well the inevitable is opponents there's a hurricane coming we made it almost through the whole hurricane season without having one but the Farmer's Almanac does not [Music] lie that's what they said and here we are what started out as a tropical depression moved up to a tropical storm now as a category one hurricane FR scenes on the way so for this storm in particular we're going to bring you all along long for the ride through this experience and just so y'all can experience kind of how this whole process goes because it's not just like oh look there's a storm coming let's do X Y and Z it's going to head directly right here and this is how it's going to go that is not at all the case The only positive thing about a hurricane is most of the time you do have time to make plans make preparations and doing what you want to do but hurricanes are unpredictably predictable so that means is by the time it gets here who knows what category it'll actually be who knows exactly where landfall will actually be but we have to be ready for if it hits here or if it hits to the west of us or the east of us so yesterday we started doing all those preparations well y'all we thought we had done it we thought we had made it all the way through hurricane season without the possibility of actually getting a storm or a hurricane like Direct Hit we were wrong so in the next day and a half two days somewhere in that time frame there is a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico and according to almost every Weather Service that you look at the center line is going to be dead centered of where we live now there is a possibility that this thing is just going to remain a tropical storm we're just going to get some semi high winds a lot of rain so forth so on but these storms are unpredictably predictable okay and what I mean by that is that you can predict these storms we're going to get one and it's going to hit in the general vicinity but what you don't know is the intensity is it going to remain the same is it going to weaken is it going to intense ify before it makes landfall and is it going to remain on path to be a direct hit to where we live those are questions we don't know but what we can do is be prepared now where we live it's almost a given if we get any kind of storm that amounts to anything we're going to be without power and that's where I'm headed to today I have 100-gallon diesel tank in the back of the truck I have a few gas cans I'm going go ahead and top all them off we have everything at home full so we're starting off on a good [Music] [Music] note all right y'all well it is Monday morning the hurricane or tropical storm whatever it's going to turn into is supposed to hit Tuesday night Wednesday time frame so one of my jobs that I wanted to go ahead and knock out early is getting all these power stations charged up now if you have been watching us for any amount of time we have been so fortunate to do a lot of sponsorships with a lot of different Power Station companies and it really has been such an honor to do such a thing because it has brought us and a lot of people who we were able to give these to whether was family whether that was subscribers we do giveaways all the time with these so being able to bring power into our life and other people's lives in the time of need is definitely something that we do not take for granted we know that we're just so fortunate to have multiple Power Station backups and this is what is going to get us through whenever we don't have any power now the odds are probably Slimmer of a chance of us keeping power than losing power the other day we lost power y'all and it was sunny no wind just a beautiful 85° day and for some reason of course we lost power now we do always have our big generator outside and then we also have our gas power generator but for things like running the house if it's not hot we can actually run our whole house off of all this stuff that you see behind me we can go ahead and recharge it up using our solar panels that we have and we're going to bring youall along for that if the power does go out which like I said is most likely going to happen so back here we have we have the anchor solx we have blue Eddie we have eaker Ace segue internova and we gifted some of these to like I said some of the family rounds so they are actually benefiting from these power stations as well we know that our family has like ug green and jackary and you really we have like I said worked with just so many companies and each and every one of these definitely has something that is better than others whether it's the convenience whether it's being on a roller whether it's better power but all in all we are just really really fortunate to be able to have this amount of power stations so I'm going to get to charging I know that it's a little bit early being that it's Monday and not Tuesday but tomorrow I just don't want to be worried about man should I charge these up are these charged up are they not so what I'm going to do is get them charged up get them set aside and ready for the storm I know it's just a little bit early for fall decorations but y'all October and Halloween is L's favorite time so I try to decorate just a little bit early so that we can enjoy our fall decoration just a little bit longer being from Illinois originally it definitely does not feel like fall down here nor do I actually think that it is fall yet but that's okay we're just going to get in spirit a little bit early today's video is sponsored by toova let me tell you why I always choose toova boots from the moment you pull them on there's an instant feeling like you're ready to take on the world it's a blend of comfort and confidence that only comes from something that's crafted with true passion These boots are made by hand step by step over 200 individual steps in fact and with premium Leathers both B Vine and exotic you're looking at boots that don't just look good they'll last for Generations what I love most is that they're comfortable from day one there's no breaking in no sore feet just pure broken in Comfort right out of the box if y'all get a chance swing by one of their stores they've got it all complimentary drinks free boot shines and the kind of expert staff that'll make sure you leave with the perfect fit plus you can add your own touch with their free branding and leather staing western boots are more than just Footwear they're a piece of our heritage in our story and with tacas you're not just buying boots you're buying into a legacy click the link in my description or scan the QR code on the screen to grab your new favorite pair today toova where Comfort meets True Grit now the purpose for with 100-gon diesel tank is that we have a generator that is powered by our tractor and we can run the whole house and what we like to do with that generator is run it long enough to keep the house climate controlled make sure that all the big appliances are running our power stations are getting charged back up during that time or if we need to cook because our house is electric now 100 gallons of fuel might seem a little excessive but I have seen simple storms come through and us be without power for weeks so at that point in time it isn't excessive at all so a couple things to keep in mind is is that when you don't have power neither does the people that Supply you with fuel and the reason I'm going so far ahead of time is because whenever the storm gets closer people go into full panic mode and the line just to get to these gas stations can be hundreds of cars long and then it never fails when it finally becomes your turn they're out of fuel so you've sat there all that time for absolutely nothing and you end up having to drive miles and miles of mil sometimes 100 miles away just to get fuel so getting this fuel ahead of time is going to kind of nip that in the butt it's going to take a little headache away and we always need the fuel anyway it might take us a little while to use it all up but hey that's okay and as far as the regular gas goes you know we have a buggy that we drive as much as we drive our vehicles and we have a small gasoline power generator so if we need supplement power that requires that small generator we also have gasoline for it now using the buggy for your primary means of transportation the fuel usage can be pretty substantial after a while and a lot of times when these storms come through you have to have gas to mix up for your two-stroke chainsaws things like that because you don't know what the condition the roads are going to be in is there going to be a lot of trees falling on the road you're going to have to cut your way out to get to the rest of civilization there's just a lot of unanswered questions that if you're not prepared for you'll be kind of stuck [Music] [Music] [Music] well that little fil up came to the grand total of $377 24 definitely stings the pocketbook to say the least but you know it goes back to what the old saying is better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it or need it and can't get it at least we have it now if something happens and the storm intensifies when it gets here there's more damage there's longer times without the electricity so forth so on we're covered for a pretty good [Music] while come here Mama come here you hungry come here Mama come here come here it's all right it's all right I Ain going hurt you he good girl good girl oh lord well folks they've done it again somebody dumped off another dog looks like she's going to have puppies any day now why on Earth would somebody think that they could dump a dog out that's about to have puppies in the middle of nowhere and they'd be able to fend for their your s Lord have mercy well I guess the only thing I can do for now just to make sure she don't belong to somebody which I know she don't cuz this is in the middle of nowhere I guess I'll just get some food and bring down here for a couple days and if nobody claims her or takes her I guess that we'll have to take care of her she sure can't take care of herself look how heavy with puppy she is she is skinny skinny skinny all right baby I'm going to go get some food and I'll bring it [Music] back y'all I just can't understand for the life of me how somebody can own on an animal wait till it's about to deliver puppies with a huge storm headed this way dump it out in the middle of nowhere and this has obviously been your doll for quite some time now it's going to have puppies and it's going to be in the middle of a storm now how is it supposed to take care of itself and a litter of puppies it's about to be this way ah Lord so I guess what I'm going to do is I'm to bring some food and water down here for it and just keep it in a place that's safely off the road best I can just in case it did happen to get away from a homeowner which I can't see that happening it's a long ways from anywhere here and it did have a mark on its neck where it did have a collar on for quite some time you can tell so chances are they took the collar off of it and DPed it out on side of the R so I'm going to feed it for a day or two and if nobody claims it takes it then I'm just going to assume that nobody owns it at that point in time I guess I'll take it to the Cajun Country Living Homestead and we'll make sure that it's got a nice place out of the weather to stay gets food and water and the next time we're available to have a little bit of time off we'll take it to the vet and see if it's got a chip and see if it belongs to somebody as soon as Jim got home and told me about this perer we had to go back and get her poor little thing saying there's no way that she would have survived out there with all those pups so we decided to go ahead and bring her home and if we see some missing posters we will absolutely return her but in the meantime till we can check and see if she's chipped she's here with [Music] us you're curious if Gus and Francine are getting along well Gus doesn't seem to care so we were so glad to get all of our power stations done the gas is here and now we won't have any real reason to leave the house so I think we should be good other than just actually doing the stuff around the homestead that needs to be done but in typical fashion for us we're kind of like almost set up for things you know what I mean that's usually the way things end up for us we are working on it but not quite there we do have a storm shelter that is ready to go it might not be the most comfortable thing in the world world but it'll keep us out of the storm if y'all watched a couple videos ago you see we set this upper level of containers for our container shop well well we've been a little busy with I don't know everything else around here trying to keep up with things Lord with a grass cutting and the bush hogging and there's so much stuff that goes on well there's one little Minor Detail that we haven't done yet and that's welded these puppies down and I'm just assuming that with hurricane force winds that might be something that we probably should pay close attention to yeah I agree so we're going to start out by getting this welded down it doesn't have to be welded completely out but it does need to have something to hold it down because even if that storm does not directly hit us there's still a lot of spin-off that we're going to get whether it's winds and rains as y'all can see well I don't know if y'all can see it or not but right this second it's actually just starting to sprinkle so this is going to be how it starts and then it's going to start getting more and more darker and darker and start storming and getting worse [Music] [Music] 1 2 look for that going 2 [Music] I'm going like [Music] 2 for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] I [Music] I you might have to [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that makes me feel better definitely need all all [Music] right as for our animals mean that we're not going to have the eye that's going to hit here and it's just going to be more winds and rain we're just going to go ahead and leave them where they're at the chickens are in their CE and the goats have their hudas Hut or hoof Hut or what does it say the hoof Hut like I was the one that painted that or something now that's saying the eye won't hit here but we do have a contingency plan just so you know there is a barn really close to here a very structurally sound Barn so if the weather does look like it's going to turn and put us in a precarious situation we're going to load them up and take them to that pipe reinforced barn and they'll be good and safe there and then as for the chickens what we'll do is we'll just let them out so right now we just have them locked up they actually do better if you let them out because they kind of have that mother nature Instinct of I need to find shelter so so that's kind of the plan with them but we just wanted to give youall an update on what we're going to do there uh of course we are going to let the puffer dogs in the house if the weather starts turning too crazy so I think that covers all the animals you know if any of those chickens ever had a dream you know if they were just sitting around in their little chicken world and being like you know what I have a dream to soar like the eagle this might be their chance I thought you were going to say like they did have a dream but that one chicken ruined it Chicken Little and like we said before most of the time you do have time for preparedness with all of our meteorological whatever you want to call it advances but you have to keep in mind okay what would I want to put off if anything because when that storm comes in there's going to be a lot of wind there's going to be a lot of rain even before the really bad stuff hits so what I like to take care of it now when it's just the occasional sprinkle or would I like to go out and tend to it when it's rain blowing sideways and wind's trying to blow you off the buggy that's the reason we're trying to get all this stuff done now when and if it does hit landfall in our location we want to be in a situation where we have nothing to do and everything is Totally Secure so here's kind of the weird thing that goes on around these hurricanes there's such a change in the barometric pressure in the atmosphere that a lot of times if there is going to be a birth taking place soon a lot of times it'll happen during these hurricanes because of that reason and her new addition to the family over there well at least a part-time Edition she's already looking for a place to potentially have these puppies she's been trying to nest out and do all kinds of things drag stuff up so she's trying to build her a nest so Lydia is going to take care of her and get her put in her house and get her situated now now during Katrina one of the hospitals down there I can't remember which one it was there was like 10 ladies in there that was about to give birth and whenever that hurricane come through it induced eight of them so it's kind of a odd thing that happens with this pressure changing and I don't know it's just a weird phenomena so the later that it's got today the more rain that we've been getting but the winds haven't been as bad so fingers cross that this is all that we're going to get and we'll keep youall updated when the sun's going down no stars in the SK I'm head down the road the last time that I checked in with y'all was last night and since then the storm has continuously moved away from us and like we keep saying over and over these things are predictably unpredictable right here where we are standing was supposedly the direct eye path of the storm and it was predicted to only be a category one at Best most likely just a tropical storm well when it hit it hit our neighbors all the way to the east side of the state on the opposite side of the state at a category 2 sustain an 100 mph wind now what defines a hurricane category 1 through five I'm going to put the list over on this side of gym the wind speed is what determines if it's going to be a tropical storm whether it's going to be a hurricane category 1 through five so I'm going to list that over here so y'all can kind of see what they were dealing with whenever it hit you know we feel like we took all the proper precautions this time that we could you can only plan for the unknown as best as you can we had fuel we caught an abundant supply of water in storage containers not only for drinking water but you know you have to have if you still have a toilet left when the storm comes through you have to have a way to flush that toilet cuz more than likely the Municipal Water System will be shut down also there's all these things to put in place and we had those things in place we just got really fortunate that it didn't hit us directly thank thank goodness but being that this area was intended to be hit we just really hope that the area that did get hit over by Baton Rouge area on the east side of the state was able to have enough time to prepare cuz we know that we're so fortunate to be able to prepare like we did and we had a lot more time than they did right now down there in Southeast Louisiana there is over 275,000 people without power and we could have easily been the one of those people and we have been one of those people before and our hearts really go out to those people because when hurricane Laura come through we ended up not having water for 5 weeks and no power for 8 weeks and that is miserable and that's what a lot of those poor folk are facing right now even up into Mississippi I mean this a huge storm covers a lot of ground and it goes on for a long ways now being that we were on the West Side the Hurricane's always going to spin one way so it's spinning this way it's going to keep going this way and we are over here so being that we're on this side all that we're really going to get is kind of what you see behind us maybe a little bit of scattered rain here and there some winds and really kind of a cool front I hate to say it like this but we're actually going to get kind of decent weather um we hate that that's how it had to go but at the same time we are fortunate that we were able to come through this without damage and now for the next time those containers are welded up we have that covered now that needed to be done anyway so sometimes sometimes in situations like this best case scenario is that you got a bucket list of things that needed to be done checked off your list Francine kind of give us a nudge in the direction we needed to go like Lydia said we got the containers welded down got a I guess a new dog and she did get a name and we did of course name her Francine so as of right this second we don't have pups yet but we'll be keeping it all updated on that and we'll see what frane's going to bring us we have no clue we don't have anything to know about this dog besides the fact that she's pregnant so she can be having kangaroo puppies for all we know all right cjun family well next time that we see you maybe we'll have our arms full of pups because I will tell y'all one thing she definitely has a lot in there so y'all drop in the comments and guess how many puppies she's going to have that'll be fun we have no clue I know we could take her to the doctor and get an X-ray done but as of right this minute she kind of seems like she's an early labor she's been doing a lot of nesting her temperature's been dropping a little bit so we're going to keep a really close eye on her but if she doesn't have them in I don't know maybe the next week we'll take her up there and get her an X-ray done just so we can see but till then y'all make sure to drop in the comments and guess how many pups she's having I'll be so glad when she has these puppies I'm so tired of making peanut butter and pickle sandwich [Music]

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