can hack it what this this over here ooh necklace ooh override lock okay I'll figure this out there we go easy easy first try ooh going through this spiderweb vent up the ladder we go we're going to get our way into gorx Suite don't you worry you can't have my little minion making noise we're resourceful look at us dropping right in there we go see we're res forceful we're smart intelligent all right not bad not bad for my first day here you know welcome to underworld a good reputation opens doors to rewards and opportunities while a bad reputation closes them pleasing a Syndicate will often anger another it's normal for K's reputation to fluctuate when you switch Partnerships performing jobs for a Syndicate helps K get in their good books loyalties change betrayals are inevitable a resourceful Outlaw must know how to play the underworld to get their advantage we're going through the Secret side entrance ooh okay I like this oh what is this got a bracelet up here oh there we go I see the entrance okay we're on the right path I think we're in I've been told you arrived there's a way in on the second Flor terce it will take you where you need to go uh okay wait got to be sneaky sneaky beaky like I'm going to go through this vent all right go through the vent sneak on by him keep away from that Blaster easy relax I give up a okay let's go through this time to distract them n y just got to keep being sneaky beaky like oh okay we can climb up here let's SC all right we made it over here perfect in 's the data Spike Pike easy we'll be okay next let's open the vent now how do we get up there we're going to have to use a little bit of Parkour here a little bit of uh finesse all the turbo lift okay that lowered a turbo lift through here jump on top activate that thing let's jump jump up again all right love climb and jump into this rainy pipe ooh we got some stuff over here see it's all about loot we can go through here ooh override the lock there we go we got some good loot go back up oh there we go okay we have to attach this swing across Swing Swing there we go now we're speed running it what the heck looks huge beautiful have a sweet deal with the Empire let's mark them all let's repel down all right let's assassinate this chick oh take her out there you go easy there's a camera over there someone nearby Network Shh go to sleep oh the Wombo Combo there you go I like a light let's turn this power off okay guess there's another one of these things oh shoot see I like to be sneaky really adds to it for me right in the rib cage out like a light now or never that's it it's time to go loud there we go let's move it Jig Is up she's here taking them out let's get through these doors use data [ __ ] go we're pinned down oh R we're chilling just keep going go go go go go we going up I think we are I'm getting ready to blast them 's a terminal here fine I'll make this worth my walk ooh access encrypted file slice to unlock slice what the heck okay so it's using this one and one other one okay so it's going to be this one and this one there we go I got it pattern recognition baby holy smokes this is huge and there's the alarm well at least we got something he just set to got him oh what we get into buddy we got to get out of here there we go okay uh okay we can climb climb where I guess I got to jump for it there we go holy smokes roll all the way up this is one heck of a heist I think I did pretty darn good at this Heist I'm moving through the crevices moving through the the vents okay they shouldn't expect me to be through here probably is there of them whoever triggered that alarm is inside seal the door I'm right here baby everything's down I you reload this thing P me there we go we're chilling o I got a blaster ready to go that door's closed so let's go through the vent oh my gosh whoa uh watch your step next oh wow this mission is kind of crazy this just got to climb downward risky bisky stuff there we go repel down to the ground I'm out of here big jump ooh holy wow I think we're good next oo we're chilling okay we're coming up to the mission area we got to visit him in his shop I think he's right over here oh my gosh the shop looks cool is it this guy Belo Dona sent me ah yes I heard you were coming I heard you were coming what's up Belo oh my gosh move a robot so I'm in the pike area now this is the area that I was sneaking around before now they trust me so oh there's my speeder let's go okay we are booking it now get out of this District it's all about the biggest of scores okay we're pulling up to our beautiful ship here in in J's hope oh my gosh J's hope there's the ship let's hop on it whoa all right let's modify this Blaster modules let's do it burst configuration o effective against Shields and droids all right let's get over there 400 m away we're going to be blasting okay I see some things you can climb up over here I'm going to use these infiltrate this base of the Lost step is it over here my blaster is ready to blast about to get jumped that capacitor is dead guess this is why there we go there we go easy open this up oh I guess I'll easy peasy we're sanding it full sand ooh very cool looking Building look at all the all the shooting stars all right H what do you got to eat shrim Quest completed New Tricks there she can fly now but the hyperdrive is still on the fritz oh so I still can't jump all righty well let's get in my ship ship looks fixed up you're sure it'll fly Waka she will she probably will we're taking off here we go oo that's my [ __ ] feels like an endgame ship what we're going to fly it feel like a flying it get out of this atmosphere through the smog through the clouds into space we go holy smokes oh my gosh we do get to fly foral roll go this looks epic like the whole just space Vibe here looking great that cargo don't let bu I know you have to I can't get the cargo if they're firing on us just protect the Trailblazer this is our lucky day two ships to gut more of them they hit him there's second one down come on another one bites dust okay one we won where's the final ship there it is yes got him wow pick it all up there we go and we just got to get to the uh Imperial fuel station no no biggy I tried to shoot I'm not going to lie tror you are in unauthorized space uhoh turn around or prepare to be fired upon negative negative our Darius G-Class Freer ran into some trouble had to switch to this ship for your uh cargo delivery okay let's follow this uh TIE fighter in I don't want the Crimson on okay we're docking oh my gosh look at that parking maneuver skills to pay the bills all right well now we got to deal with these guys sneaky beaky like we're moving oh my gosh the perfect distraction look at that perfect stealth come on down lift open this up it's one down two down oh my gosh look at the visuals over here really cool this data pad access this computer okay Data Vault Data Vault it's in the data Spike never told you about my death Mark word gets around K oh wait she's coming back oh my gosh all right let's try this out I'm going to go ahead and get uh go get him buddy a little guy to go attack that one I'm take out this guard I need some back up there we go good job I'm going sabotage this too while I'm at it level the ladders and stuff it feels like you're going through like secret Areas so cool wow surprised this guy didn't hear me that good knocked another one out daxes this computer let slice it n get that button over there there we go nice stun him there you go get it off get it off there you go all right let's access this door hey so extraction Cruiser is acting up use ladder let's give it a little boost we got our buddy on there you good K get back here the imp's not buying it what I've locked a Trailblazer down but they're trying to pry her doors open hurry up I'm coming I'm coming sorry about this right the jaw here we go who who hey hey hey what you do I'm falling I don't know what happened I I pushed a button find me Intruder you have to get down here I'm calling this in I'm not letting you out of my [Music] sight sorry Storm Troopers except for you we got more bucket heads in trou stoper nice trick now let's go [Music] hello uh hi there there she is we're spotted Nick [Music] go fet W drop the cargo R let us in US who's us just open the r just figure it out there's a lot of Troopers out here I get it just don't let them hurt the Trail Blazers I rep B one come on Ander to go clean Escape we can make ite not fired understand take [Music] fire that's it there we go we've lost them did it we did it C wanted status going right for the planet [Music] Mir W mans yes o straight to business straight to business well I know you're a busy Pike govern Gordon and the dawn are attempting to remove me from power they were heard plotting with one of my own I mean it's got to be tslac got to be and I want you to find him and bring him to me okay so that's why you need an outsider to keep this quiet it's a delicate situation a crimson Dawn a was overheard on their cing planning this little coup where the Mirana Market my guess still there Gathering intelligence find where their Communications are going I'm on it gorak looks get a gorak good work I want my ring back I'm going to keep the ring for now I'm going to keep the ring for now I'm sorry oh you lost the ring was it worth something or you're lucky I need you get moving I'm going sell that ring on the black market thanks again to Ubisoft for sponsoring this video and if you want to play Star Wars Outlaw you can pre-order Now by clicking on the link in the description below

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